stars #2301 // closed! by Guest

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stars #2301 // closed!

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 17, 2022 3:16 am


compliment raffle! each compliment you write gives you an extra ticket for a
max of 5 tickets. however, you can keep writing more if you want!

ends june 20th @ CS rollover

Code: Select all
[b]Cat Name:[/b]
[b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
[b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
Name: The Lover of All
Gender: Female / Any
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Those of the Grotto
Description: dominant white with mauve eyes
Age: 5 years
Edits: [NR] weight (heavy), missing leg, expression
[C] ear placement, eye shape, pupil shape (hearts), whiskers,
fangs, shorter tail
[UC] mid fur, short ears, unnatural eye color
Owner: SonOfStarGod
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby néktar » Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:26 am

    Username: néktar
    Cat Name: cloudleg
    Gender: tom
    Rank: hunter
    Clan: shallowclan
    Age: 49 moons
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby espen. » Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:04 am

Username: quirky;
Cat Name: Cupine
Gender: Polygender + Lunaein [ Any pronouns ] (lunaein found here)
Rank: Goddess of love, inner + outer beauty, simple pleasures, purity, and innocence
Clan: The Principality
Age: 600 moons

    Nio - I absolutely LOVE your style with all my heart, and the nio cats I own are some of my favorites. I can't thank you enough for making my beautiful Ravaging Serpent as well. <3

    Archaeopteryx. - I also love your style, especially the watercolor aspects of it! Your adopts are always so pretty, and the eyes are quite strikingly detailed.

    I Like Bees - I love your clean and aesthetically pleasing art style and your determineness to work hard at your art job. <:

    néktar - First off, I love your cool username! Second, your avatar is super cool and my eyes can't decide if it's moving or not. Third, I looked at your kalons and oh my goodness! They all have such cool names and the coding for their profiles + bios is simple and very easy to navigate and not too over the top! I love it! :eyes:

    chimingcloud - I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Your art style is so freaking cool! The way you manage neon colors without making the art look amateur is beyond me, and I really respect it. Your style for cat eyes is also super cool, and the use of the pixel brush throughout many of your pieces is just so nice to look at. <3
ᴛʀᴀɴꜱ - ᴀɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ - ᴀɴʏ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ
ꜱᴛᴀʀꜱ - ᴄᴀʀʀᴅ - ᴛʜ - ᴘᴀɢᴇ - ᴘꜰᴘ

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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby Griff » Fri Jun 17, 2022 3:18 pm

Username: Griff
Cat Name: Harmonyhowl
Gender: Female
Rank: TBD
Clan: Clan Ember
Age: 17 Moons

I Like Bees- I will never fail to be impressed by both how many cats you produce and how lovely they are! Keep up the good work!
ChimingCloud- Your designs always pop, and are so full of life and color! I always look forward to seeing a new one pop up!
Archaeopteryx. - The detail and love you put into your designs is wonderful! I will cherish my beautiful ace pride kitty always!
DaniCalifornia - Your cats too shine with personality and life! Each one easily lends itself to a story, and I can really appreciate that!
Vivika- Ive said it befoire and Ill say it again! Your explore posts are inspiring, and its clear you put a lot of care into your replies! Thank you. <3
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby nio » Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:32 pm

    Username: nio
    Cat Name: Toffeeapple
    Gender: bigender
    Rank: monk
    Clan: bayguild
    Age: 27m

    danicalifornia i love your art so so much, and i love all the cats and designs you make! also your lore is mega cool and i always love reading about it
    chimingcloud i LIVE for your art style!!!!!! you're so lovely to talk to and i appreciate whenrver you send me a message <3
    i like bees your work ethic is incredible, and i have so much respect for you. all your cats are so neat and pretty!
    bigfrog2314 UR SO COOL and i love your art oh my god. thank u so many for the supply of cowboy cats i cherish my bigfrog cats <33333
    griff i love your writing so much. whenever you enter for adopts i love love to read what you've entered! you have so many good ideas
sun !! he/she/they/any — adult awst cs th
art queueicon cred
𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby l1lithu » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:27 pm

Username: L1lithu
Cat Name: Susu
Gender: Cis male
Rank: Deputy
Clan: House Cats Community
Age: 50 moons (4 years)
DaniCalifornia: Again, tysm for my starter cat, I love her so much! I spent like an hour scrolling through your works, they're all so amazing! Your gallery is really a sight for sore eyes (that just spent a whole day supervising a bunch of hyper kids), and the rate that you whip out these amazing works is just astounding!
Spottedleaf16: (I'm assuming these can be to anyone, or is it just staff here at Stars, cause I barely know anyone, sorry!) My newbie mentor who I may have neglected to talk to for a while, but has been so kind and helpful nonetheless! I would've never learned to make my way around ChickenSmoothie without you, a million thanks.
Whovian5EVA: Art is, mwah. Super nice and kind to people, chatting with you really put a smile on my face, here's to people who are sweet and polite to online strangers!
Swishy & Broken: Don't know you personally, but oh my god do I love your species! Amazing graphics, system, writing, base, everything! I can see all the effort that went into this species and I appreciate it so much.
Dodo: Not a CS user, you don't have to count it, I just wanted to share. Dodo, my friend. You are cool and beautiful and looked fabulous today! Always has the best outfits, gorgeous hairstyle, and surprisingly good at archery (especially while wearing a full-length dress).
Last edited by l1lithu on Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby fruitbat » Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:26 pm

Username: fruitbat
Cat Name: Benei
Gender: Genderfluid
Rank: Adventurer, monk
Clan: Cattioepia
Age: 5 years
      kennymcnenny, you have such a cool aesthetic I really admire it! I love how your avatar and signature coordinate in their minimalistic nature and colour schemes. I also really adore your entries for adopts; you have some really great ideas and concepts. Even though we haven't spoken before, you seem like such a lovely person c:
      vivika, wow! Your stars cats are so so awesome, especially Loki and Ashflight. I love your organised your TH is and how easy you have made everything to navigate. I have read your writing and it is so beautiful. Your choice of words and phrases matches perfectly to what you are trying to describe, and it gives such fluidity to your writing. Keep up the amazing work!
      DaniCalifornia, thank you SO much for all the awesome cats you have been making recently! You are such a hard worker and your dedication to stars is really admirable. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated, especially in the stars discord. With the few interactions we have had, you have been open to answer questions and make myself (and others I assume!) feel very comfortable even if we think our question is dumb.
      SushiFoxx, it has been an absolute pleasure to see you grow and develop <3 Your art is incredible and your character development is something I look up to so much! Your mind is so creative and you have such elaborate concepts which make it all the more fun! Mistclan is in such good hands, keep it up! :D
      Goatmom, you are so awesome! I love your character lore and the thought you put into all of your stars cats. I love love love your avatar and signature on chicken smoothie too- cats and goats are some of my favourite animals! Even though we haven't interacted much, I really love reading your ideas in the discord and entries for stars cats c':
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby christine, » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:25 am

    Cat Name: softpelt
    Gender: female
    Rank: warrior
    Clan: willowclan
    Age: 2 years
    @Vivika: Thank you for spending so much time helping us create our worlds! Without your writing, we'd be unable to explore our Stars cats to the fullest. You help us craft plot lines and stories that give us a reason to keep coming back. Your writing is impeccable and I love seeing you respond even to other people's responses.
    @I Like Bees: Your designs are so absolutely stunning. I'm lucky enough to have a few of the cats you've made, and all of them I truly love working with and incorporating into my clan. You also do a great job keeping the archive running!
    @staff in general: thank you so much for making missing limbs a nr trait. It means a lot as someone who is disabled--I love seeing that I can have disabled cats that are just like me at no extra risk or cost. It's an amazing feeling!
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby Knickknacks » Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:19 pm

Username: Knickknacks
Cat Name: Pearl
Gender: female
Rank: citizen
Clan: salted stone
Age: 3 years

    ethium- I love??? Your cats and clan? What I’ve seen of your lore has been so intriguing and cool- you’re a wonderful writer and artist and I always love seeing the content you create for your stars cats ^^ not to mention the impeccable aesthetic that all of it has as well.

    goatmom- you’re super nice and I always enjoy seeing you around <3 you’re a very kind person who has excellent cat pictures to share and are just generally so nice to be around. I so enjoy seeing you around in the stars community!!

    kris dreemurr- you are a very very cool person ahaha I always enjoy getting to chat with you ^^ we haven’t interacted a ton, necessarily, but I’ve enjoyed all the interactions we have had. I always enjoy seeing your art and character designs as well, they’re always super cool!

    mythz- we haven’t interacted a ton lately but! Hiya! You are such a lovely person, your cat designs are so cute (thank you so much for my pride kitty! I absolutely adore him!) and you’re just. Very nice and approachable. 10/10 very cool, also bonus points for having a fantastic dog. Milo the bestest boy
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Re: stars #2301 // open!

Postby SonOfStarGod » Sun Jun 19, 2022 6:39 am

Username: SonOfStarGod
Cat Name: The Lover of All
Gender: Female / Any
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Those of the Grotto
Age: 5 years
sorry im not to great at complementing!

SonOfStarGod: (hope it is ok to do myself) I am so proud of you for getting out of a severe depression and starting to get your life on track. The new meds I am on is working wonders and I am proud of myself for seeking out a competent therapist and group therapist!

DaniCalifonia: simply put I love the way you do eyes, the little triangles are so cute yet also expressive!

chimingcloud: thank you for creating heartcatchers! it is my first arpg and I've been having loads of fun! I know you have been busy and I just wanted to thank you! Your designs and art style is also amazing!

allynabean: thank you so much for creating my starter! she is absolutely perfect! I also just love your art style and designs in general!

I Like Bees: thank you for claiming my pride myo! there is no need to feel pressured to rush on doing it!
StarGod | they/them | | Always looking for trades!
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