VOK Katonda Pride Written Works (DNP)

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Prompts A3 & A7-A11

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:03 am

A3: What Does Your Pride Value Above All Else? 214/200 word min. 150 exp
What the pride as a whole values most is probably their ranking system. Everyone is expected to behave appropriately for someone of their status so that the pride functions to the best of it's ability and appears strong and united to anyone who might meet them.
Though there are exceptions and some individuals have very different reasons for valuing what they do, higher ranks tend to value their appearance, both how they come across socially, and their physical appearance. Both of those are things they can use to get what they want from those they can't order around.
For guards and protectors of the pride they tend to value their honor and loyalty to the pride above all else, though some have an ambitious streak that overrules their loyalty.
Lower ranks, hunters and foragers, tend to just value life and freedom. They simply want to live their quiet lives, do their jobs, and avoid the wrath of the king.
While the pride isn't very united in any one thing they value, the things they value individually make the pride function the way it does, for better or for worse and they can at least all agree that one thing they all want to do is to avoid the king's anger, regardless of their status.

A7: What sort of hunting style does your pride employ to survive in their territory’s environment? 254/200 word min. 150 exp
The pride territory stretches over mountains, hills, jungle like territory, and savanna lands. Every lion is trained to hunt somewhat efficiently at least in each sector, but lions tend to gravitate toward one or two certain techniques that they stick with and those skills are taken into consideration when hunting parties are sent out.
For instance, some lions gravitate toward stealth, camouflage, and speed which makes them perfect for hunting the savanna where they can hide in the tall grasses or behind what little cover is offered until prey comes along. And being easily spotted once they leave their hiding place, their speed is primarily what helps them take down their prey.
In the jungle there is less room to run so lions who hunt here tend to learn how to climb so they can lay in wait in the trees looking for prey. Or they learn how to wait quietly in the brush until prey is close enough a powerful leap or swipe of their paw can kill their quarry.
In the mountain and hill country the lions tend to rely on being still and quiet, hiding patiently where they know prey will pass by then jumping from their perches to land on the backs of larger deer or equine-like animals so they can go for the kill. Or, if they lack that ability they will sneak up on the animals and block their path, usually startling them enough when they appear that they have ample time to kill or injure the animal.

A8: What would be the emblem/symbol of your pride and why? 50 word minimum. 50 exp

A9: What is your pride’s biggest threat? 200 words or 1 art piece minimum - 150 ex

A10: What is your pride’s greatest strength, and greatest weakness? (70 & 83) 153/50 word minimum EACH - 100 exp

Their greatest strength is probably their ability to adapt to different environments. Because they live in a territory that covers a variety of places all pride members are at least fairly well trained in hunting and fighting in four different kinds of settings, the savanna, jungle, hills, and water. This puts them at an advantage when traveling or attacking a rival territory and allows them to thrive in different places.
Their greatest weakness is probably the fact that they are not that strongly united. The thing that unites them more than anything is fear. Mostly fear of their king. If he were to leave or die with no one stepping up to take over the pride after him they would likely split up and become somewhat disorganized. And of course, living in fear doesn't exactly help the overall atmosphere of the pride, making it a tense place to be more often than not.

A11: How does your pride band together in the face of danger? 204/200 words or 1 art piece minimum - 150 exp

While they are not the most united pride as a whole, each individual has something or someone to protect so even for that alone they will come together and stand against whatever might be threatening them, whether it be another species, another pride, or some kind of natural disaster. Everyone knows what their roles is in the event of such a disaster so they know exactly what they should do or what is expected of them so that at least can help them to be efficient and organized as they deal with whatever the threat against them is.
And despite all his faults their king is a fierce leader and a skilled fighter. He almost seems to thrive on any altercation they might have with other predators or prides and he doesn't ever give up easily, as a matter of fact, most likely no one can remember a time he did give up at all.
And the healers are always ready with their herbs and knowledge to heal whoever might need it or ease the passing of those beyond help. During these times they are invaluable, and even those who don't especially like them or approve of their more mystical side can't deny it.
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Prompts A12-A20

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:20 am

A12 - Your pride discovers something new and foreign, how do they respond? 214/200 words minimum - 150 exp
Something new would likely be met with a mix of wariness, curiosity, and skepticism and would be explored to see if it had any use to the King or the pride.
It also might depend on the nature of whatever it was. A plant or something like that would likely be left to the healers to explore and test.
A new location or environment would probably be kept secret until the king and his guard had seen it first and determined what use or threat it might be.
If it was something that might be edible the king's lead hunters and guard would probably commune to decide if it was worth trying to catch. If they decided it was worth the trouble the hunting party would be sent to get it however they thought might be best. Then the healers might check the carcass for signs of sickness or poison, anything that might make it inedible.
Whatever it was specifically it would be well explored or tested by lions with the right skills before the king or royal family came too close. If this new thing proved to be harmful to them, someone would be in trouble for having not done a sufficient job in checking the safety or usability of whatever it was.

A13 - How does your pride regard the dead/their ancestors? Do they watch over them, are they angry spirits, or gone forever? 197/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The pride believes that their ancestors all live on in spirit, some being good and some bad and all of them divided at death into the grasslands or wastelands, according to their deeds and heart in life. Some guiding and protecting the pride while others seek to harm them or do evil. In the past there were strict laws on how to treat the ancestors while alive but over time those laws became less strict or were forgotten completely. Not unlike the once clear boundary between good and evil.
While they still believe in the ancestors and have a healthy fear of them, the pride isn't as connected to them as they once were, healers probably being the ones to have the strongest connection with them due to their jobs.
Some lions have said they have seen their dead loved one in spirit form, or felt their guiding presence since their passing and these stories are believe, or at least not openly disputed, by most of the pride.
In a way, with times being as hard as they are, the ancestors are a source of comfort to some lions but others believe the ancestors have abandoned them.

A14 - What does your pride expect of their cubs? Do they expect them to grow up quickly? Become warriors? 170/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Cubs are practically born knowing what they will be raised as for the most part, according to the skills or ranks of their parents. They are expected to follow tradition and their parents are expected to raise them to fit the rank assigned to them. When they are deemed old enough by the king or senior pride members cubs are expected to start learning not only from their parents but the older or more skilled lions who share their status.
While cubs have a status planned for them at a very young age they don't officially get the titled until they are a year old, unless they are a prince or princess in which case they are given their title from the moment they are born.
Lower ranking cubs aren't monitored too carefully and their training is mostly left to their parents and the other lions in their rank, but if the king or any higher ranking lion finds a cub's training has been neglected there will be severe consequences.

A15 - What sort of prey populates your pride’s territory? What sort of predators/threats? 172/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Antelopes, zebras, hogs, goats, and wildebeest all reside or make their way through the pride's territory and are their main food source being large enough for several lions to share one carcass. Zebras and antelope are the most common and preferred meal.
But some birds and mice are also regarded as prey and often given to the cubs to eat or nurture their hunting instincts.
Hyenas and Cheetahs are the most aggressive predator threat that the pride faces. Not only do they fight over food sources but they will take advantage of finding a lone lion or cubs given the chance, but sometimes the pride will make temporary alliances with them in hard times. Adders can also be a threat in some places, easily concealed by their color and with a potentially fatal bite.
Drought or flooding and mud slides are the most common natural dangers but the pride has learned to deal with them. Of course, injuries, illness, and fatalities still occur, but it isn't as bad as it could be.

A16 - What sort of climate does your pride’s territory have? Do they have well defined seasons? Dry seasons? Rainy seasons? 196/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The pride lives in the mountain/hill country where they have their dens and a supply of water from the stream. But, their territory extends down the mountains to the jungles below and the savanna beyond giving them a variety of climates.
The jungle tends to be the cooler place, partly because of the shelter if offers from the sun while the open savanna is hot and dry except near the stream or waterhole.
The dry season lasts seven months while the rainy season lasts five. Toward the beginning of the dry season things seem new and fresh after the rains. But not quite halfway into the dry season things tend to seem unbearably warm and dry more often than not and that is the time when droughts tend to occur. That leaves the pride both looking forward to and dreading the rainy season, which brings the desired moisture and water supply but also potentially dangerous floods and mud slides. But, things are also greener and prettier during the rainy season which many lions appreciate. And of course the rains, though hard when they do come, are usually short offering sunny but cool respites in between showers.

A17 - What is your pride’s greatest taboo? 201/200 words - 150 exp
In years past it was believed the pride's king or queen was the mortal leader, but the ancestors were the guiding force behind them and the ultimate authority.
Before making a decision on certain important matters the king or queen was expected to await the approval of the ancestors through some sign, whether it be a subtle one or a vision given to the king or a healer. Acting before receiving the approval of the ancestors was considered a terrible offense, grounds to remove the offender from a leadership position even.
But since the rule of the last king that law has been forgotten and this king and the previous one have made rulings based on their own judgements without consulting the ancestors at all.
The old law regarding awaiting approval is an unspoken forbidden topic. The king believes himself to be the pride's sole leader and authority and to suggest otherwise is a terrible thing indeed. So, the old law is a never mentioned or even whispered of where the king or his closest followers might hear. The punishment for speaking of such things could be banishment, or even death so no one dares question how things are different now.

A18 - What is your pride’s “coming of age” tradition? 209/200 words minimum - 150 exp
Young lions are expected to pass a test or quest, assigned to them by the lions in charge of overseeing their training. It is a test that requires them to use the skills needed for whatever rank they were given at birth or during their cubhood. In times past a young lion who did not want the rank they had been given could on the day of their testing ask to take a different test for the rank they wanted. But that tradition was conveniently forgotten several generations past and now all cubs must pass the test in their assigned rank, then they might be given a new name if it seems to fit the situation and they will officially become equal in status to those who share their rank. Usually the healer will also step in and commend them to the ancestors, maybe mentioning some notable lions in that individual's bloodline.
For higher ranking lions like a prince or princess this ceremony is often followed by a celebration such as a feast that the whole pride partakes in. For lower ranking lions they often celebrate on their own with their family and/or the lions who share their rank and will be working alongside them from that day on.

A19 - What is your prides “Battle” tradition? War paint? A war dance? Prayers to a god for good luck? 221/200 words minimum - 150 exp
Usually the night before a battle the king gives some kind of speech to the whole pride, not always inspiring perhaps, but at the very least menacing enough to make every lion want to do their best on the battlefield or come home and suffer the consequence of their failure. Once that speech is delivered the king will take his leader warriors and they will discuss strategy again to make sure they have everything planned carefully. Then those warriors would spend what time they could with their families before leaving the next day.
While they were meeting and visiting their families the healer may try to talk to the ancestors and get their blessing for the upcoming battle and might also advise the king if they received any sign or vision that might tell how the battle would go the next day.
Those going into battle but not included in the strategy meeting would gather together and share stories of past battles, show off their lucky charms, maybe ask their ancestors for guidance and strength the next day. They would know better than to stay up too long, needing to be well rested, but that group time is used to boost everyone's confidence if possible and tends to be a blend of different before battle traditions that every family might have.

A20 - How does your pride celebrate? What do they celebrate? 221/200 words minimum - 150 exp

The pride as a whole tends to celebrate the birth of heirs, the start or end of a season, days of giving, and a holiday centered around courtship and romantic gestures.
They will also celebrate the start of the rainy season with a festival of sorts after the first few rain days where they have a feast and enjoy the growth of the flowers and the newly green plants. The festival traditionally lasts two or three days and during that time aside of feasting they might play games. A popular recurring game being one where different objects are hidden around the pride's home and the individual or team who finds the most receives some kind of prize. Young lions and cubs especially enjoy this particular celebration.
During the courtship season which tends to be around the same time every year lions of lower ranks will celebrate by pairing off and getting to know each other, sometimes leaving gifts such as wearable items or food for the lion or lions who might catch their eye. This is the most common time for lions to decide to pair off for life.
Female lions will also tend to celebrate the birth of cubs in groups, sometimes bestowing gifts on the new mother or her family. Male lions usually make themselves scarce during such celebrations.
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Prompts A21-A30

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:56 am

A21 - What kind of flora thrives in your pride’s territory? 200 words or 1 art piece (including at least 3 simple or 1 complex plant) minimum- 150 exp

A22- Are there any illnesses common or native to your pride’s area? Seasonal flus? A historical ‘plague’, chills that come with winter? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

A23- Has your pride ever come into contact with humankind? How would they respond if they did? 171/150 word minimum - 100 exp
So far the pride never has seen humankind, and as far away from human civilizations as they are it isn't likely they would. But even if they did they have heard stories of humans and the things they do to animals and nature, so the pride would avoid them at all costs. But they would not easily abandon their territory. Not like some stories they've heard of humans driving lions out.
They have lived here so long now, unbothered by humans, that they can't imagine giving up their home to the odd war-like creatures.
Stories tell them that humans and lions have fought in the past, but that humans possess some dark magic that makes them hard to deal with. Of course over time the legends and stories have changed and it is hard to tell what is true or not and what is simply exaggerated.
Since it's never been a problem before the pride has no immediate safe place or plan if humans should happen to show up one day.

A24 - Does your pride have any legends in their history or ‘historical heroes’ that they look up to in their past? Living or dead. 168/150 word minimum - 100 exp
There are certainly ancestors that the pride looks up to, some of them having performed heroic deeds and others simply having possessed great wisdom or strength.
One such lion is Katonda, the lion whom the pride was named for. He founded the pride and set the basic structure for it that the coming kings and queens built off of. While stories of great battles, or anything of that kind, involving the first king have long been forgotten, they regard him as a legendary lion of sorts simply for his ingenuity in creating a home here and setting the first laws.
Tamret, a previous queen of the pride, is remember for having created the pride's first lasting allegiance and saving them all from a long drawn out war.
Tryphene is a queen well remembered, for her war and battle tactics are still taught today and she was known for her wisdom as well. She contributed much to the pride during her time and fought multiple battles in her time.

A25- How would your pride respond to a natural disaster(s)? Flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, forest fire? (You can choose one or do multiple) 200/200 words or 1 art piece minimum - 150 exp
Floods are a common enough problem in the rainy season so the pride is usually well prepared. During this time even the lower ranking lions are brought up to the higher dens so that no one is lost in the flood waters and everyone helps bring supplies up to the highest dens to protect them from the water.
They also use flat stones set out in patches of sunlight to dry furs, herbs, food, or whatever else might need it between rain showers.
The hunters are also always prepared to go out when it isn't raining and when prey will be emerging from their shelters.
In the event of an unusually bad or long lasting flood the pride would likely be somewhat prepared already but might have to stay hidden longer. Were this the case they'd be in somewhat cramped quarters so would divide into groups, keeping the higher ranking lions, elders, and cubs in the safest dens.
Then some lions would be in charge of distributing whatever food or furs they might have stored while others would be given the task of checking the dens constantly for leaks so they wouldn't be caught unawares and wouldn't experience any flooding.

A26 - What is the biggest internal conflict within your pride? Fighting amongst each other? Illnesses? Lack of food? 170/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The biggest internal conflict is probably the fact that while all fear the king and will follow him to save their skins, not everyone actually supports him and those who do will gladly turn in any lion they deem a traitor.
It makes it hard for lions to know who their real friends are sometimes, even within their own family.
And since everyone at least pretends to be loyal to the king it leaves a lot of uncertainty and tension between pridemates.
The division in the pride is well hidden from outsiders for the most part to keep up the fake image of unity they hold onto. But sometimes the disagreements and overall division will grow among them to the point the King feels examples need to be made, and during those times you never know who might turn on you or where your true enemies might lie. Death or exile are the punishments for such disloyalty and those who oppose the king are the ones to suffer of course.

A27 - If backed into a corner, would your pride know when to retreat or stand their ground no matter what? 151/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Most likely they would stand their ground no matter what. The majority of them are very determined and stubborn and the king never gives up on a fight of any kind.
The pride would likely fight down to the last member before ever giving up their territory or any kinds of rights and anyone who doesn't give their all to a fight, in the opinion of the king, can be exiled, or more commonly put to death by the pride.
Luckily fighting and battle tactics are a core part of the pride's training so most lions are well equipped to stand their ground on such an occasion and the king's guard are the best of them all and usually at the lead in any fight.
The pride also has the advantage of numbers and even members who might not fight give the pride the appearance of being quite large and intimidating.

A28 - What does your pride do for fun/to relax? Do they have games they’ve made up, tell stories,ect? 200 words or 1 art piece minimum - 150 exp

A29 - What does a lion’s roar mean to your pride, culturally? A sign of intimidation, victory, mourning? 163/150 word minimum - 100 exp
A roar can have several different uses or meanings. A king's roar can assemble the pride, announce a coming judgement, or indicate a victory of some kind.
But, within the pride lower ranking lions are not allowed to roar to try to in any way intimidate a higher ranking lion, it is seen as an act of rebellion and is a punishable offense.
Of course, a lion of any rank may roar to intimidate an outsider or during a battle and during courting season any lion might roar in an attempt to impress a lion they had interest in or during a competition relating to the winning of a mate or temporary companion.
Under no circumstances is a lion of any rank allowed to roar at the king except as an appropriate response to a roar of his own.
The king's Guard may also roar as a form of communication between them but such roars are generally minimally used and not very loud.

A30 - How are romantic relationships regarded in your pride? Are mateships permanent, do they have their own form of ‘marriage’, or just temporary flings? *Do remember to keep cs appropriate 218/150 word minimum - 100 exp

Formally becoming mates is not required by pride members who wish to rear cubs or be together for a long period of time, but most lions who want to be together for good will perform the ceremony binding them together for life.
There is a standard 'marriage' ceremony for royal or high ranking pride members and the king or queen usually performs them, or if the king or queen cannot for some reason a healer is authorized to perform the ceremony.
Romantic relationships are encouraged for the growth of the pride, but only if lions are involved with someone of their own rank. And romantic relationships with lions outside of the pride are frowned upon, and though not expressly forbidden , fear generally keeps lions from forming such relationships.
Among the lowers ranks whatever pairings or flings take place no one really cares, but when it comes to higher ranks the current king usually likes to be involved in pairing lions off, and lions who don't involve him in the choice might find themselves in trouble.
And among higher ranks cubs of unknown parentage are frowned upon and sometimes treated as outcasts, where in lower ranks it doesn't matter at all.
But binding ceremonies are as commonly done for alliances and political purposes as they are for love.
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Prompts B1 - B10

Postby -Isabella- » Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:56 am

B1 - Give your founder a personality. 150 word minimum - 100 exp

B2- Write 3 positive traits about your founder, and 3 negative ones - 50 exp


B3 - What made them want to start their own pride? 150 word minimum - 100 exp

B4 - Create a moodboard that shows your founder’s personality - 50 exp

B5 - Create a “Signature” themed around your founder. (You don’t have to actually use it as your signature, just code one together and screenshot) Should show at least some elements of thought/not be extremely simple. - 100 exp

B6 - Explain your founder’s dream, and end goal. 177/150 word minimum - 100 exp
His dream is to build his pride up into an empire such as it has never been before. He wants to be recognized and renowned for his power. He wants his pride to be an unstoppable force that none dare come against. In short, absolute power. Or as much as he can get. He won't be satisfied until everyone recognized his strength, and what he's built and bettered. He wants to have power and improvements that his ancestors never even got close to having.
And to feel he has accomplished this he needs land. He wants as much territory as he can get, either through war or skillful politics.
And of course he needs numbers. This he will get through not only watching his own pride grow but taking over the prides of other lions when necessary.
He has no qualms really in how he accomplishes his goals.
In the end he just wants to be the most powerful lion with the most powerful pride, filled with only the best of lions through his own meticulous supervision.

B7 - Write a short story about how your founder discovered and claimed their territory. 423/ 400 word minimum - 300 exp
Well, in a way Chikondi had it easy because he was born in his territory. He was born into ab unbroken bloodline of kings who ruled this land for decades. Family politics were tricky though and it was no small feat, taking the throne for himself. It all started one day when his father had been reprimanding him ...

"You are weak!" The King roared. "That lion was half your size and yet you end up with your face in the dirt!"

"He was a skilled fighter." Chikondi was unable to keep a low growl out of his tone.

"You are my son! And as such I expect you to exhibit more skill than some Forager!"

"I did my best father! I was just distracted." As soon as he came up with the excuse he realized it was the wrong thing to say.

"I you need focus then I have just the thing," the King said, his tone ominously calm. "You will leave the pride for a day. You may stay on our territory but away from the main camp."

"You'd exile your own son?" He growled. "I'll look like a fool!"

"Perhaps that is just what you need," His father said darkly.

Too angry to argue more Chikondi spun around and left the den, muttering under his breath the whole way. "In trouble again?" One of his elder brothers jeered as he walked by.

Chikondi ignored him and stalked off into the trees. It was hours before he had cooled down enough to even take notice of where he was. When he realized how far he had gone he stopped, finding he had almost crossed a border.
For a moment it occurred to him he could leave right then and there, fine new territory and start a pride all his own.
The idea had a certain appeal, but then looking around he was reminded just how much territory his father and those before him had already secured.
He'd have nothing like that starting out, so why bother finding his own little piece of land when he could simply have this?
As the idea came into his mind he latched onto it, finding it suited him. And from then on his determination to have his father's pride was unceasing.

After that he trained vigorously in fighting and strategy, honing his abilities until even his elder brothers had to consider him a threat.
And when the time came, through physical strength and cunning Chikondi took the throne, eliminating anyone who stood in his way.

B8 - Draw a sketch page (At least 3 fullbody sketches, do not need to be colored) of your founder - 150 exp

B9 - What is your founder’s greatest fear, does it affect their ability to lead? 158/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi's greatest fear is that he might lose power somehow. And it does affect how he leads, though he has never led any other way since becoming King. It makes him suspicious, even paranoid of most everyone. He never fully trusts anyone and expects that anyone might potentially be a threat to his power.
He thinks that by living this way he eliminates or at least severely decreases any chance of losing his power.
Of course, his paranoia and suspicious nature can be very hard on the royal family and anyone else close to him on a frequent or daily basis. He always needs to be assured he has your loyalty and someone no matter what a lion does he still won't believe them.
And when he gets it into his head someone means him harm he won't easily let go of the idea and those individuals may find themselves in deep trouble that could even prove fatal.

B10 - Was your founder a born leader, or did they grow into it? Were they forced into it? 161/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi was one of several cubs sired by the current King of his pride. He also had aunts and uncles. Because of this he was born royal, but never guaranteed he'd be king. It wasn't even likely as he had multiple older siblings and at least one uncle who had a better claim to his father's throne. But he decided early on in life that he would be King and nothing would stop him. With that determination he did manage to secure the throne for himself through a lot of hard and not exactly honest work.
He lied, cheated, fought, tricked, and manipulated himself into a position that would allow him to have a better claim to the throne when the time came.
And when his father was dying, he fought his own brother(s) and beat them to claim and assure his right to the throne.
So, it was through his own ruthless ambition he became the leader he is today.
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Prompts B11-B20

Postby -Isabella- » Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:57 am

B11 - How does your founder handle disrespect? 153/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi will not tolerate disrespect from his pride members. Even the slightest show of it angers him, and he has one of two reactions usually. He either 'lets it go' with a warning, then follows up with some kind of more severe punishment or subtle punishment later. Or, he gets angry right away and is verbally harsh to the offender, sometimes threatening them with punishment he may or may not carry out.
If it is someone outside his pride disrespecting him the reaction very much depends on who it is. Je can be surprisingly calm and collected with some strangers, even if it is a facade.
If it is a lion he wants something from he is more likely to pretend to be unbothered, or to mildly chastise them but nothing more. However, if it is someone he doesn't like, or a loner or rogue he is less likely to hold his temper.

B12 - Draw or write about your founder’s relationship with their (NPC) Parent(s) (one or both) 331/300 words - 200 exp

Chikondi was close to his mother in a way but he couldn't stand his father. His father was ruthless and harsh, always pushing him and taunting him. Telling him he was never good enough and comparing him to his more 'competent' and 'worthwhile' brothers.
It wasn't as if his mother was warm and overly caring. But she did care about him in some way and while she pushed him she was at times harsh but not in a cruel way. She wanted to see him succeed and preferred him over his siblings when it came to who might rule the pride after his father's death or stepping down.

When he was in trouble he'd always go to his mother, knowing she had enough political knowledge and knowledge of his father to help him get through various trials. She helped him survive, whether he'd admit it or not. And she was one of few lions he genuinely respected in some way.

His father on the other hand, he never had an ounce of respect or affection for the older lion. As a cub he tried to please him but could never manage it and grew to resent his father for favoring his brothers even when he was just a young cub.
It never seemed to bother his father that they didn't have a good relationship, which only bothered Chikondi all the more.

His mother never really tried to help him mend the relationship with his father, knowing it was futile. Instead she just tried her best to raise Chikondi to survive the physical and political battles he'd go through in his life.
It was her hope he'd be king one day since she thought of all his brothers he'd be the best fit. Due to his cubhood he was resilient in a way she thought would serve him well, since unlike his brother he had to work for everything he achieved, not having his father make the way any easier for him.

B13 - What was your founder’s greatest battle? (Can be literal, internal, illness,etc) 158/ 150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi's greatest battle was that to prove himself over his siblings to his family and the pride. He always felt, knew really, that most of them didn't believe he'd ever be King, or intend for him to be King. His elder siblings or uncles or aunts all believed they had a better chance and overcoming the family dynamic proved to be quite a challenge to him in a physical and mental sense.
Even just fitting into the pride as one of several princes proved difficult.
It didn't exactly improve him, going through any of that or the lengths he went to in order to achieve what he wanted.
If anything it probably worsened his character and mental state overall.
It did strengthen him in many ways but it also hardened him more than his life up to that point already had.
In addition to that it made him feel there was little value in family or trusting others.

B14 - What is your founder’s greatest regret? 157/150 word minimum -100 exp

His greatest regret is probably that his mother didn't live long enough to really see him lead the pride. He knows he owes a great deal to her and if he ever might have wanted anyone to be even a little proud of him it was her.
It might be more accurate to say his greatest regret is that he didn't 'save' her.
During the time he took over the pride there was a lot of fighting, physical and verbal.
He believes it was the strain of it that aided in her death and at times in his youth blamed himself for not making things easier on her somehow or finding some way to lessen her stress.
Of course, on other days he blames his father for how he treated her and all of them. But in the end there is no proof of what actually caused her death and he has to live with not knowing.

B15 - How does your founder feel now about their previous pride (if they had one), or the lions they grew up around? 189/150 word minimum - 100 exp

Chikondi has no love for the lions he grew up with except perhaps his mother. Mostly among the higher ranks he found most of them overbearing, judgmental, harsh, and insufferable. He cannot think of one lion he knew who he'd call a real friend and prefers not to think of his time as a young lion, before he took over the pride, at all really if he can help.
If he hadn't needed them to keep the pride going when he took over he would have kicked them all out just out o his dislike for them.
But his need for 'pure' blood was more important than that so he let them stay, but he didn't make life easy for them.
Having power over them did make him feel better in some way, but it didn't make him like them any better than before.
If anything he only disliked them more when they began to try to get close to him and reassure him they had always been loyal, deep down.
At the time he needed them but now he is glad that they are nothing but a memory.

B16 - How does your founder feel about their pride members? Are they friends, family, subjects? 190/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi's pride consists of subjects, there is no doubt about that. The only family he has are his cubs and even they are more subjects than family. He favors them for sure, but he isn't personally too close to them, though he might pretend to be.
He sees all of his pride as technically necessary, but not personally needed individuals. Those he deems not necessary don't stay around long for the most part.
Friends he deems an unnecessary part of life and having some in his own pride he believes is a weakness that he cannot afford. It doesn't seem like he has any genuine love or affection for any living lion, though he has tricked lions into believing he cared for or trusted them before for his own gain.
So while he won't hesitate to feign true care or interest for the sake of personal gain or advancing the pride or himself, he doesn't genuinely feel any of those things toward anyone and the whole pride are just a means to an end really. And those who don't fully submit to his law don't get to stay around long.

B17- Does your founder know how to take criticism/listen to their pride, or do they hate being told they’re wrong? 166/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi is very prideful and will not accept criticism well from anyone in his pride. Nor does he appreciate their offering an opinion if it differs from his. He's been known to punish lions for disagreeing with him, even in private. And to disagree with or criticize him in public is an immediate, harsh punishment for most lions. He becomes outraged and unreasonable at these times, and yet if he is being criticized by someone outside the pride, depending on who they are, he can be very calm and collected. He might not show at all that it bothers him, if it suits him not to.
But that is a fine line even still, because he is good at getting revenge in ways no one can trace back to him.
His anger at being corrected and criticized might come from when he was young and his father particularly picked at him for things . He could be very harsh and Chikondi always resented him for it.

B18 - Does your founder know how to put their foot down and assert control, or do they back down under their pride’s wishes at inopportune moments? 168/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi never backs down for sure. He makes it clear who is in charge, sometimes using very harsh methods. But he feels a strong need to stay in control at all times and doesn't feel he can appear to bend to the pride in the least, unless it benefits him or his cause in some way.
Truthfully most times his pride doesn't dare come against him so it isn't usually an issue. But on the occasion one or a few members might decide to test their luck, he is quick to take care of it and make it clear he will not be backing down or giving in to anyone's wishes.
Even his own family are not exempt from this. If anything he is even harder on them, feeling the need to especially keep control over those closest to him. Occasionally he will let someone have their way, or feel like they're having their way, but there is always an ulterior motive to it, never just good intentions.

B19 - What is your founder’s greatest skill? Fighting? Negotiation? Observation? What has helped them maintain their territory? 163/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi is a skilled fighter, a keen observer, and clever of mind. But maybe the thing that has been the most helpful overall in maintaining his territory, is trickery.
He has the ability to play very different parts, and he has done so in order to get alliances and treaties. All of which in the end somehow benefit him or tie into his plan.
He twists around words and truths to favor him and what he wants, and more often than not no one is any the wiser. Or by the time they do realize, it's too late.
He is ruthless in this way and never seems ashamed of tricking anyone into anything. He's gained a lot this way, territory, possessions, pride members.
He will play other lions against each other without them ever having an idea what he's doing, and in the end he always seems to be able to make himself look good, or at least better than the other lion.

B20- Draw your founder roaring to rally their pride 1 art piece minimum - 100 exp
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Prompts B21 - B26 - B31

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:30 pm

B21 - What makes your founder happy, or proud? 153/150 word minimum - 100 exp
What makes Chikondi the most happy or proud is seeing how his pride has grown, in territory size, number of lions, and even the improvements in their craftsmanship.
Nothing makes him happier than gaining new territory or pride members and getting closer to his goals.
Of course, winning battles is also something that will please him and displaying whatever he gets out of such battles is a source of pride for him.
In his mind all of this is one step closer to his pride being the biggest and most dangerous, dominating as many other prides as possible.
Seeing his plans work out always makes him feel proud, and cunning as he is it is a satisfaction he experiences often enough.
Seeing his heirs shaping into the lions he desires them to be is also something that pleased him. In his mind their success is his success, and they own everything to him.

B22- Are they more optimistic, pessimistic, neutral, or realist? Why have they come to see the world this way? 212/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi is caught in a neutral place at times. He believes that things can go your way for sure, but that you have to make that happen and do whatever it takes. He is optimistic in his own ability to make the world how he wants it most times, but pessimistic when it comes to what other lions can offer or whether the world, fate, or destiny are aiding him in his goals. He tends to believe other lions or other forces are turned against him and only he can truly make things work.
He does not believe in any divine guiding force being at work either, such as ancestors, deities, fate, or destiny. Unless of course it suits him to think so at some point.
His views tend to change depending on what he thinks will benefit him best in the moment and he doesn't really have any true belief in anything except himself and his own ability.
He thinks it weak to rely on outside forces and sees the world as unforgiving most times but full of potential if used correctly by the right lion at other times.
His views can seem very conflicted at times but what he chooses to believe at any time he seems to believe fully.

B23- Is your founder impulsive? Do they make quick decisions or wait for the response of the pride? 153/ 150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi is not usually impulsive, planning things out carefully ahead of time. But he doesn't often take the pride's views on any matter into consideration either. He will listen to his advisor or Guard sometimes, but in the end the decision made is still whatever he think best even if the majority of them don't agree or approve.
He likes to strategize everything from step one to the end and once he has a plan in mind won't take kindly to deviations from it if they are suggested by someone else rather than a result of necessity or the situation.
When he does consult his advisor or Guard most of them know better than to suggest changes or deviations unless they can carefully word it in such a way he takes it well.
Even when he does consult the pride they tend to know better than to go against his preferences or desires.

B24- How does your founder respond to criticism? As a leader or just personally? 178/150 word minimum - 100 exp
He does not respond well to criticism, whether it be directed toward his leadership or him personally. The only lion who could ever get away with offering any kind of real criticism was his mother who is now deceased.
Usually he becomes defensive and even aggressive if anyone criticizes him in any way.
His exact reaction depends on who it is approaching him but he never takes it any better from one lion than another where his pride is concerned. Unless the criticism is carefully veiled and sugar coated in such a way he might take it well.
For the most part, from outsiders he will take the criticism with feigned consideration or even appreciation.
But deep down he never takes it seriously or to heart.
At the end of the day he thinks he makes every decision for the best and as leader of the pride it is no one else's place to question him or try to correct him when he is just doing whatever it necessary for the pride, whether they are grateful or not.

B25 - Which of their senses is most valuable to them? Their sight? Hearing? Smell? 106/100 word minimum - 75 exp
It might be hard for Chikondi to pick just one. But sight would probably have to be the one he picked.
With his eyes he can tell if a lion is lying or truthful. He can observe his territory and admire the riches spread throughout his land.
He can see what his pride members and family are up to and keep an eye out for signs of rebellion or deception.
With one harsh look he can silence someone where they stand or convey a warning without words.
Yes, his eyes are a very important factor in his every day life and how he rules his pride.

B26 - Has your founder ever found love? How did it turn out for them? 158/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Rumor has it Chikondi cared for his first mate, Hella. He hasn't cared for many individuals to any degree but could be almost kind to her, leading lions to suspect he did indeed have some kind of deep feelings for her.
But when the time came for him to be king there was much fighting among the pride and his family.
During all this Hella disappeared, presumed dead. Most likely killed by one of his siblings or uncles as they were all vying for power.
He was enraged, but it was never really known of he was angry because he had lost his love, or because someone had dared kill his bride like that just as he was on the verge of becoming king.
He never speaks of her now so it is possible no one might ever know the truth, and if anyone even mentions her it is enough to make him angry just hearing her name.

B27 - What expectations did your founder’s parents have for them? Did they strive (or succeed) to meet these expectations or dismiss them? - 161/ 150 word minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi's father always wanted him to be fierce, intimidating, capable, and cold. As a cub and even a juvenile he would do all he could to meet those expectations and prove himself, but nothing was ever good enough and in time he just became angry and bitter and stopped trying to please his father, instead determined to prove himself powerful to everyone but doing whatever he deemed necessary.

His mother expected a lot of him too, but he could actually succeed with her. She wanted him to be clever, strong, and resourceful. To show his brothers and father what he was really made of. And in the end he did just that and they all learned that they had underestimated him, most of them for the last time. Chikondi always got some amount of satisfaction when his mother would praise him or notice something he did that pleased her. Her opinion was one of the few that ever mattered to him.

B28 - Who (or what) does your founder admire most? - 172/ 150 word or 1 art piece minimum - 100 exp
Chikondi admires power and all kinds of strength. He admires land that is naturally easy to defend and turn into a powerful outpost or retreat.
He also admires lions who are powerful and demand respect, but while he finds it admirable he also finds lions like that a challenge. You see, as much as he admires power and strength, he admires it most when it resides with and in him. Anyone else who is too powerful in any way is a challenge and eventually he must prove himself to be the better of the two and assert his own will power and strength over them.
What he admires, he longs to have, and one way or another he will get it. And once he has it, it is more admirable to him than it could ever be were it not is.
With king Chikondi admiration can only ever go so far, because he doesn't want to admire others or what they have unless he has some way of obtaining it for himself.

B29 - What is something your founder excels at regulating within the pride? Are they really good at managing food? Really good at stopping fights? - 102/100 word minimum - 75 exp
King Chikondi is good at keeping order. Rebellion is almost unheard of within the pride. He knows exactly how to keep order among groups and individuals to the point that he seems to know when they even think of defying him or rebelling in any way and is able to put a stop to it before anything happens.
He uses whatever means necessary to carefully control everything in the pride so that it works out how he wants it to, and due to pride history he is especially vigilant in stopping rebellion of any kind before it has a chance to start.

B30 - What is something your founder regularly fails at regulating within the pride? Do they struggle to keep order among the lions? Do they struggle to remember the borders of their territory - 150/ 100 word minimum - 75 exp
Oddly enough, the activity of his own offspring is what Chikondi struggles with most. Since his cubs have grown they have been increasingly hard to keep track of and he hates the feeling that he is losing control, though he never lets on that he feels he is.
Their existence is a sign of hope to the pride that the bloodline will continue and the pride will survive with the young prince as their next heir.
So, King Chikondi likes to try to keep an eye on the three of them and make sure he knows what they are doing and has some say in what they do when.
As much as he loves to control things there is little in the pride he doesn't have under control directly or indirectly through his council or guards. But his own cubs are definitely the thing he frequently finds evading his control.

B31 - What has changed about your founder since they were a cub, in what ways have they grown as an individual? - 159/ 150 word minimum - 100 exp
As a cub Chikondi would say he was far too innocent and foolish. He didn't understand what it really required to be powerful and survive in the world. What things he had to work toward, and that the struggle for power started from the moment of his birth.
But he learned quickly that you can't go through life trying to please others and hoping for some small amount of love or gentleness in return.
You have to fight from birth to death to acquire what you want, and then to keep it, no matter what it is.
Chikondi would say this understanding has grown him to be strong in all the ways he has to be to maintain order, to hold onto power, and to control his life and destiny.
The innocence and desire to please that were in him as a cub were a weakness that he is better off having gotten rid of and grown out of.
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Prompts C1 - C13

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:34 pm

C1 -Who is the second in command of your pride, what are their duties? 195/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The second in command can be either the Queen or the Secondary. A Secondary would help keep order in the pride and would have equal say in what laws are passed and punishments carried out as well as other big decisions regarding the pride.
In recent years the role of Queen has been reduced to somewhat less than that of a Secondary, leaving her with more obligation to make appearances and less say in actual laws or decisions.
This is due to past experiences and situations in the pride which have influenced the current King to not want a female successor or a Queen ruling beside him.
Of course, technically a queen could request or demand more power as it would be her right within the law.
Being present for political and treaty meetings is another important task of the Secondary, previously a task also granted to the Queen.
In times past Queens and Secondaries had equal right to the King to suggest new laws or traditions if they desired. They even had the right to request or demand a lessened or changed punishment if they thought one about to be carried out was unjust.

C2 - What is the relationship between the king/queen of the pride and its ‘lowest’ ranked member? 212/200. - 150 exp
Well, the pride doesn't have one lowest ranking member. But the working class lions all together form the lowest rank in the pride and the king sees no reason to try to get to know any of them. They aren't worth noticing to him, so unless they do something to anger him they might as well be invisible.
Of course the work they do is essential to the pride but while he is aware of this he doesn't believe in boosting their self-esteem too much and risking any of them becoming overconfident or overestimating their own importance.
He believes that establishing a clear separation between the ranks is a good thing and important to the pride as a whole.
So in short, the lowest ranking members are so far beneath him he'd never notice any one of them enough to really have any kind of 'relationship' with them. Except of course that in which they respect and revere him as their king, understanding their place, as it should be.
Any change in this would make the king most displeased and he'd feel the need to 'fix' things and remind not just the offender(s) but everyone else as well of their places and why things must be as they are and remain so.

C3 - Who was the first member to join the pride? Why did they give it a chance? 154/150 word minimum - 100 exp
When Chikondi became king he was taking over his father's pride so for a long time there were really no new members as it was already an established pride. But some of the first members to join after that were nobility, especially princesses whose families hoped their daughters might become queen or help their prides form a new alliance. Princess Subira was one such lioness and joined only to please her family who hoped to make an alliance. She wasn't too keen on the idea herself but in the end gave in.
She stayed to please them but isn't necessarily pleased with the pride itself or the laws and customs.

But at least of her options this pride was one of the safer ones, the pride's size and resources enough to assure her it wouldn't be easily taken over or defeated by another pride. It's one security she was glad she could rest in.

C4 - Does your pride have a healer/herbalist of any sort? What role do they fill within your pride? 223/200 word minimum - 150 exp
The healer, as their rank suggests, heals any sick member of the pride. They are responsible for caring for the sick, finding the necessary herbs and tools to do so with, and keeping up on any advancements in their field that they can.
They will also take part in some pride ceremonies, usually involving marriages, naming ceremonies, heir ceremonies, and anything involving their ancestors or other deities.
Usually the healer keeps records of the births, marriages, and deaths as well.
In addition to all that the healer is expected to stay up to date as far as the techniques and herbs being used to heal in the prides surrounding them or the prides they are allied with, this way they won't be at a disadvantage or far behind the other prides in their knowledge of the subject.

In times past they were expected to keep the pride in contact and good standing with their ancestors but that isn't practiced so much anymore. The healer is still expected to have knowledge in that area however, as well as knowledge of the spiritual beliefs of other prides. It might seem pointless but the king is insistent that the pride not be left open to any disadvantage or lack of knowledge when dealing with other prides. So in a way the healer is partly a historian.

C5 - What are the ranks within your prompt? Explain them and what roles they fill (3 ranks minimum, 288/200 words total minimum) - 150 exp

King: The title given to the male leader of the pride, whether the original/elected leader or mate of the original/elected leader

Queen/Secondary: Queen is the title given to the female leader of the pride, whether the original/elected or mate of the original/elected leader. The Secondary can be male or female, named by the King as his co-leader with equal power to him.

Princess(es): The title given to a daughter of the king or occasionally belonging to a mate or ward of the king.

Prince(s): The title given to a son or maybe a ward of the king.

Healer(s): The pride usually has at least one healer who keeps the pride healthy and also takes part in various ceremonies. This rank can be given as a secondary rank alongside lord, lady, attendant, subject, or commoner.

Lords: Any male lion in the pride who is not a guard, hunter, or forager, is usually a lord. A male lion with some say in how the pride is run and meant to be respected. The title is most often reserved for Brothers, uncles, nephews, or other close relatives of the king.

Ladies: The title 'Lady' is given to all non-queen mates of the king and some of his wards.

Guards: Guards are responsible for border patrols and watching after the lions left in the dens as well as seeing to the safety of the king and/or queen

Attendants: Attendants are female lions who would help and protect the Queen and/or Ladies/Princesses.

Hunters/Foragers: Hunters and foragers are pretty much the 'commoner's of the pride. They contribute greatly to the well being of the pride by hunting and finding things the pride might need but have no real say in how it is run.

C6 - What is the greatest rivalry within your pride? Whether its bitter enemies or competitive friends? 213/200 word or 1 art piece minimum - 150 exp
The greatest rivalry is probably between King Chikondi and his daughter, Khalida. But it is a sort of unspoken rivalry, carried on through subtle deeds and carefully spoken, veiled words.
Princess Khalida resents her father for his treatment of her and his refusal to even acknowledge her as his daughter for so long. She has not an ounce of love or respect for him and will take any chance she can to undermine him or get the upper paw. She is determined that at the end of this unspoken war she will be the victor and he will see his mistakes.
He, on the other paw, sees her as an annoyance and pest but not a real threat. Or at the very least if he does see her as any kind of threat he wouldn't admit it to anyone, even himself. His only desire is to be rid of her and her irritating refusal to bend to his will. Though he has acknowledged her as his daughter, it was a plan for his own gain that thanks to her backfired. So now she is no more than a useless asset to him and the pride, in his mind. And whatever happens, he is sure he will come out the victor in the end.

C7 - How are elders within your pride treated? With respect, pity, disgust? 185/150 word minimum - 100 exp
For the most part ,out of tradition, elders are respected. Or, at least not treated with disgust.
One a lion is an elder the king sees little use for most of them so doesn't bother with them too much. Other lions have been raised to respect their elders for what they've done to help the pride in their lives and the knowledge they've gained.
Even the king would have to admit that some elders have proved to be good counselors in war strategy and defensive measures.
But really it tends to vary. There is no written code or law about how they must be treated so it is up to the individual. But it is safe to say that the majority of the pride have been raised to respect the elders as the pride did in the past.
Those who follow the ways of the past would gladly reprimand any who were seen to be mistreating or disrespecting the elderly. But even they know that age doesn't make anyone perfect and elders can make mistakes or say the wrong things as much as any lion.

C8 - How are cubs treated within the pride? 197/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Royal cubs are seen as a gift or blessing to the king and the family. They are trained in everything that they can be from a young age, schooled to reach high levels in all the appropriate classes and arts. Their birth is usually celebrated with at least one celebration that the whole pride attends as well as a family celebration.

Cubs born to nobility are much the same, brought up to be well educated like their parents and forever trying to climb higher in the ranks. While less grand than those of royal cubs, their births are also celebrated on a larger scale sometimes as well as among family. The richness of such a celebration sometimes depends on how favored the family is by the royal family.

Cubs born to lower ranking lions are celebrated among family and friends but that is all. Usually they are raised to take on the jobs of their parents or relatives. If they are lucky they might rise in the ranks eventually but usually this requires means or extraordinary talent.

Overall all cubs are seen as a good thing to grow and strengthen the pride, though there are always exceptions.

C9 - What are the duties of the lowest ranked pride member? 191/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The lowest ranking members of the pride are hunters and foragers. The rank may seem self-explanatory, but in reality they do all the hard labor. Not just finding food and hunting but all kinds of construction work and heavy work.
They build structures where the craftslions work, help with the overall upkeep of those structures and the surrounding areas.
Any of the really hard work is left to them for the most part. Some don't like it much while other thrive on it.
For the most part as long as the work gets done they are allowed to decide among themselves who works where, when, and doing what.
Some of them will also work as apprentices of a sort, learning a particular craft like woodwork, weaving, or tailoring, from an experienced lion. This is probably the best job they can hope for where they aren't worked as hard and are allowed some payment as well as more breaks.
The hardest job is probably the building of various structures around the pride. It's heavy work and requires the ground to be prepares when they don't use dens or caves for a base.

C10- How likely are members within the pride to rally behind their leader when called to do so? 157/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Well, they better rally or they are in trouble. For most of the pride they'd do so without questioning out of fear, for themselves and those they loved. Failure to do so would surely result in punishment of some kind.
For the members of the Guard however, most do feel some loyalty to the crown that makes them rally behind the king, regardless of their personal feelings for him.
The nobility of course keep up appearances so will at least feign supporting the king when necessary. In public at least.
But in their hearts, there are a good portion of the pride who do not support the king and only pretend to outwardly in order to protect themselves and their families.
Regardless of whether they support him most will at least do what is necessary to protect the pride and those they love, even if it might be a lie or cost them something to do so.

C11 - How are new pride members treated? Welcomed in with open arms or treated crossly? 214/200 word or 1 art piece minimum. - 150 exp
Usually most of the pride members are welcoming, and King Chikondi does his best to at least appear welcoming at first.
Most times, for the purposes of new workers, and new blood, new lions are welcomed pretty sincerely. Of course there are always some grumpy individuals who aren't so welcoming, but that's every pride, right?

Just about anyone is welcome, usually for a trial period. During that time they learn about the pride, its rules, customs, and laws
If they think they can follow those rules and laws and they prove themselves to everyone they will then be allowed to join if it is their desire.

They will be given a rank that fits them and trained in what they'll be doing and what their place will be in the pride.

Anyone who seems like they might only be a detriment or hindrance to the pride is barred from joining however. Usually at the discretion of the king more than anyone else.

Usually lions are more readily accepted if its part of an alliance or agreement of some sort. Or if they have something very important to unique to offer the pride. Depending on what they have to offer, the king might overlook personality flaws for the sake of whatever else they can bring.

C12 - Which member of your pride is considered the brute force/strongest and why? 153/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Ravi would be the one to easily take that title.
He has always been exceptionally strong compared to other lions, and not just in a physical sense but mentally.
Things other lions find difficult, like lifting a certain weight, seem easy for him.
And even mentally he is strong, never seeming bothered by anything anyone says to him. He has an immovable mask that is almost always present and only adds to his physical strength to make him intimidating.
Even enemy prides know better than to underestimate him.
So the combination of his physical and mental strength, as well as his reputation, make him the pride's most valuable asset as far as strength goes.
Of course, no one knows that Ravi is really a demi-god, not even him. His strength comes from his celestial parent but no one in his current pride would ever think of that as a reason for his strength.

C13 - Which member of your pride is considered the smartest/most clever and why? 150/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Well, plenty of the pride's members are clever and in different ways. There really is no one considered better than all the others. But, one would have to say that King Chikondi is considered to be very shrewd and calculating.
He is known for being strategic and clever when going against the enemy, and some lions know all too well how skillfully he manages to manipulate things within his own pride.
He is always scheming and planning, and while he is physically strong his mind might be his most powerful weapon.
Being king most lions in his pride know how smart he is, at least to some degree. But for the most part only those closest to him or those who have suffered as a result of his schemes, really know the truth of his intelligence. And to those that do, it can be a scary thing to think about.
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Prompts C14- C20

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:47 pm

C14 - Which member of your pride is considered the weakest/most skittish or afraid and why? 166/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Ironically through the buildup of rumors Princess Khalida was considered the weakest in the pride for a long time. Her own father promoted the idea due to the strange growths she was born with. He said it was a curse, a sign of weakness and her mother's unfaithfulness.
But physically she grew up as strong as any cub and in time, due to battle training, stronger.
Everyone's perception of her was more that she was weak for being different, not that she was truly weak in a physical sense.
Of course while everyone was led to perceive her as weak, at the same time they almost feared her for being different.
These perceptions only made her all the more determined not to be the weakling they thought her to be, however. So in treating her as a weakling they only encouraged her to grow strong.
It did make some lions see how easily they could be made to believe in something that wasn't really true, however.

C15 - Is there something a pride member has done their pridemates won’t let go? Something harmful, or just embarrassing that hangs over their head? 242/200 word or 1 art piece minimum. - 150 exp
A good example of this would be how some of the pride has treated Airi since Khalida's birth. At first they shunned her and despised her because the king convinced them all that she had been unfaithful to him and Khalida was a curse or warning, the result of her unfaithfulness. Whether anyone truly believed this or not they treated her poorly, not daring to show her kindness anyway with the king being so outraged.

But even after he acknowledged Khalida as a princess and his daughter some lions have still looked on Airi poorly, not letting her forget everything that surrounded the birth of her cubs and the accusations that had gone around. Some lions did and still do believe there was truth in those accusations and Ari has to live with that now, never really able to shake it.

The princess not being quite..proper,and still winged regardless of her parentage hasn't helped matters since lions still see fit to blame Airi for this, uncomfortable with the fact that Khalida is different from them with her wings.

Airi does her best not to pay them any mind, but it can be difficult. Especially when it bothers her other two cubs and the king still treats her poorly. It seems like even if some have let it go there will always be others who hold onto it and use it against her for their own gain, or even just to be spiteful.

C16 - Which pride member is in charge of cub-sitting? Is it the cubs parent by default or is there a designated lion in charge of the young? 216/200 words - 150 exp
For royal lions there are usually instructors and nannies always there to keep an eye on them. Their mother may choose to do so herself but if not there are plenty of royal servants available to take on the task.
More often than not heirs start their training young so end up in the care of their teachers a good deal of the time anyway.

Cubs born to nobility are not too different. Usually there are servants of some kind who are there to watch after the cubs while their parents are busy and later in life teachers who assure they are ready to take their place in the ranks and not be at a disadvantage.

Cubs born to lower ranking lions are another story however. Usually it’s up to the parents to watch after them. Sometimes the parents will hire someone to cub-sit, and other times someone might step forward to watch all the cubs whose parents need to work. But for the most part it is up to the parents to figure things out, and since the young enough lions usually need to work, grandparents are often the best cub-sitters to be found. More often than not they are happy to have something to do anyway, and someone who will listen to their stories.

C17 - Which member’s of the pride are in charge of hunting? Is there a lion designated as the leader as the hunters? 199/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Usually there is a lead hunter/huntress who coordinates and leads the hunts. But sometimes if something happens to them or there is no one available who qualifies they simply hunt in a group and work as a team with each individual having equal say in what they do.
Hunters are lowering ranking members of the pride but treated a bit better than laborers who build and dig gardens and that kind of thing.
Only the strongest, fastest, and most strategic lions are elected to be hunters and for every hunt they go on they can bring home a small share of the kill or some small monetary token for their efforts.
The lead hunter or huntress, when there is one, sees to this and keeps everyone organized.
Hunters tend to be divided by the strongest, who actually drag down the prey or make the kill, the fastest, who steer the prey and cut them off from their herds, and the most strategic who actually plan the whole hunt out before they leave.
In times when there is a lead hunter or huntress the strategic hunters are mostly consultants and back up on every hunt in case something goes wrong.

C18 - Is there a member of your pride that counteracts the founder/leader/king/queen? A voice of reason that isn’t afraid to stand up to them or question them? 188/150 word minimum - 100 exp
In this pride that would have to be the king's own daughter, Princess Khalida. She is not afraid to stand up to the king, but knows when it is in her best interest to stay quiet too. While she may not always be a voice of reason exactly, she is less harsh and aggressive in her tactics than the king.
While she knows she has to walk a thin line, knowing the king will only take so much even from her, her past and position give her a little more leeway and opportunity than most.
Half the time she questions him in private away from the pride anyway, not one to be reckless in constantly challenging him publicly. She does have her mother and siblings to consider, after all. Not to mention that she'd rather not see anyone else hurt for her deeds either.
But aside of her concern for her family and the lower ranking lions of the pride, she has no real fear of the king. If anything she thinks he should fear her. But then, his underestimating her might work even better in her favor.

C19 - How are squabbles among pride members resolved? A duel? A fight to the death? Does the leader step in?
212/150 word minimum - 100 exp

Among lower ranking lions petty squabbles are generally left to be fixed by the individuals who were arguing in the first place. More serious squabbles over thinks like rights to prey, the land, or other resources, are usually brought before the King's Court where the king or those he placed in power to do so make a judgement they deem fair. Such a judgement is irreversible except by order of the king though, so those bringing their problem before the court better be prepared to accept that.

Among nobility it is much the same, petty squabbles being left alone. Sometimes the king's court even seems to enjoy a little rumor or scandal spread about the pride. But just like with lower ranking lions arguments over resources are brought before the Court. And any serious arguments over titles, or the right to hold titles or land are always brought before the Court. Of course, private duels and fights arranged by the injured parties are also not uncommon but usually remain somewhat secret.

When it comes to royalty, problems among the royal family or their relatives and wards such issues are usually kept as quiet as possible as they don't want it to spread to the lower ranks or even the nobility if possible.

C20 - How and where does your pride meet to discuss things? In private council? In a public ‘meeting’ area? 226/200 word or 1 art piece minimum. (you can draw the location) - 150 exp

The royal family and/or nobility will meet in the King's Court to have private meetings or discussions that concern them. The King's Court is the large, well-furnished cave, where the king will hear the complaints or requests of the pride. It is only open to the whole pride during certain times, but when he has to meet with the other royals or nobility he will call special meetings that take place there.
In addition to that when it comes to matters of war or relations with other prides, anything political really, the king will call The Guard into the court sometimes as well as his advisors. It's as much so they an hear his plan as anything, very little advising being accepted, but it is a standard procedure that has always been done and continues so that the pride might be at ease with the familiarity of it.

Any meetings involving the lower ranking pride members, usually to make an announcement or enforce some law, take place in the main clearing around which most of the main structures have been built. Discussion is not encouraged, only listening to what the king has to say.

Any meetings involving crimes committed by lower ranking lions take place in the clearing as well so that everyone might witness the punishment of those who defy their king and pride law.
Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Prompts C21- C31

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:41 am

C21 - How do your pride members greet each other? Does it vary between ranks or is there a universal method? How did it start? - 205/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Well, lower ranking pride members would be expected to greet higher ranking pride members like nobility with at least a slight bow of the head, perhaps lowering the upper body some. To fail to do so would simply be rude.
Likewise nobility are expected to use that same kind of greeting around royalty.
Lower ranking pride members are expected to show varying degrees of respect in their greetings where royalty is concerned. Where the king or queen are involved nothing less than a bow consisting of a lowered head and upper body is sufficient. The princes and princesses are to be greeted the same but the bow and lowering of the head may be lessened to some degree at every lion's discretion.
Lower ranking lions tend to greet each other casually enough with a verbal greeting or sometimes a hug among close friends or family.
Nobility are required to be more formal in their greetings even with each other to keep up appearances, so nothing less than a slight bow of the head is acceptable. Hugging is permitted however, when it is appropriate such as among close friends or family.
Even royalty must show respect to the king or queen with some degree of bowing.

C2 - What is a gesture of respect among the pride? Bowing, nodding, lowering of the head? Does it very dependent on rank? How does your leader show respect to their lowers? - 157/150 word or 1 art piece minimum. - 100 exp
Some kind of bow is the traditional form of respect, though lowering of the head is just as common in addition to or instead of a bow.
Lower ranking lions must always bow to some degree to nobility and royalty.
Where nobility is concerned a slight dip of the head and lowered upper body is an acceptable show of respect upon first contact. After that a dip of the head when appropriate is standard and acceptable.
With royalty a deep, low bow and dip of the head is required upon first greeting and afterward a lowered head and gaze are the standard ways to show respect at the right moments. In the presence of royalty keeping a lowered gaze at all times might be the best thing to do.
Even nobility are expected to bow slightly on first greeting a royal and afterward lower their heads at the right moment.

The king however, never bows to anyone.

C23 - Does your pride value strength or compassion more? - 200/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Definitely strength. The purpose of the pride is very much to gather resources and strengthen themselves through allies and conquests.
The king wishes to have the most powerful pride in the area, though this isn't something he voices. His actions, however, speak loudly enough for him.
It seems he is always looking for new ways to grow and strengthen the pride, some more just and fair than others.
At this point in time compassion is not something he cares much to see in the pride as a whole. But plenty of individual members of the pride still value it, they just know that if they value their lives and place in the pride adding to the strength of it is what they should openly focus on.
And plenty of those most loyal to the king fully support his quest for power and strength and aren't afraid to push their fellow pride members into seeing things their way.
So while the pride may have different values among its members no one would publicly place their value on compassion or helpfulness over strength and growth. Not if they wish to continue to live successfully in the pride. Or to live at all.

C24 - Does your pride pursue any sort of culture or creative outlet? Art, dancing,singing? - 153/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The pride has gathered fine craftslions and artists of all kinds over time and takes pride in what they can produce.
Fine jewelry is one such thing, but they trade it and gift it very sparingly to other pride.
All of the nobility and royalty have learned the dances of the pride, passed down through the generations, as well as new ones incorporated over time. Mostly the dancing is left to some of the slimmer, more graceful female members of the pride.
Fine garments are another thing the pride produces, which is unsurprising with how much the king values appearances.
Metal works and armor are another thing that the pride produces and enjoys putting on display when the time is right.

As many things as they can make, it's ironic really that the king tends to hide their true wealth from outside eyes, preferring their resources not to be easily accessible to anyone.

C25 - What is your pride’s response to something they deem a crime, how do they treat criminals? Compare a minor act to a more severe one. - 273/200 word minimum. - 150 exp
Well, the balance in the pride is somewhat...tricky. The law tells them what counts as a crime, but the king sometimes twists the law or outright makes new ones to make a crime out of something he wishes to be criminal for his purpose in that moment.
Crimes as they were originally laid out in the law, such as theft, unlawful fighting or minor injury to another lion, and that kind of thing are frowned upon by the whole pride. Both crimes could be punished with a fee and/or a sentence which might be some kind of work to make up for what was done or a time of solitude to reflect on their deeds.
More serious crimes, such as murder, or serious injury to another lion, can be more harshly sentenced with a large fee, several years of work, or even permanent or temporary exile.

While that is everything originally laid out in the law, the king's idea of crime and justice can somewhat distort things until punishments don't always seem fair and it's hard to know if a crime has really been committed, or the pride is just being made to believe one was. This of course changes how the pride reacts to the crime, the punishment, and the alleged criminal.

When the crime is clearly a legitimate one the pride listens to the criminal during their time of hearing, and what is said there tends to determine how they act toward the criminal. Those who commit a crime purely out of malice or intent to harm another are not well looked upon or treated easily after the crime is committed.

C26 - Do your lions celebrate any sort of wedding/joining ceremony? Is it a private affair or something that involves the entire pride? - 203/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Among the lower ranking lions such a ceremony is called a 'joining' or 'binding' ceremony. Usually close friends and family are invited to the ceremony, though some lions choose to make it a ceremony that anyone is free to come witness. But for the most part certain lions are invited since there is a limit on how much food can be provided and it would be rude to invite too many lions and not have enough for everyone to eat.

For nobility such ceremonies are simply called weddings, unless it is with a member of another pride with their own name for the ceremony in which case on or both might be used, depending on the circumstances. Usually most of the nobility are invited to these ceremonies, that being a matter of politics. The royal family are always invited as a formality so they can't feel slighted, even if they choose to not attend.

Royal weddings are usually a grand affair with a ceremony that all the nobility are invited too then a feast afterward, followed by another feast later in the day or the next day which is open to the whole pride. The celebrations can last for days when royalty marry.

C27- How are the cubs trained/where do they learn? Is it a formal school, are they appointed a mentor, or is the responsibility of their parents? - 153/150 word minimum - 100 exp
Lower rankings cubs are either trained by their parents or sent to train with someone who specializes in what they'll be learning, such as the Lead Hunter or huntress. What they do is left up to the parents but many choose to send their cub to the best teacher they can, as much for their survival as anything.
Royal cubs and some nobility are given tutors who will teach them in everything they need to learn from a young age. Usually the king dictates what certain cubs are allowed to learn depending on their family, their gender, and what he perceives to be their strengths or 'place'.
Royal cubs are required to learn certain things in order to be considered sophisticated enough and ready to take their places.
But the king takes little interest in what the lower ranking cubs learn as long as they grow up able to do their work efficiently.

C28 - When was the most recent battle in the pride’s history, how significant was it? What is the most likely reason they could have a war or significant fight in the future? - 155/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The most recent battle was more of a takeover really that happened only a month or so ago. The king attacked a smaller 'allied' pride and though they fought back they didn't have the numbers or resources to stand up to King Chikondi and his pride.
The battle was over within a couple days and the other pride surrendered completely.

Such things are not uncommon with the pride and in his quest for more land and resources King Chikondi has overtaken many prides through large and small battles or wars. His desire for more is the most likely reason they would fight again, and has been the reason most times in the past. If they were attacked they would fight of course, but the only other thing that might provoke them to fight is if the king felt another pride might be posing a danger to his plans or was becoming too confident in themselves.

C29 - In what order does your pride receive meals/medicine ect? Who eats first? Who gets the last meal if things are running low? Who gets the leftovers? - 151/150 word minimum - 100 exp
The king is not a generous lion. But he is strategic and wise enough to know how to work things so it's in his best interest. The royalty and nobility always receive food first in times when there is no shortage, but in times when they are running short surprisingly enough he makes sure that the royalty and the hunters are the top priority.
He knows better than to starve the lions who are going out to replenish the food stock so it is purely a strategy to him and the other lower ranking lions, builders and laborers, are still fed last.

But he will always do what seems least dangerous, first to himself and his heirs, and second to the pride as a whole. He'd hate to have any weakness among them, and hunters who are too tired to do their job are definitely a weak point he can't afford.

C30 - Do your lions keep track of dates/years/etc, do they celebrate birthdays? - 161/150 word minimum - 100 exp
They do keep track of years and days with calendars created by some of the pride's wisest advisors and councilors of court. Only the royal family and nobility actually possess such calendars, but the lower ranking lions can keep track by keeping tracks of events in the pride, as well as the sun, moons, and stars.

Birthdays are celebrated in a pretty grand way by most of the nobility and royalty. Nobility usually throw parties for those in their rank, and of course they invite the royal family.
Whenever the royal family has a birthday there is a private celebration with family and members of nobility as well as some kind of day off or monetary gift to the rest of the pride.

Lower ranking lions have smaller celebrations with family and friends most of the time. Special meals and gifts are the traditional birthday celebrations staples for all ranks, though of course the nobility do everything on a larger scale.

C31 - Create a tier chart showing how the rankings in your pride fall, who is at the top and who is at the bottom (must include at least 3 lions) - 50 exp
Last edited by -Isabella- on Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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