Bareback Dreams

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Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:21 pm

Critiquing is welcome c:

Chapter 1
I raced bareback and halter-less through the woods on my pure black Friesian- Vegas. We were at top speed, dodging trees and boulders. Vegas' thick, black, mane whipped my face as I leaned foreword to make us go faster. I yelled with pure joy, and threw my hands out, clinging to Vegas with my legs. This is what freedom felt like. No one bossing me around, no one to tell me I was ugly, and no one to make fun of my love for horses. Just me, my horse, and the wilderness.
Hi, I am Nicole Wills, but you can call me Nikki. I am just your average horse loving girl.
Today was the first day that my family and I had moved back home to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
I go to school in Jackson during the school year, and lets just say me and the city kids don't get along real well. Anyways, my family and I live there during the school year and move back down here to the ranch in Hole, which my dad owns, in the summer. Its real fun here, much more fun than back in Jackson. I am always being bullied and picked on there. But here, there is not a single human in sight- well, except for my mom, dad, and sister Kayla, of course. I wish I could live here all the time... its so peaceful.

Vegas and I galloped into a clearing, and I saw our huge red barn with white trim, the corrals, the pastures, and our large two story white wooden house. The new deck that my dad had just added on a few weeks ago looked nice with its fresh coat of white paint. I spotted my dad, A.KA. Cameron Wills, repairing a fence. He looked up and waved to me with a dirty work glove covered hand, and then went back to hammering wire into the fence post. I waved back and brought Vegas down to a trot with my voice. We trotted into the barn, and a few of the horses nickered to us. Vegas nickered back, and the noises echoed through the large barn. I jumped off Vegas when we stopped by her stall, and I picked a white and green bristled brush out of her blue grooming supplies bucket. I didn't bother cross-tying her, as I had trained her real well last summer, and with the time I had had this past school year.
I ran the brush across her sweaty body, and made sure to swirl her hair the way it grew. Vegas hated it when I brushed her hair the wrong way. I accidentally brushed over it the wrong way at her hip, and Vegas stomped her foot on the concrete floor. “Sorry about that girl.” I said softly, and kissed her nose.
I finished brushing her beautiful black coat, and threw the brush back into the bucket. “Come on girl.” I motioned to her, and lead her out into one of the close pastures. I opened the gate, and Vegas took off at a canter through it, and I smiled. I closed the green old rusted gate, locked it, and headed off to the barn to do my afternoon chores.

After I was done mucking out all 20 stalls, I moved my brown hair out of my green eyes, and off my sweaty brow. I re-adjusted my black and blue plaid shirt, and dusted off my jeans. My boots were as dirty as usual, but I didn't bother cleaning them. Lifting the wheelbarrow, with a rather large mountain of manure in it, I heaved it over to the huge pile that was spread over a tarp. At the end of each week my dad took all the manure from the tarp, shoveled it into his manure spreader, and drove it around with his tractor through all of the pastures. My dad always said horse manure is a great fertilizer for the pastures, and our garden. I don't really like to think about eating horse manure with my carrots stew... but hey, mom makes the best carrot stew!

I put the wheelbarrow away, and trotted towards the house. I could smell the hamburgers from outside, and my mouth watered. I turned around and took one last look at the outdoors before I climbed up the porch steps and went inside. The radiant colors of the sunset glowed over the horizon, and I took a deep breath. This life was better than anything.

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

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Re: Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:23 pm

Chapter 2
Kayla called my name, and I darted inside, taking my boots off on the green mat that read, “Wipe your feet!” I ran through the living room and slipped on the hardwood floor. I caught myself, and entered the kitchen to see everyone sitting at our rustic-looking dinner table... well, everyone except me.
“Nicole Jean Wills! You know better than to be late to dinner!” My mom, A.K.A. Sonja Wills, scolded me from her seat. Her legs were crossed neatly under her long floral skirt, and her hands were folded nicely on top of them. My mom's purple shirt was spotless, and blue eyes looked into my soul, and peered at my dirty clothing... But her soft lips pursed a small smile.
I quickly sat down and apologized, “Sorry mom, I was just so busy with my chores.”
My mother sighed, and shook her head. “Its alright. But it wouldn't take so long if you didn't take 10 minuets with each horse!”
A grin spread across my face, “Mom, each of the horses needs love. I can't just go around ignoring them all day. Plus they like the extra attention.”
My mom sighed again, and my dad took her hand in his, “Anyway, Nikki, since you were the last one to the table why don't you say grace?” He looked at me with a soft face that said I didn't have a choice.
I shrugged, “Sure, why not.” We all took hands, and I gave thanks to God. I asked him to bless our food to our bodies, and I thanked him for such the wonderful life he has given us. Once I finished, everyone said in unison, “Amen.”
We ate our food, and thanked mom as well.
“These burgers are so good mom!” I said as I dug in to my perfectly grilled and amazingly flavored juicy hamburger.
Kayla looked at me with a disgusted look, and then laughed,“If you eat like that, you should be out with the horses.”
I smiled at my older sister, and nodded, “You know if I could, I would Kayla!”
She rolled her eyes, and ate her burger cleanly.

When we had all finished dinner, we kicked back in the family room and watched a movie. It was my turn to pick, so of course I picked a horse movie. I pulled out Black Beauty from the movie cabinet, as it was my favorite movie of all time.
By the end of the movie we were all crying, and even my dad's eyes were misty. I laughed, and hugged him. The sun had set about an hour ago, and it was past 10. My mom told us goodnight, and went to her own room with dad trailing behind her.
“Kayla?” I asked my older sister when we were in the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
“Yeah?” She asked, running her brush through her long blonde hair. Kayla was pretty, and she was kinda a popular girl in her 10th grade and at Jackson high school. She liked horses and all, and even had a Quarter Horse of her own. But Kayla would never love horses as much as me.
“Want to go on a trail ride tomorrow, after breakfast?” I looked at myself in the mirror while questioning my sister. I wasn't that pretty. No wonder no one liked me. Freckles dotted my face, and my elbow-length dirty brown hair was always a mess.
“Sure,” Kayla replied, shrugging. “But would you get Lady ready for me? I have to call Brian after breakfast.”
I sighed. Lady is Kayla's paint, and I think that is the sorriest name for a barrel horse if I ever did hear one. Kayla never wants to saddle Lady, because she might break a nail or something. But I like saddling Lady anyway, so I just quickly replied with, “Yeah, sure!” before Kayla could change her mind.

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

Do you like to write? Come on over to Writer's Haven Forum!
I would love to get to know you and read your writing c:

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Re: Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:24 pm

Chapter 3
The next morning I woke up at 5am, and looked out my window that was lined with horse-print curtains. It was still dark out, but I could see the rooster making its way up to the top of the chicken coop so it could call its good morning cock-a-doodle-doo.
I quickly changed into some jeans, a red t-shirt, and put some socks on so I could slip my boots on downstairs. I walked through the hall, and passed Kayla's room. I heard her loud snoring, “Asleep like a princess.” I murmured, snickering to myself. Quietly, I clomped down the hard-wood stairs and walked over to the fridge to get some orange juice. I took out a glass and and then poured the juice. I downed the whole glass, licked my lips, and made my way over to the front door.
I slipped on my boots, and noticing my dad's were already gone. I stepped outside onto our deck, gently closing the door behind me.

Taking in a deep breath, I let the fresh early morning air enter my lungs as continued to walk towards the barn just as the sun peeked over the mountains. Our rooster let out a loud morning call just as the light from the sun trickled down the hillside.
As I walked into the barn, a few of the horses nickered to me. I scratched their cheeks, and fed them carrot bits I had stole from the fridge this morning.
I went to the grain room, and filled each of the horses' buckets with the proper amount of grain. After each of them got their designated amounts, I checked and double checked that the grain room was locked shut. We didn't want any of the horses escaping their stalls and foundering* if they got into the grain room. I cringed at the thought of any of the horses foundering... it seemed painful. I shook the thought out of my head, and went to the shed grain room outside to get the horses at pasture their grain.

When my morning chores were done, I was called in for breakfast. I looked at the kitchen clock, and the blue rustic clock showed it was 7:30am. Taking a seat at my usual spot at the table, I joined dad and Kayla. They said hello to me, and I noticed Kayla was still in her pajamas.
“You better hurry if you want to get ready before our ride.” I said shyly to my big sister.
My sister gave me a, “Seriously Nikki?” Look, and began to eat her food when my mother served it to her. I too a deep breath, and decided to let it slide off my shoulder.
“Thank you.” I said when my mom served me, and then I ate every piece of egg and bacon off my floral patterned plate.
I was going to remind Kayla again to get ready, but I thought twice about it and just took my dishes to the sink.

After my dad said I was excused from breakfast duties, I went to fetch Vegas from the pasture.
I grabbed her hackamore from the tack room, and slipped though the gate gaps to enter the close pasture. Once I spotted her, I whistled to her by putting two fingers in my mouth, and blowing.
She raised her beautiful head, and nickered to me. I smiled. I loved that deep, love-bound sound a horse makes when they are truly happy.
She trotted up to me, her mane and forelock bouncing quietly on her black fur. I stroked her neck, “Good girl Vegas, good girl. How does a trail ride sound today?” I asked her, and she whinnied loudly in reply.
“Ow... that was my ear...” I said, sticking my finger in my ear to try and stop the ringing. Vegas nudged my shoulder with her forehead in apology, but it about sent me crashing into the green morning-dew-covered grass. I laughed, and kissed her nose, slipping the blue hackamore over her nose and over her big ears, and buckling the chin-strap.
Leading her to the tack room, I whistled to the tune of yanky-doodle.

I tied Vegas to the pine hitching post, and went back to the barn to get Lady from her stall.
When I came back into view, Vegas whinnied to Lady, and Lady returned the favor. I smiled, as I loved being around horses when they interacted. It helped me learn how to communicate with them better.
I tied Lady to the opposite side of the hitching post that Vegas was on, and the two sniffed noses, blowing greetings from nostril to nostril.
I brushed both the horses until their coats shone, and took extra time to apply special gel to Lady's face. She had a white face with blue eyes, and was prone to burn if she didn't have a fly mask on, or this pink gel.
After I was satisfied with how they both looked, I went back to the tack room to get Lady's pink saddle blanket and leather western saddle.
When I returned I placed the pink blanket on the proper place on her withers, and made sure Lady's back hairs were facing the right way under the blanket, so they wouldn't irritate or pinch her during the ride. I then swung the 80 pound saddle up onto her back, and hooked the cinch just tight enough around Lady's stomach so it wouldn't fall off. I then put her bejeweled breast collar on. I carefully slipped Lady's beautiful and expensive pink bridle on, and let the soft white and pink braided reins drop to the ground. I didn't have to worry about her running off because she was trained to be ground tied*.
Now I had both horses ready to go... and all I needed to do was wait for Kayla to be ready.

* Founder – Swelling of the inside of a horse's foot. In some cases the sole of the hoof separates from the wall. It results from overfeeding of rich nutrients, overworking, and overheating.
** Ground Tied – It's where if you leave the horse's reins touching the ground, they wont move at all, until you tell them to.

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

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Re: Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:25 pm

Chapter 4
The warmth of the early day started to come down upon me and the two horses as we waited for Kayla to come. Just as I was about to go see what was taking her so long, she turned the corner, and the horses pricked their ears towards her.
“I'm here. Sorry it took so long, Brian was being as cute as ever on the phone!” Kayla said, letting out a small squeal when she mentioned her boyfriend.
I scrunched my nose, “ew.” I murmured, and shook my head. I would never have a boyfriend.

Kayla struggled to get up into the saddle, and It took all of my strength not to laugh at her when she almost boosted herself onto the other side of her horse.
I untied the horses, and then swiftly jumped up onto Vegas' back. Kayla rolled her eyes, and I let out a quiet giggle.
“Alright, lets go,” Kayla said, and jabbed Lady with her heels.
I winced for Lady as she jerked foreword.
“Stupid horse!” Kayla said, pulling back on the reins.
“Kayla!” I scolded my older sister, and gently nudged Vegas to walk up next to them.
“You need to be more gentle.” I said carefully, so I didn't anger my sister anymore then she already was. “Lady is just obeying you. If you want her to go slower, tap her lighter with your heel. You don't need to stab her.” I explained quietly, and showed her the basic commands with Vegas.
Kayla listened, but when I was done talking, she put her hands on her hips, “I already knew that Nikki. You didn't have to tell me. I haven't ridden in 5 months, ok?”
Kayla then gently tapped Lady's ribs with her designer boots, and Lady started off at a walk. I clung to Vegas lightly with my thighs, and used my voice to command her into a trot to catch up with them.

We headed towards the trail that lead into the forest, and I took the lead on Vegas. Kayla kept up steady chatter about how she missed her friends who were all doing 'fun' stuff this summer, and she had to be stuck here. I listened, but didn't really keep track of what she was saying. Instead, I kept my eyes on the surroundings. The beautiful evergreen trees surrounded and shaded us from the killer Wyoming sun, and I could hear the trickle of a little stream flowing. Bird songs floated through the clean, crisp air, and the horses' ears were flicking in every direction, taking in all the sounds of the forest.

All of a sudden, Kayla stopped talking, and she let out a scream. I jumped, and turned my head around to see what was the matter with her. And just as I did, an ear-piercing scream bounced off the trees, and this time I knew it wasn't Kayla. I looked past her, and about 10 feet off the trail was a huge mountain lion. Bigger than I had ever seen or imagined one would ever be. Kayla was frozen in fear, and I had to yell at her make her get her horse to move faster.
When Kayla urged her horse into a fast-paced trot, the mountain lion pounced onto the trail and started chasing her. My heart started beating faster, as I told Vegas to run. “Make her run Kayla!” I screamed, and looked back at my sister. Tears were streaming down her face, “I can't! I will fall off!”
My heart pounded faster. What should I do? I quickly turned Vegas around, and we took off towards them and I witnessed the sight of the mountain lion running after Lady and Kayla. He was gaining fast. He jumped, and his claws pierced Lady's rump. She squealed, and Kayla screamed. Lady took off at a full-throttle gallop, and the mountain lion stumbled to the ground. Kayla fell too, about 20 feet from the mountain lion.
It hissed, baring its teeth. Kayla screamed again, struggling to get up. I urged Vegas to go faster, and as we approached Kayla, Lady ran past us in the opposite direction.
“Get him Vegas!” I yelled as we were about on top of the big-cat, and I signaled Vegas to rear. As she did, I clung to her sides with my legs, and gripped her mane with my hands. Her hooves slammed down onto the ground, one of them landing on the lion's front leg. It let out a loud yell of pain, and took off half limping, half running back into the forest.

I hopped off Vegas and ran up to Kayla, “Are you ok?”
“No! No, I'm not ok!” Kayla cried, as I helped her up.
“Well, you look ok. No broken bones?”
“No.” She replied, moving her hair out of her face, and dusting off her jeans.
“Poor Lady. We need to find her.” I said, looking in the direction I last saw her go.
I could tell Kayla was scared. She was terrified. I had been scared too. Maybe the most scared I had ever been. But that wouldn't stop me from finding Lady and helping her with her wounds.
Kayla's voice shivered as she answered, “Yeah. Yeah we do.”
I jumped back onto Vegas, and patted her neck.
“Good girl... good girl.” I said, laying my head on her neck for a second. “Come on Kayla. Jump on.”
Kayla gave me a 'you got to be kidding' look. “Seriously? On that beast of a horse?” She asked.
“Yes I am serious. We need to save your horse. Get on and help me find her, or you can walk back home alone.”
That made Kayla shiver again, and she told me to go near a big rock so she could jump on.
Her plan worked, and she clung tightly to me as she settled on Vegas' back.

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

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Re: Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:12 am

More to be posted soon ~

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

Do you like to write? Come on over to Writer's Haven Forum!
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The Fire Stone
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Re: Bareback Dreams

Postby Petlover552 » Wed May 27, 2015 6:42 am

Forgot about this! Maybe updating soon ~

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Hi, I'm Amber ♡ I have a long list of stuff I am addicted to... but I will make
it short and sweet, cuz I don't think you wanna be here all day cx
I love all animals, Spirit, Marvel shows and movies (Iron Fist, Civil War, Captain America, Ant-Man, Spider-Man), DC tv shows (Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends of Tomorrow), and writing c:

Do you like to write? Come on over to Writer's Haven Forum!
I would love to get to know you and read your writing c:

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The Fire Stone
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