Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby ToastingCinnamon » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:36 am

Another pretty psuedooo! You should work with other colors besides reds and blues!! I'd love to see that uvu

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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby rain in the wind » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:57 am

Username: ~!RainboWKat!~
Name: Wind Beneath My Wings (Aka lovebug :3)
Gender: Female
Tell me about her: She is a quiet and gentle snuggly pseudodragon who likes everyone (hence the name "Lovebug")
She is a great companion to all (hence the name "Wind Beneath My Wings") You may even call her heroic! One day she was strolling along when out of no where, she noticed 2 people. One was screaming "Help!". The other person was having trouble breathing.
She ran to a person who called the ambulance who came to help. The man was rushed to the hospital and got better in a little while. Lovebug was then given an award for being so heroic.
Not too terribly active anymore
I've had this account since 2014 (I think?) and I was a bit, ah, immature back then. I apologize for anything I did or caused back then.
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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby Lilian Nightshade » Fri May 01, 2015 4:35 am

I'll be closing this contest in 7 hours.
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All but a mere shadow of an once vibrant soul.

Cursed by fate, burdened by sorrow.
Sentenced to a life of nothing but loneliness...
It looks like not everyone deserves a happy ending, after all.

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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby giraffidae » Fri May 01, 2015 8:55 am


Username: legend-
Name: Cleo
Gender: Female
Tell me about her:
    A dork, imaginator, nerd, adventurer;
    She is nothing so less, than who she is.
    words for a [turer]
    words for b [is]

    A sweet thing, a salty thing, but still... good.
    Shes topping the top, but theres no such thing;
    words for c [ood]
    words for d [ing]

hope im not too late ;u; shes beautiful in her own little way.

      full time college &work⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

      dA / chars / the dex

      done with cs,
      wont answer pms

      she / her / it idc
      pixs by me (>)
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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby Midnight Tails » Fri May 01, 2015 9:44 am

Username: Midnight Tails
Name: Portia (homophonous with Porsche (as in the car) which is what she reminded me of, probably due to the sleekness of her design)
Gender: Female
Tell me about her:At first glance you'd expect a stuck-up, obnoxious girl that knows just how beautiful she is, and flaunts it to perfection, with many a fan drooling after her beauty. Simply because of the bright, gorgeous colours, seeping out to this enrapturing shade of blue, much akin to one of those sunsets over the ocean that are so stunning you only see pictures about.
This is only strengthened by the imagery one thinks of when you hear her name.
Ha, if only. That imagery of her only ever occurs in her dreams. Oh, but does she ever dream. So absorbed in her thoughts she becomes, that you'd expect her to unknowingly walk in front of a car one day.
Reminiscent of a poison dart frog she loves moist locations, especially if there's rotting leaf matter nearby that she can safely hide under. More timid than most, she rarely comes out of her little hideaways, or more to the point she only shows her face to the world on particularly humid days.
Portia's quite on the small side of things, even to the point of causing the largest of pseudodragons to trip over her.
Despite her small stature and timid behaviour, she's quite the competitive little rascal, which gets her into more trouble than she'd like to admit.
In regards to romantic affections, she is all jumbled up.
As if she naturally subconsciously clings to her looks when backed into a corner, she flips between hot and cold if you have the misfortune of wanting to court her. Portia doesn't mean anything by it, and doesn't actually realise why others eventually get fed up with her, no matter however patient they claim to be. But it's not like she actually minds this oddly enough; I suppose she's too preoccupied with studying weather to truly pay attention to such things.
Ah. That may explain why she holes herself away all the time...
Initially I had assumed it to be a mix of her timidness and her complex about how horrid she believes her looks to be, despite the many compliments she gets per day. Wait. Perhaps in part those very same compliments actually contribute to making it worse!
Now she may be a frivolous, crazy little one, but despite that, she's a good listener, and partly due to this she's a very good anchor for others, and happily guides those that are lost home, rather motherly of her really.
Something that calms her down is violin music.
Her mother used to have an old record player that somehow still worked - especially commendable considering its owners at the time had claws - when Portia was a child and many of her days were spent in anticipation of waiting for the object to 'become magic' and make the most fascinating sounds she has ever heard.
You may be wondering by does she have a bad bone in her body at all?
Well. I'm glad you asked.
See those markings of hers? Yes that darkest blue, and those spots so dark they may be mistaken for black...
She says they're blemishes that seek to show the world how scrappily corrupted her soul is.
Everything she saw she compared to herself, and she could never win, her competitiveness forced her to try again and again, but herself, whether it was about her 'inner beauty' or her 'outer beauty', or both combined, could never beat what she was competing against. She became jealous. Jealously quickly turned to pure envy, and these days that envy dances with hatred.
You wouldn't know it, for she carefully tucks all that dark away in a little mental cage, and would forget all about it really...
If it weren't for her markings constantly reminding her of it.
Does she have a breaking point? ...I think time can only answer that one.
I'd love to write more, but the time limit approaches steadily onwards, so for now I'll end my little tail tale.
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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby doodledraw » Thu May 07, 2015 1:33 pm

Zoker wrote:Username:

Her name is Orabelle.
I chose the name as it means 'a beautiful sea coast' which is precisely what the bright markings of her body looks liked in my eyes. However the name is often shortened to just 'Ora'.


Tell me about her:
Her story:

It was the perfect day to visit the sea. The sun's gentle rays warmed the bare back and shoulders of the humans and pseudodragons who were enjoying the beach. The water was transparent and waves lapped up to the creamy white sand of the sea-shore. A soft breeze swayed the leaves of the palm trees and the sound of laughter and waves echoed in the air.
It was truly a beautiful day.

In the crook between two boulders; unseen by human eyes sat a vibrant pseudodragon. Her name was Orabelle and she lived in a boat-rent shop. Spread before her, was a shocking array diverse seashells. Food was scarce as the coast she lived in was not a fishing ground and the nearest village to the beach was one hour away. So when Ora had matured to adulthood, she had started to look for a better means of finding food other than scavenging from what the humans left behind when visiting the beach. And so she had started collecting sea-shells of diverse patterns, sizes, colors and shapes and trading them for food to the pseudodragons who visited the beach. Although it didn't pay well, it was her only source of food.

As the day trudged on and the heat increased, Ora started to grow restless. This was the first day of the holiday season and she had expected to make good sales. Only one of her seashell had been sold and the food she had received was not enough for.......them.
But she wasn't the one to give up easily. Although, she was young she had had fair share of hardships; Ora had been through many pitfalls but every time she had stood up, dusted herself and continued on her journey. With renewed energy, she started calling out to potential customers highlighting her goods and her prices!

Two hours later, she had successfully managed to sell two more seashells! Pride filled her as she looked at the bits of food she had got in exchanged of the seashells she had spend hours collecting the night before. The food was still not enough but it was better than nothing. In front of her, the sea stretched endless, glistening in the afternoon sun. The crowd had thinned out a bit and not many pseudodragons were around, so Ora decided to take a quick dip in the ocean to cool of her heated body. She tucked her precious shells and food behind a huge boulder and bounded off to the ocean.

But when she came back, her joy and spirit was almost shattered. With a depressing cry she discovered a few young pseudodragons munching away happily at her hard-earned food. When they say her sprinting towards them, hissing ferociously, the young dragons quickly grabbed some of her best sea-shells and bounded off. As Ora reached her spot, she found that the entire food was gone and so were her best shells. It was no use going after those young pseudos, they had disappeared in the crowd. Angry and upset, Ora stomped her foot and started pacing on the white sand, hissing and cursing under her breath. She felt defeated and exhausted.

But Ora was no ordinary girl. She held in her heart a flame of determination and willpower. The blow she had just received had drained a lot of her energy but the will to bring back home food gnawed at her heart. Her empty stomach rumbled, reminding Ora that giving was not a n option. So all over again, Ora started; hawking her leftover goods to potential customers at the top of her lungs. But as the sky turned pink and the sun started its descent downwards, the crowd of humans and pseudodragons alike started packing up their goods and leaving. It was no good, no one was paying any attention to Ora.

Desperate now, not to return empty handed, Ora tucked her remaining shells deep inside the and under a boulder to keep them safe and went out, melting into the crowd to scavenge for food. Humans usually left a lot of garbage on beaches and if she were lucky she would find bits of food along with the garbage. It was unhygienic and unhealthy but Ora was out of options. She spotted a paper bag half buried in the sand. Scurrying quickly, she reached it and peed inside. Crumbs of what looked like chicken were left. At the sight of food, her stomach did flip flops but she knew that she needed to bring back the food home for....them. Ora gathered up the chicken pieces, wrapped them in a piece of candy wrapper and tied it on her back. It was getting dark now and the sun was near the horizon, almost dipping below the sea. Her heart thudding, she ran around wildly checking through garbage for foods; she had to reach home before nightfall.

As the sun disappeared, Ora had successfully scavenged a half eaten french fry and a tiny little piece of apple along with the chicken crumbs. The food she had collected was not even enough to fill a little pseudo's stomach. Sighing, she gave up looking for more food and went back home with a heavy heart. The boat-rent shop she lived had a crack in one of its window. She slipped in through it, and went behind one of the old boats that were never rented. There was a crack in the floorboards, hidden from human eyes. She squeezed in through it and dropped down below to a very low built old crawlspace.

The place was dark and had only some light filtering through a hole in the wall. Cobwebs filled the entire area and the place stank a lot. But it was home for Orabelle and....

......." Hey Ora! You are back!!!! " a raspy voice exclaimed and something came scutting towards Ora from the dark corners of the crawlspace. A little grey and blue psuedodragon came into her focus. It was Ike, the youngest member of the pseudodragon family that lived with her.

Orabelle hugged Ike and the two of them marched towards where Ike's family was. Ike's mother had been sick for years, she could hardly move so Ora had taken on her shoulders the responsibility of looking after and bringing back food for Ike and his three other siblings. As the young pseudodragos, gathered around Ora, eyeing the bundle of food on her back with hungry eyes, Ora looked for the mother pseudodragon. She was lying in a corner and smiling weakly at the sight of her excited children. She caught Ora's eyes and Ora could feel the gratitude in them. Ora was almost like an older sister to the four young pseduodragons.

With a defeated sign, she emptied the contents of the bundle. The food fell on a tiny heap and immediately silenced the little dragons. The knew the food was not enough for all four of them, Ora and their mother. With sad eyes they looked at each other. Trying not to cry, Ora managed a fake happy voice, "Hey! Now look guys its better than nothing. C'mon we'll divide the food and finish it while telling stories. Okay? I have a lot to tell you guys about all the funny people who came to the back today!...."
The promise of a happy story lifted the mood of the four kids and they accepted their fate. Ora knew no food will be left for her and the pseudo mom would give up her share so the kids could have some more. So Ora only divided the food in four parts. Then they all huddled in a circle, close to their sick mother lying down and gnawed and nibbled at their food contently, listening aptly as Ora told them stories. Ora tried her best to comically mimic the characters of her story to divert the attention from the empty stomachs with which they would have to go to sleep one more night. Her own stomach growled in protest but she valiantly ignored it.

Its what you do for the ones you love, a voice in her head said as she continued with the story-telling.

A.J. Birdie wrote:Username: A.J. Birdie
Name: Koa
Gender: Female
Tell me about her:
Koa was born in the deepest part of the forest. She lived there with her mother until, one stormy night they were separated and Koa was left alone. From a young age, Koa grew tough and fiercely independent. She takes orders from no one, goes where the wind takes her, and does what she pleases. It seems to some that Koa is fearless, as she dares to climb the highest trees, risking attacks from birds and monkeys to take the tenderest fruits or feet the warm sunlight on her vibrant scales, but even the dauntless Koa has something that haunts her at night. Koa has always been afraid of rain and thunder- maybe not necessarily afraid but she has had a deep hatred of it since the night when she was separated from her mother. You see, because, losing her mother was somewhat Koa's fault, and that's what she tells herself and lives with every day. That night, Koa had gotten into a fight with her mother. They had fought before, but not like this. Koa had lived her entire life without a father, and naturally, she was curious as to who the mystery man was. Trouble was, her mother wouldn't let on, so Koa pushed her and pushed her until, her mother snapped. She told her that it was none of her concern who her father was. That he was a cheat and a liar and a scoundrel. That he was a mistake and what they did was a mistake. Hurt and unstable, Koa assumed her mother meant that she was the mistake. Taking off, blindly, into the storm, Koa ran away from her mother. She ran under she couldn't run anymore and collapsed under a tangle of roots. Soaked to the bone, Koa curled in on herself to get warm. When she woke, the storm was over and her mother was nowhere to be found. Koa tried hard to find her way back to her, but the rain washed away any trace of a trail or scent. So, Koa was alone. Ever since the sound of rain and thunder was a haunting reminder of what she did and who she lost that night. She knows know that her mother had mis-spoken, or she had misunderstood. She was not a mistake. Her mother had loved her dearly with all her heart, but now, it was time for her to move on. So, Koa roams the forest, occasionally stopping every now and then to rest or catch the beauty of the world around her. In her experiences, Koa has gained an expanse knowledge in astronomy and often uses the stars as a guide. She also has a keen knowledge of horticulture, but since she's not a healer, its a skill she rarely uses. Nowadays, Koa keeps to herself as she lives out her days doing as she pleases. She sometimes wonders if she'll ever settle down but then thinks, 'no.'
Midnight Tails wrote:Username: Midnight Tails
Name: Portia (homophonous with Porsche (as in the car) which is what she reminded me of, probably due to the sleekness of her design)
Gender: Female
Tell me about her:At first glance you'd expect a stuck-up, obnoxious girl that knows just how beautiful she is, and flaunts it to perfection, with many a fan drooling after her beauty. Simply because of the bright, gorgeous colours, seeping out to this enrapturing shade of blue, much akin to one of those sunsets over the ocean that are so stunning you only see pictures about.
This is only strengthened by the imagery one thinks of when you hear her name.
Ha, if only. That imagery of her only ever occurs in her dreams. Oh, but does she ever dream. So absorbed in her thoughts she becomes, that you'd expect her to unknowingly walk in front of a car one day.
Reminiscent of a poison dart frog she loves moist locations, especially if there's rotting leaf matter nearby that she can safely hide under. More timid than most, she rarely comes out of her little hideaways, or more to the point she only shows her face to the world on particularly humid days.
Portia's quite on the small side of things, even to the point of causing the largest of pseudodragons to trip over her.
Despite her small stature and timid behaviour, she's quite the competitive little rascal, which gets her into more trouble than she'd like to admit.
In regards to romantic affections, she is all jumbled up.
As if she naturally subconsciously clings to her looks when backed into a corner, she flips between hot and cold if you have the misfortune of wanting to court her. Portia doesn't mean anything by it, and doesn't actually realise why others eventually get fed up with her, no matter however patient they claim to be. But it's not like she actually minds this oddly enough; I suppose she's too preoccupied with studying weather to truly pay attention to such things.
Ah. That may explain why she holes herself away all the time...
Initially I had assumed it to be a mix of her timidness and her complex about how horrid she believes her looks to be, despite the many compliments she gets per day. Wait. Perhaps in part those very same compliments actually contribute to making it worse!
Now she may be a frivolous, crazy little one, but despite that, she's a good listener, and partly due to this she's a very good anchor for others, and happily guides those that are lost home, rather motherly of her really.
Something that calms her down is violin music.
Her mother used to have an old record player that somehow still worked - especially commendable considering its owners at the time had claws - when Portia was a child and many of her days were spent in anticipation of waiting for the object to 'become magic' and make the most fascinating sounds she has ever heard.
You may be wondering by does she have a bad bone in her body at all?
Well. I'm glad you asked.
See those markings of hers? Yes that darkest blue, and those spots so dark they may be mistaken for black...
She says they're blemishes that seek to show the world how scrappily corrupted her soul is.
Everything she saw she compared to herself, and she could never win, her competitiveness forced her to try again and again, but herself, whether it was about her 'inner beauty' or her 'outer beauty', or both combined, could never beat what she was competing against. She became jealous. Jealously quickly turned to pure envy, and these days that envy dances with hatred.
You wouldn't know it, for she carefully tucks all that dark away in a little mental cage, and would forget all about it really...
If it weren't for her markings constantly reminding her of it.
Does she have a breaking point? ...I think time can only answer that one.
I'd love to write more, but the time limit approaches steadily onwards, so for now I'll end my little tail tale.

Wow, mine looks TINY compared to yours :o :shock: :what: ... I bet one of you will win... Good Luck to all contestants! :D :clap: :thumbup:

Hey, I'm doodledraw. I'm usually in a pretty good mood, and I would love to talk about fandoms!

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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby Lilian Nightshade » Thu May 21, 2015 5:57 am

Sorry for taking so long to pick a winner. Real life kept me super busy and only recently I found time to properly check the forms with their deserved attention... anyway, this was a tough decision, I was quite stuck between two forms for a while. At last, however, the winner is:

A.J. Birdie wrote:Username: A.J. Birdie
Name: Koa
Gender: Female
Tell me about her:
Koa was born in the deepest part of the forest. She lived there with her mother until, one stormy night they were separated and Koa was left alone. From a young age, Koa grew tough and fiercely independent. She takes orders from no one, goes where the wind takes her, and does what she pleases. It seems to some that Koa is fearless, as she dares to climb the highest trees, risking attacks from birds and monkeys to take the tenderest fruits or feet the warm sunlight on her vibrant scales, but even the dauntless Koa has something that haunts her at night. Koa has always been afraid of rain and thunder- maybe not necessarily afraid but she has had a deep hatred of it since the night when she was separated from her mother. You see, because, losing her mother was somewhat Koa's fault, and that's what she tells herself and lives with every day. That night, Koa had gotten into a fight with her mother. They had fought before, but not like this. Koa had lived her entire life without a father, and naturally, she was curious as to who the mystery man was. Trouble was, her mother wouldn't let on, so Koa pushed her and pushed her until, her mother snapped. She told her that it was none of her concern who her father was. That he was a cheat and a liar and a scoundrel. That he was a mistake and what they did was a mistake. Hurt and unstable, Koa assumed her mother meant that she was the mistake. Taking off, blindly, into the storm, Koa ran away from her mother. She ran under she couldn't run anymore and collapsed under a tangle of roots. Soaked to the bone, Koa curled in on herself to get warm. When she woke, the storm was over and her mother was nowhere to be found. Koa tried hard to find her way back to her, but the rain washed away any trace of a trail or scent. So, Koa was alone. Ever since the sound of rain and thunder was a haunting reminder of what she did and who she lost that night. She knows know that her mother had mis-spoken, or she had misunderstood. She was not a mistake. Her mother had loved her dearly with all her heart, but now, it was time for her to move on. So, Koa roams the forest, occasionally stopping every now and then to rest or catch the beauty of the world around her. In her experiences, Koa has gained an expanse knowledge in astronomy and often uses the stars as a guide. She also has a keen knowledge of horticulture, but since she's not a healer, its a skill she rarely uses. Nowadays, Koa keeps to herself as she lives out her days doing as she pleases. She sometimes wonders if she'll ever settle down but then thinks, 'no.'

Congrats! I love the character you planned for her ^^. I hope you enjoy this girl.

I also absolutely loved Capsicle's form(the character you pictured for this pseudo is adorable) and thus I'm willing to make a runner up, if that's ok. ^^
.....*Flight Rising*....*Deviantart*.....

The lone wanderer. So tired, so miserable.
All but a mere shadow of an once vibrant soul.

Cursed by fate, burdened by sorrow.
Sentenced to a life of nothing but loneliness...
It looks like not everyone deserves a happy ending, after all.

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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby stabbrielle » Thu May 21, 2015 7:11 am

Thank you, Lil! <3 I love her!!

Congrats Capsicle on your runner up! I liked your form a lot!!
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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby Scion Hanzo » Thu May 21, 2015 8:01 am

Ahh, Congrats A.J. Birdie! I loved you form~

And thank you so much for the RU! <3
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Re: Pseudodragon #345

Postby Midnight Tails » Thu May 21, 2015 10:13 pm

I would've been really suprised if I'd won because I was really struggling to connect to her as a character, and I feel like that would've shown in my writing. Congrats you two! I loved both your forms~ c:
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