Re: Kiamara #277

Postby squid! » Sun May 26, 2013 12:23 pm


The musical one > The tomboy > The playful one > The natural one > The free one > The rebel > The snarky one > The serious one



|On the surface...|

"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."



|U S E R N A M E|

Hey there! I'm Squid!, call me Squiddy if
you want though. I'm just a normal CS player that loves the Kiamara adopts
and hopes to someday obtain one. I have a fanforum account, where I just
mainly browse since I don't own a Kia yet. My username is Squid! on there too.
I understand that winning a Kia's heart is very hard, so I'm stepping my game
up in a big way to try and win this beautiful girl! I am extremely devoted to
this beauty and I will do anything for her. Since she would be my first
Kia, Niko would most definitely be treated like royalty. Whoever ends up with
her/him will be very lucky! I trust your judgment and I know that whoever ends
up with this beautiful Kia will deserve her.
|N I K O|

{Pronounced n ee - k oh}
"Most Kias call me Niko, but call me Nini if you want."
Niko is pretty casual about her name and will let others call her nearly
anything. She doesn't love or hate her name, it's just part of who she is.
I know that this sounds extremely cheesy, but once I saw this Kia, I knew
that her name just had to be Niko. The name is perfect for the personality
I imagined for her. The name isn't too girlie, it's actually more tom-boyish,
which is what I am going for. Her name sounds musical and rolls right off
the tongue. Both her markings and name are natural and earthy sounding.
Niko's name can be both natural and serious, playful and silly.
|G E N D E R|

"I think it is pretty obvious I am a girl."
Niko is most definitely a girl. She has many friends that are girls and does
a few girlie things. However, Niko has even more friends who are boys
and is a major tomboy; she'll take on any dare, even the scariest or
grossest ones. She is a risk taker, and admired by many boys for both
her beauty and tomboy nature.
Her friends often say,
"Niko's too tough to be a girl but too pretty to be a guy."


|Take a closer look...|

"She stood in the storm, and when the wind didn't blow her way, she adjusted her sails."



|P E R S O N A L I T Y|
"You think you know me? Better think again."
Niko is a very unique Kia in the way that her personality is very layered, with different feelings and thoughts that are hard to dissect when you are put to it. Usually, Niko is very friendly and tom-boyish. She has many friends who are boys, a lot more than she has girls. She feels that she fits in more with them. She is always the one to stay up late, antsy to get up and start doing things again in the morning, when everybody else is awake.
Nobody would exactly describe her as peppy or springy or bubbly, but she is often described as being motivated, determined, driven, and ambitious. Hence, Niko is excited and hyper at times, but always has purpose behind any of her actions. She is serious when it comes to learning things, as she is very knowledgeable and feels like she needs to learn everything there is to learn. It is one of the few things that she takes very seriously. This Kia is very confident in that area, boarder line cocky about how smart she is. But the true reason she is so sure of herself in her intellect is because it is one of the only things she is positive about. Her uncertainties in one area can always be soothed when she does something she is sure of, like answering mathematical questions or proving how good she is at spelling to her mom {again} Some of her friends teasingly call her a know-it-all, and she will just cockily smile and go about her day. She actually enjoys the title.
Niko is always able to conform to changes. Since she takes sudden and drastic changes so well, she floats through life through rough waters and smooth sailing. She has just always been so flexible with everything that has happened to her. She hopes to help out her friends when they are going through changes, as her smooth reasoning can always calm Kias down.
Niko has a way with words that is unmatched by anything else. It may be due to all the books she reads- knowing many words can often help her describe circumstances. She always has a way to calm down or soothe other Kias. Her dad says that she would be a good counselor, but her sky-high ambition doesn't touch that part of the sky. She has never had much interest in the area of counseling, although she enjoys the fact that it is an option for her if she changes her mind later on in life. It is a goal of hers to make anybody happy, to brighten anybody's day. She can't stand to see any Kia sad or angry, knowing that she can help.
Niko can be greatly snippy when you catch her on a bad mood. When she's spent a few days and nights without sleep, Niko is a pain to be around; she's moody and grumpy at all times. She always has a snide remark to make when she's overly tired to anybody who even dares talk to her. It takes a bit for her to realize how tired she actually is, her friends usually have to point it out to her.
Although, when she is not tired, she can also be quite snarky. When any of her friends are being teased or bullied, the sly remarks are right on hand. Her snarky, cold manner towards those she doesn't like is matched by witty, well-planned arguments and back-up remarks just in case. Niko is incredibly cunning and can manipulate those who she dislikes with ease. She is calculating and can act truly evil when in a grumpy mood. She is sarcastic very often, grumpy or not, whether she is joking or being rude. Often, sarcastic words are followed up by an eye roll and a knowing smirk. However, this tough, prickly, tom-boyish outer shell covers a soft pulp of feelings and thoughts that she doesn't want exposed. If anybody knew about her true feelings underneath sheets of ambition and wit, they would know her weaknesses. Any weaknesses exposed from Niko are weaknesses to her ego and pride.
Niko isn't one for practical jokes. Her friends, since they are boys, go all out to play jokes on her, dumb, stupid jokes. And although she doesn't like the jokes, she is a good sport about it and laughs along with them. There is no point in getting into a fit if the jokes are too funny to resist.
Niko is a natural Kia, very earth-oriented. She takes nature very seriously and loves any animal. She is a natural beauty and takes good care of her jewels and feathers. This Kia cares a lot about what others think of her, she can't stand when others think badly of her. She wishes that she could stand tall and not worry about it all so much, but it's just not who she is. She is self-conscious and unsure of herself deep down inside. But the masks she wears make her seem confident, opinionated, and strong-willed. The fuel to those 'masks' is when she is the center of attention. When Niko is getting a ton of attention, she is on cloud nine. Being covered in positive compliments that propel her ego even higher is her bread and butter. It's basically what she lives on, socially. Niko just loves being noticed.
This Kia is extremely artistic and musically talented. Her singing is beautiful and her pictures are wonderful. Niko gets better at drawing and painting every time she tries. She continues to write songs and sing them for her friends who are girls, since the boys aren't too interested in it. She doesn't know how to play an instrument, but she collects CD's everywhere she goes, and has an entire book case full of them. Her radio is constantly playing, and she always stays up to date with new songs. She knows every song name, artist, lyrics, and album by heart. She also collects art supplies, just not as much as she does CD's. She hopes to some day have her own art studio and recording center.
There are many layers to Niko's personality, and to fully understand her is nearly impossible. But through all of her moods, thoughts, motives, and dreams, Niko is always Niko, through and through.


|H I S T O R Y|
"Walk a mile in my shoes, then try judging me."
Niko was born into the Kia tribe, which is a pack of Kias that prefer to stay away from the rest of the Kia society. Being locked into the pack, under constant watch, to be assigned a mate and occupation, Niko has always felt trapped under the burden of the tribe. Sure, the close-knit community was always there for her, and sure, the scenery was great, and sure, she got most of what she wanted, but there was always something that the tribe couldn't give Niko; freedom. She wanted to taste food never tasted by her tribe, to travel into the big city, to live among other Kiamara with hopes and dreams like her. Niko wants to be a singer or an artist, which only qualify as hobbies in her tribe. Niko is rebellious in the way that she tries and tries to no end to get what she deserves, which is freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Niko was always with a blue jay named Indigo, who followed her wherever she went.
At a young age, the eldest Kia in her tribe had a ceremony for all the small Kiamaras to get their feathers and graduate to being even more important to the tribe. As tradition, one Kia was specially selected by the elder to had an extra gift. Any Kiamara that she saw fit to earn her blessing would get some jewels that she had traveled to the top of the Kia mountain to gather and create. Niko was late, but the elder saw a spark in her; determination, rebelliousness, intelligence, and freedom. Being the restless child she was, Niko just wanted to get out of the ceremony. She tried to sneak away at the beginning but was gathered up back to the meeting. Still outwardly cocky, even as a child, Niko boasted to the other Kia children that she would be the one to earn the jewels, which were a star earring with blue jay feathers, some blue-beaded necklaces for wearing on your tail and head, and two blue bangles that went on your tail.
The elder announced Niko's name and gave the jewels to her, telling her that she will 'forever be free, inside and out.' Niko felt complete when she first had her jewels on and she was so happy she could barely contain herself. She tried not to brag, but, Niko being Niko, found a way to.
Very quickly in life, Niko caught on to what the plans for her were. As the Chosen One {the title she earned when the elder chose her} Niko was to marry Flick, the tribe chief's son. Due to her rebellious way of living, she was to grow up and be the trade scribe for the tribe. All trade in and out of the city was to be clearly documented and labeled by her. She resented that they were going to use her knowledge and clear penmanship for something as small as that. But she knew that it was just to keep her from wishing to leave. Keep her under radar so she can't escape, keep her thinking that life outside of the tribe was the same as it was in the tribe, keep her thinking that life her was fine. This forced way of life threatened to strangle Niko, and she felt herself grow even more antsy to break out of her shell and leave.
Niko took it upon herself to slip away in the dead of night, when the adults were holding a counsel about her job and mate placements. She knew that the best things for her were held in the big Kia city. She took with her, her radio, food, water, charcoal, paints, clothes, and parchment, and a few other things for herself and stuffed them in a big bag. Then, she headed off in the direction of the city, with little more than the sun and stars to guide her. Two days passed before she could even get a glimpse of the city, and by then the food that she had packed was almost gone and she had broken her radio, so she couldn't pick up signals from the city. But somehow, the Kia managed the make it to the city in the next day.
Niko found work quickly, rooming with a family friend that she met on the outskirts of the town, that had been expecting her. The old Kia told her that she could stay as long as she wanted, and that she wouldn't be reported to her tribe again. The old Kia, a woman named Oatsie, gave her a job working on her chicken farm. It was a rough start for Niko, waking up early and going to bed late. Oatsie payed her with room and board, giving her minimum pay. The months following went by slowly, and Niko grew restless in the first weeks. So, the runaway Kia planned another escape into deeper city in the dead of night once again, while Oatsie slept. However, she heard rustling outside her bedroom door and paused to listen. Through the crack of her door, Niko saw her mother, her father, and the village leader speaking in hushed, urgent tones with Oatsie.
"She is right in her room. I did as you promised. Now give me the pay you promised me." Oatsie demanded of them, motioning to Niko's room. She gasped, Oatsie had betrayed her. Hastily, Niko pushed open her bedroom window, took her measly sack of coins, and escaped once again from her villages' grasp.
Once in the center of the city, Niko roomed with a friendly Kia who seemed willing to help her. Since she didn't recognize the Kia, named Peaches, she knew that she wouldn't be betrayed by her. The friendly Kiamara offered her work as a housekeeper, giving her room and board, paying her much more than Oatsie did. The money she saved built up quickly.
After another few months, Niko had saved enough money to buy her own apartment, with a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and art room, and another small room that she used as a 'recording studio'. She is still under the watch of her lingering tribe. She still has her housekeeping job, but plans on moving on to another once she can stand fully on her won two paws. From here, the present, it is up to Niko to decide what to do.

|L I K E S + D I S L I K E S|
"Accept me as I am or watch me as I leave."

~Snowy days- "Call me weird, but I have
never liked snow. I would much rather have
a rainy or sunny or windy day. There is more
to do. Snow is cold and bitter and boring."

~Mud- "As much as I love my friends who are
boys, they can really be a pain when they start
flinging mud at each other. I hate getting dirty."

~The unknown- "I hate not knowing things. The
unknown has always been my greatest fear. The less
you know, the more dangerous things are."

~The dark- "Another fear of mine. What is hiding
in the dark is unknown. So it sorta ties in. I hate to
think of what things could be lurking out there."

~Poetry- "Especially for school work. I dislike
dissecting the lines of poetry, I can never put
all the things together. I just like reading it,
riding it like a wave. Going with it."

~Stereotypes- "It's always hard to make
friends when you are judged before you are
given a chance. I myself try to steer clear of
stereotypes. Often they are hypocrites. I don't like
those very much either."

~First Impressions- They say that first
impressions are lasting impressions. I'm not too
good with first impressions, so it's harder to make
friends. I always act to shy or snobby and just get
off on the wrong paw."

~Staying up late- "I can't stand sleeping-
it's so... boring. I always have to be doing
something; if not I feel useless."

~Music- "Whether I'm playing an
instrument or listening to music,
it basically keeps me from going
insane. Yes, music runs my life."

~Learning new things- "To a
point, of course. Too much of
anything can be boring."

~Freedom- "It's the only wish
I have in my life. I just want to
do what I want, when I want, how
I want. I love the feeling of being
completely free."

~Gardening- "Gardening while listening
to music is my favorite thing to do in my
free time. I like making things... come to life."

~Art- "Between looking at it and actually making
it, either way I love art. I mostly paint and draw,
I'm not too good with 3D sculptures and stuff like

~Reading and writing- "I love to submerge myself
in a good book or story I am writing. It takes me
right into a different world."

~People that can keep up with her-"I like when
I have friends and know people that are on the same
intellect level as I am. It makes talking to them so
much easier."


|I N T E R V I E W|
"I'm always willing to talk."

"Hello there, I'm Squid! and I'm here to ask you a few questions about yourself."
"Sounds good, I love talking, about myself especially, haha."
"Haha, that's good, you will be doing a lot of it in this interview. To get the ball rolling, I will ask you first what you think of yourself."
"Hmmm, what do I think of myself? Well, I have a lot of flaws, just like any other Kia. But I think pretty highly of myself and can call myself out when I feel like I've done something wrong. Having an awareness of how my actions effect others, I can better understand how I react in social situations."
"I see. You seem like a pretty smart Kia, would you agree with me?"
"Yes, as I said I think pretty highly of myself, so I do agree that I am intelligent. I enjoy compliments like that, so thank you.
"No problem. I see you are very artistic and musical and such. Explain what inspires you most in art."
"The inspiration for my art is mainly scenery I imagine in my head. As a small Kia, my dad would drive our family everywhere in our area and beyond to see different scenes in nature, as he is quite the artist himself. If I am ever half the artist he is, I am blessed. Anyways, I wasn't too artistic yet back then, but now I try to get out and see those places as much as possible now so that I can try and paint the scenery. My dad is a big help, too. He gives me pointers for my art and everything. Anything that I can't now visit, I try to remember and paint off of what I can still see."
"Alright, thank you for the interview!"
"I always love to talk!"

|C O M P A N I O N|
"Everybody needs a judgment-free companion."
"My best friend is Indigo, my blue jay. He enjoys perching on my shoulder or head while I walk around. He is a good listener and can sometimes be temperamental. I just think he is the cutest little thing! He is smart and doesn't fly off for too long, so I trust him to fly back to me. He also listens to me when I'm mad, I think of him as a sounding board. He never says anything back of course, he just stares at me with those intelligent eyes and tweets when necessary. Sometimes when I ruffle his feathers the wrong way, he'll snatch my jewels or feathers and fly off to taunt me. Indigo can really be a pain in the rear, but I do love him."



|F A V O R I T E S|
"Everybody's got favorites."
Song;; "By far, my favorite song is Cruise by Florida Georgia Line. It is such a natural, peaceful song and I find myself humming sometimes throughout the day. Just the imagery of the song makes me think of the summer; the sweet breeze, warm sun, beautiful colors. I just wish another Kia would say those words to me some day."
Time of day;; "I love the middle of the day; everybody is awake and going about their day. I like the bustle of everyday life, and the middle of the day is when everybody is most active."
Season;; "Summer- it's when you can do the most, the days are longer, nights are shorter. You can really live your life how you want to. You can be free."
Food;; "Out of all of them in the world?? How am I supposed to decide? Hmmm, choices, choices. I guess I would have to say fruit salad. It's not too complicated but still has bursting flavor. I like fruit a lot. It's refreshing and gives me energy."
Drink;; "My favorite drink is definitely banana smoothies. I like any smoothie, but banana smoothies have that mellow, smooth taste that I enjoy. It always manages to calm me down when I'm ready to relax. And I drink it in the heat of summer or cold of winter. Yup, I'm one crazy girl."
Candy;; "Well, I like chocolate a lot. Mainly dark chocolate with coconut. So I guess my favorite candy is Mounds or Almond Joy. But mainly Mounds."
Memory;; "I have so so many memories, but one really stands out. It was the night before Easter, and I was a very small Kia, still in that tribe. Being the small kia that I was, curious and silly, I nearly forgot that there was to be a ceremony that night for the tribe, a ceremony where every small Kiamara gets their feathers. On an extremely rare occasion, the old wise kia would give a deserving child more than just feathers. If the old wise kia thought that you were deserving, she would reward you with a message for your future and something important that she had collected and made herself. I was so sure that I would be the one receiving these jewels that I boasted to all the other baby Kias. I guess I was still cocky back then. They were all so certain that I would NOT get it, and that really rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, why would I? I'm very cocky, sure of myself, an attention hogger, a rebel; why would it be me? But something inside me, told me that I had to be the one. It was like my destiny or something.
Anyways, though I was so excited for it, my baby Kia memory didn't remind me that the ceremony was that night. So I went out and played in the creek by our tribe, doing almost nothing. I know I was curious, because no other Kias were at the creek at that time, not even children like me. But I pushed that into the back of my head and kept playing with fish in the water. At one point, I heard my name being called. I raced over and the adult Kias were very mad at me. But they couldn't show it, because they wanted to look good in front of the elders. So I joined the circle around the fire and kept on bragging to the others all through the ceremony that I would be the one to get the charms. I was so silly, I think I tried to run off at one point. But I was dragged back and the elder called my name. I walked up to her and she gave me the jewels, one blue-beaded cord on my head, one on my tail and front leg, two blue bangles on my tail, and one star and blue jay feather earring. In addition, she gave me my feathers; blue jay ones that matched Indigo's. She then whispered in my ear You will always be free, inside and out.' Ever since then, I have lived up to that. So that's my favorite memory."

Color;; "I like the smooth feeling of blue. It can be calm or radiant, cheerful or sad. It can be anything you want it to be, and that's why I like it. When I'm sad, I picture blue as dark and gloomy. When I'm happy, I see blue as light and airy. I just love how smooth the color is. When I picture the texture of blue, I feel silk slip through my paws, slippery and light as air."
Animal;; "The obvious thing to say is the blue jay, as Indigo is my best friend, through thick and thin of course. But I also like other birds too, so I'm going to say that my favorite animal is a bird. They can do whatever they want. They are free inside and out, free spirits. Plus, they can fly. I've always admired things that can fly."
Holiday;; "Besides my birthday, I would say Valentine's day. Then, you can show your love and affection for friends, family, and other loved ones. I like knowing that I'm loved, too. It makes life so much easier knowing that people truly care about you."
Dessert;; "I really like cheesecake- especially chocolate or peanut butter. I like how airy it is- you don't feel overloaded after you eat it. Plus I like the mixture of the heavy crust and the light cake itself."
Book;; "I read a lot when I'm bored, and the book series that always keeps me entertained is the Gone series, including the books Gone, Lies, Hunger, Plague, and Light. It's about a dome that covers a city in Florida, knocking all of the adults and kids over the age of 14 out of the dome. The kids and animals that remain in the dome begin to mutate and gain powers. Then, the power struggle begins with the children. Kids fight for equal rights between kids with and without powers and fight lies, hunger, and diseases. And something more that's... oh, never mind. I don't want to spoil it for you. But you should read it some time, it's really good."
Quote;; "I saw this one a while back and I feel like it really relates to me. "It seems like I only lose things that are important to me. Or maybe its only after I've lost them that they become important." I like it because, even though I hold no regrets about what I did {leaving my tribe}, I still feel conflicted, like it will always be a part of who I am inside. And I never felt like being in the tribe was important before I left, so now I know that the quote really connects with me."
TV show;; "I don't watch TV much, but I think my favorite show is "The Walking Dead." I like how real the walkers look and how gruesome and serious the show really is. Plus, I can keep up with the plot line without watching every single episode of it. As well as it airs late at night, so I have an excuse not to go to sleep."
Movie;; "You know, I'd have to say my favorite movie is "The Notebook." I know what you're thinking, "A chick flick like that and a Kia like you? No way." But I really do love it. The movie is a perfect mixture of happy and sad, love and loss, beginnings and ends. It wraps itself up and leaves no questions unanswered. It really is a great movie."


|Some words from Squid!...|

"I am thankful for the difficult people in my life. They have shown me exactly who I don't want to be."



|A R T|

This is art that I have both made and ordered from other people or shops;;
By conner.kenway @ ♛ Conners Tomato Shop ♛
She looks so cute! All I can say is thank you so much, I love your art.
By me
Just a head shot, it's impossible not to make art of her <33333
WIP with Wolveheart
By Meep Meep
So cute! Thanks so much!
By me
Just a new style I am trying out~
By me
This is a full body, I have to say I love it. Every time I make or get art of Niko, I fall in love even more.
By me
I like this one a lot. Making art of her is so addicting!

I don't have as much art as I would like by far, but I did make a few pieces {some just doodles during class, a few on here to post} just to show how dedicated I personally am to winning this amazing Kia. If I got Niko, I would order loads more art and make lots too.

|L O V E < 3|

Why I love her so much;;
Once I saw that eye, that one eye that you first exposed to the public before posting her full picture, I knew I had a dreamie here. I love her so much I made a whole personality/history folder on her! I love how completely unique she is, from her eyes to her painted toe nails. She is totally and completely like me, when I look at her, I literally see me as a Kiamara. That is why I poured my heart and soul into this form, as I'm sure everybody else has. I really like how her spots aren't like normal Kia spots, they too are one-of-a-kind. I have always liked the combination of pink and brown, and this girl manages to stay natural while using those colors. Her feathers and unique jewels look amazing too. There is so much I could say about this Kia, but I've never been really good with words, so I'll stop here before I start sounding repetitive.

My plans with her;;
If I won Niko {my heart flutters just thinking about obtaining her} I would first jump up and down in joy, because this is literally the prettiest Kia I have ever seen. But after that, I would find all the Kia gift art I could and color it in for her. I would put her on my Kia thread, which is empty as of now, with all of her art too. I would write multiple stories about her adventures with Indigo and her friends. I will be a lot more active on the Kia fanforum and interact with other Kiamara owners. To expand on her personality, I would join the Kia role play and be very active {I love RP'ing} I think that the personality I have sorted out for her would be very fun to RP with, as she isn't Miss Perfect and that is an interesting role to have. As well as all of that, my ultimate goal is to eventually find her a loving mate and possibly have little Kia children! :> I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but these are my hopes and dreams for Niko.


|I N F O R M A T I O N|
Voice;; Smooth as honey with an edge that can make her sound mean when she needs to. Her voice isn't too sweet and squeaky, but definitely isn't deep either. Her voice isn't rough at all, and almost never is. She isn't a fan of her voice, she would rather it be lighter and with a British accent. She often tries for one, but can never keep on it and loses interest for the time. Then, she'll pick right back up and try again.
Interaction;; When you first see this Kia, you'll just see the outside; a pretty Kia with more jewels than most have, purple and yellowy eyes, and blue jay feathers. However, if you were to stop and chat with this Kia, you would realize that there is so much more to her than her good looks. You would be able to tell by the way that she speaks to you that she is self-absorbed and sure of herself, arrogant and cocky sarcasm to her smooth voice. The way she interacts with other Kias is unlike the way most others do; when you first meet her, you are astounded how much she talks of herself. The reason she does that is she feels like she needs to prove herself to new Kiamaras and let them know who she is, basically saying 'like me for who I am or watch me as I leave.' She loves talking {about herself mostly} but is very good with words and talking to others about themselves is okay for her too, although she would much rather be going the opposite. She is gifted when it comes to making others feel happy when they are down about something.
And if you were to keep in touch with Niko, you would know that she would always be there for you, through thick and thin. But don't be surprised when she calls you up in the middle of the night to talk and offer up plans to go out somewhere. She also needs to be kept busy and entertained, or she could lose interest in the same old thing all the time. She really is a great friend, even if when you first met her, Niko's personality seemed a little overpowering.
Crush;; Wide open C; She is certainly interested though; one of her dreams is to grow up and meet another Kia she would like to spend her life with.
Orientation;; Straight, Niko only likes guys. However, since she's never really been in love, if she found a girl Kia that she really loved, she would give it a chance for sure. She is open to anything, really. And she is tolerant of other Kias with different preferences as well.
Birthday;; May 15. Niko's zodiac sign is a Taurus; people with this sign is often described as being strong, dependable, strong-willed, stubborn, and highly creative, which I find fits Niko to a tea. Since she is so art-oriented, I find that the last part fits her best. Plus, since Niko is so headstrong, the stubborn part fits too.
Friends;; Niko makes friends very fast, as her cockiness comes off as charming for most Kias. Many think that she is just joking around when she is bragging and such, but really she isn't. She has trouble holding on to friends long-term, however, as she gets restless when she is stuck with one thing for too long. She has the tendency to hurt her friends' feelings when she is mad at something completely different, pushing them away each time she does so.
Currently, her only friend is Indigo, as working late hours gives her very little time to socialize {I would make sure to get her some friends in an RP or something if I got her} but she is always willing to make new friends. And since Niko strives in the spotlight, having a wide group of friends who look up to her would be perfect for her.
Quirks;; This Kiamara definitely has a few quirks, like how she always feels the inner conflict to prove herself, while on the outside she seems perfectly certain about everything she does. Niko always needs to know everything- she can't stand when anybody talks bad about her and always needs to know when they are. She is constantly changing the course of her life through crazy actions that risk everything that she has built already; luckily, so far everything has been okay for her in the long run.
Dreams;; Niko has always dreamed to either be a singer, songwriter, or painter. The arts play a huge role in her life and she hopes some day to save up enough money to get places in her song career. Right now, however, she is stuck in the mud.
Niko hopes to have a mate and maybe children someday as well {which she would meet, RP'ing}
Niko is very goal-oriented, and her constant need to reach her goals has fueled her to come this far, so she's not stopping until she reaches her dreams, however ambitous they may be.
Talents;; Niko is very good at giving advice, singing, and getting out of sticky situations. She always has a backup plan and always keeps trying for her goals, no matter how crazy they are. Niko is a daring rebel and doesn't take bad things from anybody, no matter who they are. Niko is good at standing up for herself and can be independent and strong when she needs to be, which has proved to be often over the course of her lifetime.
Weaknesses;; Niko has a few weaknesses, just as many other Kias do. Hers include; her fear of the unknown- which sometimes holds her back from doing things that she knows she must do at some point; her self-centered attitude- which wards off many potential friends; her rebelliousness- which gets her in trouble often; staying up late- she is always tired in the morning!; and her need for starting over all the time- even when things are going fine for her, Niko still feels like it can be better, which is both a gift and a weakness.


|S T O R Y|

The drops of fresh dew dapple my paws as I trot playfully through the green meadow bordering our tribe camp. There is a slight mist to the air, and I can almost taste the springtime buds lacing through it. A few of the boys I am friends with race around me. We are playing tag, an all-out war of wit and physical ability. I've pretty much got the wit part down, but it's the strength part I lack in. Sure, I can run, I can jump, and everything else, but since I'm playing with rough-and-tumble boys who have been built for speed and agility, it is a lot harder. I have to make the most out of my knowledge and my size. I quickly dodge the incoming tagger. There are two kinds of taggers; the ones who go for me because I'm easy and they want an easy target, or the ones who don't go for me because they want to be known as the tough one, the one who didn't stoop low enough to try getting me. I resent it.
Quickly and silently, once the tagger has caught on to another victim, I slip into the bushes and brambles on the outskirts of the meadow. Drops of water gather on my fur and feathers and jewels, and I have to fight to not get them caught on branches of bushes. From a tiny window between leaves, I spot the tagger tag my friend, Flick. He looks around slyly, mocking what I do. I know that he is looking for me. I slid into the bushes even deeper. I wince as Indigo, my blue jay, screeches above me and dives down to meet me, "So you're on their side then?" I snap playfully at him, and Indigo screeches again in delight. Flick catches my eye and races over. I gallop in the other direction and then make a quick U-turn and hop onto the trunk of a tree, to side-track him momentarily. My nimble figure allows me to climb the tree with grace and ease. I enjoy that all the other boys and the few girls playing are looking at me. I feed off of that attention. While they are looking still, to keep the attention on me, I scramble up the tree even further, clinging onto the branch closest to me. I stand up shakily on the branch, hoping to prove myself to the others. Although I already have.
I shimmy up to a branch just above the one I'm on. I hears some gasps come from the kids below. I smile to myself and go for the next one, even higher up. Then, in a matter of seconds, there is nothing under my paws. I am falling, the wind whistling through my fur. Flick catches me before I hit the ground. I know that I should thank him, but pride keeps me from it. In fact, once I'm on my feet, I stick my tail up, wave it in his face, and trot away towards the village, muttering to him as I pass, "Thanks alot. I'm pretty sure I can fend for myself." I don't want to seem like a poor sport to anybody else, plus I just want to listen to music now.
My parents aren't too happy when they hear about my episode. Turns out Flick and a few of his friends told them. I guess now I am really kicking myself for not being kinder to him. "Honey, how many times do I have to tell you, no climbing trees taller than you can handle! You would think you'd know what you can and can't do." My mom vents to me as I glare at the floor of our den.
"I just want some freedom, mom." I mutter to her.
"And you should have thanked Flick. He saved your life, or at least a few broken bones. I want you to write a formal apology to him. Now." My dad adds, ignoring my argument and handing me a piece of charcoal and parchment. I roll my eyes and take it begrudgingly, heading to my room to listen to some music.
I flick on the radio and turn it to my favorite station. The music that does come in is fuzzy and isn't the best, due to my tribe's current location in the forest. You see, I live in a tribe of Kias that has been separated from the rest of civilization for a very long time. My entire life has been spent in this one area. And that's all fine and good, I love nature. But I want to be a part of the bigger picture. I want to make music that will be publicly heard and paint pictures that many Kias will see. And as soon as I can get out of this tribe, the better. The only problem is, there is no leaving the tribe.
I slump onto my bed of leaves and moss and begin writing the letter to Flick. I'm nearly positive that the tribe will put Flick and I together. I mean, he's very good looking, a good student, and he follows the rules. The match would be perfect. I half-heartedly write the letter to Flick, a few good sentences, and trot out of my room, tail held high, leaving the radio on.
Once out of my house, the feeling of being caged does not exactly go away. I still feel like I'm stuck in some unbreakable tank with no openings. Except for what I'm planning on doing. Once I am brave enough. Which will have to be soon, as I'm nearing the age where I will be assigned a job, and be matched with a mate.
I race up to Flick's den and slide the letter under the door. I trot off before he notices I'm out here, keeping my tail and head high for anybody who sees me. When people see me, I want them to think, "She's got it all together." The exact opposite of how I'm feeling now. And how I have felt for a long time.
The very word is so tempting and perfect. Freedom. Just a word, but also a feeling. A way of life. I just wish I could have freedom.
Flick's father is the tribe leader. And all of the Kias in the tribe agree that the tribe leader's son is always matched with the best-looking girl. And that is me, of course. I'm very cocky, I realize, but being truthful to myself is important. And Flick is a really nice guy. Nice, funny, smart, handsome, any Kia would want him. I've even known him forever. Except, being with Flick cannot give me freedom. Only I can do that for myself.
I am stopped dead in my tracks when I hear my name being whispered in Flick's den. Maybe they are talking about the crude letter I wrote him. Maybe they are talking about my placements. Either way, I want to know what is being said about me. I creep back up to the den, this time tail low and inconspicuous. I press my ear at his door.
"Niko is out of control. The only way to hold her down is to give her the trade secretary job. That way, she will be able to get out and socialize, but remain within the tribe. She is a vital part of what we have here. She is Flick's soon-to-be mate, for crying out loud!" The tribe leader's whisper is growing frantic, and the fur along my spine rises with cruel pleasure. I like rubbing his fur the wrong way. It shows him that he isn't always all-powerful. However, I gasp when I hear my mom's small but strong voice, almost like mine, speak next,
"I know. We are trying to keep her under control, we really are. Please give her another chance. You know that she is capable of better things then being a trade secretary."
"There is no changing it. Her ceremony is tomorrow. The crack of dawn. Be there." I back away from the door before I hear anything else I don't want to. I shudder. My fur is standing up in terror now. I run to the small, babbling stream that covers the western edge of the camp, passing Flick as I go. He looks confused that I don't say anything to him, but I give him a piercing look that tells him not to follow. Flick is a good enough friend that he won't. I trust him in that way.
Once I get to the tiny pebble-beach beside the creek, I lay down and sob. This small beach is usually my only private safe-haven. The only place where I can let my true colors show. My weaknesses and all. As I cry, a small fish, just a minnow, swims up to the surface of the water. I am startled that it swims right up to the shore, not stopping until it is beached, gulping for water but receiving only air.
I roll my eyes and nudge it back into the water with a gentle paw. I know that it will only do it again by another Kia, probably a baby that will eat it. But why not give it another chance, right? Why not give the dumb little fish a chance to live again? I wonder the situation about the fish and let the tears dry on my cheek fur. I get up again, brushing the pebbles off of my fur. I know what I have to do. Just like the fish, I will get to where I need to go, even if it kills me.
The rest of the day dribbles by, slow as sweet honey. Only it's not sweet. When I am truly dreading something, I get all prepared for it- do everything I need to do, pack everything I need to pack, think everything I need to think. But then I am left with many hours left for doubt, dread, fear of the unknown, and guilt. It seems like forever, but then finally the dark of night sets in and I know that there is no turning back. My mother and father leave the house, saying that they are going to do some night duties. But I know better. Once they leave, I quickly gather my stuff and leave through the small opening in my room. Sticking to the shadows, dodging the moon-dappled light patches on the ground, I make it to the outskirts of the village in a heartbeat.
I look back at the warmly lit place I used to call my home. A night owl calls and a breeze rustles the fresh leaves on the trees. Insects buzz and the branches on the trees creak with that familiar sound. I feel my heart ache. I know I will miss it here. How would I not? But at least I've got my best friend to come with me. Indigo tweets cheerfully by my side and I long for other Kias to be making the journey with me. But I know that where I'm going is better than where I've been. And that's all that matters.


Hex Codes for Art:
hair - #7D2116
base body - #CBC2A1
markings - #CBC2A1, #CBC2A1
spots - #6B2C1B , #D63B4B
blues - #45B3D6 , #114374

" heyababies "
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby rosesgreedy » Sun May 26, 2013 2:13 pm

Reserve ~ <3
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby kivr & fireflii » Sun May 26, 2013 2:16 pm

For the hex codes,
Uh I don't really know how to get them? ;v;

@flyaway , yeah, the images come out broken for me x_x
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby breath. » Sun May 26, 2013 2:18 pm

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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby sapiosexual » Sun May 26, 2013 2:19 pm

winter.fireflii wrote:
For the hex codes,
Uh I don't really know how to get them? ;v;

@flyaway , yeah, the images come out broken for me x_x

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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby kivr & fireflii » Sun May 26, 2013 2:27 pm

Wolfeh-Da-Great wrote:
winter.fireflii wrote:
For the hex codes,
Uh I don't really know how to get them? ;v;

@flyaway , yeah, the images come out broken for me x_x

I only use SAI, so I had no way of knowing the hex codes with that ;v;

hair - #7D2116
base body - #CBC2A1
markings - #CBC2A1, #CBC2A1
spots - #6B2C1B , #D63B4B
blues - #45B3D6 , #114374
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby Akami-chan » Sun May 26, 2013 2:29 pm

Oh hey baby ;D
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby whisky » Sun May 26, 2013 3:29 pm

heyababies ;D

Wip owo
Image Bae Image
I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that ? Boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that.

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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby winter.sunset » Tue May 28, 2013 9:00 am



Me?? S a r c a s t i c?? Never.

I like l o w m a n t i n e n c e girls, but at the same time, c l a s s y.
She needs to t a k e c a r e of herself.
But also be a girl who isn't afraid to get s w e a t y and play basketball.
-Chris Brown

I had always been a t o m b o y- I still am, at heart.
-Maureen O' Hara

I was a tomboy who liked to p l a y r o u g h just like my two older brothers.
That's probably why I liked the a t h l e t i c part of skating -
especially the jumping!

Hello!!My name is PokeZelda.You can call me Zelda,Po,Zeldachu,or just make up your own!!

This beautiful Kiamara's full name shall be Gadis Budak.

Her name,Gadis,means "boy" in Malay.From the start,her parents knew that she would be the boyish type.She likes this name,but her parents always wish they could change it to Ursa,which means bear in Latin as she grew up.She was quite destructive.

Just because she is the boyish type,doesn't mean she is a boy.Gadis is a girl,even though her name means boy.She does have to wear that little crown everywhere,anyways.

I do feel like I'm a t o m b o y at heart,
so I have an easy time working with g u y s.
-Amy Smart

I grew up kind of a tomboy and I used to f i g h t
with all the neighborhood boys.
-Edie Falco
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Re: Kiamara #277

Postby Syra » Wed May 29, 2013 4:41 pm


Full Sized (Warning: extremely large).....Transparent & No Background/Shading

She's quite lovely, though I am not sure she is for me... I may or may not apply depending on what I think of in the next few days, but I just HAD to draw her at least once. So if I do not change this into an application, this is gift art for the winner! <3
Leaving this account.
I just... need a clean start.
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