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Postby noctonia » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:26 pm

PlutonianOpal wrote:Thank you for hosting this competition! I hope you like this story and good luck to everyone else!

The snowflakes drifted slowly, almost lazily, onto the ground. A child, barely seven years old, looked out of a frosted window, going on tip toes just to see the falling snow better. “Khione!” The child called, bouncing with excitement. “Let’s play in the snow!”
Khione’s ears perked up. Her master, or rather best friend, had called her. Immediately, she trotted over to Louise. “Let’s go,” she barked. But of course, humans didn’t understand her language. At least Louise knew what she wanted most of the time so they did get along very well.

Together, they rushed out of their house on the mountains and into the snow.

It had been barely a minute since they touched the soft snow, yet Louise had already fallen. The child giggled, the sound echoing throughout the air. “Khione! Come over here!” Without missing a beat, she leapt onto Louise and licked her face. The child laughed again and tried to get up. “That’s enough!” She told her while trying to push her away. But Louise couldn’t hide the giant smile forming on her face. She really loved her dog. No matter how naughty Khione was, she could never find fault with her.

Khione jumped off of Louise and shook all the fallen snow from her pure white coat onto the ground below. Louise’s mother always jokingly called her “Snow White” due to her coat. But she did learn that Khione was the Greek goddess of Snow’s name. Not that she knew what that meant. But it also meant that she was named after snow after all. So why would she give her another name? “Come on, Khione. We’ve spent enough time out here.” Louise told her. The snow was still falling but the sky was getting darker by the second. She really wanted to stay in the snow for longer but Louise’s lips were turning blue. The wind was getting stronger and no matter how much she wanted to stay outside, she would not disobey her best friend’s wishes.
“Louise! Khione!” A familiar voice called out from their house. “You’re back!” Louise’s mother stood in the doorway, arms extended to hug her daughter.
“Mum!” Before Louise could hug her mother, Khione stole the hug by leaping into her arms.
“Khione!” Louise said with mock disapproval. “How could you do that?”
She drooped her head sadly but then she smelt something amazing. Dinner. Without thinking, she immediately dashed into the kitchen, straight towards the food. “Hold on, Khione!” Louise’s father laughed, “Wait a little!” As he said that, Khione sat in front of her bowls and wagged her tail eagerly, barely able to contain her excitement at eating dinner. Her scarlet eyes watched the food, as if it was about to grow legs and run away.

After a while, everyone was finally ready to eat. Unusually, Louise’s father started dinner’s conversation with a story. “Now that we can finally eat - I’m sure that Khione’s really excited.” He shot Khione a glance. Make a sound, the glance seemed to say to her. Except there was no answering bark. She was too busy eating. Disappointed, he shook his head. Louise and her mother, Evangeline, suppressed the urge to burst out laughing. “Anyway, let’s eat!” Between bites of food, he began to tell a story.

Years ago, before I was even born,” he began. “Someone, in these same mountains, spotted a monster.” he paused, waiting for some sort of shocked reaction from Louise at least. But Louise just stared at him expressionlessly.
Now that was unexpected. He cleared his throat and continued. “They say that the monster was absolutely terrifying. It was large, even larger than a full grown man. It had long, shaggy brown fur and it’s claws were razor sharp. They could slice through you with one swipe. One swipe and goodbye Louise.” He waved at Louise. She looked unimpressed. “It was wider than the two oldest trees in the forest added together. It’s strong limbs could easily tear a human being in two. And some people say that it can cover over 40 metres in 3 seconds. You don’t stand a chance if it decides to come after you.” His blue eyes stared intently into his daughter’s. “So don’t go near that cave that you want to explore. You might encounter a nasty surprise, Louise.

❆ ❆ ❆

“Come on, Khione! Let’s go find the ‘monster’!” Louise told Khione the next morning. She didn’t really understand why someone would go searching for a terrifying monster from a tale, but she did get to go outside and into the snow. So, when Louise went outside to search for the monster, Khione was already steps ahead of her, leaving paw prints in the snow. “I mean,” she panted as she caught up to Khione. “I don’t believe what Dad said but I kind of do want to know if that monster exists.” She responded with an answering bark as they neared the cave.

“Does the monster really exist?” Louise asked excitedly. Just in case, they moved inside the cave cautiously. Inside the dark cave, they could hear the sound of dripping water resonate throughout the cave. “This is getting creepy.” She whispered to Khione. Suddenly, they heard a sound that indicated someone - or perhaps, something - was snoring away inside the cave. Startled by this sound, Louise lost her footing and slipped on the wet rocks. “Ow...” She sat up and rubbed her elbow. “I think I hit my elbow.” And that was when Khione started growling as the snoring stopped abruptly.

“Run, it’s dangerous.” Khione tried to tell Louise. “There really is something in this cave.” Louise must have noticed something was wrong as well and had already started moving towards the entrance. In the few seconds it took them to get back to the snow, the thing was already up and moving. They could hear it’s loud footsteps echoing and it only made them run faster. Suddenly there was a thunderous roar coming from the back of the cave. Because of the sudden occurrence of the sound, it surprised Louise and by the sheer volume alone, a human would be absolutely terrified. It was then that a creature with long, shaggy brown fur and sharp claws. Except it wasn’t a monster. It was a bear. A huge bear that was chasing after them.

“Honey, did you hear that roar?” Evangeline asked her husband.
“Yes. It sounded nearby,” he responded.
“Louise and Khione just went out in that direction.” She said worriedly, as realisation slowly dawned on her. “Could it be that she went looking for that monster you were talking about last night?”
“She can’t be...” He put his coat on, readying himself to go outside. “She didn’t believe me remember?”
“You know how curious she is...she must have gone.” She hurried to put her jacket on. “We need to go check.”
They stepped out into the snow to find their beloved daughter and dog.

I have to protect Louise, Khione thought. I cannot let her get hurt. She barked at the bear and ran away from where Louise lay as she had fallen before. She decided to distract the bear so that her best friend could have a chance to escape. But she was no match for a rampaging bear. It caught up to her easily and roared again. She growled back. Then she attacked by biting one of it’s arms. The bear immediately swiped back, opening a wound on her body. The fight continued for a while, with the end result being the bear walking away victorious and Khione laid in the snow, bloodied. Her blood dyed the snow and her coat crimson. Goodbye, Louise. She thought, her eyes closing.

“Louise!” Evangeline sprinted towards her daughter, ready to hold her in her arms.
“Where’s Khione?” Her father asked, glancing around.
“I don’t know...” Louise whispered, tears threatening to spill. “She was trying to save me because I slipped in the snow. And the bear, her!”
“I’ll go find Khione. She’ll be fine, I promise.” Evangeline gave Louise a tight smile and left them hugging in relief in the snow to look for her.

“Khione...” Am I dreaming? Khione wanted to ask. “Khione!” She tried to move her eyelids but they wouldn’t budge. “Snow White!” The person was getting impatient. And the sounded like Evangeline. She tried to open her eyes again and succeeded. All she could see was a white, glowing human figure with wings standing before her. Her musical voice continued talking, “From your heroic actions to save your master, Louise, you have been gifted with wings and becoming completely healed of your wounds.” She glanced around , searching for something. Her eyes found a holly bush. “This shall be what your wings are made out of. Do you accept this gift?”
“” Khione whispered.

The next time Khione opened her eyes, she was back inside her home. Cautiously, she stretched herself and noticed something on her back. Wings made of holly. Had an angel really visited her and gave her these wings? “Khione! You’re awake!” Louise ran inside her room and hugged her. “Now that you have these wings, maybe we should change your name to something that suits your wings.” She smiled.


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Postby ligning » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:29 pm

On the 13th of November, a nest of black shepherds was born. They were all gorgeous, number one to 4. The mother Sunny was doing okay too and seemed extremely pleased with the pups. While she was licking them clean, the owners called the vet to let them know everything went well and that he didn't have to come anymore.
Later that night Sunny suddenly sank down because there was another unannounced pup coming. The owners were very surprised but helped their dearest Sunny through it, and in their hands a little white puppy was held.
Overtime, the owners started noticing that the white puppy was anything but normal. The poor kid ran into things, was not as playful as her siblings. So they weren't surprised that when they came downstairs on christmas morning, the white puppy had been attacked by her bigger stronger older siblings. They had to do something, because there were kids coming over, and how do you explain two wounds between a puppy's shoulders? While one of the owners started patching up the puppy the other started crafting a big mistletoe to hide the stitches on his back. When the puppy was all set, she seemed very pleased with her "wings". More miraculously, she came out of her shell, never in the two and a half months had the owners seen her so playful.
After the christmas party, the owners were too tired to take of the mistletoe of the little puppy, that kept being called Holly by the kids. When they woke up the next morninh, Holly and her brother were playing with a squeeky toy. When the owners tried to touch the wings, Holly snapped at them, she wanted to keep these wings, it felt like they made her likeable. The owners let it rest for now, and for the mext day, and next week, and next year. All of Holly's siblings had found homes. But Holly stayed, because everyone who dared to try and touch her wings was snapped at. The mistletoe had grown into her back, and grew bigger with Holly.
The owners just accepted it, and blamed themselves for Holly's flaw.
It isn't a flaw, it's a blessing for Holly, and that will always be the case.
It is clear that I must find my other half. But is it a he or a she? What does this person look like? Identical to me? Or somehow complementary? Does my other half have what I don't? Did he get the looks? The luck? The love? Were we really separated forceably or did he just run off with the good stuff? Or did I? Will this person embarrass me? Can two people actually become one again?

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Winter Wings By Randomidiot {Entry}

Postby ~randomidiot~ » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:35 pm

Prolouge:Moshi's paws thundered against the forest floor, driving her further away from the storm. She barked out searching for her puppies, they were no where. Moshi's pelt shimmered and glistened with the wet snow. She stomped her paw in frustration and came to a hault. Sticking her nose up to the sky, Moshi searched for a scent. Her eyes caught a glimpse of a rabbit. ignore it Moshi tried to tell herself. She knew she was near her pups. The urge to chase the still standing rabbit increased as she stood there. Moshi let out a whine of desperation before turning to chase the rabbit. Damn you instincts! She swiftly glided and weaved through the swaying pine trees, nipping at her prey. The rabbit looked back at her with compeletely white eyes.

"Gah!" Moshi let out a startled shriek. The rabbit, with a twitch of its tail, hopped into a dark cave. Moshi hesitantly followed the rodent in, feeling her curiosity get the best of her once again. The tunnel became more of a tube as it got more progressively narrow. She heard something.. Like a yip-howl. My pups! Moshi dove through the tunnel following the stench of her babies. Moshi arrived at the open area where her pups lay. Tika, Damien, Xavier and... Moshi inhaled sharply Where is Vivian?

Story:(Vivian(holly dog)PoV I sat curled up under the tree, in the rabbit burrow I found. Mom would find me, right? it started innocently as a game of hide and seek before the storm started. I was in such a good hiding place that they couldn't find me. I should have come out when they were calling but I was too dang proud! I tucked my paws closer and scooched further into the burrow. Scratchy Ivy leaves poked through the hole, scratching my face.
"Mother isn't going to find me" I said quietly to nobody.

Snow trickled down, layering the outside with more and more snow. My pinkish red eyes drifted to the dirt floor, and a tear trickled down my face. I knew i was going to die. I inhaled shakily and let out a long ghostly howl to show my pain. standing up, I closed my eyes and dove through the ivy and layers of snow.

"Vivian!" I then heard a pained howl "Where are you!" I saw my family far away.

"Mom! I'm right here!" My howls got drowned by the terrifying cracks of thunder flying about in the sky. I ran over to where I saw them, the wind pushing me backward "N-no!" I said as snow began to engulf my body. I tried to move but my limbs had become stiff from the cold. I felt a creeping feeling sliding up my leg and all around my body. I used my last bit of strength to curl into a tight ball, attempting to keep warm. As my body became more and more chilled, I felt it.

My body released endorphins that caused me to feel cozy and warm. I felt tired and the feeling felt so good... I sunk further into darkness and the world eventually slipped away. I opened my eyes and stood up on the cushy ground. Cushy?! I looked down and saw cloud. "No!" I yelped loudly, "I can't be dead!" Tears streamed down my face and I let out a chocked sob.

"I'm sorry, my child," A soft voice echoed out "It is true." I put my tail between my legs and felt my red eyes tearing up again.

"B-but why?!" I called out to the voice. No response came. I then saw a Eros fairy flutter out, her blonde hair hanging carelessly over her eyes.

"It is not your fault, in fact, it is nobody's fault," She paused for a moment, "Except for Jack Frost of course" Her small wings fluttered fast as her face lighted to a sympathetic smile. " I grant to you wings to fly over your family and watch." She muttered.

I blinked "Like big angel wings?" She giggled and shook her head.

"We tend to have a theme of something that was important but the only thing we saw, since you were a pup, was holly" I furrowed my eyes and sat down, curling my tail around my paws.

"I haven't seen a holly bush in my life!" I muttered.

Eros laughed again, "Little Vivian! The bush that sheltered you from the storm wasn't ivy!" She continued excitedly "It WAS holly!" I stood up and thought.

"When I fly over my family.." I paused, memories of my past life flooding into my head, " Will they see me?"

Eros thought for a moment, "If you wish?" I shook my head.

"I don't want them to know I'm dead.." I heard my voice echo through the pillowy area, "I'd rather them think happy thoughts about me growing up free then dying in the cold." Eros nodded and kissed my head. A storm of golden shimmers showered my white coat, sinking into my now translucent skin. I felt a feeling of stretching and roots crawling into my bones. I looked behind me and three berries sprouted from the edge of the holly wings. I looked up to thank Eros but she was already gone.

My paws flew off of the cloud and I began to soar down. I saw my mother and my brothers and sisters, it was now spring. I layed in the grass and watched my brothers and sisters play together. Glancing at my mother, her face had grown sad as she held the bones of the first finch I had caught close to her. I stood up and fluttered my wings, bringing myself close to her side. I leaned in to her and buried my head in her fur as I murmured "I love you mom" She still held the bones close, though she seemed happier and I guess I was too. "I love you my little Vivian." Had she heard me?! Whatever, I thought, I don't care as long as I can watch over them. TheEnd!

[Note!] Thank you for hosting this oh so generous giveaway! This is so kind of you and I promise I'll take care of it If I win!
Last edited by ~randomidiot~ on Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Himalayan » Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:32 am

His ghostly white fur danced with the frigid winds of December as he walked down the street. The streetlamps glowed softly as small flecks of snow drifted down to kiss the ground. It was a gentle flurry, but Hunter soon found himself stepping in at least two feet of snow as he walked.
It wasn't particularly icy, meaning he was quite shocked when he fell. He was so focused on getting himself home for another lonely Christmas Eve that it took him another twenty seconds to register what had happened. Four pups, all shades of white and gold, not fully grown up, were cackling behind a snowbank. Hunter stood up, shook off the access snow, and immediately found himself on the pavement again. The snowballs were oddly hard and hurt quite badly when they made contact. The quartet of puppies didn't care, though. They all just snickered and giggled.
He felt tears pricking at his striking red eyes. The next snowball that hit him made him weep. He shattered under the pain of Christmas. He adored everything about Christmas- the meaning, the gleaming lights, wrapping presents delicately, hanging up garlands, making hot chocolate for every Smoothian he could offer hot chocolate to. He loved it all. He loved everything about the holiday, but he loathed the isolation.
Every Christmas since he was a pup, he was alone. No family, no friends, nobody to celebrate the day he held so close to his heart. Even these juvenile delinquents had people to share Christmas Eve with. But Hunter was still alone. The tears poured out of his eyes with a sickening grace. The way he wept in the snow was strangely elegant, poetic, and beautifully depressing. He only opened his eyes when he heard a scream.
"CYRUS! KALINDA! SAMSON! SIRIA! YOU BETTER STOP RIGHT THIS SECOND OR I AM SO TELLING MOM!" The girl screeched. All four pups lowered their heads and tails, flattened their ears, and ran up to the older Sun sibling.
Hunter curled up on the ground, sobbing while listening to the argument the other dogs were having.
"Sorry," one of the male pup giggled.
"Oh, you're SORRY, huh?"
"Uh, sure."
The eldest sibling exploded.
"Yeesh. Okay, we're sorry." One girl yipped.
"Siria. You apologize with your siblings RIGHT THIS SECOND."
The four puppied shared some glances with each other, skeptical that they might face consequences.
They all ran over to Hunter, muttered their apology begrudgingly, and ran back to the older dog.
"You all better race your little tails back home, or I will tell mom."
The four barked and shot down the sidewalk in fear of whatever they might face if their mom knew.
"Oh my goodness. Sir, are you alright? Here, let me help you up."
Hunter only noticed the girl wasn't alone when three pairs of cold paws helped him up.
"I'm fine," Hunter was still sobbing, his weak voice cracking on every word.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm here for you. We all are."
"Take my scarf! You must be frozen!"
Hunter opened his eyes as the warmth of a bright red scarf was draped around his neck by two large striped paws.
"Oh my gosh." Hunter sniffled.
His eyes went wide with alarm as he realized who he was showing his weakness in front of.
One Sunjewel, one Tiger Dog, and one Moonswirl, ready to laugh at the plain boy at any moment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please don't yell at me, I'll go," He yelped, as two gentle paws stopped him. The Moonswirl smiled at him softly.
"Stay. Come to our party, we'll warm you up." She leaned into Hunter, sharing all of her warmth with him.
"What? Me?"
"Pff, yes you. Nobody deserves to spend Christmas Eve alone!" The Tiger Dog grinned.
Hunter crumbled to the ground all over again.
"Oh no, what's wrong?" The Sunjewel asked.
Hunter was stammering on every syllable, tears forming a puddle around his white paws.
"It's just- I just- I mean, I've never spent Christmas Eve with anyone. No family, no friends, nobody at all. I can't believe I can spend a Christmas Eve with you guys. Especially Main Listers." Hunter cried into the night, the snow picking up and turning a flurry into a blizzard.
"We aren't as elite as people think, dude." The Tiger Dog said.
"Yeah, we're just normal animals. Like you. Not different, not better, just like you." The Moonswirl beamed at him.
"OH MY GOSH!" The Sunjewel screeched.
"Where are my manners?! I'm Sunny, so pleased to meet you!" She grabbed Hunter's paw and shook it.
"Oh, yikes. Sorry, dude. I'm Tiger. Not super original, but that's my name." Tiger followed Sunny's example, shaking Hunter's paw.
"I'm Mona. Some people call me Luna or Moon. I'm Mona, though. Heh, I'm rambling." She grabbed his paw, blushing as they shook paws.
Last edited by Himalayan on Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Crouchy » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:12 am

My story will go here. Thank you!
Pet's name: Jelly
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Postby Smaug The Dragon » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:14 am

TH - Discord: That Nerd Mel#3399 - They / Them
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Postby loulouie » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:30 am

Holly sniffed at the air. The freezing wind blew her fur back and forth, but she was used to it. She peered down at the tracks that were almost hidden in snow. I'm almost there! I'll just quickly get Queen Frost out of there and her angels and run for it! Holly ran faster, while also trying to be quiet. Finally she arrived there.
" H-He-Hello? " She yelled, not too loudly as to not disturb animals around her. There was no response. She walked throw the cold blanket of snow, making sure to avoid ice. Finally she could see it. A grey tower stood above her. It was so tall it looked as if it was curling into the grey sky. Snow touched her nose, making her blink. She decided to go inside. When she arrived on the first floor, she saw nothing but a desk. The desk had a few papers on it. She took a closer look at the papers and realized it said prison cells and what pets were in them. She recklessly looked through the papers, throwing them down as she went. Finally, she found the one with the Queen's cell on it. The angels were locked in with her. All she had to do was go up onto the 4th floor, and hopefully no guards would stop her.

She ran up the spiraling stairs, before finally reaching the second floor. This floor was no different from the first, so she kept going up. She reached the third floor, and this time, she saw prison cells with rabbits, foxes, and other poor animals in them.
" The queen will save you guys soon, I promise! " she whispered, before leaving to the forth floor. As she reached it, she looked around. It looked dark and gloomy, and now the animals in it were all dogs, or bigger animals like bears. She stood on the last step, before moving swiftly, and silently through the dark prison cell, the only light source being the small bits of light that pooled through the cracks in the walls. She felt however uncomfortable here, as if something wasn't right. She finally found the queen's scent, and padded through a strange-looking hallway. There she saw the angels and her Queen in a cell. It was large, but they clearly didn't have any personal space anymore. She padded up to the cell, feeling confident. She had a replica of the keys, her Queen had made them previously to free the other animals. As she stood up to the cell, her queen looked up. Her frail body and dull eyes almost made the Queen she had noticed, seem gone.
" It's okay, I'll get you out! " The Queen only shook her head. Finally, she put the key in the lock, and twisted it. It made a screeching noise, before unlocking the cell. Once she opened it, her Queen came bolting out of the cell, the angels not far behind her. Now her queen's dull eyes had a wild look in them. As if she was scared and ready to fight. Her queen whispered something to her, before touching her crown onto Holly's head. Holly shuddered in shock, a static electric-feeling rippled through her body, and her back became numb.
" Use these to fly to safety, if they find out it was you, you'll be good as dead. " The Queen looked serious.
" W-What do you mea- " She turned her head to see green leaves were growing from her back.
" Eek! Okay! " she hastily agreed, as she heard guards coming.
" This is for putting me and my kingdom in danger! " She heard Queen scream, and a lot of sounds as if pots were being smashed. Finally, she reached the palace, and Queen and her angels were not far behind. Everyone was okay, the animals would soon be freed aswell.

Sorry I had to rap it up quickly, school :3
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Postby TinyPocky » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:37 am

Who needs a long boring story when you can get a weird short story?

It was a chilly Christmas Eve (December, 24th), and Holly saw her true love (her clone that was not a re-release) standing underneath some mistletoe. She found that the perfect time to swoop in and smooch her true love, french kiss style (yes full on tongue). Then, the mistletoe fell onto her and the power of her true love's kiss gave her the power to fly. She dumped her boyfriend and flew away into a world of fantasy. THE END

Epilogue (After): She found a sweet owner willing to take her in (you). Then the owner put Holly up for adoption. Holly was heart broken to leave her wonderful owner, but she understood what had to be done.
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Postby ric » Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:56 am

twas the night of halloween, there is was, a small pup, stranded on the streets.
Strangers pass, unknowing that this pup isn't actually a decoration item...
one kid, tess, dressed as a ghost, notices this pup.
"MA! MA! MA!" tess shouts, getting the attention of mother.
"yes, child?" she replies
"look! this puppo is all alone...can we pwease take it with us?" tess begs mother.
"child, we already have a lot of pets" she replies
"but, ma, it's halloween, and chrismas is right around the corner. What if the puppo can be my early christmas present?" tess looks up, full out with the child puppy eyes, pleading, mother couldn't resist.
"fine, but you know the rules" mother gives in.

santa, looking down from his sleigh on christmas eve, smiles as he sees tess play lovingly with his pup.
"Oh what a joy to see, a child with a pup"
overjoyed and full of sympathy santa sighs.
"this must be what the holidays are about, loving yourself and others."
readjusting his sleigh, santa snaps his finger and shouts:

-the end-

[Note:] yeah...pretty random i guess...
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