Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby ThatPinkThing » Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:27 pm

Username + ID#: ThatPinkThing + 300398
Kalon Link: Kenji
Chosen Prompt: How did they meet their bestie/friend/love?
Prompt Response: [791 words = 5 tokens]
Kenji was a loner by nature and out of habit, so when he expected to be alone, such as walking along a secluded area of the beach at sunset, he was not at all looking out for others. There should be no one to look out for. So when he suddenly tripped and heard a sharp, "Ow!" under him, he was surprised and confused.

An orange kalon much smaller than Kenji had been laying in the sand enjoying a book. He'd heard Kenji's steps but thought the man would go around him. He shook sand out of his book and sat up with a scowl. "Dude, watch where you're stepping."

Kenji was caught off guard by that. Usually his looks and resting angry face made others watch their words around him, but this little guy said it how it was. "Maybe don't lay-"

The orange kalon snorted, "no man, there was plenty of space to go around me," but he wasn't being rude or argumentative, he was conversing. Even when Kenji was... Kenji.

"Uh.. yeah, sure. Whatever."

"What are you doing down this end of the beach anyway?" The orange kal asked. "Most folks don't think this spot's the place to be."

"I saw it from the road when I arrived in town earlier and, like you said, it seemed quieter. I prefer to be by myself." Kenji replied.

"Yeah, me too. At least when it comes to when I'm trying to read. Kits with their games and yelling doesn't make for good reading atmosphere... I'm Ariel by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Kenji, and uh... same I guess." Kenji stood there trying to figure out if he should leave and let Ariel read or if the other still wanted to talk. Ariel answered that for him.

"Hey, since you're new in town and you like the quiet spots, want me to show you my favorite one? Might make a good retreat if the folks in town are asking you too many personal questions." Ariel said with both jest and sincerity. Kenji appreciated that the guy could pick up on his loner preferences and was willing to help him find a hiding spot. He nodded and Ariel put his book away and hopped up, nodding down the beach. "It's not far."

Ariel led Kenji to a cave on the beach, ducking in and walking along the water that was about ankle deep inside. He led the way in and down the tunnel which got darker and darker. After a while of walking, Kenji began to wonder if the munchkin kal was crazy, but right as he was about to say he was heading back, a strange light caught his eye up ahead. Ariel turned suddenly into a side tunnel that Kenji hadn't even noticed, and while he followed his guide, he did look back at the strange spot of light in the main tunnel. He made a face. "Hey, what was that-" his jaw dropped when he focussed again on Ariel and made a few more winding turns, arriving in a gorgeous cavern filled with light. Bioluminescent something was all over the walls of the cave and even under the water, which babbled quietly as it bubbled up from a spring and formed a cool pond in the cavern. The water got a little deeper in here, now up to Kenji's knees, but the cold water didn't bother him. He was too baffled by the sight.

"Algae or something," Ariel answered the unfinished question. The lone patch in the main tunnel that Kenji had seen was the same as this stuff. Ariel sat atop a smooth stone that came up out of the water. He looked quite pleased with himself for impressing Kenji. "Don't know for sure. I could probably ask Fiona - the town scientist - but then she'd wanna see it and I don't think this place would stay serene for long 'cause she talks a lot."

"People really don't know this is here?" Kenji asked in disbelief as he waded around the pond and looked at the glowing patches on the rocks.

"A few do. Me, Damon, and Sawyer for sure. Probably a couple others. But it's fun to keep it secret. Feels like a treasure."

"Then why show it to a new stranger in town?" Kenji asked suspiciously. Ariel tilted his head and smiled.

"You seem like the type to really appreciate the treasure too, like the rest of us who know. Consider it a welcome gift, but not one you have to politely eat while the maker watches you."

Kenji snorted. "Thanks."

He didn't know it in the moment, but Kenji would later become close with Ariel. So close that he'd consider him his first best friend.
Previous Responses: dream home / comfort food
stairs, escalator, or elevator?/a smell they HATE
self portrait/what they're in prison for/stars or sunrise?

Username + ID#: ThatPinkThing + 300398
Kalon Link: Kenji
Chosen Prompt: What is something that they are truly neutral on?
Prompt Response: [631 words = 5 tokens]
Kenji sat at the far corner table in the cafe, away from the windows, the registers, and most importantly, away from other guests. It was hot today and the cafe had gelato which always makes a heavily-fluffy kalon feel better. So Kenji sat far away, eating his two scoops of some berry flavor from a tiny cup with a tiny pink spoon while wearing a very contrasting grumpy face. He sighed and looked out the front window when two kits came in very loudly and excitedly. One had purple fur and her paws tapped excitedly as she talked, and the other was smaller and missing a hind leg but didn't seem at all hindered. The smaller kit, Daisy, ordered first, and Caroline, the purple kit, followed after her, paying for both their treats with money given to her by her mother.

Kenji was doing his best to ignore them. They were loud and young so their voices were shrill. He took another bite from his tiny pink spoon.

After the girls got their orders, an argument sparked. It was hard not to overhear.

"What do you mean though? Chocolate's not the best, vanilla is! Vanilla goes with everything and doesn't stain your fur when it drips!" Caroline said. Daisy shook her head.

"Maybe, but chocolate's better! It tastes better, and there's more chocolate stuff. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, chocolate milk, chocolate bars-- when've you ever heard of a vanilla bar? Never!"

"That's because vanilla is refined, it doesn't need to be dumped into every little thing! It's-"

"It's boring is what it is," Daisy snickered, threatening to spill chocolate gelato on Caroline's fur. Caroline screamed and Kenji closed his eyes, mumbling to himself about never having kits.

"Girls, would you mind using inside voices?" He asked them firmly. His expression was unamused and his tone uninviting, but Daisy spoke to him anyway, which made him sigh.

"Yeah but first you have to tell Caroline that chocolate's better than vanilla."

"Nuh-uh! No! You tell HER that vanilla is superior-" Caroline said haughtily.

"As if!"

"Girls." Kenji said firmly. They both stopped and looked at him. He looked between them. When he was satisfied that they were paying attention, he gave his answer. "They're both fine. Neither's better than the other. It's up to personal preference."

The kits' jaws dropped. "What?" Daisy gasped.

"Yeah, what? Vanilla's so obviously better and if you can't-"

"It's not better," Kenji said.

"Ha!" Daisy laughed and pointed at Caroline. "Chocolate wins!"

Kenji shook his head. "No, chocolate's not better either. They're both fine."

"Okay, sure, but which one do you like better?" Caroline pressed. Daisy leaned in expectantly. Kenji leaned back. They were both in his personal space bubble. He knew his answer would not make them happy and he had already tried to settle their fight so now he just had to tell them his opinion. Who cares if they didn't like it, he could just tell them to go away after this, they had pestered them enough.

"I don't like either." Kenji said flatly. The kits blinked. It took them a minute to process but they could tell he was being serious. If he didn't like either, then what kind of man was he? Crazy? They looked at each other and then back at him before slowly leaving his space and sitting a few tables away, whispering to themselves and hurriedly eating their gelato, which had started to melt while they argued.

Kenji sniffed and went back to eating his own gelato in silence and looking out the window. It was nice to have peace again. Even if the kits did think he was off his rocker for not liking vanilla or chocolate. He frankly could not care less what they thought of him.
Previous Responses: dream home / comfort food
stairs, escalator, or elevator?/a smell they HATE
self portrait/what they're in prison for/stars or sunrise?

Username + ID#: ThatPinkThing + 300398
Kalon Link: Kenji
Chosen Prompt: Are they logical or emotion based in their decisions? Perhaps even both?
Prompt Response: [263 words = 2 tokens]
Kenji bases his decisions in logic and what will best benefit him in the long run, but every once in a while he can be persuaded to make a decision by emotion.

His most notable and jarringly 'logic-over-emotion' decision was the end of his first relationship, which had been serious for some time and they had talked about marriage even, but when his girlfriend needed to move to accept a dream job and Kenji couldn't stand the city she'd need to move to, so he let her go. It broke her heart more than his, but he made his choice thinking long term. He wanted her to be happy and successful and fulfilled. He wanted her to take that job. But he knew he wouldn't do well there or with a long distance relationship. The strain would make the relationship sour and likely end in flames, leaving it a painful memory rather than a treasured one. So, to preserve the memories they'd made and make sure they could both be happy in the future, he chose to break both their hearts in the present.

He also chose to live in a tiny house for convenience and independence. He values those more than he seems to value settling down and setting down roots somewhere. He enjoys seeing the world and chose a home that would let him do that. He may fall in love with a place but at the end of the metaphorical day, there is more to see out there, and he wants to see it, so he stays on the move.
Previous Responses: dream home / comfort food
stairs, escalator, or elevator?/a smell they HATE
self portrait/what they're in prison for/stars or sunrise?

Username + ID#: ThatPinkThing + 300398
Kalon Link: Kenji
Chosen Prompt: What's their dream companion?
Prompt Response: [107 words = 1 token]
Kenji's dream companion is a tortoise, surprisingly. He'd like to have a pet to keep him company, but not one that constantly needs attention like a dog or a bird. He's had cats and while he enjoys having them, he also finds himself frustrated cleaning up dead birds and hairballs. Lizards are too fragile to him, he worries when they shed and about the specific enclosure needs they have. And rodents are far too small and speedy and tricky for him. A tortoise seems to suit both his needs and wants. And it helps that he thinks they're interesting creatures, being fascinated by their shells and lifespans.
Previous Responses: dream home / comfort food
stairs, escalator, or elevator?/a smell they HATE
self portrait/what they're in prison for/stars or sunrise?

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you can call me Kels or Pink - she/her - adult

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby OriGalaxii » Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:29 pm

Username + ID#: LexxGalaxii + 874104
Kalon Link: Ori
Chosen Prompt: Are They an early bird or a night owl?
Prompt Response: [3 am just dance,,]
Token Worth: [14 tokens], Full body 4, Shading 2, Color 3, Background 5
Previous Responses:
For Ori; [1], [2]

Username + ID#: LexxGalaxii + 874104
Kalon Link: Luna
Chosen Prompt: Do They enjoy school?
Prompt Response: [She preferred english class for the books, but a yes overall]
Token Worth: [18 tokens]. Bust 3, Shading 2, color 3, Background 5, Multiple Characters (Oriand Pip) 5
Previous Responses: For Ori; [1], [2] and above

Username + ID#: LexxGalaxii + 874104
Kalon Link: Luna
Chosen Prompt: Do they have a pet?
Prompt Response: [A snowy Owl named Dame]
Token Worth: [13 TOkens]. Bust 3, Shading 2, Color 3, Extra Character (her pet) 5
Previous Responses: For Ori; [1], [2] and above
For Luna: See Above

Username + ID#: LexxGalaxii + 874104
Kalon Link: Luna
Chosen Prompt: Do they prefer a starry sky or a vibrant sunrise?
Prompt Response: [She'd always choose the night over anything else]
Token Worth: [14 Tokens] Full Body 4, Shading 2, Color 3, Background 5
Previous Responses: For Ori; [1], [2] and above
For Luna: See Above
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby TARTMAGICA » Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:31 pm

Username + ID#: TARTMAGICA 1008946
Kalon Link: [Moth]
Chosen Prompt: "if they were stuck on an island, what three things would they bring?"
Prompt Response: a practical kal: a survival blade, a thick carrying bag, and a portable wood stove
Token Worth: 4 (fb) + 2 (pixel) + 2 (shading) + 3 (color) + 5 (bg) = 16 tokens
Previous Responses: [ice cream flavor]

(16 + 6 - 20 + 16 = 18)
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Sadcat » Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:31 pm

Username + ID#: CatOwU 1004338
Kalon Link: Hazard
Chosen Prompt: "Do they have any pets?"
Prompt Response: More a friend than a pet, but a duck!
Token Worth: Bustshot - 3 Shading - 2 = 5
Previous Responses: 1 2 3 4 56
Previously CatOwU
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby nermal1999 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:02 pm

Username + ID#: Nermal1999 (214589)
Kalon Link: Koda
Chosen Prompt:
What makes them feel loved?
Being with his family/friends, sharing a smile with someone, or even saying I love you is enough for Koda to feel loved, but head are also acceptable.
Token Worth:
(Bust-shot=3) (Shading bonus=2)
(Color bonus=3)
Totally= 8 tokens.
Previous Responses:
(Koda's prompts)
What is their main goal in life?
Where do they go to relax?
Are they a beach or a hike kind of person — or neither?
Do they prefer the sun, or a cloudy day?
What was it like for them growing up?
Your Kal just saw a shooting star, what do they wish for?
(Charity's Prompts)
What do they use as an escape?
How do they behave at parties?

Hello I'm nermal1999


(She/her ☆ Adult ☆ dyslexic)

(PTSD, Anxiety, Depression,)

Likes: drawing, writing, listening to music,
Anime, Manga, Video games, TWST.
This is me | Kalons | Artfight

("You guys will be fine without me here, right?"Idia Shroud )

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby sobble » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:02 pm

Username + ID#: Sobble 918599
Kalon Link: Mahi
Chosen Prompt: What flower would they
use to describe themself as?
Prompt Response:
Token Worth:
Bust: 3
Color: 3
Shade: 2
Total: 8
Previous Responses: 1 2 3 4 5 6
    They/them | Adult | PA student
    Prone to experiencing mental illness, please be nice.
    I love pokemon, coffee, and my late kitty Cleo.
    PMs OK for reminders or commissions/discord tag
    Art credits linked to images!
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby epilogue » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:04 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby arsonbird » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:07 pm

Username + ID#: Firedoodle! - 1018675
Kalon Link: Forum/viewtopic.php?t=4621433
Chosen Prompt: Do they prefer a starry sky or a vibrant sunrise?
Prompt Response: here :)
Token Worth: fullbody +4 - shading bonus +2 - color bonus +2 - background bonus +5
Total: 13, but i only need 5 bc i only have 1 common edit haha
Previous Responses: none!
chicken smoothie, huh?

pls don't look at my old art it's ugly ;w;
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby lovage » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:09 pm

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: evelyn
    Chosen Prompt: What would their secret hide out look like?
    Prompt Response:
      Within the castle walls and beyond the secondary courtyard, there is a place that Evelyn often goes to get some sort of quiet. The castle is always busy and others always need her to give word to the rulers or just some other important task. And, this is the only place where she can go for a place of peace and quiet since no one truly likes to go here. It is rumored that it is haunted, so that’s why. As for her secret hiding spot, this is how she decorated her hiding spot.

      There is a small ruined shed that has most of the rumored spirits there. The small space feels extremely roomly and homely for what she likes. In the center, it is a desk for some simple writing that is very simple compared to her lavish one in her official office. A small sort of chair that comes from a matching set of the table, and it has a small patchwork cushion sat upon it. Yet, it gives her a very comfortable feel with its rough wooden texture and rough polish finish. On the sides, it has a small bookshelf in there that houses all of her favorite books that range from childhood favorites to classics that she enjoys a lot. Normally, she prefers to read in here compared to any official writings that she has to do. The final thing of note is the lighting. There is a lamp that hangs above the door and one on the adjacent wall that gives the entire room a warm glow over her secret hiding place. And, that’s what her secret hiding place is like.
    Token Worth: 276 words - 2 tokens
    Previous Responses:
    one two and three
    four and five

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: evelyn
    Chosen Prompt: Are they afraid of death?
    Prompt Response:
      To be fair, Evelyn is someone who is immortal, or at least one that can’t die all too easily from what has been told to her. She may die due to differing reasons yet she wouldn’t face death anytime soon, as comforting as that is. So, why would an immortal being of sorts be so scared of death? It is quite ironic to hear it without any reason. Yet, she is deathly afraid of death itself. However, she has a “good” reason for this fear, and this something that she now fears even more since she broke that deal with the old god of justice. Death means that she’ll have to face the old gods within the spirit realms. And, she knows that all she’ll get is an earful of the broken deal for eternity and all the anger and hatred that comes from it. It also means punishment of some sort, and that is to be expected from a broken deal between a mortal and an old god.

      Punishments for breaking a deal like how she did with that golden blade are harsher than any mortal mind can comprehend from what she knows. That is due to how the deals are very highly regarded and would be seen as “treason” for anyone to break their end of a deal, meaning that it wouldn’t be pretty as soon as the participants meet face to face within any realm. And, due to her deal, she is destined to go to the spirit realm after death due to the fact that the other participant, aka the old god of justice that she ruined with what she did, of that dreaded deal resides there. From her own knowledge, the other participant is highly mad and raging at anything regarding their deal even though they seemed more calm after she broke that deal, making it a total lie from what they said before she casted them out of the mortal realm to break the deal. That is the main reason why she fears death so much, but this fear tends to overwhelm her at points.

      This fear of death absolutely makes her be even more fearful due to the reason of the deal being broken. But, it has gotten to the point where she even causes others to make up this fear. The only known thing that she knows can truly kill her is a golden blade, or just gold melted and forged in a specific way and with a certain ingredient or two. And, that would send her straight to the spirit realm which she deathly fears due to the angry and hate filled old god that she’ll face there. So, she has enforced rules and other things to ensure that nothing gold related can get near her at all and even has banned it within her own personal wing of the castle. To her, it is better to take these precautions then even remotely think of being accidentally near one of those dread items.

      Death to her is something that she does alot even if it is something that necessarily doesn’t need to be with being an immortal being. But, at last, the entire idea of facing the old god that she struck down in the mortal realm being angry and warning to punish her for some long time makes her fear death this much.
    Token Worth: 563 words - 5 tokens
    Previous Responses:
    one two and three
    four and five

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: astrid
    Chosen Prompt: A smell they absolutely HATE
    Prompt Response:
      Astrid was walking through the historical district of her city. The flowers were in bloom like always for that district. It was a beautiful day as she was about to head towards the park for a quick walk. She had been trapped up trying to work out some art before getting frustrated, needing a change of scenery. The entire park was lively and smelled very nice to her as she ventured down the path. Others were walking about underneath the shade of the trees along the concrete path, and it would be perfect.

      Yet, there was something off of the area. There was a new yet disgusting smell that lingered in the air that the park held. No one else seemed to be bothered by it like her, so she just had to figure out what was driving her smell mad. And, when she went to investigate, she came across some small stall located near a larger picnic area, and it was obvious that it was cooking something up that smelled so horrid. When she got closer, it turned out to be some form of meat that gave off that smell. The small stall was selling some type of meat, and she got close enough to see that it was multiple barbecued meats that smelled so terrible. That was the day that she discovered the smell that she hated most, and she hated it so much to the point where she just needs to avoid it so much due to that hatred.
    Token Worth: 252 words - 2 tokens
    Previous Responses:
    one two and three
    four and five

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: evelyn
    Chosen Prompt: Stairs, escalator, or elevator?
    Prompt Response:
      To be completely honest, Evelyn would never encounter anything outside of stairs within her kingdom. They do have similar forms to what we know as escalators and elevators with levitation and a constant movement spell, but they go under differing names and require magic unlike our own technology. However, to put her within a modern and technologically similar world as to our own, it would end up being something like the following:
      The sounds of the mall were buzzing within and around her ears as her eyes darted across the grand room. Now, this was a market that rivaled her kingdom’s largest one which was already large enough to take up ten blocks, but this had to be closer to twenty blocks. Spotting a shop above her featuring all sorts of modern trinkets, she just had to visit it yet couldn’t seem to find the stairs, so she had to find help of some form from a friendly face. So she went to find a worker, and only one worker among the crowd caught her eye as they were emptying a trash bin. “Market worker, I need some assistance,” Evelyn said as she approached them.

      “What do you need, ma’am?” they asked her without really caring too much.

      “A way to get up to that shop,” she replied as she pointed up towards the shop.

      Without looking up, the mall employee just replied with a simple. “Take the escalator or elevator then.” They kept on doing what they needed to until Evelyn asked some follow up questions.

      “How about some stairs? Those objects aren’t familiar to me at all, market worker,” she said. She just needed something familiar within an unfamiliar land, so she needed some stairs instead of whatever an elevator or escalator is.

      They just looked up from the work that they were doing, and just responded with the following. “Well, we don’t really have those here, but you would like escalators then, ma’am, if you like stairs so much,” they said.

      “But, what are they?” Evelyn asked them. She needed to know before she took that risk on some sort of weird new device.

      “It is just some stairs that are constantly moving, and they are to your left,” the mall employee said as they pointed down towards them.

      “Moving stairs?” Evelyn replied. The concept confused her even though the kingdom had moving transportation like such moving stairs.

      “Yes, you step on them and they just take you to the next floor,” they responded. It was weird that someone didn’t truly know what an escalator or elevator are yet it was not too weird.

      Questions were forming within her mind. Though only a few could really be asked to inform her. “Is there a magic user manning them? Ensuring the safety of everyone here?” Evelyn asked.

      “There’s no such thing as a magic user here, ma’am,” they sighed. This was ridiculous but they just had to deal with it. “Safety features are already in place in case of emergencies, so they are perfectly safe.”

      “Whatever these safety features are does no’t sound right without a magic user watching over it, so just tell me where those- Market worker, what is that thing?” Evelyn asked as she pointed to a glass floating room that was raising and lowering mall shoppers as they went in between floors. It was absolutely breathtaking to her.

      “And, that is just an elevator. That was what I was telling you about,” they replied just in some mild form of disbelief. Why would someone be so invested into this simple everyday thing, but honestly who cares. Wanting to say more, all they could say was just, “There is nothing special about it.”

      “An elevator... what an odd spell name,” Evelyn murmured before her mind started to roam to the more technical side of it. She wanted to know what spells would be used to achieve an elevator within her own kingdom. “How does it work? How many magic users does it take, and what kind of spell category is this in? How does one get this installed? And, it is called an elevator due to elevating oneself above others?”

      “Geez, you really like that ‘wanting to live in a fantasy world’ thing to even try to keep up a character like that, ma’am. But, I will play along I guess,” the mall employee replied. They did not get paid nearly enough to deal with this weird person who was overtly fascinated with everything as if it was magical. But, to play along, they answered the questions. “Technology that engineers made, and you have to get some sort of contract, license, or whatever to get one installed. Magic does not exist here, and all that this thing does is move people to different flows, not make them become more ‘elevated’ like some ruler. How about you try it?”

      “Of course, market worker, and have a fine evening,” she said as she rushed off towards the elevator. Trying to open it wasn't as easy as she expected to be with finding the source that opened it up, and she sat baffled until a disgruntled shopper pushed a button in front of her, opening up the sliding doors of the elevator.

      She stepped in and was fascinated by it until her stomach dropped. It started to go up and it was frightening yet magical. The way that it ascended and was able to gently do it. It was just very impressive to her. And, it was truly breathtaking like when she viewed it upon the ground. Stepping off of it, she clearly missed the level that she wished to visit, but that did not bother her as much as one would expect as she just found something that she favored a lot. Yet, she knew one thing that she was definitely certain of was that she preferred these elevators over escalators and stairs any day. Maybe, she has to look into installing one of these elevators within the kingdom as they could use some.
    Token Worth: 1007 words - 10 tokens
    Previous Responses:
    one two and three
    four and five

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: astrid
    Chosen Prompt: What is their favorite scent?
    Prompt Response:
      Astrid absolutely loves the scent of a faint spring evening with a fragency bloom of all wild flowers that one needs mixed in. It is very nostalgic for her to smell it as it reminds her of the forest that she used to spend a majority of her free time in. Due to that, she has since become way too obsessed with it to the point where it has taken over most of her fragrances around her home. Every candle, perfume, and even soap has some variation of this smell to it surrounding her favorite smell as it would be some form of wild flower or even springtime. It has gotten to the point where some friends have even tried to warn her about obsession, but this scent will eternally be her favorite regardless of what others tell her.
    Token Worth: 139 words - 1 tokens
    Previous Responses:
    one two and three
    four and five

    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: astrid
    Chosen Prompt: What type of weather would they prefer to never experience again?
    Prompt Response:
      The perfect day as some would describe it with a large, beaming smile. A summer day with no clouds in the sky, and the constant heat that felt nice upon one’s self. With the sun hanging brightly in the sky, the perfect day to swim or to enjoy summer as a whole. This “perfect” weather is something that Astrid would rather not encounter ever again within her life. It is absolutely a miserable type of weather that she can’t seem to wrap her head around on why others love it so much. It absolutely irks her that she hears about how this is the constant day that everyone dreams of.

      To her, this is an absolute nightmare of a day to Astrid. The heat of the sun just absolutely destroys her as she doesn’t have much of a heat restraint to anything above sixty degrees fahrenheit. So, it becomes an absolute mess for her with anything past that, and the fact that there aren’t any clouds in the sky just makes it worse. As there is little to no shade anywhere on these days, there is no way to escape the heat imposed by such a hot day like this “perfect” day. It is a disaster of the day that she ends up spending the entire time inside as everyone else would be off enjoying it. So, the “perfect” day of a cloudless sky, summer day, and the constant heat is something that Astrid would wish to never experience again within her life.
    Token Worth: 253 words - 2 tokens
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    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: astrid
    Chosen Prompt: What is their favorite sound?
    Prompt Response:
      It would have to be the sound of the start up of a video game system for Astrid. It is just a very nostalgic sound that reminds her of her own childhood. She would always spend the entirety of summer doing what she wanted and playing constantly on a gaming console. She spent this time in joy and being joined by smiling and the friendship of friends, family, and anyone who would play with her in these games. It is a time that gave her absolute joy regardless of what others thought of it, and it still does even as she ages. And, she constantly

      Another reason as to why she likes the sound of a video game system starting up is the following. The sound of a video game system starting up just calms her down a lot as well. This is her way to destress and absolutely let’s her rewind from her whole day. Most days are filled with the stresses of college and work that make her wear down thin sort of. So, she always needs a way to destress without it being too overwhelming. And, she found that within video games, that sound helped her to start to destress as she knows that video games help her get out of the stress of her day.

      Overall, the sound of a video game system starting up just let’s her relive her childhood and its whole nostalgia along with being her way to destress. It is her way to rewind from her day and experience nostalgia.
    Token Worth: 258 words - 2 tokens
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    Username + ID#: lovage + 817593
    Kalon Link: astrid
    Chosen Prompt: What is something that they would rather choose death over than do?
    Prompt Response:
      To be fair, everyone has fear of some kind like heights, the ocean, random dark corners in your room, and more. But, this fear is what absolutely drives Astrid away from most things. It is proditiophobia, or as more commonly known as the fear of being betrayed, but for her, proditiophobia culmigates within her as betraying her own self like her moral codes or even someone dear to her. So, she would rather face death rather than facing her fears of being betrayed. So, how about a little story to explain why from her own reasoning?
      It was an average day in the college library as Astrid and her friend sat off from their study group. They usually would be doing homework and going through problems together, but today was a day where they just did not have the entire group so they worked individually until someone had a question. Her friend sat next to her, and they were deep into typing away the essay until something caught their mind. “You want to hear about something that I just learned about,” they said with a happy smile. This was usual as they always would find some random fun fact to share with their friend group, so Astrid looked up, eager to find out what it was. “It is really interesting, and I know that you will find it very interesting, much like me.”

      “What interesting find do you have to tell me today?” she asked. She knew that this would be an interesting fun fact if her friend had to be like that when trying to tell her it.

      “I heard that our little friend, you know which one I am talking about, is failing their tests and even tried to cheat off the smart kid,” her friend told her. Astrid sat there in disbelief as this seemed out of character for her friend, and this gossip seemed like some type of betrayal for her other friend. “How much does one have to go just to stoop that low? I honestly-”

      That honestly soured the mood of learning a fun fact. “And, I honestly do not care about what their grades are at all,” Astrid interjected. The entire thing just should not be discussed as their friend’s grades were not something for them to discuss at all. “We should not even be discussing this at all. If that was true at all, then they would have asked us for help and joined our study group, so it is all false.”

      “It’s just a rumor. I don’t even know if it is true or not, but it truly sounds like it is true,” her friend chuckled with a small smirk forming on her face. Her friend obviously liked this gossip which Astrid hated. “It is not like betrayal or something, so why do you care so much?”

      “I find this to be betrayal as it breaks our friend’s trust in us. And, I care so much because betrayal is a devil’s game,” Astrid replied. It was a half truth as she did not fully trust the truth with her friend. “It is spinning a bottle and never knowing what the outcome will be. It is dangerous.”

      Pressing further, her friend knew that was not the true answer. “Wow, a little gossip would not hurt someone at all and besides everyone does it now and then, and putting that aside, that is a complete lie. So, why do you truly care so much?” they asked.

      “You seem like you believe that betrayal is just nothing, but it can be everything to someone who just fears a lot,” Astrid growled. She hated what she was getting herself into. “I have seen the consequences as to why betrayal, even if it is a little gossip like you say, hurts worse than anything that you have ever experienced.”

      “Sure,” they replied, pushing off what Astrid just said. They truly did not care at all even if this would ruin their friendship. “I still do not care about ‘betrayal’ and the ‘horrors’ of it.”

      “I do not think my fear of being betrayed or even betrayal itself is not unreasonable,” Astrid said. “I honestly fear it more than I fear death.”

      “That is pathetic,” they said to her. They seemed to be laughing sort of and even liked how mad Astrid was doing. “Death is way worse, so why do you even say that at all? Or, are you afraid that I might betray you too?”

      “Maybe, it is because of the fact that I have been on the opposite side of this, so being betrayed by others so many times to the point where I have lost count. It honestly feels like a train hits you when someone you trust with everything just turns out to be a two-faced liar,” Astrid ranted. Rage was building up as what she was saying hit very close to home for herself. “It has become a fear due to how much I care about others over myself. I do not want anyone to be in that position that I was in, so it has become an overwhelming fear for me to the point where death seems so much better than being forced to betray someone or myself. So, now, do you understand why I care so much?”

      Huffing, her friend collected their items and turned their back on her. “Fine, I am just going to leave if you want to be such a joy kill,” her friend said as a goodbye. “See you later if you still do not think of me as a two-faced liar by then.” Her friend left the library and left Astrid uneasy within that study group along with hoping that friend, or ex-friend now, would never return to them. And, that entire thing was true from what she said to that friend. She would rather face death than betray anyone due to how she had felt about being betrayed in the past and the fear that came from it.
    Token Worth: 1005 words - 10 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby mallowpop » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:24 pm

Username + ID#: mallowpop + 931555
Kalon Link: Georgia
Chosen Prompt: Self | What is their main goal in life?
Prompt Response:
Georgia wants to open a candle shop where she can sell
the candles she makes! She's super enthusiastic about it.
(click for full image/resolution)
Token Worth:
Fullbody (4) + Color (3) + Shading (2) = 9 tokens
Previous Responses:
1. Self | How would this kal draw/describe themselves?
2. Preferences | What's their favorite accessory?

Total Tokens: 35 gathering more tokens for the raffle!
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