♚─── THE MILKY WAY ★ ´ )

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♚─── THE MILKY WAY ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:17 pm

    hi i'm galaxy and welcome to my
    character storage :)
    feel free to snoop around but
    please refrain from using my coding <33
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♚─── THE MILKY WAY ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:17 pm

character masterlist
major wip c;
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♚─── who you are is up to you ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:19 pm

look at the world from a different

lucy has the tendency of working b
y herself. the epitome of perfectio
nism and eccentric organization, e
verything has to go according to he
r. has a hard time admitting wrong-
doings and from personal experien
ce doesn't trust easily. she knows s
he is smart as hell which makes he
r even more blind to her own impe
rfections. incredibly good strategis
t and a very rational/logical person
does not freak out easily but is abl
e to think on her feet. v charismati
c and a sweet smile and eyelash ba
t manages to get her out of trouble
except with the gods apparently? x


lucy stands at five foot seven with long l
egs and slightly athletic frame, blonde h
air and rosy cheeks. her favorite part of
herself are the eyes: hazel colored, and
very piercing, makes others feel uncomf

people change people change people change people change
001. luciana paz montalbán 002. people call her either lu or
lucy bc she hates how they say "luciana" in english 003. twen
ty years old 004. cisfemale she/her 005. daughter of athena
and a spanish diplomat (esteban montalbán), speaks spanish
lowkey sassy, has a sharp tongue is defi
nitely not afraid to use it. very competi
tive as well and has to be right no matt
er what. when she's stressed out she sw
itches between spanish and english w/o
even noticing. feels at home with her a
ustralian shepherd ringo and loves cudd
les and lemon flavoured stuff- lemon pi
e, cookies, cupcakes, all of it. lucy puts
a solid exterior and has a hard time ope
ning up as she always has to be the perf
ect clever girl (+ make the point that sh
e can look good while sassing them with
her knowledge). needs attention + lovee

hopeless romantic but has never
been in a serious relationship, m
ainly just a grab coffee and end
up in bed. doesn't have the best
record tbh but she tries. the big
gest nerd and sucker for books s
he literally inhales them and kno
ws a bit about everything particu
larly history/philosophy/sociolog
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♚─── don't leave it up to them, no ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:20 pm



    luciana was born from athena's thoughts and delivered to her fath
    er, esteban, in a golden craddle when she was just a baby. she wa
    s raised in constant movement from her father being a diplomat a
    nd as a kid she did not have close friends. nor it was hard for her
    to make new ones, but she would not give her life for any of them
    . for some reason athena disapproved of this movement and calle
    d on lucy at age ten to mount olympus, where she lived her life.

    works at the museum of national history as a tour guide. although
    she might be quick to jump to judgement lucy thinks that no ques
    tions can be stupid questions, as they are a way to seek knowledg
    e which is the most respectable thing of all. can sometimes get a
    little overexcited and babble on when talking abt ancient history
    actually loves kids and takes her time in teaching them everything
her idea of a perfect day is staying at home curled up in front of t
he fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa or coffee and a book. above
all, she values knowledge and has a soft spot for those who seek i
t. lucy can be harsh and judgemental during first meetings but if
you impress her it's for good, as is incredibly loyal after getting h
er approval. you can easily buy her with deep conversations abou
t the universe or books or... you can literally just get her some m
int chocolate chip ice cream. it's the best flavour and she is willin
g to die proving it. such a sucker for museums and architechture

her fatal flaw would probably be excessive pride. she truly believ
es she can do anything and more than that, do it perfectly. this is
considered even more than the gods, like if shown something to d
o with architechture or history or machine-wise, lucy probably wo
uld think the gods will mess it up so she should be the one to do it
so no wonder they got annoyed at her and made her leave lmao.

loves the color red. she may not seem like it but she is a terrific a
rtist, particularly when it comes to design, enjoys doodling and pl
anning new buildings she would like to see in the skyline. very per
fectionist and excessively demanding of herself tbh?¿ you won't se
e her leaving her flat looking less than amazing and she knows it.
she can be very obsessive abt certain things and has a hard time l
etting some stuff go?? she is probably the smartest in the room an
d knows it 100% she is pansexual i suppose like she rly doesn't car
e as long it's in for a good time. terribly bad at relationships but s
ays it's because she hasn't met the right person yet, imo it has to
be someone who can be on her level of arguing abt stupid stuff li
ke how the universe was created or the origin of stars or thingzz.
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♚─── ignorance flows freely ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:22 pm

─────────────── REED! REED! REED! REED! REED!


charlene "charlie" reed,
the feisty seveenteen y
ear old daugher of athe
na. she stands at five f
eet two but what she la
cks in height charlie ma
kes up in attitude. likes
to be in charge. the kin
d of girl who doesn't lik
e group projects but wi
ll still help people if th
ey ask. lowkey nice lol


kinda ne
eds som
eone to
tell her
to take
a chill p
ill. cravi
ng some
one who
gets her

● ● ●

charlie grew up with her father edmund and her mother danielle, and the
twin brothers who annoyed her to no end. it was only when she grew olde
r that she realized her lack of freckles, gray eyes instead of green and slic
k blonde hair rather than warm chocolate curls. the truth was that her da
d had her and met danielle shortly after, and they decided to just make b
elieve danielle was her mother. sike lmao. charlie didn't really mind thou
gh, it was the rational thing to do, besides danielle was nice enough. due
to her outstanding grades and student profile she got a full ride scholarsh
ip to grand mountain high. she plays field hockey and manages to juggle i
t with studying, although that never got too hard for the daughter of athe
na. she is also involved in the student body. charlie can be extremely com
petitive and must always be in the winning side, somewhat known around
the school for being that kind of girl. charlie is lively, determined and cou
rageous. she would do anything for a friend, legit even hide a body if that
is needed. likes anything to do with coconut (lotion, shampoo, cookies, et
c). heterosexual, straightforward, not afraid of doing whatever it takes...
she is terrified of failure, which is why she is constantly pushing herself.
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♚─── that's what it's like loving you ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:24 pm

text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text


text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text

Last edited by galaxy, on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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♚─── devuelveme el corazón ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:40 am


brash and
baz has a
for gettin
g in troub
le. 5'11 b
rown hair
blue eyes


i. sebastian james oliv
er ii. don't call him seb
he goes only by baz or
oliver iii. seventh year
gryffindor iv. plays as a
keeper in quidditch an
d is the captain of the
team v. bisexual and v
open about it, no sham
me vi. has a barnn owl
vii. very good in potion




baz is the youngest child of a pure blood family wit
h two older brothers and one sister. destined for gr
yffindor; a mischievous grin, sarcastic and hot head
extremely loyal and would burn down the world for
someone he loves. goes with the flow but cares not
hing for what others think. little of an ego complex
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Re: ♚─── THE MILKY WAY ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:51 am

01. kelan blackthorn 02.
fifth year 03. hufflepuff
04. cismale 05. homose
xual-romant 06. fifteen

when people first meet kelan they assum
e he is ravenclaw; academically inclined,
hardworker, always found in the library...
in reality, kelan is just obsessed with the
idea of being a healer (which requires in
credibly high grades). since he was little
kelan would go with his dad to st mungo
's and watch him work, fuelling his own f
uture dream. kelan loves helping people
and is an incredible kind soul; however,
he can become snappy and impatient w
hen annoyed. tends to have a very stron
g sense of right and wrong and becomes
distraught when things start going wrong
kelan stands relatively tall at six ft one
not an athlete he is quite lanky. has a f
luff of brunet hair and light brown eyes.
█ █████████████████████████


07. favourite class is charms & herbology. 08. wand is rowan wood a
nd unicorn hair core, eleven inches 09. patronus is a capybara 10. lo
ves watching quidditch but never managed to play 11. also hates qui
dditch bc it produces the worst wounds 12. pumpkin juice <3 13. has
a tabby cat named clover 14. half-blood: father is a wizard and moth
er a muggle, has twin sisters in third year hufflepuff 15. very stubbor
n 16. hard to change his perspective on things 17. would consider doi
ng illegal things in exchange for a rare plant 18. is afraid of owls, wh
ich isn't very convenient as a wizard 19. gets easily flustered ugh >.>

████████████████████████████████████████ █
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♚─── sunstream ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:15 pm

name sun kit paw stream
gender she cat, molly
age thirteen moons old
rank recent warrior
kin open, pm me c:
crush none, open, pm me
traits smart, cunning, sly,
adventurous, motivated, r
ckless, outgoing, sarcastic

sunstream was bor
n in hawkclan, and
was recently given
her warrior name,
in fact exactly one
e moon ago. she is
agile and quick on
her paws, and a g
ood fighter, althou
gh definitely not t
he best. sunstream
is a sleek she cat,
with very pale gin
ger and white pel
t with yellow eyes
still a kit in heart
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♚─── piper ★ ´ )

Postby galaxy, » Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:16 pm

and if the world should spin

piper often feels like a passive obse
rver as life passes by. she is very so
cio-oriented - the kind of person to
sit in a cafe and watch people not i
n a creepy way
. can be often found
curled up with a book in her lap an
d is tends to be detached from the
real world. unexpectedly, she loves
the outdoors and prides herself in b
eing able to recognise different kin
ds of plants and birds. she was rais
ed in the city but as a child her dad
would take her on hiking and campi
ng trips around the country, and th
ose are her most treasured memori
es. she has a little notebook full of
sketches and notes that she has be
en collecting since she was a kid on
those camping trips. she also loves
music but has the worst hearing ev
er, so she never managed to learn
to play any instruments.


001. piper mariano 002. eighteen 003. the
quiet 004. bisexual demiromantic 005. aqu
arius 006. pple close to her sometimes call
her pipes 007. a dreamer 008. wants to stu
dy biology or smthn similar009. cis female

i'll slow it down slow it down slow it down slow it
people often underestimade piper. they think that
because she is quiet, she is unable to voice her op
inions or defend herself. in reality, piper would de
scribe herself as more on the cautious side: she ob
serves and she analyses. even though she does not
have a loud personality and tends to not draw atte
ntion to herself, she has no problem speaking up -
but always in her same calm and soft spoken voice
that sometimes unsettles people who are trying to
pick a fight. because piper is so cautious she also
can have good plans. she is by no means the brains
of any operation, but she also tends to pick up on
things that others may neglect or don't notice. pip
er also... is extremely loyal and the perfect tag al
ong to any adventure. she likes being included (ev
en if sometimes she may disapprove of the plan)
she is more of a show than tell person, and doesn
't say how much she appreciates her friends, but
she treasures them so so much. gift giving and ac
ts service are her love langs, will pick u a flower :)
for you for you for you for you for you for you for
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