❝ winter is here ── ❅ direwolf's storage thread ))

A place to store your roleplay character information.

❝ hestia ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Mon May 13, 2019 4:30 am


a strong and brave female who values
loyalty above all. she expects others t
o treat her as she treats them. she is f
riendly when you first meet her, but if
you make an enemy out of her, she wil
l ignore you and will not lend a paw to
help if your situation is dire. she is mo
therly to younger pokemon and will pr
otect them no matter what. she has a
bit of a hero complex where she will h
elp those in need and will die for them
if it comes to that. she is fiercely prot
ective over the young and innocent.

hestia is a five year old female arcanin
e. she has a fluffy white, orange, and
black pelt with brown eyes.


she can be intimidating and aggressive
when she needs to be. this cute and fl
uffy arcanine has some teeth and claw
s for those who are evil. she is a good
provider and teacher, and she would m
ake a good mother to her young. she g
oes out of her way to help others even
if it effects her in some way. however,
she does not give many second chance
s. she does this to protect the others a
round her and herself, even though sh
e has the means to protect herself. sh
e needs to protect her heart as well.

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❝ flynn ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Thu May 23, 2019 2:58 pm


flynn is a four year old male red fox. h
e has red fur with white markings and
gray fur along his back. he has dark br
own eyes. this fox has a lean and agile
build. he is a [rank].

he has a good heart and makes sure th
ose around him are safe. he would nev
er put someone in danger. he would pu
t his own life on the line before anyon
e else. while generally good-natured, h
e can be stubborn and does not like to
admit his own faults at times.

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he is a proud male but not obnoxious a
bout it. he knows his own worth. howe
ver, he does beat himself up if he mak
es a mistake even if he never outwardl
y admits to it. he prefers to hide his m
istakes and will take secrets to the gra
ve. he can definitely be secretive.

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❝ kubu ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Thu May 23, 2019 3:02 pm

• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
a little on the immature side which can annoy ot
hers, but he knows when to be serious. while he
may seem sweet and kind, he definitely has a si
de of him that holds grudges. he does not forgiv
e easily and rarely gives someone a second chan
ce. if given a second chance, he will not trust th
em completely and will not lower his guard arou
nd them. win his trust, and he will do anything t
o defend and protect them. he will lay down his
life for them and defend them with his dying br
eath even if they are in the wrong. willingly, he
will accept their consequence as his own. famil
y is very important to him. he is a bit of an atte
ntion seeker and does not like to be pushed to t
he side. he needs recognition and approval from
those who he cares about. he seeks to please th
e ones who he surrounds himself with. he is not
the brightest male, but he makes up for it with l
oyalty and dedication. when he sets his mind to
something, he will see it through no matter the
cost. he never goes back on his word and tries n
ot to break promises that he has made. he tends
to take things that are a bit too much to handle,
but he does his best to accomplish them. he can
be fairly laid back when he needs to be, but it c
an seem like he is in a completely different worl
d at times. he tends to day dream a lot.
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♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
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wade tregaskis
❝ kubu, meaning "rebellion," is a two year old
male lion. he has sandy colored fur with dark
er markings and a short growing mane. he ha
s golden brown eyes. his rank is [rank]. ❞
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words words words words words words word
words words words words words words word
words words words words words words word
Last edited by direwolf. on Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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❝ casanova ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Mon May 27, 2019 5:36 am


he is a spoiled and dramatic male who
has been pampered his whole life. his
trainer was a breeder and bred his par
ents to make him, the perfect ninetal
es (that is what he tells himself). he h
as an ego because he knows that he is
beautiful. he did not do much battling
or fighting, but he did perform in show
s. despite appearing bratty and arroga
nt, he is an intelligent pokemon who f
ollows his trainer's instructions. he wa
s made for the show ring, and he loves
it. he never wants to stop.

casanova is a three year old male nine
tales. he has beautiful white fur and b
right blue eyes. he is [rank].


he does not like getting down and dirt
y as he does not want to ruin his fur. e
ither you love and admire him, or you
absolutely hate him for his arrogance.
he has many fans, whether it be huma
ns or other pokemon. someone even t
ried to purchase him from his owner, b
ut he was priceless and could not be s
old. he does have a soft spot for his tr
ainer even though he rarely shows it t
o his fans. he would be nothing withou
t his human. he loves his human more
than his own spotlight and fame.

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❝ muraco ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:39 am

• • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
a wolf who only thinks for himself. he puts hims
elf before all others. he rarely backs down from
a challenge even if it seems impossible. he has a
n arrogant and stubborn nature. not the most in
telligent wolf, but he makes it up with his stren
gth and brute force. he does not like to be told
what to do unless he approves of it. even then,
he would claim that he would have done the sa
me thing. he does not think of others feelings b
efore he speaks or acts. if he manages to hurt s
omeone in the process, he would not apologize
for it. he does not think that he makes mistakes
because he sees himself as perfect. he does not
tolerate being mocked or belittled. he is a very
dominate wolf who will put someone in their pl
ace if they step one toe out of line. he does not
allow them a second chance before he is on the
m. he is a strong wolf with an equally strong bit
e. he is more of a fighter than a lover, but he wi
ll flirt with the ladies even if nothing comes out
of it. he muscles his way through everything, no
t stopping to think about his actions. he acts firs
t and does not even think about it later. he acts
purely on his instinct in the moment. he tends t
o pick on other canines, whether it is in a rude
way or a playful way. one would definitely be ab
le to tell the difference between the two.
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♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
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philippe montes on unsplash
❝ muraco, meaning "white moon," is a five ye
ar old male wolf. he has a pure white coat w
ith dark brown eyes. his frame is strong and
muscular. he is a [rank]. ❞
he was raised to be compassionate and kind
to others, but he never did take to his pare
nts' teachings. he only cares about himself a
nd everyone else does not mean anything to
him. after being rejected by who he though
t was his true love, his heart became cold a
nd he closed himself off from others. he gua
rds his heart carefully and does not let anyo
ne get close. he only allows himself to flirt
with females, nothing more. he would like t
continue his lineage, but he does not want a
mate. right now, all he needs is a friend wh
o understands the way he is. he bullies and
insults others as a way to make him feel bet
ter about himself. a female with a similar p
ersonality would not change him.
⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩ ⭩
other than bullying others for his amusemen
t, he does enjoy fighting and improving his s
kills. laying around and doing nothing bores
him, and he gets restless easily. he needs to
be doing something to occupy his time. he i
s a wolf who rarely rests, but he seems to f
unction fine except for the constant bullyin
g of other canines. he likes to be on top, so
seeing a canine being submissive to him doe
s make him happy. he would make a poor le
ader, and really, he does not work too well
within groups. he prefers going off on his ow
n. however, being with his own thoughts can
be dangerous. he does favor the company o
f pretty females though.
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❝ clarke ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:45 am


clarke is a three year old male austral
ian cattle dog. he has "blue" fur which
consists of grays and black along with
brown markings. he has a lean build a
nd dark brown eyes. he is [rank].

he has a sweet demeanor and a total g
entleman. he is considered the "dad" f
riend as he always check on others an
d makes sure they are okay. definitely
protective over others, especially frie
nds, family, and the innocent. he will
jump in to break up a fight.

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he does not enjoying fighting, but he w
ill if it is the only option. he tries to ta
lk it out first. he can be a little goofy a
nd playful despite his protective and d
adlike nature. he is always wearing a s
mile on his face. nothing can really get
him down unless someone is hurt.

Last edited by direwolf. on Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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❝ britta ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:55 am

she may be young, but she is not naive.
she is more brains than brawn, so she
shies away from a fight. she tries to st
and up for herself, but she is a submiss
ive dog. she depends on her size as an
intimation factor so others do not mes
s with her; it does not always work.

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she does not mind the company of oth
ers, but she enjoys her quiet time to h
erself. she does not like being in big c
rowds because she has always been a l
one dog. she hates to depend on other
s and rarely asks for help even if she n
eeds it. she is very indepedent.


britta is a two year old female shepher
d mix. she has markings of a shepherd
such as the black saddle along with br
own and white markings. she has dark
brown eyes. she is a [rank].

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❝ bonnie ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:25 am

a tough female who does not back dow
n from a challenge. she will always sta
nd up for herself and others. she is fie
rcely protective over others. a high al
ert canine who is always searching the
parameters and checking her surround
ings to make sure it is safe.

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when she is comfortable, she can be t
alkative and sweet. she enjoys compa
ny, but she also does not mind sitting
alone with her thoughts. she is an out
spoken female and will give her thoug
hts even though they may not be aske
d for. she is a good leader.


bonnie is a three year old female karst
shepherd. she has a thick coat of gray
s, black, and white. there are lighter
markings around her dark brown eyes.
she is a [rank].

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❝ sinclair ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:47 am


sinclair is a four year old male borzoi.
he has long, slightly curly fur that is m
ostly tan with some white. he has a lo
ng lean frama and a long snout. he has
brown eyes. he is a [rank].

this male is full of himself. he thinks h
e is the best ever. he has a lot of confi
dence until he is put into a situation t
hat he is unfamiliar with. he will beco
me anxious and a lil paranoid in situat
ion like that. he does not like being ou
tside his comfort zone at all.

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he walks his head and tail held high. t
his canine enjoys being pampered and
complimented. he is not all snooty. he
can be a gentleman and will want to k
now about others with genuine interes
t. he is a social butterfly and likes to s
urround himself with other canines.

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❝ ranger ── ❅ ))

Postby direwolf. » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:07 am


ranger is a seven year old male germa
n shepherd. he has a long silky black a
nd brown coat. his eyes are a goldish-
brown color. his muzzle is gray from a
ge. he is a [rank].

a former attack dog for the police. he
was good at what he did, but he has s
ince retired from that life. despite his
age, he is a strong and formidable opp
onent. he is a strict canine and does n
ot tolerate disobedience. he will quick
ly put someone in their place.

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he stands for justice and will make sur
e the innocent are protected. get on h
is bad side, and you will regret it. he d
efinitely holds grudges and does not fo
rgive easily. he does treat others fairly
as long as they are respectful. a domin
ant canine that does not back down.

Last edited by direwolf. on Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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