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Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:01 pm


About this story:
A young professor has started a secret research facility to enhance embryo development. Mark Blazer had wanted to create his own super enhanced person from an embryo of a werewolf. Unfortunately, what both of them don't know, another man wants Alpha to pawn her off to science as his own creation. This man was an old worker under Mark's tutelage and hearing of his recent desire he wanted to steal Mark's creation. Will Alpha be able to fit in to the modern world that she has had no contact with? Or will she fall victim to the mad man who wants to steal her? Find out in ALPHA.


"Sir! Sir!" the man shouted while running down the hall to the head professor’s room. Quickly opening the door the scientist barged in during a class session and said to the professor.
"Sir, she has finally woken up!" The professor dropped his pointer in shock, eyes wide and mouth open like some kid on Christmas morning discovering all the presents under the tree all for him.
"Are you sure Ron?" the professor asked, a little skeptical since they have had false waking’s in the past. The professor had completely forgotten about his room full of eager listening students who were watching the men in the front talk about someone finally waking up.
"Yes sir, Alpha has finally woken up" Ron said for the last time with a huge smile. The professor who was unable to hold it in any longer shouted and cheered in front of his snickering students like a teenager who found out that they were getting their very first car finally after months and years of begging the parents for one. Suddenly stopping after finally realizing the class of confused students.
"Sorry class," the professor said "Class is canceled for today." With that said he left with Ron.

Alpha looked around the glass enclosure surrounding her. Her arms concealing her bare chest, her legs folded to cancel down below. Her long, blonde hair floated freely around her in the water. The fluid that would be in any normal womb of a pregnant woman, the fluid that provided her the needs to grow inside the glass ball. Alpha noticed a strange long black thing that attached to the middle of her body that lead outside the glass ball to a strange device outside that would filter her waste but in a different cycle would feed her food through the tube. The room she was in was black besides a little illumination on the floor from the bright light above her. Alpha's head jolted up when she heard strange sounds outside of her dark enclosure, momentarily startled by the strange creature that came through an opening that wasn't there before to then being enclosed back into the dark room. Finally Alpha managed to get a glimpse of the person that the voice she had always heard in her ball stood in front of her, this was the man who had created her, a man who in her eyes was known as only one thing, father.

The professor was grinning from ear to ear at the young girl inside the ball who was looking back at him with curious eyes. His brown eyes made eye contact with her sapphire blue ones. Walking up to the glass enclosure, the professor placed once hand on the outside of the ball and his motion was mimicked by Alpha who placed a hand on the same spot as his hand was, but when she saw the odd looking thing on the glass she pulled it off and peered at it curiously which provoked a small chuckle from the professor.
"Hello Alpha," the man said "My name is Mark, I am your father."

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Chapter 1

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:43 pm

The fluid drained from the glass ball. Alpha who had been floating freely just a few seconds ago was slowly sinking down to the bottom like a feather drifting lazily to the floor. When the ball was empty of the liquid, the chord that had taken on the duties of the umbilical cord in a pregnant woman dropped off of her and the ball began to rise high above her head. Alpha sat there shivering in the cold air, her exposed body bare to the cold draft within the dark room that she had known since the time she did open her eyes. Mark walked up to her and gently placed his coat over her naked body, wrapping the warm texture around her Alpha took a glimpse at the man next to her. Here she was finally face to face with the man she had come to know as father. Looking at his dark set features and smiling face, his brown eyes were filled with only the look that a father would have as he held his newborn child in the hospital. Wrinkles around his eyes were more prominent when he smiled, bright white teeth showed against his tan skin. Although he did not look like her with her blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, he was still her father. Lifting up one of his hands, he held it out to Alpha who looked at it with great wonder in her eyes; you could tell she was trying to figure out in her mind exactly what the strange thing in front of her was.
"It's known as a hand Alpha, people use it to feel things and pick up things," the man said startling her with his voice. Alpha? Is that my name? She asked herself, I wonder what his name is? Almost as if he could read her mind he said.
"My name is Mark Blazer, I am your father Alpha, can you say father?" Mark asked her. Alpha was quiet for a few seconds before she opened her mouth.
"Fa...Fath...Father," Alpha managed to choke out. Mark's smile widened into a grin.
"That's right Alpha," he said.
"Come with me young one, I want to introduce you to some people who are dying to meet you finally," Mark said helping Alpha to her feet. Alpha swayed a little when she was up, it was funny being up like this, she was used to her ball posture while in her little place she had called home for so long. When she tried to follow Mark she almost fell on her face if Mark hadn't been there to catch her.
"Take it easy Alpha, you don't want to hurt yourself, just do what I do and don't worry about falling, I'll be right by your side holding you up the entire time," Mark said. Alpha nodded and watched Mark put one foot in front of the other. Mimicking him she soon found herself walking around barefoot going in stride with Mark and true to his word he went at a nice pace for her to keep up and he always had his hand on her arm holding her up. When he was sure she had good balance he let go and allowed her to walk un-aided around the room by herself. When she was all good she followed Mark outside. Blinded by the sudden change in brightness it took her a while to adjust her eyes so she could catch a full image of the people in front of her all in white coats like the one she had on to cover her up until they found her some clothes. Startled by their appearance Alpha turned around and tried to get back into the dark room she had been in just a few seconds ago. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned her head around to see her father with his smiling eyes and heard in his kind tone.
"Don't be frightened Alpha, these people will not hurt you, they are the ones who have helped in your upbringing," Mark said. My what? Alpha asked in her head. Her question must have been apparent in her eyes because Mark said.
"They are like your family." An older woman approached her, her curly grey hair bounced on her head as she walked. Her face which has wrinkles around her eyes and a little on her cheeks and mouth. Her eyes were a deep set of green, almost like seaweed. Stopping a few inches from Alpha she smiled which only made her wrinkles show up even more.
"Call me granny Alpha, I am your grandmother. It's so wonderful finally seeing you!" The old woman said bringing Alpha in a big hug. When she released Alpha, the woman was replaced by a pretty woman who looked to be about the same age as Mark. Holding out her hand she said.
"My name is Ileana; I am your mother Alpha, nice to finally set my eyes on you and what a beautiful girl you are." Alpha looked at the woman's hand with the same look as she had given to Mark. What am I supposed to do? I know it's a hand but what do you want me to do with it? She had wanted to say but didn't know exactly how to get it out there, plus she thought the woman was trying to keep her away from her.
Mark seeing her confusion decided to help out by taking Alpha's hand and placing it in Ileana’s hand and the woman began to shake it. What is this? What's going on?! Alpha began to freak and tried to get away from the woman but Ileana said in a soothing tone.
"Don't be frightened Alpha, this is called a hand shake. People do this when they first meet each other and wish to get acquainted with one another." Hand shake? Aquatinted? What does that mean? Alpha said in her mind but she had quit trying to get away from the woman.
"All right, I think it's about time for Alpha to start her lessons if she is going to head into the outside world," Mark said taking Alpha away from Ileana and leading her down the hall to a classroom where her lessons began.
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Chapter 2

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:14 pm

After Alpha finished school, her father took her out for some shopping lessons. Him and her 'mother' taught her how to shop for her right size, add up the prices so she will know how much to pay exactly and how to be kind and considerate to the other customers around her who were also shopping beside her. Her mother even showed her a little fight going on between two women over a floral blouse that was the last one on the hanger.
"People tend to fight over the same thing if it's the last one and they both want it, watch what will happen next." A man with a blue suit on who she had learned was an officer split the woman apart and took the blouse away placing it back on the rack. Once he was done he then escorted the two women out of the store.
"They are the store's officers, they keep the peace within the store and protect it from thieves who try to steal anything," her mother said.
"That's right Alpha, the men in the blue are the good guys. The ones who help you out to their best abilities," Mark said behind her.
"Papa, why don't they just split it between them?" Alpha asked.
"It can't be done like that Alpha. You can't rip the clothing in two to satisfy two women who want the same thing," Mark explained.
"But why not? If there were two than they won't need to fight for it," Alpha said looking at them both.
"Alpha, people need a full shirt if they wish to cover up their chest and stomach area like what you are wearing." Alpha looked down at her black shirt with a skull on it.
"It's inappropriate to wear anything that was ripped in two," her mother said.
"Oh," Alpha muttered.
"Come on, we are done here. Let's go pay ok?" Mark asked.
"Sure!" Alpha said eagerly and followed them to the cash register. Alpha stood by the wall while Mark paid for the clothing, she knew to stay away from parents when they are dealing with money, and she also knew that cashiers get nervous when children get too close to the register. Looking around, Alpha took in her surroundings when all of a sudden she picked up on a strange scent in the air. Confused at how she could smell it when obviously everyone else didn't. She looked at her dad and said.
"Papa, something smells funny, like it's burning or something." All three adults looked at her and her mother asked.
"What do you mean Alpha? I don't smell anything." Sighing Alpha said.
"It smells like its burning or like rotten eggs."
"Oh no," the cashier said and pulled a handle that made a piercing sound thunder through the store. Alpha screamed and covered her ears from the wailing sound that pierced her ears like knives through skin. Kneeling down by the wall she was trying to keep the sound out with her hands but she could still hear the loud wailing of the alarm and sprinklers soon came on. The store police instantly rushed everyone out the door and in the chaos, no one noticed Alpha sitting by the wall, her eyes squeezed tightly and her hands pressed hard against her head in an attempt to get the sound away from her ears. Smoke soon filled up the store as the fire ate the clothing and anything burnable that it encountered. The metal racks burst into hot shards from the intense heat. Shoes melted away as the rubber melted from the heat and the fabric caught on fire. The sprinklers were working over time trying to stop the raging fire from consuming everything in the store but they could not keep up with the whole fire as it spread to the front entrance blocking Alpha and trapping her within the burning building. Smoke floated up Alpha's nose as she breathed and choked her from time to time with its rancid smell. Looking at the flames nearing her, Alpha felt a sense of fear. She had never felt what fear was truly like until she was now facing the rage of the fire as it inched closer and closer while consuming everything in its path. To Alpha it looked like it had a mission to finish and that was to destroy everything in the store, even her. Alpha couldn't believe this was all happening to her, she didn't understand why on her first day of real shopping this all had to happen. As the fire came closer to her she was surprised that the heat wasn't burning her like it did the items in the store. Confused at how this could be, Alpha held up her hand to the raging flames and within an instant a bit of the fire came rushing at her hand and floated gently above her palm. Using one of her fingers she gently put her finger in the small flame and was amazed to not see it get burnt, in fact she didn't even feel the sharp bite from the fire that was so clearly destroying everything it touched in the store. Amazed even further she held her hand out to the big flames in front of her as if she was trying to stop it like a car and the small flame burst at the fire like a flame thrower. Alpha's eyes widened at what had just happened, at what she had just found about her. Could she really be able to control the fire? And if so is that why she didn't get burnt or feel the heat? Standing up Alpha used both hands this time and as if she was moving things from side to side she moved her hands and the fire followed. One minute it would be on the left and the next it would be on the right, all as how Alpha moved her hands. Smiling Alpha shouted.
"COOL!" Using her left hand Alpha bunched it up into a fist and the flames came together in a tight ball so that there was a huge ball of fire floating right in front of Alpha's face. She could see the fire within the ball moving around as if it was trying to escape its imprisonment but couldn't. Looking at the sprinklers releasing their water Alpha used her right hand and did the same thing as with the fire. Within moments Alpha had the same size of a ball as the fireball but with water. Moving both her fists together Alpha fused the fire and water balls together until they both were merged. Alpha watched as the fire looked like it was squirming away from the water as the water drenched its rage in its refreshing, cool liquid like water would quench your parched throat on a hot, dry day. When the fire was extinguished, Alpha released the water ball and all the water came splashing on the already charcoaled floor of the building. Whipping her hands on her jeans leg as if she had gotten them wet she made her way out the store, leaving the smoked room behind her for the fresh air of the outside. Once outside Alpha didn't notice quite yet the huge crowed of pedestrians looking at her with shocked faces until she finally looked their way, her father however didn't match the crowds expression, instead he bolted up to Alpha and wrapped her body in his arms and hugged her.
"I was so worried about you Alpha; I thought I had lost you!" Mark said worriedly, he even had the hint of tears in his voice. Pulling away, Alpha looked at him and sure enough tears were brimming his eyes as she said.
"Papa, no need to worry about me. I can handle myself, but did you see what I did papa? How could I have done such a thing?" Alpha asked him.
"Honey, there is more about you than you know, what you did was only a small piece of what you have writhing you," Mark said.
"There's more?!" Alpha asked in amazement. Just what exactly am I? Alpha asked herself.
"Yes honey, but now that you found this out, we must train you. You pose a great threat to everyone here without some sort of training of your powers, you don't want to hurt anyone do you Alpha?" Mark asked her.
"No papa, I don't want to hurt anyone but what is a power?" Alpha asked him, completely lost in what he just said.
"A power is a special ability that not many people have; in fact it is rare for anyone to even have them. But when they do, if they do not seek out guidance and teaching of how to control their power than they pose a huge threat to everyone around them," Mark said.
"So I'm like a weapon?" Alpha asked him, not liking where this was going.
"No, not like a weapon although some people will view you as one, you are just a very special girl that needs to learn more about herself and how to control it," Mark said. Alpha sighed and looked around for her so called mother but when she could not find her she asked.
"Papa? Where is Mama?"
"That is indeed a good question Alpha, since the time we were brought out by the police she has disappeared from my sight. I looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her," Mark said.
"So she ditched us? Why?" Alpha asked.
"She probably went to just go get help," Mark said but he was doubting it.
"Papa, what if Mama set the fire? She wasn't always with us when we first went into the store. Remember when she said she had to go use the bathroom? What if instead she had made a small fire and came back to us before it spread than when it did she ditched us," Alpha said.
"If that is true than your mother is a traitor and should be watched for," Mark said.
"Ok Papa, can we go home now? I don't like how everyone is staring at us like a freak show," Alpha said, looking at the crowd from the corner of her eye.
"Yes dear, let's get going, it's time to teach you of your powers," Mark said and together they walked away.
Last edited by forestostrander on Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:37 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Chapter 3

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:25 pm

The man grinned as he watched the TV set, the news was showing the burnt clothes store and interviewing the people who explained of a girl about 18 who had controlled the fire into a ball and made a ball of water from the sprinklers and put the fire out. Cracking his knuckles, the man said to himself.
"Found you Alpha, now I will soon have you" he chuckled deep in his chest. Turning the TV off, he went downstairs to his basement where he held a bunch of werewolves who he had trained to be his guards. Going up to one cage in particular, he looked at the white she-wolf inside and said.
"Hello Mindi, it's good to see you again." Mindi growled at him, her eyes were full of hate. Out of all the wolves there, she was the only one who refused to be his guard.
"Oh I thought you would love to know, I found your daughter, the one that was taken away from you as she was still developing?" Mindi stopped growling and the man smiled, now pleased that he had her attention.
"Yup, she is with two humans who are claiming to be her parents, and today she even prevented a building from being burnt down. Quite unique your daughter is."
"Paul, you best leave her alone," Mindi said snarling.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? I've been wanting to get my hands on Alpha since the day Mark said he was going to create her! She will be mine and with her help I will put those other scientists who laughed at me and called me insane when I tried to warn them of the weapon Mark had created in his place."
"Paul! Don't do it! She's only a child!" Mindi said, pleading for him to leave her daughter alone.
"Oh hush, she is no more a child than you are my guard," Paul said glaring down at her through the bars.
"Now if you excuse me," he continued. "I have someone to hunt down." Paul shouted behind him before leaving.
"HAVE A NICE DAY MINDI!" Then he was gone. Mindi lowered her head at the thought of her baby in trouble. Looking around for an easier exit, Mindi began to gnaw on the bars to get out, she had to warn Alpha or stop Paul before he could find her.
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Chapter 4

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:50 pm

In the training room, Mark gave Alpha all sorts of tests and problems that she had to use her powers to solve or stop them. Their mission was to be able to help her get better control over them so she can call them on will and put them away before anyone could get hurt. Alpha was a fast learner, she found she could smash though solid objects, phase through anything in her way like a ghost, she found she could fly at great heights, read and control minds, see the future, teleport herself and other things, turn invisible. She found out she could conjure up the dead and use them as an army, she found she had super healing abilities, she found she could real people's emotions and pain and be able to help them out. She was even fireproof! She could breathe underwater and fluently speak in many languages. Alpha could talk to all sorts of creatures and shoot lasers out of her eyes and much more. Alpha was amazed by all the powers she has, she could even kill someone without using her bare hands, all she had to do was think of how they will die and say it and they would. Days went by and Alpha became stronger with every lesson until finally she was able to control at will all her powers and as a bonus treat, Mark said she could attend him one time during class and really get a good view of how other students work with each other in a learning environment. Alpha couldn't wait for the day, she had always wanted to see other kids her age, she had been alone for so long with just a doll to keep her company that she couldn't stay calm all the way down the hall to the classroom. Opening up the door, Alpha's mood dropped when she saw the empty room, looking at her father, she asked.
"Papa, where is everyone? Shouldn't they be here by now?"
"Yes Alpha, they will be here soon. The bell hasn't rang just yet, we will have time to prepare the desks for when they do come," Mark said.
"Oh can I do it papa?" Alpha asked.
"Be my guest," Mark said and Alpha used her mind to put all the books on each desk with a pen and paper beside it. She added a calculator on top of the books and opened the blinds to let in light.
"There you go papa!" Alpha said happily.
"Good job Alpha! You are becoming quite the pro at it," Mark said smiling at her. He had set out all the things he would need to teach today's lesson as Alpha sat on the heater and watched him do his things. When the bell rang, Alpha flinched at the sound; her sensitive ears which could hear half-way across the world pained her with the piercing sound. Mark looked at her and said.
"Remember what I told you on how you can control that Alpha? Do that and you won't have to worry about the loud noises hurting your ears"
"Ok papa," Alpha said and envisioned and invisible wall that blocked out the piercing sound so she would hear it like any normal person would. Smiling at how well she could do it, she watched as students poured into the room carrying bags on their backs. Alpha guessed the bags contained homework from other classes. She was glad she didn't have to worry about homework. A lot of the kids who came in looked at Alpha with curious eyes, one even had the courage to come up to her and ask her name which she gladly said was Alpha.
"Huh, that's an unusual name for someone to have, I like it." Alpha smiled as the girl too her seat by Alpha and Mark said once everyone was settled.
"Class, today I want to introduce you to my daughter," Alpha went to the front of the room where Mark placed both hands on her shoulders.
"I'm sure as you all may know from the last conversation Ron and I were having that I know you all were listening on, this is Alpha." Alpha smiled and waved. Some of the girls rolled their eyes while the boys smiled and winked at her. The one girl who waved back was the girl who had come up to her and asked her name. Alpha vaguely remembered her name was Lilly.
"Alpha will be helping me out today with class, sort of like a student teacher," Mark continued on.
"She is new here and I expect best behavior from all of you and welcome her nicely, this is her first time in a real classroom so everything is new to her." A Student raised his hand and Mark pointed at him.
"Sir, how could this be her first time when she looks to be about 18? She looks like a senior or someone who had already graduated."
"Ah I'm glad you asked that Tom. If all of you remember where I left off in yesterday’s lesson about enhanced embryo development, you will understand your answer," Mark said.
"So what you are saying is that Alpha isn't human?" A girl with hair like Alpha's said and her group of friend’s snickered and glanced at Alpha who looked at her father confused.
"Am I really not human papa?" Alpha asked.
"Honey, you are more human than what those girls say. You're just a special kind of human," Mark said smiling down on her although he knew the girls were right. His main concern is that her real mother would find her and demand her back or worse, Paul would find her and take her away for unknown purposes. Alpha sat on the desk and crossed her legs as she said.
"Hi everyone, as my papa said, this is my first time ever of seeing an actual kid such as myself. You see, papa made me special by giving me these amazing gifts that he has taught me to control by will."
"Like what? How to be a freak?" One of the preppy girls said and made the others laugh. Alpha narrowed her eyes and lifted the girl up out of her seat. Everyone gasped in shock as the girl screamed and said.
"Put me down! Put me down!" Alpha smiled and said in return.
"Is that really what you wish? You're pretty high up, I let you go and you could break a leg or something."
"Alpha," Mark said in a stern tone. Alpha looked at her dad with the girl staying in mid-air.
"Put her down Alpha, you know better than that," Mark said giving her the best stern look he could.
"Oh papa, but she should really watch her mouth next time, who knows what could happen." The girl looked at Alpha frightened as Alpha put the girl back in her seat. Practically all the boys cheered at Alpha and applauded her while others were unsure of what to think of the strange girl. The girl's friends glared at Alpha and Alpha looked at them and said.
"Would you care for a ride to?" That instantly made them and clean up their faces and ignore her.
"Alpha, didn't I teach you better than that?" Mark asked her.
"Sorry papa, but I couldn't help it. They made me so mad that I just lost it," Alpha explained. She had never felt mad or hatred before.
"I understand, but you really must watch it, you could have killed her," Mark warned.
"Yes papa, I will try," Alpha said.
"Thank you, now go have a seat honey, we won't be here long." With that said Alpha reclaimed her seat on the heater as her dad continued on with his teachings.
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Chapter 5

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:02 pm

After a few hours passed by, Mindi finally managed to chew her way through the bars. Her teeth were killing her from all the biting and ripping, but she knew that her efforts paid off. Now she has to find her way out and find Alpha as fast as she could. She hoped she wasn't too late to save her. Padding down the halls, Mindi found an air vent that led outside. Taking off the covering, Mindi crawled through the tight space until she found herself outside. Taking some time to take in the sights, sounds and smells, Mindi than started on her way to find her daughter.

Paul knew he was getting near, he could almost feel it. He grinned just imagining the look on Alpha's face when he showed up, the fear in Mark's eyes when he takes Alpha away from him forever. He could envision himself using Alpha's powers to destroy the other scientists, even Mark and take what was his, the title and trophy. He knew with Alpha's help, all of that would be possible. He could have everything within the blink of an eye and no one will stop him without dealing with Alpha first. Looking at the huge, red building in front of him, he knew he had arrived at the right place.
"Soon Alpha, you will be mine. I can already taste victory now," he then walked up the steps and into the building.
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Chapter 6

Postby forestostrander » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:21 pm

Alpha noticed a man entering the building. Jumping down off the heater, she headed out the room. Mark seeing her called.
"Alpha, where are you going?"
"I saw a man enter, I don't recognize him so I'm going to investigate papa. I'll be all right," Alpha said.
"What kind of man?" Marked asked, instantly on alert.
"He was tall and funny looking, he kept smiling like he knew something was going to happen. If he's a threat to you papa, I can eliminate him for you," Alpha said. She had toned out the other students so that all she saw or heard was her papa.
"Alpha wait, it might be Paul," Marked said.
"Who's Paul?" Alpha asked coming back in.
"He's a man who wants to use you for his own gain. The powers you have could eliminate everyone in this world if in the hands of the wrong person. If he is here it would be best to stay away from him Alpha, if he can control you, we are all doomed," Mark said. Alpha looked at her papa shocked.
"So you are saying the man who entered is a bad man? Someone who wants to hurt people?" Alpha asked.
"Yes," Mark said.
"Then I will only eliminate him faster, papa you have to let me do this. It's boring in this classroom since I can't mess around with the girls up there," she pointed to the preppy girls.
"I want something interesting to do, I'm restless just sitting there with nothing." Mark was hesitant but he knew the longer he wasted the closer Paul would get and if there was a chance that Alpha could stop him, he had to take it.
"Fine, you can go but be very careful, this man is dangerous. You let your guard down and you won't be able to come back here, he will take you far away and use you to do bad things to people." Alpha nodded and she said.
"Don't worry papa, I won't let him take me away from you!" And with that, she dashed out the door.
"If you guys ever encounter a bad person, don't be much like Alpha unless you know you can defeat him," Mark said to his students who had watched Alpha leave.
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Chapter 7

Postby forestostrander » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:41 pm

Alpha stood in the middle of the hallway that she suspected Paul would be coming down. She didn't have to wait for long either, in a matter of minutes Paul was standing at the other end of the hallway looking at her.
"Are you Paul? The man my papa told me about?" Alpha asked him, already students and teachers were peeking out of the classrooms and bathrooms.
"And what if I am? You must be Alpha I presume?" Paul asked.
"All depends on who is asking and what you want with me," Alpha said in a defensive tone. Paul laughed and said.
"Yes! I found you! Now you will be mine Alpha, together we can eliminate this world of useless people. You can rule a whole new world where everyone will do what you say, what do you say Alpha?"
"NEVER!" Alpha shouted and charged at him. Paul grinned, that was just what he wanted. However, little did he know that behind him, Mindi was coming in. Seeing Alpha charge Paul, she knew she had to help so she launched an attack from behind so she could distract Paul off-guard while Alpha plowed into him sending him flying. Mindi let go just in time as Paul zoomed over her head and smashed on the tiled floor and slid into a bunch of lockers. Kids watched with interest of the fight going on, they were pleased that something was finally happening in their school. Alpha looked down at the wolf already on guard and she asked.
"Who are you? Do you want to fight me as well?"
"No dear, I am your real mother. Alpha, you don't just have powers, you are a werewolf like me. Honey. Together we can defeat this guy," Mindi said looking at Alpha.
"How do I know you're not lying? How do I know you're not trying to trick me? Can you even prove to me that you're not on his side?" Alpha asked. Motioning to Paul who was already getting up.
"If I was on his side I wouldn't have attacked him to distract him for you honey. I'm your real mother, just ask Mark, he has been hiding it from you all along. He isn't your real father either, your real father is dead," Mindi said.
"Enough talk! Alpha come with me now!" Paul shouted at her. Alpha growled, she could feel the wolf was right, that her mother was right.
"I will never go with you so get out of here!" Alpha shouted, sending Paul flying once more. Slamming on the stairs he began to roll down them until he reached the bottom. Leaping over the handle, Alpha landed next to Paul and picked him up with one hand. Swinging him around, Alpha let go with enough force to send him flying out of the school and land on the hard pavement of the school parking lot. Alpha stormed out of the school to Paul who was trying to crawl away, but before he could get any further, Alpha grabbed him by his foot and swung him some more in the air. Getting bored, Alpha released him which sent him flying once more. When he finally stood up, he shouted before retreating.
"YOU HAVN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME ALPHA! I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME AND I WON'T FAIL EITHER!" Then Paul was gone and Alpha walked back into the school like nothing happened.
Last edited by forestostrander on Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Chapter 8

Postby forestostrander » Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:55 am

Walking down the hall with her mother padding beside her, Alpha was more intent on getting to Mark than she was on the kids and teachers who were looking at her with both fear and curiosity in their eyes. Upon arriving at the classroom, Alpha found it to be emptied of the students that were there not long before she left to confront Paul. Mark was sitting at his desk grading some papers from the class assignment when he looked up and the color drained from his face when he saw Mindi next to Alpha.
"Alpha? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mark asked at Alpha who was glaring at him.
"You lied to me? You were hiding everything from me all along?" Alpha said in a disgusted tone.
"I didn't really lie or hide anything from you Alpha. I didn't want to tell you yet, I had hoped that I could in the future before anything like this ever happened. I had only the best intentions for you," Mark said in his defense.
"Liar," Mindi said snarling.
"You took her away from me without my permission, you drugged me until I was asleep than you extracted her from me, I thought she was dead!" Mindi shouted at him, her white fur was on end.
"Is that true?" Alpha asked Mark. Mark lowered his head and he said in shame.
"I'm sorry Alpha, Mindi. I just got lost in my intentions of creating a supper person from the embryo of a werewolf. I already knew what a werewolf was capable of and I wanted to enhance that and add onto it and create a supper one. You were the only werewolf at the time Mindi that was pregnant and I knew that if I hadn't done anything at the time I did I would probably never have gotten another chance to."
"That doesn't give you the right to take someone else's child and send them away thinking that their baby died!" Mindi said growling.
"I know and for that I am really sorry," Mark said in a sincere tone.
"I can't believe I thought you were a good person!" Alpha said, mostly out of pain at what she had just found out. Mark looked at her shocked, when her words sank into him his face changed to sadness as he said.
"Please Alpha, you don't really mean that do you?" Mark asked hoping that it wasn't true.
"Right now I don't know what I think anymore, what I do know is that you lied to me, took me away from my real mother and tried to pass off some fake as my mom. You even pretended to be my father when my real father is dead," Alpha said.
"But I am your father Alpha! I created you!" Mark said in a pleading tone.
"My mother and father created me, you just took me away and added on to me, something I never asked for or wanted!" Alpha shouted at him. Mark now had tears in his eyes, seeing him like that pained Alpha but she also could not fully forgive him for what he had done.
"I made you better, more powerful beyond anyone's imagination," Mark said.
"You made me more of a freak than what I would have been if you had just left me alone, now where do I fit in huh?! I'm not like other werewolves but I'm not human either! I'M NOTHING BUT A FREAK!" Alpha said her voice rising.
"Those girls were right about me all along and you just pretended that I was something special, something that went your way. But now I find out that you were only really using me to make something of yourself, how could you? How could you do that to me?!" Alpha said, tears also were in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Alpha! I really am! I was young when I did it, I wasn't thinking right in the mind at the time to really expect the consequences of what my actions would bring. But when I found you, I knew I had to take my chance. I know it may sound selfish but Alpha, you are one of a kind! You are the new and improved werewolf, the best of both worlds!" Mark said trying to get it across to them both.
"Please, I'm nothing but a tinkering of science, an experiment that went right to you. You should have just left me alone Mark," Alpha said, now refusing to call him papa anymore.
The usage of his name pained Mark deep down, he had never seen Alpha so upset with him before. Sure he could understand where she was coming from but he had made her unique, something that nature would never have been able to create. He had even hoped that she would someday become the hero that this world so desperately needs. Looking at both the pain and anger on Alpha's face and the pure hatred on Mindi's told him that he would not be so easily forgiven.
"So what are you going to do?" Mark asked, amazed that Alpha hasn't already killed him with as angry as she was now, he even wished she would so he wouldn't have to see this on her face.
"I'm going home, where I truly belong. You are now nothing but a thing of the past," Alpha said. Mark could tell she meant it this time and he couldn't hold the tears back anymore. He had come to love Alpha as a daughter, he never had kids of his own, heck he wasn't even married! Yet here was something he had created, something he had taken on as his own daughter and now she hates him and wants to leave him for good and forget him like he was never even alive.
"Very well Alpha, I understand your wishes and I accept them, but I must warn you," Mark said looking at them both. "If you do not find someone by your 20th birthday, you will go into a dormant state and eventually die." That got their attention.
"What do you mean?" Alpha asked.
"You have to find true love before your 20th birthday, if not you will go to sleep and eventually die," Mark said explaining it better.
"That won't be a problem," Mindi said. "She will find a life mate in our home, there are plenty of un-mated males who would simply die for her."
"That may be true, but it can't be just anyone, it has to be the right male, the one who has a deep attachment to her, only then will she be able to stay the way she is now without the fear of ceasing to exist," Mark said.
"Then we best get started, goodbye Mark," Mindi said and together Alpha and Mindi walked out of the school leaving Mark behind for good, or so they thought.
Last edited by forestostrander on Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Chapter 9

Postby forestostrander » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:10 pm

Mark sat in his desk chair for a long time, many of his students who have come in, asked him what was wrong but he couldn't tell them, mostly because he didn't want to fully admit that Alpha was gone. He had hoped that the longer he didn't admit to it the more likely it wouldn't be true, but being a well-known scientist, he knew that was probably impossible to do. Looking at his old files that they took while Alpha was developing in the glass ball in the basement, he looked at the pictures they took of each cycle as she matured. These were probably going to be the only pictures he would ever have of Alpha for the rest of his life. Sighing, he placed the files away and tried to focus on his work, it was still only the middle of the day and he had a lot of classes he still needed to get caught up in work with.
At the end of the day, Mark packed up his work and headed back down to the basement to give the news to the others.
"Ugh, they're not going to like this one bit," Mark said to himself taking out his key to unlock the basement door. Once her locked it back behind him he was instantly greeted by the other scientists who immediately asked where Alpha was.
"She went back home with her mother," Mark said. "Paul came and she fought him with her mother, her mother took her back, Alpha hates me now."
"Oh I'm sure she doesn't," the old lady said.
"Yes, she is still new to all these feelings remember? It was probably too much for her to take in and she just lashed out from the over load," another scientist said.
"I don't think so, she was pretty ticked off, her mother was even worse. I doubt we will ever be seeing them again in the near future, I just hope Alpha will find her perfect mate that was destined to be her's before it's too late for her," Mark said.
"So you told them then?" Ileana said finally make a reappearance.
"When did you get here?" Mark asked her.
"Oh not too long ago, I just arrived when you opened up the door," Ileana said, but if you looked closer in her eyes you could tell she was hiding something.
"Yes I told them, Alpha didn't know how to take it but her mother seemed pretty insistent that they will find her someone before her 20th birthday," Mark said rubbing the back of his head in exhaustion.
"Well, only time will tell then huh," Ileana said. "Meanwhile, you need more rest, you're going to work yourself ragged at this rate!"
"Thanks, I am pretty tired, see you all when I wake up," Mark said and headed for his chambers.
Last edited by forestostrander on Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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