Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby Baylin » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:41 am

kalon #; 1327
username; RedStripedSocks
gender; male
beauty writing;


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#1326 - yvinne.

Postby recherché. » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:10 am

#1326. // recherché. // yvinne. // female.

beauty has a bunch of meanings and although it's hard to explain exactly what it is, well it's fairly simple. beauty
isn't exactly in appearance, but that's a definite bonus. beauty is having a kind heart and a pure soul. i dont mean
a soul that hasn't been exposed to anything, but a soul that cares about each and every one of their friends like their
life depended on it. a soul that tries to help people in any way that they can. beauty definitely isn't making fun of
people and acting like their friend just to keep their reputation up. it's being a true friend and doing whatever you
can to make others around you happy, as well as yourself. but you can't forget that beauty is also making great
impressions on the world, being inspirational to those around you.

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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby Eiivanna » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:16 am

kalon #;1326
username; Eiivanna
name; Kira
gender; Female
beauty writing;

Mhairi sat in the chair, she was at the centre of it all, everything around her was buzzing with the casual conversation of people she didn't know that well, or care for, casual acquaintances who wouldn't notice whether she was there or not. Little groups of close colleagues and work friends stood, immersing themselves in their own world. She didn't care for that, she wasn't exactly the most popular in the office, she knew a few people who she worked very closely with, and could put names to faces, but she didn't spend her time getting to know the people, if they wanted to be friends, they would come to her. She did her best to be approachable, after all.

Mhairi had decided that she didn't like these work communication gatherings, sure it was nice to have a little bit of time to forget about her workload but it was boring. She lifted a delicate paw to smooth the fur on her neck, it had puffed up a bit too much for her liking, she liked to keep herself looking her best in public. She stood up and glanced across the office break room at the mirror, just a quick check, to make sure she looked ok, when she heard a cheer rise up from one corner of the room. Liam. She could practically see his overexcited voice talking to the eager crowd that had gathered around him, she wasn't a fan of Liam, he was too overexcited, too confident and boisterous for her liking, and to top it all off everyone loved him. She didn't understand it, he wasn't that attractive, he didn't keep up appearances, at best he looked like a slightly disheveled banker, which wasn't too far off what he was, and he certainly didn't try to impress anyone. Mhairi, on the other hand, would always come in with her hair done perfectly, a co-ordinated outfit and bag, and smooth silky fur, she was the most well presented in the whole office.

She stole another sideways look across at the mirror, a loose strand of hair had fallen down, she quickly tucked it away behind her ear, embarrassed. Liam's voice interrupted her thought process again and she turned to see that the group he was in had grown larger, more co-workers leaning in eagerly to listen to his anecdotes, Mhairi sighed, she walked over to the group, since that was where everyone was, and pricked her ears forward to hear what was being said.

"And then I told this random guy that, actually, we had gotten to it first, but he wasn't having it!"
the group was waiting on his every word, they were practically leaning forward to hear what he was saying.
"So me and this guy, right, me and this guy, we took it outside, I thought I could take him! he was like 5'9 or something! haha well, lets just say that didn't exactly turn out how I expected... This dude took one punch and I was done, I almost ran away, and that's the story of how my wife saw me getting completely beat by a guy a whole head shorter then me."
Mhairi's co-workers broke into laughter, a few asked questions, but Mhairi could only think, why do people listen to this guy, why do they like him? his story wasn't even that good. A co-worker brushed against her arm and she hopped backwards a bit, immediately smoothing the fur that had been ruffled, she couldn't be seen looking all silly, she would be embarrassed.

As a few higher-ups arrived the crowd around Liam dwindled and more and more people gathered to the snack trays that were being laid out, a bowl of punch or juice of some sort was being carried out and set on one of the tables.
"The best part of these things is the free food"
The voice from behind almost made her jump, she turned around to see Liam, leaning on the counter by the coffee machine. Mhairi nodded politely and cleared her throat,
"They aren't exactly my favourite place to be, I would much rather be with people I was close to."
she explained in a shrill voice. Liam raised an eyebrow,
"The whole point is that you socialise with people you don't know, that's the beauty of it!"
Mhairi held back a snort of laughter,
"What would you know about beauty? you wore the same shirt for a week."
She pointed out, Liam held up his hands as if defeated
"woah woah, theres no need for that is there? hey, lady, all I'm saying is maybe youre thinking about beauty at face value, sure something can be beautiful, but the real beauty is in the connections you make and the way you present yourself in conversation."
"That is probably the most ridiculous thing ive heard. Beauty is about appearance and I think you are using the word wrong."
"Beauty is about confidence and how comfortable you are with yourself, what with all the excessive styling you come in with every day I imagine you are not very comfortable with your own body"
"I am completely fine with my body, at least I don't come into work looking like I haven't showered in a week!"
Mhairi raised her voice, she could feel her cheeks flush as she realised people were starting to tune into their conversation, how ridiculous was this man, beauty isn't about confidence, its about how you appear!

Mhairi made a sharp turn and began to strut away from Liam, people were starting to whisper and she didn't like this, it wasn't good for her reputation, she could see her boss across the room, perfect, she had been wanting to discuss some work things with her and hadn't seen her before. She began to make her way towards her when she noticed a chair to her right, and swerved while walking to avoid it, but as she swerved and landed hard on her foot she caught something with the heel of her shoe and felt her whole body fall flat on her face, not seconds later she felt something cold and wet cover her back and soak into her fur and dress. Lying on the floor, covered in punch, Mhairi could feel eyes burning into the back of her, judging her and burning this embarrassing image into their heads, this wouldn't be forgotten easily, her dress was ruined, her fur was ruined and she could feel tears slide down her cheeks which would surely ruin her makeup. Slowly she got up, a stunned silence was still present in the room and not a single pair of eyes wasn't on her as she felt her skin glow with heat underneath her fur.

She leaned over to pick up the punch bowl and put it back on the table, there was still at least a third of the liquid left, as she set it down she could feel the tears pouring out and a sob escaped her. She looked horrible, like an ugly mess, in front of all of her peers, she wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from everyone because she looked so terrible right now. She could hear whispers start in the room and a voice behind her, she turned around to see Liam, a sympathetic look on his face.
"Hey, are you ok?"
"No of course not! I look horrible, there's punch everywhere and all my makeup and fur is absolutely ruined! how do you think I feel! I look ugly! I look ugly in front of everyone!"
A this point tears were cascading down her cheeks and she was sobbing halfway through each sentence, Liam wasn't arguing with her anymore but she didn't want to show weakness and let him be nice to her.
"You think you look ugly in front of everyone?"
"Of course I do, gosh it'll be remember that time Mhairi" She was spitting the words out between tears, "that time Mhairi looked like an absolute idiot in front of everyone, you don't understand, people wont forget this" she only just managed the last few words before breaking into sobs and letting herself sink back to the ground, she could feel liam offering a comforting pat on the back but she shrugged him off, nothing could make her feel better, until she heard the punch bowl scrape against the table, and droplets of punch hit her leg, she looked up to see Liam emptying the remaining punch over himself. Mhairi let out a giggle, then remembered she was meant to be sad and tried not to laugh, but just ended up struggling for breath between crying and laughing.

"why would you do that?" Mhairi asked as Liam put the punch bowl back on the table
"just because an accident happened, it doesn't make you ugly, beauty is about confidence, sure theres some setbacks, but just own it, don't let it affect you and people wont remember it."
This whole beauty thing again, she opened her mouth to snap something back but then remembered the state she was in, she was an absolute mess and by her own standards she was horrible, her boss wouldn't let her leave during the community event, so she may as well embrace it and take Liam's advice. Mhairi stood up, squeezed her hair as punch dripped out of it, and shrugged, she looked around the office at all the people who had just witnessed that whole scene take place, and instead of trying to hide her face and run away, she shrugged and laughed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders as her peers began to take a bit of humour out of the whole mess, instead of silently judging her. It was weird, she felt more accepted and admired then ever before when she tried Liam's thing, being beautiful with her personality? she could definitely try it.

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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby Takk » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:56 am

kalon #; 1326
;beauty writing;
Beauty isn't a thing, it's not something you make or can give a name to. Beauty is something you're born with, something you develop over time. And I don't mean having a pretty face or soft eyes, I mean being a good person in your heart and mind. Beauty to me is being selfless, putting others first and being there when others need you. It's not about the make up you wear or the clothing you put on in the morning, it's about who you are as a human being. Are you kind? Are you patient? Do you know when you've don't something wrong and apologized?
Beauty is so much more than what a person looks like, it's about who you are and who you strive to be.

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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby Morta » Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:13 am

kalon #; 1327
username; Pandora's Box
name; Atticus
gender; male
beauty writing; Beauty can not be described in words, only experiences.
Beauty is the soft blues and greys seen in the sky as the sun sets.
Its the gleam in a child's eyes when they smile.
Its the look on someones face when their loved one returns from war.
Beauty is the way tears stream down your cheeks as your beloved proposes marriage.
You may say beauty can be described in words. But if you have never experienced these moments, then you have no idea how it feels and how beautiful it really is.

extra?; res with art maybe (my drawing tablet literally just broke and Im grrrrr)
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Postby mean&gay » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:20 am

    kalon #; 1326
    username; mean&gay
    name; aqie [ ack-ee ]
    gender; male

    to me, beauty just means something is particularly appealing to the senses (be it someone's appearance, an article of clothing, a musical piece etc...) it's a very personal thing. for example, imagine the most beautiful thing you can. i guarantee that at least one person will completely disagree with you. and that's not to say you're wrong- it's kind of impossible to be wrong when it comes to beauty. because as i said, it's personal. it's different for everyone. haha, this is so sappy. it's true, tho.

    extra; moodboard for the kal's personality, i guess.
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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby DECALIUS » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:26 am

kalon #; 1326
username; oreo
name; パラダイス (paradise in japanese)
gender; male
beauty writing; beauty is something that is on the inside. something in your heart. you don't have to look good on the outside to be beautiful. most people these days think that beautiful is something that appeals to the eye, such as how skinny you are or how good your fashion sense is. beauty is something that grows. its like a little glow, that gets larger over time.
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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby whim » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:28 am

view full sized image here, please!

kalon #; 1326 ▩ username; whimname; Kiki
gender; Female ▩ extra?; to the left! ▩ beauty writing;

To me, beauty is well... The beauty to be able to define
the word however you wish to. The actual denotation
of the word is relatively vague, therefore leaving it up to
the person to decide what the word means to them.

Me personally, I believe that beauty is something that
comes naturally to everyone once one has figured out who
they truly are. It's a difficult task to establish yourself and
know who you are, but with it comes beauty and watching
yourself flourish as a result. That said beauty is the qualities
that make up who you are and ones that you take pride in,
whether it'd be confidence, accomplishments, or simply
finding happiness and being content with your character.
For me, it's my self confidence. Many years I spent hating
myself because of other people and sources, especially
since I am a person of a more quiet nature who only has a
small handful of friends. When my family moved years ago
was when I had the most trouble, as it was very difficult
for me to make friends or even just talk to other people.
This was when my confidence was at its lowest, and I just
became the person I didn't want to be. As time went on,
however, I became more comfortable and finally had told
myself enough was enough and had decided to come out
of my shell. Once my mindset had shifted, the outcome
really was beautiful - I was able to make a lot more
friends and be overall a better person. The best outcome
was the fact that I no longer hated myself, and allowed
me to discover traits about myself that made me who
I am.

And it's a very beautiful thing to watch someone achieve
this awareness, be it yourself or other, because the process
itself can be rather ugly, just like my own experience. It's
tough not knowing your place in this world we live in,
especially with so many influences on your own character,
such as society nagging you to be a certain way. With that
said, the road to beauty is a very bumpy and stressful one.
But, all the hard work in the end pays off, as you are
allowed to achieve the bliss that is knowing who you are.

And that's what beauty is to me.
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Re: Kalons #1326 - #1327 [Birds of Paradise]

Postby Orawind » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:32 am

kalon #; 1326
username; Orawind
name; Agatha "Agath"
gender; female
beauty writing; To me beauty is not about how something looks, but what is inside. For example, to me true beauty in a person would be someone who is completely happy, and 100% true to themselves. Then they are truly beautiful. The same goes for other things, if they are themself, then they are truly beautiful.
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