Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby FluffyBirdie » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:07 pm

Dʀᴀɢᴏɴ-Gᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀʀ
Username :: FluffyBirdie || Gender :: Male || Name meaning :: Destroyer, is the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth

Since the beginning, Apollyon was there, watching the other deities create the world of which they would rule in. He had no part in creation, for as a god of war, his part in the world is its destruction. Since the creation of intelligent creatures, minor war was already present, and with each skirmish, his power and influence grew, as they all knew it would. War was a constant in all worlds, and without it, peace would have no meaning. And with the finding and practice of magic, he became the god of its destructive side, and with every year that passed he grew in power and strength, until he near outranked the goddess of nature and creation.

And naturally, with such awesome power, the other gods began to fear him, but Apollyon paid them no heed, for a god of destruction has little care for the emotions or opinions of others. But there came a time when he had to care, for the others forced onto him a quest, one of such a monuments scale that it was clear what their aim was: To weaken him. For although gods cannot die, they can be injured, and major injuries last for the whole of the god's lifetime. And this quest's aim was just that. The others commanded him, forced him, to hunt down the World Dragon, with empty claims of how only the strongest should slay it once and for all, and that they were useless in this quest and would only get in his way. And although knowing what the others wanted to happen, he undertook it anyway, out of pride and a lack of choice.

It was a quest that took a thousand years, for the World Dragon constantly moved to avoid the gods, and was well versed in magic. But Apollyon was determined to prove that he was indeed stronger than all the gods, and steadily chased the Dragon down until, cornered, it attacked back, and Apollyon grimly went about enacting war with the ferocious golden dragon. A century passes, the two battling without care for the damage they inflicted on the world around them, until eventually, his face and body badly burnt from the dragon's fire, Apollyon slayed the tired fighter, and the World Dragon was no more.

As the World Dragon collapsed, Apollyon exerted whatever magic he had left after the conflict and took the dragon's infamous golden scales, molding them into his own personal armor and casting it around his head and body to hide his scars and burns. The World Dragon's head became his helmet, both a boasting statement and a method of hiding his horrifically charred face, and its many limbs curled around his shoulders and wings as a testament to the dragon's prowess. He twisted the dragon's arms so that its cursed flame that had caused him so grief was in full display over his chest, the hands manipulated to resemble the commonly used symbol of magic. Grimly proud, the god of war strolled back to the land of the gods, and spoke no words when he walked through the shocked gods towards those in charge. "I have completed the quest you have given me, oh great ones, and if there is nothing else you wish for me to do, I shall take my leave." He openly smirked when they only stared at his golden armor, and when they said nothing, he turned and arrogantly walked out, feeling both fulfilled and defeated. His followers would grow immensely with such a defeat, and from this day on, the gods knew he was not one they could mess with. And yet he could never take this armor off because of the way it was shaped, and its role in hiding his shame. Never before had he been so severely injured in battle, and he did not want to give the others the satisfaction of seeing what the quest has done to him.

And thus because the armor was a constant in Apollyon's appearance, his helmet quickly became the symbol of war, and the two hands of fire became his symbol of destructive magic. He became Apollyon, Dragon-God of war and destructive magic, and countless years later, he was still in power, as he always will be, for peace without war is peace without meaning.
Last edited by FluffyBirdie on Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby zolh » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:27 am

holy crap
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Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby Pengu. » Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:52 am

Username: Pengu.
Woragon Name: Yggdrasil
Gender: Male
Yggdrasil is someone who has been burned one too many times - he trusts no one, not even himself. Describing him as a creature who distances himself from others is an understatement. Years of manipulation and lack of emotional connection to other beings has left him broken and Yggdrasil finds it extremely difficult to connect to another person - even more so after the death of his lover. Since that moment, he dug himself deeper into the hole of solitude he was always raised in. Yggdrasil is accurately described by others as a bundle of rage, seeking revenge and justice out on whoever crosses his path. He has an over exaggerated superiority complex and has little to no empathy or feelings for the other beings in this world. In his eyes, they do not deserve his respect nor do they deserve his friendship for all they have brought him is death and dishonor. Once in his life, he had experienced positivity and love for the first time. But, with that forever taken away form him, it may be appropriate to go as far as saying he has had no positive attributes or feelings since.

And, though he is a negative, brooding, spiteful being Yggdrasil often is overcome with sadness and feelings of low self worth. Nothing has ever gone right in his life and it has shaped his outlook to believe nothing good ever will happen to him. Yggdrasil excels at taking and taking and taking from everyone else but it never has nor it will it ever fill the void in his soul that was taken away from him at birth. He can destroy anyone and everyone who has ever wronged him in his life and he will feel nothing - no relief, no happiness, no retribution. It is... utterly disturbing and frightening to him to not feel but he would never let anyone get close enough to learn that. For years, no one has gotten close to him and perhaps they are too scared to try - even if it is the only thing he truly desires.

Are we naturally born evil? Or does the evil mold us into something unrecognizable from our original intent?

Perhaps the meaning of his existence comes from his title - Ethereal. Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world - to perfect to be true. Even a seemingly perfect light can be corrupted and forced to see the darkness within.


Like most great warriors of their age, there is more to Yggdrasil than meets the eye. Stolen at birth for his untappable potential he was used and abused in order for others to gain great power in this world. This one who held so much potential for good was molded into darkness and hatred that you could not begin to comprehend. And, just as he was turned to the darkness, at one point he was turned back into the light. A savage killer turned a redeemed warrior thanks to the tender embrace of love - something he had never experienced before. Still, under the strong, capable facade a darker path was always waiting for him to return. How and why the once decorated, honorable, and courageous warrior could fall from grace yet again is still unknown. Maybe change is never meant to last. Maybe, the good cannot always defeat the bad. Maybe... he was just born this way.

To start at the beginning, Yggdrasil's was anything but humble. His birth was intended to be a momentous occasion for all in the world - for he is the son of the gods: his father, the god of vengeance, and his mother, the goddess of virtue and honor. And, as the son of the most powerful creatures in the cosmos, he would be a child of great purpose and even greater power. He was born for greatness and was told such since the day he was brought into creation in this world. The prophecies of his birth were extravagant and out of this world that it was hardly believable. And, they should not be believed, for he was nothing but a burden - a curse upon this world. With great power comes a great want - especially from the mortals below. Distraught and hateful towards the gods, the birth of a new powerful being sent them over the edge. And, one of the most powerful, corrupted, evil mortal warrior took it upon himself to take the future into his own hands. Yggdrasil's comings into this world sent a domino effect into play that would mold him into a brutal, unstoppable warrior who, though trying to see any glimmer of good in this world, would find only darkness.

His creation caused the deaths of the gods he called parents - and at his own hands no less. As the evil warrior developed his plan to steal Yggdrasil, he turned the young Waragon's power against his own family. Yggdrasil could not control his powers nor had any idea of how dangerous they were. And so, his parents were slaughtered by the mortal warrior who simply wanted his hands on the powerful child. In an last ditch effort to protect their child, upon the death of Yggdrasil's parents their bodies transformed into the armor he wears today. Their hopes - of wrapping him in the armor of their love and protection. And so, the magical child now adorned with the armor of the gods was even more valuable. The warrior Waragon now would steal the newborn away for his own selfish needs. With his parents now gone, they were the first of many to die at the hands of Yggdrasil's power. No one around him was safe.

Yggdrasil was raised to think of nothing but himself and power - what he could gain and who he could take it from. There was a complete lack of love in his upbringing and it truly shaped his character. The warrior who had stolen him thought of Yggdrasil as a tool to be used - the power of the gods in his hand, not a living being with feelings and emotions and desires. Soon, Yggdrasil would look to himself as only good for his power and soon began to embrace it - becoming dark and twisted himself.

He was used as a tool of destruction and brought the downfall of many. Each day his power grew and it could not be contained. The evil guardian who raised him was starting to worry that his glory days were behind him and that Yggdrasil would overpower him - kill him even, because of the mental abuse he put Yggdrasil through in order to contain his mind and spirit. How he had manipulated this powerful creature for so long was truly an example of his own genius. Still, the brainwashing and total control had a grasp on Yggdrasil and he was blind to the truth for he had seen no such good in the world. Until she arrived.

This light into his darkness, captive turned lover completely turned his world around. No longer did his existence seem bleak and dark. She made him see himself as more than simply a bringer of death and destruction and that his powers could be used for good, not to harm others. It was not a quick transition from the cutthroat warrior to honorable soldier - it seemed to take eons for Yggdrasil to turn his back on his former self. Maybe, he finally found something worth fighting for. Together they took down the evil man who had corrupted Yggdrasil into this unrecognizable tyrant and, with him out of the picture, swore to undo all of the deeds Yggdrasil had been forced to commit in the name of this evil being.

The change seen in Yggdrasil was astounding. Feared warrior now turned honorable? Such a thing was unthinkable, but this lover had a hold on him that he refused to let go. She changed things and turned the broken and battered man into a loving, free-thinking spirit who had remorse for his actions. When the evil was taken away from Yggdrasil, things were good for the first time in his life. Minutes turned into hours, which turned into years and through it all, Yggdrasil had been shown redemption. Making atonement for his sins was hard but worth it and as time grew on, he became respected and not feared. Could love have actually made such a turnaround in his life? Or was it only temporary...

Things seemed to go well... but nothing good ever lasts long around this Waragon. Anyone he has ever come into contact with always abandons him or dies - and his lover was no exception. With the death of his lover, Yggdrasil was sent on a downward spiral back into the dark pit he was raised in. Why did nothing good ever last? Why was he forced to be put through such heartache, pain and torture since the moment of his birth? Why was he born with this supposed otherworldly power? He would trade it all to have her back but alas, he was stuck with this gift... this curse and it haunted him to the ends of the earth. He would become a traitor to all he held dear and abandon the hope he was once given. Nothing mattered anymore. All of the promises he made for change and a new beginning were meaningless now. As was his life.

He fed on the darkness again - on the evil he was always told he was. He wanted revenge - revenge for her death. Revenge for everything bad that has ever happened to him... Revenge on them all - the world and all of its creations for the suffering he had endured all this time. And he would achieve it - or he would die.

Die he did. When the power he contained was out of control it took the lives of countless others to end his suffering. When he was finally defeated, it was a battle for the ages. Yet, as they say, revenge never sleeps. Yggdrasil's body may have passed but his soul was very much alive and yearning for vengeance - and while his soul remained intact, so did his life. Yggdrasil would arise time and time again to wreak havoc anywhere he was called until he was again defeated. Banished into the underworld to rest before being born again. The cycle is destined to forever continue - unless his hatred and rage could be calmed again by the tender touch of another.

(This really brief overview was written super quickly and if I win this gorgeous guy, it will definitely be fleshed out more in the future and filled in!)

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Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby Twilight Prince » Sat Dec 30, 2017 11:44 am

Good luck!

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Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby Drakongeist » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:26 pm

Happy new year everyone! Apologies for the delay, december was a hectic month, I honestly didn't mean to forget about this guy. Despite the shortage of entries I'll be releasing a couple of runner ups shortly to make up for any inconvenience!

Congratulations FluffyBirdie!
and to Pengu. and Novaquill!
I'll message you each about color palletes for your runner ups!

Thanks for participating!


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Re: Woragon - Ethereal

Postby FluffyBirdie » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:02 pm

Thank you so much!! I can't believe I won such a beautiful Woragon <33 He'll contribute heaps to my world I'm building, thanks again!
Congrats to Pengu. and Novaquill as well, I can't wait to see your designs!

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