Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence {A CS Novel}

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Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence {A CS Novel}

Postby Tossing Spades » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:38 pm


        Welcome to Among The Trees! I'm Against All Odds. Now, this story in a summery, is a bunch of mini plots all woven into one, but over all it's about a place - a hidden place in a forest. There's a whole village in the trees where runaways, orphans and outcasts can take refuge in. The whole tree-village, called the Hidden, is made up of teenagers and under, no older than 19, who all live together like a family. They all take care of each other. When a individual Hidden reaches the age of 20, on his or her birthday, the Hidden will all throw a massive celebration. They will all give him money or items that they've scavenged over the years that will help with traveling and starting a new life. Of course, it won't be easy to get to be an extremely successful business man or woman, but enough to live. Enough to make it on their own and be happy. This story covers the lives of a boy and a girl, and a few friends along the way who live among the Hidden. One, is just starting out in this new life of action, romance, tragedy, mystery, and hope. Join his journey.

          .c i t r u s.
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                        Please, please message me about it. If it's my language, you must remember that I am not meaning it in any disrespect, and only am in character. I know the CS rules, and I am careful not to break them.
                        -I like to add pictures and songs-
                        I'm a very musical and artsy person, so I like to add pictures and songs to let you know what i'm feeling for a scene. I like to see stories as a movie or a tv show with music in the background:] Feel free to let me know of songs that may work for a scene!
                        Please! If you have any feedback whatsoever, let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
                        -Have Fun-
                        Have fun reading this, please! I'm writing for purely my entertainment as well as yours!

                        If you have any questions or correction pointers for me please PM me. Thank you:]

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Re: Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence

Postby Tossing Spades » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:54 pm


    I'm currently working on starting Chapter Two: Winters Truth. If you have any feedback or anything to say whatsoever - message me! I'd love to hear from you:]

    If you're still waiting for something more, then maybe you can check out a different thread I currently have going on. Mindset. It's a journal of a serial killer, if that interests you.
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Re: Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence

Postby Tossing Spades » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:57 pm






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Re: Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence

Postby Tossing Spades » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:36 pm


        I can’t breathe! I can’t run much farther… His lungs burned for air, his legs ached for rest and his spirit was low. Pausing for just a second he darted into an ally way in hope of catching his breath. A soft breeze of wind ruffled his short, dark hair while he deeply inhaled to slow his convulsing heart that thrashed about his chest as if it were trying to break from his very body. Leaning against the brick wall Sam hunched over panting. The sirens called in the near distance warning him of the approach of the police. Groaning hopelessly Sam fastened the loose, worn backpack before jogging deeper into the ally. Leaping onto the chain fence he pulled himself up and over quickly in a combo of swift moves and heavy breathing. Landing on the other side of the fence with a soft thud, Sam was off again and pushing himself harder and harder to run convincing himself he wasn’t about to let himself be caught. The dusk sky would be a good cover once it fell to complete darkness, but that would take time. Something he didn’t have.

        Not really having any destination other than to escape, Sam only knew he was at the edge of the city near a train station. If he could just get to the trains, he was home free. Promising himself it wasn’t too far away, Sam forced his legs to break from the jog and sprint as fast as he possibly could. The train was actually closer than he’d expected, as the large, smoggy air surrounded him as he approached the grey train, as it sounded the whistle and started slowly down the one-way track. Crouching over again to catch his breath once more, Sam watched the train start up in slow motion and the gears hiss and steam while they warmed up for the trip.

        Adjusting the backpack again he weakly jogged to the side of the creeping metal monster and jumped to the rails, grasping them with the rest of his strength. Sam pulled himself up and sat on the side with his legs dangling a few feet from the ground, hugging the rails and closed his eyes, heaving. The sirens faded in the silence of the darkness that harmonized with the sounds of the train marching on. A sigh of relief parted his lips as Sam leaned back on the cold surface behind him and gazed out while the scenery passed him faster and faster progressively. His messy hair danced just above just eyes in the wind. Sam laughed, in a nervous but relieved manner and shook his head. He just couldn't believe it. “I made it out.” He muttered under his breath, still recovering from the tiring escape. “I made it out.” Louder he called to the distance. Then, confidence burst from him as he shouted as loud as he could out to the night. “I made it out!”

        It felt good. To shout it out like that, to tell the world he’d done it and made it out of his living hell. Laughing Sam leaned back again and grinned. For once, he felt light and free, instead of heavy and lost. Dark and cold. It was all gone; it all lifted. Now what? He wasn’t exactly sure but he figured he’d figure it out when the train stopped.

        The compressed and loud hissing of the trains' gears woke Sam to an early morning sky and chattering people exiting with suitcases and children. A child caught his eye, a little boy around the age of ten, that was scooped up by who seemed to be his father and placed him confidant on his shoulders. The boys face seemed to instantly light up. A small smile played on Sam's face. Sam positioned the backpack on his back so that it wouldn't fail about loosely on his back while he traveled.

        Slipping of the train Sam started away from the train then paused. Where was he? The air was crisp and the smell of trees and fresh rain lingered. Dirt roads lead the way to a small town and few houses. The few people that got off the train obviously knew the townspeople. They greeted them with loud hellos and exchanged comments of how much they'd missed each other. Walking through them Sam left the crowd behind. Alone.

        Maybe he could find a place here to stay, just for a while. Then he'd move on 'till he found a place he liked and get a new life. A new start. Sam liked the thought. That was the daydream that kept him going through all the hard times. Now, he was living it. It was almost too good to be true. Sam wandered deeper into the small town, watching the surroundings carefully. There was a small diner next to a little bed and breakfast, then a cozy looking shop to the left. Little town homes and cottages where scattered about in the area, and everyone knew everyone. That posed as a problem. He'd stick out like a sore thumb here. Heading for the diner, Sam had just realized how hungry he was. The ride must have been long, and the last time he'd eaten had been two days ago just before everything really started going wrong. Waking up the few wooden stairs that led to the little deck to the small restaurant, his legs ached from the run from the previous day. Sighing softly he pushed open the door and entered.

        A soft ting sounded as he swung open the wooden door, catching the attention of the very few people who were already seated with food sitting before them. Finding no interest in him tossed it on the seat next to him. A waitress spotted him soon after that, and hurried to his table. A blonde, who looked in her late twenties, her hair up in a sloppy bun, and a pencil behind her ear that she’d pulled out and readied herself for Sam's order. "Well, what would ya like on this fine mornin'?" She asked him with a chipper tone heavy with a Scottish accent. What a strange accent to have in a place like this. "Uh, anything that's quick and easy." Sam replied dryly. "Well how does a plate of some fresh pancakes and orange juice sound to ya?"
        "Well alrighty then, I'll be right back with your pancakes then, darlin'." Nodding politely in a friendly manner the waitress placed the pencil back behind her ear and scurried off with his menu he hadn't touched yet.
        Before he was able to drift off in his thoughts, a rough tap on his shoulder caught his attention. Turning around he faced a strong but worn looking face. A dark man with a five o'clock shadow and a stern look that instantly reminded him of Morgan Freeman gazed back at him. "You aren't from around here, are ya?"

        "No. I'm not. Who's asking?" The man gave him a hard look. "I don't like that tone you're using boy. I was just asking you a simple question." Sam didn't reply. "You look too young to be on this town by yourself. Who you with?" His raspy voice asked.
        "No one. I'm perfectly fine by myself." Sam replied in an irritated tone. "People won't treat you too kindly if you keep using that tone of yours." The man warned him. Then, he simply turned around and left Sam be. Turning back around, Sam rolled his eyes and snorted. Who was he to tell him what to do? He didn't know him, so why couldn't the stranger just mind his own business? "Here ya are, nice and hot." The waitress hummed at she set down his food on the table in front of him. "Enjoy." She said, giving him another nod before leaving him to his meal. The food looked amazing and it tasted even better. Home style pancakes. They almost melted on his tongue. In a matter of minutes his plate was empty and so was the cup. Leaning back he let out a soft sigh. Now if he could find a place for a good long cat nap he'd be set. Seeing that he'd finished his food, the waitress scurried to the side if his table and took his plate. "I’ll guess it t’was good, no?" She chuckled and placed the bill on the table.

        The bill. He'd completely spaced on bringing money. The one thing he forgets its money. Sam sat there for a comment and starred at it blankly. “Um, it t’was six fifty for the pancakes.” The waitress broke him from his trance. “What?” Sam asked, sounding sort of dazed. He must have been sitting there for a long time, because she was already back for the bill. “I don’t got six fifty.” Sam told her. “Well, you’ll have ta’ pay ‘fer yer food somehow eh?” She forced a smile and placed her hands on her hips. “I’ve got it.” The man from behind him turned around, handing her a ten. “Keep the change.” Sam didn’t dare turn around to face him. “Thank ‘a darlin’.” The young woman acknowledged the man and tended to the other tables for their orders now that the town residents were awaking. Sam kept silent. “No need to thank me.” The man’s words flooded with sarcasm. “Wasn’t about to.” Sam replied coldly, throwing this backpack on and quickly left without looking back. Pushing the door out of his way for the little ting alerted everyone he was leaving, Sam decided right there that he wasn’t about to stay here. He was headed back to the train station.

        A splash of water almost startled Sam when it’d hit his face, making him pause and glance around. Another hit him on the top of his head. “Ugh!” Irritated, he attempted to brush away the water. Thunder sounded from the grey sky, and the rain started to fall. Perfect. You’ve got to be joking. He could see the station, with a sun roof over it with maps and schedules on a pick-up shelf for the public under it. Breaking into a slow jog, Sam took cover under the roof and approached the shelf, pulling out one of the schedules. Angered, he crumpled the paper and let it drop from his hand. No trains were expected until next month. Grabbing a map he prayed there was another town, maybe a city near this outcast town. On the map, it was marked with a red ‘x’ and scrawled in marker, YOU ARE HERE. Flipping through the rest of them, each one had the same markings in the same area, all individually written on.

        “Town’s not on the map. And there’s not another speck of modern civilization for miles.” Sam didn’t even have to turn around to know it was the man from the diner. “What the hell do you want?” Sam asked, crossing his arms and turning slowly to face him. He wore a hat now that shadowed over his face that hid the important features that he’d seen in the lighting of the diner. “Just to know what you’re running from.” He replied simply. Opening his mouth to reply, there was a pause. That was more complicated as an answer than it was as a question. There was a long pause while Sam and the man watched each other fiercely. “Hell.” He finally replied. “I’m running from a living hell. Now leave me alone.”
        “You want to be alone?” The dark man asked, looking as if he’d be expecting Sam’s answer. “Yes.” Sam replied confidently. “So would you-”
        “You don’t want to be alone. No one does. In fact, our whole race is looking to be surrounded by people, by love, by others.” Sam shot the man a look. “I don’t want a life lesson alright?” A friendly smile played on the man’s lips. “It doesn’t matter if you want one. You’ll get one sooner or later and you’re not gonna like it I’ll tell you that now.” He chuckled. “And, someone’s gonna clean up your act too – someone you least expect.” He told Sam, wagging a finger at him. “Whatever.” The man pursed his lips, making it obvious he didn’t like that response. “Look, son, if you want to run so badly there’s a place where the people will be happy to help you, just on the other side of this mountain. Right here.” Inviting himself next to Sam, he pulled the map from his hands and pointed to a large area of green. “Not according to the map.” Sam retorted. “Well the according to the map,” He mocked Sam’s tone. “We aren’t here either. Now there are people on the other side of this mountain and they’ll help you, son.”

        Sam gave the man a questioning look. “Yeah. Whatever.” He muttered. “Now look, boy. All’s I’m trying to do is help you.”
        “And why would you wanna do that?” Sam asked sarcastically. “Just trust me.” The man promised. “I’ll take you to the tree line of the forest and I’ll direct you into the right direction.” He offered. Taking a moment to think it over, Sam figured what the hell? It’s not like he had anything to lose. “Yeah, sure, whatever. But then you leave me alone.” Pursing his lips again at his ‘whatever’, the man just nodded, shoved his hands in his pockets and started off down the train tracks. Sam followed him. “Who are you?” He demanded. “It doesn’t matter much who I am being that we’ll never see each other again.” He pointed out. “I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours. I’m-”
        “I don’t want to know your name, boy. Just shut up and follow me.” Sam couldn’t believe this. “I’m not gonna shut up! Watch what you say to me or-”
        “Or what?” The tall man chuckled like he was just threatened by a small child. “Boy, you a piece of work.” He laughed in amusement. “A pretty good-looking one too.” Sam snorted. “A ladies man huh?” The man asked. “A Casanova, eh?” Another laugh bubbled from the stranger as he shook his head and sighed pleasantly while he adjusted his hat. “More than you’ve probably ever seen in your life.” The man just chuckled. “You know, I bet a fox is gonna come by one day and charm her way to you but you won’t be able to have her. The one girl you can’t get will be the one you want.” Sam let out an acidic laugh. “Yeah. Whatever old man.”

        Sam and the stranger walked for what seemed like hours, and the rain let up just a little and turned into just a light mist. The tree line was in sight, but still a few meters away. “Here we are.” The man sighed, stopping at the very edge of the tree line. “It’s just a few miles in, and it only looks like it’s about noon.” Glancing at the watch that was strapped around his wrist the man smiled at him. “Best of luck to you. And to that girl who will have your heart.” Sam rolled his eyes. “You said you’d leave me alone, remember?” The man held up his hands and dipped his head. Watching him turn and start back, Sam looked up at the tree. It seemed to go on forever and touch the sky. Just a few miles in…

        “A few miles in my ass!” Sam shouted, kicking a tree and pelted his backpack to the ground with a loud thud! “You’re kidding! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Anger boiled inside him, his fists clenching and he had the urge to destroy. Ripping off his jacket he threw it against a tree. The sky was darkening, he’d been walking for another forever and there was no town. No people. No nothing. “Just trees! damn trees and dirt, and freaking animals! Perfect. Who wants to help me get out of this freaking place? No one? Right! Because there’s no one’s here!” He growled, flailing his arms around as he ranted.

        Sam halted. He’d heard a branch snap. Whirling around he scanned the area. “What? What the hell do you want?” He called out, but no answer. “Well? Come out and we’ll take this face-to-face? How ‘bout that?” Sam challenged. His anger shifted to shock when a large, brown figure emerged from the shadows of the trees. It was huge, with its heavy, thick fur and it lifted its massive head for its small black eyes to lock on him. Frozen, his mind urgently searched for something to do, some way to help himself. “Back! Get outta here!” The bear snarled and stepped closer, warning him. Sam stepped forward as well, shooing it away with his arms. “Well? Leave ugly!” He shouted at it. The large animal sounded a deep growl that seemed to vibrate through the air it pushed itself up to its back legs, standing a good ten feet.

        Slashing its paws it stumbled forward and landed on all fours. Again, it stood tall and let out a shaking roar. The huge paw, big as a large dinner plate, swung at his head and cut three deep gashes threw his white t-shirt, throwing him against a tree. Dazed, Sam could taste blood dripping from his lip while he blinked his eyes to see the massive creature hauling itself towards him again. Wobbling to his feet he could only catch the blurry sight of the monster. A growl rumbled from its throat again as it threw its paw at him again in rage, hitting him on the side, just ripping through him again. Letting out a shout of pain Sam was tossed to the ground like a rag doll soaked in blood. Too weak to get up again, Sam collapsed, defeated. Ready for it to finish him off, Sam lay helplessly in the wet dirt. He was drifting off into blackness, but the sound of the monster, although distant, sounded distressed. He heard voices. The monster seemed to have left in a hurry as strange as it was, leaving Sam to die slowly where he was. Where ever the voices had come from, must have somehow shooed the creature away.

        Sam felt too light headed and dizzy trying to stay conscious. The warmth of his blood that soaked his shirt almost was comforting while he lay on the cold, damp earth. This is it. I’m dying. Surely, he was dead already.
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Re: Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence {A CS Novel}

Postby Tossing Spades » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:27 pm


        It felt as if Sam floated back to life, released from the endless darkness he’d been trapped in. Blinking open his eyes Sam groaned in response to the immediate pain that pulsed through his body the moment he tried to sit up. Reaching his hand to the wound, his hand touched the bare of his muscular chest and thick bandages that had been wrapped around him with the discoloration of his blood that had seeped through. “What?” Muttering under his breath Sam’s face twisted in confusion, more so as he scanned his surroundings. Pushing himself up, Sam sat up slowly in a full-sized bed that seemed to engulf him, he sunk into it. It was so comfortable and warm, he wanted to lie back down and drift off again. A bunch of pillows surrounded him all just as comfortable as the bed itself, and at least four blankets draped over him that he’d become tangled in.

        Heavy quilts warm and obviously hand sewn locked in his warmth. They were rustic looking as well as the rest of the little cabin room. Careful not to hurt himself any further Sam slowly slipped out of the bed and placed his bare feet on the wood floor which was covered by a plush rug. Although the little cabin was so quiet and relaxing, Sam couldn’t help but not start to panic. Examining the rest of the room, it was about 12 by 12 in feet, small, cute, with a shelf with a few books on it and a dresser that looked worn with a teddy bear that looked just as old. Just to the right sat an old chest with an out-dated key hole. Pulling his white shirt off the dresser, Sam slowly making his way to the window, he narrowed his eyes at the view. The sun was bright, beaming in and making the green of the tree’s leaves vibrant and bright. Pulling the shirt over his head and carefully pulled down over his soar body. The closer he got the more odd the view became. All he saw were trees branches, one which held a nest that three little chicks stretched their necks out and opened gaping beaks for food. His eyes followed downward, to find that he couldn’t see the ground. Then, it clicked. “A tree house?” He muttered, bewildered.

        “Oh you’re awake.” A kind female voice rang from behind him. Jumping slightly Sam whipped around and shot the girl a surprised look. Looking about fourteen, she had straight, dark amber hair that hung at her shoulders with short bangs and a colorful feather in her hair. Her petite face was made up of deep brown eyes and cute, thin lips. She wore a brown shirt that had straps on them with beads that hung on one side, worn jeans, and a thin, red strip of material wrapped around her left arm twice and then tied. “Who the hell are you?” Sam demanded. The girl gave him a look that seemed as if she were being scorned, as if she’d done something terribly wrong. It almost made him feel bad. “Well?” Sam growled again, shaking away the guilt. “You shouldn’t be up. At least sit down.” Her soft voice cooed. “You didn’t tell me your name.” Sam pointed out rudely. “If you sit down I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” She promised him with a little laughter that danced about in her words.

        But, where was the harm in sitting down? Obeying, Sam sat on the bed and looked at her expecting her answer. A little smile of amusement played on her lips. “Aspen.” The girl told him, starting towards him. Sam lifted an arm in defense. Humming a calming laugh Aspen gently pushed his arm down. “I must be more threatening than I thought.” She joked as she observed his wounds. “You look good.” Not replying, Sam starred at her suspiciously. “You’ve been out for hours.”
        “Where’s my things?” Sam demanded. Pursing her lips Aspen didn’t reply. Backing away from him she opened the door and started out. “Hey!” Sam called after her, jumping up and following her. “Don’t walk – whoa-” Stopping quickly he gazed down. “Holy-” He gasped. It had to be a good sixty, sixty-five foot drop. Aspen had stood there and watched him panic, backing up back into the little cabin. “No, I’m fine thanks.” He called sarcastically to her. Another amused expression crossed her face. The platform that he’d almost left was connected to a bridge that lead to a platform connected to a tree then branching off to another bridge. Standing in the door way, movement caught Sam’s eye. A young man, older than he had approached them with a friendly, yet serious face. He wore dark blue pants with thin, flexible shoes. A shirt that was an autumn orange that was held close to his body by a dark brown belt. Navy blue sleeves ran down his arms and a knife held idle at his harness on his belt. Next, he studied his face. A narrow face with thin lips, greenish blue eyes, and short black hair that looked messy. The girl that claimed her name was Aspen stepped aside for him to pass in a manner that told Sam he was some sort of authority or power.
        “This is him, I’ll assume.” The young man asked the red haired girl in a low voice. “Yes.” She replied in her soft voice. Sam was smaller than this young man by a few inches, but that didn’t stop him from getting his answers. “Where’re my things?” He demanded once more. “Are you sure he is what you say?” Ignoring his order for an answer the young man didn’t take his observing eyes off of Sam, making him uncomfortable, and silent. “Both Robin and Hummingbird tell me so.” Aspen replied confidently in a small voice. Nodding the young man stepped back from Sam and crossed his arms. “BlackBear.” He told him, handing out his hand in an offer to shake. His hand was hard and worn, obvious he worked hard constantly. But, there was some sort of warmth to his hand. Maybe it was the way he’d presented it in the handshake, confidents and friendly with a welcoming vibe. “You’re name is BlackBear?” Sam sneered, crossing his arms and leaving BlackBear with an empty hand. Pulling in his hands he nodded causally.

        “Is he fit to be up and around?” BlackBear turned to the girl. “Yes. Just don’t work him quiet yet.” She replied with a sweet smile. “My stuff.” Sam interrupted with a hard tone. BlackBear smiled and gestured with his head to follow him. “This way.” Walking onto the bridge that swung gently from side to side the young man strolled along it to the other side where a platform only big enough to hold four or five people waited on the other side. “It’s sturdy. I promise.” Aspen reassured him in her kind voice, waiting for him to go before she would follow.

        Sam looked down a moment, griping on the railing for comfort. Breathing in, he lifted his head high and started after BlackBear. Gasping softly as it swayed below his feet, Sam froze. Pursing his lips quickly he glanced back at Aspen, wondering if she thought anything of it. Standing up straight again, Sam continued slowly, careful of his poise and balance. It felt like forever just to get to the other side where he left BlackBear waiting. Finally reaching the next tree and standing on the platform he looked up at BlackBear expectantly. He smiled down him. “Just one more to go.” He told him with a smug look.
        Looking out to the distance, he sighed. This tree-bridge was annoyingly longer than the last one he’d just crossed. It seemed to be engulfed by the thick trees, to the point where he couldn’t see the destination to which it led. “Great.” He muttered, following BlackBear once again to the other side. “Awesome.” Sam muttered. Starting slowly, he stepped on the wobbly, stupid sky-bridge.

        Sam wasn’t exactly looking up as he approached the end of the bridge, feeling relief as he stepped on to an unmoving platform where BlackBear was waiting for him. “This is the Main Treehouse.” BlackBear told him, stepping aside for him to walk along side him. Looking up Sam almost couldn’t believe his eyes. It was a treehouse alright. A massive treehouse that had four stories built on top of the huge platform that held it all up in a mass gather of trees. For the first time, Sam was completely speechless. “I’ll take you to get your things in a bit, but I’d like to show you around first.”
        “I really don’t have time take a tour, okay? I’m on a tight schedule and I’m getting my stuff, and leaving.” Sam told him in a sarcastic, serious tone. BlackBear chuckled. “I’m not joking.” He growled, irritated. “I know you’re not, but what time are you wasting? You’re not headed anywhere specific, are you?” The friendly man asked. Sam paused. Did everyone just happen to know he was a runaway? God, did he hate being wrong. BlackBear, assuming he’d made up in his mind that he was right he started off down the circling platform that seemed to surround the Treehouse.

        “To start off, this is the Main Treehouse, like I said.” BlackBear started, gazing up at the three stories that towered above the two of them. Sam took it all in while they walked along the edge of the Main Treehouse. There were people – teens actually, none older than nineteen he guessed, walking about all dressed like BlackBear and Aspen: in moveable, breathable clothing that either hugged comfortably or hung loosely, with flexible shoes that were made for quick and easy movement. Some carried bows on their backs, some knives hung around their necks or belt. Some had beads or feathers in their hair, on clothing or weapons. They all had chattered about to each other and exchanged friendly greetings and nods as they passed BlackBear. The whole place had a down-to-earth, rustic, homey feeling to it.

        There were rooms on each of the stories for children and some had to share, each one had each simple thing any bedroom would have. A bed, a dresser, and maybe a night stand. A few personal items would dwell in each room but nothing too fancy. Each bed was covered with the heavy quilts that he experienced earlier this morning. All of them seemed cozy and comfortable. What are they all doing here? “This whole place, is a refuge. A place for runaways, outcasts, orphans, the unwanted, all of them are safe and happy here.” BlackBear told him, as if he’d read his mind. “We call ourselves, ‘The Hidden’.” He added. “Why?” Sam asked. “Because, we’re all here, and hidden. As far as everyone else in the world, we no longer exist.” Sam took a moment to let that sink in. It was actually pretty genius. “We all look out for each other, and hunt for food-”
        “Wait-” Sam stopped him. “You hunt all your food?” He asked, as if he hadn’t heard him right. “Most of it. There’s berries and fruit trees that grow around here.” The tall man replied with a warm smile. This isn’t real. Sam tried to convince himself, but everything around him, the people, the forest, the air – the pain in his collar bone and shoulder – it was real. “Actually, since you’ll be staying I’d like you to meet the hunters. You seem like you’d make a good hunter.” BlackBear decided. “Whoa- I never said I was staying.” Sam pointed out. Ignoring his correction, BlackBear made a sharp turn near the railing and off to an open side where the railing ceased to a complete drop off to the ground.

        “Opal!” The dark haired man shouted into the trees. From a plat form a few meters away a girl poked her head from the branches and smiled in a friendly manner to him. She had long blonde hair that hung perfectly straight down and small blue eyes; maybe around the age of thirteen or fourteen, just a year or two younger than himself. “Are the hunters back yet?” He called out to her. “No-” Pausing, she looked down at something that caught her attention. “Actually, you came just in time.” She responded in a cheery tone. Catching sight of Sam, she smiled in a cute manner. “Who ya got there, BlackBear?” Her voice got higher as she spoke. Laughing BlackBear shrugged. “No-name so far.” He replied. I have a name, dim-wit. “Oh, I thought he must be new.” She giggled. “Oh! BadgerStripe’s on his way up with the others.” Opal informed BlackBear. “See ya around, new guy.” Sam smirked. “See ya around, Opal.” He called to her in a charming fashion. Shaking his head BlackBear chuckled. “Keep focus on your job, Opal.” He reminded her. Giggling she disappeared back into the greenery. “And I don’t need you distracting my look-outs.”
        “I can’t help it.” Sam replied coolly.

        Voices that started distant quickly became close and clear. Suddenly, a head quickly followed by a torso and then legs scaled the tree just beyond and above the platform. Turning a young man leaped onto the wooden flooring landing in a crouch. Standing up, he faced the two with a strong, hard expression. Sam guessed he was around BlackBear’s age. Another boy followed, looking a little younger and slightly shorter than BadgerStripe. Stopping behind him he nodded in greeting to BlackBear. “Yo guys!” The curly blonde shouted down. “There’s a new guy.” He called down. “No kidding?” A female voice called back. It was slightly raspy and hinted an attitude.
        “Got a name for him yet, BlackBear?” The curly haired boy asked. “S-”
        “These are a some of our hunters.” BlackBear cut him off before Sam could answer the boy. Confused slightly, Sam became a little irritated. Weren’t they just asking for his name? It probably wasn’t worth even trying. “This is BadgerStripe,” Gesturing to the first boy that had made his way up he crossed his arms and gave Sam a hard look. “He’s the lead hunter, actually. That’s Buck,” The blonde boy nodded with crossed arms and a smug smile. “There’s Robin,” He pointed to an additional boy that had leaped onto the platform. He almost looked like a younger version of BlackBear, with a shy face and deep brown eyes complete with spiked up, dark brown hair and around the age of himself. “And… where’s Fox?” BlackBear asked the three, the group of them turning to look back down. “She’s comin’.” Buck chuckled. “She’s gotten faster.” BlackBear commented proudly.

        “I’m going to guess that’s a compliment on my training.” BadgerStripe grumbled dryly. Scaling the tree’s branches, a girl paused, and targeted the platform. Leaping for it she landed roughly, but nonetheless on her feet. Standing from the crouch, she flipped her long, dark hair from her face revealing a strong face with big, hazel eyes. “And this is Fox. She’s still getting the hang of a few things but she’s new, like you.” BlackBear told him with a smile. “Fox, huh?” Sam repeated with a smirk. “More like Foxy.” He added in a charming matter, winking at her. Snorting, Fox looked him up and down and hummed a dark, mocking chuckle and crossed her arms like the others. “I wouldn’t.” Buck laughed, shaking his head at Sam’s attempt.
        “Fox and Robin are BadgerStripe’s students in hunting.” None of the hunters moved. They’re eyes were all placed on him. BadgerStripe’s eyes were cold and unwelcoming, while Buck’s were bright and friendly. Robin’s brown eyes seemed curious and wondering while Fox’s eyes… They were mysterious. Sam couldn’t truly get a handle on what she was thinking other than she didn’t like him.

        “BlackBear!” A high pitched voice squealed from behind them, interrupting Sam’s thoughts. “The pack of wolves is back and LittleOtter said that they’re gonna eat all our food.” A little girl bounced at BlackBear’s feet. In one scoop, he picked the child in his arms and rested her on his side. “Did she say that?” He cooed with a bright smile. The little girl nodded, completely serious. “We need to take care of that, don’t we? We can’t have them eating all our food!” BlackBear became more animated while speaking to the child, making her smile sweetly. “I’m going to leave him with you.” He turned to BadgerStripe and then to Sam. “BadgerStripe will fill in the rest for you.” He promised. Before Sam could say anything, he had already left with the little girl in hand.

        Turning back to the three strangers they didn’t seem as welcoming as BlackBear and Aspen had. “Fill in the rest of what?” Sam asked crisply, crossing his arms. The four exchanged glances then focused back on Sam. “We’ll fill you in over dinner.” Buck offered, opening a welcoming arm for him to follow him by his side. Sam had just realized that the whole day was swallowed by the tour BlackBear had been giving him. Motioning for Sam to follow them, Buck treaded by his side. “Fill me in on what?” Sam demanded. Buck laughed and shook his head while letting out a soft sigh. “Well, there’s not much I can really tell ya in words. With this place you kinda gotta experience it to be er… ‘filled in.’” Buck poked up two fingers from each hand and bent them twice as he spoke the words. “Yeah, no kidding.” He muttered dryly.

        The sun was beginning to lower in the sky, and the sky was no longer the rich, lush blue like it had been. “Don’t tell me you ain’t hungry. You probably didn’t eat yet at all.” Buck chuckled. “Yeah, I’m starving.” Sam whined. “Well, we’re ‘bout to get some food ‘n we’ll do our best to fill ya in.” Buck added with a grin. Fox and BadgerStripe were both giving him hard looks, muttering quiet comments to each other. Robin hadn’t opened his mouth, but he wasn’t secluded from the conversation. “What’s their problem?” He snorted. “Fox and BadgerStripe? Aw, don’t worry ‘bout them. They’re just not too welcoming of new souls, ya know?” Buck replied. The both of them were headed the opposite way BlackBear had lead him earlier with the other three following just behind them.

        The five of them headed to what Sam saw as the middle of the Main Treehouse, Buck led them to what looked like a wooden elevator with only wooden railings similar to the ones on the edge of the surrounding platform that wrapped around the Main Treehouse. Piling into it, Sam tugged one of two ropes that strung through the top and bottom of it. Suddenly, it lurched upward and slowly lifted them through the three stories. Reaching the third floor, the five of them exited on the opposite side they’d gotten on and entered a large room with no roof, surrounded by the rooms of the third floor. “Behold, the Central Room!” Buck called out, opening his arms widely as if he’d just presented a glorious sight to the four of them. Ignoring his joke Robin, Fox and BadgerStripe passed them and continued in without them. “We’ll get it.” BadgerStripe muttered to Buck, then quickly walking off with Robin and Fox.

        “Come on.” Buck patted Sam roughly on the back and followed the three in. Around them was the other… Hidden, is what BlackBear called them, that have already seated themselves on what looked like pillows at tables that were really just large tree trunks sanded down to a soft touch. The room hummed of people talking, each of them held friendly conversations; taking breaks to let someone else speak while they ate their meal. Sitting down on a worn pillow next to Buck at the tree trunk table, Sam made himself comfortable.

        The three returned with a bundle of rolled up, handmade, placemats, in hand while Robin held two, small baskets and Fox had five cups, all different and obviously used constantly. One basket had handles, the other was oval shaped and handless. Setting the oval shaped basket in the middle of the large, cut tree trunk, they both sat down in their own seat. Handing out the rolled placemats, Sam watched the Buck for information on what to do with them. The four rolled them out and looked to Robin who stabbed a chunk of cooked meat and placed a piece in front of each of them. It looked as if he’d just taken them from a grill. They were still steaming and juicy looking, making Sam’s mouth water. Fox placed a cup filled with a drink for each of them, and one for herself. Then, the four reached into the basket and picked the fruits they preferred and retreated them to the place mat.
        Sam copied the four then waited for them to make their next move. Each of them picked up the meat with their bare hands and sunk their teeth into it, ripping a chunk and taking a moment to chew and swallow. Sam wasn’t exactly sure how to react. Looking down at the small meal before him, he hesitated before mirroring their actions. It wasn’t as bad as he expected, but it would take some getting used to. The meat was perfectly cooked in his opinion, and the fruit was plump, ripe, and busted with flavor the second he bit into it. Reaching for the worn mug, he brought it to his lips and poured what he guessed was tea into his mouth. It wasn’t sweetened, but it didn’t matter much to him. Placing the cup down he didn’t have to try to clean his plate – the food was perfectly delicious in every way.

        “How was ‘yer first meal here?” Buck’s become so consumed in consuming, when Sam finished and looked up, Buck had an amused looked plastered on his friendly, rugged face. “I thought you’d say that.” He laughed. His chipper personality seemed to leave the other three in a dark shadow. BadgerStripe didn’t care much of how his meal was, neither did Fox. Robin, on the other hand stared back at him like he was slowly picking him apart, inspecting every little detail about him. Sam shifted a little in his seat, a little uneasy. “Uh, yeah.” Clearing his throat, he tried to focus on Buck’s friendly face only. “It was amazing.”
        “Good.” Again, there was an unsettling silence among the five of them. “What time is it?” Sam broke the moment with a question. “I’d say it’s right about past… six. You slept an awful lot.” Buck replied with a smile. “Thanks…” Again, there was that awkward silence, with the thought of all of their eyes resting upon him. He had four eyes burning into him all at the same time. One was usually enough for him to snap at, but four… it made him boil… it made him feel small.

        “So… what else is there to do here? You know, besides hunt?” Sam asked once more, sounding a little more irritated now. Fox placed a loud elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand letting the long dark hair fall from her tilted head and shot him a bored look. “And besides lookin’ good.” Sam added smoothly with another wink. The girl snorted and rolled her eyes. “Bite me.” She retorted, gathering everyone’s plates but Sam’s and clearing the table. Snickering sounded from across the table, coming from both Buck and BadgerStripe. “Good luck with that one, man.” Buck told him, standing up in sync with the two others. “I’ll get that for ya.” He offered, clearing Sam’s place for him. Pushing himself up from the seat he stretched a little. “Now what?” Sam asked. “Leave.” BadgerStripe sneered. Sam shot him a cold look before looking to Buck, who seemed to be his only hope of a friend, for the next move. Grinning a toothy grin, Buck sighed and crossed his arms while leaning his weight to one foot. "I'll show ya too 'yer cabin how 'bout?" He suggested. "After all, it's been a long day, and you got another one comin' your way tomorrow! You need 'yer rest." He told him, starting back to the door they'd entered in and giving him a good hit on the shoulder. Snorting, BadgerStripe, Robin and Fox left, taking their mixed vibes with them.

        "My cabin?" Sam echoed, taking a few quick steps to hurry up to Buck. "Yeah, ya know, a place to sleep 'n all."
        "Ah. Right."
        "Lucky for you, you got yourself one all by 'yer self, bein' that we don't got too many Hidden at the moment." Don't have a lot? There were more than enough to fill the last town he'd been in, so if this was a low number, they must usually be thriving. Walking back out to the wooden ledge that was built in the trees, Buck led him around to the right and near the railing. Sam came to a stop at the skywalk Buck had started going across. Pausing, Buck turned around and chuckled. "What? Afraid of a little height?" Narrowing his eyes at the boy he huffed. "No, it's just these things are annoying to walk on." He replied sharply. The blonde boy rolled his eyes. "Fine then, sleep on the deck." He told him before starting away again. Letting that sink in a little, Sam let out a short breath before carefully stepping on one of the wood panels of the swaying bridge and starting after Buck. He'd led him to a cabin that looked similar to the one he'd woken up in. Actually, almost identical. "Here we are, home sweet home, eh?" Buck's low voice brightly chimed. "Yeah, I guess." Sam muttered. "Alrighty, stranger. You just make yourself at home and I'll come 'n getcha' in the morning." Buck told him with another cross of his muscular arms. "Nighty night!" Without giving Sam a chance to reply, he left him standing at the small deck of a well built tree house. Watching after Buck as he grew smaller with every step, Sam turned to the door and opened it slowly.

        Yep. Almost exactly alike. The quilts were different, but the general look, similar. Letting out a slow sigh, Sam figured he'd wake up from this strange dream soon enough as he closed the door behind him and made his way to the bed, slipping himself under the covers, and closing his eyes. Peace.

      {SO! For those who have actually been reading, I'm finally done with the first chapter. *Huff* That was a long period of writers block, and it wasn't even much to get out. Anyway, I'm thinking about a new book idea too while I can't think of ideas for Among The Trees... I'll share later. Thank you guys, for reading it, and PLEASE! Send me comments, questions, corrections, anything is much appreciated!! ^^}
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Re: Among The Trees: Vanish From Existence {A CS Novel}

Postby Tossing Spades » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:14 pm


        Two and a half months. Snow was already creeping in by the chill of the wind as it brushed against Sam's face and combed through his messy hair. Still, no Hidden would care to hear what his name was. They all called him no-name, or boy, or guy, or simply call to him as, "you." Eventually, he'd gotten used to it. Sam didn't mind all that much anymore actually, being that never being called by Sam almost made him completely about his past. His past... the darkness and the anger that surround him. "Sam." He heard a familiar voice call to him. Clenching his jaw he could feel the boiling feeling where his heart was supposed to be. Crashing sounds and a woman screaming, then crying. Voices that shouted and screamed sounded from the back of his mind. Restlessly, he shook his head to rid himself of them. "Sam! There's so much blood!" A woman crying again. "I didn't..."
        "There are no second chances." Another cold wind broke him from the voices.

        He stood silent, breathing slowly and quietly, back pressed against a chilled tree and his ears listening for a change that didn't fit. His blue eyes were relaxed, stuck on the distance so he was able to scan everything from that point to himself for movement. Gripping a handle wrapped in animal hide that extended to a short knife, Sam still stood frozen with the rest of the grey surroundings. The only movement was his chest gently rising and falling, and the soft cloud that came from each breath he exhaled, which quickly disappeared in the air. Suddenly, a soft, a very soft thud sounded from just behind the tree. Before Sam had the chance to hesitate he spun around in a stance ready for a fight. After finding what exactly had made the sound he relaxed. A grey, fluffy rabbit looked back at him with wide eyes, ears perked and nose bobbing about. "Boo." Sam said in a monotone, waving his hands up un-enthusiastically. The little creature paused, then took off in the other direction, zigg-zagging from side to side. Just then, a heavy weight pushed on his shoulders forcing him down to the ground. Grunting, Sam had his stomach pressed to the ground with someone standing on his back. Someone heavy. "What-"
        "You shouldn't have let your gaurd down." BadgerStripe pushed down on his wrist when Sam had reached for his knife. Growling, Sam placed his palms flat on the ground and pushed. BadgerStripe stepped off him and crossed his arms. "You just about knocked the wind out of me!" Sam looked up to his mentor, BadgerStripes black hair hung just above his eyes in chunks and strands. Badger scaled down from the side of a nearby tree, while Fox simply dropped, landing in a squatted position. "We actually lost 'ya on the way over here. You're fast, I'll give ya that, friend." Buck told him with a grin. "But not fast enough." BadgerStripe didn't hesitate to add. Brushing the dirt off himself Sam straightened his back out. "You're fast, and can pick good places to rest without being caught." Robin pointed out from a branch he'd perched himself on. "At least you're a fast learner." Fox's voice caught Sam's attention. Rarely had she ever spoken to him with a compliment. Sam couldn't quiet tell if she was being sarcastic or if she actually meant it. "Thanks." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "We'll try again." BadgerStripe sighed. "We can start from here, and Robin and Fox will go with you. You can learn from them." A snapping sound from above caused the five to look up. A familiar blue-eyed and blonde haired girl looked down on them. "BlackBear is calling a meeting." Opal told them in her soft tone. She met eyes with Sam and smiled sweetly. "Hey, no-name." Sam smiled crookedly. "What's up, Opal?"
        "BlackBear wants us." BadgerStripe interrupted dryly. Opal frowned and dropped down from the branches. "How's training going?"
        "Fine. How's look-out going?" He asked her. She smiled and giggled a little. "It's just looking over the forest all day... and all night. You know at night it gets really cold up there, but it's also really pretty. Maybe you should visit sometime, and I'll show you the north star." Sam shrugged. "Maybe I will."
        "Okay, I hope you do." Opal replied shyly.

        The six of them approached the Treehouse, scaling the trees upward to reach the platform. Sam, being last to reach the top. BadgerStripe and Fox both gave him a hard look before heading to the central part of the Treehouse. In the middle on the edge, where the tallest tree had grown, where the treehouse had been built around, the hundreds of Hidden gathered. BlackBear stood tall and firm in the chilled air above the rest of them, watching and waiting for the rest to attend. "I hope this is everybody." He called. The Hidden muttered among themselves for a moment until BlackBear spoke again. "Good. Then I will announce the good news." His voice run throughout the wooden walls of the Treehouse and the thousands of trees that guarded it. Suddenly, Sam could feel BlackBear's eyes burning into him. "BadgerStripe, if you will." The large boy took Sam by his arm and pulled him forward, leading him to the large trunk of the tree. "Climb." He told him. Sam looked to BadgerStripe for a moment before climbing to BlackBear. It was cold, and he could hear murmurs of the Hidden, most likely discussing him. Sam could feel his heart pound hard. What did BlackBear want from him? He hadn't done anything worth rewarding... or punishing - had he? Sam reached up and grabbed the hand BlackBear held out to him and pulled him up.

        "This young man has joined us only two months ago. He is learning our ways and becoming hidden. A Hidden." BlackBear shouted. Silence. "I will give him a name, that will be with him until he is no longer with him from this point on."

Last bumped by Tossing Spades on Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:14 pm.
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