What Happens at 2 AM (Kalon Tryout)

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What Happens at 2 AM (Kalon Tryout)

Postby ICarinae » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:12 am


What Happens at 2 AM

username: NotaBear | kalon name: Athena | gender: female

spooky story:


There she sat, looking with her blind eyes into the roaring campfire. Excited bundles of fur talked about the activities that day. Comparing points, and bragging about their bounties. But she seemed to pay no mind to the busy atmosphere. She simply sat and gazed.

She looked to old to be a part of the activity. At the same time, she didn't look like a camp counselor either. She wasn't wearing anything special, no Kamp t-shirt, no bag full of winnings, or ballcap with her team name. She just wore a simple grey shirt and old blue Jeans. Her fur was ragged, and her shoulders slouched. The only thing that it seemed she really cared about was her neat bun resting on her head. In a way, she seemed to be smaller than she really was. Her sad eyes just blankly stared at nothing.

Her head suddenly shifted to blankly look at the peeping Tom taking in her odd appearance. Pip jumped and his cheeks flushed red, and in that moment, he was very glad she couldn't see it. She smiled at him in a motherly way. Pip wondered for a second how she noticed him, but the thought was interupted as the woman opened her mouth to speak. " In the mood for a ghost story?" she asked in a smooth voice. 

As if in a trance, Pip walked forward to sit next to her on the plain wooden bench. Her head followed him as he walked. Once he sat down, the woman gifted him a smile again. She looked pretty in the orange glow. But she also looked sad, like a bride left at the altar. She shifted to rest her elbows on her knees, and she placed her chin on her folded hands. Her motions looked fluid, and graceful, but once again, in a way that can only be described as sad. She moved her head back to stare at the flames. Pip followed her lead and glanced into the dancing fire. Again, she began to speak.

The Clock's Ticking

" Trever glanced at his watch, 12 o'clock. Two more hours, he had two hours. He looked at his surroundings, tall trees closed in around him, blocking out much of the light of the moon. He let out a long nervous sigh, then swung the booksack that rested on his shoulders onto the ground. He reached into a smaller pouch and pulled out his flashlight, then swung the bag back onto his shoulders. And hesitantly started on his way.

Twigs snapped under foot, making him flinch slightly. Even after years of studying, this thing still terrified him. And now he was walking strait into its territory. But he found a strange sence of comfort in the fact that he had a reason. His poor wife, Athena. She was out on a dangerous mission to track down this monster when it attacked her group, and left her stranded out in the woods. After getting the news, and hearing that all nearby searchparties deemed the search too dangerous, he then flew out here to find her himself.

But Trever didn't have much experience. While Athena was collecting evidence and chasing it down, he stayed in the comfort of a lab and studied the evidence she brought back. Sometimes he felt like he was a coward for staying safe while she risked her life, but he knew Athena was capable and could survive anything.

Despite his confidence in her, Trever's thoughts wandered. Visions of Athena getting ripped apart, and her bloody body abandoned on the forest floor plagued his mind. His heart beat faster, and he quickened his pace. 

He pulled his small GPS tracker out of his pocket. A small blip flashed at Trever, the only sign that Athena was still alive. His face relaxed as he saw he was half way to the blip. Next he checked his watch, 12:15. He smiled with confidence, they'd be out of there in no time."


"Athena gripped two end of a sturdy vine, and pulled. She stifled a shriek, instead she shut her eyes and rocked back and forth. The burn from the friction hurt more than anything, but it didn't hurt as much as an amputation. Athena glanced down a her makeshift tourniquet stopping the bleeding of the gash that ran down her right leg. Even in these circumstances, she considered herself lucky.

She glanced down at her watch, 12am. Fear gripped her heart. She had faith that someone would come for her, but would they come in time to save her. She looked nervously at the trees around her, she suddenly felt very vulnerable out in the open. She knew that there was a better chance to find her if she stayed in one place, but if she didn't find shelter she would die. Athena decided to put off that decision until she figured out what kind of shelter she needed.

The Giant Hound is as the name describes, giant. But from the expeditions she had been on, Athena knew that the hound mostly hunts things on the forest floor. It has incredibal eyesight, and a good sense of hearing. The thing its lacking in is its sense of smell. The problem was that she couldn't just sit very still on the forest floor, or try to keep moving out of sight. The only way she could escape its watch was up.

Athena looked up a the branches that swung above her head. The tree that gave her the vine that's keeping her from bleeding to death was going to save her life once again. It wasn't going to be easy, the tree she sat under was a massive pine. The lower branches undoubtedly broken off by the Hound. 

Athena sighed, then struggled to her feet. She slowly put pressure onto her injured leg. The shock of pain made her knees buckle, but she stayed standing through sheer desperation. This was going to take a while. She glanced down at her watch, 12:15. She had time, but it was quickly running out.

Unexpected Enemies

Trever stomped through the forest, snapping every twig in his way. His over-stuffed booksack jingled and clanged as he walked. He never had any practice in survival or dangerous animals. But this didn't deter him. He was determined to find his wife, or die trying.

That last thought sent a chill down his spine. Despite his confidence, he really didn't want to die. He shook the thought away. Trever seemed to have the amazing ability to just stop thinking about it. He didn't know whether this ment he was stupid or genius, but either way he was glad to have it.

Instead of worrying, Trever focused on the terrain around him. The trees were mostly tall pines with some smaller trees he couldn't identify. There wasn't much undergrowth, but what was there seemed to have eyes. Eyes. Trever watched them warily. They watched him back.

He started walking a bit slower now. Suddenly another set blinked into existence to his right. Then another set in the trees above him. Trever's heart started to pound in his throat. 
More and more eyes appeared until there were to many to count. The pitch black woods glowed from their menacing glare.

Trever started to breath heavily. Shivers ran up and down his spine, and his fur stuck out in all directions. He felt the intense stare of a thousand eyes on the back of his neck. More eyes started to appear all around him, and he felt the overwhelming urge to run.

And so he did, his booksack rattled loudly behind him. Dead leaves picked up behind his feet. The eyes followed quickly, flowing like a river. Shadows flitted by in the corner of his eye. His eyes widened with panic as he looked this way and that at the predators that matched his pace.

All at once the eye converged like a flood. Trever shouted at the eyes like a madman. The eyes kept moving with steady rithum, coming in closer to their prey. Then, as if the earth was trying to kill Trever, a root caught his foot, and he was sent tumbling across the forest floor here a ravine was waiting. 

It swallowed him whole, Trever bumping and breaking against the limestone teeth. The rock ledge hit him once in the arm, and twice in the ribs. Trever shouted out in pain, but his call was cut short as his head struck a outstretched ledge. He landed on his back with a thud against the rocky floor, knocking his breath out and causing everything to go dark.

Fragile Mind

Athena's claws dug into the old bark of her savior. She reached up as far as she could with her other paw. Then for the moment of truth, she lifted her limp leg up, and ran her foot down the trunk until she found a place she could put her weight on. She slowly shifted her weight onto her injured leg. A jolt of electricity shot through her body and rattled around in her brain. She gritted her teeth, and growled.

Athena didn't stop or slow. She had an iron will, and wasn't going to give up. Nature seemed to be on her side, the old, stiff bark left many opportunities for hand, and foot holds, even in the areas the hound rubbed up against the tree.

Athena struggled her way up, having to stop every few minutes to rest her leg. Half way up the trunk, Athena became light headed. She swayed slightly where she balanced. Her breath quickened, and her heart beat faster. Athena glanced down at the spinning earth. Then she saw it, a drip off the end of her boot. She glared now at her blood soaked pants. " No, no." she groaned.

Tunnel vision threatened to take over. Athena's breath turned into short, sharp gasps. Her heart beat faster, making her leg bleed more. Her thoughts became fuzzy with the dark of night only making everything more confusing. Athena thought aloud, " Wha..t, I mean why....why." She looked around in confusion. She looked up at the stars above, and reached out with one paw, swaying as she did so. " So...pretty." she sighed.

She dragged herself up without a thought. Leaving an alarming amount of blood behind her. Her vision danced, and her leg hung limply behind her. She didn't fell the pain, her brain couldn't comprehend it. Time seemed to slow around her.

She finally reached a branch she could put her weight on and sat there. Her injured leg stretched along the limb while the other dangled. she rested her back on the rough wood. Athena looked up at the stars above her, and smiled. She took long blinks, her vision fading. After minutes, she dozed off.


A sound rattled around in Trever's mind, a little ting, ting, ting. He liked the sound, it reminded him of windchimes. He liked how they sounded, his mother had a little chime that blew calmly in the wind. Hers was a butterfly made of beautiful, ruby glass. He wondered what this one looked like.

His eyes creaked open to the dark world waiting for him. Then realization hit him. He felt claws on his chest, and stomach. He heard small chitters and clicks surrounding him. The tinging came from something digging in his bag to his right. He felt fear grip his heart again, and panic swell in his chest.

He laid completely still on the damaged leaves until he had a plan. He launched him self up and shouted as loudly as he could. twenty or so raccoons scattered in every direction with various things in their mouths. Trever emidiatly felt embarrassment turn his cheeks red. And for a moment he was glad he was alone.

Trever stood slowly, as his adrenaline faded, a dull pain pounded in his ribs. He lifted his shirt to reveal a large black and purple bruise. " Damn..." he whispered as he ran a hand through his short, grey-brown hair. He fixed his clothes and surveyed his suroundings.

The ravine was about eight feet tall, a few more than Trever was himself. The walls were made of a fragile limestone, cracked from resent rains. He walked to the far edge, and tried to climb, but every attempt was met with pain and broken stone. 

He looked down the ravine either side. To the left the ground stayed steady for a while then started to rise, but it lead away from Athena. On the other hand the path leading toward her had no sign of a changing elevation. A though suddenly struck him. He remembered the map in his bag, and rushed toward the ripped cloth.

Trever hunted through the the bag only to find that he couldn't find anything. " The raccoons!" he growled. He stood up, and kicked his bag. His flashlight, map, compass, snacks, a few tin mugs, and worst of all, the tracker were all missing.

He stormed through the dead leaves angrily. He memorized where Athena was, but if she moved he would have no idea where. So he grit his teeth and moved quikly down the right passageway. Leaving his ruined bag behind him.
Last edited by ICarinae on Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: What Happens at 2 AM (Kalon Tryout)

Postby ICarinae » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:14 am

Beep, Beep, Beep

Athena's head sank to one side, twenty feet up in the air. Her torso slid with her. But the dried blood on her leg glued her to the branch. The near fall did, however, wake her up. Athena shouted as her eyes focused on the barely visible ground. Then she covered her mouth when she remembered how she got there. She twisted back onto the branch, and checked her watch. It was broken. The face shattered, bark stuck out in all directions.

She leaned back, and growled at the sky. She tried to turn into a sitting position, but she was stuck. She looked at the blanket of blood that connected her to the tree, and growled again. This time with tears in her eyes.

Any creature can smell blood, especially The Hound. Anything with a sense of smell would know where she was. Even now as Athena struggled, she could smell the iron.

She slowly pulled her leg away from the mess without reopening the wound. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She was going to die tonight. Athena thought about going to another tree, but she couldn't, doing so would open up her wound. All she could do is sit, wait, and cry. Until a rustle in the undergrowth froze her in her tracks.

Athena stayed very still. It wasn't The Hound, it wasnt large enough. Her mind raced with images of wolves, or bears, predators The Hound coexists with. All coming to rip her apart. But instead a more human shape appeared.

Athena watched in astonishment, not knowing what to do. The figure below her stumbled around then stopped at the base of her tree. Athena called out to the shadow, " Hello? I'm up here! The others are gone, it's just me! Please help!" " Athena?" It called back. That's strange, Athena thought, a stranger with the voice of her husband. " Athena!" Trever called again. This time Athena yeld back, " Trever?" " Yes! Yes!"

Athena struggled to her feet, and started climbing down as quikly as she could. Trever rushed towards her, and caught her as Athena let go of her savior. She cried out in pain as her leg hit the ground. " Sorry! Sorry!" Trever apologized with a quivering voice. " Hey, it's not your falt" Athena growled, " Its that damn Hound."
"Which reminds me, we need to leave."
" No! I can't, It'll smell the blood"
" maybe not, not if we have a head start."
" No! Go by yourself."
" If you stay, I'm staying with you. Nothing you say can
change that okay. Listen , I love you, so I'm not gonna leave
you here to die all alone!"

Athena looked at him, and sighed, " Fine, I love you too. Now let's go." Trever smiled, and bounced on his toes. " This way," he said proudly, " I memorized to map." Athena snorted at him, and put her weight on Trever's shoulder. They started struggling along, got maybe twenty feet, when a beep, beep, beep drowned out the crickets.

Both Trever and Athena froze in their tracks. " Um, Boo, what's that." Athena felt a chill run down her spine, she knew the answer. Trever stared gravely at his watch, " We need to leave, Now." The watchface shone brightly in the moonlight. 2:00AM.

The Hunter

Trever and Athena crashed through the menacing trees. " Slow down!" Athena stumbled, "It'll hear us!" A soft thud sounded, which made them freeze. It wasnt a huge crash, more like a rock hitting the dirt, or a bird falling to the ground. Athena dragged Trever behind the nearest tree, " Dangit."

A stark growl shook the very forest. Every hair on Trever stood on end. He didn't want to look at the thing stalking by, but he couldn't help it. It stood about twelve feet tall. Its pelt black against the night sky. Its paws could crush his skull with a simple swipe. It's long, spear-like tail could knock down the biggest pine. Needle-point ears stung the moon. The surprising thing was it didn't seem alert. " It's not hunting," Athena whispered when it had passed," not yet atleast, we have to go, now."

Trever wrapped Athena's arm around himself for support, then started walking. Every noise made was painful. The woods seemed menacing around them. The trees held their breath, and the sound of crickets stopped to listen. Around 2:15, everything turned into eerie silence around them.

" We need to get off its territory, It ends at the road past the ravine." Athena said, barely audible. Trever grimaced, her voice sounded loud in the silence, " I couldn't have been closer." he growled. " Unfortunatly not." Athena concluded. They continued undisturbed for some time, struggling together in silence. Athena had to stop and rest her leg at some points, but, considering their situation, they made good time.

Then, a growl rang through the trees, and the gentle thud shook the leaves above them. Athena once again took control, and moved the two in a small nook in the roots of a tall pine, partially concealed by a Bush. Only seconds later, a massive paw disturbed the leaves a foot in front of them. Trever inhaled sharply. Both hearts beating a million miles an hour. Shrinking together with panic at the menace.

It stopped there, still as a corpse. It's long claws shone in the light of the moon. Fear pulsed through the two like a wave. Shivers ran through their skin, as they barely breathed. Then it's weight shifted, and it raised it's paw. It continued on, quietly, stalking something out of view. Athena and Trever waited for a time, then snuck out of their hiding place.

" Come one, hurry while we can." Athena whispered. Trever could feel her shaking. Despite her confidence, Athena was scared. This made Trever's heart fall, she was the strong one, and yet she was terrified. Athena tried her hardest to stay calm, but the horrors of the first attack became fresh in her mind. Watching the people she had worked with for years, gone without a second thought. Monty's head rolled across the dirt, Ardrea ripped apart and eaten, Cameron carried of to save for later, and finally Athena cowering under the bodies of her coworkers, friends.

"Athena!" Trever jolted her out of her nightmare, " You're bleeding!" " Oh no...", Athena sighed hopelessly. " Its okay, it's probably to far away." he whispered back.
" No, I need to stop, and let it rest."
"Listen, we're almost to the ravine, we can stop there."
"Okay... look at you, big strong man taking control."
Trever snorted, " Yeah, lemmy go intimidate it to death." Athena smiled at the absurdity.

Then it burst from the trees, charging at the loving couple. Maw stretched wide to reveal its serrated teeth. Its feet, no longer silent, pounded the earth. Fire burned in its narrowed eyes. The Hound had found them.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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Re: What Happens at 2 AM (Kalon Tryout)

Postby ICarinae » Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:21 pm

Old Enemy

"Go, go, go!" Trever shouted now, ending the silence surrounding then. It seemed like the trees around them erupted with sound. Sleepy birds scattered, wolves howled, raccoons chittered nervously, crickets let out warning cries. Everything suddenly became chaotic. Including Athena and Trever.

They both ran, Trever pushing Athena in front of him. The Hound, gained easily on the limping figures. It panted loudly, drowning the air with its stench. Its body heat warmed the space around it, blocking out the chilly night. Trever's muscles burned in white fire and his breath caught in his throat. He looked back at the hunter wildly knowing he couldn't outrun it. He glanced around desperately for any escape.

The ravine gaped ahead with its jagged teeth stretched wide for another victim. Trever couldn't help, but feel clever despite himself. A growl shook him back to himself. Despite their sizable headstart, Trever could now make out the outline of the Hound now instead of just the reflective parts. He guessed they would have just enough time. " Athena, listen we need to get to the ravine, I have a plan!" Athena didn't answer, just turned to run directly toward the pit.

The Hound rushed toward them, one massive paw in front of the other. About one-hundred yards out the creature was in striking distance. A sharp claw grazed the end of Trever's shirt. He yelped as he felt the tug and pushed Athena faster. They were so close, a few more second until the earth swallowed him once again. The Hound stumbled slightly from the miss, but it quickly fell back into step. It went for another attack. This time leaping forward with outstretched knives. It was a perfect strike Its deadly pride filled its eyes. But, his prey was gone.

Trever and Athena fell to the limestone ground barely unscathed. Above the eight foot wall, the beast flew past the opening. Rage vibrated the walls like a deadly force. Athena lay on her stomach and Trever on his back. Athena gasped in pain as her last bit of exhausted breath was stolen from her. " Come on," Trever grunted, " We need to keep moving!" Athena only gasped in reply. Trever reached her and dragged her to her feet. He slung her arm around him and had to practically carry her up. Athena's leg left a large metallic pool on the ground where she landed. Her face was ghost white and everything seemed fuzzy again. " Come on, please!" Trever prayed. No response came from the living corpse. Trever simply started running for her, growling with effort, down the right passageway.

Turning a Blind Eye

Trever ran as fast as he could, holding on to Athena tightly. His chest pounded, and he was certain his heartbeat was visible through his skin. He stumbled as fast as he could. He heard The Hound growling and howling about the place that they had landed. He managed to get a ways away from it before it smelled Athena's blood. Trever moved silently and quickly away with the nearly unconscious Athena. The ravine was slowly in lining it's way to the forest floor, the wall easily climbable. Trevor rested Anthena at the top then climbed up himself. He supported Athena once again and kept marching on.

Trever noticed the lack on notice around him. The Hound's howling had stopped. He felt a pit open in his stomach. He didn't know much of this thing's behavior, but he could easily guess that the eerie silence ment it found a track. All he could do was pray it wasn't theirs. He struggled on for some time. The trees thinned out, and much more undergrowth sprouted up. Trever felt hope for the first time that night. The road, the end of The Hound's territory, was not far away. In fact he was so close before The Hound found them.

It launched itself at them wasting no time. Athena, shocked awake, screamed and closed her eyes shut. Trever used all his power to shove her as far away as he could. Athena tumbled, and slid on the trembling leaves a fair distance. The the strike connected. A needle sharp claw struck Trever in the shoulder, sending him spinning to the ground. He cried out in pain as he fell. The Hound raised his paw for another attack, but before it could strike Trever leaped to his feet and raced to Athena. She tried to stand, and Trever helped her the rest of the way, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks.

They got up together but Trver let go, " Go! Run!" Athena violently shook her head in feeble protest. " Now!" he screamed.Trever pushed Athena away from him, and turned towards the beast Athena silently cried where she stood, she couldn't just leave him, she couldn't. The Hound attacked again, a claw grazed Trever's ribs. Athena couldn't take it, " Hey! Hound!" It turned its gaze from Trever, who was then desperately crawling to her. The Hound swung at her face. Three scratches to her eyes. Athena shouted in pain.

"No!" Trever shouted, and bashed the beast's back foot with a nearby fallen branch. The Hound whimpered and slumped to the ground. Trever bled Profusely from his wounds, but he called on all the strength he had left to rush to Athena. He picked her up from where she lay on the red leaves. "I can't see! I can't see!" she cried. " It's okay, just listen to me!" Trever pleaded, " The road isn't to far away. You're facing the right direction just run." " I can't leave you!", she stated as they stumble forward. " Yes, you have too... I love you!" and with that, he let go of her. Athena cried, she twisted her head every direction while keeping her feet planted facing survival. She couldn't see anything, not Trever, not The Hound, not the forest.

So she stumbled in the only direction she did know. Branches whipped her, and the uneven ground slowed her down. She whimpered like a child in a nightmare. She whispered, "No...no..." over and over to herself. Distant cries rang out from man and beast. The screams echoed in her head. She covered her ears and fought blindly forward. Until finally she fell, smashing her outstretched hand on the lifesaving cement.

She crawled on hands and knees until she was in what she perceived to be the middle of the road. Athena crumpled to the ground there, weeping and listening to the battle cries in the distance. Her husband screams haunted her thoughts. It seemed like his torture went on forever. Athena just sat there in a crumpled heap, unable to do anything but listen. Finally, a sickening crunch that made Athena cringe to he bones signified the end of his battle. There she lay, whimpering for hours, not even able to think, until a passing car found her.

Epilogue: Ghosts

"There you have it." Athena tore herself away from the fire, and looked at Pip. He just sat their in astonishment. " I know it's not much," Athena said in a emotionless voice," probably didn't even scare you." " N...no!" Pip shook his head, " I was just...are you..are you Athena?" Athena smiled at him," perceptive! You're pretty smart. I guess I've scared you enough for one night..." She started to get up. "Wait! who...how did you know so much of Trever's side of the story?" Pip asked her and hoped he didn't offend her. Athena looked at the young Kal with weary eyes, " We all have our ghosts." Leaving Pip to ponder that statement, she walked away and vanished out of sight behind the cheerful groups of children.

So if your wings
won't find you heaven/
I will bring it down
like an ancient bygone

Euclid -Sleep Token


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