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Aaaaww...that drawing killed me!I wanted to draw this longtime ago so i'm doing this now,because my skills improved(No,really? :lol: ) Anyway hope you like it.

Like my drawing?I'm sure you'll like this one!a bunny <3

Art (c) Tashigi~Chan
[color=#FF8080]Fea-fea-feature? *squeeeeeeeee* Awww mods thanks so much ;O; I'm so so so happy I did'nt exept a feature on this :D

PS:i use a touchpad so please don't be too rude with me ^^

tyiung @ Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:33 am

Amazing! Great idea too :D <3

sweetie-bess @ Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:24 pm

Thank you :3

Hootifacation @ Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:40 pm


126 replies not shown, show all

Happy Birthday, Azure Wish! from Animals/Creatures
by sparrow8 @ Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:31 am [Reply]

Well, here it is- I really hope you like it- I had a great time doing this one! I hope the bunny is cute and fluffy enough! lol
I've been working on 2 at the same time and happened to finish this one first so it gets posted first! hope you all like it!

Wish recently changed her username to Azure Wish in case anyone is confused. :)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A FEATURE? THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! *ahem* sorry for yelling, but I'm SOOOO excited!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!

Dragon Reine @ Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:32 am

OMG..this looks so real! its amazing

Artwork-Is-Key @ Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:32 am

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, It so cute!!! Love it. <3

Jinhwan - LEFT @ Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:32 am

OH MY GOSH!!!! This is EPIC!!!!!!!<3

I thought it was real for a second there.

684 replies not shown, show all

Spot the Spider from Animals/Creatures
by Oofay @ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:54 am [Reply]

Ehhh, I'm a bit rusty. I drew this from a personal photograph that I took on a trip to Michigan, USA. Does anyone happen to know what kind of flower this is?

WIP screenshots: 1 2 3 4

Thanks for looking. :D

edit: I was so surprised to see this featured! Thank you for this honour. And thanks to all for your wonderful comments. <3

Sapphy. @ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:55 am

Simply amazing like always Oofay :3


BlingBling @ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:57 am

I'm terrible at flowers. Morning Glory?

It's amazing whatever it is, and when I saw it I could take my eyes off <3

Alexandra*** @ Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:58 am

Amazingly realistic--as always. c:

Great job! <3

I believe it's a Dwarf Lake Iris...could be wrong, though.

211 replies not shown, show all

Kuula... from Animals/Creatures
by leenu1995 @ Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:32 pm Attachment(s) [Reply]

Sorry, I accidentally posted it :?
Anyways, I'm too tired to finish it right now, so I'll finish it after I've slept :roll:

Still not finished, background and some more details are not done.
Huh, I guess I won't work with that anymore :D Yeah, I know, very lousy background, didn't had more ideas. But still, I like it :D

I live in Estonia and today (24.02) is Republic of Estonia Independence Day, 94 years freedom. :) And this picture is quite dedicated to this :D

Kuula, mis räägib silmapiir,
kuula, kui kaugele ta viib,
kuula, mis tuulel öelda veel,
kuula.. nüüd.

Also I got inspiration from this song which is competing to represent Estonia in Eurovision. Song is called Kuula by Ott Lepland. In my opinion, I think it's a good song, but maybe this doesn't fit in Eurovision.

Btw, the background have colors of Estonian flag: blue, black and white :) :)

Edit 2:
OMG, I JUST SAW THIS IN FEATURED!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! And what?! Over 400 likes?! Wowwww... I'm gonna die xD Thank you all again, this all means really much to me :D:D

I got a private message but unfortunately, he/she has disabled her/his mailbox, so I'll write the answer here and hope ach so sees it :)

Hey! :)
I really don't think that I could show it how to draw it, cuz it's already done. But first you need a tablet, because it's really, really hard to do without. And then you just have to practice. It's better to start drawing from pictures, you can see proportions and colors right. Tutorials help A LOT too :D I started with those :D You can find a lot of helpful tutorials from
I wish you a lot of patience, cuz you're gonna need this :)
Leenu :)

Edit 4:
I am so sorry that I cannot answer to all of you guys, but I read all of those ^^ Also... 1000 likes and over 170 comments?!?!? :what: That's like... A LOT! Thank you all again! :P

lolpeaceoutlol @ Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:34 pm

oh wow. IT looks like its going to be very realistic and very good. Deffinetly intermediate so far. ^.^

Blockbeap @ Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:58 pm

What a promising WIP. C: I can't wait to see it finished.

CK's Nightmare @ Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:21 pm

Looks absolutely stunning so far! Looking forward to the finished result!

189 replies not shown, show all

Hope you like it! I'm not sure if it's totally done yet, but it's mostly there!

Ooooooo! Thank you all SSOOOOOOO MUCH for featuring this!!!! WOW! This made my day!!! :D :D :D :D

myth; @ Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:24 am

OMG, that, is, a-ma-zing :O :clap:

-Obsidian @ Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:19 am

Beautiful picture. The wings are mind-blowing.

Mortikat @ Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:22 am

This is absolutely beautiful. <3 The softness the picture has makes eveyrthing feel so serene. You did such a wonderful job.

265 replies not shown, show all

-Swindle- Page 24 from Pages
by meveh @ Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:24 pm [Reply]

[ 2 3 || p a g e 2 4 || 2 5 ]

[ c o v e r ]

Poor Sam. Everyone's leaving. :c

Mmmm, look at those glowing eyes. How mysteeeerious. ;3;

I kind of rushed through this scene, and on this page. Especially with the writing. Here's what it says:
Limestone: Im going with Blizzard and Alyss.
Sam: Wha...what..? Limestone...
Snakeheart: -cuts in- Listen, Sam... Limestone is my best friend... we couldn't just split up like that...I think...I think I'll be joining her.
Sam: Fine!! After countless seasons, you'll leave me in my time of need! Fine. And what about you, Echo? Aren't you going too?!!
Echo: Oh, Sam...-dramatic eye-open- You know I wouldn't leave..

Bumm bumm bummmmmmm. ;D
-Swindle- (c) PuddingWaffles

Echo (c) Snowstar1
Blizzard (c) HooligansLover06
Alyss (c) ~Sora~Phantomhive~
Limestone (c) ♥Spiriteh♥
Sam (c) InterfectorFactory
Snakeheart (c) Quill Jocasta

Meredith's Whiskers @ Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:28 pm

Amazing, yet again^^I love how you colored Limestone
EDIT-First post again XD

calicotabbycat @ Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:32 pm

Ooh yay! Dis make me happeh. Very happeh.

Meredith's Whiskers @ Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:40 pm

<3Aren<3 wrote:Amazing, yet again^^I love how you colored SnakeHeart
EDIT-First post again XD

99 replies not shown, show all

A Message From Uoneko from Animals/Creatures
by apache~ @ Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:37 pm [Reply]

I see so many sad kids on chickensmoothie, and the internet in general...
I wanted to tell you all something: you are sad for NOTHING.
There are much worse off people out there, so quit feeling sorry for yourself.

On a more sensitive note:
I have been there. you can see in my gallery, my pieces got downright deppressing, and i was feeling depressed. I was in a tough place. Until i met someone who had it so much harder than me. And you know what? She was the happiest person i have ever met. EVER! I realized i had nothing to be sorry about when i heard her story- i won't repeat it here because it is too bad to repeat on a kid-friendly site such as this. But i realized from her that happiness is something you choose- sadness is something you choose. It can be more complicated than that, sure, but overall that's all happiness is.

That woman i met, she found humor in many things and laughed when she became hurt and sad. She taught me how to live again. I haven't seen her since we first talked, but she has impacted my life so much. And I will take her words now, because I don't think i can say it better: "Make your future the happiest thing you could ever imagine. You can do it if you're not lazy! YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU CHOOSE TO!"


This piece was made in careful consideration. The bright colors, swirls of blue and green growing around Uoneko, the gleam in his eyes and his faint smile. Even the style is cuter. I chose all these to portray the happiness i feel, the happiness i wish for you. I picked Uoneko to use in this drawing because he is a happier character in general, though I must reform my fursona Apache's character to be happier as well, because i am no longer the sad pup i once was.

I hope you all take this method to heart. It might have saved my life, and it could possibly save yours. If this got featured (i know it's a lot to ask for...) i would be so happy, because it would mean that all chickensmoothie users would get the chance to see this.

EDIT: 40 people have liked this! We are getting up there! more likes means more of a chance it will get featured <3

A STAMP to those who want to spread the word:


Code: Select all

and so it links to this thread, here's the link version:


Code: Select all


EDIT: I want to clarify something!

I am not trying to put down those who have clinical depression, BPD, or other conditions like them. I am merely saying that you can only wait around in sorrow for so long, before it is time to pick up the pieces and make a better you. This is supposed to encourage you to do so; to look at yourself and the things going on "between your ears," as my dad says. I fixed myself by going through a little self-therapy, and it allowed me to forgive myself and others in my life. This DOES NOT MEAN that if you are currently depressed or sad you are in any way wrong. I know some people may not be experiencing self-pity, and perhaps are being bullied or have an actual condition. I just want to let you know that happiness is not something that just comes to you. It is something you need to find and hold on to. <3

☼find your wings☼ @ Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:38 pm

This is so beautiful. c:
And I absolutely adore the message. And completely agree.
And I am happy you embraced happiness.
Stay that way.

Bellamy @ Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:45 pm

I'm very glad you met this women apache :} She sounds like a great person ^^

I missed Uoneko! Such a cutie <3

Great job by the way, I'm loving this new style of yours! Especially the tweeks you've made with your shading in some of your oekaki drawings! <3

Akoki @ Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:46 pm

really successful

135 replies not shown, show all

U.S.A. Quarter from Objects/Abstract/Other
by Oofay @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:45 am [Reply]

Please, for the love of undersea pineapples, ignore the timer. D: Although, this did take me quite a long time, around 6 1/2 hours, I can assure you that it did not take 10. :lol: This is an American coin, a quarter of a dollar. I dunno if you can tell, but it's actually silver. I don't like how the edges are uneven, but I'm just gonna go with it. I'm done working on this. :P I'll admit, I'm quite proud of this one.

Here's my reference, which is in fact a photo I took myself: Quarter

And here are some WIP shots: 1 2 3 4

AWOL @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:48 am

That is too good! O.O

van @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:48 am

*.* amazing.
Your work is truly... Amazing.

AbbeyDawn @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:49 am

Oofay, you amaze us again. I think the fact that the edge's are uneven make it look better, but thats just my opinion. All your works totally amazing, I wish you would make an artshop! Yet again, you'd be over-run with people wanting your art... Eh, either way, your arts amazing ^_^

189 replies not shown, show all

I hope this is okay mods, I really wanted the finished version of me and Panacea's collab in my gallery. :?

After many computer issues on both sides, this collab finally came together. I'm really happy with the result, it looks better than I could have imagined. I drew the girl, and Panacea drew the wolf. Doesn't the wolf look awesome? Just look at the fur! :o

WIP screenshots:
1 2 3 4 5 6

I used a personal reference.

Kite @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:59 am

Oh wow! This is the perfect artist pairing for a collab! Two of the best artists on CS working on the same picture, its almost too much to take in ;)

Beautiful job, again, Panacea and Oofay!

Panacea @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:00 am

Oofay wrote:Doesn't the wolf look awesome? Just look at the fur! :o

God don't even go there xD it's extremely sloppy xP

white dove @ Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:03 am

This is truly beautiful!! <3

ps. i love the way it says 19sec (in the time haha) C':

fabulous job!! <3

55 replies not shown, show all

Okayyy just clearing this up for people to make sure you are giving the correct credit to
Oofay drew the person and I drew the wolf.
Yes 2 artist were a part of this! <3 Thank you
F I N A L L Y !
I feel so bad making you wait Oofay xP
computers just never seem to work when you want them to

*eye twitch* it's 1:50am right now and I'm going to bed


dedenne @ Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:55 pm

Wow ouo

That is so amazing <33

Sherlock @ Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:57 pm



I am in love with the anatomy on both the wolf and human just .__. <3

Panacea @ Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:59 pm

Rabid Unicorns wrote:o.o


I am in love with the anatomy on both the wolf and human just .__. <3

Oofay drew the person xD Mine's the sloppy wolf

219 replies not shown, show all

Please do not use these lines anymore.

Anonymous @ Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:48 pm

Amazing. I will probably color it! :)

Offended Cockatiel @ Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:59 pm

it looks gorgeose. <33

CoyoteSoul @ Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:48 pm


454 replies not shown, show all

Christmas Brothers from Animals/Creatures
by Amanda @ Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:36 pm [Reply]

Not done yet, but this is going to be a pic of the two new Christmas lions. I literally squealed when I got my advent today, and couldn't wait to draw them. (I am still working on the other Christmas lion from 2008 like I said I was going to draw in my last Christmas lion pic, but this was just more exciting since there are now new ones.) I wanted to finish this pic all at once, but it's getting late, so wanted to at least share what I have so far with you. Open to critiques and such thus far. The blue mane just really took a lot of time, so I don't have the energy to finish the red guy yet. Lol. His mouth turned out nicely though.

I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the pink down on the white guy's muzzle or not... it just didn't look right up on his "cheeks." Will probably play around with that a little more. And this is still without shading, but still open to critiques and advice.

Coloring based on the two new advent lions:

Pose referenced from: Link

EDIT: DONE! Just in time for Christmas! lol. Technically its already Christmas Eve where I live, but just barely. Enjoy!

Comments and Critiques welcome!

EDIT: OMG! a Feature?!? Thank you all so much! What a great Christmas present logging on today and seeing this picture scrolling through the feature section. And thank you all for the great comments! There's just too many to thank you all individually, but be assured I have read them all :)

Thank you all so much! 382 likes!? It blows my mind. I hope everyone has had a great holiday for whatever it is you celebrate, and that you all have a great New Years too! :D

EDIT: Over 700 likes?! No way! Thanks everyone!

EDIT: 1041!?!?! I never expected this drawing to be that good! Thank you all so much. I'm getting a kick out of some of your comments, and others have really brightened my day. Thanks to everyone one of you who have commented, and liked this piece! I have read all of the comments, and continue to come back here to read them. I only wish there was a bigger size font to use so you all can see how much I am surprised, and how much I appreciate all the support! Have a great New Year everyone!!!

Prince of Awesome @ Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:42 pm


Amanda @ Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:43 pm

-Rising||Thunder- wrote:EPIC

YAY! Now I can go to bed happy! XD Thanks

Prince of Awesome @ Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:44 pm

Your Very welcome ^^

193 replies not shown, show all

Surreal from Animals/Creatures
by DIW @ Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:06 pm [Reply]

So, watching a movie and doodling. This is what I came up with. Still like silhouettes. They're fun and simple.
Mutt dog watching out over the field at dusk.

Obviously timer isn't accurate. Got lost in the movie somewhere. Actual work time on this, probably about 15 minutes.

I do not take requests or trades for drawings.

Pet for pet trades however are quite welcome.

ktyhrea @ Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:08 pm

wow. that. is. AMAZING!!!!!! 15 minutes! i cant draw on a computer to save my life but this is awesome! great job :)

Zera @ Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:15 pm

Beautiful art work!

randomzness @ Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:59 pm

this is amazing! You are extremely talented, i cant believe you did this in 42 minutes! :D you are truly skilled

251 replies not shown, show all

Wild Mountain Equids from Animals/Creatures
by MazBourne @ Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:29 pm [Reply]

I do NOT make customs of these creatures, they are HORSY1050'S SPECIES and are not available to make characters of your own from. < Click and READ the first post which explains how to adopt.
My girls Destiny and Stardust playing in a rather rocky part of one of their homeland mountains <3

EDIT: Thankyou so much for all of your support and the feature!! This piece still has a little way to go before completion also :) <3<3

Kokoamo @ Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:33 pm

Looks great c: I love the background.

MazBourne @ Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:34 pm

Thankyou :) It's still in it's extremely early stages, and as usual there are no references involved :)

Alley96 @ Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:08 pm

Ooohhh, how I envy your skillz for rocks, I couldn't draw them to save my life e.e

Anyways, enough of my rambling, this looks awesome ^^

191 replies not shown, show all

The earth from Above from Landscape/Scenery
by ~Arcade fire~ @ Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:59 am [Reply]

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

— John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

I used a reference from google images. This was really fun to draw, I hope you all will like this. :)

Oh my god, thank you everybody! This got featured! Thank you all SO much. :D
EDIT: 1128 likes?!?! Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all your comments, likes, and views! ^^

Emi_ @ Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:01 am

This is amazing!!!!

not meaty smoothie @ Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:04 am

I agree!

Dream-Big<3 @ Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:06 am

Oh my gawd this is ah-mazing! This has gotta be featured!!!

EDIT: yay my wish came true! haha congrats!

206 replies not shown, show all

Reflected from Animals/Creatures
by EmberWolf @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:13 pm [Reply]

Doodle? o3o Sort of. Tried to be quick with this XD Wasn't exactly how I wanted it but ah well o3o

EDIT:: Thanks for all the likes and comments, guys! :3 It jumped from 170 likes to 300+ in a matter of a few hours, wow 8D Luffs to everyone who likes and comments <33

EDITEDIT::: 750+ likes?!? Daaaaanggg 8O Thanks so much guys <33

EPICEDITEDIT:::: over 1000 likes :'D luff you all of you who liked this and commented <33333

Edit by Nick: The PNG version of this drawing preserves the texture a little better :)

Kite @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:19 pm

This.... THIS! Is fabulous, my friend! Gorgeous! Amazing! Nice job!

Flightless @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:20 pm

This is so eye catching and very beautiful!
I love your style and this whole doodle itself ^-^

profilegone @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:22 pm

I cannot put into words how beautiful this is, I love it.

217 replies not shown, show all

Welcome to JBD Adopts!

What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored, neat, and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are mostly gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

JBD Forum- A Place for the JBD Community!
Oh Yes Shiny New Forum

About JBDs
★JBD sizes (smallest to biggest):
adult: great dane sized-cow sized
teen: shiba inu sized- german shepherd sized
child: cat sized- bulldog sized
baby/egg: rabbit sized

★ JBDs hatch from a jellybean-shaped egg, which gives them their name. The egg shell's color matches the fur color of the baby it keeps inside. A baby JBD is born with no markings, though a week after it hatches, it will start changing fur, and its markings will appear
★ Dark-colored JBDs are rare, and have a less social and cheerful personality than bright-colored JBDs.
★ Plain-colored JBDs are the rarest kind of JBDs. Unlike the rest of JBDs, their markings don't appear when they change fur, so they have a single fur color.
★ A few adult JBDs have Young Forever Syndrome (YFS). This means that it will not develop horns and/or it won't reach adult size.
★ When a JBD reaches adulthood, its horns start developing.
★ JBDs rarely use their fire, unless it is for cooking something or making a fireplace to keep themselves warm. They never use fire to harm anything or anyone.
★ A JBD's tail is as long as its body. In rare cases, it might be shorter.

How do I adopt?
Simply click the Jellybean Dragon that you'd like to adopt. The requirements to adopt each Jellybean Dragon will be stated by its respective artist.

★ Please respect the artists, mini-mods and other users.
★ Don't try to bribe the artists
★ Don't steal the species!
★ Don't complain if you don't win.
★ Take good care of your Jellybean Dragon! If you no longer want it, PM me or the artist who designed it, so someone else can adopt it.
★ Don't eat steal someone else's Jellybean Dragon!
★ You aren't allowed to own more than four.
★ Please don't complain on the thread! I know it might be frustrating to become a guest artist due to time zone differences, but there's nothing I can do, sorry.
★ This is pretty obvious, but it has been happening, so please don't spam the thread. If you do, you will be warned by one of the mods.
★ If you have a question, please read the first post. If your question isn't answered here, then go ahead and ask.
★ Edited guest artist forms won't count! Please don't post the form and later edit it to fill in your username; it is unfair to others.
★ Guest artists are not allowed to make runner-up JBDs.

Wolf Blood Song
Tabby Bae

I'm currently not looking for new artists c: (If you are an artist but don't have time to make more adoptables, please let me know so I can look for new artists c:)


Guest Artists

1. Syra
2. Verdana
3. ~RunawayWolf~

Slots are closed and will open again on Wednesday. (slots open when I say so.)
(A group of guest artists will be around for a week, and each guest artist is allowed to create 2 JBDs.)
Please don't change the form. It is easier for me to see it this way c:
Code: Select all
[color=#FF0040][b]I Want to be a Guest Artist![/b]

Please don't post your forms until I post that the slots are open!

Note: if you wish to grab a slot for someone else, fill in the form with their username.

This is how GA slots will work now: You will post your form, as usual. I will go through the first 10 (15? I'm not sure yet) people's Oekaki galleries, and choose 3 based on their designing skills. If you are filling the form for someone else, please link to their Oekaki gallery. Remember you can't be a GA for two consecutive weeks. Slots automatically close after the first 15 posts.

Spread the Love!
thank you for the stamp, moonlight_girl! It's awesome!<3
Code: Select all

Available Jellybean Dragons

(I've moved the list to the JBD Center due to space issues.)

JBD #251; judging
JBD #257; available
JBD #258; available
JBD #262; available

Thanks to Glomp for helping me keep the list updated!

JBD Roleplay
Cake, Lies, and Other Sweets
thanks to Sapphy~ for the RP!

Sticks, Stones, and Soda
thanks to Bonus for the RP!

JBD Fanclub
thanks to LabelMeGold for making the fanclub <3


I dare you to check these awesome species out!

Desert Racer Adoptables
Dox Dragon Adoptions
Hazelnut Squirrels

JBD Archives
Thanks to Blazer.Peppermint for the archives!


Note to artists:
If you have created a JBD and it hasn't been adopted yet, please don't post another one until it is adopted (this doesn't apply to guest artists) c: Remember that a JBD's fur can be up to 4 different colors, and they always have at least two stripes on their tail. Dark colored JBDs and plain colored JBDs are rare c: If the JBD you created is a YFS, make sure to say so somewhere. You may create up to 2 custom JBDs for yourself.

Note to guest artists:
A new group of 4 guest artists will be accepted each week. Each will be allowed to create 2 JBD during that week, no more! You can't be a guest artist for two consecutive weeks.
Guest artists aren't allowed to create rare JBDs (Dark colored or Plain colored).
Guest artists are allowed to make a JBD for themselves as long as they don't own one yet. Please number the JBD even if you're keeping it!

Don't make sparkle-beans! It's ok that they are colorful, but please choose colors that don't burn people's eyes c:

Thanks to all for your help and support c: <3 If you have suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Please post links to JBD linearts in the JBD Center. Thanks.

JBD Adopts will close after the 300th JBD is released.

DJ_X2 @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:03 am

They are cute!!!!!!!! :D <3

Blitz. @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:25 am

Omg, I have been waiting for this my whole life ;u;


mordacious @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:38 am

These are going to be so adorable. 0u0

2963 replies not shown, show all

I Spy from Human/Humanoid
by Oofay @ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:14 am [Reply]

Eye and hair practice. Timer is only off by about an hour. :3

WIP screenshots: 1 2 3 4

TEE.HEE. @ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:18 am

OH MY GOSH THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♡Lady Lesednik♡ @ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:21 am

.......... INSANITY! This is amazing! You should be locked in Tess' basement with the other site artists. Now get down there.

puppyfriendz @ Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:22 am

Great Job! It looks so realistic! :thumbup: :clap: :clap:

214 replies not shown, show all

Sparkle and Glitter from Animals/Creatures
by Chia @ Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:52 am [Reply]

1000+ likes? Eeep. >u<

Edit: Thanks for the feature and 600+ likes~

Heh, I think I kinda overdid it with the highlights. lol At least the title fits.

Fanart of this beauty:
Because I absolutely adore it. <3

TheSuperShadowCat @ Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:53 am

Great job

DaDwarf @ Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:53 am

dat face D: awesome!

wit @ Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:53 am

Made. My. Life.

207 replies not shown, show all

And So We Go On from Objects/Abstract/Other
by Oofay @ Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:23 am [Reply]

This drawing turned out to be a much more difficult challenge than I was expecting. I'm still not completely satisfied with how it came out, but ya know what, I learned a few things while drawing it which I'm sure will help me in my next drawing, and that makes me happy. :mrgreen:

This is a still life of a couple of my little brother's hand-me-down toys. As you can see, they're a bit worse for the wear. The hippo is missing its front wheels, and the elephant its ears. They've seen the hands and slobbery mouths of four babies now. If they could talk, I wonder what horror stories they'd tell? XD

Once again, I want to thank everyone who's looked at, commented on, or 'liked' one of my drawings. I appreciate you taking the time to do that very much.

EDIT: Here are some WIP screenshots: 1 2

Twisted Illusions @ Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:27 am

Your drawing skills always amaze me O_0 Another amazing job!

Lil'Chris @ Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:30 am

wow its amazing

ralphy @ Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:42 am

How did you draw that??? You are amazing! It's perfect! I wish I could draw like that!

132 replies not shown, show all

Apache's Family Cat Lines from Editable Oekaki, based on this drawing by apache~
by apache~ @ Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:16 am [Reply]

my cat family is finally finished! 6 cats, all cuddled together. This was done as part of my love series, link in my signature!

NOTE: the real time spent drawing this was nearly 3 hours! :>

To color, please use the 'lock alpha' on the color layers. It's really that simple :>

I'm willing to do add-ons to this, so if you have any suggestions for what should be added, please post them in either bold or ALL CAPS so I can see it better. Thank you!

apache~ wrote:thanks to everyone that is coloring this! I'm really glad y'all like it. I'm also open to suggestions for other editables- what do you guys want to see? post these in all caps or bold, please!

    • Do not remove my signature! IT MUST BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES.
    • Do not use it shops, or sell it anywhere for any sort of personal gain, even if you state that I made it.
    • Can be colored and given out for FREE in shops or the adoptable oekaki
    • Can be used in contests IF A LINK IS PROVIDED IN THE COMMENTS.
    •Can be taken off-site, as long as I am given credit and a link back to this page is provided when asked.
    • Can be editted, as long as my sig stays on there somewhere.
    • Enjoy!

Weirdlilpuppy @ Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:25 am

Oh my goshhhhhh! ^^ How cute!!!!! I am so coloring this!!!!

Dragon Reine @ Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:27 am

So cute! i love this! <3

Chicanery @ Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:34 am

This is beautiful Apache!

276 replies not shown, show all

Star Line from Human/Humanoid
by Aracenae @ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:43 pm [Reply]

... ah... I was playing Child of Eden. then I was all happy with a certain song, called Star Line. so then I wanted to draw, and I listened to the song while I was drawing this. I may change the name.
..........but I think i'is pwetty :D !

............... ......... ...kinda hard ta look at, isn't it?

EDIT: 37 LIKES?!?! T-thanks, guys!
FEATURED?! Thank you all even more!xD

Edit::OVER 700 LIKES!? *whaaaat* most popular of all TIME!!? :D :D :D

inspired/art style from child of eden.
pic by me.
:!: PLEASEDONOTSTEAL!!!!!!!!! i still have my imaginary crossbow! :!:

Narwhal_1022 @ Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:46 pm

This is sooooooo Beautiful! :D You are an amazing artist! (:

Aracenae @ Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:02 pm

w3agac wrote:This is sooooooo Beautiful! :D You are an amazing artist! (:

Thanks! every compliment means A LOT to meeeee! :D

Aracenae @ Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:58 am

may I plz have crits? I'm trying to get better and I think I could do this as a career.

102 replies not shown, show all

But the tigers come at night from Animals/Creatures
by Minuti @ Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:42 pm [Reply]

Thought this one was forever gone because of some internetproblems.
=u=; phew.

a feature, wow.. really XD;;;
ty <3

edit edit:
all your lovely comments really make my day <3<3<3
love you guys

debbie. @ Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:43 pm

Woahhh there! I like it! ^^

Gooood job! ;)

Offended Cockatiel @ Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:47 pm

Looks awsine!

Bugmo33 @ Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:49 pm

PURE LUFF <333333333 This is amazing, I love it and tigers are my all time fav animal!

109 replies not shown, show all

This thread is closed for the time being. I know I have some pending pictures and I will attempt to contact them soon concerning them, I have been incredibly busy and having some troubles away from the PC so.. my apologies to those who still wanted one.

I will more than likely be continuing to sell designs but.. for cash and on DA. Look for those in future.

Pending list of things to do:

1) MintCat : Complete (needs new bg)
2) Twilight Sparkle : Details Confirmed. Payment Confirmed. Custom Draw (60) Still want? y/n
3) Sahre : Details/Payment Confirmed. Premade Draw (55) Custom Background Still want? y/n

I do not claim to own MLP nor ideas that went into this adoptable. MLP (C) Hasbro Animation et al.
All the art was hand drawn by me and I would not appreciate my art being thefted in any way, as would anyone.
All designs will be original and not copied from any existing MLP. If there is a coincidence in a mark or hairstyle, it will be purely coincidence. I will strive to make every pony as unique as possible.
All designs are owned by the person who pays for them. Do not use any art or design that does not belong to you. Any thieves or copycats will be subjected to punishment most severe.

Vampiric @ Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:06 am

List of Happy Owners~

Lilac - Adopted by Blazer
Boysenberry - Adopted by Snickers.doodle
Annie - Adopted by Duec
Pumkin Pie - Adopted by Katrina~
Galaxy - Adopted by Nightmare Moon
Pocahontas - Adopted by Tennis.
Diabolio - Adopted by Chessur
Mark - Adopted by SteffiDaBeagle
Fiammata - Adopted by Blazer
Sea Blossom - Adopted by Blazer
Dainty Lace - Adopted by Vampiric
Lance - Adopted by tiffecawy
Hill Berry - Adopted by Teaflight
Sasha - Adopted by AkiraSuka
Anthony - Adopted by Shadowkitten
Dusty Sunset - Adopted by .·.Ѧιƨƨ Ɯσℓғʏ.·.
Kyria - Adopted by Van
Sadie Skates - Adopted by Mystique
Skye - Adopted by Mrs. Malik ♥
Adena - Adopted by Verdana
Secrety - Adopted by Rukie
Time Warp - Adopted by SteffiDaBeagle
Dr. Honorous Faust - Adopted by Angua
Lovis - Adopted by Morphius
Arisa - Adopted by Akita
Crepuscolo - Adopted by Blazer
Emma - Adopted by Blazer
Raileous - Adopted by Rukie
River Melody - Adopted by Gaurweth
July - Adopted by ashberry
Autumn - Adopted by Skittles
Siranéia - Adopted by JoyceJennifer
Lotia - Adopted by Rukie
Leliana - Adopted by Morphius
Mako - Adopted by Mordacious
Sapphire WarriorAdopted by <3Fenris<3
Princess Fanta - Adopted by Angua
Flower - Adopted by Teaflight
Shiver - Adopted by Kokoamo
Red Orchid - Adopted by chryoyo
Luna - Adopted by ashberry
Mistletoe Cake - Adopted by Autumnwind
Paperclip - Adopted by The Catalyst
Sweet Noel - Adopted by Nefarious
Peaceful Sun - Adopted by Corgi.
Oz - Adopted by *~SlyFox~*
Roco - Adopted by Bast
Uva Ghiaccio - Adopted by Blazer
Fiona - Adopted by Bbun
Jinglebells - Adopted by Corgi.
Isadora - Adopted by KatieReptile

Mckayla - Adopted by *DJ Wolfy*
Milady - Adopted by yumekaczorek
Albert - Adopted by katiemeepers
Fevahpytch - Adopted by Ethulai
Vitale - Adopted by MintCat
Samhain - Adopted by Ethulai
Lily Tenni - Adopted by *DJ Wolfy*
Cupcake Frosting - Adopted by rainbowpanda101
Fantasia - Adopted by Mara<3
Lacy Ribbon - Adopted by rainbowpanda101
Cinnamin Tart - Adopted by .:RainbowTea:.
Brightlight - Adopted by Applesky
Jicin - Adopted by Ethulai
Firetail - Adopted by MinouMiu
Alice - Adopted by
Storms - Adopted by ~April~
Envo - Adopted by Prism
Rosco - Adopted by TheScamperPony
Iridessa - Adopted by Enchanted~Singer
Ivoria - Adopted by Accailiai
Rose Thorn - Adopted by rainbowpanda101
Emma - Adopted by Lavapony
Daisy - Adopted by Enchanted~Singer
Sky Flash - Adopted by M0rgana M00n
Holly Berry - Adopted by SarahLovesMusic
Izzabella - Adopted by ~SnowWolf~
GoldenSky - Adopted by RainbowBizkit <3
Bedwyn - Adopted by Morphius
Felis - Adopted by *DJ Wolfy*

Lirrie @ Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:11 am

<3 saves and buttscoots arcross page.

naille @ Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:17 am

Awshum vampy!I should adopt one ;)

352 replies not shown, show all

Muted Melancholy from Human/Humanoid
by FairSky @ Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:40 am [Reply]

I haven't posted any drawings in a long time, so I thought I might give it a go. :)

I know it's not the best, but comments and criticism would be very much appreciated!

I did also waste quite a bit of time unnecessarily, and the timer appears to be off by quite a lot... ^^''

Edit: Oh my gosh, a feature?!
Aww, thank you all ever so very, very much, I really can't believe it!! ^-^
This means so very much, I am so very grateful,thank you all so much for your lovely comments and for the likes, I appreciate it so much, once again thank you, thank you, thank you! <3

lkjhgfdsamnbvcxz @ Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:41 am

How dare you put this in 'Beginner's Oeakaki'?
/dies again/
This is absolutely beautiful...

Archfiend @ Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:41 am

Oh my goodness! That's so awesome looking!^^

Lirian @ Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:42 am

Wow this is amazing! -is in complete awe-

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