Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Last Deterro » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:03 am

Dear C

I gave you everything. Absolutely everything. And in the end you treated me like a piece of meat on a hook and swapped me out for him without even doubting yourself. Your problems will catch up sooner or later, and this is something of your own doing. It's hard to say that hatefully when it hurts so much. I should feel angry, betrayed, hurt....I just feel tired. Tired of all of this.

...Saturday's the day I'll know for sure. He's going to tell me what you do...or don't...do. But if you try and break the promise you made me last night, if you try and cheat on me that soon...
...it's not really cheating anymore, really, is it? You chose him, then you chose me behind his back. We both know you're toying with us. We both know you're lying to us both.
But I promised you I'd be your friend. After everything you put me through...cut me some slack and appreciate how much effort I'm going through to try and make sure things turn out alright for you.

...Or don't. Lie to me again, like you did before. If that's what happens saturday...then so be it. I gave you chance after chance after chance and you took my trust and stomped on it. ...Saturday's the day. Either rob my hope for the world, or give me a glimmer of hope. But if you intend to lie to us both even more, then get out of my life. I've sacrificed enough for you.

-The one you "chose"

Half-native American, Half-brit

Both are spectacular, if I do say so myself
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Jack Harkness » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:23 am

dear family,

i'm trying.
i really am.
my grades have improved and
so far i'm passing all my classes.
but you still pressure me.
i'm not a robot. i'm not a
genius. i'm just a human.
just me. i can't not make
any mistakes. it's not my
fault i'm not as intelligent
as m or d. leave me alone.

i've worked my butt of trying
to improve my grades, get
better mentally and physically,
and you still tell me i'm not
trying hard enough. i'm only
a kid. i can't pay for pills or
a gym membership and i'm
one hundred percent sure
you can't either. i've given
up many things that made
me happy before. writing,
drawing, drumming, singing.

and in return i get nothing but
raised voices and angry stares.

- your "loved angel"
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby lexthedestroyer » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:07 pm

Dear E,
"We're having a moment." "Love me." "C'mon, pleasee stay outside?" -things said to your girlfriend
"But you love me!" "Love you~!" -things said to me while you're in a good mood
"You idiot!" "How dumb are you?" "Ha!" -things said to me when you're 'joking'
Sometimes, I want to be included. I miss when we were younger, when I sometimes got to be your number one. We were close, closer than we are now. But you only have eyes for her now. And that's fine; M is wonderful. But widen your vision, for once in your life. Include me in your line of sight. There's so much you've tainted, you've stuck your fingerprints all over. Songs I used to love because you loved them. Because I loved you, for the longest time. Things I used to watch that I can't watch without imagining you next to me, commenting and laughing and shoving me gently just like we used to, when we would sit cross-legged on your bed or lay on our stomachs and plug in your headphone adapter and watch YouTube together. You would show me Fall Out Boy songs and I'd pretend to like them, until I started actually liking them. You showed me Dan and Phil. We went to TATINOF with me, and we sat next to each other and screamed in each others ears and didn't even care because we were closer than close. We saw Panic together and danced, separated by two people, and even though we were almost falling off because of how high up we were it didn't matter, because you were screaming the lyrics and jumping up and down and laughing and SnapChatting people and we pumped our fists in the air together and it was glorious. I miss you. But every time we aren't together with just the two of us, you're stuck to your number one. Was I ever number one to you? Or was I just an extra? If someone isn't your number one, then they're nobody. And no number one ever lasts forever. You're a hurricane of a person, and I keep hoping I'll find myself in the eye.

But you only ever had eyes for your number one. And that was never me.

That's why I'm listening to Halsey right now, even tough it sucks, because Fall Out Boy songs are racing through my head and I can't listen to those without hearing your scathing voice. And hearing the voice you use for your number one.

You used to use that voice with me. When I walked you home, going an extra two blocks and walking five blocks back to my house, just for that precious slice of time where we walked up to your house and sat on the low wall and talked about pranks and reality and random crap that didn't matter, but it mattered to me. You told me what you wanted your first kiss to be like, and I still remember what it was. Your real first kiss happened on the track on the last day of school, with your number one at the time. I wanted it to be me for the longest time, and even now that I've moved on, your ghost still floats around my mind. I want you gone.

Dear M, E's current number one:
This has been a position many have fought for. Hearts have shattered looking at the pair walking ahead of them. Have you ever felt completely isolated, even when you're surrounded by your friends? With the person who you wish would look at you the way you look at them when they're not looking? Probably. But not with E. Not since you met her. Be grateful while it lasts, okay? You've gone through a lot of stuff you didn't deserve. You deserve happiness.

But please don't get too attached. Because the number one always gets replaced in the end.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby elizae » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:38 pm

dear dad.

you're the cause of all of my anxiety that you don't know i have. im starting to relapse because of you. when you slammed the door this morning..?

i couldnt breath.

it hurts so much. i know you're trying but.... what about me? i know its insignificant, but when i was little you would say how smart i was, how pretty i was, how good i was. now, when i show you my test scores its just a "good job." you used to make such a big deal and thats why i strove to do good. and now you dont. now im getting d's and c's instead of the straight a's i got just a year ago.

im so sorry.
- your daughter

dear dork.

i love you so much you little jerk. you make me so happy even when i want to give up.
i dont think you understand just how bad my anxiety is.
just hearing you yell at your mom when we're calling makes me feel so sick inside. i cant breath.
yelling in general makes me feel horrible. ive had panic attacks mid sentence because of you yelling. i cant handle it but i dont know how to tell you.

and try to get better. i know its tough being sick but do what you need
- sunflower
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby regular; » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:51 pm

dear r,
i love you so hell fracking much like can you see that?
when you called me cute today,,, adljajfjas i could barely contain the screams that went off in my head.
and when you told me you liked me today, holy. fradfjaljf.
- a

dear i,
i love you too... but not the way you want me to. i love r in the way you want me to love you.
i can see you hurt when his name gets mentioned, and i love it when you encourage me by calling me cute, beautiful.
you never doubt me... but please back off a bit. you're desperate. and as much as it pains me to say, you're desperate for me. you constantly say you want a girlfriend.. say you wish you could date me.. say you wanna meet up.
i get it, you really like me. but there comes a point when you have to respect my personal interests in other guys and where the line is drawn.
- a

dear o,
you hurt her. you hurt j. look, having a girl like you is weird, i know, but how immature can one get?
j loves you. and you blew her off yesterday. you didn't show.
she wasted money on you, sorry to say. she bought chocolate & flowers and you blew her off for your friend who i didn't realize you even were in contact with before this year. and j doesn't want to tell you cause she doesn't want to ruin the small relationship that is actually still there. the one connection, the one link to you she has. which is what i consider barely a friendship. ugh. get a life
- a
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby SiriuslyAnnabeth » Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:16 pm

Dear teachers and or school and friends.

If you do something and blame it on me, who are you to be talking to me? Just leave me alone. Teachers, you need to realize one of your students is slowly dying on the inside and maybe you should do something about it.

Sincerely, SiriuslyAnnabeth. (Not using real name.)

Dear life:

Stop throwing lemons in my face:
Lemon juice in my eyes isn't nice you know.

Sincerely, SiriuslyAnnabeth. (Once again not using my real name.)

Dear family,

I know you love me. Can't you realize something's not right? Can't you just OPEN your EYES and notice your daughter is dying?

-From your daughter.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby opalineteardrops » Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:17 pm

Dear everyone
Dont hate me, I'm going to deal with my problems as I always do
Disassociation, avoidance, and nonstop screaming about shay.
Then late replies.
Pretty much my life. Y'all know that by now though~
Come join me on Unity sometime, yeah?
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby bilodope; » Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:44 pm

dear, k
ur fake lol
xxxxxxxxxxxxx she/her
xxxxxxAye! Free to pm me, love chatting.
xxxxxI enjoy the 100, I also partake in the furry
xxxxxfandom. If ya wanna just talk
xxxxxbout that i'm totally open. I also love
xxxxxreceiving trades so shoot one over

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby kjzq » Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:54 pm

dear s,

pl e a se stop peer pressuring me into being your 'friend'. youre so annoying at times and a prat to all my other friends. im so uncomfortable when you start trash talking my friends and if i dont agree with you, you start trash talking me. the only reason im 'friends' with you is bc youre forcing me. i hate that you pressure me into answering questions i clearly show discomfort with, such as the time you made me pick my favorite of my friends and i didnt pick you. of course i didnt pick you. u always rely on me to be with you and drag me away from all my other friends during break and lunch. whenever i try to explain i need to spend time with my real OTHER friends, you get all pissed at me for no reason. im not your slave. all my other friends have talked to me and they despise you. i know that the only reason youre hanging out with me is because you have nobody else. i hate it whenever you bring up my crush and talk all dreamily about him because i know you like him, i like him too but i never told you. youre no fun to be with and you always guilt trip me when i snap at you, saying, "oh, youre getting tired of me, arent you?' i swear everytime that line comes out of your mouth, i want to punch you.

sincerely, the girl who is sick and tired of your antics.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby tonsilstone » Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:56 pm

Dear myself,

stop forgetting to turn of the bathroom lights. it scares your mother.

Hate, myself.
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