I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby retroaqua » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:19 am

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Postby rocoboq » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:37 am

Yesterday Mace showed me around the ENTIRE Ordinance (Which is humongous!) and we had a blast! But you already know that. Also, we ran into that Rose lady Mace was talking about. Here's what happened:

Conversation with Rose wrote:After checking out the kitchen for some reason, Mace led me to a surprise room. When we entered, I saw this girl with long, blue hair who can't have been much older than ourselves. Maybe a college graduate? She was glistening with sweat as though she just ran a half marathon.
She was trowing daggers at a target on the wall, hitting the middle circle every time. Mace knocked on the wall and she turned around, dagger in hand.
Rose: Oh, hello, Mace. I was just training. That attack was gruesome. *Looks at me* Ah, would this be Isabella? *Mace nods* It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Isabella. My name is Rose Gladstone, Head of the Ordinance. Mace has told us a lot about you.
Me: Yeah, that's me, but everyone calls me Izzy. What does the Head of the Ordinance do?
Rose: As Head of the Ordinance, I send everyone on missions to kill demons, handle rogue Lowlanders and the like. I also keep this place up and running and everything under control. As Head of the Ordinance, I also meet with the heads of the werewolf and vampire clans. And if needed, I sometimes meet with the Oslay Queen. She's the leader of the pixie's Oslay Court. There's also the UnOslay Court, but I don't handle them.
Mace: She also represents the Sioux Paws Ordinance during Claw meetings in Salcate. *Looks at Rose* Why don't you tell her what we do in here? I was just giving her a little tour since I'm going to have to train her. She's in danger and is wondering whether she wishes to Arise or not.
Rose: Of course, of course. Always happy to see another Arisen. If Mace has not already told you, this place is the training room. This will be where he will train you, unless on some days he wishes to take it outside or do on-the-job training. We store weapons here as well as in the weapons room to use for practice. We have daggers, swords, throwing knives, knives, bow and arrows and more. *Points to the targets on the wall with dagger* We use those targets to practice aim.
As though to emphasize her point, she threw her last dagger at it and struck it exactly in the middle. She is definitely someone I would not want to mess with.
Rose: They can also move to work on hitting moving targets. There's also, of course, the beams running along the roof. We use those for agility, balance and to practice falling. For training, the first bit will be getting you physically up-to-par. You'll be wearing loose-fitting workout clothes and be doing exercises and learning the basics on how to fight and use basic weapons. Later, you will practice in gear. Gear is the tough, leather "armor" we wear into battle. It helps protect us from weapons and demon ichor, though not always well. When you practice in gear, you'll be nearing the end of your training. That's when you'll work on harder stuff and less basic weapons. Though, we Shadechasers tend to keep practicing throughout our lives to get better, stay in shape and keep from getting rusty on one thing or another. Any questions?
I just stared at her. That was a lot of information to take in... Why does she making the training sound so complicated? Ah, well.
Me: Um, no. I don't think so, at least. Thanks.
She nodded and walked down to the target to fetch her daggers. I looked at Mace with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged, leading me off to another room. Why would there be a ballroom?

Oh, as for the ballroom, this place was up even during the 1800's when they would have balls here. Pretty cool, don't ya think? Also, when Mace was done giving me a tour, he took me back to the training room to work on some basic defense and attack techniques with myself and some weapons, such as a sword and throwing daggers. He let me take back to the dorm two daggers to practice when Anna wasn't in our room or something. I hid them under my bed so nobody would see them. If somebody did, I could get suspended.
I just woke up and classes don't start for a couple hours yet, so I'm still in my dorm room and Anna is... Singing Imagine Dragons while reading Harry Potter? How can you even do that? Oh my god, she even has the TV on. And is she? No, she can't be. SHE IS LOOKING UP PICTURES OF PUGS ON HER PHONE. HOW- WHAT- HUH?

Me: How can you do so many things at once!?!?!?!?
Anna: *Takes off headphones* Did you say something? Sorry, I was doing too many things at once.
Me: *Facetable x1000000000000* Howwwww???
Anna: :what: I just do?
Me: *Faceeverything x100000000000000000000000000000000*
Anna: You just may need some painkillers for the headaches that'll come from that...
Me: Thank you so very much for the advice. I will take it into consideration. *Sarcasm* Besides, shouldn't you be studying for the exams? They start today.
Anna: Hypocrite. You're the one always off doing something with your boyfriend. I bet you haven't studied a bit.
I actually hadn't thought about that... I should really have begun studying sooner...
I'm gonna go study everything before classes, be back in a few hours maybe.
Two Hours Later

???: *Pitter patter thump* *Pitter patter thump*
Me: Anna, stop making those noises. I'm trying to study.
By then she had stopped singing, watching TV and whatnot and was studying across the room at her desk, blaring her playlist on her iPawd.
Anna: What noise? You want me to turn my music down?
Me: Um, sure, it's probably that.
She turned her music down so I couldn't hear it. I didn't hear that sound again for a bit, but after about seven minutes, it was there again.
???: *Pitter patter thump* *Pitter patter thump*
Me: Tell me you can't hear that.
Anna: Hear what?
Me: That... sound. You really can't hear it?
It was still there, slowly getting louder and louder.
Anna: You're probably just hearing things. It's most likely the stress of studying and exams catching up to you.
Me: You're probably right.
The sound went away again. I really don't think I was hearing things, but it's always a possibility.
???: *Pitter patter thump* *Pitter patter thump*
Me: *Groans* Please tell me you can hear that?
Anna: Izzy, I've told you countless times. I cannot hear it!
Right as she finished speaking, the sound stopped. I heard a short dragging sound, then a knock on the door. I paled. What could that sound be? Why can't Anna hear it? Could it just be a prank?
Being cautious, I grabbed a dagger from under my bed. Anna must have heard the knocking, too, because she was just about to open the door. Right as I yelled at her not to, the door exploded inwards, hitting her right in the head and knocking her out.

Me: Anna!
I grabbed the other dagger and ran to Anna. She had a cut on her head which was bleeding, but a quick check revealed no other wounds. I swiftly picked her up and set her on her bed and turned around so I could get a good look at the thing. It was about as big as myself, with ten legs, each ending at a point, as well as two arms. The arms were jointed twice, as though it had two elbows, and the hands were especially scary. Each hand had five fingers, like a human's, but each was razor-sharp and could probably cut through anything. The thing was swishing it's tail, smashing bookshelves and demolishing the ceiling fan. It was long and barbed, with a large, ball-like mass at the end, covered in long, threatening spikes. It's face was a grotesque mess of... I don't even know what. It looked slimy and scaly, with four large eyes fanned out across it's face, each the color of blood, each shining with the glee of a fight. It's nose was two slits in the middle of it's face, barely visible. But it's mouth was the worst. The thing's mouth ran all the was across it's face with rows upon rows of long, needle-like teeth, all sharper than the sharpest blade. It was smiling, the scales and slime covering it's body bunching together around it's face. The scales were a dark green color, it's teeth red with dried blood permanently staining a vast majority of them. I screamed, terrified. As if sensing my fear, it jumped at me and narrowly missed. I leaped out of the way of the demon's attack and faced it. I was only armed with two daggers that I barely knew how to use, so I had to be careful. One wrong move and I was dead.
Hearing my scream, Batille ran into my room. Since she was a girl, she got here fastest. The boy dorms were further away. She looked utterly terrified, her face paling.

Batille: Zurgak!
After wondering if Batille was going crazy and shouting out random fake words for a second, I remembered Mace talking to me during training last night about some demons.
Speaking of Demons wrote:Mace was pacing in front of me, sweaty, a dagger in hand.
Mace: There are many different kinds of demons, and many are extremely deadly.
He was flourishing his dagger to emphasize his point.
Mace: There's the behemoth demon, which is basically a giant worm whose face is a giant mouth, there's the gorsuk demon with it's spiked body and razor-like claws, but then there's the zurgak demon. Zurgaks are among the most deadly demons of all time, almost as deadly as a Greater Demon, but not as powerful as a Prince of Hell. They're rare, but if you happen to encounter one, you have to run. A lone Shadechaser cannot defeat one, and it's very challenging, even with a group of five. Aiden knows that better than anybody. His parents were out hunting demons with three of their friends, one being my mother and the other two the Swiftnight's parents, when they encountered one. Aiden's parents were slaughtered, and so was my mother. The only survivors of the group were Anna and Kaydin's parents. The blasted demon died, but it fought back.
Me: I'm so sor-
Mace: Zurgak demons are among the most deadly because of many reasons. One is their poison, which there is a cure for. It is a painful process, but so is having the poison coursing through your veins. All of the spikes on its tail and its teeth have poison. This poison is the definition of torture. It keeps you awake while you experience excruciating pain, while your body deteriorates. Your organs begin to stop working late in the process, the last being your brain, lungs and heart. It makes for a slow and painful way to die, but there are so very many other ways it can kill you, as they are powerfully strong and merciless, so if you ever see one, run. Run and call in reinforcements.

After running through Mace's brief speech on zurgaks, I was instantly a thousand times more terrified. My paws were shaking.
Batille: Hey, idiot, over here!
The demon turned around, hearing Batille's shout. When she winked at me, I realized it was a distraction. She then pulled out an archangel sword in her right paw. It looked somewhat like a normal sword, but as though it were made of glass. I think I remember Mace telling me they were made of lamasdo.
Batille: Malik!
When she named her first archangel sword, it glowed with heavenly fire. She quickly pulled her second one out and named it Telantes. By that time, Rowan, unarmed, arrived. She paled, but when Batille tossed her Telantes, it looked like she was infinitely more comfortable. Mace and Tosh had just arrived as well, armed to the teeth. The four were all inked up, covered in Shadowhunters' spiraly runes. I ran over to Anna and placed a bandage on her head. It looked like the Shadechasers were holding off the zurgak well, but I had to call in the others just in case.
Since Cinnamon and I were becoming really close friends, I had her number and was able to call her.

Phone Call wrote:Me: Cinnamon, Cinnamon, please pick up!!
Cinnamon: Hey Izzy, what's up?
Me: Cinnamon, get the others! A zurgak demon attacked my roommate and I at the Paratoin boarding school, and Mace, Tosh, Batille, and Rowan probably won't be able to hold it off for much longer.
Cinnamon: A zurgak demon?! We're on our way! Try and hold it off!

Taking that as my queue, I got up and turned around. I had been facing Anna, trying not to focus on the fight going on behind me. It was pretty hard, considering there was a giant demon demolishing my room and four of my friends were fighting it off.
I examined it's body, looking for a weak point, a missing scale, anything. I had gotten good at throwing knives, the blade almost always hitting the middle of the target, but I hadn't practiced on a moving target yet.
With a screech, the demon broke a giant hole through the wall and fell onto the ground, just outside the school. Mace, having pushed it through, leaped down after it, a giant sword in his hands. Next Batille and Rowan leaped down with their archangel blades, then Tosh, after taking a quick shot with his bow at it, leaped down with his sword.The demon screamed as the arrow lodged in one of its eyes. It thrashed its head about until it yanked the arrow out and threw in to the ground. They continued the battle all over the front yard of the school, using anything they could to their advantage.
A few minutes later, the others finally arrived. Emily had to continue her role as innocent school nurse, so she, unfortunately, had to stay in her office, but Kaydin, Anna, Cinnamon, Eva, Bridget and Aiden had were able to join us. Oh, you're probably wondering why Bridget didn't come with the others at the school, Tree, since she went there, too. She stayed back at the Ordinance since she kinda got possessed and all.
Kaydin and Cinnamon hung back, notching their arrows. They shot at the demon's face, trying to get an eye, or in the mouth, or something. Trying to do any damage at all. Anna, using her signature whip, wrapped it around the zurgak's torso, wrapping it's arms tightly against it's body. With a cry of frustration, the demon got loose. That was when Eva, Bridget and Aiden came in with archangel swords, lighting up the surrounding area. They leaped at it, swords held above their heads, and slashed at its scaly body. Eva got battered away with a couple of the demon's legs, Bridget got clawed at by one of it's hands and Aiden got both.
Then I saw a missing scale lying on the ground near Aiden's feet. I looked at him and he looked at me, and, as though he had read my mind, he leaped on top of the demon and brought it to the ground. I spotted the place where the scale had been on the demon and readied one of my daggers. I threw it, but missed. The zurgak demon had twisted free of Aiden's grip and slapped him away, the dagger landing a foot from it's target. It looked up at me, still in the school, and my paws began shaking again. They shook so much I accidentally dropped my second dagger.

Me: No!
I jumped down after it, hoping to grab both daggers. Right as I jumped down, the demon's tail came straight for me. I barely had time to close my eyes and cover my face before the ball of it's tail hit my arms, going right through them and nearly puncturing my face. I screamed and kicked the demon's tail away, the spikes leaving my arms. The pain was excruciating, but I had to continue. I picked up the dagger nearest to me and jumped on top of the demon. After swiftly relocating the missing scale on the it's shoulder, I sunk my dagger as far into it as I could. The demon screamed and shook, tossing me off. The pain was beginning to kick in, as though my body were being slowly engulfed in flames. Then, taking the zurgak's distraction to his advantage, Mace swung his sword in one motion and sliced the demon's head clean off. It let out an ear-piercing scream and seemed to crumple into itself until there was nothing left of it. I remembered Mace telling me about how when you kill a demon, it will teleport back to it's home dimension.
Everyone was panting, the kick of adrenaline from the fight wearing off. I began whimpering in pain, my whimpers slowly escalating in volume. Cinnamon heard me first and ran to me, looking at my arms.

Cinnamon: Dang it, I forgot my stele at the Ordinance. Did anyone bring theirs?
Aiden came running over beside Mace and the others. He handed Cinnamon his stele, when Mace ripped it out of her hand.
Mace: Are you insane??? She's a prosaic!! She wouldn't survive the application of a Mark! We need to get her to the Ordinance. Aiden, help me address her wounds. We should at least stop the bleeding. Anna, Cinnamon, get Emily. She may know what else to do. Bridget and Batille, here's my car keys. Take it to the Ordinance and let Rose know we're coming. Why couldn't she come, anyways?
Aiden: That's not our biggest concern right now. I'll tell you later. Eva and Kaydin, you should get Saymon. If Emily doesn't know what to do, he might, and he also may be able to get us to the Ordinance faster.
Everyone ran off to complete their assignments, running as fast as they could. Aiden ripped off two strips of his shirt and gave one to Mace. They tied the strips of cloth over the stab wounds on my arms and tightened them, causing more pain.
Me: I-It hurts, so much...
Mace: I know, Izzy. But you're going to be OK. Everything is going to be OK.
Me: Oh my god, An-na...
Aiden: Anna is getting Emily, she'll be fine.
Me: *Groans* Not Annabelle, you i-idiots. Anna, my roommate. Sh-she got hit in the head with our door when the blasted demon attacked.
Aiden: I'll go check on her.
Mace: *Looks at me with concern* You'll be OK, and so will Anna. We can't take her to the Ordinance, but we can drop her off at a prosaic hospital or something. Alright?
I nodded and a sharp pain went through my body. I nearly screamed, but I whimpered and bit my bottom lip until I could taste blood.
Me: Who's S-Saymon?
Mace: Saymon is a sorcerer. He'll be able to help us. He may also know the cure to the poison running through your veins.
If the zurgak poison allowed me to pass out, I would have, but it prevented me. Everything was happening so fast, so many things happening at once. It was almost too much to handle.
Mace: You're going to be all right. I won't let you die.
Aiden came running back just then, his paws slightly bloody.
Aiden: Your roommate is going to be all right, all she'll probably get from that is a nice bruise and a concussion.
Mace: Izzy, you hear that? Anna's going to be OK.
Me: *Coughs* Where's that Saymon d-ude? And how a-are we going to fix that h-hole up there, or explain what ha-appened?
Mace: Saymon should be here soon, and we'll handle the school. We'll just tell them they were going to extend that room out a bit or something.
Then this oddly-dressed man appeared out of nowhere, Eva and Kaydin next to him.
Me: Hang on a s-second, is that *Cough* Saymon?
Saymon: Yes, I'm Saymon. *Looks around* Where's Rose and the others?
Aiden: The others are off doing errands Mace and I assigned them.
Saymon: And Rose?
Aiden: *Sighs* She went missing.



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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby *~Pantherleaf~* » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:34 am

Aahhhh!!!! What happened to Rose?????

XD so exciting! :D
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Four Impossible Components To The Cure!!! WHY?!?!?!!?

Postby rocoboq » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:28 am

Mace: What do you mean, Rose went missing? And Saymon, we need a Portal to the Ordinance. Izzy's a prosaic and got poisoned by a zurgak.
Saymon: On it, but don't forget to pay me.
Aiden: Last night, after you guys left, Rose went for a walk. She hasn't come back.
Mace: Please just make the Portal, Saymon. I'll pay you in full later.
Saymon mumbled something I couldn't hear, then began the creation of a portal. There were many runes involved; some like the ones inscribed into the skins of Shadechasers, and some that look a little more sinister, though not dangerous.
Mace: Aiden, have you tried tracking her?
Aiden: She'd most likely be here with us if I had and it worked. Rowan and I both tried using a tracking rune, but neither of us could find her. Wherever she is, she's prevented tracking. Or her captor prevented it.
Mace: That's bad news. We're going to have to locate her.
It was then that Anna, Cinnamon and Emily reached our little group.
Emily: By the Angel, it's worse than I feared. Anna and Cinnamon told me about it, but their explanation did the situation no justice.
She knelt down beside me and began doing medical stuff, like checking my pulse and blood pressure and stuff.
Emily: Her heart is beating way too fast and her blood pressure is far too low. Her breathing is shallow and she's losing a lot of blood. I may have the recipe for the antidote back in the Ordinance.
All of a sudden Aiden collapsed, his face pale.
Kaydin: Aiden! Aiden, are you OK?
Kaydin raced over to Aiden, kneeling down next to him. Aiden's paw was over his chest, failing to cover a growing stain of red. Kaydin took his friend's paw away from his chest to examine the wound.
Kaydin: Oh, Aiden, what did you do this time?
Aiden: Got hit by the zurgak's claws. *Laughs painfully a bit* Nothing I won't recover from.
Kaydin: *Pulls out stele* Come on, let me apply a healing rune.
Aiden held out his right arm, covered in the swirling patterns of runes. Kaydin drew an iratze, which stopped the bleeding and slowly began to knit together Aiden's wound.
Mace: Well, now you know what a healing rune does, Izzy.
After chanting in a language I couldn't recognize, Saymon lowered his arms and turned around, away from the glowing Portal.
Saymon: The Portal's done. Mace, why don't you take Isabella through first. Remember to think of the Ordinance, what it looks like. Heck, try and think of the infirmary. It'll be faster than carrying her through the Ordinance.
Mace nodded and picked me up. He walked towards the Portal, me in his arms. When he stepped through, I got this feeling of weightlessness, as though I were as light as the air around me. Then, suddenly, I was back in the Ordinance, still in Mace's arms. We were in the infirmary, next to one of the basic iron beds. He set me down on one, and I squirmed in discomfort. The cloth on my wounds became a darker shade of red as I did so. My wounds must have re-opened. Everyone was there, all looking nervous.
Emily ran to the bookshelf and swiftly searched the spines of the books for a specific title. From her cry of frustration, I knew she couldn't find it.

Emily: Saymon, do you happen to have the Book of Haranger? Or at least know the cure? She's going downhill.
Saymon: The Book of Haranger... No, I don't. But I do remember the cure. It requires some things that are difficult to obtain, though.
Mace: I don't care. What are they?
Saymon: I need the scale of a zurgak demon, the saliva of a Greater Demon, a little bit of angel blood, and holy water.
Aiden: But won't the angel blood try and turn her into a Shadechaser?
Saymon: No, only your Chalice can do that. Besides, even if it could, the scale and saliva would cancel it out. It's evenly balanced. Oh, and make sure you don't accidentally get poisonous saliva... That would do more harm than good.
Kaydin: Alright, Mace, Aiden and I can go. We shouldn't leave the Ordinance too unguarded.
Emily: Sounds good, but don't take too long. I don't know how long she has.
Me: *Laughs painfully* I really wish you wouldn't talk about me as though I weren't here. Oh, and Mace, take this. I'm not going to be able to write anything in it about your adventure and it's boring here in the infirmary *Winces because is talking too much* so write in it. Just don't read anything.
I'll hand you to him, Tree, in a second, I just want to write something real quick. If I die, I want everyone to know I love them. Even my family. Kind of. Ish. You know what, never mind.
I guess this is it, it's time to hand you over. It's going to be difficult not constantly writing in you, but I'll try and keep myself busy. Goodbye, my Tree. Stay safe with Mace, Kaydin and Aiden.

Hello... Tree? Is that what you're called? I guess so. So, uh, Isabella let me borrow you to write my adventures in while obtaining the four parts of the cure for the poison that's in her. Um, I just hope she can tough it out long enough, because I don't know how long it's going to take for us to get it. Especially because we may not have a sorcerer wherever we're going to Portal us. Oh, wait, I totally forgot about Rose!
Me: Wait, guys, what about Rose?
Cinnamon: We can worry about her later. Now go. While you're dallying about, she's dying.
At that I paled. I-I just can't handle the thought of Isabella dying. After all I did to try and keep her safe. But Cinnamon's right, we have to go.
Kaydin: What should we get first?
Aiden: The zurgak scale will probably be one of the easiest because one got knocked off of the zurgak we were fighting. We should go back to the school and retrieve that, then go to a nearby holy place and get holy water. We can figure the rest out after that.
Isabella: Stay safe...
I walked over to her and took her paw.
Me: Don't worry, we will. Just try and fight the poison for as long as I can.
I took her weak smile as our queue to leave, and the three of us ran to the weapons room. We picked up as many weapons as we could, as well as water, food, and extra steles. We didn't know how long we'd be gone for or where all we'd have to go, so we packed a variety of other things. Then we ran to my car and sped off to the school.
When we got there, we spread out and searched the grass for the scale. It had to be there somewhere!

Aiden: Here it is!
Kaydin and I ran over to Aiden, who was holding a slimy dark green scale.
Kaydin: Cool, who has the bag?
Me: I left it in my car.
We hurried back over to my car only to see that... It was towed!?!?!? Of course, nothing's that easy. Especially when it comes to finding the hard-to-get four components of the cure for the poison running through your dying, prosaic girlfriend's veins.
Welcome to my life, have a nice stay.

Me: Aw, man! We gotta get my car back. There's almost no way Isabella will survive long enough if we don't get it.
Aiden: I know where they'd take it, come on!
He shoved the scale in his pocked and we all ran after him. We finally reached the place he was talking about. It had all sorts of vehicles there that were towed: cars, motorcycles, trucks, even golf carts. You name it, it was there.
Kaydin: How are we supposed to find your car here? It could be anywhere!
Me: I still have the keys. I had Saymon make it so if I pressed a button on my keys, my car alarm would go off. Then we can track it by sound.
They nodded in comprehension and I pressed the button. We heard a siren go off. It was my car. It was a little faint, so we had to run to find it. We split up, Kaydin covering the left, Aiden the right, and myself the middle. I followed the sound until I could see my car. I could see Aiden and Kaydin heading for the car, as well. We all ran to it and I stuck my key into the ignition and turned it on. It worked, thankfully.
???: Hey, get out of here!!!!
Kaydin: That must be the owner of this place.
Aiden: Well, you heard the man. Let's get out of here!
We got in my car and I sped off out of the lot, driving towards the nearest church.
I can't write much else right now, but I'll start a new entry when we get to the church.
Bye, Tree.

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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby Snowcenti » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:28 pm

One question? Did eva die or something because I haven't seen her in like 3 posts xD
hi I come on here like once every 4 months
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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby rocoboq » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:49 pm

dustwolf wrote:One question? Did eva die or something because I haven't seen her in like 3 posts xD

She's been in posts, she just hasn't always made a main appearance. For example, she was in the post where Isabella was attacked by the zurgak demon, but it was only mentioned that she attacked the demon, got kicked away and got knocked unconscious or something. Then, she was also told to go get Saymon with Kaydin. It was also mentioned in the most recent post that everyone was in the infirmary, watching over Isabella. I admit I've been getting more guilty of aiming the spotlight more on characters I created, but I'm trying to break that habit. Eva's there, you just gotta look.
Sorry for the long answer. xD
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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby 20lait1 » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:37 pm

Are we allowed to enter one more pet? To be honest, I merely skim through the entries instead of reading it carefully like I used to because I feel that Skylar (I call him Ryker now) is not exactly my best work. I'd rather enter a girl now, too. You did say there weren't going to be too many Shadechasers... It seems like most of the posts contain Shadechasers. I can enter a normal if you want, if I'm allowed one more... You can never include Skylar again if I can enter one more pet... Sorry to bother you, but this seems really exciting anyways. I can enter another guy (better dressed) if you think there are too many girls... Thanks!
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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby Snowcenti » Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:55 am

Oh ok, I was confused because I wasn't seeing her pink talking thing anywere xD
hi I come on here like once every 4 months
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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby rocoboq » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:35 am

20lait1 wrote:Are we allowed to enter one more pet? To be honest, I merely skim through the entries instead of reading it carefully like I used to because I feel that Skylar (I call him Ryker now) is not exactly my best work. I'd rather enter a girl now, too. You did say there weren't going to be too many Shadechasers... It seems like most of the posts contain Shadechasers. I can enter a normal if you want, if I'm allowed one more... You can never include Skylar again if I can enter one more pet... Sorry to bother you, but this seems really exciting anyways. I can enter another guy (better dressed) if you think there are too many girls... Thanks!

It's alright, and I think adding a normal would be awesome. If you wish to replace Skylar/Ryker with a new pet, I'm all for it.
Oooh I have an idea to connect him/her to the plotline well... Maybe they were best friends with Isabella in elementary school before she moved, and then they moved to the same location? I dunno, I'm just spouting ideas. xD It's up to you.
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Re: I Refuse to Call This a Diary, This is a TREE!

Postby *~Pantherleaf~* » Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:57 pm

Oh, I like how we're switching to mace's point of view! :D
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