In Depth Characters

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Postby feyre.archeron » Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:34 am

    The  night  is  dark 
    and  full  of  terrors

    name: melisandre
    nickname: misande
    age: she is four and a half years
    rank: fighter
    built: slender and agile
    fur: beautiful red tinged with
    blacks and greys.

    eyes: her eyes are rich amber
    skills: she is wise and intelligent
    with great fighting speed and ag
    ile movements.

    voice: melisandre
    impression: cocky & flirtatious
    main traits: sarcastic & funny
    + traits: protective and careful
    - traits: indifferent and snarky
    melisandre is a wise wolf, seeming to
    have lived longer than her years woul
    d tell. She is a loner most of the time
    but when she speaks her words seem
    to pull you in. She has a way with her
    words like no other. Her birth pack w
    as killed in a fire but the young wolf
    has an odd affection for the flames t
    hat is skeptical for a wolf. She is a ra
    ther aloof wolf, often disappearing f
    or a time or seeming indifferent to o
    thers. She enjoys her time alone to l
    earn from the world around.

    but  the  fire  burns 
    them  all  away.
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:05 pm

    Greed Goddess of Hunt and Wild Animals
    name: artemis
    gender: female
    age: six years
    rank: lead hunter
    pack: insert here
    color: red and grey
    eyes: dark green
    build: lean and slender

    mother: damerian
    father: zulon
    siblings: lucian
    kin: none
    love interest:

    impression: quiet & controlled
    main traits: earthy & confident
    + traits: helpful & intelligent
    - traits: aloof & sharp-tongued

    All men must die,
    but we are not men.
    the autumn daughter, that is what they called her. born in the middle
    of autumn, she was lucky to have survived. the only born of her litter
    she was an immediate favorite of her unruly brother lucian. she neve
    r seemed to show any form of aggression and instead took everything
    in stride, her
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:50 am

    The Basics
    [name] her name is saturn shapel
    [nicknames] she has no nickname
    s though occasionally gets called
    shay or satu.

    [gender] she is a female and iden
    tifies as such.

    [age] she is twenty one years.
    [sexuality] she is bisexual w/ a p
    reference for women.

    [rank] she is a hunter.
    [family] her sister jupiter is the
    only known family that she has
    as she was abandoned at a youn
    g age and left in an orphanage.

    [partner] insert here
    [first impression] stand-offish, d
    istant, uncaring.

    [positice traits] humerous, loyal,
    devoted, loving, caring, dauntle
    ss, playful, caring, brave.

    [negative traits] manipulative, s
    elf-destructive, misunderstood,
    sarcastic, cautious, cunning, t
    rickster, devilish, possessive.
    There is a savage beast in every man, and when
    you hand that man a sword or spear and send hi
    m forth to war, the beast stirs. The scent of blo
    od is all it takes to wake him.
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:36 am

You’re  mine.  Mine,  as  I’m  yours.  And  if  we  die,  we  die. 
All  men  must  die,  Jon  Snow.  But  first  we’ll  live.


The daughter of a hunter, Ygritte was born for the thrill of the kill. Her father was no werewolf hunter thou
gh. He spent his time hunting elk and deer to feed his small family.
Ygritte earned her first bow at the age o xxx
f seven when she began accompanying her father on hunts and though she had learned how to use a hunt wi
the a knife and a gun as well, she much preferred the silence of the arrow. Her accuracy grew as she did an
d by the age of nine her father had made her her very own bow and arrow, though it was not to be granted t
o her until her sixteenth name day.
Ygritte worked day and night on her skill, she shot arrows at bottles and
apples, at trees and flowers, anything that she could, all in hopes that they day she received her bow she w
ould be the greatest marksman her father had ever seen.
Ygritte, despite her earthy ways, was also drawn i
nto fairy tales and magic. She loved anything that gave the world a secrecy, a mystery. She believed in elves
and werewolves, in vampires and witches, she believed in everything that tested the natural realm, and her
belief would grow stronger. Shortly after her sixteenth name day death visited her family in the form of a w
olf. Large and salivating, it leaped from the bushes just inches from her and her father. He had no time to r
eact before its teeth sunk deep into his neck.
Ygritte notched her bow, but the creature turned to her, its e
yes... incredibly human eyes... watching her. The creatures shape changed and like that it was a human sta
nding before her. It was that day that she found her calling, with an arrow between the eyes.


name: ygritte wildling
gender: female
age: nineteen and a half
rank: werewolf hunter
sexuality: heterosexual, bi-curious
family: none living.
love interest: insert here
weapon of choice: bow and arrow m
ade by her father when she was you
nger, made of wood.

style: nordic, furs and skins.
+ traits: intelligent, dauntless, outg
oing, playful, curios, headstrong

- traits: sarcastic, quick-tempered,
blunt, sharp-tongued

xxWildling to the bone.

voice: ygritte
voice claim: rose leslie
face claim: rose leslie
name claim: george r. r. martin/ga
me of thrones

quote: game of thrones/ygritte

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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:04 pm

    The world is full of hor
    rors, Tommen. You can fig
    ht them, or laugh at them
    name: jaime
    nickname: the lion wolf
    age: he is four years two months
    rank: fighter
    built: strong and muscular
    fur: handsome blonde and brown
    mixed together.

    eyes: his eyes are rich amber
    skills: he is strong and brutal in
    during fights.

    voice: jaime lannister
    impression: cocky & flirtatious
    main traits: sarcastic & funny
    + traits: protective and careful
    - traits: indifferent and snarky
    jaime is a clever wolf with brute stre
    ngth. this skilled fighter has no qual
    ms about killing and will do what he
    believes is right so long as it keeps hi
    s pack safe. he is heterosexual so he
    tends to be rather cocky and flirtatio
    us around any female who will give h
    im the time of day. he has earned th
    e nickname the lion due to his fierce
    prowess and noble look on life yet h
    e can occasionally do things of a qu
    estionable nature and is not always
    easy to like. he is very much a lead
    er in his own way and makes for a
    rather decent beta who weighs the f
    airness of all situation.

    or look without seeing . . .
    go away inside.
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am


name:silentclaw,dustpaw; dustkit
silent, due to him being deaf
claw, due to him being a brilliant fighter

gender: tomcat; male
age: 34 moons
rank: warrior
sexuality:bisexual; no preference
height:9.10 inches
weight:8.13 pounds
build: tall, slender, lithe
skills: fighting, jumping, catching birds,

lacking: communication, silentclaw is became
completely deaf at the age of 27 moons.

scent: catmint and lavender
crush: open
mate: open
kits: open
kin: none
origin: clan born
breed: oriental shorthair, no lineage

despite being deaf, silentclaw has a good sense o
f humor and a great outlook on life. always posit
ive, this tom finds a way to make any situation a
good situation. he is friendly with everyone but i
s choosy about who he lets close to him. he is an
awkward lover and a gentle partner, and tries to
find the absolute best in everyone he meets. he
ignores those who mock or bully him (not that it
is all that hard) and tries not to let much of anyt
hing bring him down. he does as he is told (so lo
ng as he knows he is told) and is very loyal to his
clan and those he considers friends of his.
silentclaw was not always deaf, born to th
e name dustkit for his orange coat and tab
by markings, he could hear just as well as
any cat. he was the first kit to his mother
willowtail and the third litter for shrewno
se who had passed before he was born. hi
s mother was older than most queens but
was glad for her singular healthy kit. he l
earned just as any kit did. it wasn't until
he was ten moons old that he realized so
mething was changing. he wasn't picking
up on commands as quickly which often l
anded him in picking ticks off the elders.
his hunting skills faltered as did his fight
ing skills as he struggled catch minute so
unds any other warrior would have. he w
as made a warrior at 17 moons instead of
12 and his hearing just got worse. his mo
ther fell sick with an infection and as her
life faded he struggled to come to terms
with all the distress in his life. he was rar
ely invited on patrols or hunting parties a
nd was set to helping around camp and la
bled worthless by his clanmates. in the da
rk of the night he would sneak from his ne
st to practice hunting despite his lack of h
earing. at 27 moons he realized he could n
o longer hear even the whisper of noise an
d his world became deathly silent. the me
dicine cat came to the conclusion that he
was in fact deaf and shared the news with
the clan. despite this, he learned to hunt
and fight with the disability and became
quite skilled, refusing to let others tell h
im he could not be a warrior.
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am


name: paleeye; palepaw; palekit
given the name for his blue eye.

gender: tomcat; male
age: sixty-four moons
rank: warrior
sexuality: heterosexual
height: 9.3 inches
weight: 8.4 pounds
build: slender yet muscular
skills: agility, speed, climbing, fighting
lacking: strength, force, hunting
scent: carries the scent of soil and undergrowth
crush: uninterested but open
mate: currently open, swallowfeather
kits: splashpaw, minnowkit, rustkit
kin: none currently living
origin: clan born
breed: non-specific, mixed, DSH

paleeye is a mellow warrior, one who wishes only
for the safety of his clan. he is not outright viciou
s and wishes only to fight when it is needed. he is
often alone, as he has been in a constant state of
silence since his mate died. he is a dutiful father
and cares greatly for his only living kit. when he l
oves he gives all he is into whomever it is that has
earned his heart. he is loyal and protective with a
splash of jealous in there somewhere. he can be t
rusted and easy to talk to as he will listen to just
about any complaint without ever sharing it with
another cat.
palekit was born alongside his sister mintkit,
both of whom were healthy kits. he grew ra
ther quickly, quicker than his sibling who se
emed to fall behind on everything. despite
that, he stuck by her side defending her, ev
en when it was confirmed that she would n
ever reach her full potential. he never trul
y understood what was wrong with his siste
r, as she stayed small the entire time she li
ved and as he got older he realized that sh
e had a larger head than most kits and coul
dn't seem to walk a straightline, yet he alw
ays tried to teach her what he learned from
the apprentices. it was shortly after he ear
ned his apprentice name that she passed a
way, however, his heart stayed soft, always
taking time out of his day to ensure others
more needy than he were taken care of. he
had a particular fondness for those with dis
abilities, (i.e. blind, deaf, crippled, ect.) w
hen he met his mate and his kits were born
he thought he had all he needed but it was
not long after they earned their paw names
that she fell ill with an unknown sickness th
at took her life far to fast from him and his
kits. Following her death, two of their kits
fell sick with greencough that resulted in t
heir death. splashpaw is all he has left of h
is mate and family and he is very dutiful to
her, giving her all he can.
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:18 am


name:splashpelt; splashpaw; splashkit
named for her calico pelt

gender: she-cat; female
age: seven moons
rank: apprentice
height: full grown: 8.10 inches
weight: full grown: 7.2 pounds
build: rather small, slender
skills: agility, hunting, cunning, speed
lacking: strength, offense fighting, concentration
scent: creek water and rain
crush: open
mate: not old enough
kits: not old enough
kin: paleeye (father)
origin: clan born
breed: non-specific, mixed, DSH

the opposite of her father, splashpaw is spunky an
d dutifully rebellious on all accounts. she is often
sarcastic and acts as though she cares little for th
e warrior code. this outside appearance, however,
is not absolutely the truth. a strong believer in sta
rclan, she follows the code much closer than most
believe. she is dutiful to those she cares about but
does not go out of her way the way her father doe
s for those who are weaker. she portrays herself as
rude and uncaring in a way to defend herself from
any pain she could possibly endure.
palekit was born alongside his sister mintkit,
splashkit was born in the midst of winter, al
ongside her two siblings, minnowkit and rus
tkit. she was the strongest of the three but
all were healthy, her mother took extreme
care of them and taught them the basics o
f caring for themselves. splashpelt was a m
ama's girl, spending all her time with swallo
wfeather rather than playing with the other
kits. when the sickness took her it shook spl
ashpelt to the bone. the once docile kit bec
ame unruly and indifferent to others, yet sh
e kept her moral code. though she has the m
ost dutiful father she could ask for it has ne
ver been enough to fill the void of her moth
er and when her siblings fell sick, the rest o
f her self control vanished. since then she ha
s done all she can to push others away and k
eep anyone from being close to her. she is in
dependent and doesn't rely on even her fath
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Re: In Depth Characters

Postby feyre.archeron » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:31 pm

LUMEN "Give me a part of you no one else sees"
she-cat ✦ 22 moons ✦ pansexual ✦ rogue ✦ fire & rosemary ✦ no crush ✦ mentions: ✦ tags: ✦ voice


SILENTCLAW "Give me a part of you no one else sees"
tomcat ✦ 34 moons ✦ bisexual ✦ warrior (deaf) ✦ catmint & lavendar ✦ no crush ✦ mentions: ✦ tags: ✦ voice


SPLASHPAW "Give me a part of you no one else sees"
she-cat ✦ 7 moons ✦ homosexual ✦ apprentice (emberfoot) ✦ creek water & rain ✦ no crush ✦ mentions: ✦ tags: ✦ voice


PALEEYE "Give me a part of you no one else sees"
tomcat ✦ 64 moons ✦ heterosexual ✦ warrior ✦ soil & undergrowth ✦ no crush ✦ mentions: ✦ tags: ✦ voice

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