Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Jealousy Empress » Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:03 pm

The Furry Fandom wrote:
Any kid plus any animal is just a disaster waiting to happen.

Ok, first of all there are plenty of children who can look after pets. I know a six year old who feeds the dog, walks him around the garden (it's basically a field) and loves him very much. The parents only have to prompt her ever so often.
From when I myself was seven, I had 31 pet chickens for about 4 years. I looked after them, fed them, and made sure they were happy to the point of asking me to be picked up and cuddled by rubbing against my legs like a cat would
My parents both had dogs when they were little, and my dad owned lots of budgies until he was 15, then got a parrot.
My best friends all had animals such as rabbits, dogs, cats and birds when they were small children and regularly looked after them.
To be honest, what annoys me most about pet owners are the adult owners who say to another parent "no child should be allowed a pet as they'll only hurt it." It's people who think every child is the same - a careless person who makes thei parents do everything and squeezes hamsters - that really annoy me.
Ok, rant over.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby caf. » Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:34 am

as an equestrian, it continually amazes me the kinds of people i find at horse shows. see, at my barn, if you're gonna do something loud or unusual, you ask anyone who's got a horse nearby if it will scare them so you don't cause an accident. nah, at shows, i've had golf carts driven up behind me, umbrellas opened right beside me, young children running within 5 feet of my horse (look, i get that it's a long day for the kids, but please find a place for them to play that isn't the warm-up), dogs running literally right up to us, and people - mounted and on foot - just brushing right past us without any respect for our personal space. look, no matter how small or nonthreatening the horse seems, never just assume that a horse will be fine with something. my horse has only been under saddle for 8 months, he spooks at everything and while he'd never hurt a fly i still risk getting badly injured if i happen to come off when he rears or wheels. my good friend's horse is a pretty gentle, calm mare, but she kicks like the dickens at other horses and has put many out of commission for a few weeks when people decided to brush past her. and before you go on a "train your horses" rant, we are; that's why we're at shows, to practice. you don't get to decide my horses should be better trained when you're actively frightening or provoking them. and hey, even if nobody gets hurt, i still think it's a pretty garbage move to make someone's horse get really tense and make their ride go terribly because you couldn't be bothered to show some respect.

also, minor pet peeve, i've had many a family member go to pat my horse on the forehead but moved their hands way too fast, so he shies. they always say something like "oh he doesn't want to be petted." look, a horse's eyes are situated so they have a pretty significant blind spot right where they're petted, so if you just take it slowly, most horses are just fine with having their foreheads rubbed. if you can't even manage that, a horse's head isn't the only place you can pet them yknow.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Bellarke » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:57 am

This hasn't happened yet, but I know it will from my experiences.
Bringing an 8 week old puppy around people and them immediately coming over to pet them is kind of annoying. In a few weeks I'll be getting a puppy from france ( I live in the USA) and it's hard on puppies with big changes, she'll be leaving her mama and not be familiar with anyone, I fret she'll become anxious around other people and dogs, like my dog is scared of other dogs because of that. It's one thing to ask, but it's another when a child comes over petting your dogs head and grabbing their ears and tail. I don't want to have a puppy scared of people!! That would be a big problem since she'll be competing in dog shows. And I don't want her puppies to take after her mother when she has them. Hopefully everything will be fine, but it's just something in the back of my head I worry about.


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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby SmxkingKills » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:12 am

I hate it when my sister likes to take my Kitten, Jack, when he is sleeping and put him in her room just so she can get ready for work and leave. She always puts him on the bathroom counter even though he isn't allowed up there, and its teaching him bad habits.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Kittehhcat » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:57 am

I hate when people say cats will bite and scratch all the time, when dogs do the SAME.

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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Winstalgia » Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:08 am

xMoonfish wrote:I hate when people say cats will bite and scratch all the time, when dogs do the SAME.


ALSO for the Thread -
People usually comment on how fat my cat is and are like; Why is so fat? Why'd you make him so fat? Or even What do you feed your cat? They are always so blunt it annoys me so much!

Hey, I found my cat overweight in our driveway, It's not my fault! (I made him loose 2 pounds)
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby snowdrake » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:06 pm

    whew, long post warning. this will probably take a while.

    so, first off I hate it when I go outside with my corn snake and people either constantly look at him like he's some sort of monster or if they constantly ask to touch or pet him. I get it, not everyone has a pet snake but he needs some space, too. would you want to be touched constantly? I bet not. then the people who are scared of him... I do understand that snakes are not for everyone and I respect the fact that some people don't want him near them, but I just absolutely cannot tolerate it when people are talking badly about him and/or snakes in general. be it on youtube, in real life or wherever: people always say things like "burn those (bad word)" & "all snakes want to do is kill us". did you know that more people die from their domestic dogs each year than from snakes? guess what, if you leave a snake - or any animal in that matter - alone then it won't attack you (unless you come across an animal that is actually trying to hunt humans, but that happens very rarely). those people also probably never encountered a snake before and only heard that they appareantly are extremely agressive. I've already heard the craziest stories of snakes sizing up their owners to see if they can eat them to snakes killing a whole village. seriously, if you want to make a point with what you are saying then get some education first.

    then there's another topic I'd like to talk about: keeping snakes in racks. I know many do it (in the usa at least) and I do not encourage it in any way. I understand if you are a snake breeder and you don't have the space and money for countless snake tanks but if you keep snakes for pets then that's just not a good way to go about your hobby. racks may be easier to clean and keep track of but they are very small most of the time. especially with large snakes like retics I always see people holding them in racks. they can't stretch out at all and they can barely move. now, do not give me the lame excuse of "snakes don't need that much space because they don't move much" or "snakes are uncomfortable in tanks that are too big". like seriously, I know snakes aren't the most active animals but they do move. for example: my corn snake loves sunbathing on his branch in his light (I have both heat mats and a warm light in his tank) and if he's hungry I always see him searching his tank for food. no, he is not doing this because he is uncomfortable. he is not doing this because there's something wrong with his tank. and how can a snake tank ever be too big? if snakes are scared of large spaces then what are they going to do in the wild? constantly freak out? as long as you provide them with enough hiding spots they are perfectly fine! oh, and if you tell me "in the wild they are feeling comfortable in spaces they can hide in" (which is true) then I'll tell you "in my large tank my snake feels comfortable in the numerous hiding places I provided him". it's the same concept with a different situation. also, please don't try to sell me the fact that captive bred snakes are different from wild snakes. they are in contact with humans the secound they are born, which is why many of them stay relatively calm around them. but if you let your captive bred snake into the wild it will live just like a wild snake: hunt, breed, survive etc.
    so, what if you don't have the money as hobbyist to buy a tank with substrate, hiding spots etc. for all your snakes? simply don't go and buy yourself 10 freaking retics and put them in drawers afterwards. if you don't have the money to properly keep such a large animal then don't buy it! why is this so hard to understand? I get if you want more than one of those snakes, I'd love to keep more than my one corn snake as well, but doing this - to me - is just a form of hoarding your pets. just think of it: you are keeping your animals above each other in small spaces. the only time they really see sunlight is when you feed them or handle them etc. they can barely move at all and other than the ceiling above their head most of the time they don't have any hiding spots they can lay in.

    to sum it all up (I'll end this now or I'll still sit here in an hour), if you keep your snakes in racks instead of tanks it does no good for the animal. if you don't show the interest to actually put some effort into the way you are keeping your animal then - in my opinion - you are not a good owner. if you don't have the money to buy tanks for your snakes then don't get more because all you're doing is hoarding them.

    please note that all of this is - of course - my personal opinion. please don't go crazy pming me about how wrong I am because I've had enough of those kind of discussions. if you disagree that's fine but don't go rubbing it into my face because it won't get us anywhere.
    anyways, I just had to get that out. thank you for reading this far.
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby {ℓєσραя∂} » Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:43 am

So, my aunts dog is a food begger. Horribly. It annoys me to no end. Don't get me wrong, I love the little fur ball to death, but I don't like being scratched to death while I eat. My two boys know better. And if they come near me while I eat, a simple "go lay down" or a wave of the hand, sends them off. They know that if they leave me alone to eat, they'll get a treat every now and then. And I had to teach them this since they were young. I'm sorry but do you want a 40 pound dog or a 120 pound dog in your lap while you eat? No? Yha, me neither. And company that comes over, mainly my mom, don't see why I send them away.

Another thing that gets me is when my mom goes to fawn over my dog when he's in trouble. I'm trying to break his excessive barking, and he gets in trouble for it. She then wants to come behind me and be all "ooo poor baby!!" And pet snd fawn all over him. Like no, barking does not earn him that kind of attention!

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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Nari UwU » Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:33 am

Hinode wrote:
    whew, long post warning. this will probably take a while.

    so, first off I hate it when I go outside with my corn snake and people either constantly look at him like he's some sort of monster or if they constantly ask to touch or pet him. I get it, not everyone has a pet snake but he needs some space, too. would you want to be touched constantly? I bet not. then the people who are scared of him... I do understand that snakes are not for everyone and I respect the fact that some people don't want him near them, but I just absolutely cannot tolerate it when people are talking badly about him and/or snakes in general. be it on youtube, in real life or wherever: people always say things like "burn those (bad word)" & "all snakes want to do is kill us". did you know that more people die from their domestic dogs each year than from snakes? guess what, if you leave a snake - or any animal in that matter - alone then it won't attack you (unless you come across an animal that is actually trying to hunt humans, but that happens very rarely). those people also probably never encountered a snake before and only heard that they appareantly are extremely agressive. I've already heard the craziest stories of snakes sizing up their owners to see if they can eat them to snakes killing a whole village. seriously, if you want to make a point with what you are saying then get some education first.

    -snipped the rest-

This. But with rats. Ugh.

I take my rats with me when I take my dogs for walks and I can SEE the moment when someone notices them because they suddenly veer away from the dog park and act like they weren't going there in the first place (even though its pretty obvious that they were -_-).
Like they're on my shoulder, they can't even get to you. Even if they could they wouldn't do anything unless you have food, and if you did they'd lick your hands until you gave it to them. WHY are people scared of them?? Like no come here lookie they cuddle, they aren't bad, and NO they don't have rabies -_-

Even worse than random strangers snubbing me for having them, which I honestly couldn't care less about, my mom jsut came to bring me my parking sticker from the other car, and came in and immediately got snippy and went on her usual "You still have those gross things? I have some traps for them" etc. NO. WHY are your rabbits acceptable rodents to have but my rats aren't??? I like the rats BETTER than the rabbits even!! All rabbits have ever done is scratch me and bite. Like no. I love my ratties. Quit trying to pressure me into getting rid of them, they're basically cats with hairless tails, and my dog doesn't want to eat them like he does with cats. Stop trying to take my babies from me >_>

And ugh when people feed your pets after you tell them not to? God its annoying. We went camping this last weekend, my family and I. ALL WEEKEND they were constantly feeding my dog table scraps, after I REPEATEDLY told them not to, it makes his stomache upset. But do they listen? NO, of course not. They sneak him food every chance they find, and then get pissed when I call them and tell them of for it bc it messed up my dog's stomache LIKE I SAID IT WOULD and he ended up with really bad diarrhea and ended up not able to hold it while I was at work, so I came home to poop E V E R Y W H E R E. I don't blame the dog, of course not, he knows better than to go inside and doesn't do it unless he absolutely cannot hold it. SO my weekend ended with my dog terrified I was gonna be pissed at him and me not able to step foot in my house barefoot while my family just blamed me for not taking him out (which I DID before I went to work -_-)
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Re: Annoying Things People Do To/With Your Pet(s)

Postby Bushy36 » Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:41 pm

Another thing is when people bring pets over to other people's houses. I was at a relatives house once, and another relative brought over their untrained golden retriever, B. (no that's not his name, it's just I don't know how to spell his real name). B is not trained and will go up to EVERYONE. However I don't think thats very safe because of one reason: He runs and jumps on people. He ran and poor old Foxy (my relative's dog) almost fell. Untrained dogs should not be over at someone's house if they are going to knock other people/pets down, jump on people, and be pretty much rowdy.

No it's not funny your dog almost knocked an old dog down. Luckily I grabbed Foxy's behind so he wouldn't fall. Yes he is gonna get scolded for that. He can knock my young relative down and it won't be funny because it can hurt her. He's a big dog, and it won't get any better if he's not going to get trained for it.
He also shouldn't go up to everyone. Some people may not like dogs and I understand that. No jumping on random people either, especially at someone else's house. Neither may other dogs, despite Foxy being small, he could have snapped at him.
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