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Level 6 Requirement || Freeform | Intervention

Postby Placebo » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:43 pm

► Write about or draw a scene of your choice.
Characters: Daystar and Ottersplash.
Ottersplash voices his concern over his harried leader.

The clan members are referred to by their nicknames, as with Otto (Ottersplash) and Damien (Daystar).

“Otto! Just the tom I wanted to see.”

Ottersplash stilled the repetitive movement of grooming his forelimb as he shifted to face his leader. His maw curled into a smile as his small leader yawned and reached up to chin his forehead. Ottersplash’s nose briefly nuzzled his friend’s plush neck ruff in response, and the larger tom purred in greeting. “Damien! Here for a morning report?”

“If you would, Otto,” Daystar replied, and the tabby sunk gratefully to lay beside his combatant vanguard while Ottersplash moved to do the same. Nestled with the larger mottled tom, Daystar kept an open ear on Ottersplash’s tellings of the past night’s border patrols as the leader watched his sleeping clanmates slowly wake up. Daystar found himself laughing alongside Ottersplash’s giggly form as the vanguard talked about a run-in with two ornery geese by the bridge lake, and humming thoughtfully as Ottersplash pointed out recent accounts from the neighboring raven congregation about an increase in cloud cover. Daystar flicked his tail at the comment, just a touch concerned. Though the clan was well into dryleaf, everyone would need to keep a lookout for any rising water levels if it started to rain consistently. Daystar made a mental note to remind both Ghostmire and Ottersplash to direct some of their patrols past the twoleg bridge to measure the level of the river each quarter moon.

Daystar startled at the sudden jab to his side. He looked over at Ottersplash, and saw his warm blue eyes dark with concern. “Everything alright, Day? You look stressed, old friend.” Oh. He didn’t even notice he had zoned off.

Daystar shot the mottled tom a tired smile. “As best as it can be. My night must’ve been longer than I realized.” Though the monthly journey to Crescent Lake was crucial for convening with Starclan, it was no easy trek. It didn’t help that Daystar was still recovering from a rogue skirmish from a quarter moon ago.

Ottersplash frowned. “You need to rest both your body and mind when you heal, Damien. A meeting with the ancestors can wait a couple days while you recuperate.”

Mood drooping a little, Daystar sighed as his mouth screwed into a tired frown. He looked down at his paws for a moment before speaking. “You know it’s not that easy, Otto. I already feel terrible about not going last month—”

“Daystar, you know for a fact the battle with the foxes was out of your power to prevent. You need to—”

“—So there’s no reason to hold it off any longer if my largest wounds are as healed as they can be. Walking there with a couple of scrapes isn’t going to—” Daystar continued on as if Ottersplash had never spoke. In a burst of frustration, Ottersplash slapped his long tail across his leader’s mouth, effectively shutting Daystar up.

Daystar moved to smack Ottersplash’s tail away, rightfully indignant, but he looked up into his friend’s hard, near disapproving eyes that dared Daystar to move his tail. After a beat, the smaller tom ceased protest.

Ottersplash spoke again. “Daystar, you need to relax. You’ll do the clan no good being exhausted like you have been. Don’t make me sit on you to keep you in one place.”

Daystar barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. The only thing keeping him from doing so was the fact that he was supposed to be a poised leader, and he pointedly remained silent to convey this. Ottersplash, reading his leader’s gaze loud and clear, rolled his eyes for them both.

Ottersplash’s next words made a small spark of fear run up his spine. “Don’t make me tell Lilyfrost that you're not resting.”

Daystar batted Ottersplash’s tail away as he scoffed to try and hide his wary feelings. Daystar was not looking forward to getting scolded by his daughter a second time in the same quarter-moon, head healer or no. “There’s nothing to tell. I’ve been resting fine.”

Ottersplash’s gaze glinted, and Daystar’s own eyes narrowed in response. Ottersplash snorted as he moved to get up. “Oh really? Well, then, you wouldn’t mind me going to Lilyfrost anyway, then? Those scratches on your muzzle still look a little red…”

“Don’t you dare!” Daystar was quick to pounce on the massive tom’s shoulders, and Ottersplash yelped before dissolving into laughter. There was his playful leader.

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Level 6 Requirement || Freeform | Training a Hardhead

Postby Placebo » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:48 pm

► Write about or draw a scene of your choice.
Characters: Redsand and Ghostmire.
Ghostmire tries his best to impart wisdom about stealth onto his stubborn new clanmate.

“This is impossible! There’s no way to be completely silent when walking through any forest, much less a water-logged place like this. With something constantly underfoot, any cat that can move is gonna make some sort of sound.”

Ghostmire slid his gaze over to the striking red and white tom. The older male raised a brow in disbelief at the comment. Remus couldn’t be serious. “Really? Well then, Sharp-Ears, explain to me why I was able to sneak up on you just a few whisker twitches ago. After doing it twice since we came out here this morning.”

Redsand’s ears lowered self-consciously as his own assessment of himself was thrown back in his face. When all remained silent save for the birds in the trees, Ghostmire snorted. “That’s what I thought. Child, you need to learn sooner rather than later that stealth works differently in a forest as opposed to a concrete city. Of course there will always be something underpaw. What matters is how you work around that fact.”

Properly chastised, Redsand reluctantly looked away. Ghostmire then tapped his fan-like tail against the tom’s broad shoulder to get his attention once more. Deciding to give the young tom a bit of slack, Ghostmire gestured for Redsand to follow him. “A blind mouse can see you’ve got a smart head on your shoulders, so use it. You can figure it out. With practice comes mastery.”

Ghostmire took a moment to look back at Redsand as the two stopped to crouch amongst the reeds and springy soil. “You’re the one who asked me for tips in the first place, right? Any cat worth their claws can get this down.”

After a half-breath, Redsand nodded, and Ghostmire was content knowing that his words were getting through to the stubborn tom. Ghostmire turned his attention back to the reeds as his sharp eyes picked up nearby movement. “And remember… step lightly.”

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Level 6 Requirement || Personalities | Redsand and Privetpaw

Postby Placebo » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:52 pm

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Redsand's Personality:
Don’t be fooled by this tom’s handsome visage. Though he has his looks, skill, and sheer aptitude going for him, he tends to be lacking when it comes to his actual attitude. Once he opens his mouth, it's clear why he’s not the easiest cat to be around.

Redsand gives no false impression about how he judges others. He values skill in battle and hunting above all else, and he readily percieves cats as weak when they don’t fit into his idea of a strong cat. He’s known for being indifferent at best and scathing at worst to cats he labels as weak, and those who don’t share his same views quickly find him intolerable in a casual setting. His perception of the world makes him stubborn and perpetually just a little prickly to any new cats he meets, though thankfully his surface-level bigotry didn’t come out of nowhere.

As the youngest son of the (slightly incompetent) leader of a town cat colony, he’s always been pushed to retain his position as one of the highest ranking cats in the colony regardless of his father’s growing ineptitude. As time went on and strength became tantamount to retain a rock-solid reputation, Redsand had to abandon beliefs that would view him as weak amongst high ranking toms all scrambling for his father’s long-standing position. As a result, cats rightly view him presently as an egotistical young male with too much skill to be immediately knocked down a few pegs.

However, Redsand’s most outstanding trait is his ability to simply pick up new skills (and do them well). He’s attentive and a listener at heart, so he’s able to quickly adapt and learn from his mistakes. This thoughtfulness manifests itself into a secret soft side, and he tends to be one of the cats to remember little things like dates, specific locations that spark a memory, and the likes of the cats around him.

Additionally, though he wasn’t given many avenues within the confines of his father’s colony, he both adores and has a knack for teaching growing minds new things. He secretly loves the phenomenon of finding new things to learn more about, and sometimes he wants nothing more than to impart that knowledge to cats willing learn more about the esoteric things in life.

Hopefully being in Floodclan will give him the ability to see that particular skill of his grow.

Privetpaw(skip)'s Personality
Privetskip is mainly known for his soft heart. As a naturally meek individual, he goes out of his way to avoid conflict which at times labels him as a coward when he simply seeks to minimize any quarrels that he has with other cats. His brand of compliance is just a touch too timid, and as a result he sometimes comes off as less endearing (and more weak-kneed) than other cats with similar modest mannerisms. Though this fact is of no fault to himself, he sometimes berates himself for it, and wishes he were able to stand up for himself just a little bit more.

Regardless of his innate shyness, however, Privetskip’s soft heart is also noticeably large. He enjoys being able to get a laugh out of those around him even though he generally can’t work up the courage often enough to be seen as a jokester (kits, though, are his main audience) and his eager-to-please nature means that he’s known for his service within the clan as well. Soft voice or not, he’s one of the first to offer his aid if he feels he’s up for the task. His ability to offer his own time and energy to his clanmates lends itself well to the fact that he’s also astonishingly brave despite his (or even because of) his gentle character. Though he avoids fights like the plague, he hates morally backing down in the face of wrong-doing, and the one thing he’s not afraid of is defending what he sees as just (even if he has to defend this thing in a more discreet way, as Floodclan is teaching him).

As a full-fledged Floodclan member however, it rarely crosses his mind to complain about any small missteps against himself specifically. He has a roof over his head, food in his belly, and knows his role by heart, so when it all comes down to it, what is there to complain about?

In truth, Privetskip just has a need to feel needed and not cast aside. His former home group, if he could even call it that anymore, left him estranged in ways he’d rather never repeat. Floodclan offers him an opportunity of a home he’s never been able to experience before, and at this point he’d do almost anything to keep it. The friends he’s making in the clan, and the hearts he’s thawing gives him hope. Once a cat realizes he means no harm, it’s hard to deny him a chance.

Besides, it’s even harder to resist those pretty green eyes once he gets comfortable enough with you to maintain eye contact.

Last edited by Placebo on Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Level 7 Requirement || Freeform | First Day Growing Pains

Postby Placebo » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:18 pm

► Write about or draw a scene of your choice.

Extended version of story from this competition.
Characters: Jackdaw, Sunpaw, Daystar, and Lightningsong, with dialogue from the senior members of Floodclan's conclave (Ghostmire, Ottersplash, and Peppersky).
After Jackdaw's successful battle to aid Floodclan, the clan accepts him with open arms (but, not without reasonable growing pains).

Daystar turned an approving gaze onto Jackdaw. “Well now. Your intel checked out after all. Looks like I chose right by letting you lead the patrol.”

“Impressive fighter too, I must say. We could always use more of those,” Ottersplash added. His pelt was clearly ruffled from the skirmish, and light scratches lay on his cheek, but his blue eyes were still bright with fight fervor.

Jackdaw, though secretly bashful from the praise, merely shrugged. “I only did what I thought was right. They’ve been harassing cats in this region for far too long.”

“And working alongside Floodclan was only logical, I take it,” Ghostmire mewed. The older tom regarded Jackdaw with a scrutinizing look as he sat on Daystar’s left.

Jackdaw merely blinked, refusing to be intimidated. “Yes, sure. But your clan has been nothing but kind to me as well. You certainly didn’t have to open your home to me and allow me shelter.”

It seemed to be the right thing to say because the old tom’s gaze softened with approval as well. “And we would never require you to fight our battles with us, yet you offered to do so anyway.”

Jackdaw’s thoughts flitted back to the fight, and a spark of joy lit in his chest as he nodded respectfully. “I would gladly do so again,” his maw then drifted into a soft smile, “Fighting with you all… it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

“It’s called having each other’s backs,” a new form padded into the overhang, and Jackdaw nodded his head as Peppersky stopped to lay her thin tail on his shoulder. The older she-cat smirked knowingly. “A lot of us were former rogues at one point, and had to face enemies alone. Once you know what it’s like to know someone’s watching out for you in battle… it’s hard to go back.”

The she-cat turned her smirk onto the assembled conclave. “See, what did I tell you? Not even a half moon in camp and he’s already showing us what he’s made of. I’d sooner eat my tail than not instate him as a full clan member.”

“Why wait then? I see no reason to delay his induction.” Jackdaw’s eyes widened as he whipped his head around to the bright gold eyes sparkling with amusement. A hint of a smile played on Lightningsong’s lips, but the thick striped tail curled in a hook above his back belied his true mood. One of happiness. “He readily came to the defense of anyone who needed him. Including my son.”

Just as Jackdaw thought he might go faint from happiness at the recognition, Ottersplash and Peppersky let out two groans at the comment. Ghostmire shook his head in fond exasperation. Daystar, ever the unflappable one, merely raised a brow at his deputy. Peppersky rolled her eyes at Lightningsong. “Always back to Sunpaw with you, huh?”

“My pride and joy, you mean,” Lightningsong sniffed, and Daystar laughed under his breath. Jackdaw merely watched the banter with surprise as he thought back to the battle. That small cat he helped fight back the rogue with was the deputy’s son?!

“You mean like how the entire clan is meant to be your pride and joy, Lightningsong?” Daystar drawled.

“Eh, well. Some more than others,” Lightningsong shrugged.

Ghostmire sighed. “Thank the stars you didn’t rub off too much onto that child, Lightningsong. Otherwise his head might swell as big as yours."

“Oh hush, Ghostmire. Besides, we need to get back to the matter at paw!” Lightningsong trained his gaze back onto Jackdaw, and the dark tabby felt himself straighten unconsciously in an effort to impress. “Like I said, we should bring him into the clan. But, it is your call, dearest,” Lightningsong turned his gaze back on Daystar as he said that, tail curling expectantly.

Daystar cracked the first smile Jackdaw had ever seen from the curiously stoic leader, but Jackdaw could tell that the leader tried to reign it in at first, but gave up with a sigh and closed his eyes in brief thought. When his eyes flashed open again, His dark green gaze pinned Jackdaw in place, but the leader only had words for his deputy. “Oh no Lightningsong, this is your call.” Jackdaw had to consciously remind himself to take a breath, but thankfully the weight of the leader’s gaze lessened as his mood shifted to something more benign. Daystar spoke again. “He should go through the same process as anyone else in the clan, but with such unanimous approval I’d like to remain the neutral party for now. If all of you like him, then I see no reason to object to hurrying along the process.”

Everyone under the overhang visibly brightened at the go-ahead. Peppersky’s tail slid off Jackdaw’s shoulder as she turned to the young rogue, and her tail was replaced by Lightningsong’s heavier one as the broad-shouldered tom purred. Jackdaw felt a rare bloom of joy under his pelt at the tactility, and for once he readily welcomed it.

But, before any of you leave.” Daystar called out. That seemed to stop everyone in their tracks as they all turned to face Daystar. Jackdaw surprised himself by giving into the pull as well. Though small in height, his presence was like a beacon as he spoke again, this time directly to Jackdaw. “Lightningsong and I have been talking these past few hours about giving you an apprentice, Jackdaw. The way you outlined the battle formation to everyone in the patrol I had you lead was ingenious, and frankly something we all could benefit from.”

Both Ottersplash and Ghostmire looked at Jackdaw again, but this time their gazes shown with impressed surprise. Feeling like he was missing something, Jackdaw’s tail flicked nervously as he tilted his head. “So you want me to train up a kit and teach them strategy?”

Daystar merely hummed. “Not quite. There’s an apprentice who just passed his preliminary tests under a different mentor, so there’s no need to teach him the basics. Even though he really shouldn’t,” Daystar leveled an accusing glare onto his deputy at that, but Lightningsong only looked innocently back at the leader, Jackdaw noted, “this apprentice is also as knowledgeable about the innerworkings of the clan as anyone else under this tree, so he knows best how to implement your knowledge into future teaching methods. He has the added benefit of not having multiple other jobs to do, so he can focus his attention on learning from you. And hopefully, you can learn from him as well.”

Jackdaw frowned. He had been within Floodclan’s camp long enough to learn what it meant to teach a cat already finished with their preliminary trials. Daystar was asking him to train up a cat into a specialty. A cat that probably wasn’t even that far from him in age. “And what happens after I finish teaching this apprentice? Does he know I’m becoming his mentor?”

“He actually volunteered,” Lightningsong mewed, and Jackdaw’s ears perked in surprise. “He cut short his diplomat training to do this, so we trust that he’s serious about learning from you. He’ll be as attentive as any of our other apprentices, if you’re worried about his personal commitment.” Lightningsong turned a questioning look onto Jackdaw. “Should you choose to accept, hopefully we won’t have to worry about your commitment, either.”

Jackdaw felt his ears prickle nervously, but he tried not to give any tells. He’d be dumb to pass up this offer right after being accepted into the clan, but. Wow. An apprentice already. “I would be honored, but who is the tom I’ll be training?”

Lightningsong smirked. “Sunpaw, my former apprentice.”

Jackdaw’s tail froze in place. The deputy’s son. And they were entrusting him to Jackdaw.

“With what you’ve shown us in the battle, it shouldn’t be too difficult!” Lightningsong chirped. Somehow, the deputy’s tail on his shoulder abruptly became heavier, almost like a warning. “I do hope you won’t disappoint him.” Lightningsong’s eyes narrowed in happiness. Or in menace, Jackdaw couldn’t tell. Jackdaw only nodded.

“Come now, I’ll take you to him!” Lightningsong mewed.

Jackdaw looked around. He wasn’t sure if it was a vain attempt to be rescued or not. The knowing look in everyone’s eyes just made him paws prickle with sweat. Daystar’s eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement as if sensing his low-level fear. But, the leader would be no help today, and so Daystar simply mewed, “Meeting dismissed!”

Lightningsong guided him away from the overhang. Jackdaw couldn’t help but think he had just stumbled upon a bed of thorns, and would have to tread lightly.


“I’m 17 moons old.”

Jackdaw blinked at the comment. The two were sitting at the camp entrance, and Jackdaw had no trouble looking down at Sunpaw. The tom was… well, he definitely didn’t look to be only a moon younger than Jackdaw. The prior battle must've skewed Jackdaw's initial view of the tom, but even now Sunpaw only looked large enough to be a young apprentice, if that. Was he really 17 moons old?

It was the day after one of the weirdest meetings Jackdaw felt he would ever have with Floodclan’s conclave. They seemed more than welcome to make him a member, but damn…

The undertone of that meeting sent some mixed signals.

Jackdaw spoke again. “So uh, do you wish to start now, Sunpaw? I’m prepared to teach you everything I know.”

The golden tom merely raised a brow, blinked and then stood up from where he was sitting. “Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there before you get ahead of yourself. No need to be formal with me, Jackdaw. You’re my clanmate, not a business partner.” Sunpaw’s maw twitched into a smile as Jackdaw opened his mouth again, and the golden cat mewed. “And before you ask, no, I have no issue with training under you, regardless of your age.”

Jackdaw’s shoulder’s sagged in relief. “Thank the stars. Hope you don’t mind me saying that I want this to go well. Your father is… surprisingly intense.”

Sunpaw only rolled his eyes sheepishly. “Don't mind him too much. He just… has alotta love to go around, is all. Protective, you know? On his behalf, I’m sorry if he was a bit… much.”

Jackdaw snorted. “I feel like I barely scratched the surface with him.”

Sunpaw laughed under his breath. “I wish I could say otherwise about that observation, but yeah, that sounds like Lightningsong.”

Jackdaw laughed as well, but it died out when Sunpaw beckoned Jackdaw with his tail. Great stars, it was a novel thing, feeling this nervous after moons spent on his own. “Come on, let’s take this outside camp, before everyone starts to really wake up.”

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Level 7 Requirement || Personalities | Pepper and Emerald

Postby Placebo » Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:55 pm

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Peppersky's Personality:
Peppersky is an extremely pragmatic kitty. Experience has led her to rationalize the world in the most efficient way she can manage, and because of this method of thinking, this she-cat is known for her high success rates in whatever she does, from hunting, fighting, to negotiating. On the flipside, however, she sometimes surprises herself with just how pessimistic her worldview can get, and even now she has to work to not see the worst in certain individuals. The innate nosiness that she hung onto from childhood still benefits her today in the form of simply knowing important details that she wouldn’t be privy to without her willingness to investigate (provided any risk of investigating is manageable). Though maybe a bit too curious at times, her inquisitive nature makes her observant and keen, and her ability to pick up social cues on the fly and bend them to her advantage makes her an effective communicator as well. In charged situations, her ability to “read the room,” so to speak, has diffused many different situations for both herself and her clan. Her learned tact during negotiations also tends to put others at ease, so she now even utilizes her reputation a great deal just to make it so that other creatures are more open to peaceable talking.

However, outside of a professional setting, Peppersky is also known for her loving and kind nature. She’s a bit awkward when she handles love no matter how hard she tries. Her mildly sheepish, almost joking nature when trying to make friends makes her approachable, and with a bit of easy conversation and genuinely funny responses to how she reacts to things around her, she’s quick to charm those she takes the time to get to know. She tries desperately to give back in her relationships to show how much she loves those she keeps close to her heart. Her silent, constant dream is to be surrounded by her loved ones in a safe space, but she knows how integral her work is to her identity and knows that only limiting herself to family-time would make her less of a mother, or wife, or friend, or close clan member.

As a true introvert, despite her outward ease in dealing with other creatures, she regains most of her energy by taking time to herself and self-reflecting. She tends to default to introspection to assess her own personal worth and well-being. Though her clinical way of viewing the world keeps her grounded, she relies fairly heavily on her rich network of clanmates, friends, and family to pull her out of her own head (depression is an illness she’s had to overcome, and she can’t thank her family enough for just being there for her. If only for them, she has no wish to relapse.). Both in the past and now, they help teach her that it’s alright to let her inner dreamer shine through.

Emeraldhollow's Personality
Emeraldhollow is just… chill. That’s simply the first impression creatures have of him, regardless of the situation. The tom is definitely not known for his temper, and getting a rise out of him is like pulling out whiskers. Emeraldhollow doesn’t let high strung emotion dictate his responses, and secretly he milks this quirk of his for all its worth. He prefers to be as polite as he can (situation permitting) and coupled with his relaxed nature, he’s also good at being fairly disarming. Though he’s can’t say that he’s one of the clans most successful breadwinners in terms of hunting or fighting, he prides himself on his ability to be an effective negotiator and mediator. He uses his natural conversational savviness to make a deal go his way, and this misleading tactic makes him seem deceptive as well. He rarely lets his disarming nature make him a pushover, however; he can flip his placid nature on a dime into something pointedly cool to convey he means business. The abrupt switch generally serves to make creatures sit up and listen, and though he can’t command a crowd like some natural leaders, he can command the attention of the few. And truly, that’s all he needs for his deals.

This calming ability of his, however, frequently bleeds over into his interactions with his clanmates, which sometimes annoys them, especially when they’ve see him in action when negotiating for the clan. (He frequently uses the same or similar conversational tactics— “Sorry to bother you” is a unique phrase of his)

However, despite the mask he puts out to the world, Emeraldhollow is, at his core, a warm-hearted, fun-loving cat. Many outward skeptics about his “true” intentions don’t seem to grasp that his way of interacting with other creatures is just how he is. Though he uses his charisma to deceive those who needs to be deceived, he likes being kind and cognizant of his clanmate’s needs. He likes putting others at ease. He likes being polite and conversational. And his amicable nature translates over to natural generosity and affection as well. Though there are some in the clan that remain wary of him, he bonds to his closest clanmates as tightly as he can. And for them, he’s known for being one of the sweetest cats they’ve ever met.

Last edited by Placebo on Mon May 20, 2019 7:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Breeding Scene: Peppersky

Postby Placebo » Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:08 am

709 words wrote:“You’re restless.”

“...Is it that obvious? Ah, wait, Liua, get off me!

The cheeky otter acted like she didn’t hear the sleek she-cat she had just rolled on top of. Liua engulfed Peppersky in her arms while the molly squirmed, and chewed at her ears while Peppersky batted at her chest.

Liua cackled like a particularly mischevious fox. “Nope! Not until you tell me what’s got you tossing and turning like you are. It’s the quarter-moon of celebrations! You should be relaxing.

Peppersky grumbled. “I was relaxing before you decided to sit on my lungs.” The larger otter relented long enough for the molly to push Liua off her body. But, Peppersky didn’t let the golden otter stray too far. With a mottled paw on Liua’s flank, Peppersky heaved a sigh. When the she-cat didn’t say anything, Liua tapped her paw against the molly’s nose. Peppersky, in response, only heaved a greater sigh, this time even more exaggerated.

Liua snickered under her breath. Peppersky always knew how to lift her mood, and after the rough moons they had to endure this past dry season, both of them needed this time to relax more than ever. The golden otter peered into Peppersky’s eyes, which were trained on the darkness past Liua’s shoulder. Liua tried to keep the bubbling in her chest she always experienced around Peppersky at a minimum, but when her own light brown eyes finally locked with Peppersky’s vibrant blues, Liua could feel her skin heat under her pelt.

Liua tempted fate even more by touching her nose to Peppersky’s, but she just couldn’t help it. Peppersky’s purr reverberated around them, slipping Liua into a cocoon of effervescent joy. Though she herself couldn’t purr, chirps threatened to spill from her chest. When Peppersky reached out to lick against her nose, Liua did chirp. The answering laugh from the pretty molly, as smooth and sweet as she was, filled Liua with euphoria. Peppersky always left her in a daze, even with the little things that the molly did.  

Still though, the concern she felt for Peppersky over her previously agitated movements remained in the forefront of her mind. Liua snuggled under the paw Peppersky laid across her flank, and nuzzled into the she-cat’s soft neck fur. “Honestly though, what’s gotten you so tense? Don’t feel like you need to share right now though. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” Liua felt the lull of Peppersky’s soft, constant purr, but fought to keep her focus on the molly and the waking world.

Peppersky nuzzled the top of Liua’s head. The molly’s heart felt fit to burst from the love she felt for the pretty otter in her arms. Her purr tapered off as she prepared to speak. “Just… thinking really. Now that the dry season’s over and everything’s quieted down, I’ve just been… wondering.”


“Our boys are already full-grown, and, well…”

Liua lifted her head from Peppersky’s chest. The otter’s expression was even as their gazes met, but her light eyes gave her away. Peppersky saw as her normally pinprick pupils dilated in interest, not unlike a cat. Peppersky could feel her skin heat under her pelt as Liua spoke again. “Hmm?”

Peppersky decided to just go for it. “What would you say about expanding our family—”

“Yes, under all the stars in the sky, yes.” Peppersky hadn’t even finished her breath when Liua’s immediate reply came. Peppersky could tell that the otter wanted to shoot up from her arms, but only barely contained her excitement. The molly could practically feel Liua vibrate under her paws.

Peppersky’s laugh bubbled from her chest. “If you’re fine with it, I’d be the one carrying kits this time, but—“

“Fine with it? Pep, I thought you’d never ask! Nothing would make me happier than seeing mini yous running around,” Liua’s face split into a grin, “I can imagine it now; sweethearts just as gorgeous as you are, swimming with me in the river, teaching them how to hunt, and fish, and…”

Peppersky listened to Liua continue on in her excited rambles, and a weight she didn’t even know was present lifted off her shoulders. Peppersky didn’t even know why she had any doubt that Liua would be against kits. She couldn’t wait.
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Level 8 Requirement || Personalities | Snow and Iris

Postby Placebo » Mon May 20, 2019 7:03 pm

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Snowpaw(bounce)'s Personality:
Snowbounce, bless his heart, to this day is still known for being one of the most gullible cats in the clan. As a kit and apprentice, he had a tendency to take what his clanmates would say at face value and not try to dispute it in his innocent view of the world. Though he’s obviously grown out of his impressionable ways, he still holds onto his unguarded nature, especially around his clanmates. As a true extrovert, he thrives on being around his clanmates and frequently strikes up conversations with them whenever he feels like there’s a lull in his day. It’s rare that he’s seen without a clanmate at his side, but beyond his crush on Privetskip, his clanmates can’t quite discern if Snowbounce has a particular favorite within the clan.

The easy, overly-familiar way he interacts with everyone coupled with the fact that he’s the youngest cat in the clan makes him either everyone’s honorary kit or little brother too. And like a little brother, he’s known for being cheeky, lovable, and annoying as hell in equal turns. Though initially guileless, Snowbounce quickly became conniving and a bit of a trickster as he continued onto his apprenticeship, especially with the influence of Mallowhop. His ability to be observant and inquisitive aids him well as a scout, but it also aids him well whenever he decides to pick up a new skill. And he quickly took to pranks and deception. His clanmates soon realized that this wide-eyed little kit couldn’t be so easily duped anymore, and he rarely let anyone forget the fact. Snowbounce is still learning how to utilize the right amount of tact to not tick off the more irritable cats in Floodclan, but he’s more than aware of how his bubbly, talkative nature can become a bit much to the more surly personalities in his clan. Though he easily moves onto the next clanmate if one cat has had enough of him, he quickly can get into a slump if someone’s not around to give him the time of day. His sociable nature, though definitely a strength, is also cited as one of his greatest weaknesses since he hates being alone most of the time.

What makes Snowbounce unique as well is that the ancestors gave him the gift of spiritual vision. He’s able to see the spirits of past animals who inhabited the floodplains, but he’s able to coexist with his ability due to the nature of his entire personality. He doesn’t view the gift as that big of a deal, and alongside his complete and utter lack of talent and interest in medicine and his leader’s insistence in not forcing him into doing anything he doesn’t want to, Snowbounce blissfully goes about his life as a Floodclan warrior. The only thing is that he just so happens to be able to see dead creatures. Curiously, this ability has only aided him once so far, when a cat that looked a great deal like Daystar guided him back to camp after a thunderstorm.

Irisfall's Personality
Irisfall is one of the notably meek personalities within Floodclan. Her upbringing discouraged her inner strong-willed tendencies, so even nowadays she’s known for being quiet and docile by default. She’s also extremely sensitive to the world around her as well; trauma has made her neuroticism selective, so she often narrows in to one little detail and overthinks small issues that don’t need the extra scrutiny. She still has quite a bit of a ways to go in terms of alleviating her own internal fears, but her young age lends well to her adaptability. Outside her shortcomings, her sensitivity makes her extremely empathetic to others emotions. She finds herself uniquely concerned with her clanmates’ wellbeings (not unlike Daystar) and so she ends up being one of the first cats to inquire about another’s mood or feelings despite her shyness. Daystar’s (almost) unwittingly taken her under his wing because of this, and through his emotionally-cognizant teachings, she’s slowly learning how to identify the overall mood of her clanmates and respond to them in a proactive way. She’s becoming quite popular amongst her clanmates because of this (much like Sunpaw or Daystar) and her willingness to be observant to their needs means that they’re slowly looking to her for guidance as well, even with her limited experience.

With the mobility that Floodclan has granted her, Irisfall is also surprisingly open about her stronger emotions. At first, it took her a great deal of time to be comfortable enough to cry openly, but now since she knows there won’t be painful repercussions for showing weakness, she’s views crying as a catharsis when she’s sad (or even extremely relieved). She cries for what she’s sad or happy about, sure, but she also cries because she’s simply able to do so. Her openness also translates into an appearance of innocence, which is somewhat false given the past trauma she’s experienced. Her wide, gem-like eyes sometimes throw creatures off (especially when they grow dark with sadness over her lost kits) when she’s in a good enough head-space to talk about her past.

However, because of her ability to be selfless, she’s prone to burnout (especially since she’s now in a place that appreciates her for who she is and that makes her willing to give more than she’s able) but thankfully with Daystar’s interference at the right times (as well as her bulkier clanmates coming to her aid, like Lightningsong or Ottersplash), her clanmates know not to take advantage of her innocent kindness.

That doesn’t make her a pushover, though. She refuses to be pushed around like she had in her old clan (pretty much just to spite her old treatment) so she’s surprisingly quick to anger and strong-willed if someone tries to push her into something that makes her uncomfortable. Thankfully, in that sense, she knows to stand up for herself, but even now she’s still trying to gain enough confidence to do it effectively instead of just dissolving into angry or scared tears. She also tries to advocate for others as well since she knows how horrible it is to be forced into something you don’t want to do, so she tries to push past her meekness to stand up for others like she does herself. Though the process is slow-going for her, she’s getting there. Her strength just needs time to shine through.

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Level 9 Requirement || Personalities | Jack and Opal

Postby Placebo » Mon May 20, 2019 7:10 pm

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Jackdaw's Personality:
Despite his love for being around other cats, Jackdaw still has a tendency to keep to himself. His days as a stalwart loner are difficult to shake even now as a fully-fledged Floodclan member, but little by little he constantly strives to get better at relating to his new clanmates. His friendship with Sunpaw helps him a great deal— though his time as a loner made him hesitant to trust his clanmates at first, Sunpaw’s careful guidance and support has helped him open up in ways he never would have dreamed of before.

Sometimes, his natural talent puts him at a disadvantage— his ability to simply do well at anything he attempts makes other cats put him on a pedestal or nurture hate for him. Though this ability has consistently pulled Jackdaw out of tough situations when he was on his own, his quick mind is starting to exacerbate his own insecurities. Most of the time, he simply wishes to fit in, and as a result, he tends to clam up when faced with evidence of hero-worship or misplaced envy. At that point, his silence is mistaken for aloofness when it’s really just him not knowing how the hell to make the situation better. His social awkwardness makes it so that he constantly feels like he knows next to nothing about dealing with other creatures in a casual setting.

His sensitivity to the world around him makes him extremely empathetic, but only in the ways he knows how. He is loving, but only knows how to show his love by acting as a provider, protector, or teacher in a situation (generally by providing aid, food, or otherwise). He reacts to situations involving those he loves by giving himself over to an issue with little regard to his own well-being, and in the past, this propensity has landed him with more than a few unnecessary bumps and bruises. The almost neurotic way he handles problems also manifests in him being curiously particular about how he views and controls his own personal microcosm. He’s not hyper-focused about order in his life, but he is quick to assign sentience or heaps of sentimental value on objects meant to be more perishable (bones from an owl pellet, or pine needle sticks he used to play with as a kit). His constant need to move around and simply survive made it so that he had to abandon these items, but even now as an adult he catches himself thinking about a mouse skull he extracted from a dried owl pellet as a kit, or one particular pine stick he used to play with when his mother was still alive.

Though he adores being a part of Floodclan for its members alone, Jackdaw can’t thank Daystar enough sometimes for recognizing his little quirks and embracing his subtle needs. Though Daystar originally scared Jackdaw to high heaven, Jackdaw remembers that he nearly cried when Daystar volunteered to help Jackdaw search for owl pellets after Jackdaw offhandedly told Daystar about the mouse skull from an owl pellet he used to own. Jackdaw’s finding that there are more and more times when he finds himself happy. And when he’s not with Sunpaw, or another clan member, Jackdaw frequently finds himself admiring his growing stash of owl pellet bones.

Opalglimmer's Personality
Opalglimmer is a bit of a vain she-kitty. She’s meticulous and just a bit rigid about plenty of things in her life, ranging from how she looks, to how she acts, and all the way to what she knows. Much like her mother, she’s intelligent and uses her smarts in the most pragmatic way that she can. Knowing how and being willing to look five steps ahead, she’s perceptive of both her world and other cats around her. Her ability of foresight makes her a very good strategist. Admittedly, she’s also vain about this talent as well, and finding those who are better at strategizing than her inwardly makes her jealous. But, along with being vain, her need for control about nearly every aspect of her life makes her extremely competitive, stubborn, and prone to rivalry. For such a prim cat, she doesn’t say no to a verbal spar. She adores debate, but sometimes when tensions run too high, she lets her secret bullish nature draw out discussions that honestly don’t need the extra strife. Thankfully, these traits of hers make her an excellent warrior, but the only thing saving her ability to be an effective strategist (since strategy requires smarts and level-headedness) is her ability to adjust. To be fluid.

Opalglimmer commonly cites her love for water and swimming when it comes to adaptability. When tensions run high, she goes to the water to help her cool off. The water, much like life around her, constantly shifts and changes, and she constantly has to remind herself that the altering and reworking of her meticulous structure isn’t a bad thing (nor is it the end of the world). The water reminds her that it’s okay to redo what she needs to be done, reorganize, and reshape her world view. And as time goes on, she’s learning more and more about how to be kinder. Gentler. More receptive to change, just like her beloved water.

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Level 9 Requirement || Freeform | Communion with the Stars

Postby Placebo » Mon May 20, 2019 7:21 pm

► Write about or draw a scene of your choice.
Characters: Duskrain (then Duskkit/paw), his mother Bubbleberry, and her brother (NPC) Warrentrot.
Duskkit's blood family quietly approve of his excursions as a kit. They're happy to see their mother's memory stay alive.

"You know, I wondered why you didn't kick up such a fuss when Weblight told you she couldn't find your kit yesterday."

"Shush, brother... and I know, I know. I just... didn't have the heart to make him stop. If nothing else, I can watch over him while he does this."

The two warriors peered out into the undergrowth from their hiding place as they talked as low as possible. Bubbleberry's small kit, Duskkit, crouched innocuously in a bed of lilies as he remained hidden by the thick canopy. Any idle onlooker might mistake him for being asleep, but his quiet, high chirps drifting over to the two said otherwise. The child noticeably tripped over a word every once in a while, but the steadiness in his voice was remarkably different from the stutter he sported in camp. The mound he sat on, though small to any adult cat, tilted his body upwards as his paws kneaded the earth as gently as he possibly could. He rubbed one chubby cheek against the soft petals of the lilies.

"... An' Alderfang took me an' Aster swimming for the first time today. If you remember while you were here, he took me to the otter’s side of the river. I really wanted to go in deeper, but Alder wouldn’t let me. He thought I did phe-uh— phuh-mominally. Better than Aster, even. I’m gonna be the best swimmer in Floodclan for sure. Maybe my warrior name will be Duskotter.”

A sniffle from her brother, Warrentrot, had Bubbleberry turn her head to be greeted by his odd expression. “...Why do you look constipated?”

“That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” Bubbleberry rolled her eyes at her brother’s comment. Turning her attention back on Duskkit, she couldn’t help but agree. What an absolute picture he made.

When she first took her little tom out of camp to visit her mother’s grave, she didn’t think much of it. These days, her memories of her late mother, of such a sweet queen who died far too young, seemed like distant stars in her mind. She told Duskkit and his brother, Asterkit, of the good things she remembered about Morninglily, and the courage and bravery she had to bring herself to Floodclan to give her and her brother a better life. From day one, her mother was willing to risk it all for her babies. All for love.

Bubbleberry always did stress to her children that words can connect you to your loved ones like nothing else.

And Duskkit, sweet, empathetic Duskkit, took it to heart.

“And to think Bubbie, all it took for Duskkit to work through his stutter was to get some advice from grandma.”

Bubbleberry smiled, but the sheen to her eyes was unmistakable. “Moms always know best.”

“Should we join him?” Warren asked, and Bubbleberry thought for a moment before shaking her head. “This time is just for him and his grandma.”

Duskkit’s wistful voice drifted over to them again. “...I’m sure you’d love it, Morninglily…”

Bubbleberry's breath hitched. You would love it, Momma.


"Morninglily!... I'm getting my warrior's name tomorrow with my brother. I can't believe how nervous I am."

Duskpaw wove his paws between the stems of the lilies and vines as he sat down on his grandma's resting place. He dwarfed the mound, now. Like ritual, he rubbed his cheeks against the bright petals, but no longer were his features soft with kitten fat. He rolled over to stare up into the canopy of the trees, and distinctly noticed space were an oak once hung its branches. The fierce storm right before his apprentice ceremony knocked it down long ago. Duskpaw was glad for it, nonetheless; it meant his grandma's lilies got more sun. And sun was nice.

He blew a hanging petal out of his face. "Mom fell ill, but she should be getting better soon. She said she wouldn't miss our naming ceremony for anything, but I think Lilyfrost is still worried her cough might spread... I don't wanna have her miss it anyway. I hope you're able to come, too."

The only reply was the slight breeze through the trees. "...I know you're happy up in Starclan, Grandma, but I do wish you were here, sometimes. Don't worry, I'm gonna be the best fighter this clan has ever seen. Not sure if I want Duskotter anymore, though. Uncle Warren says it's not bad that my visits have gone down, but still, I'm sorry about that. I'll bring another dahlia next time."

Duskpaw whispered his next words. "Wish me luck."

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Breeding Scene || Jaggedcreek and Nightmouse

Postby Placebo » Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:33 am

Breeding Scene:

Currently Unaccepted

“Just a little bit further, Mouse.”

“Jaeger, you already said that a while back.” The she-cat’s voice was wry. 

The brown tom’s grin was sheepish when he turned to regard his companion. They had been walking through the rocky hills for more than a few sun-ticks— even now the pair could see the sun slowly drifting closer to the horizon. 

“Sorry, love. I could’ve sworn that the human city was due east. And we already confirmed we were going in the right direction, but I guess we were a bit further out than I actually thought…”

“Maybe so,” she purred and bumped against the tom’s shoulder good-naturedly. “Still don’t know why you call them humans anyway. They’re called twolegs for a reason.”

“Ah ah ah, that’s just what you clanners call humans. Humans just call themselves humans, and so should we,”
While speaking, Jaeger moved to give the smaller molly a boost up the rocks, and leveraged his shoulders under her hindquarters, “You’re telling me that we should call all animals by what they do? In that case, we’d be mixing up birds and humans left and right.”

As Jaeger dug his claws into the crevices of the rock, Nightmouse was quick to clamp down on his nape to steady him on his ascend. “But we don’t, because we call birds birds.”

“Yes, because birds call themselves birds.”

“And how do you know that? Have you ever spoken to a bird?”

“Oh yes, in my dreams. Right before it flew into my mouth and filled my belly. It was very tasty.” Jaeger smiled, smug as ever.

Nightmouse snorted. “Always thinking about your next meal, I see. Smart tom.”

“Only the greatest minds think alike, my dear.”

“And fools rarely differ, remember that too.” Nightmouse quickened her pace, and her fluffy tail swished playfully behind her.

Jaeger gasped in faux affront and loped to catch up. “You’d call yourself a fool just to peg me as one?”

“Takes one to know one, water-kitty.” She purred and deftly swerved out of the way when Jaeger pounced. “Besides— You can only prove a clan cat wrong when you beat them at their own game, my little wanderer.” She quickly twisted around and sunk into a play bow, not unlike a particularly mischievous puppy. 

Jaeger crouched for barely a second before exploding into another pounce. For once Nightmouse let him catch her in the move but rolled him so that she had all four paws firmly wrapped around his face. Her flank vibrated with his laugh. 

With a sigh, the larger tom flopped to his side, the fluffy molly still surrounding him like a limpet. His paws kneaded the ground he could reach. Thankfully, the tree and ground cover on this hill hid them from any danger. At least for now, they could relax. 

She reached down to smooth down the fur on his head with her tongue. Jaeger, with his nose wrapped in her sweet smell, purred again. 

Nightmouse relaxed her hold enough for him to peek his nose up for air, but he didn’t move from her embrace. It was rare for him, to get these few pockets of contentment, but Nightmouse made them all the more frequent. He didn’t know what he’d do without her.


Nightmouse sighed as she felt the larger brown tabby relax between her paws. She tried not to dwell too much on what she left behind, more focused on learning as much as she could before she ultimately settled down, but great Starclan. She counted her lucky stars that she was able to be where she was now. And the future only looked that much brighter because of it.

She leaned back to regard the tom cushioned on her chest and flank. And hopefully, this one will join me with it. Each day, she found herself more and more fond of this quirky, achingly gentle tom. He seemed so much more knowledgeable of the world, yet still purposefully innocent and starry-eyed in his own way. He seemed to already have a past far separated from her, but Nightmouse still felt a kinship with him from the start. And something more for sure... 

She might not have ever experienced love before, but if this is what she was looking forward to… If this is what it felt like….

Well then. She couldn’t wait.

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