Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:



WINNER - PolarAzulTigris

Username: PolarAzulTigris
Character Name: Aurora
Where you will be using it: Honestly I have plans for lots of characters in a comic I'm working on, its likely she'd end up there. ;3
Bid: Link
Read the Thread?
Aye, quite a few times. I support the idea and who knows hopefully become an artist one of these days. ;3

Bid to Beat:


Current Bids (in no particular order):
Ѧsɧωyɳ ♀




Dragoness II









w/o shading:

Code: Select all
Character Name:
Where you will be using it:
Read the Thread?

1. Do not remove my signature from any image, do not claim designs as your own
2. Do not steal a design
3. Do not whine if you do not get one, I plan on making lots
4. You are free to name and alter small things, but remember to keep the bright colors and if it is changed drastically, let me know about it because it may change so much that I no longer want my name credited to the design!
5. Fill adoption forms out completely.
6. You may re-sell, but if you are not going to use it anymore i would recommend you give it back to me (I will try to give you some payment back) so that I can redistribute it to others.
7. Trades must be sent immediatel, highest bid wins
8. As soon as you win the character, you are free to resize the custom reference however you want, so that it may be an icon or a signature.


Auction ends Wednesday 18th 4pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), This give everyone 2 days to get their bids in ^.^

Thankyou ^.^

Temperance. @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:19 pm

lol, this is incredible <3 I totally want this guy, absolutely stunning <3



Character Name:

Where you will be using it:
Everywhere XD My website, siggy, stories, poems, etc.

My bid ^-^

Read the Thread?
Yes, multiple times.

Desmond @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:37 pm

Character Name: Rex
Where you will be using it: Story, signature, and in my heart, to keep me going when times are tough.
Bid: ... VpZv-7W3cg
Read the Thread? Yes, I did. <3

... /did not plan form to go invisible for me. xD

laces @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:14 pm

Username: Yelloweh~
Character Name: Rajkumari
Where you will be using it: Here, and most likely on DA also.
Bid: Image
Read the Thread? Yep <3

22 replies not shown, show all

Wolf Pack - adopt based on this drawing by Coexist
by Coexist @ Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:28 am [Reply]

fill out form to adopt;
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

Steffi. @ Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:45 pm

Name: Wolfin
Gender: Male
Username: SteffiDaBeagle
Personality: Wolfin is a naive, clueless, and oblivious wolf-rat mix. He assumes that everything loves him and each other, and he wants nothing more than to love everything back. He's quick to forgive, because even when someone does something mean or rude, he's willing to give second, third, and twenty-third chances to everyone and everything. He has no sense of the real world, and it often gets him in trouble.

(Written in Wolfin's perspective)

"Ahh! I hear the sirens again! Quick, cover the cages!"

A white sheet was thrust over my metal barred box and I whimpered again.

"Please! I want to go back to my mummy!" I squeaked. My tiny mouse voice was barely audible over the loud scream of the police cars.

"Alfred, did you hide the DNA?"

"I thought you did, George!"

"Well hide it quick! That took a long time to get, and I'd rather they take the rodents than the DNA."

"I AM A LEPORIDAE. GET IT RIGHT YOU IDIOTS." I heard Cleo yell. I rolled my eyes; she was always so particular about the difference between rodents and leporidae, though the fact of the matter is, we were all heading the same way so it didn't really make a difference.

After everything had been covered and hidden in the back room, the two men that were holding us captive acted nonchalant like they always did when this happened. I, as well as all of the other animals in the room with me, stayed quiet for fear of being injured. We'd all seen animals be killed for being too loud.

Once the officers had passed, they opened the door to our room, pulled away the sheets, and continued their work.

I had no idea what they were doing, and I wasn't really paying attention until I was lifted from the cage. I squeaked in surprise, earning myself a violent squeeze. I stayed quiet after that, letting them move me around and prod me with various tools, until they finally put me in a big tube. I continued to be quiet until I felt sharp pain in my shoulder. I screamed loudly, only to have the pain flow through my body. I was swelling and growing, and the rapid speed of my growth was hurting me. I was going through so much pain that I didn't notice the tube being capped.

"What's going on? What are you doing to me?" I asked, not that they understood rat.

I don't know how long I sat there in pain, but it was too long if you ask me. They commented on what was happening to me, taking notes. Finally the pain started to subside, and I let out a sigh of relief. They opened the lid on the tube, which I could now touch with my front paw if I sat back on my haunches. They lifted me out of the tube and chained me onto a table. They raise a red-hot metal prod up and pressed it to my side. I screamed again, though it was more of a high-pitched howl than my usual squeak. When they removed it, there was a tattoo on my side with a little symbol and the letters R A T. I'd looked at those letters on enough rat cages, besides my own, to know that R A T meant rat. They were stamping me so that they knew what I'd been before my... transformation. They put a little collar around my neck with a tag on it that said S U C C E S S on it. Not that I knew what that meant. Human letters were mostly foreign to me.

They tossed me into a cage, a bigger one than my old one, and added a new sign to it. I didn't understand most of it: R A T x W O L F However, I was concerned about what they'd done to me. I looked at the tag on my collar. I saw more writing on the other side that made no sense to me: W O L F. The same letters as the ones on my sign. All of those letters meant nothing to me, but after looking at several other cages and what was in them, I managed to figure out what it said. Wolf. As in the scary canine. I had wolf in me now. The idea was horrific. My given name, Rattus, now seemed so unfitting. I had wolf in me. Wolf in me. Wolf in. Wolfin. I would forever be known as Wolfin. I whimpered quietly to myself before falling asleep in a little ball.

~+~+~+~+~ Two Months Later ~+~+~+~+~


"You think I don't know that, George?! Hide the animals!"

"They aren't going to fall for that again, Alf. We have to get rid of them!"

"Then do it. Get rid of some of the older experiments and unused test subjects. Just don't get caught!"

I saw the fatter man of the two, George, dragging and lifting cages to outside. It wasn't long before mine was dragged outside and the door opened before he went to get another cage. I gaped at the open door and ran out before the door was closed again, like it was a dream. I looked over at Cleo, an old friend of mine, as she ran full speed to the forest yelling "FREEDOM!" The fat little rabbit hopped joyously and I had to smirk. The lucky girl hadn't been changed at all, and now she was free. But so was I, so I started running to the forest as well, my long rat tail flowing behind me.

I was free.

(I have more ideas for expanding this story, but this is the basics of his past and how he became a wolf-rat.)

Coexist @ Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:11 pm

you didnt have to write a story as that is optional, but WOW!!! :D congradulations on your new rat wolf. lol!

Steffi. @ Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:30 am

Writing the history is my favourite part of the form. ;D Thank you so much. <3

Wolf Pack - adopt based on this drawing by Coexist
by Coexist @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:26 pm [Reply]

fill out form to adopt;
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

gamegirls532 @ Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:31 pm

Personality: (optional)sweet,creative,and shy
History: (optional)sorry can't think right now

Coexist @ Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:06 pm

thank you for adopting.

chubby cat based on this drawing by demonwolf123
by demonwolf123 @ Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:16 pm [Reply]

chubby cat for colorful68
hope i got it right

Code: Select all
 [url=][IMG][/IMG] [/url]

colorful68 @ Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:17 pm

I Love It!

demonwolf123 @ Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:25 am


bellacat @ Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:01 am

omg that is beautiful i think i just died. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



Winner - perros1234

In celebration of Australia day i have created a kangaroo with aboriginal based markings ^.^ This is a free adoption, all you have to do is fill out the below form to the best of your ability and at the end of a period of time i will pick the winner ;)

W/O Shading:

Code: Select all
Character Name:
Character gender:
Where you will be using it:
Why do you wan this character?:
Read the Thread?

Form tips:

Username: This is your username XD

Character Name: character's name (remeber if your doing a traditional aborginal name please make sure you post what country its from, in tradtidional aboriginal land there were many countires that divided Australia and each had its own native aboriginals, for example the Ngunnawal people, most had their own different languages too)

Character gender: is it a male or female?

Where you will be using it: siggi, charrie page, rp, chickensmoothie, deviant art etc

Personality: What is the charrie like? Do they get along with others? Shy? Adventurous? Tough? Witty? Sarcastic? Please put a good description in this part as it is a VERY important part of the form

Why do you wan this character?: Here i want to see why you want to win this CHARACTER. I don't want to see "Because your art is so good!" or "its nice" I want to see why you want this design as a charrie, do you really like it, is it unique? etc

Art: This is OPTIONAL though it does boost your points ;3 art can be ordered drawn, i dont mind you colouring line arts, though i would prefer you not to. Art you do yourself is the best kind, i dont care what your expeirience level is. This art section is VISUAL, if you want to do a poem or something create another segment of your form to put it in, i have no problem with poety etc, but this particular part of your form is only visual.

Story: Please put at least a couple of paragraphs, it helps to understand a character and get to know why their personality is so, or how they react to things with their personailty. It can be the story of their growing up, or their day to day life, or an exciting occurence, use your imagination :D

Read the Thread? Do not enter without reading the thread please

1. Do not remove my signature from any image, do not claim designs as your own
2. Do not steal a design
3. Do not whine if you do not get one, I plan on making lots
4. You are free to name and alter small things, but remember to keep the bright colors and if it is changed drastically, let me know about it because it may change so much that I no longer want my name credited to the design!
5. Fill adoption forms out completely.
6. You may re-sell, but if you are not going to use it anymore i would recommend you give it back to me (I will try to give you some payment back) so that I can redistribute it to others.
7. Do not plagurise anybodies form or this character, the best form in my opinion will win
8. As soon as you win the character, you are free to resize the custom reference however you want, so that it may be an icon or a signature.


Contest ends Febuary 1st 4PM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Thankyou ^.^

And Happy Australia day :D

SukarettoYanagi @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:33 pm

Thats really cool!

L O K I @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:33 pm

Username: 12cj3
Character Name: Adoni, its the Abiriginal word for, the sunset.
Character gender: Female
Where you will be using it: in my charecter form, she will appear in my siggy, i will order art, i will find rps to use her in. but she will only be used on CS
Personality: she is kind and trustworthy. she likes dancing whith the native people at night
Why do you wan this character?: i am Australian, and have never seen anything Australian on this site before. it also is a wonderfull desighn, and i love kangaroos. And, of course,mi live in the good old down under.
Art: None yet
Story: I can remember it all clearly
I was dancing with the natives around the fire, when a I heard a big bang and shouting. Some white men came whith big sticks. They scared us, and they took some of the aboriginals. They shot down my family and ate them, and they built over our land.

Now many more have come. Every day little white people come to pat me through the bars.......
Read the Thread? Yep, several times

nio @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:56 pm

My God, Random, this is friggin' amazing. <3333

20 replies not shown, show all

BiB Character -OVER!- based on this drawing by apache~
by Raella @ Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:11 am [Reply]


Character Designs

Aaaaaaand the results are in! After much thought and careful consideration, I've decided on a winner:
Chasta comes in at 1st place! Congratulations Chasta, have fun with him <333

Oh god, I think I'm in love. His pattern, colors, everything I love, so the bids had better be pretty great, and you must never forget him if you do win this lovely boy <3

Ironically, he's blind. Just how blind he is will be up to his future owner, but make sure that his vision stays far from perfect. My thinking behind this? Well, I just think that it goes along with his bright, eye-burningly gorgeous coat, in a mismatched way. Understand? It's kinda hard to explain, but I bet you get it^^

Because I love him so much, you must agree to:
    -Never claim his design as your own creation.
    -Recognize him as a BiB character
    -Keep him on a character thread so he doesn't get forgotten :'(

Code: Select all
(delete everything in parentheses)
Character Name::
Where he will be used::
(Pet/pets being offered for him)

zima. @ Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:22 am

{ username }

{ character name }

{ where he will be used }
He will be used here on Chicken Smoothie, as a beloved character of mine. He will be the center of attention for art, and will be the mate of my Fursona's friend. I will include him in the book I am currently writing, and he will play a very imprtant part. I will make sure that he is loved, and I shall try to find room for him in my signature, where he can be seen by all. I will not add any accessories, though, because he is perfect the way he is <3

{ bid }

{ personality }
Eiran is completely blind. But that doesn't seem to hold him back in any way. He's spunky, always energetic. He is always coming up with ideas, things to do. It seems as though Eiran can see anything and everything. He, does, however, act a bit strangely sometimes. He will often sit and stare off into space, as though there's something in the distance that only his blind eyes can see.
Eiran is extremely smart, no matter how silly he acts. He can do nearly any math problem, whether it's human or canine. He has the unusual ability to speak to other animals, and it seems as though his coat color is the source of that.
Because he's blind, he has a hard time hunting. He needs others to take his food down for him, and that seems to annoy Eiran.

Temperance. @ Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:33 am

Wow, he's absolutely stunning Raella <3 Wish I had some nice and valuable pets worthy of him XD Buuut I already bought Adabelle with my rarest pet and I couldn't pay anything less than my best for such stunning artwork <3 Anywho, congrats to whoever ends up winning the auction, I'll look forward to reading any stories or such you use him in <3

Junsui @ Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:59 am

Username:: Junsui
Character Name:: Spectro
Where he will be used:: Character thread, drawings, other things, but only on CS.
Bid:: Sent
{And he shall be completely blind. :3}

18 replies not shown, show all

This is a little male C.F.F! To win him, please make 1 piece of art of him! The winner is the person with the piece of art I like most! :D If you really want to, you can order some art. ;) But please, if you can, PLEASE make some art of your own. ;)

Judging ends 1st Feb

Mint Dragon @ Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:05 pm

cool! so cute!

_ _
/ \
\ _____U___/
./ \.
( . , ) Here he is!
\ \_\\//_/ /
~~ ~~ ~~

you could make them smaller, make them a background instead of a cage, a bit like some other pets!

BiB - Sold to Kessler based on this drawing by apache~
by Drizzle @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:17 pm [Reply]

Bright Is Better <3
Please read everything in the Main Thread before buying! You can click the stamp to go there.
Unshaded Version of This Character -- PNG Version

Long-eared sugar gliders ftw! <3 Thanks for everyone that showed up to the livestream. X3 Your advice was invaluable. <33
I need to like... make LITTERS or something so I can give everyone a drawing. ;~; I hate only picking one winner when you're all so great. OTL

This design now belongs to Kessler of Kessler+Dragon.

Pinstriped Pirates @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:19 pm

I loved watching your livestream, by the way ^^

.:Character Name:.
.:Where you will be using it:.
I would use him on CS, naturally, and love him along with
my other characters. He has a lovely design, and I don't plan on leaving this character neglected anytime soon C;
.:Bid:. ... rid=136261
.:Read the Thread?:.

mango sherbet @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:23 pm

Mango Sherbet
::Character Name::
::Where you will be using it::
Everywhere. Because sugar gliders rock. XD
I just have one question. Any WL pets are autos? How about a hard-to-get uncommon? (Malk smiley)
Read the Thread?
Yus. 8D


Drizzle @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:27 pm

You raise a good point. XD I already have three, I just need another one for my new items, so they wouldn't count as an auto, no. ^^;

45 replies not shown, show all

Pugling 002 based on this drawing by whoopsydaizy
by whoopsydaizy @ Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:24 am [Reply]

This is a Pugling who is new; her colour has no faded yet!

This Pugling is a boy

Fill out this form if you want this Pugling!

Code: Select all
Desired Pugling name:
Why I desire this Pugling:
Art: [Optional]

Pugling price:

This one is free.

Pugling: 001 based on this drawing by whoopsydaizy
by whoopsydaizy @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:15 pm [Reply]

This is a Pugling who is new; her colour has no faded yet!

This Pugling is a girl

Fill out this form if you want this Pugling!

Code: Select all
Desired Pugling name:
Why I desire this Pugling:
Art: [Optional]

Pugling price:

This one is free.

whoopsydaizy @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:43 pm

She needs an owner! c:

starna @ Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:16 am

Desired Pugling name: Angel
Why I desire this Pugling: She is so adorable and her colours and markings really suit her!
I also love her little wings and button eyes<33
Art: [Optional]

whoopsydaizy @ Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:18 am

Alright. ouo b She is yours, and I will PM your codes in a moment.



WINNER - Billybobjoe123456!

Wow, this was really hard to judge! In the end it ended up being between Billybobjoe123456 and TigressJaguiar, but Billybobjoe123456 won by a hair. Thenkyou to everyone who entered :D i hope to see you guys in other BIB contests ^.^

Who said crows had to be dull? XD yes my crow anatomy could use some work, i dont draw them all that often :lol: Anyway, this is a FREE adoption, all you have to do is fill out the form below to the best of your ability and at the end of the designated time period the best form in my opinion wins the character ^.^ (and seeing as this is 'Bright is Better' lets see a little colour on those forms ;) )

w/o shading:

Code: Select all
Character Name:
Character gender:
Where you will be using it:
Why do you wan this character?:
Read the Thread?

Form tips:

Username: This is your username XD

Character Name: character's name

Character gender: is it a male or female?

Where you will be using it: siggi, charrie page, rp, chickensmoothie, deviant art etc

Personality: What is the charrie like? Do they get along with others? Shy? Adventurous? Tough? Witty? Sarcastic? Please put a good description in this part as it is a VERY important part of the form

Why do you wan this character?: Here i want to see why you want to win this CHARACTER. I don't want to see "Because your art is so good!" or "its nice" I want to see why you want this design as a charrie, do you really like it, is it unique? etc

Art: This is OPTIONAL though it does boost your points ;3 art can be ordered drawn, i dont mind you colouring line arts, though i would prefer you not to. Art you do yourself is the best kind, i dont care what your expeirience level is. This art section is VISUAL, if you want to do a poem or something create another segment of your form to put it in, i have no problem with poety etc, but this particular part of your form is only visual.

Story: Please put at least a couple of paragraphs, it helps to understand a character and get to know why their personality is so, or how they react to things with their personailty. It can be the story of their growing up, or their day to day life, or an exciting occurence, use your imagination :D

Read the Thread? Do not enter without reading the thread please

1. Do not remove my signature from any image, do not claim designs as your own
2. Do not steal a design
3. Do not whine if you do not get one, I plan on making lots
4. You are free to name and alter small things, but remember to keep the bright colors and if it is changed drastically, let me know about it because it may change so much that I no longer want my name credited to the design!
5. Fill adoption forms out completely.
6. You may re-sell, but if you are not going to use it anymore i would recommend you give it back to me (I will try to give you some payment back) so that I can redistribute it to others.
7. Do not plagurise anybodies form or this character, the best form in my opinion will win
8. As soon as you win the character, you are free to resize the custom reference however you want, so that it may be an icon or a signature.


Contest ends January 30th 4PM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Looking for something a little different but still want to test your creative writing skills? Check out Drizzle's contest! :D

Thankyou ^.^

Junsui @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:05 am

Character Name:
Character gender:
Where you will be using it:
On Cs, a character thread, oekaki drawings.
Intelligent, timid, short tempered, and adventure-loving. He dreams of exploring new places, and descovering new treasures. He's always looking for jewels, and knows how to appraise them. He's a slight bit greedy, and not afraid to show off. He especially loves to show off his feathers. He is a thief, though he would never admit it, and would never steal from the citizens of Baltia. Instead, he steals from their tourists, and he loves to steal jewels.
Why do you want this character?:
I haven't gotten any of the beautiful characters of BIB yet, and I love crows. He's perfect! I simply love him. <3
May make some soon! <3
A lone raven flew over the obsidian midnight sky, gasping for breath. Life-giving breath. He had traveled for eight weeks searching for one thing: a mate. Life had been so boring at the spring where he lived with his parents, so he had decided to travel to the Baltian jungle, home of many female ravens like him. He was flying quickly over the Khuran Desert, and then he would have to fly over the Baltian sea. The journey was hard, and his rests were short, but his determination was absolute. He cawed loudly to refresh his pace. Flapping his determined wings, he sailed over the scorching, sweltering desert. Eventually he had to sail over the Baltian sea, where storms were plentiful. It was calm this summer, but he trusted nothing but himself and the fact that the sun would still rise and set. Monsoon certainly hadn't planned for his wings to fail on him, but luckily he was rescued by a pelican and carried to the Baltian jungle's beaches. There he lived the rest of his life, not searching for a mate any longer, but rather telling the story of his journey to others and teaching them it was not about the end of the journey, but the journey itself. He now lives near the beaches of the Baltian jungle, creating clay pots and sometimes selling them, and collecting jewels.
Read the Thread?
Yep. :3

Mario @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:38 am

Twilight Sparkle.
Character Name:
Why this Name:
I don't know why, but when I randomly thought of the name 'Rozeo' in my mind, it just seemed to fit him for me. <3
Character gender:
Where you will be using it:
If I win him, I will put him in my character website, located here. He will get art.


Bitter/Ice cold.

Why do you want this character?:
Rozeo... I don't know why, but his art and his beautiful colors just drew me in. I would love to own him, to take care of him.

RED means a crow that is making/has made fun of him. Basically, whenever you see that color red, you know it's an enemy.

PURPLE means our hero.

PINK means Evangeline is talking.

Hello. I assume you're here to hear my story. Well, let me tell you right off, at first it's not a happy story. All of my life I have had to deal with crows and even different species of animals making fun of me because my feathers are not black. I cannot begin to tell you how my life was practically drowned in sadness and anger. How I was so ashamed... but then I met her... and that's how I learned that being different... isn't always a bad thing.

"What the heck is wrong with that crow?"

I flinch as the brutal words hit my ears. I hear stuff like this everyday, yet everytime it seems to hurt more and more with each remark.

"Heh, I don't know dude... but he looks like a girl with those colors!"

I silently growl. I don't look like a girl! I don't have any pink in my feathers... the only color that's close to being a girl's color is purple, and that's supposed to mean royalty!

"Shut up." I finally speak, eyes narrowed irritably.

"Aww, look's like the little girl's angry! Flee, guys! If we don't we'll get killed!" One of the sneering black crows snickered.

I glare and fly away from them, to another tree a good bit away. Since it's a dead tree, no one wants to be on it. When I land on the dead tree's branch, I see something that takes my breath away. A pure white crow with soft pink accents... she is beautiful. How come I had never seen her before? But, as I take a closer look at her... I notice something... she's crying... my heart aches to see this beautiful creature upset, so I fly onto the next dead tree branch to get a closer look at her. "P-please! Umm... don't be sad!" I stutter, making myself look like a fool. Her delicate, small head looks up, and her crystal eyes meet mine. Her soft eyes are filled with tears, and it makes my heart ache even more. She sniffs sadly, and hesitates to fly over to me. She then seems to notice my bright colors, and relaxes a bit, seeing that I am also different than the others.

Read the Thread?:
Yes. ^^

zima. @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:28 am


Character Name:

Character gender:

Where you will be using it:
I will proably use her for a roleplay, or just as a character. I might, possibly, even make her a speices (If you'll let me use this as lineart)


Why do you want this character?:
I have never had a Crow character before. In fact, I've never had a bird character! She's also just so beautiful, and I love her colors. They remind me of a summer night......Which I love ^^ She also reminds me of the ocean.

I can't do it :( Sorry


Read the Thread?
Yes, I did. Several times. I even applied for a job there!

12 replies not shown, show all



Winner - Stripey

Username: Stripey
Character Name: Rafiki, Leo, or Trinkit
Where you will be using it: On my character thread :3 If you'd like to check it out, please click on "My Charries" in my siggy n.n
Bid: ... hMSGoScA8Q
Read the Thread? Yup yup! :3

This Lean Little Lemur is up for auction ^.^ the best bid in my opinion after the set amount of days wins :D (Timer is liarface, i watched an episode of Firefly ^.^ )

Bid to Beat:


Current Bids (in no particular order):


Mordacious + this





w/o shading:Image

Code: Select all
Character Name:
Where you will be using it:
Read the Thread?

1. Do not remove my signature from any image, do not claim designs as your own
2. Do not steal a design
3. Do not whine if you do not get one, I plan on making lots
4. You are free to name and alter small things, but remember to keep the bright colors and if it is changed drastically, let me know about it because it may change so much that I no longer want my name credited to the design!
5. Fill adoption forms out completely.
6. You may re-sell, but if you are not going to use it anymore i would recommend you give it back to me (I will try to give you some payment back) so that I can redistribute it to others.
7. Trades must be sent immediatel, highest bid wins
8. As soon as you win the character, you are free to resize the custom reference however you want, so that it may be an icon or a signature.


Auction ends Thursday 26th 4pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), This give everyone 2 days to get their bids in ^.^

Thankyou ^.^

yellowpip1 @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:43 am

Character Name:Zeb
Where you will be using it:everywhere!
Read the Thread?yes

mordacious @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:33 am

It's just... SO cyoot<33

I love lemurs. This little fella was calling for me. XD Gorgeous, just gorgeous, Randomzness. :3



Character Name:

Kato- It means lake

Where you will be using it:

Mostly CS, when I get DA points I will try and order him. (:



Read the Thread?:

Yes! <3

randomzness @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:19 am

Thanks for your bids guys :D

5 replies not shown, show all

Zaney, my Wolvle ^^ based on this drawing by Mauston
by SpearB @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:15 am [Reply]

yes, i have gotten a Wolvle :D
his name is Zaney :3
he has a pink eye and a purple eye
goodbye now ^^

TP Cream based on this drawing by Nira Katsumi
by Nira Katsumi @ Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:35 am [Reply]

Owner: buyladybug2
Gender: Mare
Height: 11hh
Weight: 230kg
Age: 3 years
Name: Cream
Foals: No foals.
Pregnant: Not pregnant.

buyladybug2 @ Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:10 am

Why you want her? - She just caught my eye and I think she will make great foals
What do you like most on her? - her colour caught my eye
What will you name her? - cream
How old is she? - 3 years old
What will you do with her? - I will post her on my account and breed her

Nira Katsumi @ Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:16 am

She is yours buyladybug2 :)

buyladybug2 @ Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:45 am

i want her her to breed with scott

Xdois; Up for adoption! based on this drawing by Chessur
by santinel @ Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:17 am [Reply]

My muse seems to have left for the evening. I'm sorry, but i couldn't seem to make up anything more than this, i'm totally design blocked >.< There's nothing i can do... Than wait.


And please dont adopt it and stuff it away somewhere. Give it some love. Draw it. Something.

tanatia @ Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:53 am

Name of Xdois:lina
What you will do with it:she'll be my character :)
Other:so cute,thanks santy

3000feet @ Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:00 am

Name: RoseSwirl
gender: female
what she likes: roses, pretty sunsets, pink lemonade, ballet
at she dislikes: the dark, the cold, and being alone
history: she was born in the magical valley of Amethyst where the couds are made of cotton candy and your can sleep on them an where heres magic and everythings beautiful, she lives near the pink lemonade lake in a burrow and loves her friends
what will you do with her: use her a s a character and in rps
other: she so adorable!

tanatia @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:34 pm

Thank you buddy <33333333333333333333333

JB Adopt #66 based on this drawing by Hiccup
by Blitz. @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:04 pm [Reply]

Hiccup wrote:
What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

The winner is... BlueNightEagle with Koala Eden!

Yup, a new little girl who needs a good home. <3

Since I absolutely love her, this one may be tricky to get.

To win her, you must state a name, and make art of her exploring. (She can be anywhere you like.)
(With names, cute food names are what I prefer. <3)
The name and art are both a biggie, so choose wisely, and good luck!

(Color Codes coming soon)

JBD (c) Hiccup

TheScamperPony @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:10 pm

Hmmm..... >:] You say art, but literature is a form of art, so therefore I can write for my entry for her, correct? :D

Blitz. @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:12 pm

TheScamperPony wrote:
Hmmm..... >:] You say art, but literature is a form of art, so therefore I can write for my entry for her, correct? :D

Hmm, very true indeed. :0 Sure. <333

Apple Cider. @ Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:15 pm

i'd like 2 try! <3 1 moment (:

73 replies not shown, show all

BiB - Sold to Tennis based on this drawing by apache~
by Drizzle @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:09 am [Reply]

Bright Is Better <3
Please read everything in the Main Thread before buying! You can click the stamp to go there.
[url]Unshaded Version of This Character[/url]

This character has been sold to TennisBalls!

NinthWolf @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:09 am

beautiful bro!

tennisbutt @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:10 am

Username: Tennis.
Character Name: WIP
Where you will be using it: Character Thread basically everywhere and getting art of it ;3;
Payment: Eat Me Dog
Read the Thread?: Yes (:

Drizzle @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:12 am

Thanks, Pat. XD

TENNIS THE THREAD NEENJA. <33 Sold. XD Send a trade when you can~.

9 replies not shown, show all

FEA #11 (Taken) based on this drawing by Chessur
by Chessur @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:35 pm [Reply]

Taken by Rainbow.freeze

baestille @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:02 pm

Why do you want this FEA:
Because, hes handsome and very unique. He deserves a good home, and I can handle that. He will be loved, and cared for, along with spoiled, and feed. XD
What do you plan to do with this FEA:
Love him put him on art thread, and you know, take for walks around the block^^
What will you name this FEA:
HESPERUS: Variant spelling of Greek Hesperos, meaning "evening." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, one of the gods of the evening star Venus, the other being Eosphoros. They were later combined into one god. His Latin name is Vesperus.
History (Optional):
{Okay so this is him in like human/wolf form, but still wolf. XD Also this involves another FEA I bought from you, but im two lazy to add it to her personality. ^.^

The young let his muscles relax as he plopped himself onto the couch, his head being thrown back, and he pulled himself to it. "Sir can I get you anything?" The white wolf asked, holding a notepad, and pencil. She licked her lips, before hearing his order. "Two shots of beerr-r. His r hung in his mouth till she left, making him stare back at the ceiling. His eyes were completely dilated from drinking way to much earlier. She came back and handed him two glasses, which he shoved un reluctantly. The burning sensation in his throght made him cross, but his loopy face came back momentarily. When he regained focus, he noticed the waiter wasn't in front of him, but next to him. "So-," He growled and shoved her away. "Go." His voice was stern and he stood wobbly, leaving a twenty in his spot. He fell back onto fours and walked back.

Hesperos growled at the night and hopped into the back of a van, were other men sat, out of it. He barked loudly and their eyes snapped open and the van door closed, and it was off, swerving everywere. The van stopped at sunrise, and the men stepped out, hungover. As they came into impact with the ground, the groaned and pulled out a gun behind him. Some off the men were pulling their pants back on, or their shirt, but Hesperus was already breaking into the bank. With a shot a lock, it broke open, money spilling out. The men grabbed some, and threw the extra to the floor. "Jjacck boxx." The words slipped out of another mans mouth easily. As they slipped, they jumped into the van, getting out just in time. Sirens went off, men readied their guns.

As they drove off, the money was put into a box, and locked away. Once again, the men sat silently, as they pulled up to a hill. "Wait, look at that field, beyond the fence. He watched a young female graze at meat. "Yuck, I cant believe humans are holding them back. Stupid new creatures." One man said, looking over at her. She looked up noticing their was noise. The all became quiet and watched her for about an hour, before night had fallen and she was fast asleep. "Lets follow her," Hesperus suggested, becoming interested in her. "Eww, no way man. Whatever was born in the wild, stays in the wild." another dude replied, checking his hair in the mirror.

As the sun was rising she started to travel again, looking worried as if someone was following her. "Get up!" He shouted, and watched as the fields started to move. As she traveled faster, he noticed humans coming to see the sights."Ugg." He said softly, as he watched her come into to contact with one. The girls were petting her, and smiling. "How can she do that?" he asked, with a growl. "They kill us!" He was becoming upset. "We couldn't taken her in." He said upsetly.


He watched the wolf come, but the girls seem to follow. One holding a dart gun and the others seeming rather uncomfortable. "Man, we need to go, Ive got to get new computers." He said driving off into the distance. "We come back after." He said watching his friends, and drinking his vodka from a water bottle. Hesperus sighed as they pulled to the corner.

As they excited the car, the guns were loaded and they entered

Have you ever tried a sour skittle and a red hot at the same time?
Thats Hesperus. He can be quite the charm, and the sour little jerk at first. But once deep done inside, you understand how sweet and generous he is, even though hes quite flirt. With a tenacity to be sweet and sour, he gets the minim attention he needs. Hes learned to grow with an outer shell, and a soft and gentle one growing inside.

The red hot side, is the overworked, stress, liar and cheater. He always makes deals he cant pay off, and lieing to others to get the money. Hes sorta that robber like guy, but with a sweet inside.

Even though hes not the perfect wolf, hes still the perfect soul

Wolf Pack - adopt based on this drawing by Coexist
by Coexist @ Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:38 am [Reply]

fill out form to adopt;
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

RDR2Suzanne @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:01 am

I want to fill out the form for this wolf, but I need to wait until Monday. Please hold off on adopting this one off until then. Thanks!

RDR2Suzanne @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:53 am

Name: Flutter
Gender: Female
Username: shihtzulady
Personality: happy, cheerful, honest and sincere
History: Flutter is a butterfuly wolf that didn't quite get her full blown wings...but she is fine with that. Flutter takes everything in stride, and her flock of butterfly wolves honor her for her tenacity and sincerity.

NOTE: Trying to be cheerful today...feeling alittle off, so I needed to plant a good thought in my head...know it's not my best, but it's all I have today...

Coexist @ Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:31 am

i am so very sorry i forgot to post her name monday... my memory is not the best. if you are not coppa dont hesitate to pm me and remind me of such things as my pm is tied to my messenger. I am so sorry you were not feeling well and can definatly sympitize as i do not feel well often. your little history/personality touches me and I hope to see more out of you soon.

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Username: xXCherryleafXx
Character Name: Solo
Where you will be using it: Everywhere, well except outside of CS. Solo will be used in my character threads, and maybe some Fantasy RP's^^ He will also be getting lots of art of him (:
Bid: My Bid ^^
Read the Thread? Yess'um, I loved it

This Luverly leo is up for auction ^.^ the best bid in my opinion after the set amount of days wins :D

Bid to Beat:


Current Bids (in no particular order):



w/o shading:

Code: Select all
Character Name:
Where you will be using it:
Read the Thread?

1. Do not remove my signature from any image, do not claim designs as your own
2. Do not steal a design
3. Do not whine if you do not get one, I plan on making lots
4. You are free to name and alter small things, but remember to keep the bright colors and if it is changed drastically, let me know about it because it may change so much that I no longer want my name credited to the design!
5. Fill adoption forms out completely.
6. You may re-sell, but if you are not going to use it anymore i would recommend you give it back to me (I will try to give you some payment back) so that I can redistribute it to others.
7. Trades must be sent immediatel, highest bid wins
8. As soon as you win the character, you are free to resize the custom reference however you want, so that it may be an icon or a signature.


Auction ends Tuesday 24th 4pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), This give everyone 2 days to get their bids in ^.^

Thankyou ^.^

zima. @ Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:00 pm

Gorgeous, Randomz!! For your next drawing, you should totally do a whale!!

soilatte @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:31 am

The fair Billybobjoe123456 of the RP and Adoptable Oekaki realm.
Character Name:
Great Christopher
Where you will be using it:
Ah, so you wish to know while Great Christopher must come to the kingdom? Well, he is the only one who can find the princess, Madam Lucy, and return her to the kingdom. It is the only way that balance may be restored, and peace may rest on the kingdom once more.
Out of the kingdom, a fair user named Billybobjoe awaits for a bird. A bird of the gracious colors and patterns that she has seemed for months, perhaps even a year. She will only be please when the wonderful bird may come to her, her noble fursona Spark, And Madam Lucy's aid. Only he can find the trio and return them onto the path the correct path. And only he can assue his brother of safety.
Sir Jay as he wishes to be called, will venture through the great world of CS, dabbling in certain areas such as 'Share your Stories', 'Animal Roleplays Fantasy/Fandom', given two homes, one in my dear signature as an aid to my good dog Spark, and another in my character thread made by others. Outside of noble CS, he will find herself in saved stories. But CS shall be his one and only home.

Here is a starter bid
Read the Thread?
Why of course I have. Thrice in fact. Understand my placing, what is understood of me, and so forth.

Desmond @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:55 am

Oh, wow, simply gorgeous. <3 I'll have to gather up a bid for him soon.

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BiB: Aeolus based on this drawing by apache~
by jellykiwi @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:04 am [Reply]

Bright Is Better
Info about BiB can be found here

Aeolus wrote:Username: Aeolus
Character Name: Darion
Where you will be using it: On CS, getting art of him and putting him on my character website.
Payment: Sending
Read the Rules?: Yup

Here's a stamp to spread the word!
Code: Select all

Vaughn. @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:07 am

Username: Aeolus
Character Name: Darion
Where you will be using it: On CS, getting art of him and putting him on my character website.
Payment: Sending
Read the Rules?: Yup

jellykiwi @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:16 am

Aeolus wrote:
Username: Aeolus
Character Name: Darion
Where you will be using it: On CS, getting art of him and putting him on my character website.
Payment: Sending
Read the Rules?: Yup

Lol wow, that was fast xD
Thank you <3

Vaughn. @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:19 am

I was afraid of someone taking him before me, so I had to go quickly. xD /paranoid 24/7
No, thank you. C:

Name of Mother:Alex
Name of Father:Raven
Gender of Pup:will do later
Name of Pup:will do later
Personality:will do later
Reference Photo of Mother:page#4
Reference Photo of Father:page#2

Here ya go : )
Feel free to do the info whenever and ill fill it in up here!

gamegirls532 @ Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:20 am

can you add some hair like most people :D

Destrie @ Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:37 pm

gamegirls532 wrote:can you add some hair like most people :D

the hair appears first at the pup stage : )
It'd be too weird for me to do it on the baby stage, but yes, itll have it XD

gamegirls532 @ Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:19 am

Also can it be a pps at the pup stage? Sorry i know its annoying for me to ask. :oops:

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Wolf Pack - adopt based on this drawing by Coexist
by Coexist @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:58 am [Reply]

Fill out form to adopt;

Gender: Female
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

Brandylovesyoux @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:24 am

Name: Daisy
Gender : Female
Username: Brandylovesyoux
Personality : Loveable

gogurt @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:16 am

Name: Ivy
Gender: Female
Username: DumbleDore's Army
Personality: Ivy normally shys away from crowds and attention and prefers to keep to herself, she never will step over the line. But when she is at her happiest she can be very energetic and care free, and seem like a wild spirit.
History: Youngest in a litter, her litter-mates tease her and normally look down upon her. But she never lets them get her down.

Coexist @ Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:29 pm

DumbleDore's Army wrote:Name: Ivy
Gender: Female
Username: DumbleDore's Army
Personality: Ivy normally shys away from crowds and attention and prefers to keep to herself, she never will step over the line. But when she is at her happiest she can be very energetic and care free, and seem like a wild spirit.
History: Youngest in a litter, her litter-mates tease her and normally look down upon her. But she never lets them get her down.

Normaly things are first come fist get, but your personality is very close to what I was going for so you win her! She will be growing in 2-3 days.

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Wolf Pack -Artemis based on this drawing by Coexist
by Destrie @ Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:07 am [Reply]

GotSalt? wrote:Username: GotSalt?
Name: Artemis
gender: Female
History: It is still a W.I.P
Personality: Still a W.I.P
Requested artist: horse_lover0726
Reference photo or description: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=987386

Want anything changed?

gotsalt? @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:27 am

Nope, she looks great! Thanks, horse.


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