|| so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep ||

Postby iBrevity » Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:28 am


name meaning;;
a Greek name composed of "poly" for "many/very" and
"duekes" meaning "sweet"; combined the name translates
as "very sweet"


demiromantic polyamorous pansexual

"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul."

-Pablo Neruda

reticent || formidable || compelling || winsome
Polydeukes is not mortal and has never been mortal. This should be remembered at all times when speaking with him; as sweet as Duke might appear, when he smiles and his gold-bright eyes soften with affection, he is capable of awesome things. He is a god condensed in a mortal body, and that should not be forgotten, no matter how warm his eyes or how gentle his smile. For the most part Duke is not altogether that intimidating; he tends to be quiet, tends to keep his opinions to himself rather than cause an argument. He takes orders well from the other gods and has since his conception. He does not mind overmuch being told what to do and rarely questions new assignments, with the sole exception of Canicus. He tends to be very possessive and dislikes sharing with anybody, no matter their relation to him; once he claims something as his own he intends to let no other anywhere near it. This philosophy he extends to all sorts of things, such as food, friends, particular items. In situations such as this he can be woefully aggressive.

For the most part however, Polyduekes does not involve himself in mortal affairs. He struggles sometimes to empathize with mortals because their problems are so far removed from his own, and he genuinely doesn't care enough to exert actual energy to try and sympathize with a human. When he loses his temper he can be formidable and he is quick on his feet and quicker yet to use his power, though for the most part he plays mortal when he's on earth. He is rather charming when he tries to be, though it must be said that he often doesn't try. He can be sensitive about his looks as his mother has told him since he was young that he is not altogether that pretty. She praises his eyes and his solemn head but not so much the patterns that appear on every form, no matter his intentions, the snake and the goat and the dragon. Duke has simply come to accept that this is unattractive, and is thus particularly sensitive about remarks on his looks.

[a retelling of Eros and Psyche, with Psyche played but none other than my boy Canicus]

Canicus was born scarlet and laughing. He was well-loved as a child, surrounded by family and praise; he was lauded for his bright personality, for his careless humor, for his undying devotion to his friends. As he grew older his beauty only increased what with his shining gold eyes and gleaming red coat. He remained small through childhood, delicate and effeminate with narrow feet and a clever mind. The pack he grew up with glorified him; into every home he was welcomed, every meal was shared. All loved him, and all praised his guileless beauty.

Far removed from the lives of mortals there lived a family of gods. Frequently they involved themselves in the lives of the viscets for laughs or love or jealously and it was the latter that drove the goddess Aphrodite to hate. Canicus' pack was so consumed by their love for the boy that they did not worship the gods as they should have, and they had all but forgotten their shrine to Aphrodite. Enraged into peevish envy Aphrodite ordered her son Polyduekes to poison the hearts of those who loved Canicus and drive the pack to exile him. Polyduekes obeyed his mother and went to see this infamous Canicus and, perched in a nearby tree in the shape of a white viper with the shadow of a dragon in his scales, he saw for himself the beauty of Canicus. He was mesmerized; he watched as Canicus stopped beside a family and teased the viscling about her mane, making her laugh as he exaggeratedly praised her beauty and pretended to swoon. Duke could not help but smile, his fangs glinting in a quiet laugh.

Duke continued to observe for the remainder of the month, watching Canicus gently dissuade suitors into asking for his hand, encourage those who harbored crushes for him to let go of the wasted feelings. Canicus had remained unmated despite the constant attention given to him and Duke, despite his best intentions, could not help but fall in love. There was something wonderfully alluring about Canicus and his gold-bright eyes.

Canicus' parents, desperate to find their son the true love he so desired, visited an oracle to commune with the gods. They begged the visionary to tell them what to do and, guided by the words whispered into his ear by Polyduekes himself, invisible to the mortals, the oracle told them that their son would marry an ugly beast whose face he would never see. Amidst Canicus' parents' anguished cries the oracle said solemnly, "He will wait for Canicus at the top of the mountain."

His dejected parents returned home with the news. They begged Canicus not to go; surely the oracle had seen things wrong, or there had been a miscommunication between him and the gods. But Canicus knew the wrath of the gods and he would not be able to bear it should they punish his pack for his own insolence so he went. He kissed both his mother and father goodbye and walked alone the mountain, trepidation settling on his shoulders in the form of a heavy sigh. Polyduekes followed him from the trees, flitting from branch to branch, shape to shape. He was unnoticed for the length of the journey.

When Canicus reached the precipice of the mountain he found only an altar, a priest, and a goat. The latter stood beside the altar eating the tops off of long blades of grass and the priest intoned that he was to stand in for Canicus' groom. Humiliated, Canicus stood beside the goat with great fury churning in his heart and recited his vows. The goat, unsurprisingly, remained unforthcoming. The priest announced them married and closed his book, collected his things. Canicus watched him with a weary eye.

"Where is my husband though?" He cried. "What am I to do with this goat?"

The priest gave him a kind smile. He pat Canicus' shoulder with a paw that had gone stiff with age. "He will come," he said solemnly, "And he will lead you home. Give him time." With that he set off down the mountain, the goat trailing a few feet after him and then settling down to eat more.

Canicus paced the mountaintop with scarcely concealed fear. The sun began to set, throwing shadows that stretched like hungry fingers between the peaks of the mountains. When it was fully dark and Canicus could see only the silhouettes of the trees around him there came a new voice to his right. He jumped half out of his skin when the stranger said, "I have come to take you home."

Canicus squinted into the shadows but the form remained stubbornly elusive. He could see the slope of their shoulder, the arch of their tail; perhaps a glint of their eyes. But nothing more substantial, nothing to prove their identity. Still, Canicus followed meekly for there was nothing to be said. He had been told he was to marry a beast so a beast he would marry.

The stranger led him on an old path that curled smoke-like through the forest, amid the mournful cry of owls and a distant lupine lullaby. He did not speak further; Canicus walked behind him in silence, uncomfortable with the stranger's limp reticence. He desperately wanted to think of something to say and half-heartedly he decided on: "I'm Canicus, by the way. I was never told your name."

He could hear the other viscet exhale, a loud tremble of noise. "Polyduekes."

Canicus blinked. He had to duck to avoid being clipped by a branch that the other had stooped below. "Polyduekes?" He repeated, stumbling a bit on the word. He went scarlet with embarrassment but before he could apologize for his mispronunciation the other Viscet spoke again.

"Duke," he said, and could Canicus hear humor in his voice? "You can call me Duke, if you'd like. It is far easier."

Canicus nodded, glad for the reprieve. 'Duke' somehow normalized the viscet, made his illusive face more forgiving; Duke was a name, and he had honestly not expected even that much. While they did not speak again the silence felt lighter this time and Canicus smiled to himself under the shadow of his snout.

Eventually they emerged from the tree line and stood below a palace. Canicus had never seen anything he could compare the fortress with; it was gleaming gold in the wash of moonlight, its front doors the dark wood of an oak. Canicus stared and then looked askance at the other viscet, whose face he still could not see. "Is this your place?" He asked, begrudgingly impressed.

The other viscet laughed. It startled Canicus, who had gotten accustomed to his somber air. "It's our place," he corrected gently. "Go on. Look around."

Canicus spent the rest of the night exploring and when he finally tired of all the enormous rooms and the grand halls he found a bedroom to sleep in. He curled up alone; he had lost sight of Polyduekes sometime earlier, gone between one glance and the next. Presumably he would be back in the morning, or at least Canicus comforted himself with that thought as he fell asleep. The house was nice, but it was very empty and very quiet. Surely some company, and the mysterious husband seen in the light of day, would be better than how it was.

When Canicus woke he found a viscet in the living room dusting and a viscet in the kitchen skinning a rabbit but neither of them had seen Polyduekes or in fact knew who he was until Canicus explained his odd situation. They both said they had been approached for the job at night by a strange benefactor, which was close enough to convince Canicus that is had been Duke who had hired them, but neither could propose where Duke might have gone. Canicus spent the day agitated, walking the treeline and watching the movement of birds. When he went to bed he nearly blundered into Polyduekes, lying on the ground by the mattress.

Both of them straightened up so quickly they nearly smacked their snouts together. Canicus fumbled for the lamp he had dropped but Duke pushed it away with a hind foot, hopping away from the light. Canicus got a glimpse of green, of a snake's face stretched in hunger, and then it was black again. He blinked owlishly at Duke, who at least had the decency to sound sheepish when he said, "I'm sorry, but I'd rather you not see me in the light."

"Um," Canicus said dumbly, and then, "Okay." He clambered over Duke willfully and flopped down on the mattress. A moment later Duke laid his head tentatively beside his feet.

"May I lay beside you?" He asked miserably.

Canicus rolled over onto his other side, his back to Duke, and huffed a sigh. "Sure," he said, and he listened to Duke crawl up onto the bed and lay down. He was larger than Canicus had originally guessed, heavier too; the mattress angled down towards his weight, creating a slope that made it feel like at any moment Canicus was going to go sliding into him. He shifted over farther in an attempt to avoid just that.

"Where did you go today?" He asked after a moment of silence and felt more than heard Duke breathe.

"I will not often be home during the day," he replied, very much ignoring Canicus' question. "You needn't worry."

Cancius snorted but didn't say anything back. Eventually, in the warm quiet of the room, he fell asleep, Polyduekes a firm weight at his back. When he woke in the morning Duke was, unsurprisingly, gone.

Canicus' schedule began to even out. He only ever saw Duke at night, already in bed, all lamps extinguished in the room but they began to talk after the first few days, Canicus sharing stories from his childhood, from his pack and his family. He told Duke of his best friends, of a bird he had once nursed back to health, of the first time he remembered someone calling him beautiful. In return Duke told him odd snippets from his life, weird things that Canicus could barely understand, things carelessly shed in the dark, that Polyduekes had a rivalry with Apollo, that he had always hated goats, that he could see Canicus perfectly well in the dark and thought him beautiful as well.

In the day Canicus had his freedom to do whatever he pleased. He often went into the local town and sometimes even farther, visiting his old pack and hurrying home before dark. He found he had genuine affection for Duke and that he looked forward to night when they might speak further. Polyduekes was unapologetically in love with him and it went far deeper than the brief crushes Canicus had known since childhood. Duke praised his looks, certainly, but he also lauded Canicus' open heart and genuine laugh. He was always complimenting him, always smiling at him in the dark.

Canicus was surprised to realize two months after their marriage that he was happy. Surely he would like to see Duke during the day, or even just see him at all, but he was satisfied with what he had. He spent an afternoon dawdling among the pack and telling them stories of his husband when he was approached by a childhood friend of his, a younger viscet named Koli. They had drifted apart in adolescence when Canicus had recognized how manipulative Koli truly was and separated himself as best he could from the other.

Still, Canicus was feeling gracious and Koli had a very disarming smile on so he stopped to allow the latter to talk with him. They spoke of boring things first, how Koli's family was and the weather and then, quite unexpectedly, Koli said, "My mother told me you had never seen your husband's face."

Canicus bristled. Sharply he replied, "It doesn't matter, Koli. I love him."

If possible, Koli's grin stretched broader. "Oh?" He asked, curling his tail up over his forepaws. "But you know nothing about him, Canicus. You were told you were marrying a monster so what if you truly did? Do you ever think about him hurting you?"

Canicus' anger blew out of him in his surprise. He blinked at Koli then peevishly said, "Of course not. Duke loves me."

"Mhmmm." Koli stood up lightly. "I'll see you next time, Cani."

Canicus walked home and studiously ignored what Koli had said. He did the remainder of his errands, helped the cook nose through a basket of potatoes in search for the freshest, pushed the sofa over for the maid when he needed help moving it. When night name he went to bed eagerly, as he had before, and found Polydukes lying half-curled up on the mattress, his body a dark comma against the scarlet blanket. Canicus hopped up beside him and threw himself down with great gusto, rousing a laugh from Duke that vibrated the frame.

"When can I see you, Duke?" Canicus asked without preamble, trying to see Duke's expression in the dark when his laughter petered out into silence.

Polyduekes shifted uncomfortably. Canicus thought he could see the rise and fall of his chest but nothing more. "I'm afraid I don't--"

Canicus pressed his face into the blanket with a loud groan. "Fine," he grouched, "That's just fine. Walk up a mountain and get married to a goat and god forbid I ask to see my husband's face."

"Canicus--" Duke began but he shook his head and said loudly, "No. I'm going to bed."

When he woke, Polyduekes was gone, as he always was. Canicus was irritable the entire day, eventually taking to the woods when the staff couldn't tolerate his outbursts anymore. He could not shake Koli's words from his mind; he kept returning to them, thinking of how unfair it was that he had never seen Polyduekes by light, how he did not know the look of him but could recognize his voice pitched in a whisper. He didn't think Duke was a monster, not knowing all the stories he had been told, not having heard Duke laugh when he dropped his pretense of elegance. He did not think he would hurt him but... well, what did Canicus really know about his husband?


When he got home he very quietly arranged to get a knife from the kitchen and a spare lantern from the living room. He crept into the bedroom, lay both beside his pillow, and waited for nightfall. Their conversation was stiff, as Canicus was angry and nervous and suddenly all too aware of Polyduekes' size beside him and could not generate enough polite words to keep them speaking. Polyduekes fell asleep with his face touching Canicus' back and he waited, waited still, waited until Duke's breath had evened out and his body relaxed. Then he ever so carefully climbed out of bed and retrieved the lamp and the knife, holding the latter in his mouth and fumbling to get the candle lit.

When finally a shaky flame ignited to cast a weak light onto the bed Canicus crawled up next to Duke, moving slowly so as not to upset his weight and wake him from his slumber. Canicus had to position himself carefully in order to see Duke's face and as the candlelight played over his body in preparation for the reveal of his face Canicus' terror grew. He could see shapes in his fur, a hideous monster, a dragon, the open mouths of snakes. He looked innately dangerous and gazing upon him felt somehow horribly wrong and yet Canicus could not help himself but to move the candle higher.

When the light fell upon Duke's face Canicus startled so badly he spilled the wax pooling at the base of the candle for he recognized Duke, knew him in the statues he had seen as a child, in the paintings families drew carefully onto the walls of their den with dye and dedication. He was none other than Eros, god of love, and had such a magnificent head that it made Canicus shake. He did not notice the drop of wax that vibrated for a moment on the lip of the candle holder before falling, striking Polydeuekes' in the shoulder and rousing him from sleep with a single sharp pinch.

His red-orange eyes opened like a burst of flame and he stared up at Canicus, who stared down at him in mute awe. Duke became aware of the light, of Canicus' open gaze, and jerked back so quickly he nearly knocked the both of them from bed. He scrambled to his feet and in the wane light it seemed almost as if those creatures on Duke's body moved, as if the dragon blinked one great tawny eye and the snakes shifted in agitation.

"Duke," he said finally, the word scarcely a croak. "I didn't--"

Polyduekes simply disappeared. He was there one moment, his eyes heavy on Canicus' face, and gone the next, the curtains whipping behind his departure, the candle guttering out in a bitter breeze. Canicus put the candle down, struck dumb with his mistake, with his doubt. Duke was no monster; Canicus had married nothing less than a god.


Polyduekes was gone for three days.

Canicus was convinced he would never come back. He prayed to the gods, to Eros' mother Aphrodite, to Eros himself despite how foolish he felt. He prayed for conviction and strength and guidance; he asked someone, anyone, to tell him what he needed to do to reclaim Polyduekes' love. There were no answers and as the days wore on Canicus' fear that Duke was gone forever worsened. He slunk around the house, avoided company, refused advances at the door from his old friends and family; he lay in bed morose and tried desperately to think of what gesture he could possibly make to convince Duke he loved him, that what he now knew changed nothing.

Canicus slept fitfully and on the third night barely at all, waking at every sound, looking blearily about the room before resettling with a long sigh. He scarcely woke at all when Duke crept up onto the mattress beside him early in the morning, so used to Duke's weight at his back; it was only when Polyduekes breathed quietly against his neck that Canicus opened his eyes and started.

Duke went rigid but did not move back. Very, very tentatively Canicus tilted his head to the side so he could better see Polyduekes and his small, scared smile.

"Duke," Canicus said softly and when he still did not move he rolled onto his stomach entirely, pressed his body against Duke's and buried his snout in his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Polyduekes pressed back with a soft laugh. "I just needed to know for sure," he said, "That you meant what you said. That you truly didn't mind... this."

Canicus could not help but laugh brightly at that, the volume dimmed by his proximity to Duke's chest. "Mind this?" He repeated, voice muffled by the fur. "Why would I mind this? You're incredible, Duke, and even better than that--you're all mine."
Last edited by iBrevity on Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:12 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby Tart » Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:08 am

Omaha yasss
Sup I'm old and I'm back
it's me ya trash boi
pm if you want

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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby Dissolve » Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:59 am

This is gorgeous quillinx :3 Great job on this one.
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby airam » Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:50 am

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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby funderful;; » Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:15 pm

res ^^


username: funderful;;
name: keres means "evil spirits" in greece


gender: female pansexual || bi-romantic || non-binary
personality or bio: wip


A long time ago, when the world was empty, there were two viscets, one male, one female. They were the two guardians of the whole world. When they were born, the whole world was born. Whenever they woke up from their slumber, they would slowly rise, and the sun would rise, too. same thing for evening, when they prepared to go to sleep, the sun would slowly sink into the depths of night.

The two viscets, however, thought the world needed a bit more "life" to it. Yes, it already had trees, flowers, fruit, and all sorts of stuff- but they thought it needed more. So, they had a clutch of their own, and the eggs soon hatched.

There were seven viscets in that clutch, each based on a specific mythical creature: three males, four females. They were made of many positive attributes, such as "helpfulness" or "kindness." Their names? They were named by what mythological creature they were based on- Griffon, Pegasus, Cerberus, the twins Basilisk and Cockatrice, Dragon, and lastly Chimera. They were also given the gift of immortality.

wip, please don't steal

Last edited by funderful;; on Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.

▶ i'm a major fan trash for the
following: gravity falls, steven universe,
star vs the forces of evil, pokemon,
undertale, fnaf, warriors, survivors,
wings of fire, spirit animals, hamilton,
disney/pixar, and studio ghibli!

▶ capricorn | infp | horse | garnet
just a reader, writer, artist, and gamer.
my viscets!

▶ if you like tol n fluffy rabbit-kangaroo-
raptor things, check out viscets!
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby koegami » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:17 pm


      bjorn avatar art by noch
      you can commission them here

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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby inactive20000009 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:45 am

    legit okay
    -i'll fix the eyes later
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby gp5 » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:10 pm



"Let no one think of me as humble or weak or passive, let them understand I am of a different kind:
dangerous to my enemies, loyal to my friends.
To such a life glory belongs."

Name: He has many different names, but his true name is Atlas.
Gender: Male.
(319 words)
Atlas was born on a Waning Gibbous moon, in the autumn. The island he had been born on was a location to the shrine of Medusa. It was created by the viscets to guarantee that Medusa would not be angry with them, ruin their crops, and much more. Atlas had always found Viscet's foolish, even as a kit. Medusa was always brimming with hate, so why try? As a young Chimera, he would always wander off into the woods surrounding his mothers cave. He was not aware at the time about Medusa's presence on the island, and like any Kit would do, he stumbled apon her Shrine. Curiosity always had the best of him, so he romped on it, and disrespected it in everyway possible, unaware of what he was occurring. In a brief amount of time, Medusa had arrived to him, feeling the disturbance on her Shrine. But she laughed so hard at seeing the little Chimera, expecting a human or something else. She had not laughed in a while. She spared the kit, and kept him as a pet. He was taken away from his Mother, never seeing her again.
Atlas grew to be a strong, healthy Chimera. Since he was a creature of 'evil' as Medusa, he could not be petrified by her eyes.
Atlas was known as Virgil, Medusa's reaper. He carried out orders for Medusa, making her job much easier. He could curse people, kill them, and send them to the underworld himself. He was well liked by Hades, since 'Virgil' could sometimes carry souls to his very throne. But the well behaved gods, such as Zeus, and Aphrodite, grew scorn for the Chimera. They felt that it was unusual for another creature rather then the god itself to carry out tasks. So, Zues, being the ruler of mount Olympus, sent a brave Viscet to punish Virgil. And this is how Atlas's adventure started..

Virgil's serpentine tail flicked with annoyance as he watched Medusa lounge on her throne. He was taught to hold any type of emotions except rage. Rage was said to be a good thing. But he could not help but feel other emotions for Medusa's long thinking.
He was always eager to carry out her orders, but when she paused and thank it drived him insane. He was an impatient Chimera, that was true. "Virgil my dear.." She hissed softly as her snakes thrashed wildly. "Kill the old hag who has been passing out those love potions to everyone. It is making the death count higher, and we want more clients dont we?"
She finally spoke, which made the tension flood from his body. She seemed upset, but if he did something indicating he noticed her emotion then that would be worse. What made her task easier though was that the client was supposedly an elder. He nodded, dropping his 3 heads to the ground to represent a bow. He could not speak, but his action made it clear that he had accepted the task.
"Good boy. Now go. I expect you to be back soon.. and make it quick." Medusa snapped at him, some of her snakes hissing slightly as well.
He picked up his tail and ran off, getting out of his masters sight. She was always angry with him, so the best choice was to get out of her vision. She was always watching him though, but being with her physically was different. Shaking his bushy mane, he headed to the area he was told to arrive at.
His red wings shifted as he crouched in the shadows of a nearby house. His target was in sight, selling a glass bottle full of a liquid that looked to be syrup. She was old though. She would be easy to take care of, and for whatever reason, Medusa would stop being so paranoid about the supposed love potion she was brewing. He took a step forward, his golden paw landing on the ground silently. Thankfully the serpent was being quiet, for once. The animals connected to him had personality's of their own (Believe it or not), but he always had full control of his body. The dragon was feisty, the goat was silent, and the snake was always loud and angry. He breathed through his nose, his whiskers twitching as the woman continued to hand out the bottles to viscets near by. In a few seconds, he would be able to pounce and kill. He just had to wait for a few other viscet's to walk by. Feelings from earlier started to take over. Impatience. He hated the feeling. He despised it. But Virgil was a well behaved Chimera, and he held it at bay. His attention from his feelings switched back to the elder, which was now walking inside her house. Darn. Sure, people wouldn't see what was going to happen to the unfortunate old viscet, but small spaces made fighting and escaping harder. But he never fled. Shifting again, he stalked towards where the target had dissipared, before squeezing his large form through the front door. His sight was first greeted by the kitchen. Shifting his eyes, he walked deeper into the house to look for the female. She was easy to find, and in a matter of minutes he had her pinned down against the floor. He growled, his claws digging into her slightly as she didn't even move. He searched her face for any type of emotion, but instead, it was calm. What? Why wasn't she screaming and thrashing like all the others did? Hissing, the dragons head came down to munch her. But when the jaws parted to touch her neck, he was suddenly blasted off of the old woman. Virgil was caught off guard, clumsily falling into the wall, causing his wings to bend in an unnatural way. He roared angrily, scrambling up to be greeted by a different person. It was Aphrodite. She was the old woman, and now he realized his awful mistake. He had attacked a god. He shook his mane, this time uncertain of what to do. The goat by his side was baying, which was a bad sign. The goat was always wise and quiet. He growled under his breath, watching as Aphrodite stared back at him. Was it a trap? Why would a god be selling potion's to mortals? But it soon came together. It WAS a trap. She had purposefully made Medusa send him here to kill her, but why? He let out a frustrated growl, and took a step forward. But that was a bad mistake. A sudden force sent him stumbling, and he glanced at his side quickly to see a young viscet clutching what looked to be a sword. It wasn't a large impact, but it was enough to make him move. Roaring again, he sprang at the viscet who had dodged him and now ran towards the exit of the house. He could not kill Aphrodite, let alone hurt her, so he sprang after the one who had attacked him. He didn't know it was all part of a plan though. Virgil ran after the viscet, his large frame propelling himself out of the door exit as he looked down the streets. There, yes there, the young viscet was on the back of a Pegasus. Virgil hissed, and leapt at the Pegasus, causing the horse to spook and take to the air. Virgil, to blind in his rage, did not notice the Viscet pull out a bow with a purple flaming arrow. His attention wandered to the Viscet though when he raised the bow and shouted at him.
"Virgil, Medusa's reaper! I, Amycus, master of blades, conceal here a true form. Incessantly plagued by arrogance, doomed to live a loner's fate! Only the eldest dragon is he who may break this curse! I prophecy a new life!"
The last words left his mouth, as he shot the arrow and hit Virgil's back. Virgil let out a faint roar, before dropping and thrashing on the ground as the purple flame soon engulfed his whole body.
He woke to feel a cold rag on his fore-head. What? Getting up quickly, he turned his head before a sharp pain engulfed his body. He let out a whine as he fell back onto the bed he was resting on. He glanced down seeing.. paws. No. Those weren't his paws. Letting out a gasp, he stared at them longer, before touching some of his body. A long tail. No heads. He.. he was.. a viscet. Oh how he would miss his wings.
The sun rose, making Atlas's tent engulf in light. Yawning, he awoke and rubbed his eyes. The cloak that he had been wearing for the past month lay by his side, slightly torn and dirty. He shook his head, before getting up and leaving the tent. He walked on four legs. Yep. He still wasn't used to the concept of walking on 2, but he would get the hang of it. Sighing, Atlas clipped his cloak around his neck before pulling the grey hood up and over his face. The purple scar on his spine would be a reminder of his past, let alone the fur. How evil he was. He was ashamed of his actions, but he wanted to go back to being a Chimera. Not to be evil. Just to begin a new life. Shaking his head, he moved his hips as he continued his long journey to find the eldest dragon.
(Waah, the back ground sucks, but I was kinda rushed. I had to go do some chores and shopping. :l)
Last edited by gp5 on Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby inactive20000009 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:59 pm

this is being extended 2 days from march 3rd, aka march 5 <3
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Re: viscet 541 // chimera

Postby inactive20000009 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:11 pm

gahhh sorry guys life's getting in the way
i promise this will be judged soon ><
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