CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here)

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Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

Postby oniaano » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:38 am

Wet Bread wrote:This has already been stated dozens of times but I'm going to go ahead and reiterate: Where are the pride stamps? This may seem like a small issue to you or something, I don't know, but this site is filled with young people exploring their identities and it would be great if they could express it like they can express their hair styles, tastes in music, country of origin, etc. It's 2017.

Yes please! Or at least an 'I am/support LGBT+' stamp!


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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby Wet Bread » Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:40 am

    Wet Bread wrote:This has already been stated dozens of times but I'm going to go ahead and reiterate: Where are the pride stamps? This may seem like a small issue to you or something, I don't know, but this site is filled with young people exploring their identities and it would be great if they could express it like they can express their hair styles, tastes in music, country of origin, etc. It's 2017.

    Decided to add to this to really solidify my point. These are all the quotes I gathered from this thread suggesting and supporting the same/similar ideas. What I noticed overall is that there is absolutely no response to these requests and it's extremely disheartening when there's this much support for an idea and it's being flat out ignored.

    wolfsong-mapleflame wrote:LGBTQ+ supporter/I am LGBTQ+ and still human/ LGBTQ+ support stamps

    Warhola wrote:I definitely second the Pluto and LGBT stamps!

    monty wrote:I would love to see different sexuality stamps, like asexual, pansexual, heterosexual, etc. [:

    X-cat wrote:i certainly support the asexual stamp and the others

    oceanic; wrote:Also support for Pluto and sexuality stamps^^

    Agent Cooper wrote:still wanting some lgbt+ pride stamps

    Αρμονία wrote:Or Proud Lesbian, Proud Gay, Proud etc stamps

    cats omgg wrote:maybe some sexuality stamps? i know that there are people with many different sexualities on cs so i think this would be a good idea

    косатка wrote:i also like the idea of sexual orientation stamps and state stamps. hasn't rainbow dash made some of those? i would like to have those. c:

    suga ♡ wrote:i would love, love, love a trans flag stamp. i think having a lot of lgbtqa flags would be awesome, actually. like these. and maybe an ally stamp too. i dunno, i just think its good to spread some pride and positivity. :3 i know we have the 'i support rights for everyone' stamp but i think these would be a really good idea too.

    snugglebit wrote:I second this notion! Sexuality/more gender flags would be amazing!

    the last jedi. wrote:I also support the LBGT stamp idea.

    kage. wrote:and also maybe Lez and Proud or Bi and Proud stamps c:

    fivebrand wrote:Here's an idea: not sure if it is suggested already or already in the stamps, but: I am straight/bi/homosexual stamps? I am unfortunately just generally uninterested but for those who want to display it, couldn't hurt to have stamps displaying their pride :)

    self-made-man wrote:I would love to see a rainbow gay rights flag stamp, or something related to LGBTQ rights.

    face peeles wrote:Anything LGBT!!!

    étoile the sheep ✩ wrote:Definitely need a lot more LGBT stamps. There's only like two, and they're kind of vague. And really need some for not just sexuality but gender too, that would be awesome :)

    Bovidae wrote:more lgbtq+ stamps would be amazing. maybe some with nonbinary gender flags as well :-D

    pep wrote:Sexuality stamps, as well as gender identity stamps? following up on patrick stump's ideas a little: these would be amazing, though.
    And it would also be really great if there was a feminist stamp because that would literally be the only thing I would paste all over my stamp collection.

    ultra v wrote:sexuality stamps would be really great <333
    espec. for those of us like me with less-known sexualities like pansexuality and polysexuality etc.

    aequilibrium wrote:Agree with the sexuality stamps, even tough I'm hetero, I think we could have a "I support LGBT+" stamp or anything like that c:

    twin peaks wrote:while i get where you're coming from, there are probably more horoscopes than there are these main umbrella terms for sexuality so that wouldn't really be an issue (the biggies being bi, pan, ace, polyamorous/sexual, homo, and het)? also, many of the existing stamps, like country stamps, were signature stamps before? if the graphic is already made, it seems like it'd be less of an issue if at all to just transfer it over.

    sexuality stamps would totally be rad, especially just to educate people and kind of get rid of the idea of heteronormativity.

    .k i t t y. wrote:i just thought about it and he really wanted to see sexuality stamps.
    Like "proud to be..." "Heterosexual/Straight" "Homosexual/Gay/Lesbian" "Asexual" "Pansexual" "Bisexual" and so on.

    Because he is-and so am i-Homosexual and proud c: and really like the idea because it gives people the oppertunity to put themselves out there without having to literally post it on a forum haha.

    unloyalist wrote:maybe some having to do with sexuality or homosexual support stamps

    YourGayness wrote:How about a stamp that says "I support gay rights" or something along those lines? ^^
    Or how about different sexuality stamps like "I'm bisexual" or those kind of things? ^^

    Comet_Chaser wrote:maybe something sexual orientation themed, Like maybe the different flags?

    MidnightDawn0-0 wrote:Yeah, stamps on sexual orientation would be awesome! I really think that is a great idea.

    .bails. wrote:I'm pansexual. i agree with this one. I love this idea.

    Keletheryl wrote:I agree! I really want some stamps so I can show my pansexual pride.

    ✌ pineapples ✌ wrote:I love the sexuality stamp ideas!

    Rune. wrote:I agree with this, but of course we'd need to have the genders to! I'm Genderfluid and Homoflexible, [I'm still questioning my sexuality though] so maybe there could be a questioning one?

    Zetirian wrote:Sexuality, Gender and Romantism stamps would be amazing.
    I do believe Rainbow Dash has already made some.
    Perhaps those ones could be taken into the CS Stamp system?

    sufdad stevens wrote:And I have to fourth the post above, I'd love gender and sexuality ones too.

    shing-no-seadwells wrote:i'm not sure if it has been suggested or made yet, but maybe an asexual one??? or better yet, one for all the sexual orientations???

    FreckledJesusSNK wrote:I'd love to see more sexuality stamps like pansexual and bisexual with maybe the flag in the back

    diz calls 4 a muzz wrote:What about sexuality stamps?

    Like my idea would be Purple with white writing:
    ''I am straight <3''
    Pink with white writing:
    ''I am lesbian <3''
    Lilac with white writing:
    ''I am gay <3''

    danger days wrote:and i also really love the sexuality stamps idea uwu

    yavannavis wrote:i like the idea of sexuality stamps but there should be many more sexualities be included then, like bi- or pansexual. :clap:

    guineung wrote:maybe we could have gender stamps with like agender, bigender, transgender, genderfluid, etc.. it'd be really cool ;; i'm a demigirl and it'd be super cool to see a stamp of that

    Daleks&Dragonlords wrote:This would be great! Would love to show some ace pride!

    Firefly_Dreamer wrote:I would like to request pride stamps considering it's pride month! Aywas has this HUGE pet event and i think it would be a good idea for CS to join in the fun too!

    Like there should be pride flag stamps maybe with a pet that has the same color scheme as the flag, or just the plain flag!

    Nhotemau wrote:What about gender identities, sexualities maybe as well? Spirit animals would also be cool.

    SymphonyMoon wrote:Maybe some stamps of the different types of orienatations? (Oo, with the flags too, that would be great!)
    Especially the not-so-familiar ones, please.
    These include, but are not limited to:
    Pansexual, panromantic, polysexual, polyromantic, asexual, aromantic, grey-asexual, grey-aromantic, demisexual, and demiromantic.

    And, hey, why not add in different genders too? (intersex, non-binary folk, transgender, agender, genderfluid, etc. Like how you have the different pronouns, you can have what gender you indentify yourself as too.)

    (I would think these would fall under "Personality & Profile", with a new tab saying "Orientations".)

    I bet others have suggested this, but I guess I would like to show my own support for it.

    Cheetawitch wrote:You should have sexuality pride stamps. Like little sexuality flags or something uvu

    Bittertiffany wrote:Sexuality stamps maybe? OwO

    Verd wrote:Major +1 to all the LGBTQ+ stamps. It would be hard to have ALL identities present, but there could be the most common ones, such as homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary (just to list a few)

    Roonil Wazlib wrote:I think we really need some LGBTQA+ stamps! There's a large community of non-straight people on CS and it'd be nice to see them represented :)

    Mary_Nicole101 wrote:Just a suggestion but you could do sexuality stamps like
    Proud to be bisexual
    I'm pansexual
    Gay Pride.

    hatpotato wrote:i'd absolutely love to see sexuality stamps to be honest B)

    Tauress wrote:I totally second gender/sexuality stamps!

    carlie♡ wrote:I 110% support the sexuality/LGBTQ+ stamps, being pansexual myself

    kookookoo999 wrote:What about LGBTQ+ stamps? Those would be amazing!

    *infinity* wrote:And autism/downs awareness stamps, LBGTQ+...

    Plasmafire wrote:Sexuality stamps would be really cool! Like there's way too many to have one to fit everyone, so LGBTQAP+ stamps may be better, but it would be cool to see stamps that say things like "asexual", "bisexual", "pansexual", "straight", "gay pride", "straight ally" etc. :) Or maybe it that would be too specific, maybe something like "This account is LGBT+ safe" or something similar.

    riptidegreywolf wrote:Pride flag stamps!!!!

    forgive wrote:i support LGBT+

    chaoticneutralegg wrote:Also, sexuality stamps? idk if they already have these oops

    Sylvarian wrote:it/its/itself pronoun button! also maybe like trans, gay, bi, queer, etc+ pride buttons?

    peace kid wrote:I'm all for LGBT+ stamps,
    I'll list pet suggestions for the sexualities during free time

    flyingchainsaws wrote:i'm dittoing everyone who suggested sexuality stamps! though, it'd be nice if there were stamps for different romantic orientations, too!

    outfox wrote:im a little hesitant to suggest adding every identity out there, so maybe a general 'part of the lgbt community' / 'lgbt support' stamp would be the best option?

    L. V. L wrote:Many all gender/sexuality types about be cool.

    owlcoholik wrote:i'd love some LGBT stamps and maybe a stamp for us adult users? Haha

    pigeon pidge. wrote:could you also add some lgbtqia+ stamps? like maybe asexual/bisexual/lesbian/gay/biromantic/that sort of thing?

    Depressed.artist wrote:Could you make some LBGT+ stamps please?

    Paradoxic wrote:Maybe customizable Stamps? Or different things like "Proud LGBT Supporter/Representative"...... Maybe? ❤❤❤

    GalaxiedBubble wrote:More LGBT+ Stamps!

    ~Natsu~ wrote:Yes this is something we need for sure, along with maybe some pronoun stamps like she her, he him, they them and so on.

    GermanyStoleMyHat wrote:I'm thinking maybe a rainbow flag or something that says you support marriage equality

    Sardonyx<3 wrote:LGBTQ+ Stamps would be amazing!

    Jaspherishere wrote:Sexuality flags held by pets in thier muzzle/mouth

    GOATLORD wrote:Lgbtq+

    Rosewing12 wrote:Maybe LGBTQ stamp with rainbow in the background? And maybe a "I survived depression"? Last one is possibly even "I am/was transgender!”

    alive. wrote:this might already have been suggested 1ooo times already but how about some LGBT+ stamps,
    some examples ;;
    - " i am transgender ! "
    - " i support the LGBT+ community ! "

    y'know, mostly just stuff that states your sexuality or gender. those would be cool !

    andriaunicorn wrote:an LGTBQ+ one with a rainbow background or something

    Cubbie16 wrote:LGBTQ+ friendly stamps, like...
    "LGBTQ+ Supportive" or "Part of my LGBTQ+ fam!"

    Roonil Wazlib wrote:I know this has been said probably a hundred times but I think we should have pride stamps! There's not even any rainbow flag stamps, which is sad :c
    there's stamps to show what books you like but none to show gay pride? its kinda disappointing, because I know there's a large community here on CS

    arwenmina wrote:It would mean a ton if you could add at least one pride stamp, or just a rainbow or something. Some stamps about being gay, trans, etc would mean so so much.

    I would apologize for the length, but I'm not going to because I think it's important. Please actually consider this.
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby fjhhjjhgkkh » Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:42 am

      ^ seconding (or fifty-something-ing) this, would love to see some pride stamps! I imagine we will one day as so many users display stuff like that in their signatures anyway, although i imagine it'll take a while bc we just had a huge update and there was a long gap between that and the last one.
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby breakerbeam » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:25 pm

    1. guinea pig stamps? like, 'i own guinea pigs!' or something? sorry if there's one for this already. anyway, i love all rodents, but guinea pigs really have my heart and it makes me sort of disappointed that there aren't many stamps with them!
    2. stamps that mentions botany or plants? i like that there are stamps about the outdoors but i really just love flowers and exotic plants in general.
    Last edited by breakerbeam on Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby _Cerberus_ » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:34 pm

    We should get more hobby stamps.

    Personally asking for a "I Rodeo" stamp.

    Also music genre stamps like

      ·I ❤ County Music
      ·I ❤ HipHop
      ·I ❤ 90's Rock
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby tigresplayz » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:44 pm

    We need more decoration stamps that are one block sized. Maybe like the list pet stamps we got a couple Christmases ago! If you would please add those!

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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby my sweet piano » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:49 pm

    CELLO PLAYER !! any string instruments besides violin !!
    and more rainbow stamps
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby nickjr » Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:16 pm

    Re: Pride stamps

    I wonder if maybe the stamp-makers are at a loss on how to make a set of pride stamps supportive without being exclusive or overbearing (the set, not the stamps; unfortunately the world is being a little slow with this social change, as it tends to be with all social changes, so just the presence of dedicated official LGBTQ+ stamps is probably a real PR-type issue... The argument that people will display these things anyway in their signatures is not a good enough argument by itself, because you can say the same thing for fandoms [which will never get official stamps for vastly different reasons]; you need an additional argument or a totally different one! People can display whatever in their signatures as long as it abides by CS rules... this includes identity stamps and official fandom stamps).

    We do have this frustratingly vague rainbow stamp already:
    As well as our pronoun stamps (masculine, feminine, plural neutral, zhe/zher singular neutral, ask, and none), which I'm guessing are there because they're not directly LGBTQ+ (the wording suggests LGBTQ+ awareness, but you can use them to fill in the "gender" information that you don't get an option to display on your profile =P)... They're great but there's this big hole that a lot of us want to fill

    We got a rainbow flag item at some point, I think? Can we have a sticker of that? I mean, if I'm not hallucinating, it's a real CS item :) generic rainbow flag

    What about "I like girls"/"I like boys"/"I like everyone" stamps? (I know this is just reinforcing the gender binary, but baby steps!) Those phrases are pretty vague and can be used alongside the pronoun stamps (sorta... more or less...... somewhat.............) to show sexuality without directly having specific sexuality stamps, if that's a concern.

    edit-worthy edit (because I have a bad habit of making ninja edits while I'm the last poster):
    I'm sure Tess personally wouldn't mind such stamps, so I'm thinking there's something she has to consider as the admin. I really doubt she's just straight-up ignoring the various LGBTQ+ stamp suggestions. Remember that despite the kind of community we have and despite CS's popularity, CS is still a generic kids' adoptables site, not a place that's geared specifically towards the LGBTQ+ community... I don't envy Tess's position
    (and YES I wasn't misremembering :lol: There's a rainbow flag item!)
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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby Shinryu » Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:10 pm

      I remember reading a statement from Rainbow Dash on their tumblr about why they didn't want to make official LGBTQ+ stamps for CS, despite having been the one to make a set that was very popular in people's signatures a while ago.
      IIRC it came mostly down to worries that people would start drama about some orientations and identities not being included, or not having the wording they'd prefer (in a community that is currently experiencing rapid changes in what's seen as appropriate vocabulary), and other possibly hateful reactions.

      I think the biggest issue here is not that it would be seen as "too political" for a site like CS, but simply that it is very difficult to satisfy everyone. Even with something as seemingly simple as "I support LGBTQ+ rights" you'd possibly run into trouble because is it LGBT? LGBTQ? LGBTQIA? MOGAI? I've seen so many arguments from all sides about which is the correct or best name for the community, many of them contradicting each other and often based on personal preferences. Which is simple when you're just putting it in your own signature or profile, but less easy when you're trying to design a stamp for the whole site to use.

      The current "I support human rights and equality" stamp was probably the closest they got, because it's vague enough not to upset people within the groups it's directed at. And I don't mean that in a negative way - because it is perfectly valid for people to not want to use specific labels and terms, or have them be used towards them.

      Personally I do love the idea of at least having a sticker type stamp with the rainbow flag item, though (you could even slap text like "support" or "pride" on it or something).

    nickjr wrote:Remember that despite the kind of community we have and despite CS's popularity, CS is still a generic kids' adoptables site, not a place that's geared specifically towards the LGBTQ+ community... I don't envy Tess's position

      Noteworthy though: this was her statement towards someone criticizing the equality stamp ;3
      [post link]

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    Re: CS Stamp suggestions/requests (please put ALL ideas here

    Postby Sombra Main » Sat Mar 11, 2017 2:20 pm

    maybe a viola stamp? That would be cool. Or otter stamps? Maybe jellybean stamp?
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