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2021: Cave Event - The Cave - Flavor Text: NPCs

Postby Keir; » Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:49 pm

Cave Event - The Cave

    Flavor Text: The Cave NPCs

Base Camp - Ruben

^ Day 1 (July 17th)
Day 1 (July 17th): "Welcome, welcome! Thank you for coming. After hearing of the work CSians have done on their past vacations, we just had to invite you for the sheer number of assistants. There are so many samples to collect! Samples of what, you ask? Well, we are investigating this cavern because we received a tip about a "chamber of crystals" being spotted by some spelunkers in this cave system. Even if we don't find it though, there are still so many amazing things here! Personally, I have some ideas about investigating the past cave-ins that have been experienced. Please take the time to meet with my team and see what they are looking for specifically!

You may think it's surprising that no one has discovered this before, but did you know that we've only discovered about 1% of the caves on Earth? Anything could be out there; we just have to find it!"
Day 3 (July 19th): "I wish I could say good morning, but you heard that, right? It was almost like... a roar, but it was drowned out when the rocks fell. And, well... look. I don't know how to feel. There is something to be said about bringing the modern world into undisturbed areas... I don't know if we should clear out of here completely. Please don't say anything. This is a scientific marvel, but the ethical concerns are astounding. Just stay in the cavern and collect samples like you have been, okay?"
Day 4 (July 20th): "I'm not happy that Freddie went against my wishes, but I must admit that I was wrong. If the inhabitants have scientists of their own and they can create such marvels, we are certainly disturbing nothing. Please help them gather what they need!"
Day 6 (July 22nd): "I know I can't stop all of you, but I must caution you, anything from the past must be left in the past! We cannot bring it back! Any study will need to be done there, we'll set up a mobile research station or something. If you do bring something back... it could change the fate of the world forever! Haven't you ever heard of a time travel paradox?"
Day 7 (July 23d): "I'm not sure what era we are in anymore. This combination of animals should not exist at the same time. Is all of our study wrong? What could we really learn here? NO--please just finish your quest and we will leave. I am in charge here, and I will put a stop to this if I must."
Day 8 (July 24th): "Wollstone's device was able to help you communicate with the animals on the other side of the portal? That's... deeply concerning. I know I was wrong about ethics with the village, but this is going to change the course of history forever! Just do what you have to do and get out!"
Day 10 (July 26th): "I'm working closely with Imbrie, and we agree that this can never happen again. Taking the crystals out slowly and completely should power down the portal, and then we will break the stone arch, sealing us away from the past forever. You haven't brought anything back to our side, right?"

Stamps wrote:
Day 1 (July 17th): "Join a research team by adding these stamps to your collection!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 1 (July 17th): "Wow, this is an amazing site! Make sure you look around and discover all the different areas."
Free Items wrote:
Day 1 (July 17th): "If you're going to help us out, you need a proper outfit. Please take these!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 2 (July 18th): "Wow, you got dirty! Here's a second outfit so you can wash that one."
Free Items wrote:
Day 3 (July 19th): "You're basically a professional now. Here's the full tool kit!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 6 (July 22nd): "Most of you are already set to explore further, but if you haven't already gotten into gear, please grab these finally!"

This item set is only claimable if you had not already gotten it on Day 3
Free Items wrote:
Day 9 (July 25th): "I know that you're sad that all your new friends can't come back through the portal with you, so here are some plushies for you to remember them by!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 10 (July 26th): "Here's one last outfit for the many more adventures still to come! I wonder where you will all be off to next year?"
Free Items wrote:
Day 10 (July 26th): "What do you think it would be like to be a dinosaur? I think it would be--RAWR!!"

Waterfall - Hadil

^ Day 1 (July 17th)
Day 1 (July 17th): "Land legs, all of you! I've heard that you've been on beach and underwater vacations; I hope you kept your gear in good working condition. I hesitate to say this is a vacation--it's certainly not for me--but if you have the right mindset, you'll certainly have some fun learning about science! Did you know that I teach marine biology? Anyway, take some vials and don't fall in.

Did you know most caves are prone to flooding? Caves are usually formed when rainwater dissolves limestone over thousands of years. However, I haven't quite found an explanation for this waterfall yet. More study is needed!"
Day 2 (July 18th): "The depth of this pool is, to this point, incalculable. Some of the deepest caves in the world are over 2200 meters. Could this one surpass it? Perhaps there is a path to the crystals deep in the water. You brought extra oxygen tanks, right?"
Day 4 (July 20th): "Don't forget about me now that you have your crystals! This is all in the interest of learning, and there is still so much knowledge that we can gather from my site here! Of course, if you find more water in the future, I'll want samples of that, too."
Day 6 (July 22nd): "Prehistoric water? Do you understand the knowledge that is contained in those live samples? Bring me as many as possible. Time travel paradoxes are irrelevant because we've already messed it up. Might as well learn as much as we can before the world implodes, and leave the knowledge for the next civilization!"
Day 9 (July 25th): "Those plants you were cutting grew overnight? The levels of oxygen and moisture in the air must be astonishing for such a rapid expansion. You brought some samples, right? It's not my area of study, and I know Wollstone may not be interested, but there are plenty of botanists I can share this with once our research here is done! Don't worry about Ruben, I'm sure it will be fine. There are plenty of things from the past that survived to the modern era. Take the Frilled Shark, for example. Basically unchanged for 150 million years!"
Day 10 (July 26th): "Just keep putting those crystals back in when they take them back out, okay? If you're on my team you know that we should keep the portal open. For science!"

Free Items wrote:
Day 3 (July 19th): "Your friend brought an underwater camera today! What did they capture?"
Free Pets wrote:
Day 2 (July 18th): "As you approach the water to collect some samples your path is impeded by a bevy of amphibians. You're going to have to clear them out so you can get back to science!"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 1 (July 17th)

"There are so many unique species living in this one cave! If you help me collect some samples I'll show you what I've found so far."

[ After trading in 4 samples ] "These were so small I almost didn't see them at first!"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 4 (July 20th)

"I know you won't forget me if you have to bring some of these crystals over here! Give me some and I'll show you my latest discovery."

[ After trading in 1 crystal ] "Once you get down into the depths there are some bigger animals too!"

Luminescent Cavern - Wollstone

^ Day 1 (July 17th)
Day 1 (July 17th): "This glow isn't quite bright enough to read gothic novels by, but I suppose that removes the temptation. An e-reader? How gauche. Such texts can only be enjoyed in their original format. Oh, you're here to help me collect samples? You had better be careful; these specimens are very delicate.

Did you know that you, yourself are bioluminescent? The glow is so weak our eyes would need to be 1000 times more powerful to see it, but you do glow. My mushrooms are much more important right now, though. these extra arms!"
Day 2 (July 18th): "We are making a breakthrough, like Frankenstein's galvanism! I theorized that the densest areas of plant matter might hide additional tunnels or cave formations, and your work has uncovered just that. If we explore them, we may find the Chamber of Crystals."
Day 4 (July 20th): "Everyone has gone soft! Sure, I wanted to find these crystals, but my real reason for joining on was the bioluminescent features of this cave, and they remain exquisite. I'm very close to communicating with these mushrooms. No matter where that portal goes, I doubt you'll find something more interesting than what I have here. Plus, everything here glows; you need to shine a light on a crystal to get the same effect. They might look nice in a terrarium, I suppose. Did you know that the term "terrarium" traditionally means a completely closed ecosystem? It is self-sufficient and so beautiful for it."
Day 6 (July 22nd): "The past? I have studied the past. I look to the future. Leave it where it lies, I say. I will not be going through that nightmare portal; you can count me completely out of it. Now, I've created a communication device for the mushrooms to tell me their thoughts. Would you like to see what they think?"
Day 8 (July 24th): "You think my device could help you communicate with the prehistoric creatures? Like I said... just leave me out of it. And bring it back when you're done!"
Day 10 (July 26th): "You all have caused quite a stir here... but perhaps not all for the bad. I will definitely be back to study this cavern again, and maybe I will work harder to be friends in the future. Imbrie's paintings are quite interesting, and the discovery of a bioluminescent paint recipe is intriguing. I look forward to seeing future works!"

Free Items wrote:
Day 8 (July 24th): "See? The future can include an homage to the past if you are so inclined."
Free Pets wrote:
Day 4 (July 20th): "I told you there were sentient mushrooms! More must have come through once the rubble collapsed."
Free Pets wrote:
Day 5 (July 21st): "Frankly, I think they're very sweet. They have a certain... gothic air. Perhaps it's the spores?"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 1 (July 17th)

"I'm studying how fast the mushrooms grow back. So far the answer is as soon as I turn around! Please help me get these samples packed up."

[ After trading in 2 samples ] "There's too many for all the vials! Here, take some with you."
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 2 (July 18th)

"My research is going well, thank you for asking. Please keep collecting samples!"

[ After trading in 4 samples ] "Some of these mushrooms seem a little too sentient..."

Stalagmites - Freddie

^ Day 1 (July 17th)
Day 1 (July 17th): "Yes, yes, I'm just the junior geologist, but I think that I'm on to something, and I do have my degree! Ruben said that past cave-ins could be the answer to our mystery, and I agree rocks are definitely what it's all about! Please be careful collecting samples, only take what has naturally fallen from the walls and stalagmites and stalactites. Maybe the crystals are just inside the rocks we can already see!

Did you know that there are caves with crystals 12 meters long? I'd love to visit them, but since it's 60 degrees Celsius in there, we'll just have to find our own here!"
Day 3 (July 19th): "The rocks really were an answer! I went through and explored--don't tell Ruben--and spoke to the locals. They told me this whole cavern is the Chamber of Crystals! Rubble was once rocks, right? Make sure you get right into sampling that!"
Day 6 (July 22nd): "Oh no, oh no... I think this has all been a horrible mistake. We're going to ruin the whole world! Please just stay here. Rocks are rocks. We can study the past through them just fine. Fossils, you know? They tell us plenty. There are even some fossils that have feathers of dinosaurs preserved in them! Let's focus on those."
Day 8 (July 24th): "You've found amber? I know it looks like rocks, but it's not quite my area of expertise. Usually, it's used to study the past through well-preserved samples. Why don't you hang out with me instead, and we can explore more here?"
Day 10 (July 26th): "I'm so glad things are going to be going back to normal. This was certainly an adventure for my first experience with field research! Maybe Ruben will write a paper about all of this and allow me to be a co-author."

Free Pets wrote:
Day 1 (July 17th): "If you study the different rock formations closely enough, you might find that they have eyes."
Free Pets wrote:
Day 3 (July 19th): "Stalagmites and stalactites grow over time. Maybe these will, too."
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 7 (July 23rd)

"Stalactites provide an amazing amount of surface area for critters to hang from. They were scared away by the collapse, but they seem to be coming back. Collect samples quietly and you might see them!"

[ After trading in 4 samples ] "You trip over a stalagmite and the resulting noise causes some frightened creatures to cling to your shirt"

Crystal Pile - Billie
The Crystal Pile appeared on Day 3 of the event (July 19th)

^ Day 3 (July 19th)
Day 3 (July 19th): "Oh, hey there, partner! I got trapped in another part of the cave system when the original cave-in happened, but I'm glad to be back! My tail? Oh, don't worry about that."
Day 4 (July 20th): "Digging for crystals, you say? This is my home. Sure, there have been times when we gave crystals away as gifts, but you're talking about the decimation of what's here... enough to power a huge science machine? I'm not a scientist, and look at what they've done! Because of their machine letting through those sounds we've had to completely excavate our whole cave again. You couldn't even tell it was here when you arrived! I suppose you can have a few for now, but you're going to have to convince me if you want more."
Day 5 (July 21st): "Oh... hey. I see you took some crystals to Imbrie. I told you, I wasn't convinced.

Wait, what's this? Oh my, I thought my friends were lost forever! Thank you so much for helping them get back here. It's true, if more collapses happen we could get separated again. And they're promising to turn it off, so there won't be any more danger? Well, if they are truly going to end this, and soon, I suppose you can take a few more crystals. Just enough for their machine, and no more, you hear me? Else I'll have to take you into custody. This isn't the wild west!"
Day 6 (July 22nd): "Crystals this, crystals that... of course, you need more. Just, promise that you're going to use them to get this fixed as soon as possible, okay?"
Day 9 (July 25th): "Do you promise that you've really solved the problem this time? No more asking for crystals after we've closed the portal? It's true, I haven't heard any more roars or felt any more shaking since you all came back through today, but you understand my mistrust. I have to keep law and order here!"
Day 10 (July 26th): "Thank you so much for returning the crystals you used to power the machine back in one piece. I'm glad that it's going to be turned off forever, now. This cavern really ain't big enough for two time periods!"

Free Items wrote:
Day 4 (July 20th): "Wow! Don't forget to take a photo to remember how beautiful this is."
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 3 (July 19th)

"Everyone else was focusing on the big pile of rock that fell down, but if you remove some dirt from this area you'll see something special!"

[ After trading in 3 samples ] "Wow, they've really become one with the environment!"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 5 (July 21st)

"Hey, I know you need crystals for your science stuff, but we need to make sure they aren't all removed from this area. If you give some to me to keep my friends will hang out with you!"

[ After trading in 1 crystal ] "Look, they have crystals on them just like me!"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 5 (July 21st)

"Oh, Imbrie wants to apologize? Well, I pretty much already accepted it, but I'll read the note anyway."

[ After trading in 1 apology note ] "Good thing I did! Imbrie also asked for a special crystal. Apparently, this type of crystal will sync with the portal and allow it to open. I suppose you'll need this to fix things, so here you go."
Hourly Token wrote:
^ After digging / during cooldown
First available on Day 4 (July 20th)

"Billie is letting us dig up a crystal, click a square to dig for crystals! Keep on digging until you find something!"

[ After digging something up ] "Nice one, you dug something up!"

[ During cooldown ] "There will be no crystals left if you dig this often! Come back in __ minutes!"

Village - Devon
The Village appeared on Day 3 of the event (July 19th)

^ Day 3 (July 19th)
Day 3 (July 19th): "On one hand, I'm worried about that sound coming again, but on the other, I'm so glad we have access to the full cavern again! What? Do you think we don't know about the world out there? Of course, we do! But we have to stay here most of the time because it's cold, and that's what we're used to. Freddie came back here and said this is a "microbiome," which sounds cool. Feel free to have a look around, but don't go past our homes..."
Day 4 (July 20th): "I see that Imbrie has talked to you, so my warning was for naught. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing. Mallett had ambitions far beyond what I ever dreamed for our community. Actions were taken that went too far, and now our home has been harmed. If getting this to work can truly end the shaking that's destroying our home I suppose I support it, but I hope that Imbrie will go back to painting after this, and let us exist in peace."
Day 6 (July 22nd): "I know Imbrie is excited, but I am worried. The sounds are getting more frequent, and louder, and worse. But, you're right. It does sound like someone is injured. Wouldn't it be wrong to just leave an animal suffering if we can fix the problem? Please be quick, I don't want the cavern to destabilize."
Day 7 (July 23rd):You're really helping Imbrie become more centered and less frantic; hard to believe, I know. It was such a tragedy, what happened to Mallett--but let's not talk about that. Things are on the mend now, and it can all be laid to rest soon, correct? There was a small destabilization last night, but nothing like the previous collapse. Our community is working hard to spot weaknesses and shore up any issues with Ruben and Freddie's help. Please talk to Imbrie and stress the importance of closing the portal soon."
Day 9 (July 25th): "I am breathing quite a big sigh of relief if the worst is truly over! Thank you for your help. As a parent and community leader, I know what it's like to see an individual in pain and want to help them, even at a great cost. it's important for me to know that your moral compass was strong. I was afraid, but the right thing has been done."

Free Items wrote:
Day 3 (July 19th): "If you want to stay warm around here, you're going to need some clothes like us!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 4 (July 20th): "You all have your own style, but I think some jewelry will help you fit in."
Free Items wrote:
Day 5 (July 21st): "You're still cold? It does take a lot of getting used to."
Free Items wrote:
Day 6 (July 22nd): "I heard you and your friends started a contest to see who's the most fashionable... and I'm happy to help!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 7 (July 23rd): "Yeah, I fell in the tar pits too. Here's something clean to wear on this side of the portal!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 8 (July 24th): "Our artisans created some new styles to meet the demand, here you go!"
Free Items wrote:
Day 10 (July 26th): "We have prepared some gifts for you. Don't forget them before you leave!"
Free Pets wrote:
Day 10 (July 26th): "You've really whetted the youngsters' thirst for adventure! Could they perhaps go on a field trip to the modern world with you?"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 4 (July 20th)

"Those vials you have collected your samples in are quite small; we usually take baskets and water vessels. Maybe if you trade some to us we could show you how it's done?"

[ After trading in 3 samples ] "Here, we'll send some guides with you!"

Cave end Portal - Imbrie
The Cave end appeared on Day 3 of the event (July 19th)
The name was changed to Portal - Imbrie on Day 4 of the event (July 20th)

^ Day 4 (July 20th), previously there was no NPC
Day 4 (July 20th): "Sorry, I wasn't around yesterday, I was hunting for my father's journals. I used to help paint the illustrations in them for him, but he started to get secretive, and he hid them.

You see, he wanted nothing more than to travel to the past. We are in a quite unique cavern here; the area where we live is akin to the most recent ice age. There is much to study here that could be shared with the world, but he wanted more. He thought if he could travel to the past and study more biomes... well, the point is he created this portal, but it doesn't work right, and I can't figure out how to turn it off. Destroying it would just cause another collapse, as it's built into the cavern.

If it didn't work at all we wouldn't be dealing with this, but as it is, well, we need to find his notes and figure out how to turn it on so we can also turn it off. The only thing I know for sure is the power source is supposed to be crystals. Is there any way you can collect a large amount of them for us? And help us find the journal? I know I'm asking a lot, but if another cave-in happens..."
Day 6 (July 22nd): "What... is that?! I know I said I was going to throw the switch, but it works! It actually works! I just want to look around a little bit, okay? Think of all the paintings I could create based on the scenery and creatures there! Bring your special crystal with you and let's go!"
Day 7 (July 23rd): "You found dinosaurs?? I could paint those too. There is so much more than I imagined! Please explore deeper into the forest; I need to know exactly what you saw. In return, I can definitely help you with your bioluminescent paint! Art is almost science, sometimes, and it's amazing what can be created when the two are merged. Wollstone was watching me paint and said as much too--you wouldn't believe how much I blushed--the same color as my hair!"
Day 9 (July 25th): "I know that Devon and Ruben and all the others saying we have to close are correct after all. You all managed to find almost the complete notebook, as far as I can tell, and it does give information for shutting this off. We will have to be careful, though, and it will take a little more time. You're going to cooperate and help me button this up, right?"
Day 10 (July 26th): "Make sure you check the timer that shows how much longer the portal will be open! After that, it will close forever, and if you're still in the past, well, I hope you like cave paintings as much as I do!"

Free Items wrote:
Day 3 (July 19th): "Devon told you not to go past this point, but you want to explore! However, without a guide, you get lost and cold. Better head back."
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 5 (July 21st)

"If we get enough crystals to power the portal it will start right up! Please bring us as many as you can."

[ After trading in 1 crystal ] "Oh, it looks like these crystal creatures were trapped on this side of the rubble. Will you help them get back down to their home?"
Quest wrote:
First available on Day 5 (July 21st)

"Oh, you found some pages of the journal? That's amazing. I know it's not exactly a prize, but once you give them to me I have a request..."

[ After trading in 1 journal page ] "I understand that using all of these crystals is very hard on the crystal creatures. We've always coexisted with them without any problems, and now we're imposing. Please take this note to Billie so I can apologize. I'd go myself, but I am learning so much from these journal pages and I have to stay and work on the portal."
Last edited by Keir; on Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:30 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Archive: Past Summer Event Images and Info (IMAGE-HEAVY!

Postby nickjr » Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:41 am

squeaks I missed the first day of the event, oops

clasps hands together You've already started documentation! I love it

DRAFT MOVED TO 2021: Cave Event post :D
Last edited by nickjr on Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:15 am, edited 6 times in total.
Spread the word to end the word, because discrimination based on perceived or actual IQ/"intelligence" is no better than discrimination based on race, gender, etc.

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Re: Archive: Past Summer Event Images and Info (IMAGE-HEAVY!

Postby Nadine » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:41 pm


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Re: Archive: Past Summer Event Images and Info (IMAGE-HEAVY!

Postby nickjr » Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:15 pm

Ooh, thank you!
Spread the word to end the word, because discrimination based on perceived or actual IQ/"intelligence" is no better than discrimination based on race, gender, etc.

Context, consistency, and clear antecedents are golden.
I neither read nor speak between the lines. But I will analyze your language.

Often on phone |||| Timezone: EDT/EST (CS Time -4/-5) |||| Very turbulent life IRL
Intentionally turned off signatures; PMs off June 2013 - June 2020, may turn off again later
Banner by Moonflight Image It's been over 10 years since my request, and I still love it. Thank you so much!

Character in avatar is from CS's 2015 Sucrose City summer event. Border made by me in MS Paint, Windows 8.1 xD
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Re: Archive: Past Summer Event Images and Info (IMAGE-HEAVY!

Postby lucky333123 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:26 am

If you are wondering what the NPCs are wearing another user wrote down the different items: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=4594643&start=140#p135300966

If you need any help, feel
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2021: Cave Event - Flavor Text: Portal fun text box

Postby Keir; » Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:10 pm

2021 Cave Event: Portal

    Flavor Text: Portal fun text box

    The fun text box was only up for Day 5 of the event (July 21st).

Portal flavor text wrote:
  • Achoo! [user] seems to be allergic to all this dust in here. This doesn't help with being very productive..
  • After seeing a sparkle in the water, [user] reaches to get it but the water is deeper than expected. Anyone have a snorkel?
  • Eek! [user] hears a strange sound. Oh, it's just [staff member].
  • Freddie has produced an old-school boombox from somewhere, and the only station it gets is down here is classical! [user] covers their ears, but Wollstone is grooving.
  • Freddie waves [user] over; there's a crystal fallen behind a stalagmite, and [staff member] is stuck trying to pull it out!
  • Hadil can't help but teach. [user], [staff member], and [staff member] gather around the waterfall to hear some stories about the spookiest fish in the deep!
  • Hadil just came up from a dive and splashes water all over [user]
  • Imbrie invites [user] to sit for a portrait painting. It sounds fun, but once they've been still for three hours they realize they've missed out on a lot of crystal digging!
  • It's been a long day, so [user] takes a rest on a nearby rock and enjoys the sound of the water dripping in the cave.
  • Oh noes! [user] got lost in the cave. [staff member] and [staff member] have started a search party.
  • Ruben is fretting, so [user] makes some of the finest cave calming tea. It tastes like rocks.
  • Something glowing on the wall gets [user] attention, but it just turns out to be a weird bug.
  • The luminescence from the cavern must be playing tricks on [user]’s eyes! They call [staff member] over when they see crystals inside the waterfall.
  • Those frogs sure seem to be piling up again... maybe [user] needs to take some more home with them.
  • When [user] gets bored they ask Wollstone for some reading recommendations. It's a wonder there's internet enough down here to download eBooks!
  • Whew, that searching is exhausting. Good thing [user] brought snacks!
  • Whoops! [staff member] nearly falls but [user] catches them just in time.
  • Wollstone keeps getting distracted by how glowy [user]'s crystals are! Are they bioluminescent themselves?
  • Zzzz... [user] is caught sleeping on the job! [staff member] puts them back to work.
  • [staff member] and [staff member] are pulling a prank on [user], which isn't very funny! Hmph.
  • [staff member] and [staff member] are throwing small pebbles at each other. [user] turns the other way, better not risk getting hit…
  • [staff member] and [staff member] find [user] chipping away at a cave wall - don't cause a cave in!
  • [staff member] dares [user] to eat one of the glowing mushrooms.
  • [staff member] drops a bag full of collected crystals, and [user] helps them pick it up.
  • [staff member] falls into the waterfall, so [user] offers a towel.
  • [staff member] is found wandering in circles by [user].
  • [staff member] is sure they can climb to get a crystal even if [user] and [staff member] say don't and - oop, yup, they fell. Everyone is okay!
  • [staff member] is teaching [user] what needs to be done. This doesn't seem to be working very well.
  • [staff member] is teaching [user] what to do. At this rate, we'll be on the other side in no time!
  • [staff member] lets [user] take over operations while they take a quick nap.
  • [staff member] offers [user] some goggles to protect their eyes from dust. Safety first!
  • [staff member] suggests [user] find a better choice of footwear before they stub their toe.
  • [staff member] suggests that they and [user] search in the dirt for crystals. There are no crystals, and now you're both covered in dirt.
  • [staff member] tries to get a crystal in some deep water and falls in, so [user] and [staff member] have to fish them out.
  • [user] and [staff member] are building a dirt-castle. It actually doesn't look too bad!
  • [user] and [staff member] are throwing rocks at each other. [staff member] is not impressed.
  • [user] and [staff member] are trying their best to keep everything in order... Hey, put that back!
  • [user] and [staff member] have given up and are having a picnic. Those sandwiches look tasty!
  • [user] and [staff member] try to talk to the mushrooms, but they're not getting any response.
  • [user] and [staff member] try to wake [staff member] up by creating spooky echoes, but [staff member] can sleep through anything!
  • [user] ate one of the glowing mushrooms. It made their tongue glow! Awesome!
  • [user] baby talks to a mushroom and gets spores in their face! Maybe it did understand.
  • [user] breaks a crystal. Oh man, oh gosh, I hope that wasn't important!
  • [user] calls out into the cave to see if there's an echo, and Freddie joins in, adding harmony and threatening to win the cave talent competition!
  • [user] can't get any work done because there are frogs on their notes. And in their bags and on their head...Why are there so many frogs!?
  • [user] decides to take a lunch break after all this hard work.
  • [user] discovers that despite the crystals looking like candy they don't taste like it.
  • [user] examines a crystal - so shiny you can see your reflection! Cool!
  • [user] finds [staff member] hiding under a rock! [staff member] requests [user] put the rock back.
  • [user] finds a big cache of crystals, so [staff member] and [staff member] come to help carry them out.
  • [user] finds a glowing crystal pulsating with a magical light…[user] uses it as a glow stick in the dark.
  • [user] finds a journal page and drops it off with Imbrie immediately!
  • [user] finds a pretty crystal. Surely nobody will mind one missing rock? Surely?
  • [user] finds a rock, [staff member] suggests the lick it to see if its a fossil. It wasn't - yuck!
  • [user] finds a tiny axolotl! Or perhaps an axolittle....
  • [user] finds an interesting crystal, but drops it over a ledge by accident. Oh well...
  • [user] finds an odd-looking rock. It seems to be moving? Never mind, it's just a cave bug. -blegh!-
  • [user] found a jar of dirt! Cool!
  • [user] found a journal page! But, in their haste to return it, it gets ripped and soggy.
  • [user] grabs a snack, but drops it down off a ledge. Whoops.
  • [user] helps Imbrie look for page numbers on the journal entries so that the notes can be reassembled.
  • [user] hides in a corner of the cave to get away from all the commotion for a moment.
  • [user] is being a little too loud. Shhh! We don't want a cave in!
  • [user] is being greedy and not sharing any crystals that have been found. I mean.. shinyyy...
  • [user] is busy cleaning some crystals they found in the water.
  • [user] is collecting crystals! Although they seem to get distracted by all the pretty rocks. ooooh..
  • [user] is currently playing in the mud. What can be more fun than that?!
  • [user] is distracted by their distorted reflections in the large crystals. Short now tall and back to short again!
  • [user] is having fun with echoes while [staff member] is trying to figure out why the walls are yelling at them.
  • [user] is hungry and bumps into [staff member] passing out sandwiches.
  • [user] is pestering [staff member] to do all this work for them. How rude!
  • [user] is running and trips over a rock, shattering several of their samples! [staff member] stops to help clean up the mess.
  • [user] is trying to sleep in, but [staff member] and [staff member] are talking too loudly outside the tent!
  • [user] looks up high for clues, but something drips from above and splashes onto their face, ugh!
  • [user] makes a paint out of glowing mushrooms in hopes to make [staff member] glow! [staff member] just stinks of fungus...
  • [user] moves a large rock to see a passageway underneath. It's filled with glowing eyes. [user] puts the rock back.
  • [user] notices [staff member] sniffing the rock samples and quickly looks away before they notice.
  • [user] notices [staff member] trying to climb a huge stalagmite while [staff member] cheers them on.
  • [user] overhears [staff member] and [staff member] talking about their dinner plans instead of looking for samples!
  • [user] ponders what might be on the other side. [staff member] doesn't seem too concerned and encourages them to get back to work.
  • [user] pores through notes and text about the cave and discovers long lost secrets about the universe itself! But nothing about the portal. Useless!
  • [user] puts on their Lost City diving gear and plunges into the waterfall. Maybe there's a connection to the past?
  • [user] reads journal pages aloud while Imbrie and Ruben take notes.
  • [user] ruffles through [staff member]'s backpack when no one is looking, and takes a cookie. Yum!
  • [user] searches the cavern for clues while [staff member] and [staff member] get into an argument about who has collected the most samples.
  • [user] seems to be distracted by the glowing mushrooms and plant life.
  • [user] sees [staff member] sorting their small collection of glowing crystals by colour.
  • [user] sees a sleeping [staff member] hanging upside-down from a stalactite while [staff member] whistles innocently.
  • [user] sees a terrifying image in one of the crystals! Oh, wait... It's just transparent... Hi [staff member]...
  • [user] shuffles feet to kick away some dirt and finds a crystal.
  • [user] sits on a rock to dump a shocking amount of dirt out of their shoes.
  • [user] slips on a wet rock and falls into the waterfall. Oops!
  • [user] spends lunch break staring at reflections in the waterfall.
  • [user] starts drawing their own journal pages in an attempt to move the process along, but Imbrie can easily identify the forgeries.
  • [user] steps in a puddle trying to look at part of the cave wall. Ick!
  • [user] stole a crystal from [staff member] when they weren't looking. So SHINY!
  • [user] stops gathering for a moment to look around and appreciate how beautiful the crystals are in the mushroom glow.
  • [user] thinks there might be a hidden passage behind the waterfall. [user] is now soaking wet and learned video games are full of lies!
  • [user] thinks they find the secret passage! Oh wait it just brought them back to main camp. Cool shortcut!
  • [user] tries biting one of the crystals. Ouch!
  • [user] tries to decipher what looks like an ancient map, but it turns out it is just a handwritten note from [staff member].
  • [user] tries to eat one of the glowing mushrooms, but spits it out again. Eww, it is SOUR!
  • [user] tries to juggle some rocks, but bumps into [staff member] and they both fall down. Ouch!
  • [user] tries to reach to a top ledge, [staff member] and [staff member] help boost them up.
  • [user] tries to search deeper in the cavern, but it's too dark. Did anyone bring a flashlight?
  • [user] tries to take a nap, but can hear [staff member] giggling as they try to play a trick on [staff member]. Shhh!
  • [user] was looking for a way out of this cave instead of helping. [staff member] catches them and pulls them back into camp!
  • [user] watches [staff member] break their crystals in half in an attempt to make more samples. It doesn't seem to be working…
Last edited by Keir; on Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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2021: Cave Event - Hover images

Postby nickjr » Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:43 pm

2021: Cave Event

All map hover images have medium and large versions. Missing numbers are either the same as a previous number (e.g. Base Camp Hover 1 is the same as Base Camp Hover 2) or do not exist

The Cave



Last edited by nickjr on Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2021: Cave Event - Flavor Text: Portal fun text box

Postby Soratha » Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:57 pm

Missing from list:
  • [user] ate one of the glowing mushrooms. It made their tongue glow! Awesome!
  • [user] calls out into the cave to see if there's an echo, and Freddie joins in, adding harmony and threatening to win the cave talent competition!
  • [user] decides to take a lunch break after all this hard work.
  • [user] finds a journal page and drops it off with Imbrie immediately!
  • [user] hides in a corner of the cave to get away from all the commotion for a moment.

  • [staff member] is teaching [user] what to do. At this rate, we'll be on the other side in no time!
    covered in dirt.
  • [user] makes a paint out of glowing mushrooms in hopes to make [staff member] glow! [staff member] just stinks of fungus...

Imbrie: May 2020
Last edited by Soratha on Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Archive: Past Summer Event Images and Info (IMAGE-HEAVY!

Postby Nadine » Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:23 pm


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Postby Keir; » Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:36 am

Soratha wrote:
Missing from list:
- snip -

- snip -
    Fixed and added these!
keir - he/him
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