Most popular of all time

The most popular drawings from each category appear here

  • Gallery display:

WMEs have moved to Deviantart, for the foreseeable future they will only be available on Deviantart. Search WMEquids.



    High up in the mountains of North America and Europe, you will find curious looking equids. They are short, with long, twiggy legs and a swishing tail, similar to a cat's. They have a mane that continues down their back and part of their tail. Males are fluffier, with underbelly fur and extra leg and face fur. The equids have extra large ears for better hearing, but small nostrils, so their sense of smell is less effective. But then again, predators can go down wind, but nothing can stop the crumbling of rocky ledges. When they sleep, they curl their tails around themselves for warmth and comfort. These equids have no natural weapons and no strength, so during mating the males, as opposed to fighting, make their mane stand on end, which makes them look bulkier. The equid with the longest mane and bulkiest body will create the hardier foals. But due to their skinny legs and weak back, an equid cannot be ridden So they continued to live peacefully in the mountains.

    Until now....



  • Long, narrow face
  • Large ears
  • Extensive mane
  • Long, cat-like tail
  • Long skinny legs
  • Short body
  • Never taller than 15 hh
  • Always have brindle/stripy patterns (very rarely they don't have brindle) - this striping is called 'quip'


    In order to adopt a Wild Mountain Equid you need to have been registered on Chickensmoothie for 3 months and have made 100 posts in the forums.

    If you fulfill that criteria, then you need to keep an eye out for equids with "Adopt Me" written on their image. Only equids with that written on the image are up for adoption. Even then, check the first post to make sure that it is still up for adoption! If it has been longer than the artist states the competition lasts, then please do not enter.

    You can adopt a equid once every 10 days! This time starts the day you win an equid, not the day the equid you win is posted.

    Once you have found a equid up for adoption you need to fill in the form found on the first post of that equid's page. This need to be filled in correctly, according to the artist's wishes, with no changes in the colour, size or layout.



horsy1050 @ Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:05 am


horsy1050 @ Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:08 am


horsy1050 @ Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:10 am


3131 replies not shown, show all

Original guide by CS user Misnake

Oekaki/Java problems & solutions

How To Use Oekaki Guide

Welcome to "How To Use Oekaki Guide"!

I made this in order to explain common things that people ask about.
If you have any questions, or anything to add to my post, please post here or PM me.

Rules For This Thread
Becca~ash wrote:Please state your questions so we understand, thanks.

•If you just made an account on Chicken Smoothie, please post your first post somewhere else. I know that you won't read the posts on here and post non-understandable questions.

You can now continue reading on.

Before we start, I'd like you to read these:

•Oekaki Rules/Reminder
•Creativity Rules
•Competition Rules 1.
•Competition Rules 2.
•Oekaki Help
•Art/Image Posting Rules

Reminder/Rules That I Find Important

•PM a mod if you want your topic to be moved!
•I suggest you to have prizes in competitions if you want for people to enter.
•Don't spam. Example:
Omg, plz click my pets!
Plz plz trade with meee!!!

•Respect the mods. They know what's right and what's wrong.
•Please, don't open art shops here. That does not mean that your cover can't be drawn on Oekaki through.

Here are common abbreviations that people use on oekaki.

WIP- Work In Progress
Fursona/Sona- Animal that represents you.
Charrie- Character
RP- Although it stands for RolePlay, some people use it in content: "My RP charrie."
Pic- Picture
Ref- Reference
Pg- Now, if you don't resemble that this means page...
Bump- Bring Up My Post
Spam- Senseless posts like listed in rules.
OC- Original Character [Better explanation in FAQ.]
LA- Lineart

That's all I can remember at the time, if you have something to add, post here.

Swiftalu @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:31 am

ChibiPaint's Content


Oekaki has few boxes that will appear:
"Brush" Box, "Layers" Box, "Textures" Box, "Color" Box, "Misc" Box, "Stroke" Box, "Color Swatches" Box and "Tools" Box.

Brush Box
You can control hardness, size,
opacity and lots of other stuff
like scattering of brush.
Layers Box
Here you can add more
layers or delete them.
In this box is lock alpha
button, ok?
Color Box
To pick a color, you can pick from the rainbowy structure on the right, and to control its lightness you have the big square in the middle.
Stroke Box
You can choose if you want draw by hand(mouse), draw straight lines or draw curly lines.
Color Swatches Box
On here, you can currently
save colors you are using.
I say currently because they
won't be there after you save
it and leave the oekaki

Misc Box
Everything is said, 100% zoom means that it
automatically zooms back to 100%.

Textures Box
Pick a texture. 'Nuff said.
Tools Box
(Tool Box) It contains:
"Select", "Move", "Fill", "Rotate", "Pencil", "Pen", "Air Brush", "Water Color", "Sharp" and "Soft" eraser,
"Smudge", "Blender", "Dodge" and "Burn" tool, "Blur" and "Color Picker".
Note: I was writing by every horizontal line.

Also, in the top left corner, you have "Edit", "File", etc.
This is clear enough, right?

Swiftalu @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:31 am

ChickenPaint's Content

What?! ChickenPaint?
ChickenPaint is very similar to the original Oekaki, called ChibiPaint, but is also different in some ways. This will cover the features of ChickenPaint.


ChickenPaint has a few boxes that will appear:
"Tools Options" box, "Layers" box, "Textures" box, "Color" box, "Misc" box, "Stroke" box, "Color Swatches" box and "Tools" box.

Tools Options Box
You can control a few things in
this box. For mouse users you
can adjust brush size, color
(Makes your strokes lighter,
good for layering), scattering,
the smoothness of your lines
and what type of brush you
want. Tablet users can also
adjust what mouse users can as
well as their opacity and if they
want pen pressure in a certain
area (The filled/unfilled circle)
Layers Box
Just like the original Chibipaint,
you can add or remove layers.
You can also tick the lock alpha
box to only color inside what is
existing on whichever layer you
are on. You can also adjust the
opacity of the layers (This is
useful for shading) or you can
adjust the blending mode of the
layer, which is automatically set
on Normal.
Color Box
You can pick from a rainbow of colors on the right and adjust its hue and saturation in the big square box in the middle. You can input hex colors by clicking the bottom rectangle which shows which color you are currently using.

Stroke Box
Just like ChibiPaint, this adjust how you want to draw. From left to right; you can adjust if you want to draw by freehand, straight lines or curved lines.
Misc Box
Self explanatory, you can zoom into your
drawing or zoom out, undo, redo
and save your picture. You can zoom out
100% to go back to what it looks like

Color Swatches Box
You can quickly access
colors you might want
to use later on in this
box. If you want to
add a color in simply
click the + button. You
can also import color
swatches into that box
from your machine or
even save them to your
machine if wanted.
Texture Box
You can pick from an array of textures here to add to your drawing if wanted.
This is in the top left corner and you can use to to do various things such as saving or
adding noise.
Tools Box


Tools Box Contents
By every horizontal line; "Select", "Move", "Fill", "Gradient", "Color Picker", "Rotate", "Pencil", "Pen", "Airbrush", "Watercolor", "Eraser", "Soft Eraser", "Smudge", "Blender", "Dodge", "Burn" and "Blur".

The select tool selects a rectangular area of your drawing and you can color it in or move it, the move tool moves whatever is on your layer, the fill tool fills in your drawing, the gradient tool creates a gradient blend between 2 colors, the color picker picks a color off wherever you put it, the rotate tool rotates your canvas, the pencil tool and pen tool are similar in that you can draw with both (The pencil tool being slightly sketchier while the pen tool is smoother), the airbrush tool lets you draw with a 'soft' pen, the water color tool takes the color your using and blends it when used, the eraser tool erases your drawing where you put it, the soft erase does the same thing as the eraser except makes it 'softer' (Like the airbrush), the smudge tool drags the color where you use it, the blender tool blends colors in your drawing, the dodge tool creates more saturated colors where you put it, the burn tool creates darker colors where you put it and the blur tool blurs your drawing.

Phew! That's a long explanation, you get a cookie if you read the whole thing. (:

Swiftalu @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:32 am

How To…?
...Make Pixels?
So, I found some explanations on the forum:
Painteh wrote:I just go to pencil, then set it to size one, change round hard edge to round pixleated, then I zoom in real close o3o
Sorry if that just confused you DX
`nievegato wrote:Well,you have to click the pen tool,and set it to round pixelated.Then zoom in enough so that you can see every pixel and start to draw.Pixel drawing is usually small and detailed,though I have seen people how draw large pictures with pixel lines and coloring.

Image Image Image

...Do Shading?
Take the "Dodge Tool" for highlights and take the "Burn Tool" for shading. That's the easiest way.
The harder way is combining lighter and darker tones of the color you want, example:
I have normal blue dog. I take lighter blue and make highlights, then lighter blue to make even better highlights. Same with the shading, you just go to darker colors.

Becca~ash wrote:
You can also use a black, or experament colour brushes to create shading. Simply start a new layer and set the opactity to around 30. This can be edited to how you like it, and how dark you like it. Draw around where you would normaly shade. It should come out looking like simple shading, you can use the blur tool, located in ''Effects" then "blur". Or you could use the blur tool to get it more accurate.

Shading-Setting Layer To "Multiply"
Marquee Moony wrote:Basically what you do is you color your shading, any color you want (though something close to gray usually works best), then set the layer to "Multiply" using the drop-down list (Where it was "Normal") at the top of the layers box.

...Do Lock Alpha?
Add all the layers you want (Background, Color, Lines, etc...And draw lines!), take different colored pen/brush than the background and fill in the place inside of the lines. After you did that, you can click lock alpha button (When color layer is selected.) and careless go all over the place (Actually, you can color without going outside the lines.).
Image Image
I made a tutorial if you still don't get it. It's an editable so give it a try if you want. :3

...Do Smoothing?
1.In a brush box, select the "Round Soft" type of brush.
2.Make "Smoothing" from 30-40% in brush box.
3.Draw lines. If you want more smoothness, you can eventually go to "Effects">"Blur">"Box Blur" and put "1" in the first box.
(Please correct me if I got it wrong.)

...Make Picture Transparent?
Before you even save the picture in oekaki, make sure that the "layer 1" is transparent/deleted. Then save the drawing, post it and right-click on it. Click on the "Open Image In New Tab" option. Around the end of the link, there says something like "auto&rev". Change "auto" to "png" so you see "png&rev". That will make the background transparent.

...Do The Crayon/Chalk Effect?
In the brush box, you have something called "Scattering". Raise it up to 150-300% and try to draw a little. If it's scattering too much, make it lower to level you like.

...Input/Get Hex Codes?
Click the bottom rectangle of the colors box where it shows the current color you are using and it will pop up a box with the hex code of that color. You can also type in hex codes with that box.

...Rotate Canvas?
Simply use the rotate tool and rotate the canvas vertically instead of horizontally, this is only supported in ChibiPaint 2.0 and ChickenPaint!

...Change Oekaki Settings?
You can do that by clicking this link to change your Oekaki version.

2170 replies not shown, show all

Misty Morning from Landscape/Scenery
by brookley2016 @ Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:39 am [Reply]

A wolf howling in a forest with the sun shining through the trees in the early morning.

I still have to add more branches and other things to the backround. Please tell me what you think about it so far.

I am finally finished! Please tell me what you think about it.


Featured? This means so much to me everyone!Thank you all so so much :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Most popular of all time! I never even dreamed that one of my drawings would ever be put in there. Thank you(x 1million times)! This is such an honor!

ClosedAccount @ Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:41 am

Great job :thumbup:

OceanBlu @ Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:44 am

I love it! It is epic! I also love wolves! Great job! :D :D :D

faraday @ Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:58 am

This is very nice; there are a few color gaps in the rocks and tree trunks, try filling those in. ;)

178 replies not shown, show all

-Swindle- Page 20 from Pages
by meveh @ Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:21 am [Reply]

[Previous|Page 20|Next]


Neh heh, I couldn't stand waiting to post this any longer. ^_^ Be thankful for my impatient-ness! It's earned you an early page! xD

Anyways, I thought it was time for another derp-page. <3 I've sucked all the humor out of this comic with the last 5 or so pages! xD

Im absolutely in love with the last panel and I don't know why...<3

Welp, enjoy~! <3

Concept & Art (c) PuddingWaffles
Echo (c) Snowstar1

The Last Raven @ Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:22 am

Haha. So funny! And cute. I love Echo's face. XD

Lil'Tiger @ Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:28 am

Love the cat's face in the third panel x3.

Meredith's Whiskers @ Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:32 am

Love ♥

95 replies not shown, show all

Spotlight from Animals/Creatures
by hotdoge @ Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:47 am [Reply]

Timer is relatively accurate. ^^"

Anyway. I really enjoyed this piece. As you may have noticed from my other cat-centered Oekaki, I like dreamy and abstract backgrounds. They make the piece seem thoughtful. And they're also really easy. =w=

I don't want your criticism. Half of you who do give criticism have no idea what you're talking about and/or word it harshly. Also, I don't want any irate comments about 'how your comments are always helpful and kind.' That just tells me that you didn't read the whole description and are an obnoxious person. Obviously, I wasn't referring to you.

Now, if you don't plan on critiquing me, feel free to comment! :D

EDIT: Whut. Howdidthisgetfeatured. :'D I lub you all so much!


EDITEDITEDIT: DUDEWHAT. 700. Kyaaaaa! ^^ I have so much happy right now!!

EDIT x4: Srsly guise. 800 likes. I love you all. So much. *Flail*

EDIT x5: 924. ILYSM.


EDIT x7: How is this still getting likes. O______O

white.flag @ Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:49 am

Love it!

Edit: CONGRAGULATOINS FOR 1502 LIKES!!! ((I will keep editing this...XD))

hotdoge @ Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:51 am

Why, thank you! ^^

That was a really quick comment. .3.

twilightstar0726 @ Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:53 am

This is really cool. i Love the wind around it. ;3

238 replies not shown, show all

Mind's Eye from Human/Humanoid
by Oofay @ Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:05 am [Reply]

This drawing went through two different transformations before it became what you see here. As a result I don't have any WIP screenshots to show you, because they don't look anything like the finished drawing. :P This took about six hours to make if you don't account for all of the dawdling and distractions. :lol: This isn't intended to be photograph-quality realism, so if you'd like to critique, please keep that in mind. ^_^

Moonclaw♥ @ Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:06 am

Oooh really pretty xD and realistic, I love your art!

*JACKAL* @ Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:06 am

Very Photo like!!! :thumbup:

~BitterSweet~ @ Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:07 am

Amazing!! :o I'm so jealous of your skills. x3 :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

227 replies not shown, show all

CS Chips from Objects/Abstract/Other
by Geode @ Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:38 am [Reply]

Advertisement wrote:Buy Now! This fabulous new product is quickly becoming the most popular snack among ChickenSmoothians! These crispy chips have a small chicken imprint on each one and have chicken-tastic taste*! At only 5 C$ a bag, this flavorful treat comes in Original, BBQ, Cheddar Cheese, Salt & Vinegar, and Sour Cream & Onion! For a limited time only, you can find a Mini Totoro Toy in every bag! Buy yours today!

*CS Chips is not made with real chickens. No chickens were harmed in the making of this product.

Inspired by the bag of barbeque chips I'm eating out of right now. This is the most fun I've ever had in making an oekaki. Any comments, suggestions, or critic? Please click the 'like' button to spread the chicken-tastic goodness!

Geode wrote:After the great response I got to this, I posted it as an item suggestion (where you can buy it in all flavors). Please post some support on there! Maybe you will be able to buy them some day.
Link to Suggestion

We've had a lot of responses on the suggestion. Apparently posting that much support is spamming, you can stop posting there now 8-)

Backwards-Rhapsody @ Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:09 am

Cute drawing!
I like the idea a lot!
Also the mini totoro is cute.

Double_A @ Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:10 am

*drools* I so want those in BBQ!

TannerKin @ Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:13 am

xDD LOL. It certaintly is original. I like it! Great job! xDD

128 replies not shown, show all

Noble Dane from Animals/Creatures
by Panacea @ Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:23 am [Reply]

From Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
2013 Noble Dane was Awarded
Regionally with a Gold Key Award.

2013 Noble Dane was Awarded
Nationally with a Silver Medal Award.

Award Ceremony Webcast.

From Celebrating Art Awards
Fall 2011
Noble Dane was Awarded
as a Top Ten Winner.

Top Ten Winners.

SydneyandStorm wrote:I'm sorry, I just had to post again. I need to tell what happened when I showed my dad:
Me: hey dad come look at this picture someone took of their dog.
Dad: oh, wow, that's a great Dane, right? Nice picture. I like the color.
Me: JK! Its a drawing.
Dad.: *jaw drops* that's a drawing!?
Me: mhm. The artist spent 12 hours or so working on it.
Dad: (five seconds later) *points at the drawing* that's a drawing.
Me: yes.
Dad: oh my God.

((this made me laugh xD so I had to put it here <3 tell ur dad he's awesome sauce))

photo reference

Schnuchi @ Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:24 am

Freaking AMAZING!! D:

Viiperfang @ Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:26 am


kurloz is back bby @ Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:30 am

Woah! I thought this was a picture o_O

Splendid job!

683 replies not shown, show all

The Three Dragonlings from Animals/Creatures
by Berkshire @ Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:51 pm [Reply]

ACK! F-F-Featured? Wow! What an honor! Thank you all for you lovely compliments (And useful critique) I am so flattered!
W-W-WHAT?!?! Over 1,000 likes? Wait are you sure *rubs eyes* Holy cow! Wow! I- I- THANK YOU! This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :D YAYAYAY! [/spazz]

I fell in love with the little dragons as soon as I saw them! They are so wonderful!
I managed to find three in the forest, two dark dragons and one earth dragon.
I'm still looking for the winged one, I'm glad the forest still works! EDIT! Allllllright! Someone was so kind as to gift me the light dragon! I have all three! :D
I meant to get this done weeks ago, but my time on here is limited.

This is my attempt at the little dragons, I'm sure I messed up a bit, I had to make up a few details that weren't quite clear.
All in all, I'm quite happy with it. I'll have to go back later and fix it in places the color came out of the lines, but other than that, I think it's done.
Based on:

Artwork is © to myself - Berkshire of Chickensmoothie. You may not download, upload, repost this artwork or in any way infringe this copyright.
Please comment or critique!

badkitten @ Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:52 pm

omg this is amazing!

.Fluffy. @ Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:52 pm

This is epicness :3

RainyReturn @ Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:53 pm

epic sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:

288 replies not shown, show all

Family Portrait from Human/Humanoid
by Vampiric @ Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:09 pm [Reply]

The Royal Dog Family :)


(I left the lines off the arms I know but I am too lazy to bother now 8D Also feel free to crit but I will not be changing the picture, I am happy with how it is for 9 hours of work.)

Koiley @ Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:09 pm

I love how you can make the people resemble the actual pet so much, Vampy!
Wonderful. <3

ravemn @ Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:10 pm

i like it vampy

*~Feathertail~* @ Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:54 pm

Sorry for caps. It was totally necessary :lol:

184 replies not shown, show all

The Night is Calling from Animals/Creatures
by Panacea @ Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:20 pm [Reply]

Not perfect, but I'm proud of it x)

Comments & critiques are welcome :)

Blitz. @ Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:24 pm

Omg. This is amazing! It looks so cool, I wish I had that talent!

Squee, first post!

Panacea @ Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:29 pm

Ƀlitz wrote:Omg. This is amazing! It looks so cool, I wish I had that talent!

Squee, first post!

Thank you^^ <3

Prince of Awesome @ Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:33 pm

This cant be real, you hacked into cs, went to Oekaki and somehow pasted a picture into the forums! This is to amazingly real to be actual oekaki!!!!(Translation:omg I IZ JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

241 replies not shown, show all

Finished = my longest Oekaki everrrr! :D

Bobber Reference
Hummingbird Reference

If you saw my post earlier you it would've said something like "g2g, going to a swim meet." Well....I did and I'm back and I did great :D (sorta...though I pretty much suck at backstroke) & I also promised you the story behind this unique art piece:
So I was talking to my cousin when I went to the lake last weekend about how earlier that morning me and my dad had gone fishing and a humming bird had poked around our fishing line. My cousin laughed thinking it was cute and told me about the time where a hummingbird landed on her bobber. "Hmmmm....," I thought with my creative juices flowing--total art idea!!

This pic has alot of work to be done though....I shall get to that :D sorry to keep you waiting!!
I am open for comments & suggestions to help me improve on this picture and future pieces of artwork :)

KaiKenNatsuki @ Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:31 am

O_O PONTE. (err... Yeah, i said "Bridge" XD - you can go to google and check for yourself >:3)

It's perfect, Paca!! How can you do this awesomeness?
:D I loved it!!!

aluera_blu @ Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:36 am

This is a beautiful picture. Though, so far, my favorite thing about it is the mustache(:

biyondo basudei. @ Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:54 am

the mustache x3 It cracks me up. THis is exellecnt, Panacea! Its beautiful!

311 replies not shown, show all

One big family - READ RULES from Editable Oekaki
by apache~ @ Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:29 pm [Reply]

So you may notice the signature in the top right. that's my new signature, working with Apache's design. It's important that if someone asks you where you got this, you link back to it now since they can't just follow the name. Anyway I think it's still awesome.

OH MY this took forever. it would mean the world to me if this got 100 likes <3 so show that like button some love!
Edit: we did it! thanks guys!!! Keep it going though, I'd love to see how high it gets! That shows me what you guys like best, because many people don't comment on it.

To color, please use the 'lock alpha' on the color layers. It's really that simple :>

I'm willing to do add-ons to this, so if you have any suggestions for what should be added, please post them in either bold or ALL CAPS so I can see it better. Thank you!

apache~ wrote:thanks to everyone that is coloring this! I'm really glad y'all like it. I'm also open to suggestions for other editables- what do you guys want to see? post these in all caps or bold, please!

    • Do not remove my signature! IT MUST BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES.
    • Do not use it shops, or sell it anywhere for any sort of personal gain, even if you state that I made it.
    • Can be colored and given out for FREE in shops or the adoptable oekaki
    • Can not be used in contests unless given permission by me.
    •Can be taken off-site, as long as I am given credit and a link back to this page is provided when asked.
    • Can be editted, as long as my sig stays on there somewhere.
    • Enjoy!

MerryEaster @ Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:31 pm

First comment, first like<33

This is absolutely adorable. I sh'all color soon:)

Mrs All American @ Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:32 pm

Cute as always <3

Prince of Awesome @ Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:46 pm

This lineart is darling as always...nice work Uoneko!!

113 replies not shown, show all

-Swindle- Page 6 from Pages
by meveh @ Sat May 07, 2011 3:12 pm [Reply]

Previous|Page 6|Next--

Timer is, like always, lying. In the middle of this, I had to do a BUNCH of chores...including washing dirty, moldy dishes. I almost barfed. It was disgusting. This all together, this took me probably around 3 hours all together.

Stars of Wisdom = Their religion/ancestors/whateveryouwanttocallthem. Similar to Starclan, via Warriors.

One thing I really hate to do is draw calicos/tortoiseshells. They take SO DANG LONG. I've punched myself multiple times for making the main character one.

As for the next page, I'll try to see if I can get it done this weekend(which isn't likely), but there's no promises I'll get it done by Sunday.

Character and Concept (c) to puddingwaffles

Rohan. @ Sat May 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Its awesome PW keep it up

meveh @ Sat May 07, 2011 3:24 pm

Thanks :)

BlueKestrel @ Sat May 07, 2011 3:25 pm

you are soooo epic. youre pictures are beautiful :D <3 i love this comic

69 replies not shown, show all

-Swindle- Page 5 from Pages
by meveh @ Sun May 01, 2011 8:21 pm [Reply]

Previous|(Page 5)|Next
Cover is very much lying. VERY much. >.< Im always distracted when I draw...xD

EDIT- New page, This friday! After finishing each page, I will be setting goals for the next page! That way you can stay updated on when to check in!

Well, uhh, I personally think I've improved a lot since the last page xD Still isn't my best, cause...I usually end up rushing through these comic pages. Still, it's better than before xD. (I'm also using a different shading method instead of just dodging and burning like I used to.) My favorite panel on this page would probably be the first one.

OHMYGOSH! I JUST REALIZED THIS PAGE RHYMES! RUNT AND HUNT! (Im a huge geek for rhyming on accident ;w;)

Trying to get things moving along, so a quick transition to hunting is on this page...>.<

Winterheart (c) - Excape The Fate
Hunter (c) - Hemi-The-Rebel
Purple Mystery (c) - cowlufoo2
Tangleclaw (c) - sunlight21
Storm (c) - ~cυρcαкєωσℓƒ~
Zespri (c) - Me!

jules_ @ Mon May 02, 2011 12:25 am

I love the little gray one going "hmmm?"

breadstick @ Mon May 02, 2011 1:07 am

Yay! New page!

dragons1229 @ Mon May 02, 2011 1:43 am


34 replies not shown, show all

OH GOSH! from Editable Oekaki
by 13thMuse @ Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:42 am [Reply]

Ignore the timer and it's lies.
This took long enough.

I never thought I'd ever get anything on the most popular of all time pages (any of them) or anything past 100 votes ever. Everyone who ever clicked the vote button, commented or even just viewed, thank you so much! You made the time worth it and made me feel awesome about my 'art.'
Thanks so much for all the love. <3


1.No use outside of CS.
2. No taking credit.
3. No editing the lines.
4. No removing the sig.

EDIT: Sorry for the little white space bugs, this wasn't made to be editable. :$
If you have any questions just ask. :)

Frightful @ Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:43 am


*delete*account* @ Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:44 am

i like it, its very random. Wich is good, :D ;)

tanatia @ Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:45 am


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Easter Partaaaay! :D from Colored in, based on this drawing by Chia
by Sorren Fey @ Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:34 am [Reply]

That looks like a young version of Rakwah. :P

He came to that awesome Easter Party he had heard about but no one seems to be happy that he's there. ;(

Prism @ Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:50 am

Aw, this is epic. <3

inactive/delete @ Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:25 am

awesome .3.
i like the sheep colours c:

s n i f f @ Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:25 am

Aww...~ Curse the animals then.. :3

26 replies not shown, show all

Well kids, it's been fun, but this is yet another adoptable I've grown out of, I think. I still LOVE the lines, but I just can't keep up with coloring it, and now that I have my new breeding system in my Lineart shop, I don't know that I'll need it as much. ^.^

This will be an editable soon, keep an eye out!

ThewolfMissy @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:59 pm


Username: ThewolfMissy

Character Names: Missy(The mother, bending down to the pup), Victor(The father) and Eclipse(The pup)

Wolf One’s Reference: Missy: Image

Wolf Two’s Reference: Victor: Image

Pup’s Reference: Eclipse: Image

Accessories/Extras: The little blanket in the pups mouth, could you make it fire colored/designed?

Payment: I'll be paying you two red and one blue eggs.

Drizzle @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:03 pm

Perfect! :D I'll get started~

tennisbutt @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:45 pm

Marking while I'm collecting up eggs x3

135 replies not shown, show all

Happy Easter from Editable Oekaki
by Chia @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:06 am [Reply]

Oh my, I didn't make any editables for ages.

If you want to colour one in, please follow these rules:

-Only use it on CS.
-Don't claim the art as your own.
-You are allowed to make LA edits etc.
-Feel free to change the background
-Don't use it to make any kind of profit and don't use it for adoptables.
-You can keep everything as it is now, except the dog. Please come up with your own design for it and don't just edit (brighten/ darken) the original.
-Always colour in the original one and don't create a blank copy of this.

Don't forget to lock Alpha!

If there is anything you'd like me to add, feel free to suggest something. :3

Have fun with this and happy easter. <3

asexual @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:08 am

So cute ;^;

Chia @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:35 am

Thanks. ;v; <33

chelsosaurus @ Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:36 am

Oh my gosh! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

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Easter Gifts~ from Colored in, based on this drawing by Coalchaser
by Vampiric @ Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:18 pm [Reply]

Oh Vampy.. You just want to make Choclate hit you more.

Choclate belongs to Aesse. Vampy belongs to me.

Mirandamay @ Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:21 pm

D'awe cute :3

.Autumn. @ Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:24 pm

So adorable! Poor Vampy is about to get hit. :(

TannerKin @ Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:28 pm

Sooo cute!

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Mother and Child from Editable Oekaki
by Mauston @ Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:56 pm [Reply]

Yep <3

BloodBrother @ Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:57 pm

I don't know how to use Oekaki

tolkien quitting @ Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:00 pm

its adorable!

Kiara100 @ Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:48 pm

I Love It!! :D <3

161 replies not shown, show all

-Swindle- Page 3 from Pages
by meveh @ Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:29 pm [Reply]


Finally finished this! XD o3o There's other kitties! -le gasp-
Hunter is a little tubby here XD

Umm...well, the kitties in the first panel, from left to right, areee: Winterheart, Hunter, Purple Mystery(I think I might nickname her Mystery in the Comic), Tangleclaw(I might just call him Tangle..:s), Storm, and Zespri ^-^

My grass is just amazing, isnt it!?? Bahahah...that was sarcasm... ._.

If you want your character(Preferably a kitty ^-^) in my comic, you should message me with a reference!
EDIT: At the moment, I'm not accepting anymore applications for cats to be in the comic.

Winterheart (c) - Excape The Fate
Hunter (c) - Hemi-The-Rebel
Purple Mystery (c) - cowlufoo2
Tangleclaw (c) - sunlight21
Storm (c) - ~cυρcαкєωσℓƒ~
Zespri (c) - Me!

faraday @ Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:34 pm


I love thiss!~

Could I still PM you to have a charatcer in here?

meveh @ Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:35 pm

Thanks! :'D And yes, of course! ^-^

lolpeaceoutlol @ Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:59 pm

I love this comic

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-Swindle- Cover from Comics and series
by meveh @ Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:07 pm [Reply]

EDIT: At the moment, I'm not accepting anymore applications for cats to be in the comic.

Cover Page for my comic, -Swindle-


Mmkay, soooo...these are some of the main charries, from left to right: Red(Leader :O), Crystal(Red's mate...I dont actually think she'll be a huge part of the comic, just felt like adding her here), Zespri(Red+Crystal's Daughter), Storm(Lower class kity, but ish VERY important o3o), Dark(Ruler of Darkness....I know, his name is just SO original XD...PS...hes more of like a demon kitty, err...evil spirit er something o3o').....

Hopefully things are starting to make a lil moar sense, since I explained who Dark is....o3o'

Yuh thats it ;P

Skip to:

Page 1

Chapter 2

.Pardalis. @ Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:18 pm

This is super duper cute.i love it ,but i have to ask one thing cause im really OCD and it bothers red a calico? because only females are calicos,the males die shortly after birth because they have no immune systems...i know im aful but i cant help it > <!

meveh @ Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:22 pm

And yeah....I know guys cant be calicos...I was thinking maybe he was a tortieshell, though, cause if you've ever read the Warriors series there was a male kitty named Redtail that was a torti, so I thought, what the heck, Im makin him a torti cause I feel like it
^-^ Haahah, yupp thats basically what was going through my head at the time :P

faun @ Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:47 am

i love your cats... drawing is so dang good

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Ten's Typical Day from Colored in, based on this drawing by DarthOrange
by Atwood @ Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:23 pm [Reply]

TARDIS key in one hand, sonic screwdriver in the other, the TARDIS in reach, the Earth imploding in five minutes unless he can figure out how to stop it, and a furious monster hot on his heels. Life is good.

Thanks to DarthOrange for the awesome TARDIS lines! :D I started out drawing Eleven, but I ended up erasing him and drawing Ten instead - he's easier. X3 And I like his hair.

Doctor Who (c) BBC

Vrazda @ Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:18 am

* Gasp *
That is awesome! :shock:
Can I be the first to petition for you to make an editable Doctor? :lol:
I really like this... even the smallest details, such as the key and the screwdriver, are very carefully formed and easily recognizable.
Just a question, did you base the monster off of a Slitheen? (yes, silly me needs to know the details. :P)

And I have to say, it is quite true. Five seconds to save the earth from its end, being chased by a furious monster... and of course the Doctor has a huge grin on his face. :P

tide. @ Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:20 am

Great job, I love Doctor Who ^^

headcrab @ Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:55 am


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COMATOSE Chapter 1: Page 15 from Pages
by DannyHorseRules @ Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:39 am [Reply]

Am so.
for the wait.
I had to do like three projects all in one month...
I am so sorry

Previous - Next

Zook (c) Zook<3
Frost (c) Lulu Sapphire
Gizmo (c) ::Dusty::
Doon (c) powderjr

Song: "Whispers in the Dark" by Skillet

EDIT: FEATURED OMG?! Thanks, you guys~!

The Last Raven @ Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:41 am

WOOT! A new page! FIRST POST! Love it! Cute group. ^^

Cheery Cherry @ Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:44 am

Skillet is pretty awesome. ^_^ Their concerts are cool. :D

powderjr @ Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:12 am

awesome. they all look awesome. (especially Doon.:D))

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