Trading Rules Discussion! Rules included!

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Trading Rules Discussion! Rules included!

Postby CloudyWolf » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:19 pm

Hello, fellow Chickensmoothians!!

This is a work in progress. I will be editing it over the next few weeks, but I wanted to go ahead and get this out there.

So, I have read through several forum posts about trading and trading rules, particularly about how difficult trading can be as well as how stressful and anxiety-inducing it can be to users. This saddens me that so many people are so disheartened about trading. As an older user, I find it difficult to get older list and non-list pets, so I can only imagine how difficult newer users are having. *More on this later in the post or thread.* It is also so alienating for newer users due to the difficulty of finding older rare pets without dumping their life-savings into the game as well as a complete lack of any kind of cohesive trade rules. I think it should be noted as many others have stated throughout Chicken Smoothie Thread that this is a game originally designed for children, so it shouldn't be this difficult. Unfortunately, it is.

Some of those threads that provide information as well as meaningful discussion:
1. DaDwarf's post "An In-Depth Guide to Trading! [Fairness/Etiquette/Demand]"
2. Feather <3's post "Grand Exchange: A Different Take on the Trading Dilemma?"
3. Inactive.'s post "Returning to CS has shown how the bad the trade system is."

The one thing I wanted to provide most with this post was trade rules. Unfortunately, there aren't any hard rules on trading as each person/user differs. When I started, I didn't have a guide at all. I just hoped for the best. Even today, I looked through the Chicken Smoothie Discussion board for any posts about trading. I mostly got the "Is this a fair trade?" post, and those mentioned above. Without further ado, here are some quick trade rules/options that I know of as well as other advice/tips at the end of this post:

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is my opinion, and I am in no way an expert at trading! These are not CS's trade rules or administrator regulated rules. These are rules that I've seen over my years of trading, as well as used myself to a fairly great success. The rarity value chart is something that I created for myself to help me, so I don't have to calculated what is worth what every time I go to trade. This means some people might not see pet values the same way that I do, and that's okay!

Option 1: 3-month Rule
    Most people use the 3-month rule, which is two pets of the same rarity that are within 3-months of each other (e.g. 2019 March monthly Cat would be equal to a 2019 January monthly Cat or a 2020 July monthly Cat would be equal to a 2020 May monthly Dog).
    Sometimes, the rarities aren't the same, and that's okay!
    You would just keep with the 3-month rule, but instead of a 1 pet to 1 pet trade, it would be of pets that match in rarity value.

How do I match rarity value?
That's easy! Here is a chart of how I usually gauge fairness or equal rarity values for both sides of the trade (keeping in mind they are the same year or within 2 years of each other (e.g. 2011-2012)):

First, rarity value abbreviations:
OMG so common (OMGSC)
Extremely common (EC)
Very common (VC)
Common (C)
Uncommon (UC)
Very uncommon (VUC)
Extremely uncommon (EUC)
Rare (R)
Very rare (VR)
Extremely rare (ER)
OMG so rare! (OMGSR!)

OMG so commons (OMGSC):
1 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 OMG so common (OMGSC)
2 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Extremely common (EC)
4 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Very common (VC)
8 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Common (C)
10 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Uncommon (UC)
12 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Very Uncommon (VUC)
14 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Extremely uncommon (EUC)
16 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Rare (R)
18 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Very Rare (VR)
20 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 Extremely rare (ER)
22 OMG so common (OMGSC) = 1 OMG so rare! (OMGSR!)

Extremely commons (EC):
1 EC = 2 OMGSC
1 EC = 1 EC
2 EC = 1 VC
4 EC = 1 C
6 EC = 1 UC
8 EC = 1 VUC
10 EC = 1 EUC
12-14 EC = 1 R
14-16 EC = 1 VR
16-18 EC = 1 ER
18-20 EC = 1 OMGSR!

Very Commons (VC):
1 VC = 4 OMGSC
1 VC = 2 EC
1 VC = 1 VC
2 VC = 1 C
4 VC = 1 UC
6 VC = 1 VUC
8 VC = 1 EUC
10 VC = 1 R
12 VC = 1 VR
14 VC = 1 ER
16 VC = 1 OMGSR!

Commons (C):
1 C = 8 OMGSC
1 C = 4 EC
1 C = 2 VC
1 C = 1 C
2 C = 1 UC
4 C = 1 VUC
6 C = 1 EUC
8 C = 1 R
10 C = 1 VR
12 C = 1 ER
14 C = 1 OMGSR!

Uncommons (UC)
1 UC = 10 OMGSC
1 UC = 6 EC
1 UC = 4 VC
1 UC = 2 C
2 UC = 1 VUC
4 UC = 1 EUC
6 UC = 1 R
8 UC = 1 VR
10 UC = 1 ER
12 UC = 1 OMGSR!

Very uncommons (VUC):
1 VUC = 12 OMGSC
1 VUC = 8 EC
1 VUC = 6 VC
1 VUC = 4 C
1 VUC = 2 UC
1 VUC = 1 VUC
2 VUC = 1 EUC
4 VUC = 1 R
6 VUC = 1 VR
8 VUC = 1 ER
10 VUC = 1 OMGSR!

Extremely uncommons (EUC):
1 EUC = 14 OMGSC
1 EUC = 10 EC
1 EUC = 8 VC
1 EUC = 6 C
1 EUC = 4 UC
1 EUC = 2 VUC
1 EUC = 1 EUC
2 EUC = 1 R
4 EUC = 1 VR
6 EUC = 1 ER
8 EUC = 1 OMGSR!

1 R = 16 OMGSC
1 R = 12-14 EC
1 R = 10 VC
1 R = 8 C
1 R = 6 UC
1 R = 4 VUC
1 R = 2 EUC
1 R = 1 R
2 R = 1 VR
3-4 R = 1 ER
5-6 R = 1 OMGSR!

Very rares (VR):
1 VR = 18 OMGSC
1 VR = 14-16 EC
1 VR = 12 VC
1 VR = 10 C
1 VR = 8 UC
1 VR = 6 VUC
1 VR = 4 EUC
1 VR = 2 R
1 VR = 1 VR
2 VR = 1 ER
3-4 VR = 1 OMGSR!

Extremely rares (ER):
1 ER = 20 OMGSC
1 ER = 16-18 EC
1 ER = 14 VC
1 ER = 12 C
1 ER = 10 UC
1 ER = 8 VUC
1 ER = 6 EUC
1 ER = 3-4 R
1 ER = 2 VR
2 ER = 1 OMGSR!

OMG so rares! (OMGSR!):
1 OMGSR! = 18-20 EC
1 OMGSR! = 16 VC
1 OMGSR! = 14 C
1 OMGSR! = 12 UC
1 OMGSR! = 10 VUC
1 OMGSR! = 8 EUC
1 OMGSR! = 5-6 R
1 OMGSR! = 3-4 VR
1 OMGSR! = 2 ER

If they aren't the same year or within 2 years of each other, remember that the older the pet the more it's worth. To put it simply, if your pets and your trade partner's pets are 3+ years apart from each other, then just add a couple of extra pets on whichever side has the newest or younger pets. It's best to keep it within the same rarity: e.g. 1 UC 2020 rat = 2 C 2020 rats, 1 UC 2017 rat = 4 C 2020 rats or 1 UC 2017 rat = 2 UC 2020 rats.

Don't have enough of pets for only trading with the same rarity or 1 rarity type to 1 rarity type (e.g. Cs for UCs). No worries! You can do combinations, but be warned this does make it a bit more complicated. (to be continued...)


Option 2: Same Year/Same Rarity
    Others go based on year and rarity, so as long as it's the same year and rarity or rarity value, you're good. This rule isn't as strict and allows for more openness with trade. It may also give users more available pets to trade with, since they don't have to be within a small window of 3-months.

    If you don't have the same rarity but you have the same year (let's say the pet you are looking for is of a higher rarity (e.g. Rare)), then you see what you have that would equal that rarity (let's say you have some lower rarity pets (e.g. UCs and Cs)). In my example, you could do 2 UCs for 1 Rare or 3-4 Cs for 1 Rare. For me, that is an equal trade. You could also do combinations (e.g. 1 OMGSC & 2 VC for 1 UC).

    If you have the same rarity but not the same year: (e.g. 3 2017 Cs would equal roughly 6 2016 Cs)

    If you don't have the same rarity or year, you could do combinations (e.g. 2 2020 Cs, 3 2021 OMGSC would be roughly equal to 1 2019 UC)

Option 3: Same Species/Same Year/Same Rarity
    This is self-explanatory and super easy! Just keep with the same species (e.g. Dogs for Dogs), rarity (e.g. Rare Dog for Rare Dog) and year (e.g. 2020 Rare Dog for 2020 Rare Dog)! Don't worry about trying to make any calculations for an equal rarity value. The only drawback is you'll either have what you need to trade or you won't.

Option 4: Same Species/Same Year
    This is one is the same as Option 3, but the rarity doesn't have to match. However, you will need to match rarity values. In other words, it will be fairly similar to Option 2's trading without having the same rarity. The only difference is that you are working with the same species in the same year (e.g. 2019 Dogs for 2019 Dogs).

Option 5: No Rules!
    Now, some people throw all rules out the window. These users usually trade based on personal preference of pet designs and/or species type. Sometimes, these users are looking to collect all of a species. For example, somebody may be looking for all chickens, so they don't really care about rarity, demand, etc. so much as long as you offer them chickens on their WL. This a great, non-stressful way to trade because no one is restricted by rules!

    Now, demand can also be a factor. Demand is based on how popular a pet is across all the active trading users. This can raise the value of pets, so it will take more than the usual amount to make a trade of equal rarity value. (e.g. 2020 Halloween Banner dog is a rare, but it's in demand still, so it might make take more than 2 EUCs for it.)
    Aside from popularity, species can be a factor. For instances, most people collect the dogs, cats, and horses/ponies, whereas rats, chickens, and spiders are less liked. So, if you were to offer 8 C rats for 1 Rare dog, you may get your trade denied (unless they love rats). People usually write in their trade rules which species they prefer and the ones that they do not like.
    Side note:
    Personal feelings:

    This is where the list (to my knowledge now discontinued or, at least, the old one) comes into play. I believe that the list is one cause for the emphasis on adding demand into the "trade calculation". Of course, the main root cause is that many players seek certain pets more than others. It should be noted that if you like doing calculations, then go for it! However, I don't think it needs to be so stressful and ridiculous. I think a nice simple rarity value chart is all that is needed. At the end of the day, we all trade with a similar goal in mind: getting pets we want/like/love and/or completing our collections. Why hassle with complex calculations that children, newer users, returning users, and even older users are going to have to learn in game that should take us away from our troubles?

    1. You can never go wrong with offering straight off someone's wishlist, if they don't specify what they would prefer you offer. This is great so you know you are at least offering something they will like.
    2. Specify in your Trading Rules how you would like to trade.
    3. Sending people messages is always helpful!
    4. I always tell people I'm trading with to "feel free to edit!"

Sorry if this was too wordy or lengthy, but I hope this helps! If you have any more questions let me know! I don't know everything but hopefully I can help, the new rarity system has got a lot of people relearning how to trade, but I find these methods above to still be useful.
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Re: Trading Rules Discussion! Rules included!

Postby CloudyWolf » Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:50 pm

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