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Old art from the Official weekly challenge board will be moved here automatically when the weekly challenge timer runs out.

If you didn't finish your drawing in time for the current challenge, feel free to post it in the weekly challenge board anyway, as it will eventually make its way here with the other retired challenge art :)
  • Gallery display:

Zach doing what he loves- Science
by Lierre @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:23 pm [Reply]

Loving the bigger canvas. Much more like my other programs.

zach u nerd

My persona
by Coolpaw5 @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:27 pm [Reply]

This is pretty much how i look i guess... :) Its cute that little cat there... :D So thank you for looking at this, and sorry, i didnt put layers so i couldnt color it... :( Bye!

by briannna27 @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:26 pm [Reply]

My character Aqua. i do believe this follows all the rules, if I need to I can add clothes but I was too lazy to draw them originally.

Cotton Fluff boy and George
by Peachpie1164 @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:18 pm [Reply]

This is Cotton Fluff boy. And his dog George.
And yes if you want to know he is meant to look like this, he lives in a world of only black. White and greys.
His head is meant to be much larger...
All the characters there are mine <333
I gave him a balloon because I thought it was cute <333

by Qualeo @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:02 pm [Reply]

This is my character King. He was originally a Bestia , but I ended up morphing him in to a normal wolf. X3 Yes he has a tiara, but he refuses to call it that. He gets offended if you call his "tiara" anything other than a crown. :P

Meet Kahn!
by leverage @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:48 pm [Reply]

Hello! Kiokami here. And for this weeks Weekly Challenge, I'm going to introduce you to a very special character of mine. This is-
"Hold up a sec. You said I got to talk. Besides, I'm the focus on the show here. Your showcasing me, not your own voice. Give me a chance to talk.
The name's Kahn. Don't wear it out, or I'll make you buy me a new one. I am, obviously, a snake. A demon snake to be exact. I have powerful wings and sharp red eyes. I also have a few special powers up my sleeve.
Well, I don't actually have a sleeve. Moving on now.
I can breath fire like a dragon. Also, my scales are make of pure magma- that's right, molten rock. That's why my chest scales are black- cooled lave. Otherwise I'd burn up anything I slithered across.
I am, obviously a male. I am single- not many pretty female snakes out there willing to date a guy who could burn them up with a single touch- literally.
Nope, no lade friend for me. I spend my days flying, hunting, and burning things up at my own choice.
Kio is telling me that my time is up. She's such a yawn, isn't she? Anyways, catch you later. And I don't mean catch you like prey catch you. Unless you annoy me. Just a warning.
Anyways, Laterz!"

Thank you, Kahn.
This was just a quick picture- excuse the timer, I worked on it MAYBE an hour and a half, if that.
Kahn belongs to me, he's my Sona. I designed him myself!
Kiokami, over and out.

~Faith~ @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:50 pm

Great job kio :)

CHRIS - ?????
by christine-marie @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:16 am [Reply]

*grins evilly*

well this is my character/fursona (???) chris.

chris is a ??????????? . i'm not sure what she is. her name is chris bcuz it's gender neutral and i like gender neutral names.

but...she is virtually me.

she's a bit chubby, and her favorite thing to do is stare at the brilliant glow-balls in the sky.
she likes to listen to music as well, and she can draw well (with paws????). she likes to read and writes poetry in her spare time.
usually her drawings are of the glow ball, and her poems are of the glow ball, and the music is indie rock and roll.

she's all for equal rights.

i just designed her but the idea of her has been there.

(cough she lives in night vale cough)

by lavender. @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:37 pm [Reply]

this is myself in character form. c:
my persona I guess?
anyway yeah, I wanted to keep it sketchy and I like the result~

watching the sun set
by Guepardo @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:29 pm [Reply]

this is my fursona guepardo doing one of her favourite things, watching the sun set. c:
it's very calming.
ahh my first attempt at lineless. ;3;

Challenge Week 1
by .Survivor. @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:59 pm [Reply]

Its Tenshi and her boyfriend, Denali!

Tenshi is my Fursona and she is a Black Torage Akita who is basically me. Check my signature for a link to her info.

Denali is a Silver-Albino Torage Akita with some scars. He is based off of my boyfriend, He has had a rough past (that's way the scars) but God has brought him back from the darkness.(that's why the silver white pelt)

Do not steal.

Art and Characters (C) me

by Xelinator @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:13 am [Reply]

    Oh Lord, this'll take forever. I got out my tablet and drew my 'sona trio, Zero, Bellator and Crucio. Obviously, wolves, cats and owls can be friends, heh. I'll finish this as soon as I can. Crucio looks offended that Zero took one of his books :<

Brooketail @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:40 pm

Awesome!!! Cant wait till its finished!

Weekly challenge ;p
by Dissolve @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:49 pm [Reply]

This is Kate :D She loves to spend her free time listenig to music :D

palmsprout @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:36 pm

eee she is such a gorgeous character 8'D her hair is one of my fav color combos <3

Dissolve @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:38 pm

:D I love that combo too! :D

Blue Mint Practicing Magic
by PaintLily @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:26 pm [Reply]

Blue Mint is my very first MLP OC ever for more information about her go here.

Dakota my charrie.
by WolfSpore @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:52 pm [Reply]

This is my character Dakota. A wolf dog hybrid.

WolfSpore @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:23 pm


Meet Lark
by Linsang @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:22 pm [Reply]

Alas, the colour muse is not with me today. Artblock seems to have taken its place. Looks like it's time to doodle and overcome that!!! Yeah!!!
I really love this new weekly challenge thing. Hopefully it'll help me get off my butt and start drawing more, too.

This is my fursona, Lark. They were originally a banded linsang but have kind of devolved into a species-less creature who I use to represent myself and my art. They're also unique in that they don't really have a gender.
Lark shares most of my own personality traits- they're shy when it comes to interacting with those they don't know, and can display anxiety in seemingly everyday situation. But once Lark warms up to you, they're very loyal and chatty, even coming off as clingy at times- they value their friendships above all else.

Lark has a passion for representing shiny things and little trinkets that represent that which they love. Feathers, polished stones, little figurines, all lined up and meticulously organized.

Lark loves sweet things, especially baked goods. Macaroons and blondies are favourites. They also would probably be like me and play a lot of video games but I kind of think that's difficult when you don't have opposable thumbs.

Anyways, I love Lark a lot, and they really represent me, so here you go, my beloved fursona! :')

Edit: I'm a butt and misunderstood the "draw them doing something they like to do" bit as "tell us about the things they like to do". Maybe I'll have to retry this later, ffff.

~Weekly Challenge 1~ Meet Minerva!
by Moony-Mae @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:07 am [Reply]

Yes, I have made yet another might-be-forgotten-among-all-of-my-others Fursona for the first-ever weekly challenge, this time a wolf! Minerva is wise and loves stargazing and nature! So, I suppose that's what she's doing in this picture; enjoying the calm and quiet while stargazing. If she was a human she'd probably be reading or writing a good book in a beanbag chair while nibbling on a bar of chocolate. Actually, that sounds fun right about now... Well, anyway, any comments/constructive critique? ^^

I sort of got carried away with the background... XD Ah, well. I really like how this turned out! This may be one of my best drawings yet! ^^

Baby monster @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:33 am

This is awesome, way better than what I can do! Keep up the good artwork.

~Teya~ @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:38 am

cute ;)

Moony-Mae @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:47 am

. : VOCALOID : . wrote:
This is awesome, way better than what I can do! Keep up the good artwork.

This is one of the nicest comments I've ever received! ^^ Thanks a million; It really means a lot. <3 I'm sure you're just as good as (if not better than) me, and I'll certainly continue.

~Teya~ wrote:cute ;)

Thank you very much! X3

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Nya~ OWC part done nDn
by kittu @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:09 pm [Reply]

Finally done xDx
I'll shade it..... When I figure out a good way to do that XD
-not good at shading- anyways.
Heres my part for the weekly challange, Cotton Candy nun

Bella Star
by bellidan4234 @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:23 am [Reply]

My favorite ponysona ^^ Gosh I love her so much! I was debating between her and my persona Lilly, but it came out to her since I use her the most ^^ If you don't know already, This is Bella Star, my my little pony original character (or mlp oc; commonly referred to)

Ref ^u^

gosh, this took so long ^-^ But it was worth it... I think.... (it looks a bit sloppy though... probably because I was trying a new style. Speaking of which, do you guys like this one or one of my old styles? If an old style, please link to it ^^ This way I can improve much faster c;)

Also, I love the new canvas size! It's so much better! :D

Edit;; I totally forgot to remove the sketch lines! Why do I always forget these things XD oh well... good thing I fixed it x3

dr. pupper @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:29 am


bellidan4234 @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:31 am

I know XD I just love her up close ^-^ But in this pose she looks even a ton better than if she was just bigger! x3

~Tornado~ @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:32 am

this is amazing! did you use a reference?

5 replies not shown, show all

Weekly challenge #1 - Dax
by -PLEASE DELETE- @ Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:25 pm [Reply]

One of my favorite ocs Dax! Doing what he enjoys most, sleeping in odd positions!

Timer is correct I love this new bigger version!!

Dax is a portuguese water dog with a lion cut. He tends to be a bit sarcastic and lazy thought he can also be sweet. He is a curly fluff ball of cuddles and love. he is very quirky as well as artistic/Creative. He has an imagination like no other. He has a good sense of humor and likes to joke around. He also tends to be very clumbsy.

Dax's Ref

this character is (c) To me. No one but me may use him.

Simple Aria
by millennium. @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:44 pm [Reply]

For the weekly challenge.I have not been up to drawing recently,I have an art block.....

Andaran Atish'an - (ahn-DAHR-ahn ah-TEESH-ahn): Enter this place in peace. A formal elven greeting. Literally: "I dwell in this place, a place of peace."

Raina is my fursona. Raina is easily distracted, disorganized, and forgetful; she is also somewhat of a procrastinator. She does show control issues over men she likes; often interrupting them or finishing their sentences.
Raina holds a rather flamboyant, happy-go-lucky attitude; and a overall sweet personality. She is very confident in her abilities, often joking about it with her companions. She is very much an emotional character, and is somewhat of a optimist. She is known to get extremely excited over very little things.

HENRY ....
by darkest shadow @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:22 pm [Reply]

0-0 He's my persona accutally... i think. He is based off of me. Only by characteristics. He is by far my favorite OC. One of his favorite things to do is listen to music :) As is mine
Henry (c) ME!!!

by yenneii @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:15 pm [Reply]


Thanks for your patience!

by slasher // twig @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:11 pm [Reply]

She is a normal 2 tailed wolf that loves nature and warm days

Morgan ^v^
by miss-the-mister @ Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:42 am [Reply]

My first genderqueer character. The symbol on zer shirt is for Agendered, which is what ze identifies as. Zer preferred pronouns are the German nongendered Ze, Zer, Zim(self). Zer name is Morgan and ze loves cheesecake and the colour turquoise.

Might post more of my OCs; this is an interesting 'challenge.'


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