Snowmine.'s Character Storage [No Posting]

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Snowmine.'s Character Storage [No Posting]

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:03 am

    So. My character storage, which hopefully will be filled shortly. I'll also put up some of my frequently used writing samples as well.

    Just looky. No posty. Critiques/comments/concerns/burning questions are more than welcome over PM though.

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• Ashen •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:13 am

Name : Ashen
Gender : Male
Age : 23
Character Class : Magician
Kingdom (if you belong to one) : Ibenia
Bio : Ashen grew up as the lowest of the low. His father abandoned him and his mother when he was too young to even remember his face, so now the only memories he has of the man are sweet songs and the warmth of his comfort. His remaining parent was never clear as to why his father left them, but by the small bits of conversation they've had over him, he's managed to gather that his father was a soldier of high rank, and favored by the king. Apparently, one of the bravest men in his legion. But still cowardly enough to leave his family in the middle of the night, without explanation or warning.

Of course, those favored by the king usually are among the wealthiest of the land, so Ashen did not have a horrible early childhood, before his father left. His memory is clipped into little bits and pieces; images of large, plush velvet pillows, silky curtains, and large beds with goose-down covers. And smiles. Everyone used to smile, laugh. Used to. The happy images end abruptly, and transform into vivid, more horrifying scenes. His mother sitting by the fire with tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes, mulling over letters of taxes that she, alone, no longer had the money to pay. A knight dressed in black robes and silver chain mail storming into the house and grabbing mother by her pinned up golden locks and throwing her outside into the storm, yelling that the house was now government property, and how she and Ashen would have to find somewhere else to live. Memories that haunt him to this day. And the cold... The nose-biting, mind-numbing cold. He'd never felt so frozen and stiff in his life. He'd always had the cheerful crackling of the fireplace as a constant company, and he'd never known how unforgiving the wind and snow could be. Yes, that was when his happy memories started to fade...

He and his mother were forced to live on the streets of Ibenia for a full five months, building small fires out of oil-soaked rags under awnings and in dead end alleyways, huddling for warmth and begging for pennies. Finally, near at the end of the fifth month, Ashen's mother rented a tiny, ratty apartment on the ground floor of one of the oldest building in the city, using the meager amount of money she'd managed to save up from her part-time just as a seamstress, stitching on the edge of the sidewalk with near-frostbitten fingers. The apartment wasn't much at all, it was only one room with a small, rickety bed crammed in the corner, and more rats scurrying on the rotting floorboards than Ashen cared to count. However, it did have a working fireplace that heated the room, and though it also filled it with smoke, it was more than they could ask for.

Through all of this, Ashen's mother remained the sweet, quiet soul that she'd always been, though her appearance changed slightly. Her once thick, neat gold curls was now willowy and messy, and gray hairs were starting to get mixed with the wheat-colored ones. Her overall appearance mirrored her hair, she always seemed more frail, her once rosy complexion was now pale, and her face was bare of any makeup. She was still rather beautiful, but living on the streets was not a life she was accustomed to, and had aged her greatly. Ashen had matured too, obviously not in the way his mother had, but he did not look like the boy of twelve that he was.

They lived like that for a while, and though Ashen never actually got employed, he got money by doing odd jobs all over the city. He always gave his earnings to his mother to pay for rent and food, and never thought of keeping a penny for himself. Ashen and his mother were happy. Cold at times, and poor, but happy. But, as Ashen was very familiar with, all good things come to an end eventually. A smoldering, bloody end.

Ashen was returning from the market one of the harsher winter days, clutching an old rice bag filled with bread and a few half-rotten vegetables for a stew that his mother had planned on making. Walking along the sidewalk and keeping his head bowed against the howling wind, he still managed to notice the unusual amount of yelling and commotion around him. When he looked up, he felt the air in his lungs freeze solid. Somehow, in the midst of a blizzard, the old building had caught fire. The building that his mother had been sleeping in when he left. The sack slipped from his hand to the snow-coated ground below him, scattering it's contents onto the road, but Ashen barely noticed. He tried to run into the flaming building, but the hands of the men trying to put out the fire dug into his skin, holding him back, until finally it was all he could do to was fall to his knees and sob, then wipe his cheeks before his tears froze to his face.

The clamor lasted for hours, the screams of the grief-stricken women, the roaring of the fire, and the dying his the flames made as bucket upon bucket of water was thrown at the building. Until, finally, everything faded. The fire was put out, and Ashen was left in the middle of the street, with nothing but the charred skeleton of his home and the powdery snowflakes falling around him.

Ashen stumbled through the alleyways of the city like a drunkard, more numb than he had ever been in his life. He'd never felt as empty as this. Everything he'd ever known had been ripped away from him. All over again. He couldn't feel the tears streaming down his cheeks, or the cold air freezing the ends of his fingers. Totally, and completely numb. It was well past midnight before his legs gave out, and he collapsed on someone's doorstep. He stared at the snow for a while, marveling at how white and pretty it was, and then his world went black.

When Ashen awoke, he was lying on a bed of clean white linens in a well-lit room, with plain cream painted walls. It was cozy, but chilly, though that was hardly what he was thinking about. There was a man sitting next to the bed, and he later learned that the man's name was Holl Izen, but Master Izen to Ashen. Ashen had been taken in by one of the retired mages of the kingdom, who happened to be looking for an apprentice. Apparently, Ashen fit Izen's requirements perfectly.

Izen would provide Ashen with shelter and food, in exchange for some help around the house, and of course, studying to become a mage. Ashen worked as hard as he could, grateful to finally have something interesting to apply himself to, so he advanced shockingly fast. He also found that he was strangely adept at fire bending, and though at first he hated his newfound talent, he learned to except it as merely just another one of his tricks.

After five long years of hard practice and studying, Izen decided that Ashen was fit to present to the king, and took the young mage to the king's court to give a small show. Ashen performed flawlessly, entrancing the crowd with his dangerous fire acts and card tricks almost as if her were a hypnotist. When he finally finished, exhausted, one of the king's servants informed him that the king would employ him as an official entertainer and magician, and even a soldier on rare occasions. Ashen hastily agreed, and was rewarded with a room of his own in a tower next to the king's castle where entertainers could stay if they so chose.

Ashen has been a mage ever since, and though he usually sleeps in the tower, he often goes to Izen's house to visit and chat about the recent happenings within the kingdom. He's content with his life, and it's reflected in his demeanor by being playfully rude and coy to almost everyone he meets. Despite the land being war, he's happier than he's ever been. Hopefully, these good memories won't have to fade away so soon...
Crush : Ha. N/A
Relationship Status : Single
Other :--
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• Soka •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:14 am



three years
yusko pack
subordinate (medic)



        Soka is one of the smaller wolves within his pack; weighing in at a rather unfortunate eighty two pounds and only standing at 38' at the shoulder. Because of this, however, he has a slim, lithe frame, packed with lean muscle, and long legs, allowing him to run faster than most and slip quietly through gaps in the underbrush. He uses this to his full advantage whenever he can, whether that be for chasing down small prey or sneaking up on unsuspecting pack members. His paws are also rather large for his physique, and though as a pup this made him quite clumsy, in recent years he's gained more control over his limbs and can tread silently.

        Soka's pelt is more than a little unusual for a timber wolf; nearly snow white with some gray around his flanks, tail, muzzle, and tips of his ears. It does little for him during the greener months of the year, but during the winter it thickens nicely and blends in near-perfectly with any snowfall on the ground. His eyes are light amber; constantly expressive and swirling with emotion. His only distinguishing marks are a few deep scratches around his muzzle and a small tear in his left ear.
        Known for his kind yet playful demeanour, Soka is a wise wolf who hasn't quite outgrown his puppy years.

        He's level-headed, most certainly, and has a sort of quiet strength about him, but there's a childish sense of fun in his heart as well. Soka's very objective, always knowing what has to be done, how, and when. He's honest as well, and caring. But when all serious business has been taken care of and his skills are no longer needed, his kind, business-like attitude drops and he allows himself to fool around a little. He's never annoying about it, and knows the time and place for everything, but he smiles easily and can usually coax a smile out of one or two of his packmates as well.

        If someone becomes sick or is injured, Soka usually gets a little motherly.
        Soka's past, while fairly unfortunate, is by far not the worst of his pack. His father died before he was born due to disease, so he has no recollection of the brute. The responsibility fell upon his mother, Tyrn, and the rest of the pack to raise Soka and his siblings. As the months went by, Soka became especially attached to his mother, who taught him everything she knew about the herbs in the forrest and how to use them. She also shaped him into the wolf he is today, teaching him to be calm and at peace with the world whenever he could.

        Unfortunately, most such good things come to an end. Both his mother and siblings were swept away by the flood, and though he spent days and days frantically searching for them, eventually the pack had to move on.

        He doesn't like to talk about it.
        Soka has no love interest at the moment, though he is open to the possibility.
Last edited by snowshoe. on Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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• John Blake •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:20 am


[ John Blake ] - [ male ] - [ seventeen ] - [ the sweetheart ]

              at first sight

              [ n a m e ] John Blake
              [ n i c k n a m e ] Just John.
              [ a g e ] Twenty. [20]
              [ b i r t h ] John was born on December 15th, in the Bronx area of New York City.
              [ g e n d e r ] Male.

          you're beautiful

          [ p h y s i c a l ][ a p p e a r a n c e ] For the most part, John has the charming physique of an overgrown puppy. His meagre eating habits combined with his usual running routine has allowed for him to build some lean muscle, but he has no bulk or fat to speak of. When added to his large six-foot stature, he really makes for quite the sight.

          In regards to his other traits, John bears a close resemblance to his father, much to his dismay. His dark coffee brown hair is cropped short most of the time, though lately he's been letting it grow out and become a little more disheveled. He has a hard jawline, thin pale lips, and very bright, watchful hazel eyes. His skin has always kept a decent tan during the summer, but during the winter his complexion turns considerably more pale. He's never really cared either way.

          As for his body modifications and other distinguishing marks, John has more than probably is permitted at the workplace: he strongly believes that if indeed one's body is a temple, decorations are most certainly in order. He has many tattoos of varying size and colour covering his chest and shoulders, ranging from a small sketch of a skull to a lotus flower on his forearm. None of them really stand out while he's wearing his uniform, though a few might peek out from under his neck collar. He has three small rings adorning his ear, and a small piercing through his eyebrow as well. As for marks of... a different nature, John also has more than most. Scars litter most of his body, not covering his skin, but definitely enough to be noticeable. The most prominent are a circular burn on his collarbone, a few deep scratches close to his right wrist, and a very thin, vertical white scar that cuts into the corner of his bottom lip to the centre of his chin. The rest of them are smaller or in more inconspicuous places.

          John has given up trying to hide the marks, but if he sees someone staring at them for too long he quickly becomes uneasy.

          [ e y e ][ c o l o r ] John's eyes are bright hazel, constantly expressive and swirling with emotion.
          [ h a i r ][ c o l o r ] Deep coffee brown, and usually more than a little disheveled. He used to keep his hair very short, but recently he's allowed it to grow out a little and get in front of his eyes.
          [ e t h n i c i t y ] Caucasian, from the U.S.A.
          [ h e i g h t ] 6 ft. 0 in.
          [ w e i g h ] 120 lbs

              under your skin

              [ p e r s o n a l i t y ] Despite his unfortunate past, John actually managed to turn out to be one of the nicer people in this world. He's kind to nearly anybody and anyone, with the sort of easygoing humor that makes him impossible not to love.
              [ h i s t o r y ] John grew up in downtown New York in the care of his abusive military father, Thompson Blake. His parents divorced when he was very young, and for most of his early years he was not permitted to visit his mother due to the unresolved anger both harboured for each other. He managed to make his way through primary school mostly unaffected by his home life, but eventually his father's endless physical and verbal abuse began to take its toll. With each day the boy seemed to become more and more withdrawn, lingering at the back of his classrooms, avoiding what friends he had managed to scrounge up, and jumping at the slightest noise or touch. It was during these years, particularly in high school, that John turned to drugs as a way of self-medicating his depression, and eventually tried to take his own life on his seventeenth birthday. His father found him in the bathroom, nearly unconscious, and managed to drive him to the hospital. After a few months in a clinic, it was decided that custody of John would go to his mother, and Thompson Blake would receive no visitation rights. From there, John's life slowly began to improve. Meredith, though disorganised and not the most typical of mothers, dearly loved her son and somehow managed to get him back onto a semblance of the right track. He managed to get his GED, get accepted into a community college and even find a job at his local bakery.
              [ l o v e s ] Children, baking, swimming while it rains, running, happy people, the ocean, small apartments, comfort food, peaches, and card-games.
              [ h a t e s ] Arrogance, bullies, violent drunks, rude costumers, liars, feeling powerless, stereotypes, and his father.
              [ f a m i l y ]
              Thompson Blake - Father
              Meredith Blake - Mother

          like clockwork

          [ f l a w s ] John isn't very good at trusting people with his feelings or secrets, never has been. He often keeps thing bottled up inside, which leads to him breaking down from time to time.
          [ t a l e n t ] John specialises in pastries, particularly pies and tarts.

              where is the love?

              [ c r u s h ] None as of yet.
              [ o r i e n t a t i o n ] Bisexual.
              [ s t a t u s ] Single

Skeleton created by light. All credits go to her.

Personality incomplete; soon to be finished.
Last edited by snowshoe. on Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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• Blythe Lee Thomas •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:24 am


Full Description --
Blythe is a boy of very typical height, standing at a decent 5'10'' with a slim build. He isn't very muscular, per say, but he has wiry muscle that he can put to good use. His complexion is very pale, and he only has a few sparse freckles, dotted along his face and arms. Hardly noticeable marks, though. It all pairs quite nicely with his eyes, little chips of the midnight sky condensed into two round orbs that can sparkle with delight, which they usually do, or glare at someone with such contempt that it sometimes seems as if they will get pulled into the black voids of his pupils. He has a small nose and light cherry lips, with his only body modifications on his face being a piercing on his eyebrow and another snakebite on his bottom lip. The has an earring on the top of his left ear, but it's usually hidden quite well by his curly chestnut brown hair, laced with sunny blonde and in a permanent state of disarray. His neck is pale and elegant, and right on the nape of his neck is a tattoo in cursive lettering that reads 'Love will save us all.' He has well-muscled shoulders, but his fingers are slim and nimble, from years of playing piano. He has more strength in his legs and abdomen, though.



Name --
Blythe Lee Thomas

Gender --

Sexual Orientation --
"Pansexual. I tend to date guys more though..."

Age --

Birth Date --
"April 1st, 2013. Yeah, kinda sucked when I was little."


About Your Character

Likes --
·Hot chocolate. And marshmallows. And lollipops. He has a sweet tooth...
·Green fire. When you burn driftwood from the beach? Yeah, that.
·Clear night skies.
·City lights.
·All animals under the sun.
·Old tree-swings.
·Vintage items.
·Polaroid cameras.
·Anything that doesn't make any sense at all.

Dislikes --
·Henceforth, liars.
·Being lonely. Not alone, but lonely.
·Teachers. In a weird, love-hate way.
·People who assume too much.
·Preppy people.

Interests --
·Photography, from a very young age. He always keeps a camera with him, and will take a picture of just about anything he thinks is unique or interesting.
·Poetry. Anything that conveys emotion means a lot to him.
·Snowboarding. It makes him feel like he's gliding.
·Stargazing and astronomy.
·Reading. He has a small book he always carries with him, leather bound and titled 'Collected Stories'.
·All kinds of machinery. He's a gearhead.
·Music. He absolutely adores music, especially non-vocal.

Favorite Color --

Favorite Book --
Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll

Favorite Subject in School--
"Lunch was always fun..."
Language Arts.


Looks, Basic

Height --
Five feet, ten inches. And for everyone else not in loony U.S.A., that would be 1.778 meters.

Weight --
140 lbs, or 63.5 kg.

Hair Color --
Hazelnut to chestnut colored curly hair, constantly at least somewhat disheveled. It's rather soft though, despite it's ragged appearance, unless Blythe really was rolling around in the mud or something.

Eye Color --
His eyes are little chips of the midnight sky condensed into two round orbs, a deep, mesmerizing blue.

Skin Tone --
Fairish paleish. Depends on the season.

Ethnicity --


Relatives and Family

Mother --
Tyri Erika Thomas; Maiden name Tillstrom.

Father --
Blake Lee Thomas. [deceased]

Brother{s} --
Alec Blake Thomas; age 13.

Sister{s} --
Margret Grace Thomas [deceased]

Aunt{s} --
Linn Tillstrom [mother's side]

Uncle{s} --

Grandmother{s} --
All deceased.

Grandfather{s} --
All deceased.

Any Other Family Members, List Here
"Small family."


Your Character In Depth

Personality --
Blythe has a very easy-to-roll-with personality. He loves people, and loves making people happy.

He's pretty weird, though, at least it seems so to a few. He'll try to get along with the meanest of the crowd, and always try to be understanding of them, even if there is nothing to understand. He smiles when he can and likes to talk, about anything. He'll go on for hours on a subject that he's never even heard about before, just because anything unknown is interesting to him. He's opinionated, silly, playful... sounds like a rambunctious five-year old, except without any of the temper tantrums. He's doesn't even realize that it seems like his mind is stuck thirteen years back. He doesn't even get why it should be any different, or why people hurt each other. He's blissfully naive.

Naive, and a dreadful dreamer. After all, nobody can be on hyperdrive all the time, right? He drifts off more easily than most people breathe. Blythe can't even help, it really. Nearly failed school because of it. Sure, he was smart and all, but when it came to sitting through a lecture, or something he couldn't be engaged in... his mind would wonder off just like that. Now that he's out of school though, he usually finds himself playing with his illusions when he gets tired, or when he is looking at something for too long, like the sunset, little dolls will suddenly start dancing in front of him or some other nonsense. He quite enjoys it, and actually gets a pretty good kick out of watching his illusions. When he lets his mind slip it seems as if they just take off on their own.

Along with all his niceness and daydreaming, Blythe sometimes lets his mouth slip. As in, he may tease a bit too much on occaision. He doesn't mean anything by it, of course he doesn't, but it's just how he views the world. By pointing out the fun in everything, and laughing at himself and others, his jokes usually brighten up the mood. He always knows when he's gone too far, and does try to patch things up if he's gone overboard. He's pretty good at reading people that way.

And then there's what happens if you go overboard. He gets hurt if you're dishonest, or if you betray him. He can handle a fairly large amount of teasing in silence, but you'll know when you've hurt him. The happiness, the twinkle in his eyes just disappears. He'll never cry in front of anyone, so he usually decides just to back away for a while. If you persist, he'll break. Blythe's breaking point is not pretty.

History --
From the looks of Blythe's cheery personality, and even his name, most people wouldn't think that he's had a lot of tragic ordeals in his life. Hell, who's to blame you? He doesn't look the type... but looks can be deceiving.

Blythe grew up in Sweden, his home in the small coast town of Lysekil. His mother had been raised in that village and had lived in the fishing village all her life, while his father had moved from the U.S. to Europe, and had taken quite a liking to the beaches and serenity of Europe's countryside, among other things. He was happy in this strange, cold place, and vowed that he would live the rest of his days and die at their little house on the cliff, overlooking the frigid waters of the North Sea. Tyri was quite content with the decision. She had no desire to leave Lysekil, it was all she'd ever known. Soon enough, they had a child they named Blythe, and close after another one, whom they called Alec. And the two fit together perfectly.

Blythe would lay down his life for his younger brother, no questions asked. He loved him with all his heart and then some. And in Blythe's mind, that's exactly what the older sibling's job is. His mother and father were usually busy working, whether it was fishing, mending cloth, or cooking the food. They were loving parents of course, but earning a steady income isn't easy. So most of the time, Blythe and Alec were left alone, with the ocean in front of them and the woods behind them. They did what any rational mind would do: have the time of their lives.

Soon followed the birth of Margret Grace. Blythe accepted her without hesitation, and Alec took a bit more time warming up to the idea of having a toddler to share his room space with. Soon they both were taking care of her, and doing an okay job at it too, for two inexperienced teens. They fed her, put her to bed, and most importantly, spent countless hours playing peek-a-boo behind the couch with her.

So his life was perfect. He had two siblings to make him happy, two parents to care for him, food in his stomach and clean clothes on his back. For a while, nothing seemed to be able to possibly go wrong. Of course, as we all know, just when nothing could possibly go wrong, everything does.

Blythe's father and Margret had taken their old pick-up to drive to town. It would be her first time seeing the market. Blythe and Alec would have accompanied them, but they were asked by their mother to stay behind and help her mend the fishing nets. So the two bade them goodbye, unaware of the dark thunderheads looming over the horizon.

Five hours later, and they still weren't home. Blythe, his mother and his brother had comforted their jittery nerves by telling themselves that his father had decided not to come home in the tempest, and had found a hotel to stay at. They'd be home by tomorrow.

In a way, they were right. Margret and Blake did come home tomorrow. They were wrapped in white sheets, with crosses hanging from their necks, in the back of a black car. Their bodies had washed up on shore early in the morning. It was the police's guess that Blake lost control of the car when he reached one of the narrow, muddy parts of the road, and completely blinded by the rain, he swerved the truck off the cliff and into the ocean. Something like that. Blythe couldn't remember hearing too much of the story, or too much of anything at all, really. Shock and grief took up all the space in his mind usually reserved for rational thoughts.

Months later, the remainder of the Thomas family packed their bags and moved to the U.S.A. Blake had a small plot of land there that he rented off to people for spare income, and he had some relatives close by willing to help out with bills and support the family.

And so Blythe's frayed life began again.

Romantic Interest --
None as of yet, but subject to change.

Romantic Relationship --
Single and not actively looking, but after all, who doesn't want a bit of romance? He'll take life as it comes to him.

Dressing Style --
Blythe dresses extremely simply, since his family doesn't have the money that so many others do. Most all of his clothing is strictly just to keep him from freezing, like this scarf that he always has around his neck. He also uses a pair of fingerless leather gloves, that do provide some warmth, but he needs his fingertips free for managing small gears and screws. After that, his clothing is pretty simple. He has a thick gray hoodie, a collection of equally plain v-neck shirts, and some blue and black jeans. And he won't wear shoes if he can help it.


Your Character's Ability

Ability --
Blythe has the ability to to create illusions, ranging from images shown in a fire to entire alternate realities he can create in someone's head. He can also manipulate the weather and atmospheric conditions, a power known as atmokinesis.

Explain --
Illusion Creation: The ability to create illusions. In Blythe's case, this mean that he could create a small puppet to dance around a fire and entertain his brother, or he can delve into someone's mind and change the reality that they are in. If he is creating a Simple Illusion, the former, you can stick your hand through the illusion, it won't hurt you etc. It isn't really. If he creates a Complex Illusion, your brain will convince you that what he is creating is reality. So, in other words, if he creates an illusion that you are playing with a cat and the cat scratches your arm, you will feel the pain and see the scratch, when there is truly nothing there.
Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation): Linkie. Standard stuff. He can manipulate temperature, electricity, anything that has to do with the weather.

Note: He has little control over both of his powers. He lets them get out of hand with his emotions, and his results in chaos. Especially when he lets his abilities with illusions influence his dreams. Horrid nightmares spring up that he cannot wake from, and with his fitful sleep comes gales and rain.

Change in Physical Appearance --
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• Lavi Kyre •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:29 am

Lavi Kyre
Visual description:
Lavi... is a rather 'small' person. He's certainly not the type you'd expect to be mechanic of an airship, that's for sure. Though he does have some muscle on him, his hands are lithe, he's pretty short, and might be a bit on the scrawny side. He has the features of a boy, not a battle-hardened sailor. This probably has dragged him down through the years, especially when he was looking for work, but he still has no complaints about his looks.

Lavi has incredibly bright cyan eyes, with small flecks of darker blues towards the edge of his irises. They're very expressive, and always have some intangible gleam in them like that of an old friend trying to contain his laughter. The boy also has a very pale complexion that is always tainted by ash or smudges of grease. This only makes his eyes stand out all the more, even if his hair frequently gets in the way of his sight. It's an odd shade of brown, almost as if the tresses are covered in dust, and stray locks are always sticking out in every direction. He spends absolutely no time trying to tame the wild mop of hair, and just lets it be.

As was stated before, Lavi is short and a bit scrawny, though he does have some obvious muscle. His clothing is simple and usually stained, just a brown pair of trousers and a white shirt. If he's working on something particularly messy, he'll slip on a pair of overalls and gloves. Something he constantly wears, though, whether he is on the job or not, is a pair of brass aviator goggles. When not over his eyes, they rest on his forehead, with their loose brown leather strap tucked behind one ear.
Pretty short, standing at 5'4''.
115 lbs.
Alignment and Profession:
Rebel, Ship Mechanic
Lavi's personality is pretty bright, considering the certain circumstances of the war that he is fighting in. He's quirky at best, and a bit on the odd side, but still incredibly friendly. He'll butt in at the most awkward times of a conversations, yell the loudest, and get tangled up in ropes the most often, but he smiles through most of it. He likes teasing people and fooling around, but his nonsense usually doesn't get on anyone's nerves. That is, unless he's supposed to be working. He's a terrible procrastinator.

Now, all this friendlyness and such, believe it or not, usually gets him into trouble. He makes alliances with the worst of people, and his judgement is also clouded because of his willingness to believe that there is no one in the world who is out to get him. He doesn't get the war he is fighting in; he gets machinery and airships. He wants to get along with the Federation, but that's probably only because he's never had any terribly close encounters with their fleet, only skirmishes.

Past his joking, almost jester-like exterior, Lavi is actually quite kind and sympathetic. He can't to see people hurt, and behaves almost motherly to wounded soldiers. He loves companionship, and frequently gets lonely in the bowels of the airships that he works on. He needs to feel... wanted. Like he's part of something more than just the Rebel fleet.
Lavi was born in a cabin right on the outskirts of the city, well away from the polution and noise that contaminated the lives of so many. His mother, Annabel Kyre, died shortly after giving birth to him, her only child, which left him to live with his father, Morgan. The man was a cartographer, and though he was caring, he was very busy and rarely was able to spend quality time with his child.

Most of the time, this was fine by Lavi. Of course, he craved attention like any human being, but he had the forest right in his backyard. Among the trees was where he'd spend his days, simply laying on the floor lazily or tinkering with an old watch or some other trinket that his father gave him. Every weekend, Morgan would sit down with his son and catch him up on his studies, even though Lavi never really paid too much attention. He was bad at sitting still then.

When Lavi reached twelve, he was his father finally gave him permission to go into the city. There, he bought his aviator goggles, which he still uses constantly, and he saw his first airship. Since that day, the city became his new place to think. The hum of activity around him was comforting. Eventually, Lavi was seen around the hangars for the ships so much that a mechanic took invited him to start working on the ship with him. Lavi joined a rebel pirate ship at the age of sixteen.
·Being sociable, in a way. He as a sort of 'odd' relationship with just about everyone.
·His job. He's one of the best mechanics in the Rebel faction, and is very damn well proud of it.
·His curiosity. Lavi likes to find out things and tinker with things, all the time.
·Hand to hand combat. More of a 'try plan, and if that fails, run to the hills' type of guy. He's handy with a gun, though.
·Being aware of his place on a ship. Respect towards his superiors really just doesn't come naturally.
·He's a bit too trusting...
·Does candy count? He's pretty gullible when it comes to sweet things.
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• Casey Lee Roland •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:31 am

Casey Lee Roland
Usually called Case.

"Would you like to check?"
Male. Very much male.

Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation): Linkie. Standard stuff. He can manipulate temperature, electricity, anything that has to do with the weather.

Physical Appearance
Hair messily spiked into a pale green mohawk, piercings and tattoos, Case's looks are the epitome of punk culture. When it comes to his appearance, a general philosophy is 'the wilder, the better'. His eyes are whitewash green, only a shade or too darker than his dyed hair color. They're very expressive and always mess up his poker face, no matter how stoic he makes his expression, so when he's lying, he usually looks towards the ground. He's only a bit short for his age, 5'5'', but enough so that most boys are taller than him and could even get by teasing him about it. His clothing is slightly torn and faded, not of the best quality, but still very usable.

His most noticeable tattoo is on his neck, pictured above, and he has a small, round scar below his collarbone. He assumes it is an old bullet wound, also judging by the chain around his neck, which has a brass 44 caliber shell casing hanging from it.

Case, as many people assume when they first meet him, is a rebellious teenager. He holds no respect for almost any kind of authority, especially those who claim to have power of him simply because they are 'adults'. crap. He'll do what he wants. He isn't too irrational though, and won't do the opposite of what someone tells him to do just for spite. But if you're bossy, don't expect him to stay around long. He has a very low tolerance for people who are arrogant, impatient, snotty, airheaded, or spoiled. He can come to love flaws of his friends, but if he meets a stranger whose entire personality is dominated by these traits, he isn't one to keep peeling away at the 'hard shell' until he gets to the nonexistent 'gummy center'.

He isn't a person who craves attention all the time. Sure, he'll talk to someone if they're standing right in front of him, but he doesn't at all mind sitting on the floor with only his thoughts for a while. He can withstand a long time of solitude, and has before. He onyl misses having someone to speak with for a short while before he slowly retreats within himself.

Now, in general, Case is a calm person, definitely not one of the jumping up and down and can't-stop-for-the-life-of-me types. Unless you get him angry, or, on extremely rare occasions, excited. Then his whole calm thing kinda disappears.

His memory is sketchy, but he is frequently plagued by horrifying nightmares of what he recalls. He was shot, when he was young, by his mother's boyfriend. And he remembers being alone.
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• Sora (Erris) Sairoth •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:40 am


Sora Sairoth
Sora is a very shy innocent boy, who enjoys helping others and generally trying to be useful in any way he can. He may not speak too much as he works, unless he is familiar with the person he's speaking too, but he loves to have something to do with his hands. Though he may not be a good choice to use for physical labor, he's very good and weaving and picking out berries and herbs from the gardens and the forest. Many people worry for him because he likes to stray from the village to find the rarer grasses and roots that many don't dare go out in search for. But they worry in vain, because though he may act cowed and bashful, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do if he want to wander off short of tying him to a post.

Despite how he usually acts, he's actually very fun-loving and loves to play nearly anything with others. He loves being entertained and laughing, and always has a small smile on his face. He loves everything that he does, so why not be happy?
Sora grew up in a large family of eight, and even though he was the youngest of his siblings, his parents never had the time to look after him. So as he grew older, at about nine, he became accustomed to being alone and learned to enjoy the subtle feelings of serenity that came with being secluded. Not that he'd ever deny company, but he finds that the sounds of the forest and the animals around him are much better listeners. So he fell in love with the woods and the plants that he collected, and started spending more time out of the village than ever. He's never encountered a Demon or Mutant though, and the very thought of seeing one scares him greatly.
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• Adrien Tarrow •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:48 am


Name: Adrien Tarrow
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Realm: Terrae
Status: Commoner
» Occupation: Soldier
» Hair: dark coffee brown; fine; short; unruly
» Eyes: vivid blue; intense
» Skin: fair; bruised and scarred
» Face: square; hard jawline; clean-shaven
» Body: 5'9; lean; athletic; agile
» Style: simple; no shoes; light
» Voice: medium
» Impression: strong; at peace
Personality: content; strong; quiet; kind; composed; protective; loyal; strong sense of duty/right and wrong
Description: More than anything else, Adrien Tarrow is a tranquil individual. While not composed to the point of unfeeling, Adrien has long since made peace with both himself and the world around him, content in his strong will and harmony with nature. Adrien is usually considered more quiet than his boisterous and foul-mouthed military companions, but is by no means unsociable. He is kind to most everyone he meets, and is quite loyal and protective over those who have proven themselves to be his friends. He shows similar dedication to the army and his realm, as well as honouring the memory of his late father. While many people would not expect such an attitude from an individual who greatly respects life and the world around him, Adrien carries out his duties with diligence and skill. He's most at home in Terrae's great forests, or in his mother's small farmhouse.
Background: Despite Adrien's status as a commoner, he considers himself to be quite fortunate in life and has always been grateful for what he's been given. Adrien grew up on a farm with his mother, a few miles outside the capital of Terrae. Balin, Adrien's father and former soldier, passed away when the boy had only just started walking. He is not quite able to remember the man much, though Aanya's loving stories of her husband have always kept his memory alive. Despite the adversities that came with raising two children and tending to a plot of land on her own, Aanya proved to be an excellent and caring mother; teaching her children about the forest and their responsibilities to their realm and family when they were quite young. At nineteen, Adrien decided to follow in his father's footsteps and join the army, where he discovered his ability to manipulate fire. He has been honing his skills ever since, and still makes time whenever he can to visit his mother and little sister.
Aanya "Windigo" Tarrow (mother)
Balin Tarrow (late father)
Ava Tarrow (younger sister)
Abilities: Adrien possesses the rare ability to create and control fire.
Other: Though Adrien has never been formally educated, one of his mother's friends taught him the basic writing characters and he enjoys keeping a journal. He wants to learn more, but considers himself to be quite slow regarding academic subjects, so he mostly keeps his intellectual curiosity to himself.
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• Benjamin Kurt Connors •

Postby snowshoe. » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:55 am

Name: Benjamin Kurt Connors
Gender: Male
Age: 22
» Birthday: December 15th
Residency: Chicago, Illinois
Occupations: College Student; Part-time Mechanic
» Hair: dusty brown; straight; short; neat
» Eyes: pale blue; almond-shaped
» Skin: ivory; riddled with scars
» Face: hard jaw-line; clean-shaven
» Body: 6'2; lean muscle; thin
» Style: simple; inexpensive
» Voice: medium-range; slightly rough
» Impression: serious
Personality: quiet; impulsive; troubled; honest; persistent; kind; aloof; slightly dysfunctional
Description: Ben considers himself to be quite unremarkable regarding his appearance. He is of average build (though he may be a bit taller than most), dresses simply, and has short, tidy light brown hair. The only thing that seems to stand out about him are his washed-out blue eyes, which most people find to be unnerving if they hold his gaze. His scars also draw attention, especially the deep vertical scar marring the underside of his wrist. He has a hard jaw-line and defined cheekbones, giving him the grave look of someone older than his age. Ben's mannerisms portray a similar image. While he is not completely cold and distant, he is having trouble adjusting to his current environment. This offsets his mood quite a lot and makes him a little less-than-tolerant of any crap anyone tries to pull around him. He keeps to himself most of the time, but given the chance to prove himself, he reveals himself to be rather good-natured despite his troubles.
Background: Ben grew up in downtown Chicago in the care of his abusive military father, Brent Connors. His parents divorced when he was very young, and for most of his early years he was not permitted to visit his mother due to the unresolved anger both harboured for each other. He managed to make his way through primary school mostly unaffected by his home life, but eventually his father's endless physical and verbal abuse began to take its toll. With each day the boy seemed to become more and more withdrawn, lingering at the back of his classrooms, avoiding what friends he had managed to scrounge up, and jumping at the slightest noise or touch. It was during these years, particularly in high school, that Ben turned to drugs as a way of self-medicating his depression, and eventually tried to take his own life on his eighteenth birthday. His father found him in the bathroom, nearly unconscious, and managed to drive him to the hospital. After a few months in a clinic, it was decided that custody of Ben would go to his mother, and Brent Connors would receive no visitation rights. From there, Ben's life slowly began to improve. Rachel, though disorganised and not the most typical of mothers, dearly loved her son and somehow managed to get him back onto a semblance of the right track. Though he never completely quit doing heroin, he managed to get his GED, get accepted into a community college and even find a job at his local auto-shop.
Brent Connors (father)
Rachel Mulligan (mother)
Other: Ben is a heroin addict, and has been since the age of twenty-one.

Power Summary
Themes: Darkness; Volatility
°Combustion Inducing
°Fire Resistance
°Night Vision
°Umbrageous Invisibility
» Combustion Inducing: The ability to mentally explode non-living objects at will.
» Fire Resistance: The quality of being resistant to all forms of fire.
» Illusions: The ability to alter the visual perceptions of others.
» Laceration: The ability to mentally induce cuts and lacerations on another within a range of seven metres.
» Night Vision: The quality of being able to see clearly in darkness.
» Pyrokinesis: The ability to manipulate fire.
» Umbrageous Invisibility: The ability to be imperceptible in darkness and only barely visible in shadow.
» Umbrakinesis: The ability to manipulate darkness and the ability to make constructs from deactivated photons.
Last edited by snowshoe. on Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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