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BearClan 48

Postby inky. » Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:17 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 042 xxx clan servings 008 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth fognose (1) xxx mod notes n/a xxx cats to find n/a

Shrewclaw followed steadily behind his clanmates. He watched as Hollypounce guided Hickorywind over the hidden roots. He smiled at Tickpaw, the newly made apprentice, bouncing happily next to Elmstream, his new mentor, and Butterflypaw, who was more reserved, trotting alongside Tulipclaw. The ceremony had been brief, but everyone had been able to see the true joy that radiated off of both apprentices. After their assignment, BearClan had left the hollow. The raging blizzard had begun to subside, and Elmstream made the executive decision to move on, following the river path. Shrewclaw’s paws were starting to feel the coldness from the snow seep into his bones, but it wasn’t as painful as trying to block out Silverdrop’s ramblings. The new she-cat had been clinging to him since she arrived in the Clan. He heaved a sigh. “You know there are other cats you can talk to right?” Silverdrop blinked in surprise at his sudden words. “Y-Yea I know, b-but I enjoy your company the most.” Shrewclaw was about to retort when he heard rustling from beside him. Stopping, he pricked his ears to the snow covered bush. It shook, snow fluttering off like a blizzard. Suddenly, a large figure tumbled into Shrewclaw’s side with a wail. The tom was caught off guard and rolled onto the other side of the path. He couldn’t see much, only flashes of white and black fur, and the glistening of claws. His clanmates instantly turned around to see the commotion, only to see Shrewclaw fighting with a strange cat. Two more cats appeared from the same side of the path, latching onto Hollypounce and Silverdrop. Shrewclaw heard his companion’s shrill yelp and felt a surge of adrenaline rush through him. He bunched his muscles and kicked with all his might, pushing his attacker off him and into the bushes behind them. He instantly got to his paws and leapt over to Silverdrop. The poor she-cat was trying her best to hold back her enemy’s snapping jaws. Shrewclaw grabbed the cat by its scruff and tugged it off Silverdrop. It twisted in his grip and slashed at his eyes. Shrewclaw was able to land a few blows on his opponent before Elmstream and Ashtail had reached them. “What in StarClan’s name is happening here?” Ashtail growled. “We were ambushed.” Hollypounce informed him, pinning her attacker firmly with the help of Hickorywind and Ravencloud. The rogue held by Shrewclaw struggled in his grip, and spat at the cats. “You foxdungs are trespassing!” He snarled. Elmstream flicked an ear. “Trespassing? On whose land?” She asked. The rogue that Shrewclan had launched into the bushes cam staggering out, shaking his pelt and sending snow cascading from his pelt. “Ours.” She stated. Walking up to Ashtail, she scanned him up and down and sneered. “I’m surprised that you were able to fend us off.” She blinked “You look a bit...mangy. I hope we didn’t catch anything.” Ashtail bristled. He took a menacing step forward. “Who do you think you are?” Elmstream could sense the tom growing angrier. She knew she had to get the Clan out of this situation. It was leafbare, and she didn’t need any cats getting injured. The she-cat shouldered her way in between the two bristling cats. “We’re sorry.” She meowed gently “We didn’t know that this land was occupied.” The rogue flicked her ear. “Well it is.” Elmstream flashed a smile and nodded. “I apologize. Our Clan is just passing through. We don’t want any trouble, we’re just continuing on our journey.” The rogue leader raised an eyebrow. “What are you running from?” Ashtail lashed his tail. “What do you mean? We’re not running from anything.” The leader laughed. “I’ve seen that look before.” She sighed with a smile “I’ll let you go, I suppose. But if you haven’t crossed the river before dark, we’re going to have some problems.” Elmstream nodded. “Thank you.” She chuckled nervously. She waved her tail and gathered the cats, leading them in the direction of the river.


“You can’t expect us to cross that.” Grousecall scoffed “Not everyone knows how to swim.” Elmstream shrugged. “Most of BearClan does, as long as they’ve passed their assessment, anyways.” She looked down at the icy waters flowing swiftly beneath her. It wouldn’t be a long swim, but it would be cold. She turned to Stormfang and Nightfur, the clan’s best swimmers. “I want you two to make your way over to those rocks.” She pointed her tail to two boulders jutting from the water “It’ll give us a good vantage point in case someone is struggling. Ashtail, I want you to lead the way. I’ll draw up the rear and make sure everyone crosses okay.” The three nodded and Elmstream turned to face the rest of the Clan. “Alright, it’s going to be a bit chilly, but it should pass quickly. I know all of you are strong and brave, but if you need assistance swimming, please find a partner. I don’t want to lose anyone. Sunpaw, Shellpond, Nettlemist, help out the younger apprentices. I want less experienced cats, or those who may need a bit more help to go first. I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude, but Hickorywind, Burrwhisker, and Sparkstorm, that means you, too.” There was a grumble from Sparkstorm, but Shellpond cuffed her mate over the ear to shut him up. “Bumbleflight, I want you to cross behind Ashtail. As soon as everyone gets out of the water, I want a headcount and an injury report. Hopefully, there won’t be any, but with the way our luck is going lately, I wouldn’t neglect the chance. Shake off and warm up once you get across. Ashtail will lead the way.” She nodded and stepped aside, letting the grey tom wade into the lapping water. His fur immediately puffed out and he let a shiver rack his body. He turned and gave a tense smile, which made Elmstream giggle. The nervousness soon returned to her stomach as he started swimming across. Stormfang and Nightfur followed, branching off to their own rock. They pulled themselves out of the water and shook out their pelts, warming up. They nodded and Fognose was guided by Swiftwind into the rapids. Soon, there was a steady stream of cats that were swimming through the thick water. Ashtail had reached the other bank, and was helping Bumbleflight warm up those who had joined them. So far, everything had been running smoothly. Soon, there were just a few cats left. Elmstream walked behind Mosspaw as he gingerly stepped into the water. He let out a shriek of surprise at the chill, and Elmstream promised him it would be quick. The she-cat felt the chill work its way up her legs and onto her belly as she got further into the water. Soon, the iciness pierced her head, and she was paddling faster to get to the other side. She nodded to the two guards, and Stormfang and Nightfur slipped back into the water. Suddenly, she heard a scream, which was soon cut off. She whirled around and searched the river. Mosspaw was flailing around, caught in a riptide that was hurling him downstream. Elmstream locked eyes with Nightfur, and the black tom dove beneath the surface. Cats ahead started noticing, but Elmstream told them to get to shore. She paddle in place, heart beating against her cold chest. Her eyes widened as she searched the area where her brother had made his dive. In a shower of droplets, Nightfur resurfaced, drenched, but holding Mosspaw tightly with his jaws. Thankfully, they were close to shore, and it wasn’t long before the waterlogged apprentice was getting scolded and warmed by his mother. Elmstream thanked her brother, and looked proudly behind her shoulder at the river. They had made it, and it wasn’t even close to sunset. Bumbleflight came up to her and reported that everyone was accounted for, and there were no new injuries except for Mosspaw’s drowned appearance. Luckily, the sun was burning bright, and the cats were soon warm enough to continue their walk.


Tickpaw trotted along happily next to Piperpaw. The day had gotten significantly warmer, even if snow clouds still hung heavy in the air, and the cats of BearClan had an optimistic mood to them. The apprentices were chatting, and even Grousecall was having a pleasant conversation with Tulipclaw. They were walking along a raised hill, parallel to the river, and Tickpaw looked down at the flowing water, fascinated. Piperpaw bumped into Tickpaw playfully. “So how’s it feel to be an apprentice?” She asked with a smile. “Great!” Tickpaw purred “I can't wait for Elmstream to mentor me!” Piperpaw laughed kindly at his enthusiasm. “Once we get our new camp, we should build our nests together.” She suggested. Tickpaw only tilted his head in confusion. “Why?” Piperpaw rolled her eyes. “Because we’re friends, silly!” Tickpaw smiled. “We are?” His friend nodded. “Of course!” She looked around and leaned in close “Would a not-friend stand up to Butterflypaw for being mean to you?” Tickpaw grinned wider. “I’m glad you’re my friend, Piperpaw. I like you a lot.” Piperpaw grinned sweetly. “I like you too, Tickpaw.” She sent a sly glance ahead “Race you to that tree?” She meowed. Tickpaw got a mischievous look and nodded. The two bursted ahead of the group, bounding over the hilly ground, and ignoring the calls to come back. Tickpaw relished in the feeling of the bitter wind on his face and the warmth that running gave him. He looked over at Piperpaw, who was very determined. He was so not determined, that he wasn’t watching where he was going. Suddenly, he felt the absence of ground beneath his paws, and let out a yelp as he tumbled into a small river side hollow. The fall was quick and painless, since it wasn’t that far of a drop, about half the height of a normal tree. He shook out his pelt and looked up. He saw Piperpaw peeking over the grass-covered lip of a small hill. The hill had a straight, solid rock side, like the nearby river had eroded it. The rock-faced hill circled him, and to his left, a slope led down to the river bank. Redfind must have found a gentler way down to his level, because he soon came rounding the corner of the opening of the circle. “Are you okay, Tickpaw?” He asked, obviously worried, examining his foster son from ears to tail tip. “Y-Yea, I’m fine.” The apprentice assured him, looking around in awe. In the hillsides, there were openings looking as if they’d lead to den-like caves. Tickpaw’s gaze shifted to a large tree nestled against the hillside. It was still alive and though it was bare, it no doubt would grow a great deal of leaves when new-leaf came around. Elmstream had joined them at this point, and she was looking around the clearing with the same awe. “Tickpaw,” She whispered “I think you might have stumbled upon our new camp.”

Sparkstorm shook out his pelt and huffed, preparing himself before launching at the stone wall. He hit the wall with a thud and let out a little whimper. The inside wall didn’t move. “I guess that means the den’s stable.” Ashtail said with satisfaction. The cats had been exploring their new camp, and the caverns would make perfect dens, if the stone wasn’t in danger of being further eroded. But since Sparkstorm’s force didn’t make it budge, the den was deemed safe. “Please don’t hurt yourself.” Bumbleflight sighed from outside the den, voice muffled by a clump of moss he had in his jaws “I don’t want the first injury to be a dislocated shoulder, especially since we don’t have any herbs.” He mumbled something else, and continued his path. Ashtail chuckled and left the den with his friend. He saw many cats bustling around the camp, eagerly searching out and claiming areas of their new dens. Elmstream came from the direction of the tree with Blackbriar and Adderbreeze. “All of the cave dens are stable. The tree has a little hollowed portion big enough for a cat or two to sleep in it. I figured that would be the new leader’s den. The one to the right has another smaller cave branching off the back, it would make a perfect medicine den. The left one is too small to be a nursery, so it can be for the elders if any of us live that long.” She let out a laugh. “The one cave on that side is super big.” Ashtail told her with a smile “It’ll definitely be able to fit all of our warriors, current and future. The one opposite is the next largest one, so it’ll work best for the apprentices. That leaves the one next to it, which is the perfect size for a nursery.” Elmstream nodded happily. Ashtail tilted his head and watched as she scanned the new camp, taking in everything that was happening. His eyes moved past her to an outstretching branch from the tree, a perfect spot for holding Clan meetings. Smirking, he pushed past Elmstream and beckoned her to join him. The two clawed their way up to the sturdy branch, which easily held their weight. Ashtail cleared his throat. “Cats of BearClan.” He boomed “Please gather beneath the Great Tree for our first Clan meeting in our new camp.” Cats excitedly bustled over to him, settling quickly and eagerly waiting for him to start. “Since we’ve agreed to stay here and start our new life, Elmstream and I have decided that we should promote our next leader. After all, every strong clan needs a strong, but kind cat to lead them.” Elmstream nodded. “I have the perfect candidate. Of course, every cat should have a chance, but I have a feeling most of you will agree with me in saying that this cat has always shown strength, and has had the best interest for the clan in their heart since day one.” Ashtail nodded. “This cat has kept us safe since we left the island. And I know they will do a truly incredible job as leader.” Ashtail and Elmstream shared a glance and a smile, and looked down. They both opened their mouths. “Ashtail.” “Elmstream.” They said in unison. The she-cat furrowed her brow. “What?” She gasped, looking at her friend “Y-You want me to be leader?” Ashtail smiled “Not just me.” He meowed quietly, flicking his tail to the crowd. She looked at them and saw approving eyes looking back at you. The cats started to chant her name, showing their undeniable support in the idea that Elmstream should be the new leader. “Ashtail I-” She started, but the grey tom cut her off. “I know you think I’d be a better choice. I did too at first,” He admitted “But, you are so much better than I am. I’m too young, too inexperienced. You led us to this place.” Elmstream shook her head. “No, you helped me!” Ashtail chuckled. “I was following you. I may have aided, but I was doing what you told me, even if you didn’t tell me directly. You’re a good cat to follow, Elmstream, and you have to accept it. Please, be our leader.” Elmstream swallowed and looked down at the cats. She took a moment, and the clearing fell quiet. Taking a deep breath, she gave a small nod. “Okay.” She said quietly “I accept. But only if you become my deputy.” Ashtail beamed. “Elmstream, I would be honored.” They looked to the crowd and Ashtail took a deep breath. “Welcome, Elmstar, leader of BearClan!” He howled. The Clan rejoiced, shouting out her new name in a loud yowl of joy. Elmstream- no Elmstar looked down at her clan, a smile wide on her face. She turned to her deputy, and they made a silent, but firm promise. They would do all they could to protect BearClan, whatever it took, always.

[bearclan finds their new camp, and settle quickly]
[elmstream becomes the next leader, elmstar, and ashtail becomes her deputy]
[stormfang and squirrelheart try for kits]
[elmstar, tulipclaw, blackbriar, and swiftwind patrol]
[stormfang, burrwhisker, adderbreeze, and deerleap hunt]
[redfin, nightfur, ravencloud, and harriercoud hunt]
[sunpaw takes his final assessment]
[ashtail teaches owlpaw swimming ]
[stormfang teaches darkpaw swimming]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw climbing]
[hawksnow teaches ryepaw climbing]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw battle]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw hunting]
[harriercloud teaches mosspaw battle]
[hickorywind teaches applepaw batttle]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw hunting]
[deerleap teaches twigpaw hunting]
[elmstar becomes tickpaw's mentor]
[tulipclaw becomes butterflypaw's mentor]
[the clan consumes x4 mice and x2 squirrels]

elmstar, 41 m, ♀
ashtail, 27 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀

stormfang, 53 m, ♂
swiftwind, 44 m, ♂
nightfur, 41 m, ♂
hickorywind, 34, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 47 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 47 m, ♀
windfeather, 49 m, ♂
hollypounce, 34 m, ♀
hawksnow, 24 m, ♀
redfin, 47 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 25 m, ♂
badgergaze, 23 m, ♂
gorsewind, 19 m, ♀
bumbleflight, 43 m, ♂
ravencloud, 63 m, ♀
harriercloud, 44 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 18 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 18 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 29 m, ♀
deerleap, 61 m, ♀
grousecall, 59 m, ♀
nettlemist, 16 m, ♀
blackbriar, 47 m, ♀
shellpond, 15 m, ♀
silverdrop, 21 m, ♀
grassheart, 62 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sunpaw, 17 m, ♂
owlpaw, 12 m, ♂
darkpaw, 12 m, ♀
rainpaw, 10 m, ♂
ryepaw, 10 m, ♀
heronpaw, 8 m, ♂
piperkit, 8 m, ♀
mosspaw, 8 m, ♂
applepaw, 8 m, ♀
archpaw, 8 m, ♂
twigpaw, 10 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 6 m, ♀
tickpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 47, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 007
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 003
squirrel, two servings╶ 001
hare, three servings╶ 003
big fish, three servings╶ 001

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 49

Postby inky. » Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:00 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 042 xxx clan servings 008 xxx next starclan visit nowxxx next birth fognose (now) , squirrelheart (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find ricecub (mochi staff cat)

Elmstar nodded at Windfeather’s report. She had sent out a patrol in each direction of the camp, to better identify and record their new territory. The warrior had finished describing the moor to the northwest that led into a shadowy forest. The tom sat down, and Ashtail stood. “My patrol scented a clan boundary to the east. It’s in the north, and shouldn’t be a problem as long as we don’t intrude. Maybe we could even make them allies.” He reported. “I want everyone to be aware of this. Under no circumstances are you to go over the border, unless it’s an emergency, until we find out who lives there.” She ordered “I appreciate it, everyone. The camp is starting to really come together, and I’m glad we’ve scouted our future territory.” The cats below mumbled their agreement. Elmstar hadn’t received any of her nine lives yet, but she was already becoming a strong leader. It came naturally to her, as did respect for her to those in BearClan. “The next thing I want to talk about is our well-being.” She meowed from the branch “I’m not entirely sure how we traveled all this way without Minkblossom, but our days without a medicine cat are coming to a close. We need to build up a herb storage and start training as soon as possible. Now, I’m not sure who it will be. I’ll have to ask StarClan, but I’m sure they will send us someone soon.” Suddenly, a gust of wind swirled around the clearing, leaves from above the camp tumbled over the ledge and were gathered in a tornado-like circle. They fluttered around the clearing, taking the attention of everyone at the meeting. The wind began to die down, and eventually the leaves formed a clear, distinct circle around one cat in the crowd. The cat noticed and their eyes widened. He lifted a paw but others told him not to move. “Bumbleflight,” Harriercloud gasped “I think it’s a sign.” Gorsewind nodded. “From StarClan.” She added “I think they want you to be the next medicine cat.” Bumbleflight flattened his ears. “Or it’s just a very windy day, and some leaves were collected underneath trees.” Burrwhisker smiled. “I mean, you did help Heronpaw when he was feeling sick.” He pointed out. “And you helped me when I twisted my ankle.” His brother supported. Sparkstorm shrugged. “Maybe you are meant to be a medicine cat after all.” Bumbleflight swallowed. “I-I mean I’m not against the idea, my mother did teach me a bit of healing. But I don’t think I’m really qualified.” Ashtail approached the leaf circle. “You’re the most qualified out of all of us.” The deputy told him gently “It’s up to you of course, but I for one think you would make an astounding medicine cat.” Cats around him meowed their agreement and Elmstar nodded in approval. Bumbleflight chuckled nervously. “Okay,” He decided “I can try my best. Thanks, I think.” The crowd cheered for him, and Elmstar ended the meeting. She beckoned for the new medicine cat to meet her at the foot of the tree, and the rest of the cats went about their day.

Rainpaw slunk up to the two cats talking, scared to interrupt. His mentor noticed him before the leader. “Oh, hey Rainpaw.” Bumbleflight greeted. “H-Hey Bumbleflight. I wanted to talk to you about my training.” Elmstar’s eyes widened. “Oh, that’s right!” She gasped “We need to assign you a new mentor!” Rainpaw shook his head. “A-Actually I wanted him to stay as my mentor.” He explained. Bumbleflight shook his head. “I would love to, buddy. But I’m going to be a medicine cat.” The apprentice tilted his head. “I know.” He meowed “I’ve been thinking about it since we left, and I think I want to be trained as a medicine cat. I want to help cats who are sick.” The two adults shared a glance, and nodded. “Alright,” Elmstar meowed “I call on my StarClan ancestors to watch over Bumbleflight and Rainpaw as they make their journey of becoming medicine cats.”


Shrewclaw swallowed a bite of his meal. Licking his lips, he saw his mother approach him, a large smile on her face. Squirrelheart settled beside him and licked her son’s cheek. “What’s up?” Shrewclaw asked, confused as to why she was sitting next to him. “Is a mother not allowed to spend time with her son?” She chuckled. The tom shrugged, giving a small smile. “You just haven’t been talking to anyone besides dad lately. Is everything alright?” Squirrelheart purred. “Everything’s more than alright.” She beamed “I came to tell you something. Stormfang and I are expecting kits!” Shrewclaw raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Oh, that’s great!” He meowed “Congratulations.” He flicked an ear and returned to eating. Squirrelheart’s smile faltered. “You don’t seem excited.” Shrewclaw looked at her. “Should I be?” He asked “I mean, they’re your kits.” Squirrelheart flattened her ears. “They’re your siblings.” The tom shook his head and ate another bite. “My siblings are dead.” He said plainly. The mother stood to her paws. “That’s not my fault. I’m having these kits, because I need a family.” Shrewclaw wrinkled his nose. “You have a family. Me. I’m still alive, but you don’t seem to notice it.” Squirrelheart sighed. “You don’t know what it’s like, watching your kits die.” Shrewclaw looked up at her. “So they’re replacements?” He pressed. She shook her head. “No.” She said firmly “They’re not. But they’re still my children. And I will love them. I can have as many kits as I please.” She lashed her tail and stormed away to the nursery. Shrewclaw sighed and shook his head. He used to idolize his parents, but they never seemed to care about him after his littermates died. But he stopped focusing on it. He didn’t need them, he had enough friends in BearClan to talk to. He shrugged and went back to his meal.


Hawksnow looked up through the bare branches that clawed at the sky. “It’s really beautiful here, isn’t it?” She sighed, looking at her companion. Ashtail nodded. “I’m glad to be deputy, it means I get to explore every bit of the territory.” Hawksnow purred. “I’m glad we found a home!” She chuckled “Finding random hollows was getting a bit old.” Ashtail shared her laugh and nodded. “Several cats are settled in already. I heard Badgernose and Gorsewind are mates now. And Stormfang and Squirrelheart are expecting kits.” He told her “Uh, speaking of which, I came out here to ask you something.” Hope pounded in Hawksnow’s chest. She tried to shove it away. Why would he ask her to be his mate? Yes, that was the topic they were on, but still, why? “Look, Hawksnow.” Ashtail sighed, sitting down “You’re an amazing she-cat. I feel like I can tell you anything. I trust you more than anyone, and you’ve been with me since the beginning. You stayed with me no matter what, and, well, it’s been such an honor getting to know you. This may be a bit sudden, but...well I guess I’ll just say it.” He took a deep breath. “I love you, Hawksnow. I have for a while now. W-Would you want to be my mate...possibly?” He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for her rejection, but Hawksnow’s eyes widened in surprise. Not at the fact that he had asked her, but the fact that this was actually happening. She bit her tongue to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, and took a deep breath. “Ashtail,” She sighed “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that. I love you too, always have and always will. Ever since we were apprentices, I’ve been so head over paws for you. Thunderstone would always tease me about it, but I knew you were a good cat. My feelings for you have only grown stronger. I wasn’t sure how to tell you, and I guess I’m like the others, I didn’t want to rush into anything until we found a stable home. But now that we have, Ashtail, I would love nothing more than to be your mate. You are the only tom I would ever dream of having a family with.” A tear slipped down her cheek as she beamed lovingly at her mate. Ashtail smiled back and nuzzled her firmly. “I love you, Hawksnow.” He whispered, licking her ear.” Hawksnow took a deep breath and let the scene set in. She was mates with the love of her life, and she was his. “I love you too, Ashtail.”


Elmstar walked with her medicine cat. Bumbleflight had asked her to accompany him herb collecting for the first time. She had agreed, and now they were walking through a peaceful grove of oak trees. The setting sun created beautiful rays of golden floating through the dusky forest. Elmstar sighed. She sent up a prayer to StarClan. She was truly thankful that BearClan had found their new territory. It had been a long few moons, but now they could finally settle, and maybe even rebuild their once strong group. Suddenly, a firefly lit up in front of her face. “Bumbleflight look!” She gasped “It’s a firefly!” The medicine cat chuckled. “Yes, yes it is.” He purred “Very observant.” More bulbs of light started to illuminate a path winding through the trees, leading towards a mountain. Elmstar looked to her companion and raised her eyebrows. “I think they want us to follow them.” She whispered “Look, they're making a trail.” Bumbleflight tilted his head. “Or they’re just being fireflies and flying.” He meowed. Elmstream gave him a smile and started walking. “You know, if you’re going to be a medicine cat, you need to be more open to the idea of signs from StarClan.” She flicked her tail and followed the trail dutifully. The medicine cat had no choice but to scoff good-humoredly and trail behind her.

Elmstar had been right. The fireflies were, in fact, leading them to a special place. Elmstar shook her paws as they reached a flat area. She looked behind her at the ramp that they had traveled up the mountain on. They now were at the top, even though Bumbleflight had needed a few breaks along the way. The peak wasn’t a typical point. There was a flat ledge, and a cave entrance, that was inside the pointy top. The cave mouth was an inky black wall, not revealing anything that was inside. A firefly blinked over Elmstar’s head, and drifted into the darkness. Bumbleflight took a step forward, but a group of the bugs flew in front of him, blocking his path. Elmstar would have to go in alone. She swallowed and gave a confident nod to her medicine cat, and disappeared into the shadowy opening. After a few moments of walking, she came to the wide cave. Looking up, she noticed that moonlight was flooding in from a hole in the top of the peak. She followed the stream of light and her gaze came to rest on a glowing slab of stone. It sparkled, like the stars were contained in one singular rock. Her instinct told her to go to it, so she did. Her eyes grew wider as she grew closer. Eventually, she pressed her nose to the cold rock and fell into a deep sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she was laying in a dark field, but she could see perfectly. The grass underneath her was black, but the sky above her was ablaze with starlight. Looking around, she noticed a figure sitting a few foxlengths away from her. She jumped to her feet and opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the figure turned around. “Ah, you found us.” He meowed happily “We had bets on whether or not you would follow the fireflies. Dunewing owes me two mice now.” Elmstar tilted her head. As the cat got closer, recognition sparked in her. It was Wasppaw, the apprentice Otterfur had pushed off the ledge to prove his loyalty to Viperstar. She was in StarClan. “It’s good to see you here, Elmstar.” Wasppaw sighed. “A-Am I dead?” She choked “Did the stone kill me somehow?” Wasppaw let out a huff of amusement. “No, silly, you’re not dead. Quite the opposite actually. And the stone has special powers. Very complex, so I won’t get into details but in short, it’s a gateway to this realm.” Elmstar blinked in mild understanding. “So if I’m not dead,” She continued “Why am I here?” Wasppaw smiled knowingly at her. “Every leader needs nine lives.” He explained “You’re here to receive yours.” Elmstar’s eyes widened. “O-Oh!” She gasped “When do they start?” The tom chuckled. “Now.” He meowed, stepping forward “I’m here to give you your first life; a life of forgiveness. At first, I was furious at Otterfur for my death. But after a while, I realized he didn’t mean to be cruel or a murderer. He thought what he was doing was right, and deep down he’s a good cat. Forgiveness is key. You have to learn to love your enemies and give second chances. No cat is perfect, and mistakes are needed for growth. So, Elmstar, your first life will be filled with the ability to forgive, but not necessarily forget.” Wasppaw leaned forward and touched his nose to her forehead. An electric wave shot through Elmstar’s body, traveling through each nerve and hair. It was painful, but fully liberating. She could feel the power running through her. After the wave subsided, she opened her eyes, but Wasppaw had already gone.
In his place stood a smaller she-cat, still an apprentice. The leader didn’t recognize her at first, but soon she let out a reverent sigh. “Hello Elmstar.” Cherrypaw greeted, trying to hide her wide smile “I’m glad BearClan stayed together after the attack. It’s good to know that our home stays strong.” Elmstar nodded, unsure of what to say. “I’m here to give you a life of loyalty. When Thistlepaw went to explore the cave, I knew I couldn’t let him go alone. Even though it cost me my life, I was loyal to my brother. This life is to help you stay dedicated to your clan; to put them first, even if it means sacrifice...but not to a bear, okay? Let’s not repeat that.” The two she-cats shared a laugh and Cherrypaw touched her forehead. Another shockwave jolted through the leader, but it subsided once more, and Cherrypaw was gone.
A brown tabby cat was standing in front of the leader. Elmstar recognized her instantly. “Minkblossom!” She gasped. The medicine cat dipped her head and beamed widely at the leader. “It’s good to see you Elmstar. You’ve come so far.” She purred “I’m here to give you a life of confidence and stubbornness, one of standing firm in your beliefs. It might have taken a while, but we eventually stood up to Viperstar, some of us dying in the process. I don’t want BearClan to lose that determination. Stay true to yourself, Elmstar. If you believe something is right and good for the Clan, go for it without hesitation.” The she-cat nodded and closed her eyes as Minkblossom touched her nose to her forehead. The shock was still vibrant, but Elmstar was getting used to the strength, and was able to grit her teeth and take it. She murmured a quiet thank you to Minkblossom, and the starry cat bid her farewell.
A rounder cat was next. It was Rosemist, Burrwhisker and Sparkstorm’s mother. She looked graceful and filled with purpose. The wounds and scrapes of after the bear fight were fully healed, and she looked sleek. “Hello, Elmstar.” She greeted dutifully “I won’t drag on this process longer than I need to. I’m here to give you a life of confidence. When I found out what Otterfur did, I was sure of what I had to do. I cut him off from my kits. I never regretted it. You need to make sure you don’t regret your decisions either. I know you have received a life of forgiveness, but you need to also realize not to give everyone a second chance to hurt you. Be smart, and be decisive.” The StarClan cat leaned forward to award the leader her life.
Next was a very familiar face. Elmstar smiled as the tom approached her. “Ah, hello Cindertail.” She murmured. The tom walked strongly towards her. His limp was gone, as were his other injuries, and he looked like a healthy young warrior. “Hello, Elmstar.” He purred “I’ve been watching you lead with my son. I think you two will make a great team.” Elmstar dipped her head. “Ashtail was the obvious choice for deputy.” Cindertail smiled broadly at her. “You’ve been so resilient since you were young. My life is for you to keep that virtue. When I was injured, I didn’t let it keep me from being the best warrior I could be. Sure, it might have led to my demise, but I think never giving up is a valuable trait either way. Keep that resilience, and build it up within each of your clanmates. Teach them to never give up.” He bent down and gave her his life.
Elmstar was not expecting the next cat, or kit. The small ginger tom came bouncing up to her. The leader felt guilt spread at the lack of recognition. “It’s okay.” The small kit smiled, hearing her thoughts “Not many people remember me. I’m Flickerkit, Ashtail and Lilypaw’s brother. I never got to live, but I always watched all the new kits born. It’s really hopeful to see the new generations grow up. I’ve seen so many of BearClan’s warriors throughout their lives, including you! My life is a life of hope. I want you to remain hopeful for the future.” Elmstar nodded to the small kit, and dipped her head so he could reach her head. After he transferred a life, he remained for a moment. “Promise you’ll keep Ashtail safe, okay?” She promised, and the little kit faded.
She received her next two lives from Wisteriawind and Weaselfur, for compassion and courage.
Elmstar had seen many familiar faces, but she did not expect to see two of the most well-known. She was surprised enough to see two cats at once, but when they became clear, she almost burst into tears. It was her parents, Batfur and Quailthroat. She wanted to burst forward to meet them, but she was stuck in her spot. Tears rolled down her cheeks. They walked gracefully to her, and embraced her with strong love. “Hello, darling.” Quailthroat purred. Batfur licked his daughter’s ear. “It’s alright, sweet heart. Dry those tears. You’re a leader now.” Quailthroat flicked her mate gently with her tail. “She can still have emotions.” She took a step back and examined her daughter. “Look at you, Elmstar!” She breathed “You’ve become so beautiful. I know you’ll be an amazing leader.” Batfur nodded in agreement. “We’re so proud of you. You and Nightfur.” Elmstar sniffed. “It’s not the same without you.” She said quietly. “I know.” They said in unison. Quailthroat stepped forward. “But you have to stay strong. Our life is one of love. You are the mother of the clan now, and you must love each and every cat like your own family.” She meowed. “Protect them with your life, and treat each cat with kindness.” They both leaned forward to bestow their gift. The leader yearned to spend more time with her parents, but they faded swiftly with a fond look.
She had received eight lives. One more to go, and she didn’t know what to expect. Definitely not who it was. Elmstar blinked at the tall tom as he strutted forward. In life, she had only known him as a skinny pile of hollow bones, but now Slatestar was muscular, well groomed, and content. “Welcome, Elmstar.” The former leader dipped his head respectfully with a small smile “It’s nice to see you as my true successor. I am here to give you your ninth and final life. A life of leadership. It’s my hope that you will have more success than I did in running the Clan smoothly. I would never wish for history to repeat itself, but if it does, with this life I give you the skill to deal with it like a true leader.” He pressed his nose to the new leader and her final life surged through her. “You are now a fully recognized leader of BearClan. May you be prosperous and loved, and know that StarClan always watches over you.” He dipped his head in farewell and Elmstar was thrown back from the dark clearing. The leader jolted awake. Her eyes snapped open and she huffed, feeling the new life swirl within her. She looked at the stone, which was still glowing. She couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but the moon was still shining brightly, so it couldn’t have been long. Elmstar saw her reflection in the clear rock, noticing a small blaze of lighter fur on her forehead. She smiled and got up, shaking the chill from her pelt, and returning to Bumbleflight outside, a full leader of BearClan.

[elmstar asks starclan for a young warrior]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw become bearclan's medicine cats]
[ashtail and hawksnow become mates]
[badgernose and gorsewind become mates]
[fognose goes into labor. bumbleflight assists, using x2 chervil. these herbs were gained out of the generous solyn gifting them to me. proof]
[elmstar, redfin, shrewclaw, and silverdrop patrol]
[deerleap, hickorywind, hollypounce, and grassheart hunt]
[blackbriar, sunstomp, harriercloud, and nettlemist hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw basic herbs]
[owlpaw takes his final assessment]
[stormfang teaches darkpaw swimming]
[hawksnow teaches ryepaw stealth]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw battle]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw hunting]
[harriercloud teaches mosspaw climbing]
[hickorywind teaches applepaw climbing]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw battle]
[deerleap teaches twigpaw battle]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw hunting]
[tulipclaw teaches butterflypaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x4 small fish]

elmstar, 42 m, ♀
ashtail, 28 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 44 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 11 m, ♂

stormfang, 54 m, ♂
swiftwind, 45 m, ♂
nightfur, 42 m, ♂
hickorywind, 35, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 48 m, ♀
windfeather, 50 m, ♂
hollypounce, 35 m, ♀
hawksnow, 25 m, ♀
redfin, 48 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 26 m, ♂
badgergaze, 24 m, ♂
gorsewind, 20 m, ♀
ravencloud, 64 m, ♀
harriercloud, 45 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 19 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 19 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 30 m, ♀
deerleap, 62 m, ♀
grousecall, 60 m, ♀
nettlemist, 17 m, ♀
blackbriar, 48 m, ♀
shellpond, 16 m, ♀
silverdrop, 22 m, ♀
grassheart, 63 m, ♀
sunstomp, 18 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

owlpaw, 13 m, ♂
darkpaw, 13 m, ♀
ryepaw, 11 m, ♀
heronpaw, 9 m, ♂
piperkit, 9 m, ♀
mosspaw, 9 m, ♂
applepaw, 9 m, ♀
archpaw, 9 m, ♂
twigpaw, 11 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 7 m, ♀
tickpaw, 7 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 48, ♀
squirrelheart, 48 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 007
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 000
squirrel, two servings╶ 003
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 001

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 50

Postby inky. » Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:39 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 049 xxx clan servings 009 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth squirrelheart (1), hawksnow (2), gorsewind (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find ricecub (mochi staff cat)

Fognose nuzzled her mate as he looked proudly down at their newborn kits. “You did so wonderful.” Swiftwind purred “All of you are so wonderful. I love you so much.” He licked her cheek and Fognose purred loudly. After so many moons of endless longing, she finally had the mate and family of her dreams. “We should name them.” She whispered. Swiftwind swallowed and lifted a shaky paw. “I’ve always wanted my son to be named Toadkit, after my father.” He suggested sheepishly “Of course, we don’t have to, but I think it’d be nice.” Fognose grinned broadly at him. “I think Toadkit is a wonderful name, my dear.” She bent down to give their only son a lick on the head. His black ear twitched at the contact and his white spots shifted as he snuggled closer to Fognose. She looked to the next kit, the brown tabby she-kit, and let out a little giggle. “She looks like a little bean.” She observed. Swiftwind agreed, and Beankit was named. The grey tabby she-kit reminded Swiftwind of a snail he had met earlier in his life. When he was a kit, he was exploring and tripped over a snail with a grey swirly shell. Snailkit was welcomed with a loving lick as well. The grey and white she-kit caused a bit more thinking. “Wisteriakit?” Fognose suggested. Swiftwind shook his head. “That doesn’t feel right. What about Cloudkit?” The queen tilted her head. “She’s not light enough for that.” She looked out of the nursery, and saw a little stem peeking over the lip of the hollow. A raindrop rolled down its leaves and landed on Owlshade’s head, much to his dismay. Fognose giggled, and recognized the plant instantly. “What about Mintkit?” She smiled. Swiftwind looked down at her, and she reciprocated his mate’s smile. “That’s perfect.” He purred, and nuzzled Fognose once more. He nuzzled each of his kits in turn, and looked upon his family with bright, proud eyes. “I’m so happy, Fognose. I don’t know why I didn’t ask you to become my mate sooner, but that doesn’t matter now. Thank you for these kits, I adore every single one, and I promise I will always protect them.” Fognose chuckled at his speech. “You’re so sweet, Swiftwind. I love you.” The two cats nuzzled each other once more, and Swiftwind curled around Fognose, resting his chin on her flank, and watching his newborn kits squirm against their mother.


“Does his nest have to be next to mine?” Butterflypaw scoffed. The apprentices were making final arrangements for their new den, and Tickpaw had placed his ball of moss next to hers. “He’s so scrawny, and Grassheart always said that scrawny cats get sick easier. I don’t want to catch anything.” Tickpaw flattened his ears in shame and picked up his bundle, walking over to where Piperpaw was setting up her nest. Heronpaw scoffed. “He’s scrawny because your mother overfed you, and abandoned him.” He said calmly, eyes still fixed on the moss he was trying to flatten. Mosspaw blinked at his brother’s words, and silently kept his eyes down. “Excuse me?” Butterflypaw squealed “How dare you! Grassheart didn’t abandon him, he rejected us.” Piperpaw lashed her tail. “Is that what she told you?” She spat “Of course she did. She doesn’t want precious little Butterflypaw to feel sad.” The apprentice opened and closed her mouth. “You’re just jealous that my mom loves me so much.” She scoffed. She stuck her nose in the air and returned to sorting out her nest. Piperpaw rolled her eyes. “Our mother loves us. She just doesn’t spoil us. There’s a difference.” She said firmly. Butterflypaw flicked an ear. “Why are you all bullying me like this?” She wailed. “I mean, it is technically true.” Applepaw murmured, and Archpaw agreed. “She kicked him out of her nest when he was born.” He added. “Why would she do that?” Butterflypaw interjected. “Because she thought he was a parasite.” Darkpaw sighed. The oldest apprentice had been oddly quiet since she had failed her assessment and her brother passed. “He was ‘a burden’.” She finished and rolled over. “Well, she probably had good reason.” She giggled “I mean look at him!” Tickpaw shuffled his paws. He was lanky, and his ribs showed at the back, but he was just lithe. He had some muscle, but he hadn’t been training long enough for it to show. He had large ears, but Elmstar had assured him that it was a positive thing for good hunting. Piperpaw stepped in front of her friend. “It’s not like he’d want to sleep next to a pig like you, anyways.” She spat “Come on, Tickpaw, you can set up your nest by mine.” The topic was instantly dropped as Tickpaw happily formed his nest next to Piperpaw’s and Butterflypaw stomped away in a huff, probably to go cry to Grassheart. Tickpaw didn’t mind, though. Hardly anyone noticed her absence, except for that there was a comfortable silence that replaced her loud wailing.


Twigpaw bounced along the path. She and Ryepaw had gotten permission from their mentors to explore the area close to camp. Once she had joined BearClan, she and Ryepaw got off an instant friendship. When Twigpaw revealed that she was attracted to she-cats, she expected Ryepaw to abandon her, like her parents did. Instead, Ryepaw fully supported her, and the two grew closer from it. “Someone looks happy.” The golden she-cat observer. Twigpaw hummed. “So, tell me moreClan legends! I heard about the bear, so what happened after Ashtail formed his group?” She asked curiously. She had fallen in love with the lore of the Clan, even if she hadn’t been there to experience it, and wanted to know every story. “Well,” Ryepaw sighed “He killed a lot of cats. Rumor says he even drowned his own kits, Owlshade and Darkpaw’s littermates. Then, towards the end, he got really nasty. He, uh, killed Redpaw. That’s Nightfur’s son, Nettlemist’s brother. It was really sad. Mink blossom tried to stop him, but he killed her too. That’s why Bumbleflight is the first medicine cat in a while.” Twigpaw nodded. “That’s awful. There are some things I’m glad I missed.” She sighed. “Why are you so interested in our history, anyways?” Ryepaw asked. Her friend shrugged. “Dunno.” Twigpaw admitted “I’ve always liked stories. My papa used to tell me amazing ones! Like one time her went swimming all the way across the lake!” She purred. Her ears lowered and her cheeks grew red. “P-Plus I’m meeting a friend tomorrow, and I want to have some cool stories for her.” Ryepaw’s interest was peaked. “Oh?” She meowed slyly “What friend is this?” Twigpaw sighed in adoration. “Her name is Cigüepaw.” She purred “I’ve only met her once, but I really like her already.” Ryepaw flicked her friend’s shoulder with her tail. “Look at you!” The apprentice squealed “I’m so proud! I hope everything goes well! Let me know how it goes?” Twigpaw giggled and pressed her forehead to her friends. “Of course.” She meowed “I’ll tell you everything.” The two she-cats shared a moment of closeness, and continued their walk.


Owlshade felt weird. It was odd not having a nest close to his sister. They had never truly been separated, but now they were on different sides of the hollow. The sky had been grey and a bit overcast, and had made a chilly morning, but this was Owlshade’s favorite weather. After his assault by a raindrop, he had found a comfortable spot to take in the air and the nice brisk feeling it gave his bones, enjoying the world through half-lidded eyes. His trance was disturbed by a nudge. “Good morning, new warrior!” Ravencloud purred. Owlshade licked his mother’s cheek and purred, moving over to make room for her to sit. “Mornin’ Ravencloud.” He greeted “I feel like we haven’t talked in a while.” The she-cat nodded. “I agree.” She sighed longingly “I miss my kits. I hope your sister doesn’t take the news too bad. Lots of cats fail their first time, it’s nothing to be worried about. I remember Darkmask failed, like, five times.” Owlshade blinked. “That’s a lot! I might tell her that later, to make her feel better.” His eyes moved back to the apprentice’s den “I think she misses me.” Ravencloud chuckled. “Makes sense.” She agreed “You two were always the best of friends, attached at the hip even.” She nuzzled her son. “I’m proud of you, Owlshade. I know that you will be a great, loyal warrior. Always remember, blood doesn’t make you. Just because you’re his son doesn’t mean that you’re destined to be like him.” Sunstomp called out the she-cats name and she nodded. “I have to go on patrol, but we’ll share a meal when I get back, okay?” Owlshade nodded and smiled as his mother licked his ear before scurrying away. As he watched her leave, her words lingered in his mind. He would be lying if he wasn’t thinking about his heritage. Viperstar was his father, and a terrible cat. There were several instances in his life where he would receive uneasy looks and could pick up on cats whispering about him. He didn’t let the others see it, but it bothered him inside, and he could tell it bothered Darkpaw too. The approach of another cat interrupted his thoughts. “Oh, hey Ryepaw.” He purred. Ryepaw rubbed against his shoulder and reciprocated his purr. The two had grown closer during their training. Rainpaw had teased his sister constantly and, though she would never admit it, he was right about her having a crush on the young black tom. “So,” She pressed excitedly, “What’s it like being a warrior?” Owlshade chuckled. “Not that different than an apprentice, actually. It sorta feels weird not training in the morning. I did go on my first patrol, though, and that was pretty interesting.” Ryepaw absorbed all of this information with wide eyes. She couldn’t wait to become a warrior. She only had a few more lessons to pass, but impatience itched at her pelt. Owlshade saw her eagerness and flicked her playfully with his tail. “Don’t worry,” He promised, “I’ll save a spot for your nest next to mine.” He gave his friend a wink and didn’t notice the bright pink blush that crawled up her face. “S-Sounds great.” She choked out, looking over her shoulder. Embarrassment clung to her pelt and she needed to get out of there. “H-Hey I think Blackbriar’s calling me. She’s my new mentor and wanted to get out early. I’ll see you around.” Ryepaw didn’t wait for his reply and scurried quickly to where Blackbriar was sitting by the camp entrance, leaving Owlshade to look after her and wonder if he had said something wrong.


Tulipclaw groomed Grousecall’s neck. The two nursery helpers had stepped outside to give Fognose, Swiftwind and their new family some space. Tulipclaw had just returned from her training session with Butterflypaw. The young she-cat was definitely a pawful, but with some gentle reprimanding, she had been focused enough to somewhat perfect her hunting crouch. Butterflypaw being her first apprentice, Tulipclaw didn’t expect to teach the skills perfectly, but if things continued the same way, the young cat would be a fine warrior. Now, rhytmically lapping at her friend’s fur was sootheing. But she almost choked when she saw Elmstar walk through the entrance. It wasn’t the leader that caught her attention, or even one of the new cats. It was the other one. The large, fluffy, absolutely gorgeous she-cat that walked next to her. Tulipclaw felt her heart pound in her chest as Elmstar introduced the cat as Ricecub. Grousecall let out a purr of laughter. “Fancy the new warrior, do we?” She said coyly. Tulipclaw snapped her gaze to her companion. She swallowed. “W-What?” She asked hoarsely “N-No, of course not.” She rose to her paws and looked down to avoid showing her blush to her clanmates, and dissapeared into the warrior’s den. Grousecall chuckled and returned to her grooming.


Bumbleflight tilted his head as he attempted to sort his herbs. He had finished digging a few holes in the side of his den wall, trying to form suitable storage compartments. He was happy when someone cleared their throat to interrupt him. It was Harriercloud, peaking in cautiously. “You can come in.” The medicine cat chuckled and the she-cat nervously sat down. “Where’s Rainpaw?” She asked. “Deerleap took him hunting.” He responded simply. She only nodded and a few moments passed in silence before Bumbleflight opened his jaw. “So what can I help you with?” Harriercloud took a deep breath. “Bumbleflight, I...I think I love you.” She murmured “I know you’re a medicine cat now, but you can still have a mate and kits, and I was wondering...if you’d possibly consider being mine?” She squeezed her eyes tightly and waited for rejection. But it didn’t come. In fact, Bumbleflight was just staring at her in utter shock. “Harriercloud…” he whispered “Look, you’re a great she-cat but I just don’t think of you that way. I’m so sorry, but I’m just not mate material.” Harriercloud’s heart shattered. She started to shake and her eyes grew watery. “Oh.” She meowed “I-I see. Sorry for bothering you.” She hung her head in defeat and turned to leave but Bumbleflight stopped her. “Wait.” He pleaded “I’m sorry I can’t be your mate. But I’ve always wanted to be a father. If it’s alright with you, I’d love to father your kits. I just...I can’t be a good mate to you. I’m sorry.” Harriercloud smiled, some hope restored. “Bumbleflight I would love that.” She licked his forehead and nodded “Let’s just...keep this between us okay?” The medicine cat agreed to her terms, and watched as she exited the den, shock still clinging to him.


The medicine cat staggered to his nest. Rainpaw had been dead asleep for a few hours now, but Bumbleflight had to do late night check ups on the queens and kits, as well as checking Hickorywind for signs of a cold. Everyone was fine, but the tom’s energy was completely zapped. He flopped down into his nest and curled up tightly in a ball. He had agreed to take on the task of being a medicine cat, because he thought he knew the basics. Great StarClan was he wrong. The tom knew basic things, but he truly was clueless for others. He didn’t know how he would learn, and he was convinced he would let the clan down at some point. Heaving a great sigh, he closed his eyes and let sleep capture him. But he regained his vision rather quickly. He was standing in a flowery field, and a single figure was waiting in the middle. He squinted to get a better look, and was surprised at who he recognized. “Minkblossom?” He called out. The former medicine cat turned around and grinned at him. “I heard you needed a mentor. Come closer, your training begins now.”

[harriercloud and bumbleflight try for kits, but do not stay mates]
[elmstar, owlshade, tulipclaw, and adderbreeze patrol]
[nightfur, sunstomp, ravencloud, and sparkstorm hunt]
[hickorywind, deerleap, shrewclaw, and swiftwind hunt]
[blackbriar, chestnutstripe, brambleglow, and windfeather hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw herb storage]
[darkpaw takes her final assessment]
[blackbriar teaches ryepaw swimming]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw battle]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw battle]
[harriercloud teaches mosspaw stealth]
[hickorywind teaches applepaw stealth]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw climbing]
[deerleap teaches twigpaw climbing]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw hunting]
[tulipclaw teaches butterflypaw battle]
[the clan consumes x4 squirrel and x1 mouse]

elmstar, 43 m, ♀
ashtail, 29 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 45 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 12 m, ♂

stormfang, 55 m, ♂
swiftwind, 46 m, ♂
nightfur, 43 m, ♂
hickorywind, 36, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 49 m, ♀
windfeather, 51 m, ♂
hollypounce, 36 m, ♀
redfin, 49 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 27 m, ♂
badgergaze, 25 m, ♂
ravencloud, 65 m, ♀
harriercloud, 46 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 20 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 20 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 31 m, ♀
deerleap, 63 m, ♀
grousecall, 61 m, ♀
nettlemist, 18 m, ♀
blackbriar, 49 m, ♀
shellpond, 17 m, ♀
silverdrop, 23 m, ♀
grassheart, 64 m, ♀
sunstomp, 19 m, ♂
owlshade, 14 m, ♂
brackenglow, 23 m, ♀
ricecub, 32 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 21 m, ♂♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

darkpaw, 14 m, ♀
ryepaw, 12 m, ♀
heronpaw, 10 m, ♂
piperkit, 10 m, ♀
mosspaw, 10 m, ♂
applepaw, 10 m, ♀
archpaw, 10 m, ♂
twigpaw, 12 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 8 m, ♀
tickpaw, 8 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 49 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 49 m, ♀
gorsewind, 21 m, ♀
hawksnow, 26 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintkit, 1 m, ♀
toadkit, 1 m, ♂
beankit, 1 m, ♀
snailkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 006
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 001
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 002

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 51

Postby inky. » Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:03 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 049 xxx clan servings 009 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth squirrelheart (now!), hawksnow (1), gorsewind (1), harriercloud (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Shellcloud looked longingly at the nursery. She could see Fognose and Swiftwind taking her kits outside for the first time. Toadkit was sprinting in front of his father, but face-planted and clung to Swiftwind’s leg for the rest of the experience. She let out a purr and didn’t move her gaze until Sparkstorm came to lay next to her. He was carrying a small rabbit for them to share. The tom nuzzled his mate and nestled beside Shellcloud. “Good morning, sunshine.” He purred, licking her cheek. She smiled longingly at him and moved to take a bite from the prey. Sparkstorm tilted his head. “What’s wrong, my love?” He asked, concerned. Shellcloud let out a sigh. “Nothing new, just longing for kits again.” Sparkstorm nodded. “I know,” he sighed “We just have a few more moons left to wait.” The she-cat rolled her eyes. “Why do we have to wait?” She grumbled. “Because I’ve heard stories about she-cats who have had kits too young.” He explained gently “It rarely goes well, and the thought of losing you...I just...I just don’t want to take any risks.” He swallowed the lump rising in his throat. Shellcloud saw the emotion in his eyes and snuggled closer to him, pushing her forehead against his chin. He was tall even laying down, but Shellcloud felt safe when he circled her. “I know.” She purred, letting his scent wash over her “I’m sorry, I’m just really excited.” The tom licked his mate’s forehead. “I know.” He agreed “Besides, the nursery is crowded lately and since our kits are going to be the strongest and biggest, they’ll need plenty of room.” Shellcloud giggled. “I can’t wait to meet them. I wonder what they’ll be like. I hope they’ll be good.” Sparkstorm chuckled. “They’ll be amazing. You know why?” He asked, causing Shellcloud to look at him with curiosity. He leaned close and pressed his head to her muzzle. “Because they’ll have you as a mother. And of course, I’ll be a pretty cool dad.” The two shared a laugh and returned to their eating. After a few moments, Shellcloud started a new conversation. “How’s Burrwhisker?” She asked, chewing a mouthful of rabbit. Sparkstorm swallowed and shrugged. “Well, considering he made fun of me yesterday for hitting my head on the entrance to the warriors' den, I’d say pretty normal.” He recounted. His brother had been trapped under a falling tree during the camp fire, and his leg was permanently damaged as a result. His injury hadn’t dampered his personality, and though he limped around, he limped with a smile. “He was talking about how he and Brambleglow had gotten on quickly.” He remembered. Shellcloud smirked. “Do you think there’s something there?” She asked cheekily. Sparkstorm chuckled, but shook his head. “Nah.” He meowed “He’s not one for romancing. Though I’m sure he’ll be a good uncle one day.” Shellcloud giggled at the wink her mate gave her, and the two returned to eating and relaxing in the sun.


Squirrelheart was close to kitting, Stormfang knew it. She was slightly larger than when they had their first litter so many moons ago, but Bumbleflight couldn’t tell how many kits she would have exactly. He looked out from his position beside her. The grey tom spotted Adderflight and Windfeather walking side by side through the clearing. Jealousy bit at his heart and he tore his eyes away. He still couldn’t believe that she had taken another mate. Stormfang turned to Hawksnow, the daughter no one knew was his, who was also residing in the nursery. It felt odd, that his second litter and his grandkits would be arriving only a few moons apart, but he had tried to distance himself from Adderbreeze’s family since Squirrelheart’s kits were born. Occasionally, he thought back to the day where Adderbreeze broke it off with him, telling him to go with her sister. At first he was heartbroken, but now he and Squirrelheart were true mates. Some might say they had grown bitter together, and they wouldn’t exactly be wrong. The two cats’ past zeal and energy had been zapped and degraded by several moons of mishap, and now the two were the Clan’s resident ‘sour grapes’. Stormfang looked to Squirrelheart, who was grooming her swollen belly in her nest. “I can’t wait to see our family grow.” She purred. Stormfang nodded. He knew Squirrelheart only wanted more kits to replace those she had lost, which was fine with him. He had other motives, however. His gaze moved back to Adderbreeze. He hoped this litter would give her the same jealousy that he felt in his heart. Windfeather didn’t want kits, and Adderbreeze would have to grow up lonely, knowing that Stormfang had accepted Squirrelheart and not her. These kits would prove that he had moved on. And he hoped that fact would grind her heart to dust.


Shrewclaw bristled at the nursery. Silverdrop nudged him. “What’s wrong?” She murmured “Aren’t you glad your siblings are coming soon?” The tom glared at her. “Those aren’t my real siblings. My littermates are all dead, and nothing can change that fact.” The she-cat looked sympathetically at him. “I know what it’s like, Shrewclaw.” She sighed “My brother was hit by a monster when I was younger. My twolegs were never the same, and I wasn’t either. You just have to accept it and use it to move on.” Shrewclaw lashed his tail, ignoring her advice. “Squirrelheart is just a kit-crazed old badger.” He convinced himself “She’s trying to replace them, I know it. She hadn’t talked to me since we left the island, you know that?” His gaze snapped to his companion “After my sister died in the fire. She acted like all of her kits were gone, even though I was still here. All I wanted was her love, and she acts like I don’t even exist most of the time.” He flattened his ears and glared at the nursery. “It’s okay, though, because I’m not too fond of them either.” Silverdrop sighed and pressed her shoulder against his. She opened her mouth to comfort him, but Shrewclaw growled at her. “Why do you always hang around me like a lost dog?” He snapped, standing up abruptly “Don’t you have other friends you can go bother.” He lashed his tail, flicking her cheek, and sulked away to the river to clear his head. Silverdrop watched him with hurt in her eyes. She knew he was just upset, but his words still hurt. She knew for a fact that Shrewclaw wasn’t the most popular cat in the Clan. She had always had a tendency to fall in love with the toms that didn’t care for her. She sent up a silent prayer to StarClan that his feelings would soon change, because the she-cat was hopelessly crushing on the grumpy tom.


Tickpaw entered the apprentice den hesitantly, fully expecting to see Piperpaw curled up in her nest crying. The den was fairly empty, since most apprentices were out training. Mosspaw and Piperpaw were the only ones there, and Mosspaw was rolled over on his back, fast asleep. The poor tom had gone out night hunting with Hollypounce, since she was filling in for Harriercloud while she was in the nursery, and hadn’t come back until a few moments from dawn. He had been passed out since. Even though Mosspaw’s nest was in the corner of the den, Tickpaw still approached his friend quietly. “Hey Piperpaw.” He greeted with a whisper. The she-cat jumped, laughing when she saw who it was. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Tickpaw chuckled sheepishly. Piperpaw shook her head. “No worries.” She giggled “Lay down.” She patted his nest, which was pretty much merged with hers, and he rested down in it. “How are you doing?” He asked “I heard you didn’t pass again.” Piperpaw shrugged. “I’m not too upset about it.” She confessed with a sigh “I’ll pass eventually. No cat is perfect, and no cat should be expected to learn every skill their first try.” She shrugged and Tickpaw tilted his head. She had a very good point. “But don’t you want to take your assessment with your littermates when the time comes?” He asked gently, afraid of her becoming angry. “I don’t mind.” She admitted “Most littermstes take their assessments at different times, anyways. Besides,” She purred, scooting closer to him “It gives me more time to be around you!”


“Maybe it’s something in the water.” Elmstar mused. She and Nightfur were walking the ridge that overlooked the flowing river. “So many cats are in the nursery, they must be drinking love potions. I wonder if the other Clans have the same problem.” She wondered, earning a chuckle from her brother. “You know,” Nightfur meowed “While we’re on the topic, I was searching out possible flood points the other day, and I met a cat, Ferretwhisker, from that Clan to the east. The one that smells like roses...Highgarden I think their name is. Anyways I met this she-cat, and we started talking, and we came up with a good idea. It might be nice to get to know our bordering clans.” Elmstar smirked. “Or you just want to see your crush.” The tom’s black fur barely covered the deep blush that spread over his face. “W-What? I dunno what you’re talking about.” He sputtered, sticking his nose in the air “I’m just trying to do some...good things for the Clan.” Elmstar giggled. “Mhmm.” She hummed “It is a good idea, though. Maybe in the future, we can meet a border patrol and ask to see their leader.” Nightfur nodded. “Maybe she could teach you some things.” He meowed. Though his comment was good natured, Elmstar felt her heart sink. Ever since she had been promoted, she had been extremely nervous about being a good leader. She prayed every night that StarClan would give her guidance. Ashtail had been assuring her that she was exceeding everyone’s expectations, but she was still skeptical. Nightfur noticed the droop in his sister’s form, and immediately recognized his mistake. “Probably not, though, since you’re already the best leader BearClan’s had!” He purred, nuzzling her. “There’s not really much to compare me to. My predecessor was a bloodthirsty tyrant and Slatestar was an elder who lost his mind towards the end.” The black cats sighed in unison. “You’re doing amazing Elmstar. And the thing is, we really need it. You’re giving the Clan the strong, respectable leader that it needs. Plus, you’ve only been in charge for a few moons. You have so much potential! Who knows what you’ll accomplish!” His speech made Elmstar smile. “Thank you, Nightfur.” She smiled “That means a lot. Now, tell me about this Ferretwhisker.” She cooed, bumping her embarrassed companion with her shoulder.


Rainpaw was seriously considering using the herbs he was sorting as earplugs. Ryepaw had asked if they could have “sibling bonding time” since they didn’t share a den anymore, and he had foolishly agreed. Of course, all Ryepaw was talking about was the dazzling and amazing Owlshade. The medicine cat apprentice rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you just go up to him and tell him that you love him, already?” He snapped. Ryepaw blinked. “I-I don’t love him, though, I just...admire him.” She lied. “Uhuh.” Rainpaw huffed “Gushing day and night about a cat you admire is totally normal. Ryepaw, you’re my sister, and I love you, but if you don’t tell Owlshade your feelings in the next moon, I will kick you in the face.” The ginger she-cat blushed, but grumbled. “I’m an apprentice,” She countered, lowering her voice “How do you think cats will react when they learn that I love a warrior.” Rainpaw flicked an ear, shoving a clump of leaves into a storage nook. “You don’t have to tell everyone.” He pointed out “You’re going to take your assessment next moon anyways. Just tell Owlshade. No one else has to know until you’re ready. I promise, your secret is safe with me.”

Why had she agreed to this? Ryepaw tried to hide behind her brother, but Rainpaw shoved her in the direction of the black tom conversing with Darkfang. Owlshade and his sister were lounging by the vacant elder’s den, towards the back of the camp, enjoying the patch of sun on their dark pelts. Darkfang bid goodbye to her companion and walked away. Ryepaw didn’t see where she went, since her eyes were glued to the target of her admirations for her entire apprenticeship. She had a crush on Owlshadow since their first training session together. She remembered when they soared through the air together racing over logs and the feeling of his heartbeat while stalking shrews together. She swallowed and took a deep breath, looking back at her brother. Rainpaw gave her a supportive and encouraging nod. Ryepaw sighed and slowly made her way to her crush, trying to hide her shaking legs.

“H-Hey Owlshade.” The apprentice said shakily. The tom grinned broadly at her. “Oh, hey Ryepaw. Sit down!” He invited, scooting to the side. “I miss seeing and talking to you since I moved dens.” He admitted once she was settled “To be honest, I can’t wait until you’re able to join me in the warrior’s den. I can help you build a nest if you need it.” Ryepaw forced a purr through the nervous clump that gathered at the bottom of her throat. “That’s very kind of you.” She meowed “But I have to pass first.” Owlshade flicked her playfully with his tail. “Oh, you’ll do great. You have so much skill!” He promised. But Ryepaw wasn’t focused on his words. She was focused on the surge of heat that came from his touch. Her heart felt electric. She had never truly felt courageous, but now she felt like she could walk on fire and not get burned. So, she went for it. “I like you, Owlshade.” She blurted. The black tom blinked in surprise, smile only faltering for a moment before returning to its usual strength. “I like you too, Ryepaw.” He agreed, chuckling in confusion “You’re my best friend.” Ryepaw shook her head. “No, you don’t get it.” She pressed “I like you. I know I’m just an apprentice, but I’ll be a warrior soon. I’ve had feelings for you since we were young. I don’t want this to ruin the bond we have, but I just can’t hold it in anymore.” She huffed, a weight lifting from her chest. She was so caught up in the feeling of relief that it took her a few moments to notice that Owlshade hadn’t said anything. Ryepaw looked up at him. He was staring down at her slack-jawed. There was a look of panic in his wide, vibrant eyes, and the fur on his tail was standing up. “Oh, Ryepaw.” He whispered “I...I didn’t know.” Ryepaw’s smile fell slightly. “W-What do you mean?” She asked “I told you now.” Owlshade licked his lips and looked nervously from side to side. “Listen, Ryepaw, you’re an amazing cat, and I would never want to replace you….but I just….I don’t see you like that.” Ryepaw’s eyes widened with sudden realization. The warrior hastily tried to soothe her, but her mind was spinning. She mumbled out some kind of quick excuse and stumbled away to the medicine den, with Owlshade calling after her. She practically tripped into the den. Rainpaw was excitedly waiting, but as soon as he saw her face, his smile turned into a frown. “What happened?” He asked, guiding her to his nest. She sniffled. “H-He said he doesn’t think of me that way.” Sadness poured from her chest. She felt her heart burning with grief. The cat she had loved didn’t feel the same way about her. Soon, she was curled up in Rainpaw’s nest sobbing and being comforted by her brother. Rainpaw didn’t share in his sister’s grief. Anger and disappointment boiled in his stomach. He glared at Owlshade who was slinking solemnly back to the warriors den. No one could hurt his sister, no one.

[squirrelheart goes into labor. bumbleflight uses x2 burnet]
[deerleap, darkfang, badgergaze, and tulipclaw patrol]
[sparkstorm, owlshadow, hickorywind, and nettlemist hunt]
[grassheart, chestnutstripe, sunstomp, and silverdrop hunt]
[blackbriar, stormfang, windfeather, and ravencloud hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw healing]
[ryepaw takes her final assessment]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw climbing]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw battle]
[hollypounce teaches mosspaw swimming]
[hickorywind teaches applepaw swimming]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw stealth]
[deerleap teaches twigpaw stealth]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw battle]
[tulipclaw teaches butterflypaw climbing]
[the clan consumes x3 hares]

elmstar, 44 m, ♀
ashtail, 30 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 46 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 13 m, ♂

stormfang, 56 m, ♂
swiftwind, 47 m, ♂
nightfur, 44 m, ♂
hickorywind, 37, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 50 m, ♀
windfeather, 52 m, ♂
hollypounce, 37 m, ♀
redfin, 50 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 28 m, ♂
badgergaze, 26 m, ♂
ravencloud, 66 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 21 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 21 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 32 m, ♀
deerleap, 64 m, ♀
grousecall, 62 m, ♀
nettlemist, 19 m, ♀
blackbriar, 50 m, ♀
shellpond, 18 m, ♀
silverdrop, 24 m, ♀
grassheart, 65 m, ♀
sunstomp, 20 m, ♂
owlshade, 15 m, ♂
brambleglow, 24 m, ♀
ricecub, 33 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 22 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 15 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ryepaw, 13 m, ♀
heronpaw, 11 m, ♂
piperkit, 11 m, ♀
mosspaw, 11 m, ♂
applepaw, 11 m, ♀
archpaw, 11 m, ♂
twigpaw, 13 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 9 m, ♀
tickpaw, 9 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 50 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 50 m, ♀
gorsewind, 22 m, ♀
hawksnow, 27 m, ♀
harriercloud, 47 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintkit, 2 m, ♀
toadkit, 2 m, ♂
beankit, 2 m, ♀
snailkit, 2 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 008
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 003
hare, three servings╶ 001
big fish, three servings╶ 003

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 52

Postby inky. » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:16 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 053 xxx clan servings 009 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth hawksnow (now!), gorsewind (now!), harriercloud (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Swiftwind rolled on his back and laughed heartily when Toadkit leaped onto his chest. “Be careful!” Fognose squealed. Swiftwind wrapped his paws around his son and rolled over trapping Toadkit gently beneath him. “It’s alright!” the father called to his mate “I’m fine.” The queen flicked an ear. “It’s not you that I’m worried about.” She meowed firmly “They’re only three moons old!” Swiftwind chuckled and stood up, allowing his son to return from their play session. “That’s halfway to apprenticeship.” He pointed out, following behind Toadkit “They need to learn some skills.” Fognose giggled. “Because jumping on your father’s chest is a skill.” Swiftwind shrugged. “You never know.” Mintkit bounced up when Toadkit returned. “How come Toadkit was the only one that got a badger ride?” She meowed. Swiftwind leaned down to lick the kit’s ears. “Because you were asleep, my darling.” Mintkit huffed. “That’s not fair!” She wailed. “Don’t worry. We can go again later.” He promised. Toadkit and Mintkit let out squeals of delight. Though obviously Swiftwind adored all of his kits, Toadkit and Mintkit were the most outgoing of the bunch. Beankit and Snailkit enjoyed the comfort of the nursery with Fognose and the other queens, leaving Mintkit and Toadkit to bond more with their father. Squirrelheart lifted her head to look at her sister. Fognose was a good mother. Looking down at the three new lives that nestled at her belly, she sent up a prayer to StarClan that this time, her kits would survive.

Shrewclaw padded through the clearing. He dropped his catch at the fresh-kill pile, and was about to turn around when he felt something small thud at his heels. Raising an eyebrow, he looked over his shoulder. He blinked as he saw a small, fluffy blob, rolling over in the dirt behind him. The small kitten rubbed her nose and blinked up at the tom. Her wide eyes were soon squinted with a smile and she got up to her paws, waddling to the warrior’s front end. Shrewclaw felt his fur rise. Who’s kit was this? And why was she in the middle of the camp? Shrewclaw swallowed nervously. Then, recognition sparked in his mind. His heart sunk as guilt and stupidity overtook him. She must be one of Squirrelheart’s. He had congratulated his mother on her second litter, but never actually saw the kits. This little one must be his sister. He put on a kind smile and lowered his head to her level. “Hello, there.” He meowed gently “What’s your name.” The silver she-kit purred and rubbed against his cheek. “My name is Saskatoonkit.” She said sweetly “Fognose told me that you’re my brother. Right?” Shrewclaw nodded. He felt love bubble in his chest. “I am.” he confirmed “My name is Shrewclaw. It’s nice to meet you Saskatoonkit.” The silver she-kit bounced up and down, overjoyed to meet her big brother. “Where are the rest of your littermates?” He asked, looking over her head to look at the nursery. “Oh,” She meowed, her tail drooping “They’re asleep. Mama said it was nap time, but I wasn’t tired. I wanted to explore.” Panic set in at her words. He had to get her back. It was still rainy and chilly, and he wouldn’t let his sister get sick. “Alright.” He meowed “I understand, I was like that too, actually. But you know, we should really get you back. Don’t you want to be snuggled up close to Squirrelheart?” Saskatoonkit frowned. “Yea.” She sighed “Serpentkit and Shadowkit are bigger, though, and they take up most of the room.” She looked the warrior up and down. “You look comfortable!” She squeaked “Maybe I could snuggle up close to you!” Shrewclaw chuckled. “Maybe some other time. I have strong, brave, warrior things to do, though. Besides, I’m sure your mother wants you near her.” Saskatoonkit considered this, before eventually agreeing. Shrewclaw lifted his sister by the scruff and carried her quietly into the nursery, where each nest was filled with a napping cat. He nestled Saskatoonkit down by their mother, and turned to leave. The she-kit tapped his foot before he left, though. “It was nice meeting you, Shrewclaw.” She whispered “Can we play together later? I want Shadowkit and Serpentkit to meet you!” Shrewclaw gave her a warm smile. He was wrong about his new siblings. He adored Saskatoonkit, and he knew he always would. “Of course.” He purred quietly “Now, go to sleep.” His sister gave an excited smile and happily nestled next to her mother and sisters. Shrewclaw shook his head fondly and left the nursery, returning to his warrior duties.


Elmstar saw Ashtail returning from his patrol. She waved her deputy down with her tail, and beckoned for him to meet her in her den. The tom nodded, and bid farewell to his group before climbing into the tree. “What’s up?” Ashtail asked once they were settled in the nook. Elmstar flicked her tail. “I wanted your advice on something.” She admitted “See...well, Redfin and I have been growing closer lately, and I think he’s going to ask me to be his mate.” Ashtail grinned. “That’s great!” He purred. “Is it?” The leader challenged “I just became leader. I don’t want to make it seem like my priorities aren’t with my position.” The deputy sighed. “Look,” He meowed “Love is definitely in the air recently. You aren’t the only one that’s thinking of their future. We respect you, Elmstar. If you love Redfin, your role as leader shouldn’t hold you back.” The black she-cat wasn’t convinced. “But what about if we have kits?” She groaned “A queen can’t be a leader.” Ashtail rested his paw on hers. “Don’t worry about it. I’m your deputy for a reason. If you and Redfin are in love, go for it. Be happy. I will be here for you. I’ll help you look after the Clan while you’re in the nursery. No one will judge you. And if they do, they can take it up personally with me.” Elmstar let out a smile. She felt pressure lift from her chest. “Thank you.” She meowed quietly. She leaned forward and nuzzled her friend. “I guess I can partake in the kit boom.” She giggled. He shared her laughter. “Hawksnow’s due soon, isn’t she?” Ashtail took a deep breath and nodded with a smile. “Yea. I’m going to be a father.” The two friends stayed in her den for a while, talking about the future of their families and their Clan.


Nimbuscurl stretched in the sun, trying to absorb its heat. “Is it always cold out here?” He grumbled. Hickorywind flicked an ear at the new warrior. “No, not always. It’s just been very cloudy lately. It makes it seem colder than it actually is.” Nimbuscurl hummed. He and Hickorywind had become fast friends. It was the half-blind warrior that found him trotting along the border. Nimbuscurl licked his lips and yawned, observing the she-cats that were gathered at the opposite side of the clearing. “Okay, test time.” Hickorywind challenged “Who are they?” Nimbuscurl squinted. He had joined a few sunrises ago, but many cats had come to greet him. “Erm, let’s see. The calico one's Shellpond, she’s Sparkstorm’s mate. The brown tabby next to her is Nettlemist...Nightfur’s daughter?” Hickorywind nodded and Nimbuscurl continued. “Then the white one is Tulipclaw, she helps out around the nursery a lot, and then (his lips curled in a smile) there’s Hollypounce, the cat you’re crushing on.” Hickorywind blushed. “Okay, first of all, I’m not crushing on Hollypounce. We’ve both told each other that we love each other, but we aren’t mates. And second of all, you’re wrong. That’s Chestnutstripe.” Nimbuscurl lashed his tail. “Whatever. There are so many brown cats in this clan, it’s hard to tell them apart.” Hickorywind sighed. “You can pick out Hollypounce in any crowd. Her eyes are always glowing. Her fur shines in the moonlight, especially once she’s just groomed it. Her voice is the only thing softer than her fur, and she always speaks to you with a smile.” Nimbuscurl raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Right.” He meowed “Not crushing on her.” The dark tom flicked his friend with his tail before getting to his paws, and going for a drink by the river.


“Take him!” Batfur cried. The warrior flung Tickkit through the air and the small tom landed on Redfin. Elmstar rushed forward, lunging at her father to rescue him from the burning flames swishing hungrily around him. The whole camp was on fire, but she was only focused on her father. Specifically, his eyes. He gave his daughter one last smile before disappearing into the flames.

Elmstar jolted awake, tears matting her cheeks. She heaved, crying out for Batfur. Redfin woke instantly. The tom was sleeping beside her, and he curled his tail around her. “Same nightmare?” He murmured, pressing his muzzle to her ear. The leader nodded, swallowing the fear that rose in her throat. “Maybe we should tell Bumbleflight.” Redfin suggested. Elmstar shook her head. “What is he going to do about it?” She sighed “It’s not like there’s an herb for nightmares.” She yawned and turned around, facing Redfin. “I’m alright.” She promised, pushing her head into his neck “You being here makes everything okay.” She felt a purr rumble in his throat. “Elmstar?” He meowed. She hummed, curling their tails together. “I-I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a while now.” Elmstar reciprocated his purr. “I love you.” He meowed firmly “And I can’t imagine me ever being happy without you in my life. Would you be my mate?” Elmstar nuzzled her companion. “Redfin, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that.” She admitted “I would be honored to be your mate.”


Elmstar wasn’t the only one having sleeping issues. Bumbleflight rolled over in his nest, kicking his hind paws and lashing his tail. Fire burned around him in his dreamworld. Crows screeched above his head and shadows danced wickedly beneath him. He slashed at the falling blazing branches, but it was no use. Soon enough, he was cornered by a wall of fire, with claws out to take him. Suddenly, everything stopped. The chaos was replaced with eerie dark silence. Out of the darkness, a voice called to him. “Evil hides in the shadows.” It warned “When the crow calls, beware of the fallen, for they will be your demise.”

[hawksnow and gorsewind go into labor. bumbleflight and rainpaw assist, using x2 chervil]
[elmstar and redfin become mates. they try for kits]
[nightfur, adderbreeze, badgergaze, and deerleap patrol]
[silverdrop, owlshade, nettlemist, and sunstomp hunt]
[hickorywind, nimbuscurl, ricecub, and brambleglow hunt]
[shrewclaw, ryetail, hollypounce, and windfeather hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw kitting]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw stealth]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw climbing]
[mosspaw takes his final assessment]
[hickorywind teaches applepaw swimming]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw swimming]
[deerleap teaches twigpaw swimming]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw climbing]
[tulipclaw teaches butterflypaw stealth]
[the clan consumes x3 big fish]

elmstar, 45 m, ♀
ashtail, 31 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 47 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 14 m, ♂

stormfang, 57 m, ♂
swiftwind, 48 m, ♂
nightfur, 45 m, ♂
hickorywind, 38, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 51 m, ♀
windfeather, 53 m, ♂
hollypounce, 38 m, ♀
redfin, 51 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 29 m, ♂
badgergaze, 27 m, ♂
ravencloud, 67 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 22 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 22 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 33 m, ♀
deerleap, 65 m, ♀
grousecall, 63 m, ♀
nettlemist, 20 m, ♀
blackbriar, 51 m, ♀
shellpond, 19 m, ♀
silverdrop, 25 m, ♀
grassheart, 66 m, ♀
sunstomp, 21 m, ♂
owlshade, 16 m, ♂
brambleglow, 25 m, ♀
ricecub, 34 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 23 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 16 m, ♀
ryetail, 14 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 21 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

heronpaw, 12 m, ♂
piperkit, 12 m, ♀
mosspaw, 12 m, ♂
applepaw, 12 m, ♀
archpaw, 12 m, ♂
twigpaw, 14 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 10 m, ♀
tickpaw, 10 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 51 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 51 m, ♀
gorsewind, 23 m, ♀
hawksnow, 28 m, ♀
harriercloud, 48 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintkit, 3 m, ♀
toadkit, 3 m, ♂
beankit, 3 m, ♀
snailkit, 3 m, ♀
shadowkit, 1 m, ♀
saskatoonkit, 1 m, ♀
serpentkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 010
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 005
squirrel, two servings╶ 003
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 001

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 53

Postby inky. » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:39 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 058 xxx clan servings 010 xxx next starclan visit nowxxx next birth harriercloud (now!), elmstar (2)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

last moon
“You have been selected for a reason.” The starry cat meowed “For your bravery, leadership, and abilities. I trust that the four cats in front of me will accomplish the mission. There is darkness coming. We cannot stop it, but it is your duty to curb it as long as possible.” Each of the cats looked at each other, then turned their gaze to the gathered cats. Each nodded, and soon dissolved into sparks of light that fizzled into the ground. The sandy cat sighed. She rose to her paws and turned to retreat. “Do you really think this is going to work, Sandstep?” A tom asked her. Sandstep shrugged. “To be honest, Batfur, I’m not sure.” she sighed “All we can do is hope, and watch from StarClan.”


Ashtail was calm, but his eyes were glued to the nursery. “I guess you’re not like your father after all.” an amused she-cat said from behind him. He flicked his ear and turned to see Adderbreeze. “How do you mean?” the deputy asked. “When you were born, Cindertail was crazy. He was shouting for Minkblossom as soon as Rabbitspark told him.” She purred admiringly. “I’ll admit, Ashtail, I wasn’t sure what Hawksnow’s life would be like. I love my daughter, and I know you love her just as much as I do.” She leaned closer to the tom and gave a warm, genuine smile. “I’m so glad it’s you. I couldn’t imagine anyone else taking care of her as much as you do. And I thank you for that.” Ashtail was about to express his admiration for his mate’s mother, but Bumbleflight’s head poked out of the nursery, and beckoned them in with a broad smile. Adderbreeze nudged her companion. “Are you ready to meet your kits?” Ashtail took a deep breath and followed her into the den.

The grey tom wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t the instant rush of heat and the smell of milk that attacked his senses. He scanned the nursery. Gorsewind and Badgergaze were staring lovingly at their litter that was born earlier in the day. His eyes eventually landed on an exhausted Hawksnow, who was looking proudly down at two little heaps of fluff cuddled at her stomach. Adderbreeze pushed the new father further into the den. She hung back, however, she knew she would meet her grandkits eventually, but she would leave this moment to the new parents. Ashtail wobbled over to the nest. He swallowed and looked down at his mate. Hawksnow raised her eyes to meet his. They were so filled with love, protection, and pride. “Come, sit next to me.” Hawksnow invited, tiredness lacing her words. He obeyed, eyes still wide and looking at his kits. An unknown feeling pulsed in his chest. He couldn’t put a word to it, but it was the knowledge that even though he had only just laid eyes on his kits, he would protect and love them no matter what. He scooted closer to his family, wrapping his tail around the queen. “A molly and a tom.” Hawksnow reported blissfully. “They look like little versions of us.” Ashtail pointed out, causing the pair to chuckle. He was right, the brown tabby tom and the grey she-kit looked just like their parents. “What were you thinking for names?” Fognose asked sweetly from the nest beside Hawksnow. She had sent her kits outside to play with their father, but she was now holding back the rambunctious lot from trampling every cat to get a look at the newborns. The pair looked at each other with blank minds. “We hadn’t really thought of a theme or anything.” Ashtail explained feebly “W-We just wanted to see them, I guess.” His reply didn’t make much sense, but Fognose accepted it and watched on happily. Ashtail looked at his daughter. “Her fur looks like thistles.” He purred. The grey she-kit’s fur was smooth and soft, except for a little spot on her rear, where there were a few tufts sharply sticking up. Hawksnow giggled with a purr. “I think Thistlekit would be a wonderful name.” She meowed, licking her mate’s cheek. She looked at her son. They tossed around a few ideas, but neither Wickerkit, Oakkit, or Rootkit seemed to fit. The tom let out a tiny squeak and tried to climb over his sister. Unfortunately for him, his footing wasn’t stable and he tumbled back onto the plush moss. He squirmed on his back for a short while, fur clumped and spikey, until Ashtail nudged him back upright. “He looked like a little bird that fell from its nest.” Hawksnow giggled. The two shared a laugh before an idea struck the queen. “Fallenkit…” She murmured. As soon as Ashtail heard it, he liked it. He wasn’t sure why, but the name just seemed to fit his son.


this moon

Thistlekit yawned. She flicked her ear at the nouse the other kits were making before pressing her face into her brother’s fur. Fallenkit shifted slightly, but accepted the cuddle. Even though they were only a moon old, they had already formed a strong bond. Both kits were woken up, though, by Serpentkit running headfirst into Toadkit’s side. The tom hissed playfully at her and lunged at his cousin, tackling her to the ground. Both Fognose and Squirrelheart erupted. “It is too crowded here for playing!” Fognose scolded. “And there are young kits that could get hurt!” Her sister added “Go outside!” The two dipped their heads in shame, but were filled with energy as soon as they set paw outside. The comotion had caused Fallenkit to move, depriving Thistlekit of her warm headrest. The two let out a yawn and blinked their eyes open. “Good morning.” Hawknose purred, licking down any patches of sticking up fur. Thistlekit’s name had proven effective, since it often took a while to get all of her fur sorted the right way. After a while, Hawksnow decided that her children were clean enough and allowed them to stretch their legs. Immediately, Fallenkit trotted across the nursery to Gorsewind’s nest. They were born the same day, and the two litters had gotten along well so far. Except for Dunekit. Something about her just struck Thistlekit as odd. Shaking it off, she followed her brother shakily over their nest. “Hey Cardinalkit!” Fallenkit greeted jovially “Did you wanna explore the elder’s den today?” The ginger tom instantly lit up. “Yea!” He squeaked with excitement. He turned to his siblings and invited them to tag along. Gorsewind permitted them, but kept Hazekit back with a paw. The small she-kit had been born with a cough, and the new mother was hesitant to let her out of her sight. Thistlekit and Fallenkit didn’t understand, but they shot Hazekit an empathetic look before heading out of the den.

As the group of kits passed through the camp, they took in the actions of their Clanmates. Cardinalkit’s gaze drifted to the leader’s tree. He saw Elmstar and Nightfur talking. The black she-cat’s belly was already starting to grow with kits. But the young tom was focused on her company. As the dark warrior conversed with his sister, recognition stirred within Cardinalkit. He couldn’t tell why, but he felt very familiar with Nightfur.

“Why are we going to the elder’s den?” Thistlekit murmured to her brother. “Because,” Fallenkit explained “It’s quieter in there. I’m tired of Shadowkit interrupting my naps.” He grumbled. Thistlekit huffed with laughter. Splashkit walked up to her. “Hey, Thistlekit, I was wondering if you wanted to visit Hickorywind for a story later. He started telling us about the bear legend, and I want him to finish it.” Thistlekit nodded eagerly. She hadn’t been alive to see the bear, but she had heard so much about her Clan’s namesake that she craved to know the history. She talked with her friend, not noticing Dunekit who was slightly shaken by the mention of the beast.


The tom smiled down at the two kits play wrestling outside of the nursery. He admired Thistlekit’s thick grey fur, much like his own. He nuzzled the calico she-cat beside him. “They’re beautiful.” His mate sighed. He nodded in agreement. Sandstep walked up next to the pair. “So Cindertail,” She meowed “Your wish came true. You and Rabbitspark get to watch your grandkits grow up.” Cindertail smiled joyfully. “It’s not what I expected,” He admitted with a chuckle, “But I’m glad they’re here. Even if we can’t visit them directly, they’re still our little ones. Our dear Fallenkit and Thistlekit.” Sandstep nodded, and left the two StarClan cats to watch their family from the heavens.

[bumbleflight uses x1 coltsfoot for hazekit, but determines she will suffer from asthma]
[harriercloud goes into labor. bumbleflight uses x1 raspberry leaf, but unfortunately harriercloud does not survive the birth (please use the raspberry towards the kits surviving)]
[elmstar asks for a warrior]
[nettlemist tries for kits with cougarstrike of highgarden]
[sparkstorm and shellpond try for kits]
[redfin, mossbounce, hickorywind, and hollypounce patrol]
[shellpond, grassheart, deerleap, and nimbuscurl hunt]
[owlshade, ryetail, chestnutstripe, and grousecall hunt]
[ricecub, shrewclaw, blackbriar, and tulipclaw hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw poison identification]
[badgergaze teaches heronpaw swiming]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw stealth]
[applepaw takes her final assessment]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw swimming]
[twigpaw takes her final assessment]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw stealth]
[tulipclaw teaches butterflypaw swimming]
[the clan consumes x5 small fish]

elmstar, 46 m, ♀
ashtail, 32 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 48 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 15 m, ♂

stormfang, 58 m, ♂
swiftwind, 49 m, ♂
nightfur, 46 m, ♂
hickorywind, 39, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 52 m, ♀
windfeather, 54 m, ♂
hollypounce, 39 m, ♀
redfin, 52 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 30 m, ♂
badgergaze, 28 m, ♂
ravencloud, 68 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 23 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 23 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 34 m, ♀
deerleap, 66 m, ♀
grousecall, 64 m, ♀
nettlemist, 21 m, ♀
blackbriar, 52 m, ♀
shellpond, 20 m, ♀
silverdrop, 25 m, ♀
grassheart, 67 m, ♀
sunstomp, 22 m, ♂
owlshade, 17 m, ♂
brambleglow, 26 m, ♀
ricecub, 35 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 24 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 17 m, ♀
ryetail, 15 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 22 m, ♂
mossbounce, 13 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

heronpaw, 13 m, ♂
piperkit, 13 m, ♀
applepaw, 13 m, ♀
archpaw, 13 m, ♂
twigpaw, 15 m, ♀
butterflypaw, 11 m, ♀
tickpaw, 11 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 52 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 52 m, ♀
gorsewind, 24 m, ♀
hawksnow, 29 m, ♀
harriercloud, 49 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintkit, 4 m, ♀
toadkit, 4 m, ♂
beankit, 4 m, ♀
snailkit, 4 m, ♀
shadowkit, 2 m, ♀
saskatoonkit, 2 m, ♀
serpentkit, 2 m, ♀
fallenkit, 1 m, ♂
thistlekit, 1 m, ♀
cardinalkit, 1 m, ♂
dunekit, 1 m, ♀
hazekit, 1 m, ♀
splashkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 011
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 003
big fish, three servings╶ 002

South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 54

Postby inky. » Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:49 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 061 xxx clan servings 010 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth elmstar (1) ; nettlemist (2) ; shellpond (2)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

last moon
The air was tense as Bumbleflight shouted for Rainpaw to get more cobwebs. The medicine cat swallowed, trying not to show his panic as Harriercloud bled out in front of him. The moss of her nest was now dark red, and her eyes were starting to shut. “Hey, uh uh.” He meowed, prodding her sharply “Don’t close your eyes. Stay with me. You have two beautiful kits you need to raise.” Bumbleflight applied more cobwebs, but they were instantly soaked through. He let out a heavy sigh and looked around frantically. He suddenly felt a gentle paw resting on his chest. The medicine cat looked over and locked eyes with the new mother. She gave a weak smile. Leaning close to his ear, she whispered, “Leave me be, Bumbleflight. I won’t survive this, but our kits will. You need to promise me that you’ll look after them.” She choked, a tear rolling down her cheek. The tom only blinked at her. “No,” He stated firmly, shaking his head “No, because you’ll be raising them yourself.” Harriercloud let out a frustrated sob. “Promise me! Please!” She cried. The tom backed off from his attempts to save her. “I promise, Harriercloud.” He sighed. The she-cat seemed to relax, and rested her head back on the moss. She looked to where her two newborns laid. Fognose nudged them closer to her, so she could say goodbye. “I love you so much, Beekit and Minkkit.” She mewled “I’ll always be there for you, watching you from above.” She licked her two kits’ heads before letting out one last cry and laying still. Bumbleflight felt the world sway beneath him. He never wanted to lose a patient, let alone the mother of his children. They weren’t mates, but he still wanted her happiness. Now, she would never be able to enjoy the thing she wanted most: parenthood. The tom’s paws wobbled as he started to breath heavily. Fognose noticed and rested her tail close to him. “Hey,” She meowed gently “We’ve got this. You should go back to your den and lay down a bit. You can come and check in on the kits later, okay?” Bumbleflight didn’t hear her words exactly, but he nodded vaguely and stumbled out of the den. He crossed the den, collecting Rainpaw and taking him back to the medicine den. Once in, the older tom sat harshly into his nest, staring blankly at the floor. He heard Rainpaw leave to get him water, and he continued to stare, trying to process the event that had just happened.


this moon

“When will they get here?” Thistlekit asked eagerly. She laid over Shellpond’s enlarged belly. The new queen giggled. “Not for a few more moons.” Hawksnow noticed her daughter, and flicked an ear. “Thistlekit!” She hissed gently “Get off of Shellpond! You’re going to hurt her!” Thistlekit gasped and slid off her belly, murmuring sincere apologies. Shellpond pulled Thistlekit close and gave her a loving nuzzle. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart.” She purred “I’m fine!” Thistlekit gave a visible sigh of relief and hung close to her mother’s best friend. “I’m so excited to meet them.” Thistlekit meowed in awe “I’m going to be their bestest friend, just like you and mama.” The two she-cats shared a glance and laughed together. “I have no doubt that they are just as excited to meet you.” She purred, giving the kit a lick between the ears. “Now go on and play with your brother, he’s waiting for you outside.” Thistlekit grinned and scampered off, play tackling her brother and discussing possible game ideas.


Bumbleflight raised an eyebrow. He heard cries of laughter coming from the medicine den. At first he was confused, but realization hit him and he grumbled his way to the den. Entering, his premonitions were confirmed. He saw two kits tumbling around the center of the den. “Hey!” He barked “What are you two doing here?” The two kits paused and looked up at him wide-eyed. “Come one, Beekit, I told you two you can’t be in here. There are dangerous herbs!” Beekit looked down at his paws. “It was my idea.” Minkkit meowed, stepping in front of her brother. “That’s very sweet and brave of you Minkkit, but you don’t have to lie. And either way, it doesn’t make it better. I told you this area is off limits.” He walked past the kits to check his storage to make sure nothing was disturbed. “R-Rainpaw said we could.” Beekit meowed quietly, earning him a cuff over the ears and a small hiss from Minkkit. “Did he?” Bumbleflight mewed calmly “Well, Rainpaw’s not a medicine cat, is he?” Beekit licked his lips. “Well, no, but he said he was taking his assessment soon.” Bumbleflight sighed, turning to look at the kits. “Listen, I know that you want to explore, but I really don't want you in here.” He pulled the two kits close to his chest and licked the top of their heads. “I promised your mother I would keep you safe. I would never forgive myself if something happened.” The two kits somberly lowered their heads in shame. “We’re sorry, Bumbleflight.” Minkkit sighed, nuzzling his chest “We won’t do it again.” The medicine cat smiled down at them. “I’m just looking out for you.” He reminded them “Now go play. Why don’t you go see what Cardinalkti is up to.” The two kits’ ears perked up and they excitedly rushed out of the den, leaving Bumbleflight to sadly look after them.


Owlshade scowled bitterly as he watched Ryetail laugh with Mossbounce, scooting closer to him. He wrinkled his nose and narrowed his eyes. He honestly didn’t know why he had rejected Ryetail. He liked her, clearly enough to get jealous, but he panicked. He knew he wasn’t mate material, and he knew cats would always judge him for being Viperstar’s son. Did he really want to carry on his bloodline? The tom shook his head. Even if they didn’t have kits, Owlshade still craved Ryetail’s affection. They had trained together for moons, and he deeply regretted not making his feelings known. He tensed up as he witnessed Mossbounce rest his tail over Ryetail’s back. “Mousedung!” Owlshade hissed to himself “I can’t stand to watch this.” He heard a scoff behind him and turned to see Rainpaw glaring at him. “You rejected her,” The medicine cat apprentice reminded him “Did you expect her to come crawling back after you told her feelings?” Owlshade didn’t get a chance to answer before his unwanted companion walked away, following Bumbleflight to take his final assessment.


Twigsnap bounded over a fallen log. Her tail was happily arched over her back as she made her way to the designated meeting place. It was time to meet her crush again, and she couldn’t wait to tell Ciguëpaw that she had finally received her warrior name. The she-cat tumbled through the bushes to the clearing and beamed at the cat she was meeting. But Twigsnap’s smile fell as she realized the ChessClan she-cat was whimpering slightly. Twigsnap gently moved to her. “Ciguëpaw?” She called softly. The spotted apprentice whirled around with wide eyes. She wiped her cheek on her shoulder before smiling weekly at her companion. “H-Hey Twigpaw.” She meowed. The new warrior didn’t even correct her, and stepped closer. “What’s wrong.” Ciguëpaw sighed, and sat back down. “It’s just...been really hard in ChessClan.” She revealed hesitantly “A number of cats have died the past few moons, and I just…” She trailed off, holding in a cry. Twigsnap pressed her head against Ciguëpaw’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.” She meowed, giving her a comforting lick “You could have stayed in camp if you needed to. You should be with your family.” Ciguëpaw shook her head. “I had to get out of there. It’s just such a cloud of sadness, I felt like I was choking.” Twigsnap wrapped her tail around her friend. “I can help you take your mind off it if you want.” She offered sweetly. Ciguëpaw smiled and nodded. “I’d like that very much.” She sighed. Twigsnap grinned and rose to her paws, leading Ciguëpaw happily through the arching ferns. They arrived shortly at a small cove that branched off from the river. Twigsnap flopped on her back and pulled Ciguëpaw over as well. “I come here when I need to clear my mind.” Twigsnap sighed happily “You can hear all the birds and the river. The clouds are really pretty too, especially during sunrise or sunset.” The she-cats focused on the white puffs floating through the sky and started to talk. Twigsnap noticed that Ciguëpaw had relaxed, if only for a moment, and the she-cat noted how pretty her crush looked when she smiled.


Most cats in BearClan had their own little group. It was one of the first things Poppysplash had noticed when she joined last moon. Ashtail, and Sparkstorm usually hung out together with their mates when they weren’t on their warrior duties. She assumed they had known each other very long, and all four of them were close. Hickorywind would always talk about Hollypounce to Nimbuscurl, and each time the grey tom suggested he go after the she-cat, Hickorywind was quick to object, always making up a clearly ridiculous excuse. There were many more, and Poppysplash was worried at first. She had always been a people pleaser and the thought of not fitting in scared her more than anything. On the morning of her third day, she went on a patrol with Blackbriar and the two hit it off instantly. Poppysplash could tell the wise she-cat was like a mother to many of the younger warriors, and many would go to her for advice. Blackbriar had invited Poppysplash to share a meal with her group, and the new she-cat happily accepted. “The Queens”, as they called themselves jokingly, consisted of Elmstar, Adderbreeze, Deerleap and Blackbriar. They took to Poppysplash quickly, and though she didn’t have any kits of her own, the Clan’s older mothers became her group.

Deerleap sighed. “Yea, I met a tom named Shadowclaw the other day.” She told the group “He’s not a bad cat, he’s just...tough.” Adderbreeze flicked an ear. “Tough as in, he has walls built up?” She asked. “Or tough as in he’ll hurt you.” Elmstar finished, concern showing through her question. Deerleap shook her head, though she gave Elmstar an appreciative smile. “He’s just very guarded. He doesn’t show that he really cares about me, but I know he’s only playing hard to get.” Poppysplash licked her lips. “I don’t know if you want my opinion,” She started slowly “But are you sure he’s not just...being a jerk?” The small she-cat tensed, afraid of backlash from Deerleap. She was a kind cat, but when it came to love, Deerleap could become a bit snippy. She relaxed when Blackbriar seconded her words. “Yea,” She agreed “Maybe you’re just trying to see the best in someone. I know that Ryetail and Rainpaw’s father was never truly your mate. Maybe you’re just...looking for something that isn’t there.” Blackbriar said the words gently, but Elmstar and Adderbreeze looked away. Deerleap started to bristle. “No offense, Blackbriar, you’re one of my best friends, but I think I know my heart better than you.” She abruptly got to her feet and swished her tail. “I should go check on Rainpaw.” She murmured “He’s taking his assessment and I want to wish him good luck.” She didn’t wait for the rest of the she-cats to acknowledge her before turning and leaving. Poppysplash sighed, and the remaining group were left to look worriedly at Deerleap and each other.

[deerleap tries for kits with shadowclaw of pineclan]
[redfin, mossbounce, hickorywind, and hollypounce patrol]
[shellpond, grassheart, deerleap, and nimbuscurl hunt]
[owlshade, ryetail, chestnutstripe, and grousecall hunt]
[ricecub, shrewclaw, blackbriar, and tulipclaw hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainpaw collect herbs]
[rainpaw takes his final assessment]
[heronpaw takes his final assessment]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw swimming]
[archpaw takes his final assessment]
[elmstar teaches tickpaw swimming]
[butterflypaw takes her final assessment]
[the clan consumes x3 hares, x1 small fish]

elmstar, 47 m, ♀
ashtail, 33 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 49 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainpaw, 16 m, ♂

stormfang, 59 m, ♂
swiftwind, 50 m, ♂
nightfur, 47 m, ♂
hickorywind, 40, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 53 m, ♀
windfeather, 55 m, ♂
hollypounce, 40 m, ♀
redfin, 53 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 31 m, ♂
badgergaze, 29 m, ♂
ravencloud, 69 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 24 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 24 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 35 m, ♀
deerleap, 67 m, ♀
grousecall, 65 m, ♀
blackbriar, 53 m, ♀
silverdrop, 26 m, ♀
grassheart, 68 m, ♀
sunstomp, 23 m, ♂
owlshade, 18 m, ♂
brambleglow, 27 m, ♀
ricecub, 36 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 25 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 18 m, ♀
ryetail, 16 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 23 m, ♂
mossbounce, 14 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] twigsnap, 16 m, ♀
applebee, 14 m, ♀
poppysplash, 23 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

heronpaw, 14 m, ♂
piperkit, 14 m, ♀
archpaw, 14 m, ♂
butterflypaw, 12 m, ♀
tickpaw, 12 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


fognose, 53 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 53 m, ♀
gorsewind, 25 m, ♀
hawksnow, 30 m, ♀
nettlemist, 22 m, ♀
shellpond, 21 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintkit, 5 m, ♀
toadkit, 5 m, ♂
beankit, 5 m, ♀
snailkit, 5 m, ♀
shadowkit, 3 m, ♀
saskatoonkit, 3 m, ♀
serpentkit, 3 m, ♀
fallenkit, 2 m, ♂
thistlekit, 2 m, ♀
cardinalkit, 2 m, ♂
dunekit, 2 m, ♀
hazekit, 2 m, ♀
splashkit, 2 m, ♀
beekit, 1 m, ♂
minkkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 013
minnow, one serving╶ 011
small fish, two servings╶ 003
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 003
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 55

Postby inky. » Thu Apr 16, 2020 6:16 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 062 xxx clan servings 010 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth elmstar (now) ; nettlemist (1) ; shellpond (1) ; deerleap (2)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

last moon

Nettlemist curled her tail tighter around her belly. Luckily, her kits hadn’t grown much, and she was able to hide her status from Sunstomp. But lately they were starting to make her look more round, and Bumbleflight had urged her to move into the nursery. Anxiety pricked at her heart as she thought about what she was going to tell Sunstomp. She loved him, and he loved her, but these were not his kits. “Hey Sunstomp.” She sighed, turning to him “I need to tell you something.” The tom looked up and gave her a sweet smile. “Sure, what’s up?” Nettlemist decided just to say it. “I love you.” She blurted “I really do, and I have for a long time, but...I made a mistake. I...I’m pregnant, Sunstomp. I met this tom from another Clan, and it was just a fling. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I don’t love him and I doubt he actually cares about me. I haven’t told anyone but you and Bumbleflight. I don’t want anyone to know…” She trailed off and gave a sniffle. Sunstomp placed his paw gently on her shoulder. “I could tell something was different about you.” He murmured sweetly “I’m glad you told me. I love you too, and if you truly want to, I will act like the kits’ father. I will raise them with you, on one condition.” Nettlemist blinked up at him. “I’ll only do it if you become my mate.” He grinned. The she-cat beamed and pressed her head into his neck. “Of course, I will. Thank you so much, you mean the world to me, and you will be the best father to these kits...I know it.” Sunstomp nuzzled her back, and the mates sat in the sun, purring and discussing their future family.

this moon

Toadkit sat with his chest puffed out proudly. The fur on the top of his head was spiked and messy. Fognose looked down in embarrassment. “It’s not your fault.” Swiftwind chuckled quietly “He wouldn’t let us touch his fur. At least the rest of 'em look presentable.” Fognose giggled, tilting her head in agreement. It was true, all of her kits looked nice and groomed...besides Toadkit. “I’m going to miss them.” The mother sighed “But it’ll be nice to return to warrior duties.” Swiftwind curled his tail around his mate. “They grow up so fast.” He mused “I remember when we were that young. How things have changed.” The mother nodded. “It was rough for a while, but we’ll make sure they stay safe. Even when they’re elders, they’re still our little kits.” The pair nuzzled each other lovingly. Elmstar waddled up in front of the group of gathered cats. Redfin was standing worriedly beside her. Ashtail had offered to do the ceremony, but the heavily pregnant leader had insisted. Her mate gave the deputy a concerned look, but relaxed a bit once the leader was settled. “Cats of BearClan!” Elmstar meowed “Today is a special day! It is time for these four young cats to be made into apprentices. They were the first kits to be born in our new camp, and I’m sure they are ready to begin the journey to warriorship.” The clan cheered and Elmstar began the ceremony.

Beanpaw bounced excitedly up and down. “I can’t believe we’re finally apprentices!” She squeaked. Snailpaw shared her excitement. “I know! It feels so weird not sleeping in the nursery.” She sighed as she prodded her new nest into shape “I hope Fognose doesn’t miss us too much.” Mintpaw shrugged. “Even if she does, it’s not like she can’t come visit us. We’re just across the hollow.” Her siblings nodded in recognition of her fact, and continued on with their nest building. Suddenly, Beanpaw felt a timid paw tap her shoulder. Turning, she saw the soft, shy face of Mudpaw, the new apprentice who had been found on a patrol a few days prior. Beanpaw gave her a kind smile. “D-Do you have any feathers?” Mudpaw asked quietly “I seem to have lost mine.” The new apprentice nodded and gave her denmate the remainder of her plush feathers. “Thank you!” She purred, and turned to weave them into her nest. Beanpaw only looked away when Snailpaw jabbed her and snickered at her sister. It was obvious to her that a small crush was forming.


Tickpaw flopped into his nest. Piperpaw’s head snapped up. “What are you doing?” She meowed sternly “Shouldn’t you be taking your assessment? Everyone’s already gone out training! You’ll miss it!” Tickpaw gave her a knowing smile. “I’m not taking it yet.” He stated “I’m waiting for you. I can’t let you stay here with a bunch of rowdy kits.” Piperpaw huffed. “You were a rowdy kit once.” She giggled, flicking him playfully with her tail “You really don’t have to wait for me.” Tickpaw shrugged. “I know,” He sighed “but I want to. Besides, Elmstar seems to be fine with holding off on a warrior ceremony until her kits are born.” The two shared a laugh. “Thanks, Tickpaw.” Piperpaw said earnestly “I appreciate it. You’re the best tom I know.” Tickpaw raised an eyebrow. “What about your brothers?” He asked, amused. Piperpaw rolled her eyes with a smile. “My brothers are mouse brains who just want to wrestle all day. You actually have a personality and are fun to be around.” Tickpaw snickered. “Thanks.” He chuckled “You’re not so bad yourself.”

[elmstar goes into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf assist using x1 burnet]
[ashtail, applebee, sunstomp, and grousecall patrol]
[nimbuscurl, ryetail, owlshade, and darkfang hunt]
[sparkstorm, tulipclaw, poppysplash, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[hollypounce, redfin, heronstep, and ricecub hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[adderbreeze teaches piperpaw swimming]
[tickpaw waits to take his assessment]
[sunstomp mentors mintpaw]
[chestnutstripe mentors toadpaw]
[ravencloud mentors beanpaw]
[burrwhisker mentors snailpaw]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x5 small fish]

elmstar, 48 m, ♀
ashtail, 34 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 50 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 17 m, ♂

stormfang, 60 m, ♂
swiftwind, 51 m, ♂
nightfur, 48 m, ♂
hickorywind, 41, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 55 m, ♀
windfeather, 56 m, ♂
hollypounce, 41 m, ♀
redfin, 54 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 32 m, ♂
badgergaze, 30 m, ♂
ravencloud, 70 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 25 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 25 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 36 m, ♀
deerleap, 68 m, ♀
grousecall, 66 m, ♀
blackbriar, 54 m, ♀
silverdrop, 27 m, ♀
grassheart, 69 m, ♀
sunstomp, 24 m, ♂
owlshade, 19 m, ♂
brambleglow, 28 m, ♀
ricecub, 37 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 26 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 19 m, ♀
ryetail, 17 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 24 m, ♂
mossbounce, 15 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] twigsnap, 16 m, ♀
applebee, 15 m, ♀
poppysplash, 24 m, ♀
heronstep, 15 m, ♂
[url]➣[/url] archthorn, 15 m, ♂
[url]➣[/url] butterflytoe, 13 m, ♀
fognose, 54 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

piperpaw, 15 m, ♀
tickpaw, 13 m, ♂
mudpaw, 7 m, ♀
mintpaw, 6 m, ♀
toadpaw, 6 m, ♂
beanpaw, 6 m, ♀
snailpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 54 m, ♀
gorsewind, 26 m, ♀
hawksnow, 31 m, ♀
nettlemist, 23 m, ♀
shellpond, 22 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shadowkit, 4 m, ♀
saskatoonkit, 4 m, ♀
serpentkit, 4 m, ♀
fallenkit, 3 m, ♂
thistlekit, 3 m, ♀
cardinalkit, 3 m, ♂
dunekit, 3 m, ♀
hazekit, 3 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashkit, 3 m, ♀
beekit, 2 m, ♂
minkkit, 2 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 014
minnow, one serving╶ 012
small fish, two servings╶ 000
squirrel, two servings╶ 005
hare, three servings╶ 005
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 56

Postby inky. » Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:22 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 066 xxx clan servings 011 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth nettlemist (now!) ; shellpond (now!) ; deerleap (1)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Elmstar curled her tail around her kits. Crowkit bounced up, accidentally kicking Falconkit in the side. “Crowkit!” The leader hissed gently. The black tom murmured an apology to his brother before tumbling over his mother’s tail and trotting over to Hawksnow’s nest. “Fallenkit.” Crowkit whispered loudly “Are you awake?” Fallenkit’s head swayed up. Thistlekit slid off of his back, since they were in a pile, and she let out a squeak. “Crowkit why are you up so early.” She groaned. Fallenkit flicked his sister with his tail. “It’s already almost sunhigh.” Fallenkit murmured, yawning. “What did you want to do today, Crowkit?” Elmstar’s kits had been born last moon, but Fallenkit, Thistlekit, Falconkit, and Crowkit were already close friends. Thistlekit prefered Falconkit, though, since Crowkit was a bit too excitable for her taste. Falconkit was nice and level-headed while also having a nice sense of humor. Crowkit was eager, and he and Fallenkit were always the first out of the nursery in the morning to explore. “I was thinking we could go see Ravencloud for a story!” He squeaked “We haven’t heard one in a while, and I know Hazekit feels the same.” Fallenkit tilted his head, ears flopping over slightly. “I suppose we can. I mean, I didn’t have anything planned.” He stretched his legs and opened his mouth in a yawn. Shaking out his pelt, he asked Thistlekit if she was going to join them. She groaned and rolled over. He took that as a no, and the two friends left the nursery to track down Ravencloud for a story.


Elmstar sighed in relief. “Thanks for agreeing to walk with me.” She purred to Ashtail “I needed to stretch my legs.” Ashtail chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.” He meowed “Hawksnow made me kneed her leg muscles once since they were so cramped.” Suddenly, a rustling bush caught both cats’ attention. Elmstream’s fur bristled and Ashtail instinctively stood in front of his friend. “Who’s there.” The deputy demanded, making himself look intimidating “Show yourself.” A little kit wobbled out of the bush, extremely frightened. His wide eyes stared up at the two cats and his brown fur was standing on end. The two cats instantly relaxed, and Elmstar gently walked up to the kit. “Hey there sweetie.” She cooed “Where are your parents?” The kit blinked and took a deep breath. “M-My mom took me here. She said to find my dad. I’m not sure where he is though, or where I am.” Elmstar looked pitifully at the small tom. “Don’t worry, we can help you! My name is Elmstar. You’re on BearClan territory at the moment.” The kit’s eyes opened wider. “BearClan?” He gasped “I think that’s where I’m supposed to go! Do you know my father? His name is Weaselfur! Is he with you?” Ashtail’s heart dropped. “W-Weaselfur?” He said weakly. The kit’s father was a brave cat and had given his life to protect BearClan, but he had died during the fight against the bear, saving Rabbitspark. The deputy licked his lips and was about to say something when Elmstar raised her tail. “Why don’t you come with us, little one.” She meowed “We’ll take you home.”

“Are you serious?” Bumbleflight sighed “Elmstar, no offense, but the nursery has been running rampant. He’s not even a BearClan kit, how are we supposed to take care of him?” Elmstar blinked at him. “Excuse me,” She boomed “He is the son of one of our best warriors. How dare you say he is not BearClan. Any kit with BearClan blood has the right to belong here. You weren’t born here, Bumbleflight, does that mean I should toss you out of the Clan?” The medicine cat hung his head and Ashtail forced his smile down. “She’s right. He has a place here. And really, food is no problem.” Bumbleflight lashed his tail. “I just don’t see the need.” He huffed. “Jacobinkit is staying here.” Elmstar stated firmly “He is one of us, and you will treat him as such. You are welcome to your opinion, but if you act upon it, you will find yourself in a position you do not want to be in. Do I make myself clear?” Ashtail looked up at her in awe. For a cat who was wary about becoming leader, Elmstar was currently radiating authority, and she was rather intimidating. The medicine cat nodded. “Yes ma’am.” He mumbled apologetically, and slipped out of the hollow tree. Ashtail scooted closer to his leader. “Fognose is breaking the news to him now. He's around Minkkit and Beekit's age, so the queens'll raise him with them.” He said sadly “Poor guy.” Elmstar sighed, relaxing and nodding her head. “Yes, I know a lot of cats’ grief will be dug up. Honestly, I hate to admit it but so much has been happening around here, I feel like we haven’t truly paid attention to the cats we lost in the battle and the fire.” Ashtail tilted his head. “We should make a memorial for them.” He decided “A marking in a tree near our new burial place.” Elmstar gave a small smile. “I like that.” She whispered “Tomorrow morning why don’t we lead a group of senior warriors and find a tree you like. We can have a little ceremony.” The two gave little nods, and looked across the clearing from the opening in the tree that served as the leader’s den. Both lowered their heads somberly as they saw Jacobinkit nestling into Fognose’s leg, tears slipping down his cheeks.

[nettlemist and shellpond go into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf assist. x1 raspberry leaf and x1 chervil]
[jacobinkit is found by elmstar and ashtail, he is welcomed into the clan]
[ashtail, applebee, sunstomp, and grousecall patrol]
[nimbuscurl, ryetail, owlshade, and darkfang hunt]
[sparkstorm, tulipclaw, poppysplash, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[hollypounce, redfin, heronstep, and ricecub hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[piperpaw takes her final assessment]
[tickpaw waits to be promoted]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw hunting]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw hunting]
[ravencloud teaches beanpaw hunting]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw hunting]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw battle]
[the clan consumes x5 squirrels and x1 minnow]

elmstar, 49 m, ♀
ashtail, 35 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 51 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 18 m, ♂

stormfang, 61 m, ♂
swiftwind, 52 m, ♂
nightfur, 49 m, ♂
hickorywind, 42, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 56 m, ♀
windfeather, 57 m, ♂
hollypounce, 42 m, ♀
redfin, 56 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 33 m, ♂
badgergaze, 31 m, ♂
ravencloud, 72 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 26 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 26 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 37 m, ♀
grousecall, 67 m, ♀
blackbriar, 55 m, ♀
silverdrop, 28 m, ♀
grassheart, 70 m, ♀
sunstomp, 25 m, ♂
owlshade, 20 m, ♂
brambleglow, 29 m, ♀
ricecub, 38 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 27 m, ♂♀
darkfang, 20 m, ♀
ryetail, 18 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 25 m, ♂
mossbounce, 16 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] twigsnap, 17 m, ♀
applebee, 16 m, ♀
poppysplash, 25 m, ♀
heronstep, 16 m, ♂
[url]➣[/url] archthorn, 16 m, ♂
[url]➣[/url] butterflytoe, 14 m, ♀
fognose, 55 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 37, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

piperpaw, 16 m, ♀
tickpaw, 14 m, ♂
mudpaw, 8 m, ♀
mintpaw, 7 m, ♀
toadpaw, 7 m, ♂
beanpaw, 7 m, ♀
snailpaw, 7 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 55 m, ♀
gorsewind, 27 m, ♀
hawksnow, 32 m, ♀
nettlemist, 24 m, ♀
shellpond, 23 m, ♀
deerleap, 69 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shadowkit, 5 m, ♀
saskatoonkit, 5 m, ♀
serpentkit, 5 m, ♀
fallenkit, 4 m, ♂
thistlekit, 4 m, ♀
cardinalkit, 4 m, ♂
dunekit, 4 m, ♀
hazekit, 4 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashkit, 4 m, ♀
beekit, 3 m, ♂
minkkit, 3 m, ♀
crowkit, 1 m, ♂
falconkit, 1 m, ♂
jacobinkit, 3 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 016
minnow, one serving╶ 016
small fish, two servings╶ 001
squirrel, two servings╶ 001
hare, three servings╶ 006
big fish, three servings╶ 004

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 57

Postby inky. » Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:11 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 072 xxx clan servings 012 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth deerleap (now!)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

last moon

Elmstar was watching Crowkit and Falconkit tumble around Redfin when her brother approached. His chest was puffed out and a broad grin spread over his face. “Well hello there, Nightfur.” She giggled “In a good mood are we?” Nightfur slid cooly down next to her. “Ferretwhisker asked me to be her mate!” He purred. Elmstar raised her eyebrows and let out a purr. “Oh, I’m so happy for you!” She quipped “Nettlemist is going to be so excited for you!” Nightfur smiled. His daughter was in the nursery with her own kits. They were so adorable, and pride had filled his chest when he saw them. “I wish Redpaw was here to see it.” He admitted. Elmstar nodded. Redpaw, Nightfur’s son, had been killed by Viperstar in the old camp. “I’m sure he’s watching down on you from StarClan, I’m sure of it.” Nightfur nodded in satisfaction, and continued to make lighthearted conversation with the leader. A few cat lengths away, Cardinalkit was sharing a mouse with Minkkit. He overheard parts of the conversation, but soon tuned out after hearing the mention of Redpaw. He didn’t know why, but the name stirred something deep inside him.


“Barleykit is a great name!” Nettlemist purred, nuzzling Sunstomp. ‘Much better than Dirtkit.’ She noted silently, thinking about the name Falconkit had innocently suggested. “I was thinking of Cougarkit for this one.” She nodded to the fluffy brown ticked kit “He looks like Cougarleap. I know how much Nightfur misses him, I thought it would be a nice way to honor him.” Sunstomp grinned and a few ‘aw’s came from the other queens. She didn’t tell them that it was also a nod to the kit’s biological father, Cougarstrike, who was in Highgarden. “What about Polarkit for the grey kit?” Sunstomp suggested gently. Nettlemist smiled and nodded. “Barleykit, Polarkit, and Cougarkit.” She cooed, looking down fondly at the three kits nestled at her belly. Sunstomp leaned in. “I know they’re not mine, but I will always look after them.” He promised almost silently, so the other cats wouldn’t hear “Does he want one of them?” Nettlemist nodded somberly. “They’re his kits too technically, and he should get a chance to be in their life.” Sunstomp murmured an ‘okay’, but Nettlemist knew he was sad deep down. Admiration burst in her chest for her mate. Even though she had made a mistake, he still loved her, and he would stick around to raise them. “Let’s enjoy them while we have them, then.” He purred, curling around her and giving his kits licks of affection. Nettlemist purred and melted into his warm fur, love for her family filling her.

this moon

“And last but not least, Saskatoonkit, please step forward.” Elmstar smiled. The small grey kit bounced up the path that was formed by her clanmates. She could hear the cats that watched her on both sides whispering admirable congratulations. The kit stopped in front of her leader, determination set on her face. “Saskatoonkit, you have reached the age of six moons. Are you ready to train as an apprentice, with the goal of becoming a warrior?” Saskatoonkit smiled broadly. “I do.” She confirmed. “Then from now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Saskatoonpaw. Your mentor will be Shrewclaw. He is tough, but I’m sure he will make sure you become the best warrior you can be.” Saskatoonpaw purred and touched noses with her older brother, who was now her mentor. “Shadowpaw, Serpentpaw, Saskatoonpaw!” The cats cried around them. The new apprentice padded over to her sisters, and were instantly engulfed in cats congratulating them. Shrewclaw couldn’t help but smile. Over the past six moons, he and Saskatoonpaw had formed an unbreakable bond. He felt closer to her than any of his siblings, current or deceased. He hadn’t asked Elmstar to be her mentor, but she had approached him about it, and he didn’t object. The leader was right. He tended to be a bit harsh, but when it came to Saskatoonpaw, he would do anything to protect her and help her to succeed. Anything...even if it meant losing his life in the process.


Shrewclaw watched as Silverdrop marched away, tail dragging along the ground. She had asked him if he wanted to go for a walk, but his muscles were aching from Saskatoonpaw’s tour of the territory. He had said no, and she gave a sad smile and walked away. “You are such an idiot.” A voice said sharply. Shrewclaw turned his head to see Squirrelheart walking over to him. “Excuse me?” The warrior asked, raising an eyebrow. His mother sat down and sighed heavily. “She likes you, mousebrain. Every cat can see that! Every cat but you.” Shrewclaw rolled his eyes. “I know that we’re friends.” He said in a matter of fact tone “All she does is hang out with me. I don’t think she has anyone else.” Squirrelheart cuffed him over the ear. “Not in a friendly way.” She hissed. Shrewclaw blinked in surprise. “S-She like-likes me?” Squirrelheart gave an exasperated nod. He tilted his head. He pulled his gaze from her and looked ahead, to where Silverdrop was chatting with Hollypounce. “I’m surprised you noticed.” Shrewclaw said plainly “I thought you didn’t care about me anymore, considering the fact that you had the new litter to replace your old one.” Before Squirrelheart could process what her son said, he got to his paws and walked across the camp to Silverdrop.

“Hey I need to talk to you.” He told her gruffly. Hollypounce blinked and cleared her throat, leaving the two to themselves. Silverdrop went rigid. “What’s wrong with you?” Shrewclaw grumbled “I want to say something.” Suddenly, the she-cat whirled around. “No, I want to say something.” He hissed “I’m sick of this! Couldn’t you see that I was in the middle of a conversation? Are you so thick-skulled that you don’t take other people’s emotions into account? I can’t deal with this anymore, Shrewclaw! All I do is try to be nice to you, no one else is! I wonder why. Maybe it’s because you show nothing but roughness when I show you compassion. I just want to love you, I thought you deserved it. Now I realize that you don’t care about me, and you're just a jerk.” She spun around to leave, but Shrewclaw caught her leg with his paw. When Silverdrop looked back to him, her jaw slacked. She had never seen such pure, raw anguish in the tom’s eyes. She had never seen tears starting to spill over his cheeks. “I’m sorry.” He choked out in the softest, most genuine voice he had ever used “I’m not being fair to you. I know that. T-The truth is, I wanted to tell you that I do love you, so much. You’re the only one that’s ever shown interest in me. I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I never got much love when I was young, and I was so confused on how to show you how I felt, but I did it all wrong.” He whispered, stepping closer to her “I do love you, Silverdrop. I always will.” Silverdrop licked her lips. “I understand. I could tell you were unsure of yourself. I know so much about you, I know you’re quick to hide yourself from others because you think you’ll get hurt. I know. I still love you, Shrewclaw. I love you for who you are. You’re safe around me.” She slowly pressed her cheek against his and licked his ear. “Will you be my mate?” She asked quietly “You’re the only one I’ve ever felt this way about. I accept you, and I will be here for you no matter what.” Shrewclaw abruptly pulled her into a full nuzzle, roughly brushing his body against her. “I love you so much.” He cried softly “I’m sorry if I make mistakes, but I will always be willing to learn for you. I would be honored to be your mate.” The two joined each other in a loud purr, and they curled together, enjoying the rest of the day as mates.


Tickstripe proudly puffed his chest out. He looked beside him at Pipersnap, whose eyes were alight with excitement. All of their clanmates were crying out their new warrior names. Well, everyone except Grassheart and Butterflytoe, but Tickstripe didn’t focus on that. He was focused on her. His dear Pipersnap. The cat who had always been there for him. He had waited to take his name just for this moment, so they could share it together. He planned on sharing many more of these precious memories, but the time wasn’t right just yet. He had already talked to her littermates, and they had given their wholehearted blessing, but he was going to wait. Now, he would soak in the pure joy radiating from her absolutely gorgeous face. The tom beamed with his friend, and time seemed to slow as they shared a nuzzle and continued their celebration.


Marmotsnout wasn’t outspoken. Ever since her kithood, she had sat back and observed, doing things as she was told, and not being a leader. She was telling Ashtail this, sitting in the sunny spot of camp. “Don’t worry,” the deputy assured her, “Elmstar wasn’t always the leadership type. And I was only that way because I knew I had to be. Not everyone has to be authoritative anyways.” Marmotsnout nodded. She was about to agree quietly, when a shriek filled the hollow. “Help!” Beanpaw yowled “Someone help! Toadpaw got caught by a rapid!” The clan instantly broke into action. Swiftwind was the first one to hurtle out of the mouth of the hollow and along the river shore, obviously hellbent on finding his only son. Stormfang and Nightfur weren’t far behind. Ashtail jumped to his paws and sprinted out of the camp. Marmotsnout didn’t know why she did, but she followed behind him, ready for action. By the time they reached the rapid section of the river, the cats were shrieking. Toadpaw was clinging to a rock in the middle of the river, eyes wide and fur plastered to his body. “Help me, papa please!” He pleaded, crying to Swiftwind. “I know, buddy!” The warrior shouted back, trying to hide the fear in his voice “We’ll be there soon, just keep hanging on!” Nightfur shook his head, turning to Redfin in a hushed manner. “I’m not strong enough to swim through without getting caught.” Stormfang swished his tail nervously. “You’re our strongest swimmer, Nightfur, if you can’t do it no one can.” Swiftwind butted his shoulder into the group. “Well someone do something!” He barked, voice cracking “I am not going to let my kit drown.” Redfin gave him a nod. “We aren’t either.” He assured, “Maybe if we find something for him to grab on to.” Marmotsnout’s mind flashed. “The branch.” She murmured. She gasped and hurried to the group of toms by the water, who were surprised to see her. “The fallen branch!” She squeaked “By the edge of the forest! I saw it on a patrol yesterday. It’s thin enough for us to carry, but it’ll be able to reach him!” The toms looked at each other and nodded. It wasn’t long before Marmotsnout was standing behind the four toms with the branch balanced on their backs. “Stormfang, dip your shoulder!” She ordered, hopping up on a stump to get a better look. Toadpaw batted weakly at the tip of the branch, but shrieked and scraped his claws against the rock as he started to slip. “Swiftwind move forward! You’ve almost got it!” Marmotsnout yowled. Swiftwind obeyed, and the fork at the end of the branch lodged around the rock. Toadpaw was quick to latch on and hurriedly run over the branch. It started to roll, and it collapsed into the river, churning and splintering against the tides until it eventually snapped. Toadpaw flung himself onto the bank, tackling Swiftwind, who wrapped his arms around the apprentice and pulled him close. Marmotsnout watched as the father cried with his now safe son, unaware that Ashtail was watching her with intrigue.


The scare of sunhigh had passed. Toadpaw had received a stern talking to about swimming alone, and Fognose had batted him so hard Fallenkit thought he was going to pop. But now, everything was calm. Bumbleflight had given him an all clear, and the youngest members of the clan had decided that their story time would continue as scheduled. Fallenkit led the kits from the nursery to where Ravencloud was laying in the sun. Thistlekit had taken an instant liking to Moorkit, Shellcloud’s daughter, and had declared that they were best friends. Moorkit seemed to be just as enthusiastic, as she was happily bouncing beside her new bestie, seeming to ignore Falconkit who was also with them. Spiderkit, Moorkit’s brother, was wobbling along behind them. He had inherited Sparkstorm’s famous long legs, and Fallenkit had guessed that’s why he was named after a bug that was 90% leg. Crowkit walked beside the young tom. Elmstar’s son had been keen to get to know Fallenkit, and they had formed a decent bond. “Ravencloud!” Moorkit squeaked, “Will you tell us a story, pwease?” Ravencloud purred and readjusted herself to be in a comfortable position. As the kits settled down, the senior warrior tilted her head. “Of course, little ones.” She giggled “What will it be today?” Falconkit’s eyes brightened. “Oh! Could you tell us about how Ashtail drove out Viperstar?” Fallenkit rolled his eyes. “You know, I never understood why everyone hates him. Was he really that bad?” He huffed “Didn’t he just want to help the clan?” Ravencloud gave a sad, but understanding smile. “Oh, my darling, you’re too young to understand.” Was all she said, then she began the story.

[deerleap goes into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf help, using x1 burnet]
[shrewclaw and silverdrop become mates and try for kits]
[squirrelheart and stormfang try for kits]
[ashtail, pipersnap, archthorn, tickstripe, and blackbriar patrol]
[sunstomp, grousecall, applebee, and twigsnap hunt]
[mossbounce, heronstep, ravencloud, and burrwhisker hunt]
[ricecub, chestnutstripe, swiftwind, and stormfang hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs, specifically looking for kitting herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw battle]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw battle]
[ravencloud teaches beanpaw battle]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw battle]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw climbing]
[nimbuscurl mentors shadowpaw]
[owlshade mentors serpentpaw]
[shrewclaw mentors saskatoonpaw]
[the clan consumes x4 hares]

elmstar, 50 m, ♀
ashtail, 36 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 52 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 19 m, ♂

stormfang, 62 m, ♂
swiftwind, 53 m, ♂
nightfur, 50 m, ♂
hickorywind, 43, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 57 m, ♀
windfeather, 58 m, ♂
hollypounce, 43 m, ♀
redfin, 57 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 34 m, ♂
badgergaze, 32 m, ♂
ravencloud, 73 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 27 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 27 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 38 m, ♀
grousecall, 68 m, ♀
blackbriar, 56 m, ♀
silverdrop, 29 m, ♀
grassheart, 71 m, ♀
sunstomp, 26 m, ♂
owlshade, 21 m, ♂
brambleglow, 30 m, ♀
ricecub, 39 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 28 m, ♀
darkfang, 21 m, ♀
ryetail, 19 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 26 m, ♂
mossbounce, 17 m, ♂
twigsnap, 18 m, ♀
applebee, 17 m, ♀
poppysplash, 26 m, ♀
heronstep, 17 m, ♂
archthorn, 17 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 15 m, ♀
fognose, 56 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 38, ♀
pipersnap, 17 m, ♀
tickstripe, 15 m, ♂
lightrunner, 20 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 9 m, ♀
mintpaw, 8 m, ♀
toadpaw, 8 m, ♂
beanpaw, 8 m, ♀
snailpaw, 8 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 6 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 6 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 56 m, ♀
gorsewind, 28 m, ♀
hawksnow, 33 m, ♀
nettlemist, 25 m, ♀
shellpond, 24 m, ♀
deerleap, 70 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

fallenkit, 5 m, ♂
thistlekit, 5 m, ♀
cardinalkit, 5 m, ♂
dunekit, 5 m, ♀
hazekit, 5 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashkit, 5 m, ♀
beekit, 4 m, ♂
minkkit, 4 m, ♀
crowkit, 2 m, ♂
falconkit, 2 m, ♂
jacobinkit, 4 m, ♂
barleyit, 1 m, ♂
polarkit, 1 m, ♂
cougarkit, 1 m, ♂
spiderkit, 1 m, ♂
moorkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 017
minnow, one serving╶ 017
small fish, two servings╶ 006
squirrel, two servings╶ 002
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 005

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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