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Postby sunny-skies » Mon Mar 08, 2021 11:30 am

the group exited camp, following void as he led the patrol out into their clan's territory. though he had brought along a good number of cats, it was important that his clanmates accompanied him. they would be exploring unknown territory, after all, and the leader would need as much help as he could get.
not too long into the patrol, the cats passed by a well-sized patch of herbs! they may be helpful to the clan one day. sparrow, with the herb knowledge she had learned so far, was luckily able to recognize a good few of them. she decided to bring them along with her, she would show her findings to her mentor once the group got back to camp. (+1 stick, +1 catmint, +1 tansy)

as the patrol made their way to the outskirts of their territory, cinder was able to spot a nice, plump squirrel. after a few moments, the tom had already delivered a swift blow to the creature's neck, which he now carried in his jaws. holding up his catch with pride, he quickly returned to the group to show off his catch to his clanmates. honey let out a soft purr in response to his enthusiasm, praising her son for making such a great catch. (+3fp, +3xp)
void has also been able to spot a large frog sitting near a pond close by! it was uncommon for one to venture from their burrows, especially in such cold weather. the frog didn't seem to be very aware of its surroundings, making it a quick and easy catch for the leader. (+3fp, +3xp)
"we'll bury them here for now." void instructed the group as he gestured to both catches. they'd collect the prey on their way back to camp, but there were others things that they needed to do first.

the silence of the area around them was disrupted by a series of coughs from tips, startling the patrol around him. the small tom didn't seem too well, and after further inspection sparrow informed him that he had fallen sick. though it thankfully didn't seem to be anything too serious, it was still important that he was treated. tips will need one chamomile leaf to heal.

+80xp for 1209 words written
+10xp for patrol sent
+10% hunger

total :

+99xp | +10% hunger | +1 stick, +1 catmint, +1 tansy | +3fp (squirrel), +3fp (frog) | level 2 (129/300)

congrats, you've leveled up! you've received +1fp, +1 common edit, +1 herb of choice!

BunnoBlizzard wrote:Ocean Clan

the molly set out on her search, giving a slight shiver as a cold breeze passed by. ever since leafbare had begun, the weather had only grown harsher and more unforgiving. with prey and herbs even scarcer, she had to be sure to stay well-stocked on the things she needed.

not too far from camp, tansypetal was able to come across a large patch of herbs! she rushed towards them excitedly, only to find that all of them had succumbed to the cold weather. it didn't look like she'd be able to salvage any of them, as they all seemed to be grey and shriveled upon further inspecting them. the molly let out a low growl in frustration at her useless find, her tail lashing behind her. with a small shake of her head, the molly turned and left in hopes of finding something elsewhere.

even as she continued on, the molly was having very little luck with her findings. the only other thing she had managed to come across was a very skittish mouse, which retreated back into the safety of a nearby borrow at the sight of her. other than that, the area around her seemed to be oddly bare. taking note of the setting sun, tansypetal decided that it would be best to start heading back to camp. hopefully she'd have more luck next time.

+40xp for 625 words written
+10xp for patrol sent
+10% hunger

total :

+50xp | +10% hunger | level 2 (93/300)

I did not include leafpaw in this reply because she needs to be approved before being used in explore posts! also, please remember to properly calculate the fp that you've used!
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Flatterina » Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:04 pm

BigFrog4231 wrote:The Tribe of Singing Wind

+25 XP [347 words written]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+10 XP [Songbird’s injury healed with Willow Bark]
+0% Hunger
-10% Hunger to either Snow or Flower
-1 Squirrel

Snow that coats the ground was still a bit irritated, but she tried not to let that affect her hunting. Concentrating on her surroundings, her eyes swept over all possible hiding spots in the vicinity, though no prey scents were around here. Instead, she stumbled over some hardy stalks of lovage growing next to a small stream and gnawed off the leaves she thought might still be usable. Songbird’s mistake had shown that one could never have too many healing herbs.
[+1 Lovage, +1 XP]

After walking for a while Snow realized with a start that they had now strayed close to the upwalker’s dens Flower had told the two of them about. A shiver creeped down her spine. She wasn’t afraid of the strange, huge beasts and their monsters, but still they made her uncomfortable.
“They left long ago,” Flower meowed, throwing her a glance from the side and apparently sensing her tension. “Let’s go and look if we can find anything between the ruins.”
Indeed, there were no scents of the peculiar creatures, and on hesitant paws Snow followed her leader.
“What’s this?” she asked, pointing her tail at something she saw glimmering a few fox lengths from them between some wildly growing bushes that might once have been tended by an upwalker.
Flower squinted his eyes. “I’m not sure, to be honest. Let’s go over and check it out.”
Snow nodded and together the two cats stepped closer to the thing on the ground. Reaching out with a paw she discovered it was made of a hard material, but still inexplicably see-through. Inside there was a liquid that seemed to swirl and glitter all on its own.
“I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Flower breathed.
“It’s beautiful,” Snow agreed. “Let’s take it with us.”
Since Snow already held the herbs, Flower gingerly picked up the thing with his teeth, careful not to break them on the hard surface.
[+1 Revive, +1 XP]

On the way back, Snow also managed to catch a vole that had been too busy trying to find seeds in the frozen earth to hear her approach.
[+1 Vole, +2 FP, +2 XP]

Content with the results of their exploration, the patrol returned to their camp where Songbird was waiting for them.

+2 FP | +1 Lovage | +1 Revive | 49 XP | Level 1 [135/200]

Note: Thank you for paying attention and adding 10% Hunger to Snow! Also, sorry for overlooking that you had already healed Songbird. Your XP have been awarded now!

+15 XP [240 words written]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+0% Hunger [Two free posts left]

His time on the farm and the scurrying mice that were ever-present there had taught him valuable hunting skills, but out here there were none of the scents he had grown so used to over the past years of his life. Instead, there was a barrage of things he’d never smelled before, almost overwhelming him. Quickly, though, he was able to adapt to the smells and filter out the irrelevant ones. Still, it would probably take a while until he would be able to grow used to all the different scents out here.
With a flick of his ears, he noticed another smell that had been drowned in all the others before – a scent that reminded him of home. It was the smell of the huge beasts that his former two-legs had always tended to, strange creatures with a fur of white and black, their eyes intelligent though all his attempts at communication with them had failed.
Might any of those animals be here, in his new home? With a shudder he realized that that would also mean the presence of more two-legs. This was not what he had expected when he had been sent the dream and decided to follow its call.
With determination, he located the scent’s trail and followed it to its source. Sniffing, he broke through a bush, prepared to catch sight of another farm behind it, when instead – flowers? Indeed, small white and pinkish flowers grew from a patch of grass, their blossoms small and wrinkled from the cold, yet unquestionably emitting the scent that had so reminded him of home.
With a shake of his head, he began picking a few of them. Surely, this had to be a sign from whoever had sent the dream. It could prove useful in the future to have the flowers with him.
[+1 Daisy, +1 XP]

While he continued roaming through the valley, he also found some more herbs that seemed useful to him, and along with the daisy flowers he had already found he gathered them in one place near the river where he was fairly sure he would be able to find them again. He really needed to find a camp to store his findings.
[+ Coltsfoot, +1 Lamb’s Ear, +1 Watermint, +3 XP]

Unfortunately, he was not able to find any food, though he tried his best.

+1 Daisy | +1 Coltsfoot | +1 Lamb’s Ear | +1 Watermint | +29 XP | Level 0 [29/100]
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Hush » Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:43 pm

Clan of Roaring Silence

The scent of a creature similar to his old rival made the fur on the back of his neck stand up, memories of being chased and herded by the beast against his will made him freeze for a second before regaining his composure and carrying on. He knew a little about the plants he collected along his journey, but remembered his being tended to by a medicine cat after his face was injured defending his farm alongside her clan. A gentle look of fond remembrance came to his eyes as he thought of her and how she chattered on about all the different uses for plants he’d normally walk right by. The ones he found made him think of her and figure he’d best look for a medicine cat of his own for his clan. If he were to get injured out here, no one would be able to help him and he knew that he’d have no chance at survival. But still his current priorities were finding a den, not just a make shift one either, it needed to be where he’d build his clan and have enough protection and tranquility to raise kits and protect their elders.

As he carried his haul with him up stream, he came to a split in the river and peered down each way before continuing north towards the dull constant drum of the waterfall hitting the rocks below. It didn’t take much longer before he finally reached it, the land in his vision, a perfect clearing inside dense brush with small caves inside the cliff side next to the small waterfall. The only entrance was beneath a large fallen tree, easily defended or closed by pulling branches in front of it but the bend of the trunk far enough off the ground that even a cat as large as he was could walk through. After his long journey it was all that he had dreamt of and more. But his work was just beginning and he knew that he’d need to replenish his strength with prey before he’d be able to start his hard work of building the camp to a livable state. For now he stashed his plants in a cave off of the base of the waterfall and headed back out to the forest along the river, marking the territory along the way as he hunted while remaining vigilant for any change in the wind or rustling of dried leaves.
[410 words]

--cats on patrol
Badgerstar | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 0
experience: 29

prey | 1 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

Daisy | usage | x1
Coltsfoot | usage | x1
Lamb’s Ear | usage | x1
Watermint | usage | x1
--items in inventory used
Any items used this post (or eaten)
ex. food, herbs, explore items
predator #1 Hawk
predator #2 Fox
predator #3 Cottonmouth
predator #4 Badger
Last edited by Hush on Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Lex. » Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:16 pm

+30XP for 410 words written
+10XP for patrol sent
+10% hunger [One Free Post Left]

Unfortunately, there was no prey to be found. The wind started picking up, and he was upwind which alerted the prey downwind of him. How unlucky!

On the bright side, there was an abundance of herbs that the prey left behind. They wont be eating these!
+1 Bright-eye +1 Mallow Leaves +1 Wintergreen +1 Thyme, +4XP


+44XP |+1 Bright-eye +1 Mallow Leaves +1 Wintergreen +1 Thyme | Level 0 (73/100)
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Flatterina » Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:38 am

TL;DR wrote:They leave their territory, Cinder falls down a ditch, Sparrow finds a tree and Void's sister Minka, they talk a lot and then return to the camp.

After they had buried their catches and the herbs and marked the spot with a recognizable stone so they would be able to find them again on their way back, Void let Honey take over the lead and fell back a few steps to talk to Tips.
“How are you feeling?”
The small tom flicked his ears. “I’m alright, it’s not that big a deal, really.”
Sparrow, who was walking at Tips’ left, disagreed.
“It might not be a big deal now, but it’s going to get worse if we neglect to treat it soon.”
Void tilted his head. “Maybe the two of you should return to the camp so Tips can rest, and you can take a look if we have anything to help him.”
Sparrow nodded. “If I remember what Pattern told me correctly, he’s going to need some chamomile. We have something of that in our stores.”
Tips, however, vehemently shook his head. “Nonsense. You can take of me when we get back, but this expedition is too important for me to jeopardize it just because of a small cough.”
Void considered that for a second, then inclined his head. “Alright. But if it gets worse, I will send you back, and this is not up for debate.”
The tom huffed, but eventually agreed.

The five of them continued further, following a small river upstream while Honey played games with her kits.
“I smell something you can’t smell, and it stinks,” the molly meowed.
“Oh, it’s my turn now!” Cinder called out. “Is it Sparrow?”
Sparrow gasped. “Mean!”
She aimed a swat at his face but her brother, laughing hysterically, evaded her paw, tripping over a twig in the process.
Honey flicked her tail and suppressed a smile. It made her happy seeing her children being happy like that, and she looked forward to telling Nico about it when they came back. He and Tigris were probably training their fighting skills, and Freckle would be out hunting with Minnow.
It warmed her heart to see the four of them grow up into healthy, strong cats. Having kits was everything she had hoped and wished it to be, and she was happier than she had ever been before.
“It’s not Sparrow, Cinder. Your turn!” she meowed, looking at her daughter.
Sparrow wrinkled her nose in concentration and opened her mouth to scent better.
The herbalist’s apprentice was more serious than her brother and always did her best to genuinely try her best at every task she was assigned while Cinder in general preferred to do things the way they were the most fun. That made him a poor hunter, unfortunately, as Tips had complained to her when they had talked about his progress a few days ago, but in a quick and fast-paced battle he showed quick thinking and creativity in his moves. He was like his taller brother in that regard, though Tigris brought with him size and raw strength where Cinder was more agile and quicker on his paws. Freckle, apprenticed to Minnow, as opposed to the two males, was patient and silent. Even when not hunting, she liked to sit and listen instead of participating in conversations. She was not really that good a warrior herself, but when staying out of the fight she usually was quick to spot the weaknesses of the participants.
Even though all four of them were so different from each other, it was apparent that they were very close and trusted each other to their cores.
“Badger,” Sparrow now suggested after having thought about it a second, and Honey was not surprised she got it exactly right. Her daughter would not have said anything if she had not been certain.
“Yes! Cinder, what do you think how old it is?”
“A few days, I would think?” her son offered. “It can’t be that old or it would have been buried by the last snowfall.”
Honey purred proudly. “That’s correct, well done, both of you! Sparrow, you guessed the animal, do you want to take over?”
Sparrow nodded and scented again. “I smell something you can’t smell and that is… the border?”
Void, having returned to the front of the patrol again and now walking a few cat lengths in front of them, stopped and turned to face them and Tips. “Right. This stream here marks the border, and we also marked it as a warning to rogues and predators. I don’t think you have ever been here before, have you, Sparrow?”
The apprentice shook her head. “Pattern and I usually stay close to the camp when we go looking for herbs.”
“Remember its smell and pay attention not to stray beyond should you ever go outside on your own. Inside, we patrol and hunt, so we know for sure there are no dangers here. Outside we can never be sure.”
Sparrow nodded dutifully.
“Alright. We have come here today to expand out territory and see if the lands beyond our border might prove to be suitable hunting grounds. Let’s fan out a bit and see what we find, but stay in sight of each other. Call out when you find anything potentially dangerous or interesting.”
With a flick of his tail, he dismissed the rest of the patrol and the five cats carefully jumped over the small river that was the border to the unknown. It appeared to be frozen over, but Honey could hear water gurgling underneath the ice and she knew that even ice that looked robust could break if stepped on.
After she had safely landed on the other side, she anxiously watched Cinder and Sparrow make the leap, breathing a sigh of relief when both covered the distance easily.
Tips was the last to cross. His body was in a tense crouch, ready to push off the ground and jump, when suddenly a cough shook his small body.
“Tips!” Void called out, preparing to return to the other tom, when Tips stopped coughing and shook his body.
“I’m still fine! Stop acting like I’m a kit!”
Dropping back into the crouch, Tips tensed again and then pushed off and leaped over the stream, stumbling over his paws as he landed. Void darted in and caught the small tom’s scruff with his teeth, dragging him to a safe distance from the water.
“That really wasn’t necessary,” Tips grumbled, though Honey could see insecurity briefly flashing in his eyes.
“Stay close to him,” she whispered to Sparrow beside her, who nodded. She would best be able to judge when the warrior would be unable to continue and had to take a break.

The five of them had been delving deeper into the unknown territory for a while now when a scream from Void’s left pierced the silence.
He couldn’t say exactly who the noise had come from, but from the height of the voice he supposed it was one of the apprentices. Breaking into a sprint, he broke through a bush to discover that Cinder hat fallen down a steep decline in the forest floor that had been obscured by dried ferns, and tumbled down a few steps before coming to a halt against a tree stump.
Only a few seconds later, Honey and then Sparrow and Tips also arrived, their furs puffed up with worry.
“Cinder! Are you okay?” Honey called out to her son, hastily making her way down to check on him.
“I’m fine, don’t worry!” Cinder replied, his ears folded back in embarrassment and annoyance as his mother checked him all over with her nose and then licked his face in relief when she didn’t find any injuries. “Is that really necessary?”
“Hush,” Honey meowed sternly. “I’m your mother, it’s my job to worry about you.”
The apprentice rolled his eyes but stopped squirming and trying to evade his mother’s tongue.
Together, the two of them climbed back up the slope and Cinder had to suffer through the attentions of his sister as well.
“Nothing broken, nothing hurt,” she judged after having him bend all his limbs and take a few steps in a circle.
“Told you so,” Cinder mumbled, his ears folded back, shooting Void a nervous glance. Void supposed the young tom was anxious to have embarrassed himself in front of his leader like that, and smiled at Cinder. “I’m glad you’re fine,” he purred, and the apprentice smiled back hesitantly.

Not long after they had resumed exploring, Void heard Sparrow call out to him. As he made his way over to her, a sweet smell began to get stronger and soon completely enveloped him. His heart beating faster, he recognized it as wisteria, the smell exactly how he remembered it from his dream.
His steps accelerated and he vaguely registered passing a startled Tips before the trees around him lightened and he entered a small clearing. He didn’t know how this was possible, but the grass here was green and untouched by the snow – or the winter in general, it appeared. The temperature here seemed to be warmer, too. In the middle of the clearing there was a tree, as big as any he had ever seen, its trunk broader than several cats stretching from nose to tail-tip. It was covered in colourful wisteria blossoms winding around the trunk, their purple petals also decorating the ground and infusing the air even more with their smell. Its branches hung low, weighted down by the many vines it had grown, some of them touching the ground.
Obscured by them, he could make out Sparrow standing near the trunk. She was looking at something, it seemed.
Pushing through the vines, he stepped closer to her, his breath catching when he saw something nestled between the tree’s roots.
“Thank you for calling me,” he meowed quietly. “Is she asleep?”
Sparrow’s eyes darted towards the sleeping cat, breathing deeply and undisturbed. “She?”
Void looked at the small, black and white cat rolled into a tight ball on the floor, his vision swimming as his eyes filled with tears. “I never thought I’d see her again”, he whispered, more talking to himself. “I thought she would have forgotten me already… I missed her so much.”
From the corner of his eye, he perceived Sparrow backing away slightly, giving him privacy while he slowly, softly took a step toward his sleeping sister.
“Minka”, he meowed, licking her forehead. “It’s me. Wake up!”
Minka sighed, her eyes still closed, and Void couldn’t help but purr. It was definitely her. Back when they had lived together with her humans, she had always been the last one to wake up. Except if there had been food, of course. That had made her wake up and be in the kitchen in a flash.
He couldn’t help but smile as he prodded her again, using his nose to huff into her ears, knowing she hated that.
Minka rolled onto her back and pushed him away with a paw, her eyes blinking open, unfocused.
Then her gaze centred on him and she gasped, jumping to her feet in the blink of an eye.
“Gary? Is it really you?”
Gary. That must have been his name before he had arrived here. Weirdly, he didn’t feel any connection to it anymore.
“I call myself Void now. But yes, it’s me, and I’m so happy to see you!”
His sister didn’t seem to know what to say. Instead, she bared her teeth and tackled him, grabbing him with her front paws while kicking him with her hind legs.
“Where were you?” she hissed. “Do you know how worried I was? Do you know how much I missed you? Our humans missed you? They searched for you for weeks!”
She growled, aiming to bite him in the shoulder, but Void felt that she didn’t truly want to hurt him.
“I’m sorry, okay?” he meowed, holding her back with a paw against her head. “I truly am. Please let me tell you what happened to me, and then you decide whether to be angry at me, okay?”
Minka huffed, anger still blazing in her eyes, her tail lashing wildly as she sat back down.
“Alright. You can start by telling me about that silly name of yours. And who all these strange cats are.”
With a glance behind him Void realized that the others had joined Sparrow and were now standing at the edge of the clearing, huddled closely together, watching the two of them intently. With a guilty grin, he had to admit that in the excitement he had completely forgotten they were still there, and with a flick of his tail he called them over.
“Let me introduce you to each other. And then I’ll tell all of you everything from the beginning. You see, it started with me waking up in this forest all alone…”

Minka listened to her brother talk, though her feelings were still conflicted. She was glad to see him again, but she was still unbelievably angry. How would anyone forgive the second half of their soul for leaving overnight?
Though she had to admit that she understood the need for something new that he had described. After all, when she had had a dream tonight that asked her if she wanted to follow Gary – no, Void – into his new life, she had eagerly said yes, just as he had followed the call for adventure. Maybe their dreams had granted the both of them their biggest wishes.
However, she couldn’t help but worry for their humans. They had been shaken by her brother’s disappearance and held her much more closely ever since then, and she didn’t want to imagine how they must feel now, after the both of them had left. She hoped that they would find happiness again. The sound of a human crying was haunting.
After Gary – Void – had introduced her to the others and told them about his appearance in this forest, she had told the others about her dream, too.
Void’s new friends hadn’t seemed as shocked as she had expected, but it quickly became clear that he had told them bits and pieces of his story before, and a pretty molly in particular had apparently heard stories of her before that Void had told in camp.
Minka was unsure about how she should feel about the fact that her brother had other friends now, new cats he trusted and spent time with. It had always been the two of them and their humans before, and she didn’t like having to share him. At least, when she had asked him, he had said that he had not found a mate, and she was glad for it. She couldn’t bear the thought of anyone growing as close to him as she was. He was still her brother and best friend and no one else’s.
“Let us prepare to return to the camp, now,” Void was currently meowing, and she wondered where he had found all that authority in his voice. He had always been calmer and more collected than she was, but she would never have thought of him as a leader. It felt weird, but she supposed that she would be able to get used to it.
“This expedition has been a great success,” he now continued, “but we need to end it now if we want to get back to the camp before nightfall. Tips will need medical attention and Minka needs to to be introduced to our home and our customs since she will be living from us from now on.”
He shot her a warm smile, and she couldn’t suppress a deep purr. However irritated she was, she had never been able to stay mad at him for long. Too glad was she to have finally been reunited with the other half of her soul.
Pressed close to her brother, worried he might disappear again if she let him out of her sight for too long, they and the others whose names Minka had already forgotten again made their way towards Void’s – and Minka’s – new home. There was a lot she would have to learn and get used to, but it all seemed insignificant in comparison to being united again.

[ 2704 words ]

--cats on patrol
Void | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Cinder | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Honey | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Tips | HP 90% | HUP 10% | Sick: Y
Sparrow | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Minka | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 2
experience: 129/300

scraps| 1 FP | x4
prey | 2 FP | x0
vole | 2 FP | x1
frog | 3 FP | x1
squirrel | 3 FP | x1
prey | 4 FP | x0

blackberry leaves | ? | x1
chamomile leaves | ? | x3
dried oak leaves | ? | x2
herb of choice | ? | x1
stick | ? | x1
catmint | ? | x1
tansy | ? | x1
--items in inventory used
predator #1 Weasel
predator #2 Large Bird
predator #3 Fox
predator #4 Badger
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby mothbrainz » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:14 am

For once, Asphodelstar had been convinced to leave camp. 

She enjoyed the quiet solitude that was to be had when her clanmates were on patrol - it was the only time she had to relax, really. Fawnflurry was a wonderful deputy and handled so much for her, but as leader of course she had to do the bulk of it. But with Eggdapple and Gravegaze's first litter and Fawnflurry and Coalcreek's second running amok, her sanctuary of peace and quiet was ruined. 

Alas, that was the nature of children. Asphodelstar fondly remembered Lambpuff's childhood days, how he curled up against her belly for warmth, purring in his sleep and hissing at new sounds as if something his size could ever be threatening. He walked slightly in front of her now, leading the patrol. He'd grown into such a fine young cat. 

With them were, of course, more of their clanmates. Gravegaze seemed restless with his new brood and although he clearly loved his family, had a clear need to stretch his legs and get some space. It was understandable, and even without one eye he was a valued member to any patrol. Chatting with him was Softheart, the eldest of the clan. Asphodelstar heard snippets of kit care tips and general wellness advice. The brightly-colored female was good for that kind of stuff, and Eggdapple had sent a few cats her way to talk out their feelings about the humans' disappearance and the arrival of the Things.

Asphodelstar felt her blood turn cold for a moment and quickly moved onto thinking about something else. 

Creamfire and Chitterbug, two new recruits, seemed to be getting on well. Creamfire had been mistreated by humans her whole life and was fairly released about their vanishing, and hadn't been in too much of a rush to join Wildclan after a patrol introduced her to the idea of it. Months later, however, when Chitterbug arrived, the flame point seemed mysteriously swayed in her decision. Chitterbug had been a store cat, lounging about in a local boutique and scavenging from coffee shops and other such places before managing to stumble right upon Wildclan's camp. Asphodelstar fondly watched the two, overhearing giggles and purrs all the way. Something told her that Wildclan's kit population would be expanding soon once again.

[ 382 words ]

--cats on patrol
Lambpuff | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Gravegaze | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Softheart | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Creamfire | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Chitterbug | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Asphodelstar | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 1
experience: 187
songbird | 2 fp | x1
human food | 1 fp | x3
kibble | 2 fp | x1
mouse | 2 fp | x1
rabbit | 4 fp | x1

blackberry leaves | x1
foxglove seeds | x1
holly berries | x1
deathberries | x1
willow bark | x1
juniper berries | x1
lovage | x1
hawkweed | x1
--items in inventory used
item | x#
sewer gators, rat packs
abandoned exotic pets,
foxes, raccoons, feral
dogs, owls, falcons,
eagles, hawks, coyotes
these things
hehe egg
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Lex. » Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:33 am

+25XP for 382 words written
+10XP for patrol sent
+10% hunger

The patrol managed to catch a small dog! Good riddance, the little creature won't be yapping anymore.
+4FP, +1 Small Dog, +4XP

The patrol got really unlucky and couldn't find any herbs.

Congrats, you've reached level 2!~ Rewards: + 1 FP + 1 Herb +1 Common Edit

+39XP | +5FP [Small Dog + Scrap] | +1 Broom [Herb] | Level 2 (26/300)
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby SmilePup » Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:06 am

Ferretstar huffed, the stench of the raccoons filling his nose. He sighed. It was too close to his camp, and- even though he wasn't great at fighting, he would drive off this intruder. Following the smell, Ferretstar stumbled upon the origins. But- what did he find?
[ # words ]

1 cat on patrol
Ferretstar | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: Y/N
--level 0

scraps| 1 FP | x1
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

Stinging nettle| They are either swallowed for a cat who has eaten poison, for it enduces vomiting and for swelling, it is chewed into a poultice to put on wounds, and mixed with comfrey it can help heal broken bones. | x1
Tansy | Used to cure coughs. | x1
Juniper Berries | The berries are chewed and eaten, they help bellyache, give strength, soothes troubles breathing, and helps calm cats down. | x1
Lamb's Ear| gives strength| x1
--items in inventory used
Red fox #1 (Uncommon)
Barn Owl #2 (Rare)
Racoons #3 (Common)
Cyote #4 (Rare)
Last edited by SmilePup on Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby OmbreCoyote » Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:37 am

Cloverspark scooped up the remains of the mouse in her teeth. It may be a meager meal, but it was better than nothing.

She turned to bring the prey back to her nest beneath the cottonwood, but stopped short. She was hesitant to head back to her hideaway, as she remembered how damp and cold the moss had become overnight. She shivered as she imagined how freezing she had been. What had seemed like a great place to camp before had turned out to be less than ideal, melting snow dripping through the roots and forming frost in her fur before she awoke.

Time to look for a new camp. Cloverspark figured it was probably time to move on anyways, prey was scarcer here than she would have liked, and she hadn't seen signs of any other cat for ages. Her fur itched with the desire to talk to someone else, and not be stuck with her own thoughts. It had been nearly half a moon since she had seen another feline face, let alone spoken to anycat.

Cloverspark raised her eyes to scan the horizon. There was nothing interesting back the way she'd been, and she was in the mood for some excitement. Nothing caught her eye at first, and she felt her heart sink a little in her chest. The idea of being stuck alone for another quarter moon while she traveled sounded like torture.

Maybe she just needed a better vantage point. Cloverspark picked the closest tree, a sturdy looking oak, and began to scramble up the gnarled trunk. Digging her claws in and hoisting herself upwards, she finally settled on a thick branch about halfway up the tree. She scanned the landscape again, searching for anything that looked out of the ordinary.

Nothing, nothing, nothing... there! A thin plume of smoke, difficult to make out against the gray mountains but rising steadily from between the trees all the same. It was far off in the distance, but she was still able to see that it was much too small to be anything but a harmless campfire.

Cloverspark swished her tail happily. A campfire meant twolegs, and where there were twolegs there were usually cats. And dogs, but she wasn't going to think about that right now. If nothing else, twolegs and their abundance of rubbish tended to attract a wide array of birds and furry creatures, come to pick on the remains of their strange food.

To the north then. Cloverspark flung herself quickly back down the trunk, landing hard on the snowy earth and waving her tail for balance. She bounded across the open meadow before her, dry stems poking out from beneath the snow pricking her pads as she ran.

Wriggling through a small bramble thicket at the edge of the clearing, she emerged on the other side in a cluster of aspens and weaved her way between the trunks as she continued onwards. She had a long walk ahead of her, but hopefully at the end of it she would at least find something, or someone, new.

[ 514 words ]

--cats on patrol
Cloverspark | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 0
experience: 42

scraps | 1 FP | x1
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

Celandine | soothes damaged eyes | x1
herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
--items in inventory used
Any items used this post (or eaten)
ex. food, herbs, explore items
predator #1
predator #2
predator #3
predator #4
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xxI'm an artist and I'm open for
xcommissions, pm me for details.
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xxxldemi • pan • enfp • student
xxxxwarrior cats • bnha • d&d
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Crumbcake » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:23 pm

Lone Campgrounds
Belladonna's ear twitched, flicking off a wayward flake of snow that was unbearably cold against his already wetted fur. It was his.. Second? Yes, the second winter he has experienced and he was determined to show his newfound group of friendly felines that he could be useful; Not that they told him otherwise, but he didn't want to give them a reason to doubt him.

His paw pads pricked as he bounded forward, belly fur and legs growing wetter as he continued. Though he was determined to bring something back to the campgrounds, he wasn't exactly sure what. He was decent at hunting, but he'd never had practice in such icy weather. Maybe he should have thought this through better, as most easy prey was probably nestled up in their dens.

The pale chocolate tabby let out a grumble as he came upon a large rock overlooking a small frozen stream. With a little less than graceful jump he hobbled up onto it, not in the mood to feel embarrassed as he bent down and started to furiously lick his cold, wet fur. Despite being considerably occupied, Belladonna's fluffy ears were still pricked up and alert, the nervous and fidgety cat not one to let his guard down.
[ 208 words ]

--cats on patrol
Belladonna | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: No
--level 0
experience: 45/100

prey | 1 FP | x0
Mouse | 2 FP | x1
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
--items in inventory used

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