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Reminder: Copying another person's art without permission to reproduce their work is a form of art-theft!If you are unsure,
read the full art rules here.
- Recent drawings from the Oekaki forums
by wlw in 58:46
Drawings of real OR fantasy animals and creatures (excluding creatures which look more human than animal).
For art featuring anthropomorphic creatures as the main subject (animals with human-like characteristics /shape)
Drawings with a human or human-like character as the main subject.
Reference Sheets
Create and share reference sheets of your original characters here!
Drawings with the environment/setting being the main focus. This could be nature, city, or even fantasy settings.
Drawings featuring objects as the main subject, or abstract concepts/creations which don't fit into any other category.
Editable Oekaki
If you post your drawings here, other people can edit them and make their own versions!
For editable drawings posted as competitions with prizes
Artist Search
Editable drawings for new artists to try out to join species/communities
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