Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby gray52 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:58 pm

dear a,
i'm so sorry you got stuck with him as your dad? you're such a good and cool person and you deserve a good dad at the very least but instead you've got .. him. i wish we could all just disown him and never think about him ever again but i know you love him and that would probably hurt you .... i can't believe he sold all that stuff, that was part of our family's history and it wasn't his to sell but he did it anyway ?? i mean that's not the worst thing he's done and that's not why i think we should disown him but i still can't believe it
anyway, i'm happy knowing you'll be away from him soon, i hope things are going okay!
love, your cousin

dear k,
i can't believe you sold that stuff what's wrong with you . do you not care about your family history? your dad? your brother? how can you be so heartless? (that's a question for all your actions, not just the selling thing)
disrespectfully, me (someone who is ashamed to be related to you)

dear c,
i can't really tell what you think about most of the things i say so it's a bit hard for me to talk to you but i figure you must like me at least a little because you gave me takumi which is my dream ssr ???
thank you for being so generous, i promise to try harder to figure out what i should say around you!
your pal, g

dear r,
i'm sorry i can't figure out how to say my feelings in a meaningful way! i want to write nice paragraphs about why you're the best but i can't word my thoughts properly
also i might hold back my love a lot but it's always there
affectionately, gray

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby kunikida » Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:11 pm

Dear C,

What did I do? For months, that is all that's been on my mind. We had a perfect friendship, in my eyes. You made me so happy just with your presence. You know how I used to say how much I loved your cologne and you'd call me creepy and ask why I was sniffing you? That smell, that god awful smell. I can tell whenever you're around because it'll invade my sinuses. I've been coping quite well, but whenever you sit nearby me in a class, or walk past me in the courtyard, your cologne will hit me and I'll tear up. Every time. I don't know if you've found a new best friend yet, but I hope he/she treats you better than I did - even though I tried to give you the entire world.

Dear M,

You're the only loyal one I have left, the only one who I can trust to never ever hurt me. I love you. Also your boyfriend is a sulk.

Dear S,

Why do you act the way you do around me? You're a great friend, but you're being ridiculous. The bond we have currently is amazing, but I really doubt you'll be able to replace C. It happened a while back, sure. But it's still fresh in my mind that I don't have him anymore. Give me some time, please.

Dear D,

You hurt me sometimes, sure. But in the end it's worth the pain. You only ever really try to keep me happy and I know I'm high maintenance. So thank you for sticking around after all these years. You're the best boyfriend, and I love you.

Finally, Dear R.

You, are a god. You don't deserve anything that's happening to you right now. I hope I can meet you one day. You mean everything to me. I love you very, very much.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby GSM » Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:25 pm

Dear M,
What? Why? Why do you stab me in the back and treat me nice to my face? I guess you don't know that I know what you have been saying about me. Also getting my "best" friend to turn against me. Wow. I thought I was close to you guys, but you turned out the same as every one else. You think you are soooo perfect, well, newsflash hunny, you aren't. No wonder why a lot of people warned me about this group of friends. No wonder why you guys were so secluded from everyone else.

Dear C,
I honestly can't believe that you would lie to everyone about what happened on that night with him. He did nothing wrong, you were the one that wanted to get drunk and also you were the one that tried to get with him, even though you have a boyfriend. I can't believe it! I also can't believe you would follow after M and believe anything she says. I wanted to leave all the drama of high school back there. I thought we were close, I called you my sister, I thought you basically were my sister, and now look where we are. You also don't know that I know you lied to me. T tells me. He has a good network of people that get info. Don't lie. I will know. I honestly hate how you act around me. I can't stand your hugs. I can't stand you saying you love me, I almost choke every time I say it back. I can't wait to leave this city so I can leave you behind.

Dear T,
I love you. There. I said it. I had a tiny crush on you the first time we hung out. It grew more every moment I spent with you. Then you fell for C. She has a boyfriend, yet refused to tell you. She used you as a way to get back at her boyfriend when they were fighting. You honestly are the best guy I have ever met. I love going for coffee with you and meeting up with you at every small moment we can. I love how you make me smile. When you fell for C, I was crushed, I tried to kill my feelings for you so my friend could be happy. I tried, but when she broke your heart, I had to come back and mend it, and the feelings are back, and stronger. I wish I had the courage to say it to your face. You always say something about not being anyone's first choice. You are my first choice. I love you. I don't want you to join the army. I am being selfish, but I want you with me. I love your hugs, they make me feel so safe. I wish I could hug you all the time. I really do love you.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby LizzytheWolf » Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:41 pm


Being with you makes me feel confident.
I'm brave enough to walk up to people and say hi.

You helped me make a friend that I could never have met without you.

Love forever,
- Lizzy
I have quit. Goodbye.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby dxrmon » Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:08 pm

Dear Sophia,
I miss you so much. When I say so much you dont know how much I mean it. I still remember the first day we met. I was sitting all alone. Wanna know who came? you did. I know I have said this multiple times. But you made me the person I am today. I would not be the silly, goofy Amelia you know and love. My heart broke when we had to move. It shattered. Knowing that my best friend since day 1 would be gone hurt me. It hurt me and it still does. I want you to know I may not be the same.

This was a big step in my life. I hate that I had to move across the country. But we still talk. Maybe not everyday but we still do. I wish you could see my face light up when I read on my notifications ' Sophia sent you a text'. You may not realise it but you have made my day on several ocassions. I know some point in our lives we may forget each other. And I am still accepting that one day that it will happen. Maybe in a few years. Maybe tomorrow. I hope you are happy without me. I want you to have a day where you can forget about me and be happy. I know this was hard on you too. It was hard for the both of us.

Whenever you have problems I am one phone call away. I will never forget your laugh. It made me laugh, made me forget all of my worries. Sophia it is hard without you. I tell you it is great though. I don't want you to worry about your friend halfway across the country. I think about you. I really do. Whenever I go to lunch I miss sitting with you. I miss sitting with you in class too. We would always make little jokes that only we thought was funny. We were something special Sophia. Something that I will never have with someone else. The entire 500 people in my grade are not even close to you. You are amazing. You will drop everything and help somebody that is in need. You helped me. You don't realise it but you truley did. If you love something then let it go. Sophia I know you will go far in life. I don't want to drag you down. At the end of the day, we are best friends and nothing can change that. Even if we are 1,900 miles away.
~ Love, Amelia (or as you liked to call me, Amolia)
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Xaeli » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:53 pm

    To: He Who Tried
    From: She Who Lied

    — the first time i saw you; now that's a memory that i will never let go of.
    you stood so calmly on that stage, the microphone practically grazing your lips as you sang with a voice that captured the soul and brought tears to the eye. i couldn't look away from you. i literally couldn't. my stomach churned at the thought of missing a single breath that you took, and i can very easily say that i've never felt that way about anyone before. when you walked off that stage at the end of the night, i could've sworn my heart dropped to my feet. as soon as your presence had left my sight, something about the world felt empty and hollow. i hated myself for feeling this way, i hated the thought of feeling such indescribable things about a mere stranger. but life works in mysterious ways, and i cannot make the rules.

    i don't want to say that it was fate when i saw you again, but it didn't feel like a coincidence. neither did the next time i saw you, or the time after that, or the millions of times when i became drunk by the mere sight of you since. i learnt who you were, what your story was and how you lived. you shared so much happiness with me and gave me a reason to smile again. you were a walking fever-dream that whisked me off my feet and carried me away into a land of comfort and control every damn time i even looked into your eyes.

    i don't want to bring myself to admit that it was love that i felt. and i don't think i ever will. because what we could have been was impossible due to reasons that you know all too well. i'm sorry if our story was meant to be. i'm sorry if our paths were to collide in a different way. i'm sorry that our fate was similar in some cosmically unexplainable instance. but we are impossible. and i know very well that 'we' will never be.

    i hope you find someone better than my circumstance. meanwhile, i will deal with this inevitable pain, and i will learn from my mistake. thank you for everything.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby vampz » Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:51 am

    dear _,
    please don't make me mad at you
    i'm still really sad that you're gone,
    but from what you've said so far i'm
    getting mixed messages.
    please just give me a straight answer
    so i can move on.

    love, f

    dear m,
    sorry buuut please stop doing that

    - juyon

    dear y,
    couldja please acknowledge me for once?
    it hurts that you don't and it feels like
    you're avoiding me overall
    thannkss - juyon

    dear _,
    i miss you so much, i'm so sorry
    you keep dropping hints but i can't even tell
    the truth anymore
    i think everything would be better if you
    came back, but i know it wouldn't because
    if you're not happy with me then i don't
    want to indulge in something one-sided
    i'm sorry, just please don't forget so quick.

    love j
Last edited by vampz on Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby regular; » Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:47 pm

    dear r.
    i've been so honest with you. i stated for the millionth time in my whole life that i still liked you without hesitating and that's because we've been over this so many times that i just stopped being so problematic. but since yesterday the question " why was it so important to him for this long? " has lingered in my mind trying to make sense of itself. you claim to like no one but is that true? even if it isn't me,
    it doesn't add up. i wish, though, that when you asked me if i still liked you, that i could've said no, but loyalty is royalty and there was no point in hiding what was already quite obvious. so yes, i do like someone else, and i hope that after all this time that you've been my number one, you finally realize you missed your shot. so why did you say all that yesterday? lord knows. and maybe, for the sake of me moving on, i don't want to. because anything you say can reel me right back in, and my heart's too damaged to do that.

    dear j.
    avoiding us yesterday was selfish. just because you like her, doesn't mean you get to avoid your close friends. i mean, in the end you and her hung out like normal anyways. get over yourself. get over her, too. she doesn't want you. you shouldn't waste your time trying to change the truth.
    look, you're my best friend and i love you as one, but every move you make is based off of her and maybe you should start thinking of how your friends feel when you avoid them vs. how you awkward you think it'd be talking to her. cause in all honesty when you guys finally talked it wasn't awkward whatsoever. sorry this is harsh, but it's the truth and so help me god if you don't notice that she doesn't like you like that, nor the situation, at all.

    dear me.
    excuse me what
    are you excited to go to school? are you oKAY?! first day of school you'll think "wow ok this is not as bad as i thought." bUT ONE WEEK LATER YOU'LL BE CRYING TEARS OF TORTURE.
    wise words from your inner self: stop wanting to go to school.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Mooshidog » Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:58 pm

Dear friends,

I'm sorry I'm always chatty and always on.
That I Always need someone to talk to.
That I bring you into all my problems.
What I never tell people is, I could die.
I've been afraid of dying. My mom and I are the 2 in my family with a higher chance of dying earlier.
I can't tell my irl friends anything. Or else they'd ditch me. Or it could spread around the school.
I have the highest health plan in school. Because of what I was born with. It's not as bad as cancer, but it's still bad.
I've been very sick because of it. And I've had many problems. Everything wrong with me is because of it.
I'm sorry you have to bare with this.
That you have to bare with me.
Im sorry..
hi, i'm moose and i love you ♡
god, blm, pisces, 2/24/16
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Reirin » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:06 pm

    You have no idea how I wish the circumstances had been different. I would've loved to get to know you better; your ambitions and aspirations, where you dream of travelling, what your best memories are. You. Past, present and future.
    I don't know how it started. I don't know why I'm so intrigued by you. You haunt me. Am I insane to think you felt that same curiosity towards me?
    Yes. I should've never dared to hope.

    It's too late now anyway.
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