Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby kidcandy » Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:03 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Griff » Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:15 pm

Username + ID#: Griff 254592
Kalon Link:
Chosen Prompt: Are there any other sentient races/species?
Prompt Response:

The world that Phillip ended up on, Center, is a known crossroads for species that have lost their original homes or planets. As such, there are a lot of sentient species that share the space! The first ones to come to the world were the Stikensi. These creatures resemble horse-sized canines, only they bear rather unnatural colorations as well. Their tails are thin, but naturally form a spiral shape. This is where their magic is kept, and most carry two of these tails. Normally they have spaniel-like ears, but variations on this have been seen. They are all extremely intelligent, and are known to have tribal lifestyle once they have found others of their species!

Another thing that should be noted is that they sport feather crests upon their heads, and additional feathers sprout from their shoulders and haunches. Their front legs resemble those of a bird as well, with taloned feet that are quite good at grasping items or climbing.

The next species that bears mentioning is simply known as the Muses. These creatures resemble overly long ferrets, but with slightly longer legs and an over abundance of fur fluff. Their ears stand tall and are usually tufted, resembling a rabbit's. What is of note are their eyes, which bear no pupil and tend to be almond-shaped. They bear tiny clawed fingers with thick paw pads, and their noses also are small slits, again resembling a rabbit's. What should be noted is that like Stikensi, they are intelligent and capable of great magic. However the difference is that Muses specialize in their magic, choosing from an early age a single field to hone their skills in. They find a secondary person to bond with, sharing both their mind, emotions, and magic with.

Then there are the Dragoons. This race has both a human form as well as a massive dragon form. They are easy to spot in either form however, due to their very distinctive armor. This armor is earned and unique to each individual, often after a great feat has been achieved. They come in many colors, and in the past were divided into Clans. Ever since the fall of their original world however they tend to travel alone, unsure how to interact with others they may encounter.

Then you have the Bassetflies. They resemble basset hounds, however each has a pair of butterfly wings which allow the normally rather heavy canine to fly! While they cannot speak, they are regarded as sentient because they have been shown to communicate via their movements and magic! While they come in many colors and varieties, it should be noted each tends to prefer a certain type of flower and becomes a well known cultivator of it. They are extremely good gardeners, bringing life to places that may have been devoid of it before.

Lastly, there are the dracomuses. These are a rather large, fluffy, and draconic breed that not only excel in support magic but also in physical strength. Scales protect their bodies, and thick fluff keeps their hard hide further protected. They tend to act as Guardians for other races, are capable of speech although with a fairly strong accent, and are one of the most determined if not stubborn races in all of Center.

Token Worth: 5 tokens (546 words)
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby xx. » Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:42 am

Username + ID#: xx. , id: 281885
Kalon Link: off oekaki standard / final design
Chosen Prompt: What is their world’s creation story?
Prompt Response:
Of course, Charlie gets a say over how this story is told, being one of the handful of kalons there at the beginning. Life and death and- well, and creation herself, they all have a say too, and all their tales vary drastically, but nobody really cares about that. Everyone saw it differently and it's been too long to prove who's story is the truth so they all shuffle between stories, let those below pick and choose which to tell their kits when they send them to sleep, but if anyone asks- he'll tell his version. He always does.
There was light in the beginning. Not like the sun, no, the sun didn't exist until much later when life decided he needed a way to actually... keep things alive, you know. The light at the beginning was... harsher. Hot, sharp, crackling. We call it lightning now, I think - yes, lightning then, the beginning was all made of lightning.
Charlie loves the attention whenever he tells this tale. He gets scolded for scaring the children but hey, if children decide to come to him for a story while he happens to be in town, they should expect something scary. It was a time before anything else existed after all.
I came from that lightning, you know. I wasn't a creature yet, then, more of a... floating concept, per se. Aware enough to know that there was something happening, unable to move, not quite aware enough to comprehend that what I was seeing was the beginning of it all. The lightning lasted over a hundred thousand years -
- an exaggeration for fun, because quite frankly Charlie barely remembers the pre-born time and certainly had no concept of time. It makes the little kits gasp excitedly though, and one of them exclaims something about that being 'even older than his grandkal!'. He waits for them to finish chattering before he goes on.
- and then one day, it was all gone. Not suddenly, of course. The lightning then was very colourful and I saw some that were red, and bright, and then it was all around me and suddenly I had paws! It struck me and surrounded me, and then it began to vanish from everywhere but my eyes.
He reaches up to vaguely wave towards the lightning halo that kals often remark must be 'hard to see through'. Considering Charlie has never known any version of sight to exist where he hasn't had the sharp lines obscuring his vision, he doesn't see what the big deal is and thinks it's perfectly easy to see with. One of the kits jumps up and forward to try and swat at it and barely reaches a quarter of Charlie's sitting height. He reaches out and gently pushes the little thing back into the group of kits who are giggling at his brave attempt to swat a god.
"What happened then, Keeper?" one of them asks, and he goes on.
Well, once this appeared, the rest of the lightning went away. Before me were three other creatures like me. I had red lace tied around my paws, and when I followed it, it led straight to them as well. We introduced ourselves and then we went our own ways to figure out what to do now.
It didn't take long for Creation to figure things out. She began to make vast areas of space - literally space, as you all say now. And then she decided it was too dark and began to create stars to paint the sky in stories she wanted to tell. She wanted to share these stories with others too, so she joined with Life, and together they created Taigon.

He hits his paws off the dirt below them and gets several squeals as the kits recognise the name of the planet they live on. So very exciting, Charlie thinks dryly, as he watches them theorize about what happened next. One of the biggest yells that if they'd just listen to him, they'd all know, and everyone shuts up again. He appreciates it.
Creation and Life worked hard together to make this world sprout lasting life. It took a long time for anything to survive - every time they created life, a red string appeared, and I'd follow it into 'space' and never find the end. Eventually, they created the sun and when that was done, life began to survive, and the string went from space to each other. Everything was connected and while they worked hard to keep everything living, I had to make sure everyone was doing as they were supposed to, being where they were supposed to be.
That was when Death grew tired of watching us all, and she joined us herself. She reasoned that if life continued forever, and if life kept being created, there would eventually be no room for life to continue existing. Life never did like that but he allowed Death to do her job, and creatures began to die.
Charlie hadn't much liked that either. It'd been difficult to listen to Death talk about her white strings whenever she said they appeared, dragging her closer to the next, to the next, to the next. He glances up to the waiting eager faces and decides he won't scare them today. They'll learn about the white string when they're older.
He omits the fact that when they all die they'll see him cutting their red strings before it happens, severing their fates, because he always hates that part of the job and doesn't want these kits to be afraid of him right now. He's having fun telling his story.
Everyone got used to it, then. Creation and Life and Death and I perfected Taigon, made it exactly as it should be, and then we left to create other worlds. There were so many ideas we all had and we had so much fun, when we were young, making everything we'd ever wanted.
Other Gods popped up from our work eventually, born from the things we did - but this story isn't about them, is it? No. We created life elsewhere, and when we were done, we came back here to our home. It'd been so long since we had last seen you all and when we came back and saw what you had all done, we were amazed, and we fell in love with how cute you all were.

He reaches out to boop a particularly adorable kit on the nose and they squeak with delight, abandoning the story to run off to their parents and tell them that the God had called them pretty. He keeps talking because if they want to come back they will and there's no point in waiting.
We stayed here for good, after that. We created you all and we now give you life, decide when to take it away, and look after you in every way we can. Any questions?
"My dad says the world began with heat and ice," a kit near the back says, scrunching up her nose, and Charlie chuckles. Riftan's - Life's - story is definitely a popular one, and nobody can blame him - his storytelling skills are legendary. Still, Charlie just shrugs.
Lightning and hot ice are identical when you don't know what you're comprehending for the first time.
The kit considers it and then nods, relenting, and satisfied, Charlie goes back to listening to the kits before him fire off exciting question after exciting question.
He'll eventually have to go home, he knows, as he watches the red strings wrapped around all of the little things before him tangle and crisscross with each other. He'll have to go back up and start picking strings to tie and cut and sew back together, but he'll enjoy this first.
Token Worth: 1316w [10 tokens]
Previous Responses: What would they tell their past self? [PENNY - 10]
fame and fortune, or peace and love? [PENNY - 5]
what weather do they never want to experience again? [PENNY - 19]
starry night sky or vibrant sunrise? [PENNY - 14]
stairs, escalator, or elevator? [PENNY - 9]

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby xx. » Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:44 am

Username + ID#: xx. , id: 281885
Kalon Link: off oekaki standard / final design
Chosen Prompt: How do they behave at parties?
Prompt Response:
Charlie is, unfortunately, the exact type to start drama at parties. They're exactly the type of kal who'd say "I want you to know I personally don't have problems with you being here" to a random stranger they don't know in the slightest just to watch things kickstart, and when the paranoia and arguing sets in, he just sits back and watches it happen.
He doesn't go to many parties regardless, despite the fact he gets invitations to just about every high-end event that's ever been held in the entire history of time. Food and music disinterest him and he doesn't care to spend time making friends so the only reason he ever bothers to show up is to cause a scene.
Charlie will arrive, wander around for a while and pretend to drink whatever is given, while eyeing up potential people to pick on. He dismisses people who seem to be keeping to themself, ignores the host and the most popular handfuls of people, and instead targets the types who seem popular enough and friendly with the host but not so popular that they'd have any sort of reason to understandably understand why someone would be holding a vendetta against them. Then, when he's picked his prey, he heads over to start a simple conversation that'll eventually escalate to nothing but gossip. If the person seems uninterest in starting fights then he'll just move to the next person on his list until he finds someone with a short fuse who's going to blow.
Is it nice? No, absolutely not, but Charlie doesn't really care about that. It's fun to spice things up when you've spent your entire life lounging around being worshipped, especially when you face no consequences.

Token Worth: 289w [2 tokens]
Previous Responses: What would they tell their past self? [PENNY - 10]
fame and fortune, or peace and love? [PENNY - 5]
what weather do they never want to experience again? [PENNY - 19]
starry night sky or vibrant sunrise? [PENNY - 14]
stairs, escalator, or elevator? [PENNY - 9]
What is their worlds creation story? [CHARLIE - 10)

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby xx. » Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:47 am

Username + ID#: xx. , id: 281885
Kalon Link: off oekaki standard / final design
Chosen Prompt: Write about this kals earliest memory.
Prompt Response:
Is a memory from the moment you begin to comprehend the fact you exist? Is it from when you begin to become aware of yourself as a living being other than just... something? Is it from the moment you start to learn to understand your feelings and actions?
Charlie has asked several people these questions and always gotten some rubbish philosophical answer back when really, he just wants to know which it is. Regardless, for he himself he likes to define it as all three ways for convenience sake until he is certain.
His first memory from comprehending the fact that there was something existing around him, despite the fact at the time he had no ability to think or understand, is a limbo. A floating endless limbo of sharp noises and colours and no feeling, no feeling possible when you have nobody to feel it, but an awareness that there is something there, some form of greater energy that would, if possible, have the fur on your back standing on end.
Charlie refers to this time as the 'lightning storm to begin it all' - his counterparts define it in other ways, as burning ice, or deafening colours, or other such strange understandings, but Charlie prefers his lightning analogy. It makes the most sense to him whenever he tries to remember those times.
If a memory is when you begin to become aware of yourself as a living creature, it would be when that lightning struck him. It didn't hurt, which he's thankful for, because having been struck by lightning several dozen times over the course of the past few millennia he can't imagine coming into existence to the type of pain it causes would've made him a very happy kal.
Though of course the actual memory he isn't too fond of either. He remembers being struck, how bright the red had been, how he'd suddenly become aware of his paws under him and watched and felt as the brightness had wrapped around his legs and chest and tightened, and then pulled. He'd been powerless to stop the strings leading him along like a puppet and eventually, they'd led him to three others. None of them were the same creature as him, he'd known that much, and that was where what he classifies as his third first memory comes in.
It'd taken a while to figure out communication, though once the four of them had begun to realise they could understand each other, the realisation that they were the only livings things to exist, that all they had was each other - it was a sort of unspoken bond that's held for life. He remembers reaching up to pat Riftan's shoulder, a gesture intended to be reassuring, and how he'd gotten the wettest lick to his face in return. The sensation had been entirely new and yet he'd still understood enough to know it had been gross.
They'd eased into their friendships from there and they'd all made so many better memories together, but those first few moments shifting from comprehension of being, to awareness of being, to understanding what it was to be alive - they're cherished dearly by Charlie even if he'd never admit it to anyone.

Token Worth: 537w [5 tokens]
Previous Responses: What would they tell their past self? [PENNY - 10]
fame and fortune, or peace and love? [PENNY - 5]
what weather do they never want to experience again? [PENNY - 19]
starry night sky or vibrant sunrise? [PENNY - 14]
stairs, escalator, or elevator? [PENNY - 9]
What is their worlds creation story? [CHARLIE - 10)
How do they behave at parties? (CHARLIE - 2)

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Amplify » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:18 am

Username + ID#: Amplify [#426059]
Kalon Link: Anthos Orion

Chosen Prompt: What do they use as an escape?
Prompt Response:
    Every once and a while society becomes overwhelming to the point where Anthos just needs to get away, and there is no better means of escaping the stress than heading into the forest. Whether he be alone or with a friend, walking through the trees and admiring the flora and fauna alike never fail to calm him. Particularly in the forests that appear relatively untouched by dark magic.
Token Worth: Full Body (4) + Shading (2) + Color (3) + Background (5) + Multi Characters (5) = 19 Tokens

Chosen Prompt: What power would they want, and why?
Prompt Response:
    If you had asked when he was young, he’d have had a million different answers. “Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Right now, I believe that the ability to [manipulate chance…fill anything…alter personal stats…] would be the best choice based upon the idea that…”

    However now, there is only one answer he would give, because it is the only power that could save him. The ability to turn back time. Not to observe, not to learn, but to change the series of decisions that will forever haunt him. Although he has accepted that it wasn’t entirely his fault, and that even without his contributions the Corruption would’ve still occurred, he longed for the chance to do it all over with his memories intact.

    If he could only return to the very beginning, before he even allowed himself to witness sorcery in action, then he could approach the magical authorities with all the evidence against sorcery stored within his mind. It would be hard to believe, but memories spanning centuries are near impossible to fake, let alone the mental and emotional repercussions he has experienced as a result. He couldn’t remember what it felt like to be whole, uncorrupted. Nothing was the same, yet time cannot prevent him from missing the way things were, even as it stole the memories from him bit by bit.

    Though truth be told, he’d be grateful to be able to go back to any moment before the Incident which led to the global Corruption, at least a few days if not months. Neither would be long enough to prevent the corruption from occurring, but both opportunities would offer plenty of time to save those he once held dear, and perhaps prevent the Incident at Morsurbem from happening. If it hadn't occurred, the corruption wouldn't have had the ability to spread across the world in a handful days.

    A few months—if only he could go back to those few months prior—and he could save the world and himself from so much pain. The world would’ve had time to adjust to the corruption without the catastrophe at Morsurbem spreading it unprecedently fast. They could’ve adapted to be stronger than it, to resist it, or, in his wildest dreams, to destroy it at its source.

    A few days, and well, the world would’ve still been taken to front of the line at deaths door, but he could’ve at least saved his heart the loss of everyone he cared about the most. Perhaps it was a selfish thought, but he reasoned that since he prioritized travelling back further, the desire to travel back just far enough to protect them was a fair one. He’s given so much to the world after all, surely more than he’s taken by now. And it was him who led them to all be there, in that place, at that time. His great accomplishments in magical study, that don’t seem important at all anymore.

    So, although his choice of power may not be solely altruistic, he doesn’t have it in him to care. What’s wrong with desiring something just for himself after all, particularly that which he can never have.
Token Worth: 5 Tokens [529]

Previous Responses: N/A [First Post]

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby FluffyBirdie » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:55 am

Username + ID#: FluffyBirdie 750079
Kalon Link: off-oekaki
Chosen Prompt: Who are their most trusted friends?
Prompt Response:
    Milo has two friends that he would genuinely trust with his life: Aldric and Ren. Initially this relationship was necessary, being an elite group that must work closely together on deadly missions. Regardless of how you felt about your team members, you were expected to work together and complete the task. Maybe their friendliness developed out of a lack of choice, but Milo felt like they would have been close friends regardless. Aldric served as the glue tying the trio together, especially because Ren was prone to butting heads with Milo. He would label himself and Ren to be relatively logical people, but he would be the first to admit that they sometimes get so caught up in debating that they would forget what the situation was around them. Aldric would swoop in here, firmly shutting the argument down and maybe also giving them an earful. Milo would not hesitate to talk to Aldric about anything or claim Aldric was his best friend, something he has done multiple times. He knew his plans can sometimes be hard to understand, but Aldric's persistent and unwavering support was something he could confidently fall back on. And his optimism was crucial, especially in times when Milo lost a bit of confidence in his strategies when he failed to foresee something.

    As for Ren, Milo could not recall a single moment where they called each other friends without being sarcastic. And as resistant both of them were about admitting it, Milo would also consider Ren to be his close friend. He knew the both of them would be more than willing to die for the other, and likely fall into an argument over who should live (which would probably resulting in them both dying because they took too long). Unlike Aldric, who rarely questioned what Milo was doing, Ren picked up the slack, more than willing to constantly ask the 'how' and 'why' questions over every detail, and pick his brains over how much he knew. Milo does appreciate Ren's criticisms, allowing him to really explore every possible option and bounce ideas off someone who was happy to shoot those ideas down with brutal logic. If it weren't for Ren's probing questions, they would not have ten thousand backup plans for every fail scenario. Which did get annoying to plan, and it meant they sometimes took longer than necessary to do anything, but he could agree with the sentiment: better safe than sorry.

    With these two, it felt like he had an angel and a devil on his shoulder, with Aldric as the ever supportive and positive thinker and Ren constantly playing devil's advocate and asking about the worst case scenarios. Milo was grateful for it, having two people who thought quite differently on his team and hence allowing him to view a problem from more than one side. He was certain that were he grouped with two people who weren't his two close friends, he would have failed in a mission much sooner, and missed out on the chance to get to know some of the best people on this planet.
Token Worth: 5 - 518 words
Previous Responses: n/a

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby PleaserOfCrowds » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:57 am

Username + ID#: PleaserOfCrowds 756851
Kalon Link: Angel
Chosen Prompt: Who are their most trusted friends?
Prompt Response: Image
Sometimes a friend group can be a very skittish pilot, a soft scientist that’s committed crimes against nature, a flirty thief who can’t catch a break, a strange ship captain, her grumpy 2nd in command, the pilot’s sleepy mechanic brother, a guy with luck to strong the government is after him, the one who basically broke everything by just their mere existence, a random that’s definitely not a demon, and mysterious space racer with a want for vengeance. Though they’re all a disaster, Angel wouldn’t trade them for the world.

Token Worth: 1 (Sketch) + 5 (Multiple Characters) + 5 (Background) = 11 tokens (Please count the art!)
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby persimmon » Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:30 am

Username + ID#: persimmo.n + 394121
Kalon Link: Waylan
Chosen Prompt: "Who are their most trusted friends?"
Prompt Response:
(featuring Vesa
Token Worth: 13 tokens
bust (3) + shading (2) + color (3) + multiple characters (5) = 13
Previous Responses:
color they would wear for the rest of their life

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby •boo• » Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:28 am

Username + ID#: NightMareRose + 761033
Kalon Link: Melon
Chosen Prompt: "Do they want kids?"
Prompt Response: Both Celeste and Melon love kids and while only Celeste has kids at the moment Melon would love to.
With Celeste
Token Worth: 24
Full-body (4), Color (3), Shading (2), Animation (5), Background (5), Multiple Characters (5)
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