Cutty's Writings

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Cutty's Writings

Postby Toy Cutty » Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:31 pm

Cutty's Writings

At the moment my world is going crazy and I need to distract my self, so why not share my writings. I'm not really sure how this will work or what it will turn into but at least I'm trying something.

The first set of stories is my wip that I've started at the end of last year. It may be a bit spooky but hopefully nothing too bad.
I also have a journal here:

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Re: Cutty's Writings

Postby Toy Cutty » Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:57 pm

Investigations of Local Folklore: Abilene, Texas The Black-Eyed Kids

Date: Redacted Time: Redacted
The electricity cuts out. I sit in silence for a moment.
Knock, knock, knock.
My eyes shot toward the door, the light from the street is shining through the tiny window at the top. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Could they really be at my door or is my imagination running wild again?
A small voice is whispering. “Can we come in?”


__The first time I heard about the Black Eyed kids, or BEKs for short, was when I was sitting at home after school. My family had a ritual of once my father got home from work we’d all sit down and watch something together. The show that evening was Cryptids in America. Barely listening to the show till a familiar name caught my ear. Abilene Texas. I knew a friend from there.

__In the spring of 1996 Brian Bethel, an Abilene journalist, wrote about his experience with the Black eyed kids. He was parked in front of a movie theater when two boys quietly approached his car. One boy knocked on the window. Bethel, expecting to get a sob story about money cracked the window. In that moment he was filled with soul-wrenching fear. A suave olive skinned young man asked if he and his friend could have a lift. They wished to see the Mortal Kombat movie but forgot the money at his house.

__To Bethel this was completely plausible, the boys were no older than 12, a simple accident. Something about the entire event still didn’t sit quite right with Bethel, he was still on edge. Looking up at the showing times for Mortal Kombat, the last showing had already started, by the time he drove the boys back to their house and back the movie would be mostly over.

__The smooth talking pre-teen placed his hand on top of Bethel’s car and leaned closer to the cracked window.
“It won’t take long mister. Were just two little kids. Why don’t you let us in. It’s not like we have a gun or anything.”
That last sentence perturbed Bethel deeply.

__The cool plastic of the car door handle beneath his fingertips snapped him out of a fear driven trance. Violently he jolted his hand away from the lock.

__The spokesman slammed his fist down hard on the roof of the car. Bethel’s mind buzzed with terror. The air became cold and heavy, when the boy’s eyes met his. His eyes were soulless orbs of inky black.
“I’m sorry boys, I can’t take you anywhere. I really need to get home. My family is waiting on me, for dinner. Maybe someone else can take you,” He was making up any reason to excuse himself from this nightmare. “Or maybe ya’ll can try to catch a showing tomorrow.” He turned the key that had been resting in the ignition.

__The boy’s hand struck the window. “We can’t come in unless you invite us in.! You have to say it’s okay!” Anger was evident in his voice.

__Bethel gripped the gearshift and threw the car into drive, while his other hand rolled up the window. The car squealed off down the street. Peering back into the rearview mirror terrified, Bethel saw that the boys had disappeared from view.
In a later article recapping what he had experienced, Bethel to this day still has no idea what he encountered.
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Re: Cutty's Writings

Postby Toy Cutty » Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:12 am

You’re On!

__My investigations into the paranormal began because of a fight I had with a childhood friend of mine, Amber Hill. While sitting in a grungy 70’s themed coffee shop on a Saturday waiting on our boyfriends to show up for our double date, we did what typical teenagers do. Talk. Our topics ranged from the assignments and tests we had that week, to what we wanted to do after the coffee shop, then to the more interesting points, the paranormal.

__This was prompted by a worker wearing a bigfoot shirt.
Amber poked her head out of the booth to get a better look at his shirt.

__“Hey look! That dude’s shirt is so cool.”
I turned around to get a better look as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Turning back, “Cool shirt. Too bad bigfoot was probably just a guy in a monkey suit.”

__“I don’t know, maybe the old video is a guy, but all those different sightings in sooo many different places, and almost all of them look similar. Sounds like it might actually be something.”
I looked at her in disbelief.

__ “Really? All this time, people have supposedly seen this 7 to 8 ft tall walking man beast. Hunting it even and no one has caught it, captured a good picture of it or has any solid scientific proof of it? I’m not saying it doesn’t exist for certain, just seems highly improbable.”

__“Oooohhh! I’m sorry Miss Sciencey pants.” She said sarcastically putting her elbows on the table and cupped her face. “Does everything have to have scientific evidence for you to believe it?”

__“Are you naturally this much a pain or do you practice being annoying? I’m just saying. Where’s the proof?”

__“Maybe the government covers it up!” Both of us laughed.

__ “I bet there’s a whole group of them somewhere, and I bet they’re extremely smart. So smart that they hide and remove any proof they exist.” Confidence rang in Amber’s voice.

__“I doubt they’re smart. Besides what would you know about bigfoot and the supernatural?” I scoffed, folding my arms.

__“Well, I’ll have you know Ms. Madeline Groover-“ Her tone was so factual. “I personally have dabbled in studying the supernatural. And it started when I was almost eaten by the black eyed kids.” She mimicked me by folding her arms too.

__“Black eyed kids tried to eat you?” I questioned her.

__“Yup!” Excitement crept across her face. “I was leaving a party, it was pitch black outside. I got in my car, but it wouldn’t start. Then all of a sudden, these two little boys walked up to my car and asked for a ride. I was like, ‘Uhmmmmm where are your parents?’ They wouldn’t answer and just kept asking over and over for a ride. Deep in my guts and junk I got a really bad feeling, like I was going to get sick. I was starting to get really scared, and I wanted to drive far away but my car just WOULD NOT START!” Her shouting caused some of the people in the next booth to look over.
“So, I was like ‘No, I have to go home.’ I felt bad for lying to a bunch of kids, cause like what if these two little boys really need a ride, what if they were in danger, but something…..something just wasn’t right about it all. Ya know? So, I kept trying to start my car and then I looked back over at the kids, and I swear to you their eyes, I kid you not, the entire eyeball was PITCH BLACK!” Amber’s eyes widened to exaggerate her point.

__“Damn Amber just abandoned some poor kids, then judged them for their freaky eyes. So cruel, Also that doesn’t explain how they tried to eat you.” I was joking with her but I really was captivated by her story.

__“Oh, ha ha. You’re one to judge you totally would have just said no and drove off before even looking at his eyes, and I’m getting there. When I saw that his eyes were pitch black. I was like stuck, I couldn’t stop looking into his eyes. He asked again for a ride. I couldn’t do or say anything, but suddenly my had started reaching for the handle thingy, I didn’t want to open the door. I grabbed my wrist. I was crying so hard, like I was shaking. I tried starting the car again and thankfully it worked, and I tore out of there.” She shot her hand out in front of her, almost knocking over her drink. “I don’t even think I looked back. I ran into my house and locked the door.”

__“Girl we’ve been friends for 5 years, why is this the first time I’m hearing this story?” Really, we had been friends for so long, why IS this the first time I’m hearing it? She knew I loved ghost stories and spooky stuff. Does she not remember the time I scared our whole class in 7th grade? Kids are easy to trick, all you need is a good story, a empty stage and a hollow boot heel. The whole choir class was running into the halls screaming.

__“You think all ghost stories are fake, so even if I told you. You wouldn’t have believed me.” She is right, I don’t believe her.

__“Well, if you would have called me, I would have been there to beat up a jerky kid for pulling a bad prank.”

__“See right there.” She pointed at me. “You don’t believe me. And you wouldn’t have done anything.”

__“I would have proven to everyone black eye kids were a hoax.” I smiled as I said this. I felt it demonstrated my point about the bigfoot thing.

__“You couldn’t prove anything,” she furrowed her eyebrows.

__“You wanna bet? Ain’t nothing I can’t prove using science, logic and a damn good investigation. “- I slapped the table and pointed my other hand at her- “I’ll make you a deal I prove it’s all a hoax I get my ring back, how does that sound?”

__Amber glanced down. Catching me giving her a confused look she straightened back up boasting with confidence. “Ye-yeah, sure you’re on!”
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