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✲ Library of the Realms ✲

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:57 pm

I will make this fancy later...
But for now, STORIES!!

Every story will be written in a different color so you'll know when one story ends and when another begins.
Most of these are written in the same universe, I'm listing them by universe.

Universe of Realms
The Universe of Realms is actually the universe I created when I started out roleplaying a year ago. These are the stories I have written that take place in that universe, though since most of it is just my characters most of it was just important backstory and character development points in time that happened "off camera" you could say.

Infinity's Backstory
Arrow and Oblivion Short Story
Big Long Story about Chaos and friends when Chaos Turns evil
Random Story with Lucifer in it
That Point where Lucifer becomes blind and Rose Dies

Disney Universe Thing
Disney Villain Fan Fiction V.1

Multiverse' Journal
This is a set of letters that I wrote, telling my story as a role player, since a surprising amount of people have asked me to write it down. It is all signed by, Multiverse, the character I created to speak through to show my view of things in the Universe of Realms.

How I got Started
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Random story I wrote around midnight

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:59 pm


When the alarm sounded, I hid, they had found us again. I whispered to my partner Ell,
“ What do we do? I can’t go back to the under realm.”
“ You’re not going back,” he replied, “ they can’t follow us into oblivion. They’ll think we were never here.”
“ Ok, but how? The portal isn’t open yet and…” At that moment Liz and Oblivion jumped down to us from some crates nearby.
“ Can we join the party?” Liz asked, “ Looks like fun.” She smirked, we were sitting behind a pile of empty boxes in an almost abandoned warehouse with my overpowered brother trying to kill us.
“ Yeah, fun.” I replied, “ I see you’ve got Oblivion, so why aren’t we leaving yet?”
“ Well, your sister here says we’re missing someone.”
“ And..” Ell said inquisitively.
“ And, she says we can’t leave without him.” She replied, annoyed that she had to continue.
“ Who are we waiting for?” I asked my sister, Oblivion.
“ He doesn’t have a name, sister. I’m sure you’ll understand.” She replied, and I did. I didn’t have a name either. I eagerly wanted one, but haven’t found one that truly defined me. So currently when people needed to say or know my name, I was Un.
“ Fine,” I said,”we’ll wait. But this better be good.”
“But then they’ll find us!” Ell interrupted.
“ No they won't, he’ll be here soon.” Oblivion replied.
“Who?!” Ell started, but at that moment we heard something. It sounded like a great bird flapping its large wings.
“ What are you guys looking for?” Liz asked, for she did not have as great of hearing as Ell and I. Oblivion didn't either, but she and I had a telepathic link, an unbreakable one.
“ He is here,” Oblivion whispered. Not a moment later an arrow was fire above our heads and a large hawk fell from above in the rafters. It appeared to have been shot in the wing as it was flying above. We heard voices and footsteps coming toward us.
“ Grab him and follow me.” Oblivion said urgently, a portal opened behind her.
“ Sister,” I whispered.
She turned to me, “ Yes?”
“ I cannot enter oblivion,” I hadn’t mentioned it earlier because Ell had enough to worry about, but now I had to tell her.
She pointed to Ell, “You get him in the portal. Liz, go with them we will be there in a minute.”

“ Yes ma'am.” They replied in unity, they both trusted oblivion to make things right. After they entered the portal she turned to me.
“ What do you mean, you can't enter oblivion?” She asked, “ I have given you permission to.”
“ Whether I have permission or not, I can't enter oblivion.”
“ It kills me like the under realm, only its more powerful.”
“ What about the shielding spell, I can cast it to remove the effects,”
“Sister, you know that oblivion removes all shielding and protection spells, so the weak can't enter.” I reminded her, “ Just go without me, I can manage.”
“I can't,” she replied, “ the boy, he needs you. The arrow was poisoned.”
“What! A poisoned arrow, just great. Come on then, he may already be dead.”
I walked up to the portal, “ You coming?”
“Thank you, Sister.”
“Don't thank me yet, I haven't done anything.”
She laughed and I went through the portal. Immediately I felt immense pain, so much that I fell to my knees as soon as I exited the portal into oblivion.
Oblivion rushed to my side, “Sister!”
I got back on my feet and told her I was fine since the pain had stopped, the feeling of weakness however, didn't. I started towards the others. They were standing around a cot, in it was a boy. About eighteen years old, with hair as red as fire and skin as pale as snow, along with that he had freckles.
His right arm had a bandage on it where the hawk had had an arrow in its wing.
“He's…. a shifter!?” I was surprised, I thought true shifters were gone, but he proved me wrong.
“Indeed he is, and that makes it easier to heal him, yes?” Oblivion offered.
“No, sister! It makes it harder, I've never healed a shifter before, I didn't even know they still existed. So I never studied it either.”
“But, I thought you could heal anyone… Anything. With your power.”
“My power! What power, I have no healing power. I've been healing people for millennia, but with magical items or knowledge from others or books. I don't have healing power!” As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Oblivion didn't reply, instead she walked to the boy and looked at me solemnly.
“You may leave if you wish,” she said, “ if you cannot heal him then you are not needed here. Ell will come for you when you are.”
“Oblivion,” I started, but she inturupted.
“I said you can leave!”
I did, even though I shouldn’t have. I was weak, almost to weak to realm hop. If I was to leave the realm, I needed to do it now.
I walked to the edge of the realm and portal opened. The portal would take me to my home in the mortal realm, the only realm I could enter while I was as weak as I was.
I stood there for a minute. Then I jump. As I entered the portal I could barely hear a voice call something. I believe it was, Infinity.
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Re: ✲ Library of the Realms ✲

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:03 pm


You shouldn't have let her leave,” Liz spoke for the first time since entering the portal, “she is weak.”
I looked at her.
“She can take care of herself,” I replied, “besides, Ell followed her and he can protect her.”
“He went after her way to late, she already went through the portal to the mortal realm.”
“What!? She actually went back through the portal!”
At that moment Ell came over, panting.
“Yes, she did.” Ell barley said under his breath.
I opened a portal next to me.
“Stay here with the boy.” I said, then I ran through the portal.


I heard someone call something, a name, a title. I don't know. I had gone through the portal then collapsed not long after. I tried to call something back, but all I managed to do was mumble a bit and make my throat burn like fire.
I was going to be here for infinity, since I'm immortal and I am to weak to heal myself. Infinity, that defines me, never able to stop. Someone called again, this time I was sure it was a name, my name. Infinity.

xxGreetings fellow citizens of the Internet,
xxI'm Princess. I'm just your average nerd
xxwho's obsessions Include Roleplay,
x Tim Burton, Disney, and good old Oogie Boogie.
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Re: ✲ Library of the Realms ✲

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:05 pm


I could hear her thoughts, most were barely whispers. I had come out of the portal in a forest, my sister nowhere to be seen. I called out for her, then I heard her thoughts. I knew i was getting closer, but something intrigued me. I continued calling out, but not the same thing. Before I was calling for my sister, now I was calling for Infinity. I don't know why, but I didn't stop. That is, until I heard her think something louder then before. As walked on it got louder. Just then I knew why.
“Oh, no. Oh dear Rouge no. Sister, are you harmed?!” I kneeled down besides her, my sister was laying in the middle of the forest. Pale as snow and crying a red liquid I assumed was blood.
“Oh sister, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have let you go. I'm so so sorry,” I picked her head up on my knees and wiped the blood like tears off her face, “I'll never let it happen again. Oblivion will forever be off limits to all but me. And you will have a realm of your own. One that will heal, not harm. One that I vow, will always protect you and anyone who's in it.” By this time there were tears streaming down my face. “I will never let this happen again.”
I opened the portal to oblivion and called for the others. Once they came out with the boy I closed it.
Ell came over to try to help, so I got up and went to the boy. He was awake by now and tried to get up and help her too. I told him not to. I forced him to stay laying down and then sprinkled some sleep powder on him. I set my hand on his chest where his heart would be and started a spell.
“Protect her,” I whispered, “ You have the power to heal and save, so use it for good and protect her from me. You won't remember me but you will remember my words. Help her when she needs help, heal her when she needs healing, and save her when she needs a hero. That is your name, Hero. Live up to it.”
I got up and saw Ell finishing one of the only spells he could do. The same one I had just done. A hypnosis and healing spell.
“She will forget, correct?” I asked.
“Yes,” Ell replied weakly. He had cried too.
“Don't worry, we will come back. After my brother is banished, we will come back.”
I conjured a portal to the realm of wonder for Ell and Liz and they went through. I stayed behind because I had to fulfill my vow to my sister, that she will have her own realm. It would take most of my power to create a new realm, but there was one realm that wasn't a true realm yet, only I knew of it. Insidion, the other side of oblivion. I opened the portal and walked in. It was an empty realm, it had only the land, though it had many mountains.

I used my magic to create a small castle in a clearing near a cave. When I finished the clearing was decorated with crystals and flowers in all colors, shapes, and sizes.

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Authors note.

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:12 pm

Authors note
After leaving Infinity and Hero in the new realm, which became the great Realm of All, Oblivion went back to the realm of wonder for a while. She realized she could not be happy there and made Ell and Liz forget her. Oblivion left the realm of wonder after that, going back to the Under Realm to kill her brother. Hero disappeared before Infinity woke up and no one knows what happened to him. Infinity felt like something was missing from her life and felt it was in the Under Realm.
The two sisters found each other again in the Under Realm and apologies were made. Infinity remembered her past once more and the girls teamed up to kill their brother. Sadly, however, Oblivion did not escape the battle without being corrupted by evil. Afraid of hurting her sister once more, she banished herself to the depths of Tartarus, never to be seen again.
Infinity went on with her life secretly mourning her sister. She fell in love with the new ruler of the Under Realm, a man named Satan, and they had twelve children, naming one after her sister, even though he is a boy.
But now is only the time for the story of only a few of those children, all grown up and getting ready for some adventures of their own.

That is where this next story comes in, so sit back, relax, and read the next chapter in this family's history.
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Oblivion and Arrow

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:14 pm

Oblivion stood there, waiting, in front of the massive portal his brother had managed to open. How? He didn’t know, all that he knew was that he had. He cleared his throat. Arrow continued digging through the chest behind him.

Oblivion turned to look at his brother, “Arrow!”

Arrow jumped at the tone of his brothers voice, then asked, “What is it?”

“I have been waiting for almost a full clock turn, and we still haven’t left! How could something be that lost?”

“Not even half a clock turn has passed brother,” Arrow got up and turned to Oblivion,”I’ve been watching the time.”
He nodded toward an old and dented clock hanging on the wall behind Oblivion.

Oblivion scowled under his mask, the clock had been broken by him and his brother as children. He decided it was a good idea to smack Arrow on the head with it.

Noticing his brother's reaction, Arrow bent over in laughter.
“Priceless, absolutely priceless.”
He looked towards the doorway to the room where his second brother was now standing, “ How long was that?”
A small dagger appeared in Oblivions hand as he started towards his brother.
“Let us see,” Dagger looked at a small stopwatch in his hand, “ twenty-two minutes and thirty-five seconds.”
Arrow looked back at Oblivion and shouted, “New record!”

Oblivion jumped at his brother, a small knife in hand, and grabbed him. Dagger disappeared as Arrow struggled to get out of Oblivions grip. He channeled magic into snow that appeared in his hand. Oblivion didn’t notice his brothers gain of a, uh, weapon. Aware of this advantage, Arrow smashed the snowball onto his attackers face making Oblivion let go. Arrow was surrounded in a ball of green mist. When the mist cleared, a beautiful red and gray falcon flew out. Oblivion took out his bow and began shooting arrows at his brother in his falcon form.

The battle continued for a full clock turn until the brother’s friends grew curious of their whereabouts. All of the sudden a girl appeared in the chamber doorway. When she saw the boys she took out her gun and shot the sky, the sound rang out through the castle. The boys stopped fighting, the falcon landed in a puff of green mist and Arrow stood in its place. They looked at her and then Arrow burst out laughing.
“ Well, hello there Winter!”
She stared at him, her cat-like tail swishing angrily. Without saying a word she walked back through the doorway.
“ You’re lucky this time,” Oblivion snarled at Arrow as he followed Winter.

Arrow shrugged and followed as well, disappointed that Winter had ruined the fun.

In the courtyard everyone watched silently as Winter escorted the boys in. Arrow looked around at all of his friends in the courtyard, he didn't think this many people would be there. His sisters, Chaos and Order, were whispering to each other, probably gossiping. He also saw his other brother, Dagger, having a conversation with a good friend of theirs, Shadow. Arrow laughed at the sight of all of his friends getting along for once. Even Crystal was showing off for Rose, who oo’d and aah’d occasionally.

“How do you get everyone to get along?” He asked turning to Winter.
“It was easy” she said, walking to join the conversations of her friends.
Oblivion looked to where Arrow had been and sighed, seeing his brother flirting with Rose in the corner of the room.
He laughed slightly, walking over to join them as well.
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Re: ✲ Library of the Realms ✲

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:22 pm

Authors Note

This little get together was ruined a few minutes after this letter takes place, not even I remember exactly what happened. However, it is obvious that a memory spell of some sort was cast upon everyone there. Rose, Crystal, and Winter all forgot theirs pasts with Arrow and his siblings and visa versa. Everyone survived and went their separate ways, losing touch. Oblivion went back to the dream realm and had a daughter that's now helps rule the realm. Arrow found Rose again and they fell in love once more. They got married and had four kids, who will all play an important part later. Chaos and Order became rulers of their own realms and had many adventures. Chaos
found Arrow again aswell and alot of things happened there.

Chaos ended up meeting a man named Insanity, whom she made immortal and fell in love with. Insanity introduced her to Leaf, who happened to be Arrows daughter. Chaos and Insanity became distant for many reasons that she doesn’t want me to mention. Chaos ended up becoming evil and marrying a man named Shadow, and having two children, raising them as well. This next story tells what happens from there, after the group have been separated for a long while.
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Chaos and Arrow

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:30 pm

Chaos and Arrow

“Please, stay...” She cried, tears streaming down her face.
Insanity laughed, a deep dark laugh, as he faded away into the fog of the Dark forest.
Her eyes shot open and she sat up, the nightmare still fresh in her mind.
“Insanity….” Chaos whispered, her voice breaking up as she was crying,“ how could you leave me here..”
She wiped the tears off her face and stood up as her night-black armor appeared on her.
“About time you learned your lesson.” She laughed, her laugh not the gleeful giggle it once was. She disappeared, reappearing in a large dungeon room. She turned around to see her brother Arrow hanging on the wall by shackles and chains on his wrists. He was covered in scars and blood from being tortured and beaten everyday. He looked at her, his deep blue eyes hopeful.
“Chaos please, let me help you and I promise things will be better. You’re the one who decided not to be a demon in the first place, you gave up everything and you succeeded more than I have. Don't let that be in vain.”
She turned away from him again, going over his words in her head.
The chains holding Arrow on the wall glowed and unlocked, he dropped to the ground then sat up weakly, looking up at her.
“You’re right.” She replied without looking at him again, “ I was the first to decide not to be evil, I was the first to decide to be good. I sacrificed everything to prove that I was NOT evil.” She finally turned to him, her eyes red from crying.
“Look where that’s got me,” tears started running down her face once more, “ I’m done giving everything and getting nothing but betrayal and lies. I am done being Chaos!” She turned and disappeared once again.

He sighed and ran a hand through his blood soaked hair, flinching from the still open wound on his shoulder. “Don’t fail me Lucifer…” he said to himself.
Two men walked up to him and picked him up by the arms, dragging him off to god knows where.

Chaos and Shadow

Chaos cried quietly into her pillow as she heard the pain filled shouts of her brother and friends. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and pressed her face deeper into the pillow.
“Chaos?” A deep voice echoed quietly, “are you okay m’lady?”
She sat up on her bed glaring at the shadowy figure next to her.
“Do I LOOK okay?!” She snapped, “ I just sent the only person that still believes I can change to be tortured mercilessly.”
The shadow figure put a hand on her shoulder.
“I believe you can change..” he whispered, his voice continued to have a slight echo.
She sighed looking down, “What do I do, Shadow?”
The figure took his hand back and moved closer to her bedside table and lamp, becoming darker and less wispy.
“Well, that greatly depends on what you want to happen and how.”
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xxI'm Princess. I'm just your average nerd
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Arrow and Lucifer

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:38 pm

Arrow and Lucifer

His eyes jerked open and he sat up weakly, looking around. He stopped once he realized he was back in his cell. He sighed and examined himself, looking for new injuries. He found a large gash in his leg and a smaller one on his head, the blood making his tangled hair stickier than before. He leaned against the wall of the cell trying to remember what he did this time.
He sighed remembering sparring with a man, and smashing his head against the wall of the castle, killing him. He shuddered pushing away the memory and stared into the shadows through the bars of the cell.
“Anyone home?” He called hopefully, he needed to talk to someone.
A familiar voice came from a nearby cell, “I wouldn’t call this a home, but I’m here.”
Arrow crawled to the bars, recognizing the voice, “Lucifer?!”
The voice came again, “Yeah?”
Arrow sighed leaning onto the wall again, “Why the hell are you here?! I thought I told you to stay with that girl.”
“And you expected me to listen to you? I wanted to help.” He replied almost angrily.
“That was stupid..” he muttered, “have they done anything to you yet?”
“Not really, they put these glowing bracelets on me and said I could go tomorrow.”
“Good, then don't come back.” Arrow growled and closed his eyes, shutting the rest of the world out.

Chaos and Shadow

Chaos looked at Shadow standing in front of her, his face was dark and shadowy, his smile was charming and mischievous with one small pointed tooth clearly showing. He was kind and yet still evil. He would never let her down. He would never leave her to rot in a cell for millions of years. He would never forget her. He would never hurt her unless he had to. He would never be like Insanity.
She smiled as she thought this.
“Shall we do something more,” he thought for a moment, “fun, m’lady?”
“I’d love to..” she replied softly still smiling as if everything was fine in the world.

Vortex and Shadow

Vortex froze as she heard footsteps coming down the stairs of the violet palace.
She cursed under her breath and quickly put the dynamite that she had taken from oblivion into a chest. She hung her cloak up with her bag and sat at her desk, picking up a small quill and starting to write on a piece of paper.
The door opened slowly and her father walked in, she jumped in surprise even though she knew someone had been coming. She frowned because she was never usually jumpy like this.
The room grew darker as her father walked in.
Being king of the shadows, shadows followed him all the time, making every room he was in dark and cold.
“What do you want?” She asked, not looking up from the paper.
“Vortex, what are you doing in here?” He replied, his voice deep.
“It's my room,” she giggled, “I'm always in here. Why are you in here?”
“I wanted to see you, to make sure you were okay.”
She sighed and hugged her father for a long moment, starting to cry.
“Vortex?” He pulled her off him and looked at her face and the tears streaming quietly down it.
“What's wrong..”
She wiped the tears off her face and looked up at her father.
“None of us are happy here, father.”
“Oh Vortex,” he sighed, sitting down on her bed, “As long as I have you and your mother I will always be happy, no matter where we are. I will do anything to make sure you're happy as well.”
She sat down on her bed next to him.
“Then tell me how to make mother happy, tell me why she never is.”
“Well, you know you're mother has lived other lives before this.. Something from another life came back.” He said to her, “Now she doesn’t know what to do.”
“Something or someone?” She asked.
“Someone,” he admitted,“don't tell your mother I told you.” She nodded then he got up and started to walk out.
“One more thing, father,” she said at the last minute, “What is this someone's name?”
“His name?” He questioned, looking back at her.
She nodded hopefully.
“Insanity,” he said, before walking out.
xxGreetings fellow citizens of the Internet,
xxI'm Princess. I'm just your average nerd
xxwho's obsessions Include Roleplay,
x Tim Burton, Disney, and good old Oogie Boogie.
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Re: ✲ Library of the Realms ✲

Postby PrincessOogieBoogie » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:42 pm

Lucifer and Aria

Lucifer walked through the forest slowly, weakening with every step. He didn't know where he was, in fact the only thing he knew for certain was where he wanted to end up.
After a few hours he staggered out of the forest and fell on the treeless grass in front of a small house. A young women came out and ran to him, “Lucifer?”
He groaned, losing blood quickly from the open wound on his leg and the large scar running across his left eye.
“Oh Lucifer..” she sighed, quickly teleporting into her kitchen to grab some supplies to help his wounds. A few minute later she teleported back to Lucifer with a small kit of medical supplies.
“What did you do..” she muttered to herself as she leaned him up against a large boulder nearby. She looked at his face and his eye that was already mostly white. She opened the kit and sprayed some disinfectant on his eye and he flinched because of the pain.
“I'm sorry, it'll only hurt for a moment.” She said, wrapping a bandage around his head and his eye.
“No more..” he groaned, pushing her away.
“What happened to you? Where were you?” She questioned, sitting back and looking at him.
He stood up slowly and limped towards the small lake in front of the house.
He sat down near a small tree and started splashing some water on his face to wash off the blood.
She followed him and sat down next to him.
“I asked you a question you know,” she looked down at her reflection, “Aren't you going to answer me?”
“ I don't know what happened to me,” he sighed, looking at her with his deep blue eye, since one eye was under the bandage, “I don't know where I was. The last thing I remember before this is leaving to search for Arrow.”
Aria looked at him curiously, “Why do you care where Arrow is?”
“Because I'm his shadow.” He replied sincerely.
“How does that work?”
“There's a spell you can do in the underworld,” he sighed, leaning on the tree behind him, closing his eye, “It's hard to explain, but only very powerful people can do it.”
“Hmm, so not me?” She looked at him again.
“I don't know.” Rain started to fall down and Lucifer groaned.
He stood up again and limped to the house.
She watched him for a moment, noticing him limping badly, then ran to catch up with him.
xxGreetings fellow citizens of the Internet,
xxI'm Princess. I'm just your average nerd
xxwho's obsessions Include Roleplay,
x Tim Burton, Disney, and good old Oogie Boogie.
xxPm me for absolutely Anything!


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The only way to survive in the world
is to embrace the Insanity of it.xxx x
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