Everest Peak (Scottish Beranhunds) | Leveling

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Everest Peak (Scottish Beranhunds) | Leveling

Postby Joke's On You » Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:45 am


This thread is for the short stories and leveling tasks for the Scottish Beranhund species. These stories will feature my handler, Calum Carnegie and Berahunds that are tamed and brought in to the Everest Peak Kennel over time.

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Postby Joke's On You » Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:48 am


Level 0 | Taming Castiel
Level 1 | The Saddle
Level 2 | Castiel's Story
Level 2 | The First Ride
Level 3 | Calum's Story
Level 3 | Hunting
Level 4 | First Race


Miscellaneous No. 1 | Breeding
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Level 0 | Taming Castiel

Postby Joke's On You » Tue Aug 06, 2019 12:51 pm

Task wrote:

Write about how your handler tamed their Beranhund.


It was a cold morning in November and Calum Carnegie, a handsome man standing at about 6'2" was preparing for a hunting trip to the Caledonian Forest, which lays north of the Scottish Highlands. Calum was loading up his truck with all of his essentials for the trip such as; food and water, a tent to sleep in, extra clothes, supplies to make a fire, animal traps, and a few of his best hunting rifles. All the essentials at least. Together, these goods would help him last for the few days he would be spending in the forest. Of course, this was one of the many hunting trips Calum had taken to the Caledonian Forest, so Calum could see no reason why the trip wouldn't go successfully. After all, he didn't have any problems in the past. With this thought in mind, Calum had placed the last bit of food he would be needing in the truck and closed it up. He was ready to hit the road.

The drive to the Caledonian Forest wasn't too long. Calum had arrived in his usual camping area just before sundown. He would have enough time to set up his tent, make a campfire, and set up a few animal traps in hopes that something would find their way into them during the night while he slept. And surely enough, that's exactly how the routine went. Calum worked at setting up the tent shortly after making a campfire to keep warm, then wandered a little ways from his camp to place a few hidden traps. By that time, the sun had completely went down and Calum was using a flashlight that he brought to guide his way back to his small camp. But Calum realized that he wasn't alone in the forest. Of course, he never was. But this time, he was sure someone or something was following him back to his camp.

A snapping of a stick frightened Calum as he tried to speed toward the safety of his camp, where his rifles would be. As a result, the man spun around to shine his light in the direction where he heard the stick snap. His light caught a quick glimpse of a large animal just behind a few trees before it disappeared. Fearing that it was a predator of some sort that would pounce at any sudden movement, Calum froze, trying to keep his breathing steady. As he stood there, completely helpless, trees and bushes began to rustle as the creature came toward him. But then, it all stopped. Calum took in a deep breath and raised his flashlight to the dark figure that now stood before him. And all at once, Calum's fear turned into relief. A Scottish Beranhund was standing before him. It must've followed him in hopes of finding some source of food. Calum stared up and down at the large canine, completely amazed at first. This was up until he noticed that the Beranhund had a few cuts on his hind leg, and another on his side. They were fresh wounds, but minor ones. It would be a quick fix, especially for Calum. But first he had to get the Beranhund to follow him back to his camp first.

"Hey bud, I imagine you're pretty hungry, yeah? You've been following me for quite awhile. I imagine you thought I'd have something to eat. If you come with me, I'll get you something to eat." Calum spoke in a gentle tone to the Beranhund, offering it a smile as he spoke so that the Beranhund would know that he meant no harm. "I'll also be happy to fix up those cuts for you while I'm at it. I'm sure they sting a little bit, right?" He motioned for the Beranhund to follow him. And surely enough, the Beranhund did follow, but at a distance. It was clear that the Beranhund still didn't completely trust Calum. Which was acceptable considering that he had grown up in the wild, as all Beranhunds do. Camp was just a short distance away, so it only took a few more minutes before Calum and the Beranhund arrived. As soon as they did, Calum walked over to his tent, where he disappeared inside of it for a short second, then came out carrying fresh meat for the Beranhund. However, Calum knew that the Beranhund wouldn't take it straight out of his hands. so instead he placed it on the ground in between the two of them, wanting the Beranhund to walk over to him by itself.

"Wow, you are a big one, aren't you?" Calum muttered as he looked over the Beranhund once again. "Such an interesting species..." He would whisper to himself just as the Beranhund made its way over to the fresh meet that was placed in the middle of the two. As soon as the Beranhund reached the meat, he laid down and began to eat it. While the Beranhund ate, Calum took this time to get his first-aid kit and slowly approach the Beranhund with the supplies. Don't mind me, I'm just going to patch up those wounds for you so they won't bother you anymore." Calum held up some bandages in his hand to show the Beranhund. And to his surprise, the Beranhund seemed to accept the help that Calum was offering. In fact, the Beranhund seemed to have calmed down a lot since he first came across Calum. The thought of this wonderful creature before him made Calum smile. He wanted to learn more. "Alright, your wounds are patched up! You're free to go!" Calum said to the Beranhund in a cheerful voice as he stood up and took a step away from it. Soon after, the Beranhund stood up and looked at Calum. That's when Calum noticed that the Beranhund was in fact a male. But that's not the only thing that Calum had noticed. The Beranhund was now wagging his tail gently, like he was meaning to thank Calum for his help. Calum looked back up at the Beranhund and said: "You're welcome." just before it made its way back into the woods.

Over the next couples of days, instead of hunting, Calum began to observe the Beranhund that he encountered. He would watch from the distance, taking in every last detail. They were carnivores. They liked to hunt for their food. They didn't seem to aggressive. But then again, Calum may have just been lucky. And everynight, Calum left food out for the Beranhund right before he went to bed. He would hear him come into his camp everynight to take the food then travel back into the forest for the night. On the morning that Calum would be making his journey back home, he woke up to see that the Beranhund had stayed in his camp overnight. And that morning, Calum knew that he would be taking home a new companion.


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Level 1 | The Saddle

Postby Joke's On You » Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:45 am

Task wrote:

Write about how your Beran reacted to the saddle.


Today was a big day for Calum. It was just a month after he brought Castiel back home with him, and he had a big step in training to get his Beran past today. After spending the past month observing his new companion's behavior and doing research on the Scottish Beranhund species, he decided that he would introduce Castiel to a saddle. During his research, Calum found that many handlers would often hook up a saddle to their Berans and ride them to different places in their areas. Considering that Beranhunds are the size of a horse, Calum had no problem with believing these articles. Earlier in the week Calum had went into town where he bought a very nice looking saddle. It took a pretty penny out of his wallet, but this saddle would be put to use one way or another. Now all he had to do was get Castiel.

Calum walked over to the kennels that he had built specially for Scottish Beranhunds. In fact, he hired the best contractors in town to build these kennels, and so far, everything was turning out great. The kennels weren't completely done yet, but it was done just enough for him to stick Castiel in the kennel during the night and during the day when he wasn't handling him. Castiel was placed in the very first kennel. After all, he was Calum's very first Beranhund, so it was only fitting. He worked at unlocking Castiel's kennel, then opened the door so the Beranhund could make his way out. After he had walked out of the kennel, Calum shut the kennel door and turned to Castiel. The large canine sat there, staring at Calum. It was like he was standing at attention waiting for orders. That's exactly what he was doing to. He did practically anything that Calum told him to do with ease, because somehow Calum got lucky enough to get an extremely laid back Beranhund who only sought to please. "Alright Castiel, come." Calum said as he walked back to where his truck was. The saddle was sitting in the back of it and had been there since he went into town to get it. As he and his Beranhund walked closer to the truck, he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach from how nervous he was. He had gotten lucky with Castiel so far when it came to handling him. But this? There was no telling how Castiel would react. Calum gave the order for Castiel to sit and stay while he went to retrieve the saddle from the back of the truck. The entire time, Castiel was watching him shuffle around in the truck, until Calum hopped down with a new object in his arms. One that he had never seen before in his life.

"Castiel, we are trying something new today. All I ask of you is that you cooperate and bare with me. No matter how weird this thing may feel at first. Because I guarentee you that you won't like this at first. But you will get used to it. I promise. But until then, we are taking baby steps." Calum offered a reassuring smile to Castiel as he finished talking. But now it was time to actually get the saddle on him. After taking a deep breath, Calum walked toward Castiel. He motioned with his hands for the Beranhund to stand up instead of sit, and without hesitation, he did. From there, Calum placed the saddle on the back of the Beranhund and began to adjust it to where it fit all snug. Not too tight and not too loose. After he had finished, Calum backed away so he could view the saddle himself. Everything looked nicely. At least, everything except for Castiel, who seemed more concerned about this new thing he was wearing around. "I know you don't like it. I know. But you'll get used to it. As I said before... baby steps!" Calum said in a more cheerful tone. Surely enough, Castiel woofed to him as a response. And that was enough for Calum to know that things were going just fine.

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Level 2 | Castiel's Story

Postby Joke's On You » Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:20 am

Task wrote:

Create a history for your Beran.


As all Scottish Beranhunds do until they are tamed, Castiel grew up in the wild. The first few years of his life, he was with his family, which consisted of his mother and his sister, who was born just a few minutes after him. The two Beranhund pups were raised as wild Beranhunds with the expectation that they would be living in the wild for their entire life. They were trained by their mother to hunt for their own food and were taught how to fight in case they needed to do so. On days that weren't spent learning about survival, Castiel and his sister would be playing around. These playtimes consisted of chasing one another, playing tug-o-war with a stick that they found, or wrestling. At least, this is what their puphood contained. As the two Beranhund pups grew over the next year, they began to show their independence. They would go off on hunts by themselves instead of tagging along with their mother or staying behind as ordered by their mother. By the time both of the young Beranhunds turned two, they were ready to stray away from their mother and go off on their own in the wilderness. And that's exactly what they did. Castiel and his sister went seperate ways. Since the day the two departed, Castiel hadn't came across his sister or his mother again.

Since Castiel was independent now, this meant that he would now hunt alone and travel everywhere alone. At least, until he would be able to start a family of his own. He proceeded on the same routine everyday. Hunt, travel, eat, then sleep through the night. But little did he know that his life was about to take a turn. It was a late night, Castiel was three years of age at the time. He had been living on his own for about a year and had no problems so far. During the night while resting himself in a cave he found, he heard a rustling in the bushes. Something was coming closer to him. This rustling woke Castiel and he looked around slowly. Until he spotted it. A large creature coming toward him in a rush. A grizzly bear. Panicked, Castiel rose to his feet quickly and braced himself for impact that would be coming shortly. It did, and it knocked the wind out of Castiel. The Beranhund's eyes widened as he bear rose it's paw in the air and swiped at him. It made contact with his side, and a stinging sensation was given off shortly after the blow. That's when Castiel decided that he had to get out of there and quick. The bear was not going to let off. Especially since he figured that the cave belonged to the grizzly. As the bear rose to stand on it's hind legs, Castiel used that moment to run past the bear. As he was doing so, the bear managed to claw one of his back legs. It hurt a lot, but Castiel ran quickly to escape the bear. He must've ran for about thirty minutes or so before he eventually collapsed from exhaustion. After waking up almost a day later, he would notice a fire from a campsite in the distance. He had seen campsites before. But he had no idea that his fate would be determined by the one person who resided in that campsite.

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Level 2 | The First Ride

Postby Joke's On You » Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:53 am

Task wrote:

Write about your Beran's first ride with its handler.


Another month had passed since Calum had first introduced the saddle to Castiel. Since then, he did as he said he would and took baby steps when it came to getting his Beranhund used to the saddle. Over the coming weeks, Calum would pick out specific days where he would take Castiel out of the kennel and put on the saddle. Overtime he noticed that Castiel was settling into the feel of the saddle very nicely. Which brought Calum to make one of the most scary yet thrilling plan of his entire life thus far. He would finally attempt to ride Castiel. Although this idea wasn't brought up alone. There was another factor that pushed Calum to making this decision and that was the fact that his truck had broke down and Calum needed to travel into town to get the parts for his truck. And instead of walking, he figured that now would be the time to take Castiel on a test ride.

Castiel was already waiting for Calum in the front yard. He was laying in the grass just allowing the breeze to blow his coat. Calum in the mean time was preparing for the ride with a few treats for Castiel just in case he needed some motivation or as a reward in between stops. But Calum also was getting a bag that he could wear. He would carry the meat and the materials he needed for truck in the bag, so it wasn't a useless tool to carry. After double checking that he had everything he needed such as the bits of fresh meat for Castiel and a large enough backpack to carry everything in, Calum made his way outside where Castiel was laying. He hopped up onto Castiel's back and made sure that he was comfortable in the saddle. The Beranhund was still laying down, at least until Calum was to give the orders to start moving. Castiel seemed so calm, yet Calum was freaking out on the inside. What if Castiel went too fast? What if he fell off in the middle of Castiel running? What if... what if... what if. Calum couldn't think straight, so there was only one thing to do. And that was to go.

Taking a deep breath, Calum pointed in the direction where Castiel would be going. "That way, Cas." He said, his voice shaking from how nervous he was. Castiel rose to all four paws slowly, then took a glance back to see if his handler was alright. Calum noticed this concerned glance and gave a quick nod to Castiel to reassure the Beranhund. And with that, Castiel began to walk in the direction that Calum pointed in. The Beranhund make the decision himself that starting off slow would be the best thing for his handler. If Calum wanted to go quicker, all he had to do was give the command. But just like Castiel needed to get used to the saddle, Calum needed to get used to the feel of riding on the Beranhund first.

Within minutes, Calum felt all of his fear leave him. He gripped onto the saddle and grinned. "Now this isn't too bad!" He looked down at Castiel. He knew this wasn't a sprint. But rather a walk. Now Calum wanted to see what running felt like. "Cas let's go at a sprint, shall we?" Calum said with a big smile on his face. Surely enough, that's exactly what Castiel did. He ran at a full fledged sprint in the same direction. Meanwhile, instead of being freaked out over how fast the Beranhund was going, Calum was hollering with joy. "Haha! This is amazing! I feel like I'm flying!" Calum had the biggest smile on his face. It would be that same day where Calum decided that he no longer wanted to get the parts for his truck. So when he got into town, he decided to turn Castiel right back around. Who needed a car when you have a Scottish Beranhund?


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Level 3 | Calum's Story

Postby Joke's On You » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:40 am

Task wrote:

Create a history for your handler.


When Calum was a young boy of about three, his mother passed away due to an illness, leaving Calum with his father who raised him as a single father for the duration of his life. Or at least, the life where Calum needed to be living with a family member. He had quite the bond with his father. On weekends he would spend all of his time with Calum, whether that was through an activity such as fishing or taking a small trip to town. On days where Calum's father had to leave for business, he would spend that time with his grandparents who owned the land that the Everest Peak Kennels reside on today. And even though Calum enjoyed spending a lot of down time with his father, the land his grandparents owned was his favorite place to be. He would always go on adventures by himself in the large plot of land behind the house. It kept him occupied for hours on end. Sometimes, he even convinced his grandparents to set up a tent outside so he could sleep out there.

Calum's grandparents both passed due to their old age when Calum was about eighteen. It was soon after that a letter came in the mail with what he inherited from his grandfather and grandmother. And to his surprise, his grandparents gave him the lease to the large plot of land that they used to own that Calum loved so dearly. After Calum graduated school, he made it his goal to move out to the house that his grandparents lived in and fix everything up. From there, he would find his place of work in one of the nearby towns. But a few years after Calum moved into his grandparents old house, his plans changed as soon as he met a special Scottish Beranhund that stole his interest away from any career but being a handler. That's when Calum decided to put all the extra land to good use by hiring contractors to build what is known now as the Everest Peak Kennels.


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Level 3 | Hunting

Postby Joke's On You » Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:02 am

Task wrote:

Write about your Beran's first hunt with their handler.


Since Castiel had been tamed, he hadn't been hunting. But this weekend, Calum made it his plan to take Castiel back into the Caledonian Forest to assist him with hunting for fresh meet. After all, Castiel's favorite snack was deer meat, so why not take him along to get some more? Since there were too many supplies to take along during the trip, Calum had decided to fix up the truck and buy a horse trailer so he could pull Castiel along in the trailer instead of him trailing along side the truck. It would be a lot quicker and more efficient. The trailer was already set up, so that morning all Calum was focused on loading up the back of the truck with the usual supplies plus some extra things. His tent, extra clothes, food and water, first-aid kit, rifles, and some food solely for the purpose of feeding Castiel. Now, after all of the basic loading up of the truck was done, now it was time to get Castiel in the trailer. This was again, something new that Castiel hadn't experienced before. But it turned out all right in the end. Calum loaded up Castiel in the trailer and Castiel made himself at home. To him, it was just another cozy kennel for a car trip. Nothing too bad to say the least.

It was early evening when Calum and Castiel arrived. Since it was still winter, Calum decided to first set up camp for the two of them so they could come warm up after their night hunt. It took about 45 minutes to set up camp, but after he was finished he grabbed his hunting rifle and looked over to Castiel. "Alright Castiel, it's time for us to go get a nice deer." He said as he gave his Beran a pat as he walked past. "Deer prefer the dark, so there's no doubt in my mind that they'll be making their appearances soon." Calum waved for Castiel to follow behind him as he walked to a decent hiding place to stake out and wait at. As for Castiel? It wasn't easy for him. He was giant, so Calum had to make him sit back quite a ways so a deer wouldn't spot him too easily.

The two were in their spot waiting for awhile. Finally, after a period of about an hour and a half, a wonderful looking doe walked out into the open, warily looking around for any danger. When she decided that everything was all clear and made her way further out, that's when Calum rose his rifle and took a shot at the doe. Panicked but obviously injured, the doe made her attempt to flee. That's when Calum motioned for Castiel to go after her. He did. As Castiel chased after the doe, he could feel all of his adrenaline pumping. He hadn't had the thrill of a hunt in ages, so he was enjoying getting the feel of hunting again. After all, he was wild at some point so he used to do this on a daily basis.

As for Calum, he stayed behind and waited for the return of his Beran. About fifteen minutes had passed since Castiel had went after the deer, so Calum imagined he was still tracking her down and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Five more minutes passed when Calum heard the rustling of the bushes along with large pawsteps. It was Castiel returning carrying the doe on his back. Calum smiled, proud of his Beran. Great job Cas! I'm glad you didn't lose you're hunting technique since I've taken you from the wild. Calum joked. We have a very nice looking doe, so what do you say we get her back to camp, eh? Tonight was pretty successful!" And it truly was, Castiel got to have the feel of hunting once again. But what made it better was the fact that he got to feel this alongside his handler.


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Misc | Breeding

Postby Joke's On You » Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:21 pm


Calum had spent the past few days away from Everest Peak, which meant that he hadn't given any attention to Castiel. Instead of visiting the Kennels, he was instead making arrangements to breed Castiel with another Beran from the Wolfe Mountain Kennels. Alexander Chase was the man he kept in contact with, as the female he was looking into was handled mainly by him. He was busy with arranging a day that he could bring Castiel over and who would recieve the pups. It was agreed upon that Calum would recieve a pup. And if luck was on their side and two pups were born, Alexander would take the other. He was satisfied enough with the deal that was arranged and set up the date that he would be bringing Castiel over to meet the female that the two had agreed upon.

About a week had passed since Alexander and Calum had come up with a deal that was sufficient for the two of them. Now, Calum and Castiel were on their way to Wolfe Mountain Kennels, which was quite the drive. But since the two left in the early morning, they would arrive by late afternoon. And that's exactly what happened. It was around 2 PM when Calum pulled up to Wolfe Mountain Kennels. He was greeted by Alexander upon his arrival. As he placed the truck in park, he exited his vehicle and made his way toward Alexander, shaking his hand. "Hello, it's nice to finally talk to you in person." He said with a small smile. Surely enough, the man greeted him back.

"I can say the same about you!" Alexander said, returning the smile. "I'll need to get Vana from her Kennel. So I'll be back in a second. Meanwhile, if you could get Castiel out of the trailer that would be great. Although, Vana does tend to take after her mother as a quick warning. She can be quite stubborn. So we might need a bit of patience." Alexander added before walking off to retrieve Vana from the kennels.

Calum nodded just before Alexander made his way back. "I see. Well, I'm sure that Castiel can certainly work around that. He's full of all kinds of surprises." He replied as he turned to walk back to his truck to unload Castiel from the trailer. Calum led his Beran to the area where he assumed that Alexander wanted the two Berans to meet. "Castiel, sit." Calum ordered his Beran, keeping an eye on him as he did so. "Good, now stay." He ordered as he watched as Alexander came back into sight with the Beran that he assumed was Vana.

Alexander stopped a distance away from Calum and his Beran, giving her a small pat on the side before briefly setting his hand on her shoulder. He then made his way toward Calum. "Let's give them some time by themselves. If Castiel is what you make him out to be, he and Vana should be alright. Plus, I don't actually think Vana would harm him. She does have a soft side to her as well. We can check back in on them in a few hours." Alexander said. As a response, Calum only nodded his head and followed Alexander back to the house.


Castiel grew to be very intrigued after both handlers had walked away. In front of him laid a female Beran with a beautiful brown coat. His ears were perked forward, and slowly, Castiel rose to his paws, slowly making his way over to the female Beran. He wasn't displaying any dominance at the moment. He was more so just wanting to see who the female was. It took him by surprise as he drew near the female and was greeted by a low growl. As soon as he heard the growl emitted by the female, Castiel stopped in his tracks and looked at her. His ears were still perked forward, as he was still interested in her. However, Castiel was not looking to upset the female, so he decided to lay where he was. And if she just so happened to be interested, she could come over to him. But in the mean time, he would lay in front of her and wait it out. After all, he wasn't looking to play the dominance game with her. So he wasn't going to try.

Meanwhile, Vana wasn't very happy with Alexander just leaving her with the stange Beran. When she noticed him starting to approach her, she couldn't help but growl. She didn't know him. Therefore, she didn't trust him. She kept her eyes on Castiel the entire time, even as he decided to lay down in front of her. As a response, she gave a huff and turned her head away. But only for a few moments. Having another Beran around that wasn't her mother was quite the change for her. She couldn't help but feel a bit interested in him. So after a few minutes of just laying there, observing the male, she finally rose to her paws and made her way toward him.

Castiel noticed her move and lifted his head up off his paws, watching as the female approached him. She didn't growl once as she moved toward him. But then again, Castiel hadn't made any sudden movements toward her. Eventually, the female had placed herself down next to Castiel. The two just stood there, observing one another. Getting to know each others scents mainly. After a few minutes, Castiel's tail started to wag a bit. He couldn't help himself, he was beyond excited. And to his surprise, the female had returned his excitement with tail wags on her part. Castiel moved a bit closer to her, nuzzling her cheek, the backing off a bit to see what her reaction was. Luckily for him, the female had moved closer to him and returned the nuzzle. This sparked up even more joy in Castiel as he leaned up against the female. It looked like everything was going to be alright between the two Berans.


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Level 4 | First Race

Postby Joke's On You » Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:41 am

Task wrote:

Write about beran's first race


It was a Saturday afternoon. Normally on the Saturdays, Calum and Castiel spend some time at the Wolfe Mountain Kennels to spend some time with the Beranhund pup that Castiel and his breeding partner, Vana, produced. However, this weekend was different because instead of spending time at the kennels, the two were instead at a racing track that was designed specifically for racing Scottish Beranhunds. And boy, was the drive to the track long. Calum had been wanting to race with Castiel for quite awhile now, but he figured that allowing him to spend time with his son was a lot more important. Especially since his son would be living with them at the Everest Peak Kennels as soon as he was weened off his mother completely. But since the Beran pup was born six months ago, he figured now would be a better time than ever to come race. Surely Castiel had made enough of an imprint on the pup to miss one Saturday with him.

Castiel was all geared up and ready to go upon arrival. Luckily for him, the league wasn't professional. It was more easy going, which is what Calum wanted for Castiel's first race. He didn't want the Beran to get too overwhelmed by things. Plus, this race would be the deciding factor on if there would be anymore races to come. It was more of a trial and error sort of thing. If Castiel didn't like it, then he wouldn't race anymore. Although even if that happened, Calum was deadset on getting a racing Beranhund at some point in his life. After all, the money that could be made as a result of going into the big leagues were massive.

Calum walked into the large stadium, pulling Castiel on a gentle lead alongside him. Everything for today was already pre-planned. All the paperwork and where Calum and Castiel would be heading in order to take part of the race. Surely enough, Calum had memorized every bit of information he needed for that day. So he led Castiel right where he was meant to be at the starting gates and got onto the saddle placed comfortably on his back.

"We've been training for this for awhile now bud, you just didn't quite know it yet. Every moment that I've been pushing you on each of our rides, that was us training for this moment. I know we can do good here, so let's work as a team and win against these other Berans." Calum whispered in his Beranhund's ear, then gripped onto the halti, ready for the race to begin.

The minutes seemed to pass by slowly. All the Berans were loaded into the starting gate, barking excitedly. It was a large commotion that Calum didn't think Castiel would enjoy, but to his surprise, Castiel was barking along with the other Berans, readying himself for the moment. Moments later, the announcer came over the loud speakers, telling all the handlers to get themselves ready for the race. And Calum knew that he and Castiel most certainly were now. The two had an extremely close bond and they saw eye to eye on most things. So with the two of them there working together, Calum was sure they'd pull a nice victory in their first race. Everything seemed quiet after the announcer came over the speaker. But all at once, a gunshot went off, the gates open, and Castiel was running forward, keeping up with all the other Beranhunds racing alongside them. Although, Calum knew that Castiel wasn't using his full speed. So he looked down at Castiel. "Go Cas, faster!" He managed to say though everything. And surely enough, Castiel did exactly what he was told and increased his speed. Calum and Castiel were able to pull ahead of the other racers. And boy, did it seem like the two were enjoying themselves as they pulled into that lead. And just before they both knew it, they crossed the finish line before all of the others, making this their first win. Calum was smiling from ear to ear, proud of Castiel and himself. As everyone else finished, Calum hopped down and hugged onto the large canine. "We did it Cas! We won our first race!" Calum said cheerfully. As a reponse, Castiel's tail started to wag from his own excitement.

Soon enough, a person came over to Calum and Castiel, placing a trophy down in front of them. Soon after, the same person backed away and aimed a camera at them. Calum and Castiel both posed for the picture with the trophy. After it was taken, the man who took it nodded. "Congratulations on your big win! Hope to see you come back for further races in the future. You and that Beran have big potential!" He said as he walked away.

As for Calum and Castiel, the two simply looked at one another. "They want to see us more, huh? That's doable for me, how about for you Cas?" Calum asked his Beran. As a response, Castiel gave a woof of pure delight. He did have fun today, so why not race some more? Maybe Calum would give him some quail eggs everytime he managed to pull of a win.


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