Rise // Crescentclan writing// dnp

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Rise // Crescentclan writing// dnp

Postby wolfpack12 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:59 am


This is a writing thread for my Rise clan, Crescentclan. The stories that I will be posting here, will be about the clan and its inhabitants. The length of these stories will vary, therefore some will be short while others will be longer.

Please do not post here! If anyone has either any comments or questions, please Pm me.
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Postby wolfpack12 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:16 pm

You are only half full, the other half has been lost to darkness. But like the crescent moon, you shall rise above your fears and stand tall once more. Your light will chase away the shadows who haunt your dreams, and heal the wounds within your broken heart. You are indeed a leader, for you will lead the charge against those who harm others. But a leader must also learn to listen, and listen you shall. Your clan will make you whole, for they will replace your flaws with strength. But be warned, a darkness is approaching. Its red mist clouding ones judgement, and corrupting all who dare listen to it. Do not let its long shadow block out your light. For death will quickly follow. Beware the demon who lurks in the shadows. Beware the hollow moon.



A leaders nine lives
Meeting a leopard at dawn
A tour around camp
A cat hidden in mist


A cat hidden in mist
A healer's warning
Secrets revealed


A frosty morning


A clumsy meeting


The orphan


An unexpected hero


Dealing with rogues
A shimmering moon


The mysterious traveller
Secrets revealed
Last edited by wolfpack12 on Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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A leaders nine lives

Postby wolfpack12 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:55 am

The tortoiseshell she-cat could barely keep her eyes open, as she made her way through the thick forest. Every bone in her body, screamed at her to stop. To rest, and regain her strength. But she couldn't. Her eyes were dim, and she no longer had the strength to live. All hope for a bright future, had died with her mother. Her ribs ached, from where they pressed tightly against her skin. A constant reminder of how she hasn't eaten in several days since the incident. Her mouth felt dry, from a lack of water. Even bags were beginning to form under her eyes, from a lack of sleep, as she lazily listened to her surroundings. Nothing more than an empty shell of her former self. Only when she saw a hollowed out log, did she then decide to rest. Curling up inside of it, as she tucked her nose under her tail. Her body no longer having any strength left to move, as she allowed her eyes to close and for the darkness to swallow her up.

" Dawn....."

Pale green eyes snapped open, at the eerie voice that called her. The young she-cat lifted her head up, and glanced at her surroundings. At first, everything seemed normal looking, especially the log she was taking refuge within. Yet, something felt off. As if she was in a completely different world. Unnerved the she-cat shot to her paws, only to freeze. Since when did she have this much energy? She could barely move a few seconds ago. She nearly jumped out of her skin, when she looked at the rest of her body. It wasn't as thin as it once was, neither did she feel tired. Nervously, the she-cat took a cautious step outside, only for her eyes to widen at the sight in front of her.

Everything was some shade of white, as if the whole forest had been frozen in ice. Yet, when her paws touched the grass beneath her, it still felt the same. Upon closer examination, the world she was in seemed to shimmer and twinkle like stars. As if all of the stars in the night sky, had been pushed tightly together to form this majestic landscape. If she wasn't on edge, she would of admired the beauty of it all. But she still needed answers. Such as, why was she here?. Sure, she may have been starving, and close to being dehydrated. But surely, she wasn't dead. Not yet, at least. Frowning, the Tortoiseshell warily moved forwards, listening out for any movement that may be nearby. Just because this place seemed perfect, didn't mean its inhabitants were equally nice.

" Dawn......"

There it was again!, but where was it coming from?. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. Not to mention, it sounded as if there was more than just one individual calling out to her. As if someone had mashed nine voices into one. Glancing around, the she-cat tried to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Unaware that the stars that were once still above her, were now beginning to act strangely. As if they were forming some kind of staircase down to her. Both ears instantly snapped backwards, upon hearing the sound of bushes rustling behind her. However, as she spun around to face her opponent. Claws and teeth at the ready. She instantly froze, as tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. Not quite believing what she saw in front of her.

" Hello, Dawn, its been a while, since we've last seen each other, huh, kiddo?", were the warm words, of the one cat she had missed the most. Her father. Crescent stood tall, as he looked at his daughter. His near black coat, showed no signs of the battle that killed him. Yet, his outline was white, and his fur was covered in stars. She could even see the trees behind him. Next to him, was her mother, Jasmine. The Tortoiseshell was just as beautiful, as Dawn remembered her to be. She too had a white outline, and stars in her fur. Which differed to Dawn, who was the only one who stood out within this mystical place. Before she knew what she was doing, she had moved towards them. Tears running down her cheeks, as she buried her head under both their chins. Her body trembling a little, as she tried to contain her sobs. Nothing needed to be said, as the three family members held each other close.

After a while of just cuddling one another, Dawn finally decided to take a reluctant step backwards. Her eyes were still misty with tears, by the time she had wiped her face dry. However, as her happiness slowly began to subside, confusion had quickly taken its place." But I don't understand, what are you doing here? Why am I here?", she asked. She didn't quite understand why her parents had stars in their fur while she didn't. Was she still alive? Or was she in some form of limbo?. These were questions she didn't quite have the answers to. But ones she desperately needed. Almost as if someone were reading her mind, the sound of someone clearing their throat rose up from behind her. Causing her to whip around, and come face to face with a cat she didn't quite recognise.

He was a pure white tom, with one amber eye and one blue eye. Two scars ran down the right side of his face, and ended on his left shoulder." Greetings, Dawn, we have been waiting for you", he said. His voice echoed, as if he were inside a cave. While his eyes glowed like the sun and moon. A ghost of a smile graced his face, as he watched Dawnstar look at him with awe." I am Palelight, a former elder that lived amongst the mountains not far from here, and as for your question little one...... you've been chosen to take part in a journey, one that is filled with twists and turns, yet smooth and straight at the same time", he added. A small chuckle escaped his throat, upon seeing the bewildered look on the young she-cat's face.

" In other words, we've decided to give you a second chance at life, so that you can become a leader of your very own clan, don't really see the point, considering your current state of health", a harsh voice sneered. This one was female, and crackled like lightning. Dawn quickly glanced in the direction of the newcomer, her gaze locking onto the fiery gaze of a brown and white she-cat. Who simply smiled cruelly at her, revealing gaps in her mouth where her teeth should have been. Palelight simply glared in her direction, something that was clearly ignored by the other." Do not mind her, dear, she's just a little bitter about being dead that's all~", a soft voice sang. Dawn glanced to her right, only to nearly jump out of her skin upon seeing the lilac tabby that was sat next to her.

" Don't be scared little one, my name is Songheart, the grump over there is Birchfrost, oh!~ and here comes Blackflame, Thrushstep, Dewpad and Stonewhisper!~", Songheart chirped excitedly. Dawn followed the older she-cat's gaze towards four approaching figures. One was a half black, half ginger tom, another was a pale brownish grey tom, who was slightly shorter than his black companion. Next to him was a grey and white tabby, and finally, a pale blueish grey she-cat speckled with white. All seven of these names were completely foreign to her. In fact they sounded like nothing she had ever heard of before. It wasn't until her brain had finally caught up to recent events, that she remembered both Palelight's and Birchfrost's words." Wait, leader?!", she asked.

Dewpad smiled sadly, as her sky blue eyes met Dawn's green ones." We really do wish we could explain it all to you, Dawn, honestly, but your our last hope for a future here, and thus, we are granting you leadership to create a clan here, to keep our memory alive, and to try and bring balance to this world", she explained. Before nodding in the direction of Blackflame, who moved to stand in front of Dawn. Easily towering over her, as he slowly dipped his head to meet her gaze. Something about the intensity in his yellow eyes unnerved her. In fact everything about this whole situation was unnerving. " We don't have a lot of time, so we'll have to make this quick", he murmured.

" Receiving the nine lives of a leader isn't an easy feat, it will be incredibly painful, so brace yourself little one", he murmured softly. His eyes briefly showing sympathy, before leaning forwards to press his nose against his forehead." With this life, I give you bravery, for when you feel as if your walking in shadows, remember that there will always be light, even in the darkest of places", he said. The wave of pain that followed, caused Dawn to release a screech of agony. It felt as if she were being burned alive. As if there were claws raking at her chest. When she finally had the courage to open her eyes again, she discovered that Blackflame had been replaced with Stonewhisper.

The grey tabby smiled sympathetically at her, before gently pressing his own nose to her forehead. Causing her to squeeze her eyes shut in preparation for the next wave of agony." You do not know me, but we are connected through blood, with this life, I give you sympathy and understanding, use it to better understand your clanmates and to help those less fortunate than yourself", he whispered. This time the pain wasn't as bad as the first. In fact, a sense of soothing reassurance washed through her. As if she were standing in the middle of a river. It helped dull the pain, and make it more bearable for her to endure. Upon opening her eyes, she found herself looking into the cold gaze of Birchfrost. Who wasted no time pushing her nose against her head.

" I don't know why I agreed to do this, but with this life I give you pride, never be ashamed of who you are, or what your clan stands for, they'll do well under you, as long as you keep your head high", she muttered. This time the pain sent Dawn reeling. As if both fire and ice were trying to claim her heart and mind. She wanted to take a step back, but refused to let Birchfrost have the pleasure of it. Just when she felt as if she could take no more, a soft presence moved to her side." Your almost there,just hang on a little while longer", a voice said. Causing Dawn to snap open her eyes, and glance upwards at the speaker. Thrushstep smiled down at her, before pressing his nose gently over Birchfrost's. As if trying to take the pain away.

" With this life, I give you determination, use this life to pull through even the toughest of hardships", he said. This time Dawn was ready for it. Ignoring the worst of it, so she could pull through to the next life. By now, her fears were slowly dying. In fact, she was beginning to slowly feel excited?. She was actually getting excited about receiving nine lives?. A small giggle caught her attention, and caused her attention to focus on Dewpad. The she-cat smiled gently at her, before softly placing her cold nose against her warm head.

" Your doing so well, just four more to go, with this life I give you kindness, use it to show others that there are more ways to change someone's mind than calling for war", she said. The pain that followed felt more like raindrops than anything else. It still hurt, but it was a whole lot more enduarable than the others. Dawn almost felt saddened when Dewpad moved away. Only to perk up slightly when she realised it was Songheart.

" With this life, I give you protection, use it to protect the ones you love and cherish, but more importantly, use it to keep your clan safe", she whispered. Despite the pain, Dawn could have sworn she heard the cries of battle behind her. As if she were fighting alongside ghosts. Speaking of which, Palelight was now stood before her. Mismatched coloured eyes twinkling within the moonlight." It's nearly over now, little one", he whispered reassuringly.

" With this life, I give you wisdom, use it to guide the younger members of your clan, and to help keep the peace between rivals", he said. There was no pain with this life, only a sense of aging. Her bones felt as if they were about to give way, as if she were Palelight's age. But with this sense of aging, came a calmness. A sense of satisfaction. One that warmed her heart, and gave her hope for the future. However, as she glanced up at her next life giver, she felt tears begin to swell in her eyes.

" My gorgeous daughter, you have no idea how much I miss you, nor how much I'm proud of you, with this life, I give you a mother's love, use it to look after your apprentices as of they were your own, for nothing is more frightening than a queen's need to protect her kits", Jasmine said. Dawn did not flinch from the intensity of the life, it swirled through her like a hurricane. Emphasizing her mother's words. A soft chuckle caused her to look up at her father, his eyes showing nothing but warmth.

" Do not mourn for me, dearest one, for we will see each other again one day, but for now, it is with my greatest honour to give you, your last and final life, with this life I give you courage, use it to stand up to those that threaten you, to those that spread fear throughout the land, for as long as you have this life, you will not fall", he murmured. Just like her mother's, Dawn was prepared for the intensity. A small smile appearing on her face as her father's courage sunk into her bones. Giving her strength. Crescent pulled away to smile proudly at his daughter, before taking a step back to sit down with the others.

" I hail you by your new name, Dawnstar, your old life is no more, you have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of your future clan, defend it well, care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code, but most importantly, live each life with pride and dignity"

Dawnstar blinked as all nine cats spoke as if they were only one. Her new name sounded alien to her. As if it both was and wasn't her name. Yet, before she could do anything else, she felt the world below her collapse. Sending her into the dark abyss bellow. The last thing she heard before waking up, was the chanting of the nine cats who had give her, her lives.

" Dawnstar!"

" Dawnstar!"

" Dawnstar!"
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Meeting a leopard at dawn

Postby wolfpack12 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:56 am

As the sun began to rise, the forest fell into an eerie silence. As if the very land itself, was waiting for something to happen. Almost as if it were frozen in time. However, the silence didn't last very long, as both insects and birds began to sing their daily chorus one after the other. Filling the forest with their differing songs. Causing the rest of the inhabitants to start waking up. Rabbits left the safety of their burrows, to start feeding on the plentiful amount of vegetation that surrounded them. Mice ran across the ground, and hid in bushes as they searched for berries. Fish swam down the daily currents of the river, their silvery scales shimmering under the morning sun as they continued their journey. Squirrels jumped from branch to branch, as they searched for nuts and birds rummaged the ground for worms to feed their young. While the forest's predators went around doing their daily activities. Whether it being hunting, sleeping or checking their respective borders.

By now, the forest had fully came to life. As if being woken up by all of the commotion its inhabitants were making. The warm golden light of the sun, shone through the trees needles. Causing shadowy patterns across the ground. However, this peaceful moment will not stay so for long. While a bunch of rabbits were happily munching away, at the dew soaked grass just outside of their burrows. They were unaware of the danger they were in. A danger that was slowly approaching from the shadows. The mostly dark coloured huntress moved carefully, slowly inching her way closer to her target. A rabbit with a slight limp. For now she was hidden, but the careful feline knew that if she waited too long, the wind will change and she will be out of luck. Tensing her muscles, she then counted down in the back of her mind. Watching as her prey came a little bit closer to her hiding spot. Before leaping out of her hiding spot, and towards her target. Claws out, and teeth at the ready.

Despite having an injured leg, the rabbit still moved quite fast. Causing the tortoiseshell she-cat to have to work a little bit harder, in order to catch her prey. The chase was both long and exhausting, but had luckily ended in success. Both head and tail raised high, Dawnstar happily carried her kill back towards her camp. While she may have been slightly out of breath, even her own exhaustion could not match the happiness that her stomach felt of finally having a fresh meal. She knew better than to eat her kill in the open. Considering that other predators would most likely smell the blood, and would try to steal it from her. However, her joy of finally catching something quickly ended, when her ear twitched to a distant sound. Causing her to pause in her step, as she turned her head in the direction the noise had come from. At first, there was nothing, but just as she was about to move again, the sound resurfaced. This time being recognizable.

While it was mostly common to hear a bird of prey, landing in the nearby river to try and catch a fish. This noise differed from the graceful and nearly silent splash, of such birds of prey. Instead, it was heavier, not heavy enough to be considered as the weight of either a coyote or a fox. But enough weight to be considered as something around her weight and size. Narrowing her pupils cautiously, she buried her prey at the base of one of the large pine trees that stretched across her territory. Before cautiously moving in the direction of where she knew the river would be. Her movements were slow and calculative, as her mind was going through the different scenarios. After all, it was better to be cautious, than to blindly run into danger. However, as she neared the river, she no longer heard the splashes of water. Instead, she was met by a completely empty scene. Which caused her to become slightly unnerved, due to how normal everything looked.

She glanced to her left, then to her right. Only to be further reminded that there didn't seem to be anyone here. Just the usual twitter of a bird, or an unseen mouse scurrying to hide in its burrow. Flattening her ears a little, Dawnstar once more made sure that she was truly alone. The eerie silence, starting to get to her." I've been alone for so long, I must be going mad", she murmured. However, just as she was about to leave, she heard the snap of a branch above her, followed by a startled cry. The next thing she knew, the front half of her fur had been drenched in water. Causing her to let out a yowl of alarm, as she leapt backwards away from the river. Only when she shook her head, in order to remove the water from her eyes and fur. Did she see on who the culprit had been. For floating in the middle of the river, and clinging to the weak branch that had previously snapped, was a reddish tom with spotted markings. Who in turn was soaking wet, and had a small nervous smile on his face." Uh, hi there?", he said.

It took a little longer than she would of liked, for Dawnstar to finally register everything that had just happened. Once it did, her fur immediately began to bristle, as her ears lay flat against her head. Her pupils narrowed to thin lines, as her claws dug into the ground beneath her." Who are you? And why are you on my territory?!", she hissed. She knew how most cats acted, and didn't wish to be tricked into a false sense of security. However, much to both her confusion and surprise, the tom simply blinked at her in response. In fact, he seemed more confused, than angry. As he swam over to her side of the river, and pulled himself out of the cold water. Causing the she-cat to take a cautious step back, as her tail lashed behind her. Clear signs that she was unnerved by this encounter. Things that the tom had quickly picked up on, considering that he had sat down a little bit away from her. His eyes sympathetic, as he attempted another weak smile." L-look, I'm not here to fight, or to harm you, ok? I was just resting, until I saw the silver shimmer of scales in the river, and remembered on how hungry I was, you see, I actually live far away from here, but ended up leaving my home after prey started to become scarce due to two-legs, so I thought I could try my luck at fishing, I really didn't mean to scare you, neither did I mean to threaten you, I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be living here", he explained.

The tortoiseshell coloured she-cat watched him carefully, as she slowly sat down. Her guard was still up, mainly due to the fact that she wasn't going to fully trust him just yet. Since he could be lying for all she knew. However, there was just something about his gaze, that gave him away. One that was both hopeful and desperate. As if she was the first cat he had seen in a long time, and needed company in order to prevent himself from being alone again. That was, if he truly was alone. There was just one thing that didn't make much sense to her." Why were you in the tree?", she asked. Again, she was caught of by the unhostile response the tom gave her. As he flattened his ears slightly in embarrassment, and found more interest in his paws than the cat who was currently questioning him. If a cat could blush, he would of done. His amber eyes slowly looking back at the she cat in front of him, as he let out a nervous chuckle." When fishing proved to be troublesome, I tried to catch a bird, I just didn't realise how weak the branch I was on, truly was, so it surprised me when it suddenly broke, some hunter I am", he replied.

She didn't know why, but she found this reply to be amusing in a strange way. It must of shown, because the spotted tom seemed to relax a little." Truly a great one, if you keep it up, you might be able to become the first cat to ever fly", she said. Causing the tom to chuckle at her response. Which must have been contagious, considering that the she-cat found herself laughing alongside him at her little joke. Only when her laughter died, did she finally snap back to her more serious side. Green eyes focusing on amber, as she lifted her head up slightly. Her wet fur no longer affecting her, due to being under the warmth of the sun." My name is Dawnstar, and you are?", she asked. Causing the tom to smile, this time with more confidence, as he gave a small nod in greetings towards her. Though he did seem a little confused at her odd name. Considering that it was probably different to his, and therefore wouldn't make much sense to him. But he seemed happy enough to go along with it." My name is Jake, it's nice to meet you, Dawnstar, although that is quite an odd name to have..... No offense, of course!", he replied.

The she-cat simply smiled, as she shook her head at the tom. Noticing his startled expression, as he realised that he might have said something that sounded rude." None taken, it may seem odd to you, but it is completely natural to me, I was given my name by the spirits of other cats, in order to lead a clan named Crescentclan, as you can see, it is only me at the moment and it also explains on why I'm not too friendly towards outsiders", she explained. Causing the spotted tom to give a thoughtful nod in response. However, it was easy for Dawnstar to tell that an idea had formed in Jake's head, considering on how his amber eyes seemed to briefly light up for a moment. Before that same amber gaze focused on her once more, a clear interest within their golden depths." While this does sound very complicated, it seems like an interesting lifestyle, I mean, you get to name yourself whatever you want! And it seems to fit you in a way, me? I was just named by my two-legs, but here, it's like you can have a whole new life!", he replied. Clear admiration within his voice, as he looked at her in awe.

Dawnstar once more found herself gently chuckling a little. Even though she still had her doubts about his intentions, he was quite an amusing cat to be around. Plus, it has been an awfully long time, since someone has last been able to put a smile on her face." I'm guessing you wish to join me, then, Jake?", she asked. Her green eyes showing the amusement she felt, as the toms amber eyes once more lit up and a bright smile appeared on his face. She even had to hold back her laughter, as Jake seemed to be conflicted on whether or not bounce around. Yet she admired the fact that he barely managed to contain his excitement, as he took on a more docile attitude and dipped his head respectively towards her." Yes!, I mean if that is ok with you of course, Dawnstar", he replied. Looking at her apologetically, as he clearly felt like a fool for acting like a kit, at the opportunity of starting a new life free of two-legs.

The she-cat simply smiled, before standing up and walking over to him. Nudging him gently in the shoulder, that was meant as a friendly gesture. Before turning around and walking towards the bushes. Glancing over her shoulder, and tilting her head to the side in thought. As she tried to think of a decent warrior name for him. His spots were the first thing that caught her eye, along with how his pelt took on a more golden colour when within the suns warm light. She then gave one firm nod, as she finally decided on what to call the tom from now on." You may join me, but Jake........ From now on, your name will be, Leopardclaw, in honour of your spotted pelt and fierce determination", she said. It was the only thing the tom needed to hear, as he stood up and quickly moved to her side. Enveloping her in a cats equivalent of a hug. While she still remained uneasy around him, it was a good start for the both of them, in order to get the clan moving in the right direction.

" Ok, come on, I have a rabbit left buried nearby, after we pick that up, I'll teach you on how to properly catch prey, instead of learning on how to fly", she said. Both cats laughing once more, as they walked through the bushes. While the road ahead may be difficult, today was definitely a step in the right direction. Who knows, on what the future has in story for them?. The only thing that Dawnstar did know, was that things were finally starting to look up for her, and her new companion.
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A tour around camp

Postby wolfpack12 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:04 am

The first few hours of the morning were mostly peaceful and quiet. The only sounds that dared break the silence, were either birds calling out to each other or crickets chirping away amongst the long blades of grass. Other than that, there was nothing more than a soothing silence. Allowing many of the forest's inhabitants to gain some well deserved rest. Well, except for a tortoiseshell she-cat." Dawnstar? Hey! Dawnstar wake up!", a male voice called out. Causing the she-cat to simply release a groan of annoyance. Her ears flattening further against her head, as she felt another jab in her side. At first, she had been secretly delighted, upon learning that she was no longer alone. However, that joy was slowly fading away, with every jab she felt. A snarl escaped her throat, as she snapped open her pale green eyes. Glaring up at the reddish spotted tom, as he lifted his paw up once more." Jab me again, and we'll see where that paw ends up!", she snarled. She didn't need to repeat herself, to get her point across. Considering that the spotted tom instantly put his paw back down, and sat up a little bit straighter at the threat." What do you want, Leopardclaw?", she added.

The spotted tom simply shifted a little bit in uncertainty, as he tried to put his question into words. The pale green glare he was currently receiving, didn't really help him either. Flattening his ears slightly, he then released a nervous laugh as he glanced at the rest of the she-cat's den." uh, well, you see...... I was wondering...... If you could possibly, oh, I don't know.....", he began. His ears flattening even further, upon feeling that the heated glare had not left its original position. Causing him to start regretting his decision in waking the tortoiseshell she-cat up. Mainly because Dawnstar didn't look like someone who was a morning person. However, if he kept stalling, then it would only infuriate the she-cat even more. Which in turn, caused him to take a deep breath, as he once more fixed his amber gaze on his leader." Show me around camp?", he asked. His voice sounding more like a squeak, as his head shrunk back a little. While his tail tip flicked back and forth nervously behind him.

Dawnstar blinked slightly, as the spotted tom's words slowly sunk in. Once they had, she then felt like face planting the floor. Mentally cursing at herself, for having forgotten to show the tom around his new home. It had only been a few days since she had let Leopardclaw join her, and she had shown him everything except for her own camp. She had just simply directed him to where he could sleep, and that was it. Releasing a tired sigh, she then slowly lifted herself up onto her paws. Before stretching out her front, until she heard a satisfying click in her back. Once that was done, she then glanced in the direction of her companion. Who happened to still be sat next to her, watching her as if she was about to snap at any minute." Well, let's go then", she murmured. Before silently walking towards the entrance of her den. Squinting her pale green eyes, as her pupils adjusted to the change in lighting. However, she then paused in her step for a few seconds, upon hearing no sound of movement behind her. Which caused her to slightly roll her eyes, as she glanced over her shoulder." I'm not getting any younger", she added.

She didn't need to wait long, before she heard the familiar paw steps of her companion. Once she was certain that the spotted tom had caught up to her, she then jumped downwards. Although, she could of sworn she heard a faint chuckle behind her. Shaking her head, she then made her way over to what she had named, the medicine cat's den. Before moving to one side of the small opening, as she glanced back at the reddish tom who had followed her down." This is the medicine cat's den, as you can probably tell, it isn't that easy to get into unless your a small enough cat, however, that doesn't mean it is impossible", she began. Before squeezing her way through into the larger space on the other side. A grunt behind her, announced that Leopardclaw had followed her through. While the gap was indeed small, it still had enough room for a couple of cats to squeeze through at the same time. Once the spotted tom was through, she then nodded in the direction of where the small gaps in the wall were." That's where the herbs will be stored, something that would keep them safe from mischievous apprentices and kits, at the back of this cave you will see another gap, that is where the medicine cat will sleep", she added. Her pale green eyes glancing in the direction of where a slightly larger gap stood. One that wasn't very easy to spot, due to the lighting of the room.

Dawnstar patiently waited for a few more seconds, as she allowed the information she had just said to sink in. Before flicking the end of her tail, and squeezing her way back out into the main part of the camp. Taking the moment to slightly shake her fur, as she removed the dust that stubbornly clung to her pelt. The sound of fur being shook behind her, told her that Leopardclaw was doing the same. She had to hold back a snicker, upon hearing the reddish spotted tom sneeze." This way", she called. Her tail held high, as she made her way over to the warrior's den. While the bushes weren't exactly as impressive, as that of the rocky medicine cat's den. They were still something to admire. Especially with how they can shelter anyone, who may be sleeping inside from the wind." As you have probably guessed, this is the warrior's den, where you will now be sleeping for the rest of your life, while it may not seem like much, the strengthened walls of the den will at least keep you warm and sheltered, especially from the snow and rain", she said. Twitching an ear slightly, as she listened to the spotted tom quietly hum in acknowledgement. She then nodded in the direction of a smaller group of bushes, and waited for her companion to follow her gaze.

" Over there, is the apprentice's den, it is similar to the warrior's den, just a smaller version of it, the ground inside is slightly lowered, much like the den your staying in, it is nothing to be alarmed about, it just means that both dens will be slightly sheltered from the harsh winds", she said. Watching with slightly amusement, as the spotted tom slowly approached the smaller den and poked his head inside. While she didn't quite understand why she found his awed expression amusing. She did find it to be strangely adorable. Shaking her head, she then made her way over to the hollowed out log. A small smile trying to make it's way onto her face, as the last of her exhaustion began to fade away." When your done gawking, we can continue the tour!", she called out. Forcing herself not to laugh, as she listened to the scrambled pawsteps behind her. The only announcement she got, that told her the spotted tom was with her once more. Was the heavy breathing to her left. Upon glancing in the tom's direction, she noticed that he was looking innocently to the side. As if he hadn't been staring at a small den in wonder.

" This is the elder's den, while it doesn't look like it can provide much shelter, I assure that it can indeed keep you warm and dry, this is because it only has one entrance, the gap in front of us, therefore, allowing retired warriors to be safely sheltered from the cold, the moss inside also acts as an extra benefit, because it means that our elders will have a comfortable place to rest", she said. However, she couldn't help but tilt her head to the side in confusion, as she watched the spotted tom suddenly make his way inside. Before she could even try to follow him in, and ask him on what exactly it was that he was doing. He then poked his head back out. His tongue slightly poking out, as he half heartedly glared at her." This is my spot now", he murmured. Before pulling his head back inside, and curling up into a tight little ball of reddish spotted fur. The tortoiseshell she-cat, didn't know on whether or not she should laugh. Instead she simply smirked a little, before walking past the old log and towards the nursery." Just because your slightly older than me, doesn't mean that you can become an elder!", she called, over her shoulder.

Her ears picking up the sound of the same deep chuckle she had heard, when she first met Leopardclaw. Her smirk slowly turning into a small smile, as she heard the sound of pawsteps behind her." And here, is the final den of our camp, the nursery, this is where expecting mothers can go and raise their kits, and as you can probably tell, it isn't that easy to find thanks to this bush, meaning that any expecting queen will be safe from harm, underneath the bushes is a tunnel that slopes downwards, allowing both the queens and their kits to be shelter from all types of weather", she explained. Only to feel a slight nudge on her shoulder, that caused her to glance in the direction of the spotted tom. Pale green eyes, meeting amber ones." So, does that mean that I should be expecting you in there one day?", Leopardclaw asked. A slight smirk forming on his face. To which Dawnstar simply ducked her head in response, and flatten her ears slightly in both annoyance and embarrassment. If cats could blush, she would have done so right then and there." Maybe, but it certainly wouldn't be your kits", she muttered. Before pushing past the other tom, and moving to sit on her ledge once more. Not seeing the disappointed look that appeared behind her.

" That concludes the end of our tour, you already know which den is mine, and one day it will belong to someone else, when my time as this clan's leader is no more, if you have no questions, I shall return to my den", she added. However, before she could even move, the spotted tom had already climbed his way up to her. Her pupils slightly narrowed, as she watched Leopardclaw block her path. Only for her anger to slightly disappear, upon seeing the apologetic look on the tom's face." Get out of my way, Leopardclaw", she muttered. Only for the tom to simply shake his head, as a small sigh escaped his mouth. His expression no longer carrying the smirk that she had seen only a few second ago." Wait..... I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry if what I said upsetted you, I was just joking around and didn't realise how personal and rude that sounded, if anything, I really do think you'd make a great mother, just make sure that I at least get a say in whoever it is you choose to settle down with, and if anyone dares try to harm you, then I will be your ever loyal bodyguard", he said. A small smile appearing on his face, as he moved to the side to let her pass.

Dawnstar twitched an ear, and for a few seconds didn't quite know on what to say. However, she then shook her head once more, and silently walked past the tom. Her tail lashing behind her, as her fur slowly began to stand up on edge in annoyance. Only for her to slightly hesitate as she reached the entrance to her den. Glaring at the rocky floor in front of her, as she allowed Leopardclaw's words to settle in." Thank you, for the apology Leopardclaw, but I can take care of myself and I'm not interested in settling down any time soon, however, I appreciate the thought..... see you in an hour or two, my 'bodyguard'", she murmured. A tired, yet friendly smile slowly appeared on her face, as she glanced back in the direction of the tom. One that was returned, as she then continued into her den. Her tail disappearing from sight, as she curled up onto her moss bed. Leopardclaw waited until he knew she was asleep, before carefully making his way back down to solid ground. Before glancing over his shoulder, as his amber eyes glowed softly.

" See you in an hour or two..... my Dawn"
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A cat hidden in mist

Postby wolfpack12 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:25 am

She honestly didn't know which was worse, the icy coolness in the air or the mist that had suddenly claimed the forest floor. As green eyes continued to scrutinize what was in front of her, she found herself leaning more towards the latter. Due to her lack of both awareness and attention, she failed to hear the approaching pawsteps of her clanmate. Thus, when she finally noticed a flicker of movement from beside her, she nearly fell over the edge of her perch in blind panic. Only to have someone grab the scruff of her neck in time, and pull her back towards solid ground. Causing her to glance at her saviour with wide green eyes, and a paw to her chest. Her breathing moving at the same rapid pace as her beating heart. Her tail was fully fluffed up behind her, and lashing back and forth. Almost like a two-leg clock.

" I honestly wasn't expecting you to be this jumpy in the morning, Dawn", Leopardclaw teased. Earning a half hearted smack to the face from his leader. Whose claws were thankfully no longer out. The reddish coloured tom sat in silence as he watched his leader carefully. Patiently waiting for the she-cat to calm down, so that they could talk properly. Although, judging by the death glare he was getting, he had a feeling that whatever words his leader may have in store for him weren't going to be pleasant. Thus, he turned his gaze towards the mist in front of them. His amber eyes turning golden within the warm sunlight. His fur glowing a warm coppery golden orange. Eyes watching in awe as the mist rolled across the ground." You know, throughout my time as a traveller, I have never seen mist quite like this before", he added. Sounding like a kit, when it sees snows for the first time.

Any anger that Dawnstar still held against the tom, slowly began to evaporate upon hearing his words. Her own eyes turning a yellowish green, as a ray of sunlight fell over her face. Her expression turning from annoyed to confused. It seemed that Leopardclaw always seemed to find a new way of surprising her. Just when she thought she knew everything there was to know about this tom, he suddenly presented something new to figure out. Like a puzzle that showed no clear answer. However, it was times like these that made this trait of his endearing. Mainly because she had never met a tom quite as childish as Leopardclaw." Really? Never? Surely you must of seen mist like this before", she replied.

Leopardclaw smiled sheepishly, before quickly shrugging his shoulders in embarrassment. A small nervous chuckle escaping his throat, as he glanced at the she-cat sitting beside him." Well, yeah, I've seen mist before, but nothing as thick as this", he replied. Stretching out a paw to point at the misty blanket in front of them. A small playful smirk appearing on his face, upon noticing the disbelief within the she-cat's eyes. As if she didn't quite believe his claim." Trust me, I've been everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, from fields to mountains, from marshes to forests, and I have never seen anything quite like this", he added. A hint of smugness entering his tone, as he stood up to his full height. Suddenly feeling proud of his years of travelling. Dawnstar playfully bumping her shoulder again his, was enough to knock him back down to earth.

Chuckling, the tom's eyes seemed to have gained a far away look, as he once more turned his gaze towards the mist." You know, now that I think about it, maybe I have seen this type of mist before, back when I was a kit, me and my siblings used t-", he began, only to suddenly cut himself off. His eyes now becoming misty, as painful memories began to rear their ugly heads within his mind. He barely even heard Dawnstar calling out his name as old wounds reopened. A few tears had already made their escape, when Dawnstar finally managed to snap him out of his grief. Feeling both ashamed and embarrassed, the tom glanced over at his leader." I'm sorry, I must have gotten lost in old memories, what was that you were saying?", he asked.

Dawnstar watched him carefully, as he raised a paw to try and dry his dampened cheeks. While she may not fully trust him, it still pained her to see that haunted look within his eyes. As if he had seen some unknown horrors that she, herself, had not yet seen. However, she did not ask him what had caused him to start crying. Knowing that she would be invading his personal space if she did. Instead she gave him a small gentle smile, as she decided to change the subject." I was asking if you would like to go hunting, who knows, maybe we'll scare the prey so much that they'll drop dead at our paws", she replied. Her tone light and joking. Even she knew it wouldn't be enough to comfort the tom, but it was the best she could do given the present situation. Besides, hunting was one of her ways of letting loose, and even helped her relax. Maybe it'll be the same for Leopardclaw.

" Sure"


She had no clue where she was, or if she was even going in the right direction. It was as if she was back in her dream. If one could even call it that. However, the only difference, was that she was on solid ground instead of ice. So that was a plus. Sighing, the pale grey and white ticked tabby glanced once more at her surroundings. Trying in vain to gather her bearings, and decide on which direction to take next. The thick forest surrounding her wasn't helping. It only made her feel as if she had been walking in circles for hours. In fact, maybe she has and she just doesn't know about it. Releasing a frustrated cry, the she-cat then sank to the ground in defeat. Mismatched coloured eyes watching her surroundings hopelessly, as she tried to think of a way to escape her misty prison.

Now that she thought about it, she really was starting to hate travelling. More importantly, she was starting to hate the spirit that wouldn't let her rest in peace. Honestly, was it so hard to leave her alone, and choose some other cat to take on such an important journey?. Julia would never know. In fact, she was forced to leave everything she had ever cared about, just to find some silly group and join them. What if they didn't want her? What if it was some sort of trap? What if she died out here, and no-one would know where she went?. These were all questions that tugged at the poor she-cat's brain, as she continued to stare at the mist in front of her. It wasn't until she was about to fully give up, that she finally caught the whiff of something. Something that caused her mouth to start to drool. Food. Fresh meat.

Immediately she leapt to her feat, all exhaustion forgotten as she moved in the direction the smell came from. The scent of blood urging her onwards. However, it wasn't until the more rational side of her brain finally one the battle within her conflicted mind, that she realised how reckless she was currently being. What if she was running straight towards danger?. While she was quite a decent fighter, this was still alien territory. Anything could be hiding in the mist. Just like the shadows in her dream. Flattening her ears, she took one cautious step backwards. Accidentally stepping on a dried twig in the process. Almost instantly, she found herself staring back at a pair of glowing amber eyes, as a new scent suddenly flooded her. One she knew all too well. However, this scent wasn't alone, for a moment later a green pair of eyes had joined it. Both watching her intensely, like two starving wolves.

" Who's there?", a female voice called out. Almost demandingly, as if Julia herself were a threat to whoever was standing in front of her. Which was ironic, considering there were two of them and only one of her. However, luck didn't seem to be quite on her side. For a moment later, the mist had lifted. Much like in her dream. Revealing two cats just inches away from her. One was a reddish coloured spotted tom, while the other was a tortoiseshell she-cat. Their jaws stained with the blood of their kills. Julia didn't dare breathe. She didn't even dare blink. As the two cats in front of her slowly began to inch towards her. This was how she was going to die. Ripped apart by two savages, and with no-one to witness it. The spirits must really love her, to give her such an gruesome end." Who are you?", again the female was speaking. Her green eyes cutting into her, as if she was just another piece of prey.

" Julia, m-my name's Julia, I didn't mean to cross into your territory, I-I swear! The mist just caught me off guard, and I got lost!", she replied. Really wishing that she was somewhere else at this very moment. She wasn't even that great looking, if anything she looked more frail than fearsome. Only now did she realise the true danger she was in. It was the tom's movement that made her flinch. Mismatched coloured eyes watching him fearfully, as he slowly approached her. However, instead of lashing out at her, as she had been expecting him to do, he instead placed something down in front of her paws. Upon casting a fleeting glance at the object, she was surprised to see that it was a dead mouse. Once more she felt drool beginning to work its way down her chin, as she stared at the piece of fresh kill in front of her. Were they really offering her their food?.

However, no matter how much her belly rumbled at her, she soon felt herself being consumed with anger. As if the fear she had previously been feeling had suddenly been swept away by an invisible tide. What if this was a cruel trick? What if they took it away from her before she could even get a bite in?. Without thinking, she glanced up at the two cats in front of her. More specifically, the spotted tom who was watching her with an amused look." You think this is funny? You think that teasing a starving cat with the first bit of food is a joke? I will not fall for it! Kill me if you must, but don't you dare torture me with the possibility of food!", she snarled. At this, both cats frowned in confusion. As if they didn't quite understand why she was yelling at them. Within the blink of an eye, the tortoiseshell she-cat had joined her companion. Green eyes never losing their intensity.

" This isn't a joke, we may not like have outsiders steal our prey, or come into our territory unannounced, but we will not stand for seeing a cat starve to death, whether they are an outsider or not", she said. Her voice was calm, yet it held authority at the same time. As if there was no room for argument. With that being said, the she-cat then pushed the mouse closer to Julia. Silently making a point, that starvation was not something that one should be arguing about. The spotted tom next to her seemed to be amused. As if he was lost in some sort of secret joke. But unlike his companions, his eyes showed nothing but a soft warmth." The mouse is yours. Eat", the she-cat added. This time, with a little bit more force.

Thus, with slight hesitance, Julia final took a bite out of the offering that now lay between her paws. Although, she did have to force herself to not eat too rapidly, unless she were to accidentally bring it back up. What surprised her, however, was that the two cats in front of her had now joined her. The tortoiseshell was calmly plucking the feathers off of a bird, while her companion was happily tearing into his own mouse. Gulping down a mouthful of fresh mouse, Julia then looked at her two hosts with confusion." Why? Why would you offer me your prey, if I am an outsider?", she asked. Wanting nothing more than to get to the bottom of this.

The tortoiseshell she-cat glanced at her companion briefly, before focusing her gaze back on her." Because you need it more than we do, besides, it isn't in our nature to abandon someone who is in need of assistance, it's one of our main rules within Crescentclan", she explained. The following coughing fit caused both cats to raise to their paws in concern, as Julia choked on her current mouthful of prey. The ticked tabby could barely believe what she was hearing. Right in front of her, were two cats who belonged to the group she was searching for. Who she had spent most of her lifetime looking for. After her coughing fit had died down, she slowly rose to her paws. Mismatched coloured eyes twinkling with excitement." Finally! You have no idea how long I've been looking for you! I though that spirit was just sending me on a wild goose chase, but here you are! Standing right in front of me!", she said.

The spotted tom seemed to be struggling on not to laugh at the sudden outburst. While the tortoiseshell looked slightly disturbed, as if Julia had grown two heads. Feeling heat creep up along her cheeks, the ticked tabby immediately looked at her paws from embarrassment. It wasn't until she saw a pair of black paws stop in front of her, that she finally had the courage to look up at the she-cat in front of her." What do you mean spirit? What spirit?", she asked. Green eyes watching her intently. Julia released a small sigh, before sitting up to her full height. It was going to be a long story, but both of these cats deserved to know. Besides, it was the least she could do, to repay the kindness these two cats had shown her so far." It's a long story, but basically I was sent here by a starry cat, because they said that your clan would perish unless a healer arrived to help you, and since I'm decently skilled in herbs, they chose to send me, saying that it was time I found my calling", she replied.

The tortoiseshell nodded thoughtfully, before glancing back at her companion. As if she were having a silent conversation with him. Mainly because both were pulling faces at one another. Julia watched them anxiously. Nervously waiting for one or the other to say something, in the increasingly uncomfortable silence. When the tortoiseshell finally looked at her, all intensity within her green eyes seemed to have vanished." If our ancestors sent you to assist us, then it must be for a good reason, however, if you are going to join us, then we can't keep calling you Julia", she explained. Julia simply nodded in understanding, as she met the tortoishells gaze equally. This time feeling more confident that she did earlier. She felt guilty about leaving her old life behind. But this was a new leaf for her, a new adventure. Surely it couldn't be all bad, right?.

" Mistflight, the spirit suggested that you call me Mistflight the moment I find you, for it is my name now as a healer", she said. Watching as the two cats in front of her nodded in understanding. The tortoiseshell then moved to press her nose to Julia's forehead, as if sealing a secret pact." Then Mistflight you shall be", she said. Then, without another word, the tortoiseshell she-cat turn around and walked back into the mist. Signalling her tail for both the tom and Mistflight to follow. With slight hesitance the pale grey and white ticked tabby followed after the duo. Falling into step alongside the spotted tom. Nearly jumping out of her skin, when he gently bumped his shoulder against hers." Don't mind her, she's always like this with newcomers, besides now that we know both your old name, and new name, might as well tell your ours, I'm Leopardclaw and over there is our leader, Dawnstar", he explained. Watching as the ticked tabby give a small nervous nod in reply, earning a warm hearted chuckle from her companion. Mistflight didn't know what lay in store for her, but what she did know was that she was ready to face it. As she squeezed her way through the camp's entrance, she barely heard Leopardclaw's welcoming words as she stared in awe at the camp in front of her.

" Welcome to the clan, Mistflight"
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A frosty morning

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:51 am

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A clumsy meeting

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:00 pm

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The orphan

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:02 pm

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Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:03 pm

The only thing Frostpaw could truly hear and focus on, was the beating sound of his heart. Rapidly thudding against his chest, as he tried to remain calm. There were three other apprentices alongside him. All four sitting in a line, in front of their leaders den. Sat at the paws of each young cat, was a feather. The full moon above them, provided them enough light to see what species of bird their feather belonged to. Frostpaw's feather belonged to a crow. Due to the fact that it was black, and had a slight glossy shine to it. However, he was too busy keeping his nerves in check, to be able to focus on what types of feathers his fellow apprentices had. It didn't help that all of the attention was focused on them. As if it were a thousand eyes surrounding him. Judging him. Which was why he nearly jumped out of his skin, when his leader finally decided to speak.

" I have gathered you all tonight, so that these young cats may prove their worth as warriors, by proving themselves within the 'Warrior of the night' trial, yes, it requires some skill to be able to safely navigate throughout our territory, but it takes a whole other level to be able to move about during the night, especially with the dangers that lay hidden within the shadows, before each of these apprentices lays a single feather, one that is hidden throughout our territory, I have requested of those who have hid these objects to not place them in any dangerous areas, for I do not wish to risk these young cats lives", Dawnstar said. Glancing down at the four young cats warily, as she wrapped her tail around her paws. The moon above, giving her a slight ominous look, as her pale green eyes watched them carefully." Apprentices, analyse your feathers and take in their details, for not one feather is like the other, this is to prevent you from cheating and grabbing someone else's feather, those who have hid them, have left their scent on your respective feathers, your skills will be required to follow the scent trail and to navigate your way to where they are hidden, for it is important to be able to fight within the darkness itself, but beware, for predators will not hesitate to attack an innocent cat, so be careful on where you tread, once you've collected your feather and returned safely, you will be welcomed as a full warrior of the night within your clan", she added.

Frostpaw gulped silently, as he flattened his ears against his head. Before looking down at the feather in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he carefully took in its scent. Once he was certain on who it was who hid his feather, he then turned around and sprinted out of camp. Faintly hearing the cries of his clanmates wishing both him and his fellow apprentices luck, as they left the safety of their camp behind them. It wasn't long till the mostly white tom found himself alone. Standing out like a sour thumb. Due to his mostly white fur, that shone like the moon itself when out in the open. Making it difficult for him to blend into the shadows. Once or twice he jumped a little, from the hoot of an owl or the snap of a twig. His nerves starting to get the better of him, as he shakily followed the faint scent trail. Stopping every so often to check his surroundings. Sniffing the air, to make sure he wasn't crossing paths with something unpleasant.

At one point, he narrowly avoided bumping into a fox. Not realising it was there, due to the moon being blocked by a cloud. Luckily he had caught its scent in time. Allowing him to quickly hide within a berry bush, that helped hide his scent from the larger predator. He only released his breath, once he saw the bushy red tail disappear in the distance. Mentally scolding himself for being so careless. Considering that the aim of the trial was to not just rely on the light of the moon. But to also rely on ones own eyesight. At the moment, he could barely see a whiskers length in front of him. But as he continued to follow the trail, he began to see things a little more clearly. Allowing him to pick out the best areas to step, and to avoid areas that were too dark for him to see properly. Which were often good calls, since he could of sworn he saw movement in one or two bushes.

As his vision continued to become clearer, his own confidence began to grow. Ears moving forwards, as he picked up the pace. Until he went into a light sprint. Swerving in between the trees, as he did his best to keep hold of the scent trail. At times he would lose it, due to either some areas being overlapped with too many scents or going the wrong way. Mainly because the owner of the scent, had made sure to go several different ways in order to confuse the young apprentice. Only for him to be able to find it again, after spotting claw marks on a fallen log or paw prints within muddy ground. Creating a small sort of excitement within him, as he quickly followed after it. His fears slowly evaporating, the closer he grew to his destination. If fact, if one were to see him from a distance, they would have mistaken him for a ghost. Due to the fact that his paws barely made a noise.

His ears pricked up once more, at the sound of rushing water. Announcing that he had came to the edge of the river. Glancing at the shimmering surface of the water, Frostpaw once more became uncertain. As he cast a glance at the opposite side. Not quite sure if he would be able to make the jump without falling in. However, that wasn't the only thing that made him uncertain. It was the fact that the scent trail had gone cold. Causing the young tom to have to come to a decision, in order to continue forwards. Either risk the jump, or continue to explore his side of the river. It didn't help that the night had become eerily quite. Making him realise just how alone and vulnerable he truly was. While he was no longer afraid of the dark. Due to his eyesight treating it as if the sun was still out. He was starting to feel as if he was being watched. Causing his fur to start to stand on end. Nearly releasing a screech when a frog hopped into his line of sight out of nowhere. It took a few deep breaths to be able to regain control of his emotions, as he once more gave a cautious glance at the other side of the river.

Just as he was about to try to make the jump, the wind picked up once more. Giving him the chance to pick up a familiar scent. One that did not lead over the river as he expected, but instead up the tree that stood nearby. Glancing upwards, he couldn't see anything at first. Until a small movement caught his eye. A small black dot, that was a darker shade than the leaves it was hidden within. Slightly narrowing his pupils. Frostpaw carefully and skilfully made his way upwards. Carefully picking out branches that would hold his weight, as he drew nearer to the object. Nearly crying out in joy when he saw his feather, as he made his way swiftly along the thin branch. Barely managing to catch it in time, as it broke loose from its hiding place. Once he was certain he had a firm hold of it. He then made his way back down. Agilely jumping from one branch to another until he was safely back on solid ground.

A warm chuckle behind him made him turn around. Only to be met with his mentors amber eyes." Well done", the older tom said. His dark coloured fur blending in with his surroundings. Which explained on why he felt as if he was being watched. Upon seeing the younger cats confusion, he simply shook his head in amusement."You didn't honestly think that Dawnstar would allow you to go by yourself without some form of protection, did you?", he asked. To which the younger cat simply smiled shyly in return. Relief flooding through his eyes, upon seeing the older tom.

Once back at camp, Frostpaw stepped forwards to place his feather down in front of his leader. Keeping his head bowed, as she lifted her gaze towards the rest of the camp. He had been the last to arrive, due to his feather being further out than anyone else. But even he was surprised, to learn that his eyesight was slightly better than those of the others." Frostpaw, your mentor has told me you've done well in both keeping track of your target and remaining out of sight from prying eyes, and therefore have earned your right to become a warrior of the night, from this moment onwards, you will be known as Frostsight, in honour of both your good eyesight and your ability to pick out details within even the darkest of places, may our ancestors continue to guide your path young one", she said proudly. Smiling down as Frostsight slowly looked up at her. A small smile of his own, as his eyes shone within the moonlight. Lifting his head proudly, as his clanmates chanted his new name behind him.
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