✧Lord Frostbite✧ by BornFromAshes

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✧Lord Frostbite✧

Postby BornFromAshes » Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:11 am





Name; Mallory Neve Myloria Aesthësi Gwyneira
Alias; Lord Frostbite, Frosty, The Northern King
Magic; Ice (innate, mastered, divine), Solar (cursed)
Age; 128 (immortal)
Status; Disinterested
Role; Lord of the Haven, Harbinger of Cold
Birthday; December 21st
Orientation; Asexual Demiromantic
Mallory. A softened name for someone so hurt, scorned, filled with unrequited love destroyed by two people. Two people, whom he called his dearest, closest friends at one point. Who he loved beyond reason and doubt, who he grew up beside and would've given anything for. Blind, cold, heartless in some eyes, a king who made a home for the abandoned, the banished, the lost and weary. The Haven is a home for everyone under the clouded sun, for anyone hurt by Solaris and Lunare's rulings, for anyone who found their way from the Werwild and were scared, malnourished, and misguided. The cruel are softened by the eternal winter, the soft are hardened by the climate. Despite being absent from the Haven citizen's presence for twenty-nine years, there has been no absence of ruling. The Hoarfrost Wyvern, in Mallory's absence, ruled in his place over miscreants and law-abiders alike, casting out those who harm the sanctity of the place, and welcoming the lost back in. If you have lost a home in Paledon, the Dunes, the Werwild, were banished or forsaken, a criminal or righteous, lawless, lawful, chaotic or not, you are taken in with kindness and compassion by the Winter King ▬▬✧✧✧▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
An elegant hand wrote:It has been twenty days since my coronation as Royal Advisor for Lunare. While my heart still beats fast every moment I wake in such a beautiful palace, I am writing this so as not to forget where I came from, and my family.

My name is Mallory. Mallory Neve Myloria Aesthësi, of House Gwyneira. I am currently twenty-two and one-quarter, and it is April. The flowers are blooming, and it reminds me of my mother... I hope she is.. blessed, in her death. My mother is Jacquelyn Katherine Gwyneira, her maiden name was Lystoria. She is a mare, with no magical capabilities to her name, part of her whole lineage. My father, who is a pegasus with limited magical capabilities including telekinesis and agricultural magicks, is Harald Mallory Myn Gwyneira III. As you see, my second middle name "Myloria" is a combination of my mother's maiden name, Lystoria, and my father's second middle name, Myn. I am named after my father's great-great-great-great grandfather, Mallory, of whom passed his name to the middle name of his sons. Sticklers for family tradition.. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to continue this family line. I am an only sibling, and I was born with... What some might consider a very dangerous innate magic; Ice.

From my first steps it was around me. A soon as I wasn't being cradled or carried around, the ice followed my footsteps constantly. I think I scared my parents initially, because both of them weren't so magically inclined, but I seemed to embody it. That, and ice magic was way down the family tree, back to the 17th century when it was first being learned. That, and the fact families are rarely born with innate magic, I was a peculiarity through and through.

Time only made my magick stronger. The bigger I grew, the longer the ice lasted on the ground behind me, and the more intense my emotional state the harder it would snow, hail, or freeze wet surfaces. But this drew attention from higher authorities, and when I turned six I was formally invited into the Royal Elementary, where I would learn to control my magicks better, and refine my skills. It is also where I progressed into Royal Middleschool, Highschool, and eventually University, all the while growing around both friends who I held dearly, and bullies who harassed me...

written on the back of the first page wrote:I had three main bullies, which started when I was settled in Royal Elementary. Ryos, Ezekial, and Perseus. I was a very quiet child, rather liking to stick to my studies and read while on break. That, and the special horseshoes I had to wear to prevent freezing things upon contact, mainly, the floor and carpets, were the main trigger for bullying. Nobody wanted to slip in my wake, as I had yet to master my footprinting ability. I was teased because they weren't "fancy" horseshoes, they were homemade and simplistic, and I loved them because my father put his craftsmenship into it. But at a upscale and exclusive school, they were unusual and unappealing. I endured their nitpicking and harsh words into middle school, because I knew if I lost this opportunity I would never be able to control my magic even a little--if at all.

This was also the time I got to know Lunare more personally. He was a pipsqueak of a child, small, scrawny, and sickly, but he bonded with me when we realized we were at the same reading level and capability, and the bond grew from there. We would choose different books to read in addition to school to swap between each other and share. He and I grew to realize we both had the same favorite genre; macabre fantasy. We would read tales of the horrific dark-century monsters that used to roam, the victorian tales of maidens entrapped by dark shadows, to be in vain of freedom by a handsome hero--stories that ended not in hope, but dread and fright. We were not timid children, we had wild imaginations and, when he was vivacious enough to go outside with me, we would roleplay as beasts and creatures as frequently as we could. But my time with him was always cut short by another illness, and it was when he was in hospital when I lashed out at my bullies.

They had not been silent during this time. When I was with or without Lunare, they would pull my hair, shove my face into the book, and kick at my ankles to try and loose my shoes. Lunare would keep my mind off them with idle chatter, until they left. But without him, I snapped. They mocked me in the courtyard one summer, my least favorite season and time to be outside. Calling me names, "ugly", "four-eyes", "tiny", "little bird", "nerd", "poor", but the worst was when they tried insulting my parents, particularly my mother... Calling her a disgrace for being magicless, and me, being a half-mag worm. I didn't think about telling the teachers, they were oblivious to their teasing and harassments during lessons, but they noticed when I lashed out. When I slipped the shoes off my hooves and glared straight through their eyes, into their venemous souls.. When Ryos' wing froze off his body and shattered when he tried to shield himself.. The fear they had, their cries, the.. the frozen drops of red..

Mallory was sent to a military summer intensive after the incident which crippled Ryos and gave Ezekial and Perseus PTSD which
Back again wrote:It was not a warm welcome when I returned to the Royal Academy.
I was a year older, yes, much the wiser, but the pupils there now
feared me, greatly. Except Solaris. She welcomed me back with
open wings and gladdened me when she said her brother was
waiting for me in the dormitories. He had returned from the
hospital the year prior, and was devastated by my leaving for the
aforementioned intensive. But once we were reunited, everything
returned as it was. Lunare and I were far beyond our peers in
most of our subjects, although while I stayed with him, he stayed
in the same grade for his sister for continuity--despite being
at least two grades above her already. We were both given large
assignments, which challenged our intelligence, and eventually,
our magical capabilities as well. There had been a strong emphasis
on physical learning, intelligence, and restraint. Now the real
test for magic was beginning... Although I was already far
advanced from my military academy and innate magick itself.
It was around my sixteenth year of age that Solaris really seemed..
Intent on me. The way she would look, smile slyly when I would
glance to her while she and her clique were giggling. I wasn't
uncomfortable, per say, but... My mind was on something else,
someone else.
left them unable to continue in the Royal Academy. It was difficult training, the heat crippled him frequently and, because of his wild abilities, it was very hard for him to gather them under control without said horseshoes or magical wards. But he was an intelligent teen, far beyond his peers in wisdom and learning--less so in control--but all the more willing to know how to. There were several major blowouts during his time, especially when he was starting to get picked on for his size or lack of physical strength. The major one caused such extensive ice damage to the area surrounding the training field, that training had to be held indoors to prevent slips, falls, and breaking of equipment. Frostbite was reprimanded severely for this, and was given meager rations for his anger. But as time went on, through the summer and into fall and winter, he improved greatly. No longer did snow and ice follow his footprints, but instead, it fell lightly around his mane and tail. He grew in stature, finally a long-awaited growth spurt, and his body built lean muscles from the strenuous activity. His wings grew large and strong, big enough to support himself and one or two additional adults. He was no longer the timid child he was, although his mind had not changed towards its fondness for books and intelligence ✧✧✧

In the Palace of the Moon wrote:When Lunare asked me to be his advisor... His Royal Advisor, I really couldn't believe my ears. It was an honor, I was awestruck, flabbergasted, thrilled... scared. We had such a wonderful relationship, just, hanging out together at the libraries, going to small cafe's nearby his mother's palace, and baking together? I didn't want to lose it. I wanted to cling onto it with all my might, and now I think I would give it all to go back to those times... I think a part in me knew something would change when I accepted, something would either go perfectly, wonderfully right, or horribly, horribly wrong. And I was right! In all the bad ways.

Receiving the Blessing from Lunare to become a Master of Ice Magick was a dream come true. It felt like my mind, soul, and body were finally united together. I had more control over Ice than I had even thought possible, and I was in bliss. By his side, I felt like I could conquer anything... except
[the hand stopped writing here, letting ink drop in place for a while]
It seems he forgot very quickly how close we were.. He called me "Lord Gwyneira", no longer my nickname or even my name. It transitioned to Frostbite, which seemed even less affectionate, despite it being my nickname earlier. When I tried asking him simple things, how his day was, if he liked the weather, if there was anything--anything at all--I could get for him, it was always a negative. No it isn't great. No I don't like the weather. No there is nothing I need from you, go bother someone else.

I stopped trying after.. after Solaris became empress of Eastern Paledon. I listened to both of them idly, becoming stiffened in emotion and stagnant in affection. I became cold, where I had always been warm, loving, kind.. And my coldness lead me to write. I wrote many things, poetry, short stories, but most importantly, anonymous newspaper articles. And as my time as Advisor grew, I only saw the darkness in the rulings of Solaris. And I kept tabs, writing everything down meticulously and hiding these pages desperately when someone knocked at my door or even rustled through the hallway. I grew so involved with these papers that, I lost focus on keeping my magicks together. My room grew cold, and I quite liked it. Ice always hung from my curtains and bedsheets, frost on my windows, my room felt as how I felt. Dark. Cold. Unloved, uncared for...

But even through that, I still loved Lunare. And during that time I.. I saved up my own money--not the money I made as an advisor--but the money I had since I was a child, through working at small shops during the summer on breaks, birthday money, and through good deeds and through helping the public. Donations, sometimes, but it was still mine. And I bought him a .. a necklace. It was supposed to be special, like an engagement ring. I was going to talk to him afterwards, when he would come to me inquiring about it in a flurry about it's beauty, how I'd gotten it..

But the night I left it in his room, was the night things went to pieces.



Confrontation wrote:Solaris had called me, requesting a private audience to discuss .. "Some things", as she said "That are important between you, and me. Only you. Only me." I wasn't suspicious, she had a peculiar way of gesticulating and, though it was never offensive, it was peculiar and mildly threatening. I obliged her, and after leaving the necklace in Lunare's room with the note "Ask me later", I was off. It was a quick flight to Solaris' palace, and when I arrived she was already awaiting me. She had a stern smile across her face, and that was my first inkling something was wrong...

Solaris stood before her vanity, looking at me through the side of her eye. "Do you know why you're here?" "Of course, you wanted to talk? You didn't clarify about what. Just that it was important." She nodded apathetically, wings settling by her sides. "Tea?" Fine china floated in from a separate room, but I shook my head. "I'm not one for remaining idle. I'd prefer if we got to the point. There's something important that I want to do tonight." "Of course there is, but I don't think you'll be doing it now." Solaris turned and faced me, a pile of papers suddenly dropping from above and scattering on the table before me. I looked over them, noticing my handwriting, the articles, the newspaper clippings, and I felt my face drain of color. "How did you-" "Do you think I wouldn't find out? This is treason, Mallory. Treason and blaspheme. I should have you hanged for your insolence." I gritted my teeth. "How dare you go into my private chambers, and get into my things. How did you even get these? They were-" "Quiet your tongue before I cut it out. You only have two options in this situation. Would you like me to define them for you?"

Serpent's Tongue wrote:I looked over the papers. To the naked eye they looked quite realistic. The paper was wrinkled slightly, there were imperfections, flaws in the writing, but I knew better. The slight shimmer that it had, the sparkle under the light. Some of the pages were incorrectly dated, because they weren't real. I looked up, and spoke one word: "Evanescet." Disappear. Solaris' face dropped, the illusion was broken. "You realize I've been thoroughly trained to spot illusions, as I am your brother's Royal Advisor. But honestly, you're far more treacherous than what I've written. You couldn't have had those papers, they are locked away." "I-I know how to pick locks." "Magically sealed locks, which have imprinted on me, and me alone. You only knew because you snuck through my room when I was absent briefly. You have no respect." I seethed, but Solaris laughed aloud. "You're still so precious when you're mad. But I beg to differ, that you're the one with no respect. Can you not respect my rulings? My trials and execution of justice? Those people were criminals, and they got what they deserved."

"Most of them were innocent beyond mere blaspheme and social disturbances. Yet you judged them the same as a murderer, an armed robber. That is morally and lawfully wrong, Solaris. But I wasn't going to publish it. I was going to bring it up to you at some point, after I was done gathering all my evidence. I know you have a good heart in there, but you've been misled by passions and misgivings. Now if this is all you wanted to discuss, I will be going." I rose to my feet, but the doors to her room slammed shut, and were locked with magic.

"You do not leave until I say you leave, Mallory. I give you two choices, and two alone. I will ruin you if you do not choose. Your reputation will be tarnished, I know of your dealings with Lunare in the Coven. That is enough for the people of my kingdom and his to condemn you as a traitor. My brother means more to me than anything else, I have all the best intentions in my mind for him. I am not sure about yourself."

I gritted my teeth, and settled back into my seat. "What are your terms?" I quipped quietly.
"Stay Lunare's advisor, and marry me. Or, leave his side, and become my one and only advisor. And think! You by my side, forever? Sun and Ice, the prismatic combination would be so alluring. My blessing from Sacrystis, your powerful mastery and innate Ice magic? The world would bend at our commands!" I froze, eyes widening in disgust "Marry you? I have very little affection for you at all now, if any at all! I never loved you, and I never will. You know who my heart belongs to. And it was never, and will never be you." She clucked her tongue, shaking her head slowly. "See, I really doubt Lunare ever loved you the same as you do. You're a mere folly to him, just an old friendship, with very little romantic affection. See? He wrote me. He already thinks you'd be better off with me." She pulled a letter from a drawer and placed it on the table, sliding it to me. I read it, and it was his handwriting. His signature, the way he wrote to his sister was all the same. And it wasn't an illusion, there was no shimmer. But she had made one mistake; she had used my name, not my title. Lunare always addressed me with my title, not my name, not anymore.

I rose to my feet, my jaw set. I put two hooves onto the table and jumped up, stamping harshly and cracking the table in two. The wood froze under my touch, as it had before my training. "You." I hissed through my teeth. "Never deserved to be empress. You jealous shrew, you insolent she-devil. You only got this position and blessing because your mother pitied you. You will never be worthy of Sacrystis' blessing, nor any blessing. I bet the other gods, dormant or forgotten, look down at you with disgust and hatred for your twisted sense of justice. I will never love you, and I will make sure that the rest of this kingdom knows your true nature. I will share everything with your brother, how dare you try to impersonate him and twist my heart around. I hope you remain unloved, sad, and cruel the rest of your life because it is what you deserve."

I felt the hatred and anger radiate off of her, Her wings flared out, her eyes began glowing "SO YOU HAVE SEALED YOUR FATE! She yelled, before words began echoing around the room. "Dum tu sub sole ambulas, tua pellis aurum vertat. Tu tantum doleas et doleas, numquam calorem solis vel calorem corporis sentias usque ad mortem tuam. Nam ut me despicis, sic te despicio, proditorem, blasphemum, regem pavidum!" A curse.

She began radiating solar magick before I could defend myself, I felt searing pain across my face, chest, and forearms. And I felt myself break, it was too much. I brought my wings forwards to shelter myself and everything went white. I felt cold, overwhelming and gripping, rising from the bottom of my feet, under my skin, transferring to my heart. What marker I had for mastering my element sunk deep and exposed itself once more over my heart. And my wings.. Shattered, gathered once more, and splayed out with anger, turning the room around me into a dangerous frozen landscape. I think I hit her, because the heat stopped and I heard her cry out through the ringing in my ears. I ran for the doors with the last bit of sight I had, and burst through them. The guards on duty gave surprised looks before they were frozen solid, shattering as I passed and scattering into millions of pieces. The windows and curtains froze, shattering. The floor became slick in my wake, and I burst through the front of the palace with a blizzard on my heels.
Betrayed, scorned, cursed. All by her.
Betrayed, scorned, unloved. All by him..


It was the coldest winter on record in Paledon in Frostbite's wake. Several thousand residents died from the cold, the ground remained frozen until early summer, crops continued to fail, and snow and ice caked the ground and homes long after spring started. Western Paledon suffered the least out of the halves, as the minor electricity Lunare had created played a major role in heating homes through the prolonged winter months with fireplaces, than in Eastern Paledon where fireplaces were the only heaters of homes. Solaris suffered severe lacerations and frostbite to her right side, and was hospitalized for several months proceeding the incident. But in all truth, it wasn't her who started the rumors. When the news companies heard of what Frostbite had done to the Empress, they didn't put blame on her, but rather, him, and spread horrible constructions of that night through all of Paledon. People heard and read these stories, and added to them, turning Frostbite into an abomination of imagination. But Solaris didn't do much to stop these rumors, and without her addition to the story things were made all the worse. When she did speak of that night, she would never incriminate herself, but rather, stuttered through her speeches and tried brushing everything off. In reality the Empress had never experienced such wild, raw, innate magick and it scared her to her core. That, and she being the reason someone with that enormity of power was loosed and angry? Guilt could only consume her more and more as time went on.

As for Frostbite? When he ran through the North Gate and into the wild subarctic wilderness, he was not expecting to find much. But instead, he found a small, cozy village with welcoming people who, upon recognizing his physical state, brought him indoors and treated the painful areas around his gold patches--for they were raw, and bleeding silver Ichor. In all reality, Frostbite had not just begun transforming into an elemental, as some thought, but he had become Divine. For when a pony undergoes such a strong reaction and exertion of power, they either die, or are ascended to godhood. And thus, Frostbite--without knowing himself, or anyone else knowing the truth--has become the god of Ice, Winter, and the Broken-hearted ▬✧✧✧▬▬▬▬▬

I'm.. still alive? wrote:It is the.. Twenty-second of December, I don't know which year, the Wyvern has not told me. But I am here. I am alive, whether I appreciate that fact or not, it is a fact. I am told that the place I have awoken in is the Hoarfrost Everglade, and the Wyvern I speak of is an ancient creature, who is known by Morana. She is not a friendly creature, but I suppose I am not either.. Nevertheless, there is also another person here, who Morana does not seem to favor very much. A.. A banished mare by the name of Haeolyn. She has told me she has been here for ten years with me, banished by Solaris as well, but she has not aged. Peculiar fact, truly, Morana assures me it is because of my presence in the glade. Once I leave, I assume, everything will return to normal.

I took my first steps in.. Well it feels like centuries. I ended up toppling forwards, into the snow, but was risen to my feet with Haeolyn's help. My joints are stiff, my bones ache.. The skin that has been turned to gold is painful with every move. Worst of all, my vision is gone. I can only rely on my hearing and smell, touch and... Perhaps it is easier to explain. I feel everything within the snow, every warm body, every leaf, every tree. A sixth sense, more evolved than touch, almost spiritual. Morana flew to the edge of the Everglade with me, but she will not pass the barrier. She will not tell me why, but I respect her decision. An ancient creature such as herself has no mind for mortals such as ourselves.. And I wonder why she tolerates me so much. Haeolyn tells me I feel like ice itself, and I tell her it's because I've been frozen stiff for so long. She begs to differ, saying that, with her minor in healing magic, I do not have blood running through my veins anymore. Something else, she says, runs through them. Colder than ice, but still giving me live enough to move. I shrug off the notion, I am still mortal, but very much changed.

The .. The Haven is still here. And the sturdy mare that welcomed me in the tavern welcomed me again. Her brogue was a sound for sore ears, and she wrapped me in a warm cloak. She insisted I sat by the fire, but I resented the warmth. It still frightens me.. Nevertheless, I did sit, and she brought Haeolyn and I a bowl of hearty stew, asking a flurry of questions which I was too tired to answer. Haeolyn chatted eagerly though, and I suppose I fell asleep to the lull of speech.


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