Scruffy (Inspired By the Journal of Zai)

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Scruffy (Inspired By the Journal of Zai)

Postby SilverHund » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:31 am



Dear Bobby,
I know we've never actually been introduced as you are a book, and I am a dog. But, moving forward. I'm Scruffy. I live with three other pets and my mom and dad. My dad is Sparkplug. He's normally nice, but can be very harsh and when he's having a bad day, he makes everyone miserable. My mom's called Carrie. She's blind, but knows exactly what you are doing, 100% of the time. It's annoying if you are sneaking your Halloween candy away to your friends. Joe won't get his Snickers this year I guess. Oh well.
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