Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby sodafarts » Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:08 pm

Solatarius, but if you don't call her Tari, you'll regret it >.> No wolf, except for those closest to her (not many!) even know her real name. They're probably too afraid to even ask B)

Name Meaning:
Somewhere along the lines of alone, secluded, lonely, and things like that, in Latin.



There I sat, with my head resting on my overgrown puppy paws, ears alert to every sound. Waiting. Watching. As usual.

Waiting for one of the other pups to finally notice me in a non-violent way, not just because of my parents and their mistakes, and ask me to join them. Watching the other pups run around, laugh, play fight, squeal in happiness, and have fun, while I sat alone in the darkest region of shade......watching and waiting. As usual. Would it kill them to just once, glance my way, notice how unhappy I was, and ask me to join them? Sometimes, I think it seriously would. But no; no one wants to talk to the traitor's daughter.

Maybe......maybe I shouldn't wait for them to come over here, I thought to myself. I think, that maybe, I have to go over there, to them, if I ever want to have friends. I made up my mind quickly-I was going over there, and I would come back with a friend.

As I emerged from the shadows near the big tree I usually took shelter under, it was if I had become the only thing to look at in the entire world. The three pups froze and stared at me, their eyes bigger than the moon. And I stared right back.

"H-hi. I'm.......Tari," I said to them as I inched closer, plastering a weak and somewhat scary smile across my mouth. Surely at least one of them will talk to me! I ducked my unusually curled tail between my legs, trying to look as nice, sweet and friendly as possible. Unfortunately, I am none of those things, and these pups knew it.

"We know who you are," retaliated the oldest pup with a sneer and a hateful gleam in his eyes. He stood tall in front of the other two pups, who were cowering behind him. He was obviously the leader here. "Everyone knows who you are, AND your traitor parents!"

"Oh......" Was all I managed to squeak out of my mouth before I completely froze up. I had heard those words a thousand times before, but they had never sounded so cruel and hurtful from a pup, especially one I barely knew. I crouched down and simply stared at the ground, because if I lifted my head up to meet their rude, cruel, hurtful faces, I was sure I would burst into flames, on the spot. But no matter how mean it sounded coming from his mouth, deep down, I knew it was true. Everyone did know who I was, and my parents were traitors. I slinked back to my shadows, fighting back the tears that were already stinging the backs of my eyes. I could still hear their snickers and whispers, even with my back turned.


The next day, I just continued to quietly watch the other three pups from my same old shadowy fortress. Just like I did the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. Finally, I decided it was time for me to make another move. I got back the courage that the male pup had previously sucked right out of me, or at least enough to come out of the shadows a little to hide behind a nearby rock in front of the pups' little clearing. I still couldn't see them, but that meant they couldn't see me either. However, I could hear their conversation. Every word of it. But as soon as I heard it, I just wished I didn't.

"I heard her parents were secretly Kronadors themselves, just reincarnated int wolves!" I haerd the little male pup say in between pounces.

"That's crazy! If you're gonna come up with a excuse, at least get the story straight first, ya big dummy!" Replied the female pup to him. He obviously wasn't the brightest of the three. "They didn't go to the Kronadors, stupid, they accidently leaked some information and the Kronadors heard it!" was kinda true........

"Well ya know what I heard?" I heard the leader pup ask. I recognized him just by his voice; the way it sounded-deep for a pup, you could tell he was sneering, even without seeing him, and totally in charge. Oh gosh, I thought to myself, this should be good. He whispered now, and by the scuffling sounds, the other two pups gathered in closer to him, intently listening to his every word.

"I heard that they're not really dead!" There were two dramatic gasps from the pups. "And, " he continued, "they're still leaking information, and trying to make another new pack! In league with the Kronadors!" He exclaimed. But he still wasn't done. "Yeah, and get this: Tari's a traitor too."

WHAT?!?! How dare he call me a traitor! I'm even younger than him, and we're both still just pups! I had to bite my tongue so hard that my mouth was filled with blood within seconds, to keep myself from saying something I'd really regret later. I squeezed my eyes shut to hold back the hot tears I could already feel burning at the back of my eyes. How dare he say that! I am in no way a traitor! Sometimes, I just hated my parents for their mistakes that were always pegged on me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I crawled back to my shadows, the only place I feel safe anymore. Now, I was invisible. Alone. Hidden. Safe. Silent. Who needs friends anyways, I thought to myself. They'll just end up back stabbing me in the future like everyone else I've ever known. And with that newly made vow permanently singed into my head and my heart, to be tougher than the rest by not having friends, so I couldn't get hurt, I curled up and fell asleep.

-Training Practice-
(I feel this story really captures her personality X3)

I sat in my too small, beat up wooden armor, far separated from the other hopeless warrior trainees. Seriously, was I the only one here with a fair chance at becoming a warrior soon? I mean, look at these guys! Some of these losers can't even pounce without screwing up, and a lot of 'em are afraid of their own stupid shadows! Well, almost all of them. No matter how much it killed me to admit it, I was not the only skilled one here: *_______ was too. He and I have been competing head to head since we were pups. For some unknown reason, he has always hated me! Even when I didn't hardly know him. So I, in turn, have done my best to prove him wrong and show how much better I was than him. Moron. I huffed agitatedly and rested my head on my paws, watching once more these hopeless trainees hop around on the field, raise one paw at each other, and think that it will help them one day in a fight against a Kronador.

"Tari, we need you over here!" Called one of the trainees. I had no intentions of going over there and he knew it, so I just gave him a death glare and turned my back to them all. Then, a couple seconds later, came,"Tari, get over here! Seriously, we need you!"

"Shut up, I'm COMING!" I called to him as I growled and rose to my feet. Yep, he'd done it now: today, he is officially on my bad side and trust me, you do not want to be on my bad side. And he knew this too, because as I came nearer to the group he cowered down like a freakin' puppy, and met my eyes with a scared, tense gleam in them. I met back his gaze, forcing him to turn away or face the consequences. With that settled, I focused what little attention I wanted to on the lesson at hand. I didn't need to concentrate much, I already knew all of this. So I just stretched out, at the very back of the huddle of trainees, and started to drift asleep until I was so rudely interrupted.

"Tari, get your butt outta La La Land and focus on the lesson!" snapped ______. I just bared my teeth at him. By now, he should know better than to bother me, especially just as I'm going to sleep. Gosh, he was just always on my back about something. I guess he wasn't really a mean wolf, just something about me brought out his bad side.....or something. That was way too deep, emotionally, for me -.-

I put on my most darling puppy face, which remarkably, I was quite good at. "_______, can you pwetty pwease do me a favor?" I asked in my nicest voice possible.

"What?" He growled as he impatiently rolled his eyes. He was not new to my tricks, and he knew something was up.

"Shut up, and!" I replied back to him, dropping my innocent puppy act. But what happened next, I most certainly did not expect.

He tackled me! He full on leapt at me, pinning me to the ground! What nerve that idiot had! "Y'kno what Tari?" He said. "Why don't you shut up, okay?" He was raising his voice now, and all previous attention focused on the lesson was now focused on the little brawl we had going on here.

I decided enough was enough. I turned the tables and pinned him now! "Don't you dare tell me what to do, ________! You have always given me a hard time, so just shut up! Just for once, SHUT UP!" I was yelling now, and wolves outside of the training area could hear us and a few even came over to see what all the commotion was about. I couldn't believe it! I was actually shouting my feelings now, tears on the brinks of my eyes!

"I have not given you a hard time!" He retaliated back, flipping me over to pin me while he yelled in my face. "Well.....can I just leave it at ''it's complicated''? Because y'know what Tari, it is." Was that an emotion other that snideness and brutality I detected in his voice now? Confusion maybe? Compassion?

Well I had had enough of it. I quite violently tackled him once more and finished my speech. My voice cracked I put so much emotion into it, but I didn't care. "No, actually, it's not complicated. And if you're too stupid to see it that way, then I'll un-complicate it for you! You hate me! You always have!!! And as far as I can see, it's for no reason. So BACK. OFF.

"No, Tari. You're wrong, for once. Yes, you, the amazing, beautiful, always right, better-than-everyone else-Tari, is wrong for a change." WHAT?! What on earth is he talking about? I do not think I'm better than every- wait, did he just call me beautiful? Or was that still part of his sarcastic little montage there.....

"Then what is it ______? Do you hate me or not? Just, what is it?" I was so confused now. What was he even talking about? Gosh, this can not end well.

*I do not have a name for him yet, I will ask around to see if anyone has a WoI with a fitting personality and such and will allow me to use him in the story ^^

Uploading :3 Most are sketches, I had limited access to a computer to see her markings xD Plus, I can't color very well, and have it not look all fuzzy Dx It ruins the quality of the lines :'3
C:\Documents and Settings\Parents\My Documents\My Pictures\My Scans\2012-07 (Jul)
(idk if this will work :S)

What's required in a WoI armor?:
A back plate aaaaaand a chest plate are the only things required. Any other add ons are welcome, though.

Armor Concept:
WIP, although it is Pheonix based, since her personality reminded me of something fiery and dangerous yet beautiful <333333 Can't perfect it yet :3 Might need some help ^^' I have the basic outline, though :)

Theme Song:
Because yes B) Really, I heard this song, listened to it a billion times more, and realized that the lyrics describe her perfectly <3

At what age do WoI's become soldiers?:
Within a year, since they age like normal wolves.

In isket, where do the WoI's live?:
They live in their Dens, networks of tunnels inside of the huge, reddish mountains of Ikset. They prefer this barren home, not only because they can withstand the climate, but also because the elevation is perfect for them to see any oncoming intruders or attackers, while the wolves stay fairly hidden.
Last edited by sodafarts on Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:48 am, edited 6 times in total.
hi i am soda/eli :-)

mostly inactive these days </333 but hanging around to draw occasionally

she/they idc - intp - capricorn ☼ aries ☾ libra ⇡ - adult - usa

main interests: MY CATS, dorohedoro, chainsaw man, soul eater, tbhk, adventure time, kingdom hearts, OFF, genshin impact, okami, devilman crybaby, berserk, welcome to night vale, atla, studio ghibli, vocaloid, wacky music, gross stuff, cooking, learning languages <-- hi everyone how would u describe me :')
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby ~Wolf~ » Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:10 pm

Aw shes cute!
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby mango sherbet » Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:18 pm

marking for form.

( readying myself for battle xD )
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby Ralonica Thorondor » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:41 pm


Les (pronounded "Lez")


The rain falls down, in sheets. It pummels the ground, pounding the earth, creating temporary pools and swift rivulets that fill up with swirling, white water before vanishing within a day. The wind fiercely blows against the trees, the red mountains and the rain, making the rain fall horizontal, getting into your fur, eyes, ears and nose. It falls into the den, soaking the entrances, making rivers of mud flow through the passages. The other Warriors stumble, bleary-eyed, through the passages, tired and exhausted from either restlessness or trying to find a kill in the torrents of rain.

I pace back and forth, restlessly. I want to get outside, to run, even in the rain – being cooped up like this just makes me feel caged and restricted. I’m just near one of the entrances. the smallest one, at that. An old, female WoI lies at the entrance – and exit – of this small tunnel, not because they want to spoil your fun, but because this is the opening closest to the thick forests that lie for kilometres before the boundary, where WoI territory ends, and the Kronador territory takes over, a forbidden place, told in stories as a desolate, barren plain, highly contrasted with the lush part of Isket that the Warriors have control of. The Kronadors are always interwoven with these stories, designed to plant fear into the hearts of innocent, naïve pups. I, personally, have never really believed these tales. While other pups have cowered and whimpered upon hearing of these ‘dangerous’ creatures, I feel like snarling and demanding the truth from the story-teller. But instead I am forced to stay silent, and slink away from the cave, seeking some solitary time. Alone. Which happens a lot these days. But I don’t care – I prefer my own company to the company of other WoIs.

I hear a noise, and my ears prick up. Other WoIs are coming down the passage, towards where I am standing. By the sounds they make, I can tell they are soldiers, wearing their gleaming armour, going for the hunt. I walk to the side of the passage, wanting to go un-noticed, but the closest soldier sees me, and grunts.

"Move out of my way, pup." he gruffly says, before stomping past me. I frown. I’m nearly one year old, nearly a soldier. I am no pup. I growl at him in reply, my eyes closed into slits. I am just about to retaliate when the rest of the troop clank past me, talking in growls, snarls, and all sorts of other noises. They all ignore me, and I don’t bother to make myself noticed. The leader turns around, and then starts talking to the group. It’s just a load of boring chat about hunt tactics, and I completely ignore it, when I suddenly realise that I have an opportunity – an opportunity to get outside, and have some air, rather than being cooped up. My mind wanders to my training armour, but I discard the thought. My training armour is creaky, ill-fitting and dull. I absolutely hate it. I would prefer having half-decent armour, like the soldiers do, but even that is poor compared to the feel of no armour at all.

My ears prick up as I see the group starting to move out of the den. I wait until the last one is leaving, before quickly springing out of the entrance, and dashing down the slope outside. After all the fuss and noise the soldiers have made, no-one would notice my exit. The old warrior lying beside the door doesn’t even see me – she is still settling down after all the fuss they had made. I run, fast, feeling the wind against my body, my fur, my tail, curled up against my back. Mud splashes up against my legs. I run diagonal to the den entrance, out of the line of sight of the old warrior. I run faster, faster, stretching my legs out, and whoosh! I shoot past the tree-line, the soft grass under my blue-grey pads, the tall, swaying trees above my head.

I run faster, and faster. I leaped easily over rocks and roots, hollow ditches and other things. I know where I want to go. I know this whole area, actually. This isn’t the first time I have broken out. I do it quite often, actually. Gives me a break from all the warriors in the den who frustrate me to no end. You see, I have always been considered as an outsider. I wasn’t even born into the pack – they say they found me, bleeding, bruised and injured, relatively close to the Kronador border. I can’t remember any of that, but I do remember that I was with my brothers and sisters. We had been cast out of somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I was the second-oldest pup, and our oldest brother had abandoned us – the only one with any sense. He had decided to leave his helpless – and hopeless – siblings to find a life somewhere else. I remember all my brothers and sisters dying off around me, and I couldn’t do anything. They say that when they found me, I was standing beside one of the dead pups, who had obviously just died. They say that I was vicious and wouldn’t let them touch me, or the dead body.

I still don’t know if I should believe it or not.

Suddenly my thoughts are shattered by a shriek – a loud, ear-piercing wail that could only be that of a Kronador’s. I race towards the noise, and slide to a stop just behind the tree-line of a clearing. I crane my neck to see through the thick bushes, and I see the soldiers. Oh great. I didn’t intend to catch up on them. I notice that the soldiers have brought down the Kronador, and several of them are biting into it’s neck, holding it in a strong hold while it still struggles underneath the pain. I start to skirt around the clearing, not wanting to be noticed. Even a pup could see that a warrior engaged in combat could easily be defeated, if he was distracted by something particularly distracting. Like a young, armour-less WoI bursting into the clearing, when it should be in the den. I run lightly, and softly around the clearing, picking my feet up and setting them down with care. Suddenly, I hear something. A noise. A low, growling noise. The crunching of small bushes, twigs and branches underfoot. I just have time to stop and realise what it is, when a fully-grown Kronador charges at me.

It lets off the same ear-piercing shriek, and I am stunned for a moment, trying to shield myself from the noise. I hear some barking from behind me, and I instantly know it’s the soldiers. Part of me wants to flee, part of me wants to stay here and bide my time until they come, and part of me wants to kill this beast, and show everyone just who I am.

I listen to the latter part.

I dash at the Kronador, flitting between it’s legs. I instantly hear a roar of rage from the Kronador, who doesn’t have the agility to chase. I just miss being de-capitated by it’s powerful tail when I hear the voices of the soldiers.

"Get out of there! What the @$#@^&% do you think you’re doing!?" I hear the cries of the enraged warrior, the leader of the band of soldiers. The one who had called me a pup. I ignore him and dash around the Kronador’s leg, hearing it stumble, trying to catch me. My aim is to tire it. I hear the gnashing of it’s teeth behind me, and I feel the adrenaline as it’s teeth just miss my curled tail. I keep on running, dashing, and frustrating the Kronador, when I hear something that makes my heart stop.

"We don’t need you here! Go back to where you belong, pup!"

The hackles on the back of my neck rise. A film of red anger rises in front of my eyes. I feel a surge of aggression fill me, and I want to rage, I want to tear. I want to feel warm blood under my jaws, and I want to feel the feeling of victory.

My anger makes me misjudge a leap. I leap straight onto a mud-puddle, half-dried out but still slippery from the rainfall. I lose my footing and collapse onto the ground. I barely have time to think before I feel the Kronador’s talons digging into my skin, into my body. I groan, and feel myself go limp with agony. Suddenly I feel the Kronador’s grip loosening, and I’m dropped back onto the ground. I hear an ear-piercing shriek, and barely have time to drag myself away before a large, thick tail sweeps just inches away from me. If I hadn’t moved, I would be dead.

Darkness. Pain. All I can feel is the darkness. All I can feel is the pain. How long have I been here? How long have I been in this darkness? I feel like I'm falling, falling, falling in an endless void, never to feel the-

Bang. I shudder and jolt as I burst wide awake. I look around, in confusion. Where am I? I'm sure I wasn't here before. Oh, yeah. The Kronador. The soldiers. I sigh as I remember what happened. I look around, taking in my surroundings. Yes! I finally reached my destination. But how did I get here? I rack my brains, trying to find out, and I start to groom myself, smooth down my fur. Blood. My fur tastes like blood. I see a deep wound in the side of my body, and I groan. Blood has pooled underneath it, soaking my fur in red stains. I must have somehow travelled here, then blacked out from loss of blood. Well, for some miraculous reason, I'm not bleeding now. I sigh with relief. At least I'm not going to die from loss of blood. Or turn into a limp, blood-less creature that craves for other WoI blood, a creature that...

Oh dang. I can't go thinking about those childish stories now.

I shake myself, and bring myself to my wobbly feet. Geez, I hadn't realised how unstable my legs are. They're like jelly. I take a shuddering breath and take a step forward, towards a large, red boulder. It looks like it's been cut out of the mountainside that is hundreds of kilometres away. I have a theory that it was sucked up into the sky, and it fell down in a storm. I like to think of that when my imagination is running particularly high. Well, this boulder didn't only come down from the sky. It marks the spot. Yes, the spot. What's so special about it? Well, I've explained most of the territory around the pack's den. But never past this boulder. After that, I've always been told that it's too close to the Kronador border, and it's too dangerous. But as I touch my nose to the boulder, I feel a tingling sensation, like I've been here before. Well, maybe I have. Apparently I was found close to here.


Yes. Yes.
I must have come from here. From beyond the boulder. Maybe even from Kronador lands. I've always been attracted to this place, and I've never known why. I shake myself again, and take a step forward, past the boulder. I look back, one last time. This has been the land I've known for nearly all my lifetime. But it hasn't been the only land. I look ahead, and look into the distance. A wolf howls, far off. It could be the pack, searching for me. I smile. Let them search. But they'll never find me.

I'll be on my way to the other land, the other land that I knew when I was a pup. My birthland.

Where I truly belong.


What's required in a WoI armor?:
In WoI armor, the armor must always have a chest plate and a back plate. The armor is special and unique to each WoI.

At what age do WoI's become soldiers?:
WoIs become soldiers when they reach 1 year old.

In Isket, where do the WoI's live?:
The WoIs live in one of the two territories. They live in the territory belonging to the WoIs. The other territory belongs to the Kronadors.

OK. I'm supposing that you're wondering why exactly I'm trying out for this lovely WoI. Here, a more sentimental me would weave some sop story about how she is absolutely perfect, and I've never seen a WoI like her. Well, she isn't perfect. Her personality would tell you that. But she has so many attributes that made me attracted to her. I must admit - when I first saw her, my heart sank. I thought it was just another WoI with boring colours, so subtle you couldn't tell the difference between the markings and the coat. I decided to see the design without shading, and I instantly became more interested. Those stripes! They caught my eye. But I was still iffy - I couldn't decide that it was a WoI I would want to own, to keep. Then, reading her personality, I knew that I would try for her. Give it all I've got. Yes, there is still the possibility that her shiny-ness will rub off, that I'll give up, and leave a half-finished form. But I'm going to try for her. Put some effort into my work. And if I don't get her, I know I haven't given it my best shot.

With my story, I mention that Leslie is an outsider. I'm referring to the "Unknown", the "Lost WoI" mentioned in the WoI Thread, after the History of the warriors.
Last edited by Ralonica Thorondor on Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby not here sorry! » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:51 pm

Marking. :3 She's so beautiful. x3 Good luck,everyone.
not rlly active anymore on here, sorry!

picture above is by paint! ^u^
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby ▷ Dreamcatcher ◁ » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:59 pm

°Name:~ Aluin (A-loo-in) ~

°Why did i choose this name? ": ~Aluin seems to fit not only her devine and elegant beauty, but shows the true of her personality. A truly independant fae, but one not only willing to fight for her kind, but to live through her destiny as a young warrior. Striding upon the deep, teal grass of Isket.~

°Getting to her her voice: ~When a wolf first hears the faes voice, you know almost exactly who your dealing with.her words are spoken with leadership, heart, and fire. Her words match her strength, her kindness, and the clear fact that shes independant and can do things on her own.~

°Aluin's theme songs: ~This song is one of her main themes. Listen, when you hear the words speaking of strength, how unbreakable she is, and how she wont let anyone in her way; think Aluin and it sparks. This is what she sounds like when she speaks.~~ Dark Side Shows how Aluin knows she has temper, but hopes someone can still love her and reach her kind side. ~

°Story: (I hope its alright that I use fake wolves)
~ It all starts from the beginning. Always there, like a new bud upon a tree of blossoms, first, it must bloom before it may venture to its course, either producing a fruit or drifting hoplessly away into the air, landing somewhere upon the meadow.

Aluin sat among her three siblings, Sen jei, little Sungari, and Crimzen. The young fae always wanting to take a lone venture out to the mountainside. There, her young, blue orbs would gaze around, admiring the beauty of Isket, one she would grow to know more of its mere secrets. At a young age, Aluin had always been kind and respectful to older wolves, though she despised her siblings who always seemed to get on her nerves.

As months passed, she grew older, an ammount wiser from when she was so young. But now, her true personality shown through, still though, a spark of kindess fluttered around about her twinkling eyes. Unless something were to set her off, changing the beautiful, innocent gaze, to a peer so cold, so harsh, one would feel as if they were being melted away by the hottest part of the fire, the raging blue.

Aluin awoke one morning with a gently yawn, dazing around tiredly. Woken by her mothers voice, " Time to rise, Aluin. " her mother whispered in a warming tone, only to be suprised by an annoyed bark, " I know mom, I was tired." She glared at the wolf, annoyed that she had been bugged, but she stood up anyway, shaking of her dusty pelt and padding to the tunnel entrance and saying her last goodbye before dissapearing into the chain of tunnels, heading off to the meadow just below the red peak where she was to begin her training today, along with a few other wolves who she knew fairly well. She padded down the windey path, down to Isket's cool grass. Seeing it not too far ahead, she raced down the hill, bounding in the teal blades that reached up and around her fur, cooling her slightly. The pup moved through the waves of grass, ready to begin her training session, learning to become a great warrior.

Reaching a small group of wolves, seeing she was the last to arrive. She felt her cheeks become warm as everyone stared at her. The mentor nodded and began by hazing the pups complete several courses to see what skill the possesed. Wether it was dodging, leap attacks, speed and agility, or swift, quiet attacks. During the speed and agility test, Aluin had gotten tripped by a clumsy male. She stopped, having enough of being in this large group,she yelled, " Hey! Watch where your stupid little paws ars place! " she growled, though she was fine he hellped her up and apologized, " ya know what? That truly makes it better..." she barked sarcasstically, rolling her eyes.

A days long class had tired her. She now sat out upon the great red rock of the mountain, watching the war frm afar, one day wishing to join them... This was Aluin's time of peace as she watched the breath-taking land, its white flowing waters crossing just before the ground was full of true, brave warriors, fighting for Isket. Her mind filled with unique thoughts, swirling around in her head, her blue eyes sparkling, reflecting the stars' light. She gently swished her tail, back and fourth, waiting for her time to come...


"Kenai! Get the left!" Aluin barked as she leapt upon a large rock that had lay beside the running Kronador.Her royal, blue eyes watching it until the right time, flying off the rock and pressing her claws against the dragon-like creature these wolves so much despised. biting into it's rough hide as Kenai and her sister, Sungari, attacked at the same move as she. Aluin ripped at the creature's rough hide, the three soon killing the Kronador. Sungari had been cut on her cheek from the animal who had tried to bite and claw at them, but overall, no fatal damage. Aluin smiled some, panting from the attack, and nodded for the team's great work. She then, set off again to fight for her kind, to help the land of Isket.

Aluin shook her head slightly as she pad through the land, stopping at that white stream, bowing her head gently to lap up the cooling liquid. Lifting her head, she sighed some, gazing around at Isket, her coat owning stars of it's own. She then stood with a slight sigh and pawed off into the tall grass towards her home amongst the soft red of the rocky mouintains. ~

°Art: ~Aluin as a pup, sitting on the red rocks~
(I would have done more art, i have sketches but i cant upload them ): so this'll have to work )
°What's required in a WoI armor?:~ For the requirements, one must have a backplate, and a chestplate, two of the most important larts of the armour. Without that, one could take a fatal blow, thier spirit releasing from the WoI's body. Leaving it dead.~

°At what age do WoI's become soldiers?: ~WoI grow until they rech the age og one year before leaving behind the life of a trainee to venture off into a world of new beginnings as they rank into soldiers.~

° In isket, where do the WoI's live?: ~ look beyond the battlefield and what do you see? Tall, red mountains that reach to the sky. There upon the barren land a whole community of dens lie in the special minirals of the mountain side. Inside lead hundreds of narrow tunnels and hidden rooms, awaiting a paw to step inside.~
Last edited by ▷ Dreamcatcher ◁ on Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.


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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby ○~Discover~○ » Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:14 am

- oh my <3 I just have to try out for this one <333 -

(Image soon To come)
. N a m e.

I think that I would love to call her Praline (Pray-Leen). I am thinking about naming her this because Its such a unique name and I think it gives her a great way to start off with a personality. I really Belive that It completes her looks.

. G e n de r .

I dont think that there is really a choice here haha. So Female it is <3 and even if I was able to change the gender. It would remain female.

. P e r so n a i t y.

Praline isn't what you would call... Nice. Most think she is bipolar when really. Shes like this all the time. It is rare to see a real smile appear on her face. Unless its a smile that goes with her famous sarcastic jokes, that mostly just seem funny to her. She can be a royal pain int he butt to people with her always getting annoyed by others. This is why she tends to try her best to stay out of the way of other. As if they had any say in what she does. No, But It helps her try not to blow up in others faces. She doesn't think that she can be that bad with her mood, But it makes others angry and she is sick and tired of always hearing, "Why don't you try and be nicer?" or "You would have more friends if you were more nice" Or some trash like that. She normally gets mad at others for addressing her as a, and excuse my Language, But a Bitch. Hearing others call her this just royally pisses her off to the point of no extend. That why she tries her best to ignore and play life to her own lyrics. When Praline is on her rare occasion of hanging out with others, They are most of the time a male. Because they tend to be the ones whom don't treat her like a fragile thing like most of the girls do. Most of the females are to preppy and girly for her to handle and will most likely end up with her mauling someones eyes out. When she is playing with the boys she is generally out doing sports like football or what-not. She believes that its a good way to let off some of the hot-headed steam of hers, while at the same time gain enough attention that other will know that she is tough. Praline is also very impatient. Most of the time growing irritable and then growing angry once more. Thats why she tends to try and do things when There is no wait such as a line or a pre-order.

. S t o r y.

Revenge. Sweet sweet Revenge.

They say shes on top of the world. They say that she is irresistibly beautiful. They say shes the nicest, Funniest, and the most amazing Wolf In the land of Isket. Well. Not to me. I say shes popular. I say shes an attention Hog. I say she cares for nobody but herself. I say shes the rudest, Most irrational one out there. She could vanish for all I cared. And I wouldn't cry like some of the others. I wouldn't even be curious as to what happened to her. just as long as shes of this planet. I wouldn't feel guilty. Even If her blood stained my Coat red. I wouldn't care. They say that hatred is one of the strongest feeling someone has. The first being love. I think not. Both of these are wrong. Love is something that somebody feels for once when Another is kind and sweet to you. Its just one of those stupid things that you get over. I think that there is no such thing as a "soul mate" Or "The one" Heck. I don't even think there is such a thing as the word "love" Just the thought of it makes me sick. However. The felling of hatred I feel alot. I know this is real when I see her standing there all perfect and I'm over here sitting alone with my apparent "mood troubles" Not that there is anything wrong with that. I love being by myself, and It has really helped my not shed blood as much as I have done in my head, Which is a good sign. But Hatred. I think its the only strong feeling I have, fallowed by annoyance, Impatience, and anger. Hatred is the world to me. Hatred just, Makes me.. Me. You know? And when it comes to her. That snobby little bit..... hem. She just drives me to a point of no return. A point when I realize. Hatred may not be the only thing I feel. Bu Revenge is a Must.

Revenge against what exactly? If not sure. Probably just the way she is makes me want to throw up my skeleton. You have had that feeling right? When Somebody Is just so perfect and Is unnaturally sweet and freaking pretty and has the most friends. And Your just sitting somewhere. Being you. And nobody even dares a glance at you with her around. The point when Someone proves that they are better than you in such an unkind manner. When Someone is perfect. Flawless. and Above all... Liked. The one person where You cant stand them because they are everything that you want to be and more. The one single person that makes your heart break because you cant be in their shoes and live a life like they do everyday. The one Single being that makes you sick and the one that you hate for no reason because of nothing. Well... Nothing but pure jealousy. And don't lie to yourself. We all know you have. i know I have. After all whats the point in this story. With these words that I'm saying, If I didn't have the feeling. Yes I want to be the one everybody likes. But the thought of it scares me. The thought of being liked by everyone and being a somebody frightens me beyond belief. I like who I am, But if It would just kill someone to notice once in a while. But this story isn't about that. its about hatred, fear, things that only make sense in my mind, and Revenge. Good ole Revenge.

Like Is mentioned. Revenge about what exactly? I will answer that now. Revenge to all of use whom sit back and watch as others shine while we do whats Comfortable to use In our own manner, Yet continue to get pushed down, Ignored, and Get called names. This is for people like me. Ones who arnt afraid to show who they are. Ones who cant stand flawlessness and ones whom crave disaster and destruction of the most beloved girl. This is for you guys. The ones who are like me. The ones who understand the revenge of this. Use finally getting noticed. Or..My attempt to help make you guys noticed. I better get a thank you for this. I am about to do the unthinkable. Murder. Well. Not technically a bloodshed kind of murder. But more of a clique murder. I am going to destroy this girl. this "Barbie" and who knows. if im lucky I might just be able to take a few bats at her. But that's really pointless now isn't it?

Its funny. Us girls. How cruel we are to one another. Guys always say that they don't understand us. That we are too complicated. And maybe they are right. Maybe we are just stupid girls who don't have any reason to do things. Or maybe they are dead wrong. Every girl needs a time to shine. Every girl has a reason. And as crazy as it sounds, ever girl understands most of the reasons to do things. And you might be calling me crazy. You might just be. But I can promise you that there is a reason for this destruction. And its to help you. Yeah yeah. im in a good mood. Dont expect help like this too often. Now. Enough blabbering. Time to get real. Time for our story.

{The rest of this story will be written If I win her. I just want to wait so then I have enough time to plan out and write a good story that people will love! In the mean time above is the plot of the story. Well, The plot being revenge over a girl whom has Praline in her grasp and makes her jealous that the other girl has it all. In this story Praline is going to do something no other would do. She is going to take her jealous wrath out on her. She may spill blood or she may just keep harsh words locked onto the others girl. But either way. She will make a point that Fakes will get nowhere in the world. And sometimes even loners need a time to shine.}

. S t o r y 2 .


. A r m o r .

The concept of this Armour design is a more of a Steam punk kind. I view the over-all Armour design as a very unique piece that Is like no other. I am actually very proud of the headpiece of the Armour. I is very unique and will protect her head from hard clashed with he ground, Another WOI, or something as hard as steel. It doesn't look very protective on the outside, But when Its you inside of it, It makes a whole lot of difference. As You might be able to tell, I may change the colors and stuff on the Armour before I actually have it as her official Armour. I am thinking of colors that would be more dark and soothing like her personality, Yet has some brightness to it like the small spots you can find on her. Underneath the feathery side are hard steel plates that protect her sides from hard clashed in the side. They are kept hidden from an enemies vision line as a perk to hurt the enemy in a way such as. head on collisions with her side, Teeth aiming to hit her side, a simple paw whack on her side. The whole Armour concept is still a work in progress and will be worked on alot harder if I win this girl. So fingers crossed!


I will add coloring to it soon enough <3


. S o n g .

Song = WIP!

- Praline -


Full Name:
Nothing. She hates being called anything besides her original name.

Female. If you mistake her for one of the guys she might just as well be in love with you. After a good yelling that is.
Unknown at the moment
Birth date:
7/9 --- July 9th
Birth place:
She was actually born in this area right here
She is straight. If you touch her and you are female. Run.

At the Shoulder, Praline Is around 3'2 Though At the head she reaches around 3'8
Last weighed in at, Praline was around 134lbs

Describe their voice:
Her voice is something you wouldn't expect. its really girly and sweet. But Its one of those things about her that you can get wrong.
Do they like their voice?:
She hates her voice so much.
Do they have an accent?:
She sounds American
Do they sing?:
No she doesn't, She thinks that he is terrible at it, therefore she never does sing.
If they sing, are they good at it?:
She is actually kind of good at it, But most of the time, Praline puts herself down about it.


Eye color(s):
Her eyes are a simple Light Blue.
Body build:
Slim and Sleek with Fluff everywhere
Correct at times, but can also be slouched
How they smile:
In a cute Sincere, and Flattering way. Yet sometimes evil and insecure.
Body abnormalities:
None from what she can tell.
Describe how She walks:
In a quickend swoop, She is light on her paws and will act fast when It comes to turning. She walks slow at times, But hardly ever


Her Coat is rather dark, giving her a sinister look to her. Her facial markings are rather complex as well.
Yes from hunting, However they are all covered up by her thick, Long, Fluffy Fur.
How did they get the majority of these scars?:
During her hunting. She is normally the one who attacks the legs of an animal, Therefore she has injuries.

Describe Their Items/Accessories:
None other than her armor.


Emotional stability:
She is a little insane. But not in the bad way, But in a scary way.
Why do they have such/lack emotional stability?:
Because She doesn't have that great of an outlook on life.
Outlook on life:
Like I said, She doesn't really have an outlook.
General attitude:
she is very tough, impatient and hotheaded, preferring to be alone most of the time. She is also very sarcastic and can be violent sometimes.

Emotional trauma:
Nothing to dramatic.
How do they respond when the trauma issue is
talked about/touched on?:

She tries to avoid the subject
You Never know If you Dont try
Do they hold these morals for religious reasons?:
Personal quote and(or) motto:
Keep Calm and Carry On

How do they respond and/or react in times of...
She keeps most of her feeling to herself, But she is a little nicer.
Jumping up and down and all around..... In her mind
She tends not to show any emotion.
physical: Screams and what-not
Mental: Quiet and unforgiving


Good habits:
Staying away from others so then the truth doesnt hurt.
Bad habits:
Her bad attitude

Sleeping habits:
She loves to stay up late and sometimes pull all-nighters.
A little bit

Special skills:
She is generally very good at Hunting
She doesn't really have a Hobby.
How do they spend their free time?:
Counting sheep and froggy leaps. Basically, Its a wild show for everyone, No day is exactly the same as the last.
What about their non-free time?:
What ever is on the menu!

What's their favorite time of day?:
The very Begining of morning so Dawn
Why is this their favorite time of day?:
Becouse the Sky is bright and clear and The air is fresh and clean. She loves stepping on the morning Dew. Though she would never admit it to anyone.
Does this time have anything to do with their upbringing?:
no, it doesnt.

Favorite food?:
hmm. She doesn't really have a favorite. Probably just deer or something :3
Why is this their favorite food?:
Cause its good eatin'
Least favorite food:
Why is this their least favorite food?:
Because She thinks their taste is a little too sweet for her to handle.

What is their favorite color?:
Dark Blue
Does this color have something to
do with their personality?:

you can say that
Why is this their favorite color?:
The color Blue, Well In this case a dark blue, Resembles her attitude to the world.
Least favorite color:
Why is this their least favorite color?:
She hates it. its too bright and giry.

Favorite animal:
Cow, Badger, and Geckos
Do they not like animals?:
Some but not all


Deer I guess
Dark Blue
Type of music:
Everything except country
Badger, Cow, Gecko
Traits for a lover:
Bigger than she is. Preferably a white or something like that along color lines. Someone who can let their personality blend with hers so its almost as if they were meant to be.
Eye color:
Green/Blue. It really doesnt matter
Fur color:
White with Dark Markings

-Least Favorite
Type of music:
Traits for a lover:
It really Depends. Unnatural Coat Colors and Eye Color. And Personality
Eye color:
Pink or Purple
Fur color:
Unnatural Base Coats and Black

What's required in a WoI armor?:

a WOI's armor has to have a Chest/Belly plate and a Back plate

At what age do WoI's become soldiers?:

I Belive that the official page said One year of having a WOI? Please correct me if I am wrong (:

In isket, where do the WoI's live?:

The Dens appear to be normal caves but once inside it's a huge network of rooms and tunnels. The dens are kept in the redish Mountans that are made of special minerals that will not erode away easily. The warriors chose this high barren mountain scape to be their home so that they could easily see any intruders coming their way
Last edited by ○~Discover~○ on Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:17 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby Snowheartsx » Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:44 am


x Username;; x
Rainbow Outcast

x Name;; x
Her name would be Morrigan

x Meaning Of Name;; x
Morrigan's origin is Gaelic. The name is original since its a very unpopular type of name. It really doesn't fit her design or background, but her personality can fit right into it. Morrigan stands for Great Queen &' Nightmare Queen. Queen's in some countries are Cold-Hearted, Think they are better, and high-rated rulers like kings.

x Story;; x
" The Order Of The Dark Wolf. " - Morrigan.

x Art;; x

x What's required in a WoI armor?;; x

x At what age do WoI's become soldiers?;; x

x In isket, where do the WoI's live?;; x
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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby Agent Shark » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:04 pm

I'll Have to try for this Beauty <3

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Re: Female WoI Teenie(OPEN!)

Postby Blounte » Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:21 pm


What's required in a WoI armor?:
At what age do WoI's become soldiers?:
In isket, where do the WoI's live?:
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