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LeafFrost177 wrote:whats your favourite color?


A rather memorable part in Dragons: The Return of Indojira, where Wildfire roars into the night after annihilating Berk... a scene just before he was lured and trapped in a volcano

its been a while since i made one of these, my first SIAB (Snowy's Indojira Artbook) drawing of 2024, i wanted this one to be from a human's perspective this time, and i seriously love how the background turned out

the reason why Wildfire's tail is alot longer than depicted in the reference sheet (most of his tail is offscreen in this drawing, though you can see the tailtip) is because i was running out of space when drawing the indojira ref lines, in this drawing i can perfectly draw the actualy length of wildfire's tail

The Plunder Pile based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:54 pm [Reply]


You decide your safest bet is to hide to avoid being found. You start slow and then break into a run, heading the opposite direction of the rowdy voices behind you. Diving behind a huge pile of crates and sacks, you huddle up to make yourself as small as possible and try to get your bearings.

As you look around, you spot some natural tunnels at the back of the cavern, with sloping ceilings and weathered stalactites. In the shelter of the farthest one, you can just make out a faint green glow. It reminds you of the swirling lights you saw in the well, and you think it might be worth checking out to see if you can find another portal.

The voices behind you have faded again and you gauge the distance from your hiding spot to the cavern tunnels. It's not far, and you're certain you can make it and slip away before anyone comes back and catches you.

💚 Get to your feet and head for the tunnels.

🧡 Take an extra moment and search the plunder stacked around you for something to take with you.

- - -
(optional:discord chat)

onion @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:56 pm

💚 id love to see if we find any more treasure beyond the caves

...oh whats this? it seems deadly ephitet has followed me down the well! well, guess shes tagging along for the rest of the adventure !


sosadtoobad @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:15 pm


nio @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:26 pm

🧡 gotta take a little keepsake…! 👀

23 replies not shown, show all

Answer #9 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:01 am [Reply]

I know you guys are animals of some sort, but...
What's your favorite animal (s)?

(just curious to see if different versions like different things)
This is for all of them.


Rouvin: Puppies!! :D !!


Jester: ANYTHING but axolotls. I strongly dislike them, for... reasons I shall not discuss right now. But all other creatures I do not have any specific opinions about.


R.D: As far as shapeshifting goes, I like dragons. Apart from that though... Hm, I like mice, they're fun to throw. (:

Jester: Dost thou imply something with that statement...?

R.D: Oh I don't know... am I, little mouse?

Jester: ... Stay... stay away from me, foul creature....


Soul: Cats. Big cats, house cats, all of them.

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:28 am

The dog is so cute!

The cat is great too.

Rouvin @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:53 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:The dog is so cute!

The cat is great too.

Thamk :D

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:58 am

XD you're welcome

Would anyone want to see me remake Indiana Owned?
Original; Forum/viewtopic.php?t=4555106

Featherfoot @ Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:09 pm


your art has improved so much since then, I would love to see the remake <3

Answer #8 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:03 pm [Reply]

rouvin do you have any pets? like fish or smth?


Rouvin: Uhhh nope! I'm not allowed to own any in the world I come from... actually I'm not allowed to do a lot of things there! So I just live in my theatre, on my own! :D
.... Unless you count the little mice and lizards I find in my theatre sometimes as pets! Or Jester.....

Jester: I am no such thing, thy fool speaks nonsense!

Rouvin: Eep! Uh- Hi Jester, I didn't know you were right there! Sorry!

DRAGONNEEZ @ Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:00 pm

You live in a theater?! That's so cool! Is it haunted for still running? Do you have a job there?

Rouvin @ Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:02 am

DRAGONNEEZ wrote:You live in a theater?! That's so cool! Is it haunted for still running? Do you have a job there?

Rouvin: Yeah!! I live there, and have a job there! It's probably haunted, buuut I can still do shows and stuff there! :D

[ TAYLOR: "Favorite colors? Hm, I never considered mine. Maybe in preschool..." she cocks her head to the side, looking a bit faraway. After a rather long consideration, she answers: "Neon yellow, I guess." ]
[ LAVENDER: "Oooh!" she says with happiness "Light purple!" ]
[ JACKIE: "Oh. Uh... I like the whole rainbow!" She looked up at the sky, where a rainbow was "I like red though. I see a lot of red. Apples, my bandana, the barn, apples, cherries, the barn, the red in that rainbow, apples..." She was literally just listing a bunch of red things. And a lot of apples. You leave, bored. ]
[ MINTYLYNN: "Mint green. Or sage green. I don't know! I like all colors.." ]

WTAW Pg 2 based on this drawing by Ebony Stardust
by Ebony Stardust @ Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:58 pm [Reply]

"Step out, step out of the sun if you keep getting burned
"Step out, step out of the sun, because you've learned, because you've learned"

"On the outside, always looking in, will I ever be more than I've always been?
"'Cause I'm tap- tap- tapping on the glass; I'm waving through a window
"I try to speak but nobody can hear, so I wait around for an answer to appear
"While I'm watch- watch- watching people pass; I'm waving through a window
"Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me...?"

-Waving Through a Window

Page 2/6 is up
I redrew that first cell three times what am I doing--
And I'm once again sorry for the poorly-implemented text

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Answer #7 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:18 am [Reply]

RD: why are your eyes rainbow colored? Do you have magic or anything? If you know the reason why your eyes are like that. Either way, I think they're nice to look at.

Jester: do you like your jester hat?


R.D: Of course I have magic. People fear me for that magic; it's powerful... I'm powerful. As for the eye color, that's just a side effect of this headset of mine, which assists certain aspects of that magic.


Jester: I do not despise it, nor do I like it. While it is a part of my being and holds memory for me, it is nothing more than a symbol of foolishness, and a reminder of the past. 'Tis such a silly thing for me to reminisce about, but I cannot help it. I cannot help the things I remember from such a simple object.

Spiritstar3 @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:39 pm

Ooo, that's cool

Okay, I officially love Jester and his characterization.

Rouvin @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:14 pm

Spiritstar3 wrote:Ooo, that's cool

Okay, I officially love Jester and his characterization.

I spend a lot of time developing Jester specifically, so I'm glad you think so; they're probably the one with the most lore and most consistent way of speaking/thinking out of the four :]

Spiritstar3 @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:53 pm

I love their name.
I have a canine named Joker, which is very similar of a name.

I actually think I have more than one character named that.
The one I'm specifically thinking of was from a breeding.

2 replies not shown, show all

Response 3 based on this drawing by Columbina
by Columbina @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:11 am [Reply]

Hawk WillowWatcher wrote:Smile - *Gives smile a rock* don’t ask…

Smile leans down and looks at the rock that Hawk WillowWatcher gave them and then they look back up at Hawk WillowWatcher

“This is a very pretty rock. I’ll add it to my rock collection! It will make a great addition!”

Smile then picks up the rock and walks off to put it in their collection

Response 2 based on this drawing by Columbina
by Columbina @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:45 am [Reply]

PheonixThunderslayer wrote:Kiki- did you know that bananas are berries, and that rasberries are actually not berries but something called a compound fruit? keeping it going with the fruit facts.

Kiki looks at you confused and asks in a glitchy voice

“What’s a banana and what’s a berry? Let me search it up real quick!”

Kiki then snatched Voidbugs phone and search up ‘what are bananas?’ And ‘what are berries?’

Kiki then replied in the same glitchy voice

“Oh! I did not not that at all! Especially because I didn’t know what they were. I don’t eat and my friends like to eat objects that humans don’t call food, like pearl necklaces!”

Answer #6 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Thu Mar 14, 2024 6:39 pm [Reply]

rouvin:what was the most life threatening situation youve been in?
r。d:if not cheese then what food do u like?
jester:what would you do if you suddenly met a clone of yourself— uh— great question *side eyes the other 3 rouvins*。But I mean,like the one that’s exactly like you?
soul:how many crimes did you commit worldwide?


Rouvin: Well... I don't get into many of those luckily! But there have been... some times where it happens... the first time I met R.D was really scary! But it's okay, because I didn't get too hurt, and now they are.... slightly less scary! :3


R.D: I don't even need to eat, why would I have a favorite?


Jester: One exactly like myself? Why, I would rebel against those who hath betrayed me and done wrong to me with that clone! 'Tis the only thing I would like to do, so it is likely my clone will want such acts of revenge as well!


Soul: Yes.

pisto pesto pasta @ Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:06 pm

I tuink you shoukd commit less crimes Soul

ArcticWaterDrake @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:37 am

Cool cool cool

Rouvin @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:24 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:I tuink you shoukd commit less crimes Soul

Soul: No <3

ArcticWaterDrake wrote:Cool cool cool

Thamky :D

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[ Page 1 ] based on this drawing by _silentsiren_
by _silentsiren_ @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:55 pm [Reply]

    "C'mon Trixie! Keep up!" Starlight Glimmer called cheerfully as she trot along the bottom of the cave. She was over the moon! Twilight had entrusted her with such a big task... A thoughtful sigh left her.

    Trixie grunt and struggled to keep up with her friend's seemingly cheerful pace. "Well maybe if you weren't practically bouncing off the walls of this cave, I could!" She cantered to catch up to her friend, huffing somewhat.

    "Can you believe it?! Twilight Sparkle entrusted US!"

    "I can! I can believe that Twilight entrusted us to do her dirty work." She grunt as a rock dug into her hoof, wincing slightly.

    "It's not dirty work. It's important work! She's just busy with princess stuff."


    The two trudged along in silence for a few moments, Starlight stopping in her tracks. Her horn hummed with a faint glow, squinting her eyes to see better. Trixie pressed herself into Starlight, squirming.

    "Shush." The two stayed silent as possible, the faint clicking of... hooves? Someone else was here?

    "I think we should just say we came... and leave! Soon..."

    Starlight chuckled and rolled her eyes, looking back to Trixie, "Oh c'mon. You're scared?"

    The silence was quickly filled with a deep rhythmic pulse through the ground.


    Starlight followed her gaze, her eyes met with a cocoon. It was writhing and... beating. As if it were a heart.

    "Oh dear Celestia..." Starlight swore under her breath, frozen in place.

PheonixThunderslayer @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:52 am


Response 1 based on this drawing by Columbina
by Columbina @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:43 am [Reply]

Hawk WillowWatcher wrote:Aki - do you know Coconuts are fruits?

Aki tilts their head curiously at Hawk WillowWatcher and says-

"Coconuts are fruits? I never knew that before! I always thought they were some kinda weird nut, cuz you know, the nut in the name of it!" They reply excitedly to Hawk WillowWatcher

Answer #4 (part 3) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:59 am [Reply]

Rouvin : Who’s your best friend?

Rouvin: Hmmmmmmm..... weeeelllll..... everyone is my friend but... for my best friend...


Other character owned by

pisto pesto pasta @ Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:07 am

very cute, friendship goals

Rouvin @ Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:08 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:very cute, friendship goals

The beans :3

ArcticWaterDrake @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:57 am

Awww they’re adorable

3 replies not shown, show all

by ♥ mizu @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:46 pm [Reply]


i drove for the first time on an actual road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was terrifying

it was a dirt road in the middle of nowhere ok? but we still saw like 3 other cars and a few pedestrians. it was horrific. i managed to stay on the road the whole time but i accidentally kept getting dangerously close to the edge of the road because it was very thin and my dad was like "STAY RIGHT STAY RIGHT THIS IS YOUR SIDE OF THE ROAD" so i was like "ok" and he was like "NO TOO FAR STOP STOP STOP WATCH THAT MAILBOX". AND i went through an intersection safely. it was brilliant. i actually corrected dad because he said "go straight through the intersection" but there was no road there so i was like "no that's the ditch dad" and he was like "NO KEEP GOING" and then i went right and he realised that i was correct and was like "THOSE STUPID IDIOTS MOVED THE ROAD DAMNIT" and we kept going.

but guys. there was another car on the road. he was approaching me. and we met at a bend. and we went right beside each other, it was okay, but it was terrifying. he seemed so close to us. i was so scared. the roads out there are so thin and have no lines. i cannot believe i passed him without killing myself and everyone involved

i need to work on my spatial awareness though. that car is sooo big and i just. i don't know where everything is??? it's so much easier to ride a horse bro. i don't trust the car lmao. it's probably the best car i could learn on tho. it's very comfortable and smooth and it's smart. also dad says all i have to do is step on the gas/brakes, steer, and i'm good because the car will do the rest. but i do not trust that

also i found that when i let my brain go on autopilot instead of going "OHMYGOD OHMIGDO" i actually did better. so maybe i should work on that?

also sorry guys i cant draw cars but i tried my best LOL

Fluffy-white-birb @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:49 pm

congrats! here's to many more less chaotic driving sessions

sosadtoobad @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:52 pm

fun fact did you know user means water in japanese?

cool sauce tho (also nice drawing!)

weld @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:55 pm

yay!!!! its always scary at first, but youll get the hang of it! it only gets easier from here. thats one thing i had trouble with, figuring out how big your vehicle is. i went from driving a small 2 door coupe to a big truck.. youll get it! i believe in you!!!

7 replies not shown, show all

WTAW Pg 1 based on this drawing by Ebony Stardust
by Ebony Stardust @ Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:39 am [Reply]

"I've learned to slam on the brakes, before I even turn the key
"Before I make the mistake; before I lead with the worst of me
"Give them no reason to stare; no slipping off if you slip away
"So I've got nothing to share -- No, I got nothing to say"

-Waving Through a Window

Page 1/6 is out!
Sorry for the poor handwriting :P

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ArcticWaterDrake @ Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:35 am

This is really cool!

Answer #5 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:34 pm [Reply]

Are you guys related?
Like by blood?
Or are you found family?
Or are you just friends who look similar?

Rouvin: Uhh... I dunno! We look similar, but I don't think we're related!
I wouldn't say we're a found family either...

R.D: Not friends either!
R.D: The feeling is mutual you annoying little waste of space! I would rather throw you into the sun than be related to you OR Soul!
Jester: Thou should throw thyself into the sun first! There will not be ANYONE throwing ME!
R.D: Do you want to test that!? You talk big for someone who's so tiny and weak!
[These two continue to argue, potentially for hours. They hate each other. What are we going to do with them...]

Soul: Yeah, none of those... We're just different versions of the same person, from our own universes. Doesn't mean we have to get along though, in case it wasn't obvious by the two fighting over there.

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:56 pm

Eh heh, kay
(Love the mouse version, by the way)

Rouvin @ Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:07 pm

Spiritstar3 wrote:Eh heh, kay
(Love the mouse version, by the way)

:D am glad you do! Though... Jester, that mouse, they uhh...

Jester: 'Tis but a curse to live as such a creature. Not something for me to be proud of, nor something I would like to keep.

... do not like it as much :'3

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:21 pm

XD its fine if they don't like it.
I think mice and rats are cute though.

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Answer #4 (part 4) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:52 am [Reply]

Soul : What are you most envious of? Where do your scars come from?

Soul: My.... scars......
... don't come from anything. Eh, don't worry about 'em. As for me being envious, well I don't have anything for that one either. Yeah, other people have other things I don't, like... a life without having to deal with a crazy alternate version of yourself, or no need for half-functioning prosthetic limbs, or more powers than I have, or a soul without a chunk missing from it, that one's a long story. But anyways, I don't have a need to get jealous or envious over that stuff. What, do you want me to sit in a corner and pout like R.D does when I don't get things other people have? Heh....



Got a lil too spooky scary with this one and had to censor part of the drawing, whoops-

question 4 based on this drawing by pecanbaby
by pecanbaby @ Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:37 am [Reply]

question :

~NattsTheMothLady~ wrote:What's your favorite video game if you have one ofc

''woof! its been a loongg time. but!! i like the dizzy the ultimate cartoon adventure!!''-marcy

~NattsTheMothLady~ @ Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:52 am

i like the lore :3

Answer #4 (part 2) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:43 am [Reply]

R.D : Are you emotionless? What does it feel like?

R.D: Well... I can be. But I also know what emotions feel like, and I can experience them if I want to. Unlike you mortals with all your weird emotions, I can control exactly what I do or don't want to feel each day. Most of the time, I allow myself to feel some emotions but not others. I never allow myself to feel vulnerable ones, like fear, or sadness, or anything that would make me attached to someone else. I don't need it. Some days, I am completely emotionless, I can feel absolutely nothing if I wanted... it's like floating in a void, almost. Usually I don't though, if you ever hear people talking about me being cold and emotionless that's just because I got rid of my compassion for others, not actually all of my emotions.

ArcticWaterDrake @ Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:03 pm

WOW that is a crazy lore drop like jaw drop O_O

also nice drawing :3 I like the pose and expression a lot, it's very eye catching

Rouvin @ Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:16 pm

ArcticWaterDrake wrote:WOW that is a crazy lore drop like jaw drop O_O

also nice drawing :3 I like the pose and expression a lot, it's very eye catching

There's always a lot of hidden lore in these little things, but sometimes there's questions like this that have a bit... more :3

also- thamk! I kinda always say this about art but, it was fun to draw, and I mean that every time I say it hahah

ArcticWaterDrake @ Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:05 pm

UnrealReality wrote:
ArcticWaterDrake wrote:WOW that is a crazy lore drop like jaw drop O_O

also nice drawing :3 I like the pose and expression a lot, it's very eye catching

There's always a lot of hidden lore in these little things, but sometimes there's questions like this that have a bit... more :3

also- thamk! I kinda always say this about art but, it was fun to draw, and I mean that every time I say it hahah

As it should be! Art should be fun if you do it as a hobby : ) and you're welcome!

1 replies not shown, show all

Answer #4 (part 1) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:05 pm [Reply]

Jester : What’s your current relationship with the queen?

Jester: You mean the tyrant that FAILED to run the nation I tried so desperately to save!? Thou wishes to know about her so bad, thou asks to know how I feel of her and what sort of connection I have with her!? Well, she is nothing but a GREEDY, CORRUPT, NONSENSICAL, IMMATURE, TYRANNICAL FOOL AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN! SHE-

Rouvin: Jester, calm down! don't talk about people like that!
... S- Sorry! We don't... mention that around Jester anymore, they tend to get a little angry about it!


I'll answer the other ones in separate posts ^^

pisto pesto pasta @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:00 pm

Im sorry jester ur such a pomeranian dog

pisto pesto pasta @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:00 pm

mouse? Pomeranian mouse?.. 🤔

Rouvin @ Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:59 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:Im sorry jester ur such a pomeranian dog
mouse? Pomeranian mouse?.. 🤔

Rouvin: I'm sure it's not a bad thing Jester! Oh gosh, please calm down... and please don't bite me...

Answer #3 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:54 am [Reply]

reggie: i remember i became your friend in 2020!! how are yall!!!!!!!1

Rouvin: Hiiii!!! We're doing just fine over here :D!!


Since Rouvin is technically the one I use as a sona + the one that's existed the longest, I figured I'd use them for this :3
Also despite the implications of the drawing, we are indeed fine over here... the characters may not be, but we don't have to talk about that part, these four are just a tiiiiinnyy bit chaotic

j1ngl3t0wn @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:25 am


Answer #2 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:48 pm [Reply]

R.D: What is your goal in life?

Soul: What does your collar mean?


R.D: Oh, nothing much... just absolute control over all realms and universes, total world domination where I am the only one in power, and no one to stop me or challenge my reign ever again. I have the power to do that all now, even! But I've been taking my time with it... enjoying the fun while it lasts.


Soul: Believe it or not, it's really just there to stop R.D. See... I've learned something from watching them go about all their evil plans. They do this thing called "resetting" someone... now I don't need to go into detail, but they do need to get to someone's neck to do it, something about... drawings. Anyways, that "resetting" of theirs is all part of their plan to make people listen to whatever they say. It basically just recreates you into whatever they want you to be. Any sort of passion, personality, or anything else you had that made you unique? It's like it never existed, if R.D didn't want you to keep it. You become robotic, and you lose yourself... So I figure, if I block them from doing that to me, they won't have any control over my life like they so badly want. I can stop them with this one thing.
As for the word on it? Oh, that has no special meaning. It's just to make R.D lose their mind every time they see it. It never fails really, they see that and for whatever reason it hurts their ego and makes them mad. :)

pisto pesto pasta @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:57 pm

hwhwhahah r.d fragile ego moment

ArcticWaterDrake @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:07 am

Oooo thanks those are very interesting answers, and the expression on R.D’s face in the second one is priceless XD

Rouvin @ Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:07 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:hwhwhahah r.d fragile ego moment

ArcticWaterDrake wrote:Oooo thanks those are very interesting answers, and the expression on R.D’s face in the second one is priceless XD

R.D: Very bold of you both to be mocking someone like me!
Soul: Don't mind them, their ego is still a little broken :]


With the goof floof nonsense aside- this one was fun to make/come up with, and yes R.D's ego is... maybe just a bit fragile (though of course, they would never admit it)

Answer #1 (CHEEEEEESSSEEEE) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:28 pm [Reply]

    what's your favourite kind of cheese
    especially from the cheese drawer PFFFF


Rouvin: CHEESE!?
*Disassembles your cheese drawer like a feral animal
refuses to elaborate


Soul: Blue cheese seems nice.
R.D: I like anything BUT that! Keep it FAR AWAY from me!
Soul: Oh, what a shame, we seem to only have blue cheese here and it happens to be getting closer to you by the second <3
R.D: You're disgusting and have no taste!
Soul: I believe you meant to say that I'm not as picky as an angry 5-year-old... unlike some people :3


Jester: Though I do not consider any a 'favorite', I shall eat whatever is available to me... 'tis a bit strange to throw a fit over food that is already so difficult to come by, after all...

pisto pesto pasta @ Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:43 pm

and what caused r.d to dislike blue chese? Lmao

Floofynewfy @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:21 am


Rouvin @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:51 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:and what caused r.d to dislike blue chese? Lmao

It's just yucky... :[
(aka their creator maybe has some kind of sliiiight bias against blue cheese, but uh... who's to say really, will not confirm nor deny such a thing-)

Floofynewfy wrote:CHEESEEEEE



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