Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:

#58 -- winner! Skywolf237 based on this drawing by Pachoopi
by £eviathan @ Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:37 am [Reply]

To adopt this one, I'd like: Name, Gender, and ONE piece of art, creativity counts.

This one has glowing bits.

And that's my last guest artist spot. Thanks guys! :D

£eviathan @ Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:39 am


£eviathan @ Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:28 am


£eviathan @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:07 am


5 replies not shown, show all

Tiny Elephant #29-Adopted based on this drawing by Stephajo
by Stephajo @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:37 pm [Reply]

This TE has been adopted

KitFairy wrote:Username: KitFairy
TE's name: Emery
Personality: Brave, Daring and loves to have fun
Habitat: The Circus of Trades. ;)
Why you want it: I think that him and Divine would get along great and would make a great couple. :D
Art (optional)

Stephajo @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:35 am


Birdy @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:09 am

Username: teddyrosa
TE's name: Oscar
Personality: Wise and thoughtful, but more than willing to put his life on the line for the sake of his family and friends. He's caring and considerate, but has a stubborn side.
Habitat: Volcano
Why you want it: He's adorbs. and has the prettiest darn eyes I ever saw!
Art (optional) WIP

Meh, as cute as this 'lil guy is, I thought I'd give the others a better chance. He is pretty cute, though! Good luck to all of the entrants :)

Born From Books @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:33 am

TE's name:Stripes
Personality:sweet kind playfull
Habitat:my siggi(is this right)
Why you want it:to put in my siggy i LOVE elaphants.I acctually collect them in real life
Art (optional)

Code: Select all

10 replies not shown, show all

WME: Perlino based on this drawing by horsy1050
by sailorsolarsystem @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:57 am [Reply]

Height: 13.1
Gender: Female

Owner: Wolf's Spirit
Equid Name: Sahara
Equid Age: 2

It took me forever to choose the top two then even longer to choose between them.

All of the entries where brilliantly done and it was really difficult to choose between them. But congratulations to Wolf's Spirit.

Kawartsii @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:00 am

Owner: Akailla
Equid Name: Shimmer
Equid Age: 3

Shimmer can be a very difficult creature to get to know. She is very shy and does not like talking loud as she hates being noticed as she does not like the the attention and struggles to get to know new creatures. Although she can be quiet at many times, Shimmer is a lovable Equid that shows her true friendship and kindness around others. She is always positive and never has any doubts about anything that goes wrong. When something is hurting close friends and family, she is always there to stick up for them and is always protective, no matter how competitive the opponent is. Once you get to know Shimmer, she will sonn crack out of her shell and show her true personality. She will show how much of her loyalty and kindness towards everyone.

xdenmark @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:02 am

Owner: Mr.BananaBerry
Equid Name: Celesta
Equid Age: 2 in a half
Celesta is a shy but calm WME who would rather graze underneath a tree than hang out with others. She feels very comfortable when around wildlife, and is keen to Explore forests and Mountain Trails. Its very rare to see her talking to other WME when theres lots of others around, but sometimes Celesta just wants to have a small, private chat with the others but doesn't want anything to do with them. She is also very kind and helpful, and is friends with everyone. She dislikes large crowds, crows, Fish and Bees. But inside, this Mare has a bright and wonderful personality, she just doesn't know how to express it. She is very brave, and would love to have lots of friends. She is also very loyal, and hates to loose any friend. She avoids fights and if anyone ever Critisised her Annoyed her, or even attack her, she would just Giggle and dash innto her own quiet place. It takes a while for Celesta to truly like you as a best friend, but the wait is truly worth it.

Clive @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:02 am

Equid Name:
Equid Age:
She"s about 4 years old.

Her personality: W.I.P

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▪ ▪Congratulations▪ ▪
I always adore your forms <3
I actualy really liked the fire theme, it really suits him n.n
And I personally love the song, never realised how amazing the lyrics are *-*

▪ ▪Profile▪ ▪
▪ Owner: -Firesong-
▪ Name: Kent
▪ Gender: Male
▪ Age: 75
▪ Rarity: Very Rare

▪ ▪Form▪ ▪
Code: Select all
▪ Username:
▪ Whelkon Name:
▪ Personality (2 sentences):
▪ 1-4 lines of lyrics to describe this whelkon*:

*** Meaning you have to find a few lines of lyrics from a song that remind you of this whelkon.
No more than 4 lines, or your form will be disqualified! </3

Good luck :3

ron @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:45 am

▪ Username: Seafeather
▪ Whelkon Name: TJ
▪ Personality (2 sentences): Is a bit Lazy, But loves Music.
▪ 1-4 lines of lyrics to describe this whelkon*:
"Whe are who we are, Dj , Turn it up up up Dj ......"

Twisted_Swallow @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:07 am

▪ Username:
▪ Whelkon Name:

Alaric is pronounced in English as AELahRihK †. Alaric is largely used in the English language and its origin is Germanic. The name is of the meaning ruler of all; noble ruler. Alareiks (Gothic) is an original form of Alaric. The name is from the combination of the Germanic 'ala' (all), 'ali' (foreign, other), or 'adal' (noble, honorable) with the element 'ric' (rich, powerful, ruler). It has traditionally been a name for the Visigothic kings, most famously Alaric I who plundered Rome in the 5th century. The Blessed Alaricus or Adalricus was a Swabian prince who became a monk in Switzerland in the tenth century; the name has sometimes been bestowed in honor of him. To English speakers, the name was first introduced by the Normans in the 11th century, and it later saw an increase in popularity during the Gothic and medieval revival of the 19th century.

▪ Personality (2 sentences):
Regal and majestic a proud proud boy who seems to pierce your soul and unravel your past present and future with his gaze.
This boy has a unique way of seeing the world and its changes and has a magical perspective.
▪ 1-4 lines of lyrics to describe this whelkon*:
Look Through My Eyes Lyrics
by Phil Collins

"Just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes
You'll be amazed what you'll find
If you look through my eyes"

Sullivan Maurus @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:45 am

drop out

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JBD #161 based on this drawing by Hiccup
by flyteck @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:34 am [Reply]

Hiccup wrote:
What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

Well, lookie at that! This started as pink and purple then somehow became this handsome beauty <3 The only rule is that you must include some art form in you form.

Note: Tail is dark shade of orange, not black. This will end in a week.

broker @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:37 am

Awww.. what a cutie! <3

TigressJaguiar @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:38 am

Adorable! I will probably enter.

lemondropkitten @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:58 am

Very tempting, flyteck, very tempting...

26 replies not shown, show all

Lufsta. wrote:Username: Lufsta.
Name: Majesty
Gender: Female
Majesty tends to think of herself as royalty, and others, poor old pesents.
She thinks that one day, the world will bow down to her beauty, richness, and quite plainly, herself!
She is very self centered, and never ever thinks of others.
She puts her life well ahead of others, and one someone asks her if they can borrow something and just strujts away, pretending she didn't hear.
When people compliment her on how beautiful she is, she smiles, puts her head high in the sky, and struts away, happy as anything.

Transparent version for you ;3

Twisted_Swallow @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:40 am

Tecno is a jolly little music lover who is always hopping to the music in his head.
He has a sweet personality and is extremely loving.
Sunshine personified even though he is green.
A cute little life loving, music loving beautiful.

allinian @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:05 am

Username: BrightHeaven
Name: EverGreen
Gender: Male
Why you want this Dragonbird: So cool! I love the color green and fell in love with this one the minute i saw it!!

allinian @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:05 am

Username: BrightHeaven
Name: EverGreen
Gender: Male
Why you want this Dragonbird: So cool! I love the color green and fell in love with this one the minute i saw it!!

6 replies not shown, show all

Tiger111 wrote: Username:



Why you want this Dragonbird:
This DBH just stands out to me. The detail is so beautifully crafted, the colours so carefully picked. The feathers caught my eye instantly - their colours are so well-matched, and if you google blue and purple, beautiful pictures come up, with colours just as vibrant as this Dragonbird Hopper-like this, this or this. The swirl on the tail feathers, too. Adds a perfect touch to her. She reminds me of something, but words can't describe it - the sea, a deep blue with moon light dancing on the surface and along the top of the gentle waves, the sun a beautiful pink and purple peeking just above the clouds and covering the water with a beautiful purple shimmer.
In short; I absolutely adore her design, colours, patterns and the feathers - everything really.

Transparent version for you ;3

p i n e a p p l e @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:09 pm

Username: Nikki~Mikki
Name: Louisiana Water Lily. Louise for shot. Her coloring remind me of water lilies and The Princess and the Frog, Disney version.
Gender:Female :)
Why you want this Dragonbird: I want this dragonbird because I absolutely LOVE the colors and color cobinations. If it isn't already obvious, my favorite color is blue, and sheks a beautiful river-blue-green. Absolutely amazing. Such beautiful colrs. And design just call to me. Nikki ... they call. Try to win me.. she taunts. So I just had to try :)

Sʈɑrry Ɲɩght Skɩə @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:29 pm

Username: SkieRunner
Name: Shiva (based of off nothing I just feel like it fits her)
Gender: female
Why you want this Dragonbird:
This is an absolutely amazing animal I live the colors and the disingns. They are just funny animals and I want to exsplore them so more. Great job wind, just a beautiful job!

OctiP @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:36 pm

Why you want this Dragonbird:
The colors... Their mesmerizing *_* I love it so much! And to double it off it's my favorite colors all combines into, one, little package <3 I'm going to make art <3

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Alrighty, so I was watching a tv show and a horse popped up and its markings made it look like its ribs were on the outside, which I thought was awesome, so I was inspired to make one like that ^^

To get this one, you must write a short 1 paragraph personality, I will judge in 24 hours.

Owner: Sayna Jaye
Name: Costa
Height: 16hh
Gender: Mare
Rarity: Rare
Personality: Costa is often greeted as a stallion by those who don't know her, but as she speaks they quickly realize their mistake. It is an error made quite often because of her boyish good looks and tomboyish charm. She loves it though, and will sometimes go out of her way to confuse them. She loves for people to be able to laugh at their mistakes and enjoys the company of anyone who will laugh with her. She has limitless pools of energy and is always up for a race, very speedy but never bragging. She's a very modest girl, but isn't shy in the least. She is flighty when it comes to forming serious relationships, but she shares very loving bonds with all her close friends.
Foals: Vltava Image
Haruhi Image
Valence Image

mordacious @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:57 am

Owner: Mordacious
Name: Nirithm
Height: 16hh
Gender: Female|| Mare
Rarity: Rare
Personality: "What would my head be like, if it weren't for my shoulders?" WIP

SydneyandStorm @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:11 am

Owner: SydneyandStorm
Name: Tsunami Starstruck (Stormy)
Height: 16hh
Gender: Stallion
Rarity: Rare
Personality: Stormy is audacious; that's truly the best way to describe him. He's reckless and bold, often charging head-first into the craziest things anyone could think of just to prove that he won't die. His loyalty is like a grain of sand - in one place one day and another the next, though never disappearing. He may be incredibly clingy for a little bit and then acting like he doesn't need anyone, but always in his heart he feels a strong connection to those he can't help but love. Stormy is haughty, too; the stallion is an absolute show-off and will gladly join in any competition just to strut his stuff, even if he ends up failing in the process. When he's mad, watch out. Everyone can only make his day worse. Through all of this, though, he's somehow loveable and endearing to those who take the time to get on his good side. He won't change himself, of course, but somehow everything he does becomes a bit brighter.

Was this short enough? ^^' He's absolutely gorgeous, Alley <3

starry--knight @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:21 am

Owner: starry-knight
Name: Adonis
Height: 16hh
Gender: Stallion
Rarity: Rare
Adonis is a gentle giant, a quiet, unspoken soul. He is patient beyond words and has a graceful elegant fasaude about him. Despite being a tad timid and meek, he is quite the ladies man. The way he speaks to them, the way he looks into their eyes, the way he holds himself displays a quiet confidence that not even I could describe. Adonis has a noble heart, and although he prefers to keep away from danger and any sign of brawls, he will step up to the challenge in the form of words. Adonis is a sweet talker, good at calming the mood and emotions of any he comes in contact with. It is probably one of his most useful and important qualities.

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Owner: WolfOnATreadmill
Name: Midnight Ferrari (Ferret)
Age: 3 years
Born: 1/1/2010
Gender: Colt
Colour: Black
Markings: Stripe/1 half-cannon (sock)
Sire: N/A
Dam: N/A
Racing Style: Drop in
Distance Type: Middle Distance
Background: N/A

Wins: 1
Places: 2
Outs: 0
Total Starts: 3

XP: 275XP

Worth at Sales: 275,000 EQ

ImmyWimmy1 @ Wed May 23, 2012 3:57 am

Entered into race: Merkel Maiden Stakes

ImmyWimmy1 @ Sun May 27, 2012 3:20 am

Place Achieved in Merkel Maiden Stakes:


ImmyWimmy1 @ Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:15 am

Entered into race: Jaden Vice Stakes

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▪ ▪Congratulations▪ ▪
Loved loved loved your form <3
It's always so touching and meaningful and usualy something that's easy to relate to <3
You just always bring these creatures to life n.n
Well done <3
I think her and Dundrum will be amazing friends c;
And what a great idea with the names <3
Especialy since their surroundings are so important to the whelkon <'3

▪ ▪Profile▪ ▪
▪ Owner: Ikaaaaaaaa
▪ Name: Arizona
▪ Gender: Female
▪ Age: 20
▪ Rarity: Very Common

▪ ▪Form▪ ▪
Code: Select all
▪ Username:
▪ Whelkon Name:
▪ Personality (2 sentences):

Good luck :3

soilatte @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:41 am

▪ Username:


▪ Whelkon Name:
Terra, meaning "Earth" in English.

▪ Personality:
Terra is strong brave, independent, but will be very humble around higher authority. She can be fiery, and somewhat disobedient around friends, but remains stubbornly loyal, always.

ika; @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:16 am

She's the one! My brain just went asdfghjkl hnnnnnnng. -dies-
▪ Username: Ikaaaaaaaaa

▪ Whelkon Name: Arizona.

I have decided that I will be naming all of my future Whelkon [and Dundrum, or course] after places that mean a lot to me, so it's natural that I've chosen Arizona for this girl. My Aunt lived in Arizona for a short time when I was a child, and I visited her once- the experience has stuck with me all this time. It was magical. Coming from such a green place, to go out to Arizona and see her was like traveling to a different world, and at the age of five, I was convinced that the aeroplane had crossed over into another universe or something. I was a strange child. It honestly felt like I'd gone back in time, staring at all the ancient rock formations and the dusty ground; I'd never known anywhere like this before. The two weeks there was enough to leave me with the desire to go back, even after so many years had passed. I remember I cried all the way coming home x3 I think the name fits this Whelkon- her desert-like colours and sandy hues, it just seems right <3

▪ Personality (2 sentences): Arizona is a very quiet creature- she seems like an old soul, many years ahead of her age. She rarely speaks at all, happy to bathe in the peaceful surroundings without such trivial interruptions like words; she's a poet, melancholy and true to her heart.

Queen Vivane @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:40 am

▪ Username: Queen Chrysalis

▪ Whelkon Name: Gaia

▪ Personality (2 sentences): Gaia is calm, never one to panic or overly fret. Like the Titan she is named after, Gaia feels like she has a connection with the earth and will do whatever she can to keep it beautiful; all while keeping to her peaceful instincts.

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To try out for her, simply tell me what you would name her. ^w^ I'll pick the winner Tomorrow night. C:

The winner is... BlueAura~ with Oceana! Congrats! C:

newt @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:43 am

Kai'e'e, means titla wave in Hawaiian

asdfghjkla @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:52 am

Kahini c: (Kah-hee-nee)
I think it really suits her!

She is just so beautiful <333333333333

lunar-lynx @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:51 pm


Meaning- Beautiful

I think the name Callie would suit this girl just perfectly. She's extremely beautiful. Her colors blend together wonderfully. Her shimmering golden eyes seem to pop against the soft tones of blue. I just love everything about her and I think this name would fit her well.
Even if I do not win, I thank you for the opportunity <3

25 replies not shown, show all

-3B- wrote:Username: -3B-
Kelpie Name: Mistress (So named because the beauty marks remind me of those on some rather... questionable but loveable dominant female characters in movies and books)
Kelpie age: 8 Years
Kelpie height: 15.2
Story: Some have heard the story of the Wicked Witches, some from the West and others in tall foreboding castles, growing poisoned fruit in the dungeons. But few have heard the tales of the animals those witches keep as pets, each bred or cursed with both complete submission to the witch as well as a specific mark - as if to show off the witch's power or to mark their territory, much like animals will with their urine or claws. Mistress was born with her mark, to the cruel, bent witch of the Louisiana Bayou. A quiet kelpie, she is rarely called upon for anything other than companionship or simple preparatory work, such as pulling the cart as the old voodoo queen gathers herbs, fungi and animals for her special tonics and potions. However, she has been called upon to use as bait.

The witch, in her whole life, never explained to another human why her mark was that of three simple dots on the left shoulder of each of her pets. However, she did chitter fondly to her animals, fully believing that they understood her powers. "One for strength," she would say, "two for power, and three for eternal life. A triangle, the most stable of shapes... one day, my pretties, we'll be the ruling force... and forevermore will powerful queens."

Mistress never understood her; she only understood that she was receiving a strange form of affection, and that she should relish in it... but it was difficult, with the old crone's twisted laughter, which could send chills up the spines of the bravest creatures. And so, without giving her strange marks another thought, she plodded along, her eyes clouded in confusion, never knowing her own destiny.

Desmond @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:04 pm

Username: -3B-
Kelpie Name: Mistress (So named because the beauty marks remind me of those on some rather... questionable but loveable dominant female characters in movies and books)
Kelpie age: 8 Years
Kelpie height: 15.2
Story: Some have heard the story of the Wicked Witches, some from the West and others in tall foreboding castles, growing poisoned fruit in the dungeons. But few have heard the tales of the animals those witches keep as pets, each bred or cursed with both complete submission to the witch as well as a specific mark - as if to show off the witch's power or to mark their territory, much like animals will with their urine or claws. Mistress was born with her mark, to the cruel, bent witch of the Louisiana Bayou. A quiet kelpie, she is rarely called upon for anything other than companionship or simple preparatory work, such as pulling the cart as the old voodoo queen gathers herbs, fungi and animals for her special tonics and potions. However, she has been called upon to use as bait.

The witch, in her whole life, never explained to another human why her mark was that of three simple dots on the left shoulder of each of her pets. However, she did chitter fondly to her animals, fully believing that they understood her powers. "One for strength," she would say, "two for power, and three for eternal life. A triangle, the most stable of shapes... one day, my pretties, we'll be the ruling force... and forevermore will powerful queens."

Mistress never understood her; she only understood that she was receiving a strange form of affection, and that she should relish in it... but it was difficult, with the old crone's twisted laughter, which could send chills up the spines of the bravest creatures. And so, without giving her strange marks another thought, she plodded along, her eyes clouded in confusion, never knowing her own destiny.

~*Waffletastic!*~ @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:50 pm

Ohh :3 i like that story

Bump Bump Bump

Mysty Fox @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:35 pm

Username: Mysty Fox
Kelpie Name: Astral
Kelpie age: 4
Kelpie height: 15.2
Story: WIP

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JOEILOPE ADOPTABLE #20! based on this drawing by Blizzard-
by Soph6297 @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:05 am [Reply]

What is a Joeilope? wrote:Basically, a Joeilope is the mix of a Kangaroo,
or Joey, and an Antelope. They have very soft, short fur, and long, thick tails.
Their tail tips glow any neon color, mostly bright and loud colors.
They have a natural base coat with bright markings.
Their eyes can be any color, from black to bi-color.
They have the horns of a bull, which range from a black
color to bleach white and cream. They have small manes, like Mohawks,
that run from their forehead to shoulder. Both males and females
have pouches, which they uses to house young or store fruit.
Fruit is their main diet, with the occasional root or vegetable
in between. They can have up to four different marking colors,
not including monochromatic colors.


Code: Select all
[b]His name:[/b]
[b]Short Story about him:[/b]

End date: 10th September

Winning Form wrote:Username: HannahBug
His name: Zackary
Personality:He might as well be a rockstar! He's bursting with self confidence and belives he can do anything if he tries hard enough. He is very active and involved in many social activities. He loves to go to the limits. He also likes to talk kinda loud when he's excited
Short Story about him:
Sneek A Peek

Zackary was hoping trough a feild near some man-huts. He wasn't supposed to be there, but that's what makes it so exciting, right?! He decited to get closer so he could see what the men were doing. As he hopped nearer he heard a strange sound. Entoxicated he pricked his ears. The sweet sound was driftig out of one of the bamboo man-huts. He carefuly hoped close so he could listen better. The closer he came the better the noise sounded. Zackary wasn't even watching where he was steppping anymore. He opened his eyes to find himself peering in the man-hut's window. Startled at himself he quickly ducked out of sight. To his disapointment the noises stopped. He pricked his ears, listing hard for even the slightest, delicate note, but instead he heard hurried steps approaching and a large heard of a man popped out of the window. Zackary saw the alarm in his wide eyes and decited to make his exit. He turned his long glowing tail and flead. He could hear the alarmed yowling of the men as he slipped into the cover of the bushes. As he sat down in the saftey of the shade he felt the surges of disapointment. He wanted to hear mare of the soft noises. His head drooped and he made to hop home. As he jumped over a bush and heard the noise again! Qiuckly, Zackary turned with excitement welling in his chest. He looked franticly around, but saw no source of the sound. His eves met the bush he has stroked. He poked it expearamentaly with his fingers. A thin sound erupted from the taunt hollow stems. Delighted, Zackary plucked at the weeds creating a soft melody that flowed through the thicket. It was that day that Zackary discovered his life's joy: music

Soph6297 @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:04 am


Soph6297 @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:16 am


HannahBug @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:19 am

Username: HannahBug
His name: Zackary
Personality:He might as well be a rockstar! He's bursting with self confidence and belives he can do anything if he tries hard enough. He is very active and involved in many social activities. He loves to go to the limits. He also likes to talk kinda loud when he's excited
Short Story about him:

Sneek A Peek

Zackary was hoping trough a feild near some man-huts. He wasn't supposed to be there, but that's what makes it so exciting, right?! He decited to get closer so he could see what the men were doing. As he hopped nearer he heard a strange sound. Entoxicated he pricked his ears. The sweet sound was driftig out of one of the bamboo man-huts. He carefuly hoped close so he could listen better. The closer he came the better the noise sounded. Zackary wasn't even watching where he was steppping anymore. He opened his eyes to find himself peering in the man-hut's window. Startled at himself he quickly ducked out of sight. To his disapointment the noises stopped. He pricked his ears, listing hard for even the slightest, delicate note, but instead he heard hurried steps approaching and a large heard of a man popped out of the window. Zackary saw the alarm in his wide eyes and decited to make his exit. He turned his long glowing tail and flead. He could hear the alarmed yowling of the men as he slipped into the cover of the bushes. As he sat down in the saftey of the shade he felt the surges of disapointment. He wanted to hear mare of the soft noises. His head drooped and he made to hop home. As he jumped over a bush and heard the noise again! Qiuckly, Zackary turned with excitement welling in his chest. He looked franticly around, but saw no source of the sound. His eves met the bush he has stroked. He poked it expearamentaly with his fingers. A thin sound erupted from the taunt hollow stems. Delighted, Zackary plucked at the weeds creating a soft melody that flowed through the thicket. It was that day that Zackary discovered his life's joy: music

2 replies not shown, show all

JOEILOPE ADOPTABLE #25! based on this drawing by Blizzard-
by Soph6297 @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:06 am [Reply]

What is a Joeilope? wrote:Basically, a Joeilope is the mix of a Kangaroo,
or Joey, and an Antelope. They have very soft, short fur, and long, thick tails.
Their tail tips glow any neon color, mostly bright and loud colors.
They have a natural base coat with bright markings.
Their eyes can be any color, from black to bi-color.
They have the horns of a bull, which range from a black
color to bleach white and cream. They have small manes, like Mohawks,
that run from their forehead to shoulder. Both males and females
have pouches, which they uses to house young or store fruit.
Fruit is their main diet, with the occasional root or vegetable
in between. They can have up to four different marking colors,
not including monochromatic colors.


Code: Select all
[b]Her name:[/b]
[b]Song that fits her:[/b]

End date: 11th September

Winning Form wrote:


Her name:
Solar ♀

Song that fits her:
Merrymaking At My Place - Calvin Harris

Soph6297 @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:28 am


miike @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:23 am



Her name:
Solar ♀

Song that fits her:
Merrymaking At My Place - Calvin Harris

Soph6297 @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:47 pm

Miike wrote:



Her name:
Solar ♀

Song that fits her:
Merrymaking At My Place - Calvin Harris

Congrats she is yours C:

BK: Brown based on this drawing by ~*Waffletastic!*~
by BayloneRose @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:26 pm [Reply]

Universal PhoneBooth wrote:

Bk's name:

UPB...............................Male............................2 Years.................16.2 hh

A young stallion like himself, Pippin is proud of his appearance. However, there is a fine line between pride and vanity, and he makes it very clear what side he is on. Although he does take care of himself and the way he looks, it is not a necessity. Though he does enjoy a nice messy mud bath. Pippin also has pride in his personality and likes the way he lives his life.
Pippin is always there for others. He is a shoulder to cry on, and a friend to tell. He finds it easy to empathise with others because of his quiet nature. He is forgiving and loving, and is always there for the people that need his kindness. He is neutral in quarrels, and is always willing to make enemies friends.
Because Pippin spends a lot of time on his own, he has picked up an unfortunate habit. He has taught himself to over obsess on something when he becomes interested in it. For example, once when he was still a colt, he and his mother stumbled accross a group of young humans out camping. Despite his mother's best efforts to keep him away, Pippin would often sneak away from his mother's safety to investigate.It was only from a rouge stallions... actions... that saved him from being captured.
He is always one to put others first. Not that he doesn't value himself, but just that he thinks that his needs are not a high priority. He is a giver and defineity not a taker, and is careful not to fall for emotional blackmail. He truely is a sweetheart and because of his friendly nature, also has a lot of people that care dearly for himself.
Although Pippin does like being in the company of others, he is keen to be on his own. He enjoys the deep thoughts he shares with himself, and spending time with his friends, the bluejays of the forests surrounding his swampy home. He loves his family, and does visit his mother but his father is long gone. This has taken a part out of his personality because he feels that if he had a father the guide him he would be more masculine but to be honest, he wouldn't have it any other way.


ilovepetethehorse:) @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:49 pm

OMG that rocks

Angua @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:13 pm

good luck to everyone

blackhoeses @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:57 am

Love his colors so pretty *sits and waits for the form*

16 replies not shown, show all

Fairy Tale Cat #3 based on this drawing by Guest
by Xireh @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:10 pm [Reply]

Cadet Alex wrote:Image
Fairy Tale Cats live deep in dark jungles. They're rarely seen, and only eat fish from ponds and lakes. There are three different varieties of Fairy Tale cats. No-one has seen all three of them at once!

Fairy Tale Cats have weird features that make then unique. The features depend on the species of Fairy Tale Cat that you find.

Submit this form to adopt her/him!
Code: Select all
What would you name him/her?
Gender of Fairy Tale Cat?:
Why do you want him/her?
Personality: *Optional
Art/Story: *Optional

ferncat @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:32 pm

Username: Ferncat
What would you name him/her? Storm
Gender of Fairy Tale Cat?: Male
Why do you want him/her? Because I love this breed! And I love nature, so this one is great and so cute!! <3
Personality: He is protective, brave and loyal, with a heart of gold!
Art/Story: *Optional
Other: FTC Are sooo cute<3

Xireh @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:35 pm

Accepted! Storm is all yours!

ferncat @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:38 pm

Thanks <333

to get this guy you have to answer three questions relating to a series of books invovling piebalds. The clues are:
- its a trilogy
- there is a group of people who call themselves piebalds
- There is a prince taken captive

The questions you have to answer are:
-What is the name of the series OR of a book within the series?
- What is the authors name?
- What is the FULL name of the main character?

first person to correctly answer AND completely fill out their form correctly wins :3 good luck! :D

Code: Select all
Gender: stallion
Name of book/series:
Name of author:
Name of main character:


.:BlessTheFall:. wrote:Username: .:BlessTheFall:.
Name: Chetteus ((Chet))
Gender: stallion
Height: 16hh
Name of book/series: Tawny Man Trilogy
Name of author: Robin Hobb
Name of main character: FitzChivalry Farseer

Sorry Twisted, you got it first, but i did ask for the full name of the main character ;3

Twisted_Swallow @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:35 am

Name of book/series:
The Tawny Man Trilogy
Fool's Errand
Golden Fool
Fool's Fate
Name of author:
Robin Hobb
Name of main character:

Desmond @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:13 am

Username: -3B-
Name: Nilien
Gender: stallion
Height: 17 hh
Name of book/series: Realm of Elderlings
Name of author: Robin Hobb
Name of main character: FitzChivalry Farseer

Oh, derp. xD I was using the name of the world used in the stories. :B Carry on~

Lucky Strike <3 @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:08 am

Username: .:BlessTheFall:.
Name: Chetteus ((Chet))
Gender: stallion
Height: 16hh
Name of book/series: Tawny Man Trilogy
Name of author: Robin Hobb
Name of main character: FitzChivalry Farseer

3 replies not shown, show all

WME: Complicated based on this drawing by horsy1050
by horsy1050 @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:13 am [Reply]

Height: 13.2hh
Gender: Male
Owner: fantasy girl
Equid Name: Helios
Equid Age: 3

fantasy girl @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:16 am

Owner: fantasy girl
Equid Name: Helios
Equid Age: 3
Horsy's pet is a... Cat

wajas @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:16 am

Owner: wajas
Equid Name: Theseus
Equid Age: two
Horsy's pet is a... a snake...?

G.L'S @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:17 am

Owner: G.L'S
Equid Name: Paleo
Equid Age: 3
Horsy's pet is a... Dog

9 replies not shown, show all

Glowsprite #15 based on this drawing by whoopsydaizy
by whoopsydaizy @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:31 pm [Reply]

I put October up for adoption (one of my GC's), and now this pretty little girl belongs to me. Wow, she took forever to make. Oh and parts of the skin around her tail is see-through, if you didn't notice - and she's a bob-tailed! c: The skin is also shorter, of course. Eh, might change that though, it feels over-done.

Anyways, her name is Amaranth.

SW #2 Adopt me? based on this drawing by nivans.piers
by ~Heart.:.Broken~ @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:42 pm [Reply]

Stiched Wolf #2

Form is on the first page.

nivans.piers @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:46 pm

awesome! will you put #2 in the drawing so people see it? thanks! :thumbup:

~Heart.:.Broken~ @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:51 pm

Is that good?

nivans.piers @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:25 pm

Awesome thanks!

Serious businessmen do serious things. Seriously.

I based this guy off of the new 'CS Business' theme. 'Cuz it's awesome and all that. He's pretty simple (for me) but I think he's cute. c: Also, the timer is a massive lie.

Miike's Jon

hexlco @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:13 pm

I'd love to adopt him but I'm not sure if I can. I would draw him with my personal tablet and own drawing but then I'm not sure if you'd let me adopt him...

teleport @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:18 pm

You don't have to draw him. x3

hexlco @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:13 pm

Oh, I will draw him though, but I'll fill out this form for you.




Picture of something that he might wear at work: ... ure-62.png Well there isn't a picture of pants but umm, he would be wearing gray pants. Well, would he wear pants?

Reading, Law suits (Being a business man) and secretly singing, lastly goofing around with friends. Though he is also serious and confidential. He's pretty much got two different personalities.

4 replies not shown, show all

Tiny Elephant #21-Adopted based on this drawing by Stephajo
by Stephajo @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:36 am [Reply]


This TE has been adopted!

KitFairy wrote:Username: KitFairy
Tiny Elephant's Name: Divine
Gender: Female
Personality: passionate, Friendly and loves to have fun.
Favorite Food: Chocolate moose pie
Why do you want it?: I love this design and would have her help me out with my trades.
Art (Optional):

HeatherLovelyBones @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:38 am

Tiny Elephant's Name:Cinna
Personality:Fun and loving.Has allot of energy
Favorite Food:Peanuts of course
Why do you want it?:she is sooo cute and i wanna put her in my siggy
Art (Optional):

Stephajo @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:31 am

VampireKnight<3 wrote:Username:VampireKnight<3
Tiny Elephant's Name:Cinna
Personality:Fun and loving.Has allot of energy
Favorite Food:Peanuts of course
Why do you want it?:she is sooo cute and i wanna put her in my siggy
Art (Optional):

Thanks for the entry! i'm going to leave this up for a few days before deciding.

Traffic @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:01 am

oz my goodness- it's so cute! You make some pretty awesome stuff Stephajo!

8 replies not shown, show all

Vudu#29 based on this drawing by Sayna Jaye
by Sayna Jaye @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:51 am [Reply]

What is a Vudu?
It is an ungulate native to the jungles of Africa that now also resides in the Louisiana Bayou. They possess a five-point set of antlers, have three toes on each foot. They also have gems in their chest that are thought to be the the source of their psychic abilities.

Gender: Female
Height: 12.1 hh

Give me a little bit of background info on this girl!

~*Oddly Shaded*~ wrote:I couldn't resist!!!

Username: ~*Oddly Shaded*~
Vudu Name: Cigma
Psychic Power: The power to mentally connect with any animal near by. This is different from mind reading, because she cannot connect to the thought path, only the emotional side of the animal. This includes a predators emotions, which on a very common occasion saves her hid!
History: Cigma was a very spoilt little girl. She lived in the richest grazing land, though, that brought many more Vudu's and many more predators. Though the predators weren't the only ones coming. Because the land was rich with animals to hunt, humans came to satisfy their needs. Luckily the little Cigma was fast enough to escape predators and humans. And was able to camoflague easliy. Though the humans had no respect for the land and littered, left ashes, which one day, started a fire. It burnt the entire grazing land, killed thousands of animals. But this effected Cigma more than the others. She could feel everything the others felt. So much agony. So much pain. She was barely able to continue on with the survivors. She left on her own once she was old enough to care for herself. Never realizing that her family, her herd, they needed her more than ever.


Oddly Shaded @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:26 pm

I couldn't resist!!!


Username: ~*Oddly Shaded*~
Vudu Name: Cigma
Psychic Power: The power to mentally connect with any animal near by. This is different from mind reading, because she cannot connect to the thought path, only the emotional side of the animal. This includes a predators emotions, which on a very common occasion saves her hid!
History: Cigma was a very spoilt little girl. She lived in the richest grazing land, though, that brought many more Vudu's and many more predators. Though the predators weren't the only ones coming. Because the land was rich with animals to hunt, humans came to satisfy their needs. Luckily the little Cigma was fast enough to escape predators and humans. And was able to camoflague easliy. Though the humans had no respect for the land and littered, left ashes, which one day, started a fire. It burnt the entire grazing land, killed thousands of animals. But this effected Cigma more than the others. She could feel everything the others felt. So much agony. So much pain. She was barely able to continue on with the survivors. She left on her own once she was old enough to care for herself. Never realizing that her family, her herd, they needed her more than ever.

The Gifting Queen @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:42 am

Username: Ƙικι_Ѵɛиσм罗丽塔

Vudu Name: Xitlalee [sit-lawl-lee]

Psychic Power: she has the ability to shape a creatures pathway. She can't tell them their future, or change it entirely, but she can lead them to the right path, without them knowing.

History: She grew up happily, with a large family and she was sheltered from any danger. Then, one day, she was abducted, and forced into a circus. For years on, she was treated cruelly, forced to walk on hind legs, beaten when she grew tired. But a certain acrobat had pity on her, so he freed her, and took her to reunite with her herd.

Sayna Jaye @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:10 am

~*Oddly Shaded*~ wrote:I couldn't resist!!!

Username: ~*Oddly Shaded*~
Vudu Name: Cigma
Psychic Power: The power to mentally connect with any animal near by. This is different from mind reading, because she cannot connect to the thought path, only the emotional side of the animal. This includes a predators emotions, which on a very common occasion saves her hid!
History: Cigma was a very spoilt little girl. She lived in the richest grazing land, though, that brought many more Vudu's and many more predators. Though the predators weren't the only ones coming. Because the land was rich with animals to hunt, humans came to satisfy their needs. Luckily the little Cigma was fast enough to escape predators and humans. And was able to camoflague easliy. Though the humans had no respect for the land and littered, left ashes, which one day, started a fire. It burnt the entire grazing land, killed thousands of animals. But this effected Cigma more than the others. She could feel everything the others felt. So much agony. So much pain. She was barely able to continue on with the survivors. She left on her own once she was old enough to care for herself. Never realizing that her family, her herd, they needed her more than ever.

Aw god that must have hurt the worst. D: Interesting ending though, I always love a flawed character. She's yours! X3

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Wolf Pack Adopts based on this drawing by Minirose96
by Minirose96 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:00 am [Reply]

Well, here's the first pup up for adoption :) Fill out the form below for this Moon&Star based baby.

Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

Sullivan Maurus @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:52 am

Username:Amxen no.XV

Minirose96 @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:09 pm

Amxen no.XV wrote:Name:Saix
Username:Amxen no.XV

He's yours :)

Sullivan Maurus @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:10 pm

Yay!Thank you.

here you go :3

Kiesen @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:43 am

I luffles her <3 THANK THANK THANK THANK THANK YOU -cant say it enough-

-takes gummy and flys off to the rainbows-

. : Milotic : . @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:45 am

cuz' gummies

your welcome X3

Kiesen @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:01 am

can you add me so i can color C:?

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