Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:

WDD #1 based on this drawing by snowing
by snowing @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:26 am [Reply]

Snowing wrote:What Is A Watermelon Dipper Dragon?

A Watermelon Dipper Dragon is a wolf-like dragon with a tail like a lion,They mostly weigh from 105lbs to 443lbs or at times they can weigh 789lbs! They can grow up to 14ft or 25ft. There personality is mostly a calm and loving type, and is very caring to there babies and trusts there masters. But, they can change at times, There diet mainly consists of small berries, and yummy hot drinks. They can eat meat, because they are Omnivores. They can also eat mint,sage,cotton and milkweed but they tend to just stick to berries and hot drinks. They may look cute and fuzzy but they have a vicious bite, which can draw blood quickly. They don't drink the blood of course, but biting is very rare.They live in the mountains, sleeping in large dens which they can survive the tundra because of there thick and fluffy fur. They also have a marble that shows what there personalities is c:

To win this cute little male, fill out the form! and I will judge on the 19th! <3

Code: Select all
WDD's Name:
WDD's Age:
WDD's Favorite Hobby:
Why is It There Favorite?:

WME: bacon based on this drawing by horsy1050
by horsy1050 @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:59 am [Reply]

Height: 14.3hh
Gender: Male
Owner: Keyblade
Equid Name: Thiessen
Equid Age: 7

Majestic_Dreams @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:00 am

Owner: horseluver2211
Equid Name: Luka
Equid Age: 4
If I say fairy you say.... cake! fairy-cake :d

.|| KenzieBoo5 ||. @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:00 am

Owner: .||CupCake||.
Equid Name: Hallow
Equid Age: 6 Years
If I say fairy you say.... dust

wajas @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:00 am

Owner: wajas
Equid Name: Theseus
Equid Age:4
If I say fairy you say....tale

71 replies not shown, show all

Phlegon: Sabino based on this drawing by Arabian.
by Arabian. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:39 am [Reply]

Username: Ardelis
Name: Semper
Age: 5
Size: Greyhound
What does the color of his hooves/eyes remind you of?: They remind me of a hydrangea flower here
How many Juicy hoodies do I own?: 3
What color are my Uggs? (chestnut, black, gray, brown, purple, green etc.): Black
Post a link to the 13th Phlegon ever made: here
What is my favorite chocolate candy?: Reeses
What is the name of one of my best friends who also has a CS account: Spare? haha no idea
If I ever have a boy (as in a baby) what name do I really want to name him? (8 letters and starts with a J): Jonathan
Are you really annoyed by all these stupid questions? : haha naw just means I've got to want him more to answer all of them!

Spare @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:51 am

He's beautiful! Some of the questions are slightly tricky so I don't think I'll try out~
But I might have to ask the future owner for a breeding haha. (;

Ardelis @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:32 am

Username: Ardelis
Name: Semper
Age: 5
Size: Greyhound
What does the color of his hooves/eyes remind you of?: They remind me of a hydrangea flower :) here
How many Juicy hoodies do I own?: 3
What color are my Uggs? (chestnut, black, gray, brown, purple, green etc.): Black
Post a link to the 13th Phlegon ever made: here
What is my favorite chocolate candy?: Reeses
What is the name of one of my best friends who also has a CS account: Spare? haha no idea
If I ever have a boy (as in a baby) what name do I really want to name him? (8 letters and starts with a J): Jonathan
Are you really annoyed by all these stupid questions? ;): haha naw just means I've got to want him more to answer all of them! :)

Arabian. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:49 am

Ardelis wrote:Username: Ardelis
Name: Semper
Age: 5
Size: Greyhound
What does the color of his hooves/eyes remind you of?: They remind me of a hydrangea flower :) here
How many Juicy hoodies do I own?: 3
What color are my Uggs? (chestnut, black, gray, brown, purple, green etc.): Black
Post a link to the 13th Phlegon ever made: here
What is my favorite chocolate candy?: Reeses
What is the name of one of my best friends who also has a CS account: Spare? haha no idea
If I ever have a boy (as in a baby) what name do I really want to name him? (8 letters and starts with a J): Jonathan
Are you really annoyed by all these stupid questions? ;): haha naw just means I've got to want him more to answer all of them! :)

    Nice ^^ The secret questions was my favorite chocolate ^^ And I liked your answer to the last questions too XD


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06#: Fey pegasus based on this drawing by ShadeyPaws
by Verdana @ Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:51 am [Reply]

Code: Select all
[b]Pony name:[/b]
[b]Cutie mark:[/b]
[b]Write a poem or short paragraph about her (no more than fifty words):[/b]

Have fun!

Valens @ Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:47 am

Pony name:Edaly
Cutie mark:2 tiny wings ^^
Write a poem or short paragraph about her (no more than fifty words):
Fly fly little Edaly
Go throught the clouds,
And go see the sun ;
He will shine for you
All your life
My little Edaly ....

I've no inspiration >-<

ShadeyPaws @ Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:48 am

Its really purdy dana c: good job

Verdana @ Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:10 am

Thanks Shadow!

Oh, and this isn't first-come-first-serve. It will end on Friday.

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NarWhale Adoptable based on this drawing by Aurealis
by Aurealis @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:00 pm [Reply]

Here is narwhalsarewaesome's custom NarWhale! I hope that you like it! Her name is Narwhalia!

Narwhals. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:36 am


Aurealis @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:52 am

narwhalsarewaesome wrote:awesomeness

Glad you like it! :D

WFD #60 based on this drawing by LostHope
by Clara Erassari @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:39 pm [Reply]

Woo~! It's #60, guys! This one's based off of a Swift Fox. ;3

Username: Lizzy
Name: Dase
Gender: male

HiddenShadows @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:40 pm

Username: hidden shadows
Name: Taylor
Gender: female
Pick a number~ (1-10): uh 3

Clara Erassari @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:45 pm


gemini_girl @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:04 pm

Username: gemini_girl
Name: Brandy
Gender: female
Pick a number~ (1-10): 7

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Phlegon: Gray Sabino based on this drawing by Arabian.
by Arabian. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:45 am [Reply]

Username: Spare
Name: Madame Tourbillion ('tourbillion' means whirlwind in French - and that's what her coat reminds me of. <3)
Age: Four
Size: Large/Hippo-sized

Metumbo @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:47 am


Spare @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:27 am

Username: Spare
Name: Madame Tourbillion ('tourbillion' means whirlwind in French - and that's what her coat reminds me of. <3)
Age: Four
Size: Large/Hippo-sized

icetea~ @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:45 am

Username: *IceTea*
Name: Ashanti

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Phlegon: Dun Sabino/Paint based on this drawing by Arabian.
by Arabian. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:07 am [Reply]

    This guy is aaall mine ^^ I fell in love the second I started his coat <3

Username: Arabian.
Name: Allegro
Age: 6 months (he just a wittle babeh)
Size: Smaller than a bunny.

#44 Custom~ based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by lumpinbanana @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:21 am [Reply]

Custom Please!
Main color:White
Design:like this ... 1346040089
Mane color:Darkish blue
Wing color:white with the sky blue outline
Jewl color: turqiose
Items/add ons?:no
Other?: I am going to be picky so I might make you edit but don't worry oh ya can I have her to have pure white feet?
thank you so much I am going back and fourth with things right now
Artist:anyone who can get it done tomorrow c:

DONE! I hope you like it! I'll add you to the color in list if you wana change anything. :3

Hex codes:

398eae ~ Mane color
96ebdd~ Sraypaint main color
57dc9c~ Jewl color
76cff0~ Wing outline

Nyeusi @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:24 am! I am sorry, but this is georgeuos!

Lying_Lilacs @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:33 am

Seatala! I am sorry, but this is georgeuos!

I believe it would be gorgeous. lol. X3
But, yes. This custom did come out quite well. I'm currently working on one of my own for my last adult. <3

lumpinbanana @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:35 am

Thanks! Hopeully Bunny likes it to! BTW seatala. I'm a terrible speller to XD

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Owner Announced!
Owner is Appletear, congratulations Appletear! Take great care of him c:

Name: Blue Raspberry (Just call him Blue, for short. :3)
Username: Appletear
Why do you want this Zion? : It's my first time trying out, I looked at all the three and this little guy stole my heart. <3
Will you take care of him?: Well, yes! I wouldn't try out if I wasn't going to. :3
Will you forget about this adoptable?: Never. I will make him my imaginary friend, so he'll always be with me. XD

Echo Base @ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:38 pm

Name: Pebbles
Username: .:Wolfeh:.
Why do you want this Zion? : Hes so cute :3
Will you take care of him?: OF COURSE
Will you forget about this adoptable?: NEVER!!!!

I once heard of a Zion named Pebbles....
That he was sweet....

I once heard of a Zion named Pebbles....
That he was loving....

I once heard of a Zion named Pebbles....
That he was liked by everyone....

I once heard of a Zion named Pebbles....
That he was so alone

I once saw of a Zion named Pebbles....
And I smiled....

I once saw of a Zion named Pebbles....
And it coe to me....

I once saw of a Zion named Pebbles....
I welcomed it....

There once was a Zion named Pebbles....
As happy as can be..... With me.... Forever and Always....

skrapple @ Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:34 pm

Name: Blue Raspberry (Just call him Blue, for short. :3)
Username: Appletear
Why do you want this Zion? : It's my first time trying out, I looked at all the three and this little guy stole my heart. <3
Will you take care of him?: Well, yes! I wouldn't try out if I wasn't going to. :3
Will you forget about this adoptable?: Never. I will make him my imaginary friend, so he'll always be with me. XD

I'm not good with words, so I can't write good poems.. I doubt I'll win, but good luck everybody! :3

Gingerpawz @ Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:19 pm

Why do you want this Zion? : It looks cute and playful <3
Will you take care of her?: Yes I get on all the time everyday..!
Will you forget about this adoptable?: Never! This is one of my first...

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My JMD with no add-ons. He's albino!~

Xenorph adopt #23 based on this drawing by Spark Platinum
by Fantasy Inc. @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:42 am [Reply]

Owner: Leopard 303
Gender: Female
Breedable: Yes!

Fantasy Inc. @ Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:47 am


PantheraUncia @ Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:53 am

Owner: Leopard303
Name: Sandrose
Personality: Sandrose is a calm and gentle Xenorph. She hates violence and always chooses a peaceful way through troubles.
Why do you want it: I think that Sandrose has really pretty coloration, and I really like it!

Fantasy Inc. @ Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:02 pm

She's yours! Thank you for adopting! I'll pm the codes.

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~DDE~Gradient Chestnut~ based on this drawing by Wind Frost
by Wind Frost @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 5:52 am [Reply]

I love his muzzle <3
Height: 14 hh
Gender: Male:

Code: Select all

~ Castiel ~ @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:05 am

Story:was once wild and free but when her home wsas destroyed in a fire she fled the mountains and found a little girl who took her in, she is now a dressage champion and has won many medals :)

tixij @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:29 am

Username: Equinesta!
Name: Roulette!
Age: 5 years.
Story: Roulette was once a sweet, gentle stallion, roaming free near his mountain home. His nostrils flared at danger, and he always had the power to fight and protect his new herd.

When he was a lot more younger, his mother had taught him the basics to thrive in the wild. Keep your ears clear and run from the danger, she said, and that was what he did. But one day, as Roulette and his mother were grazing near the mountainsides, they were attacked by two mountain lions. His mother sent him off and told him to run to safety as quickly as he can, and she tried to fight the lions long enough to have her little colt find safety.

But now, he was tough. He now always takes the chance to fight for granted, to fight for his mother, and her home.

Wind Frost @ Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:52 pm

Equinesta wrote:Username: Equinesta!
Name: Roulette!
Age: 5 years.
Story: Roulette was once a sweet, gentle stallion, roaming free near his mountain home. His nostrils flared at danger, and he always had the power to fight and protect his new herd.

When he was a lot more younger, his mother had taught him the basics to thrive in the wild. Keep your ears clear and run from the danger, she said, and that was what he did. But one day, as Roulette and his mother were grazing near the mountainsides, they were attacked by two mountain lions. His mother sent him off and told him to run to safety as quickly as he can, and she tried to fight the lions long enough to have her little colt find safety.

But now, he was tough. He now always takes the chance to fight for granted, to fight for his mother, and her home.

Congrats! He is you'res!

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FTD #1 - My custom! based on this drawing by Jayflight.
by emberonis @ Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:25 am [Reply]

My custom. <3 I love these so much! Thanks Jay for letting me make myself a custom. <3

Any name suggestions?

She's 15 years old. <3

Pommie #26 based on this drawing by foreign-potato
by foreign-potato @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:48 am [Reply]


Pomeranian #26

See the puppy's markings with out shading: xxx , xxx

Based on: x

Owner: Hypono&Kattna
Name: Lutaire
Gender: Male
Age: Puppy
Description: Chocolate coat with dark brown eyes and dark gray nose.
Type: N/A
Children: None

~ Castiel ~ @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:56 am

Why you chose it:this is so ute! it reminds of a real life dog called charlie that is so sweet!
Motivation for adopting?: (under 150 words)i love these they look so good i want to make art of her

Plainsong @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:57 am

Username: Plainsong
Name: Chocolate Cupcake
Why you chose it: Because she reminds me of chocolate and she's fluffy like a perfect cupcake... I would love to eat her. Well... not really - but she needs that cute Chocolate Cupcake name. <33
Gender: Female
Motivation for adopting?: She would be my very first Pommie and I would love to own one. I would draw her and give her a personality. I would love an cuddle her, because she's so sweet - like chocolate.
I just wanted to own a Pommie ever since you put up this adoption thread... so I'll try for this girl. <3

philocalist @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:32 am

Why you chose it:
I don't know I thought it fit him.
Motivation for adopting?:
Well, I want a pommie so bad! I didn't think I would go for him, but I don't know.. Something made me love him soo much! I've been looking for a good pommie for a while and found him. I've tried for only 2 but lost. I know that isn't much but I had no chance anyway. So there was no point in going for them.. I guess.. But this guy! He's tottaly worth it no matter what! If I got him, he would be my very first! I would give him lots of love try to keep him super active and other things!

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Wild Bay based on this drawing by LostGosling
by elliej1995 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:36 pm [Reply]

hmm to get her I want a story or poem :)
no more than 200 words and yes i will count them! just kidding a few over is fine ;)

Code: Select all

Ends: September 14

jessica2000 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:29 pm

Her mother was a dear and her father was a horse that lived in the woods thay thot she was one of a kind .Her name is feline .All the animals in the woods teased her but her mother always sed you are beautiful just the way you are God created you for a purpose .She maid a friend it was a bunny her name was hope thay played in the woods close to home and hope had fore little sisters that had lots of fun. :)

i hope you think my story was good i work so hard on it so please let me adopt her :D

elliej1995 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:29 pm

please fill out the form

jessica2000 @ Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:20 am

and you so my story

question: what do you mean by age? do you mean my age or the pets age? :?:

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Pommie #25 based on this drawing by foreign-potato
by foreign-potato @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:26 am [Reply]


Pomeranian #25

See the puppy's markings with out shading: xxx , xxx

Based on: x

Owner: Briar Rose
Name: Dakota
Gender: Male
Age: Puppy
Description: Tri color black & tan with reddish-brown eyes and a dark gray nose.
Type: N/A
Children: None

broken angel @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:41 am

Username: broken angel
Name: breebree
Gender: female
Outfit/items/accessories:a black litte sweater and a pink and white little shirt and coat and a green collar with diamond studs
[b]Motivation for adopting?:
this pommie is frickin cute <333333333333

Sulphur Wolf @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:48 am

Username: Devil In Disguise
Name: Chifa (Chee-Fuh)
Gender: Female
Outfit/items/accessories: A cute pink/red bandana around her neck, and a cute little squirrel suit(jacket with squirrel ears on the hood that go around the ears)
Motivation for adopting?: I just think she's an adorable pommie with a gorgeous pattern that I absolutely love. Getting her would make me so happy because she has certainly stolen my heart.

foreign-potato @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:49 am

Sorry, I just put up a rule about pictures. c: I am only going to judge on descriptions and ignore pics if you post them.

14 replies not shown, show all

>>Guilded Mist GVU<< based on this drawing by ~Dea~
by Catastrophic Blend @ Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:51 pm [Reply]

To adopt this Gypsy Vanner Unicorn, please COMPLETELY fill out the form below.
Please do not change the form WHATSOEVER! When I look at the entries on my phone, it will take forever for fancy posts to load.
If you do change anything in the form, you will be disqualified. sorry. D:

Code: Select all
[b]GVU Name[/b]:

Contest ends when I find the best suited entry form for this beauty. <3

Catastrophic Blend @ Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:02 am


Catastrophic Blend @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:58 pm


Spitfyre~ @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:57 am

Username: Spitfyre~
GVU Name: Ameriah
Age: 2.5
Gender: Fae, female
Personality: Ameriah is a stubborn, strong unicorn. She is a sweetheart once you get on her good side, but on the other hand... Well, let's say don't get on her bad side!
Likes: Ameriah enjoys flowers, ice, fire, and basically everything a normal mare wouldn't. X3
Dislikes: Pink, girly colors, and perfume.

Oxirie nr #238 based on this drawing by Nira Katsumi
by Cloud' @ Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:27 pm [Reply]

Owner FireIceHeart
Name: Cupid
Age: 2
Gender: Buck
Height: 17.2hh

FireIceHeart @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:01 am

Owner: FireIceHeart
Name: Cupid
Age: 2
Show me a picture of what you think would be his favourite place to be: Image

Nira Katsumi @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:55 am

Aww <3

Desmond @ Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:30 am

Owner: -3B-
Name: Adillo
Age: 4 years
Show me a picture of what you think would be his favourite place to be:

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Wishfly #1 (♂) based on this drawing by Chomp
by Chomp @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:07 am [Reply]

    Congratulations Winkatuck!

T.abby @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:40 am

So cute, Chomp! I can tell this adoptable is going to be a success. Sadly, it doesn't suit me in the slightest...maybe next time. <3

Deadly Nightshade @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:38 am

Very pretty Chomp! <3 I love this species, it is very cute! <3

winkatuck @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:14 am

. K O D A .
. P E R S O N A L I T Y .
Koda is what you would call, a do now.. worry later kind of guy. He talks before he thinks and does whatever he wants whenever he wants. A good thing about that is he usually doesn't regret, he does what he wants and gets it done. Determined to be the leader and give advice (even if it's not the best.) Koda would love to find that special someone, but is content flying through the colonies and teasing the locals. He is bad to the bone and he knows this.

This makes him seem careless and brash, rather to fight even if he knows he stands no chance that take a stab to his pride. When Koda does take pride in something, he gives it his all and 100 % support. He usually doesn't change his mind which often gets him in trouble with others. He lives for the current fleeting moment of life, not afraid of sickness or death. But all around, he's just a nice' guy looking for a 'nice' time. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

. S T A T U S .
looking for a mate
. E X T R A .
Nothing for now, might do a piece of art or add favorites or something.

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TVD #2 based on this drawing by snowing
by snowing @ Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:11 pm [Reply]

Snowing wrote:Image

TVD's are tiny, silky and soft little animals that love to snuggle, they have horns that grow backwards which are harmless to anyone. There tails are fluffy like silk and they have swift,clever movements and can fit in small spaces since there so soft, like little dusters! They mostly weigh from 10lbs to 4lbs or at times they can weigh 23lbs! They can grow up to 1ft or 12inches (Same thing). There personality is mostly a calm and loving type, and is very caring to there babies and trusts there masters. But, they can change at times, There diet mainly consists of small berries, and yummy sour candies, but you can't spoil a TVD or it'll grow picky. They can't eat meat, because they are Herbivores. They can also eat mint,sage,cotton and milkweed but they tend to just stick to berries and candies. They may look cute and fuzzy but they have a vicious bite, which can draw blood quickly. They don't drink the blood of course, but biting is very rare (When a mother is nursing, or have newborns, they might bite). They live in the mountains, sleeping in tiny dens which they can survive the tundra because of there thick and fluffy fur.

To win this pretty female\male, just fill out the form and whoever has the best form wins!

Ends by The 17th

Code: Select all
Teacup's name:
Teacup's age:
Teacup's gender:
Teacup's favorite drink\food:
Why is it there favorite?:

deerly. @ Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:15 pm

Teacup's name:Nightflury
Teacup's age:3
Teacup's gender:male
Teacup's favorite drink\food:sour gummy worms <3
Why is it there favorite?:When he was very little he used to trick his friends they were real worms and eat them. It reminds him of good times!
Other: Thank you! he is so cute! :D

Autumn. @ Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:39 am

Teacup's name:Star
Teacup's age:4 years
Teacup's gender:Female
Teacup's favorite drink\food:Green apples
Why is it there favorite?:Because It is The first Fruit she had ever tasted in her whole life.^^ She Likes anything with apples: Apple tarts, Apple pie, Apple Icecream etc...
Other: Thank you for doing this! :)

hamkid @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:26 am


Teacup's Name:



Teacup's Age:

5 Years Old


Teacup's Gender:



Teacup's Favorite Drink/Food:

Black AND Normal Raspberries;; Cranberry Juice


Why Is There Favorite?:

She LOVES How The Raspberries Are In A Bunch, They Taste Good, All Together! And.. Cranberry Juice Because She Likes The Taste!


Other: She is BEAUTIFUL! Those Eyes... Two Colors=My fave stuff!

Wobble #38 based on this drawing by running red panda
by Alice Cullen. @ Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:44 pm [Reply]

Here's the form:

Code: Select all
Wobble Name:
Wobble Gender:
What's it's favorite candy?:
Fanart (Optional but will increase chances):

End date: July 5th.

Alice Cullen. @ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:12 am


kim0921 @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:17 am

Wobble Name: Easter
Wobble Gender:Female
What's it's favorite candy?: Chocolate eeg candy
Fanart (Optional but will increase chances):sorry i dont have any

Alice Cullen. @ Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:18 am

kim0921 wrote:Wobble Name: Easter
Wobble Gender:Female
What's it's favorite candy?: Chocolate eeg candy
Fanart (Optional but will increase chances):sorry i dont have any

M'kay, you can have her. :)

JMD #68 based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by kirill @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:31 am [Reply]

Okay, so I decided to base this one off of an Austrailian Sheperd Dog. It didn't turn out too well- I'm not very proud of the wings, or the leg markings.
Anyways, I want this guy to go to a great home, so it's best form wins.

Code: Select all
Gender: Male
Art: (Optional, but very, VERY highly recommended.)

Any extras help. A LOT. xD

This ends... when I feel like it xD
You'll have at LEAST a week.

My first JMD as a guest artist. Hnng, I love these fluffballs so much. I wish I could be a permanent artist Dx

.:FarmGirlAtHeart:. @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:51 am

Name: Sheep
Gender: Male
Personality: Sheep loves to run and play. He is very active, but also very loyal. He seems to always be in a good mood, and always sees the cup as 'I don't care what anybody else says! It's full'. He might not be the brightest JMD around, but he knows how to put a smile on your face. He loves to play catch, and is terrified of thunder storms. He also loves to be pet. Sheep is pretty much like a dog.
Story: Sheep was laying outside, enjoying a nice mud bath. It was a nice day, with very little breeze, and it was a warm 83 degrees. He rolled onto his back and saw the other JMD, Dreampool, walking by. Sheep grinned and scooped up a paw-full of mud. "Hey, Dream!" He called, and when Dream looked over, he flung the mud at her, hitting her squarely in the face. "I'm telling our owner!" Dream yelled, and ran to the house. 'Oh great, she's gonna kill me!' Sheep thought to himself. He jumped up and started to shake off the mud. There owner told him not to get muddy today, as her best friend was coming over. Sheep started to groom, and ran over to the ducks. "Guys, I need to borrow the hose! I'll give it right back!" Sheep promised, ready to beg them. One of the ducks, Lucky, a pure black female looked up. "Your a mess!" She remarked, going into a histaracle laughing fit. "Yes you are!" Noodles, the other female, this time a brown one, agreed, starting to laugh also. "Mama's gonna kill you!" The larger male, Popper, a black and white duck, said with his whispery voice, and started laughing. "Here you go!" The smaller male, Apple Jack, a white and tan one said, spraying him with the hose. At the look on Sheep's face, they all started histarcly laughing together. Sheep didn't get what was wrong with those birds. He started back towards the house, walking by the chicken run. A small red hen ran over to him. "Why were you so dirty? Why did Apple Jack spray you? Where is Dreampool? Why do you look like a dog? Are you and Dreampool friends? You shouldn't be! Dream looks like a cat, and you look like a dog! I heard that Dreampool has a crush on somebody! Do you know who it could be? Did you know that the family cat attacked her?" Peeps shot at him, without letting him have time to answer. At the cat part, Sheep raised an eyebrow. "She has a cat?" "Why, yes! I heard that the cat will attack you if you clean up it's fur! Dream likes to say that the cat is hers." The other red one, Nugget said. Sheep soon got to the corner of the run and waved his paw for a good bye, then sat in the shade. It was a good day, and if it was true that Dreampool had a crush, then he could reveal it to all the others.
Art: (Optional, but very, VERY highly recommended.)


BlueRocketMouse @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:52 am

He's cute <3 But...why is the gender sign upside down? o-o

kirill @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:54 am

I was bored. So I redid it. I also added my sig. Because I was bored. xD

But I believe it can be both ways. :3

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Wishfly #2 (♀) based on this drawing by Chomp
by Chomp @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:56 am [Reply]

    Congratulations Elfie!

memento.mori @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:14 pm

Name: Fallen Leaf (Leafie)

Personality: She tends to rarely make friens and likes to fly freely in jungle-ey places.

Current Status: She is looking for a mate. Is in a colony and is not living with parent's.

Other: Good luck everyone! :D

Chomp @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:01 pm

Ah... maybe you misunderstand the idea a little? ^^

You see, when I said to put strengths and weaknesses in the personality, I meant personality wise, not physically.

For example, a personality strength is being loyal to your friends, and a personality weakness would be a short temper or maybe being a little slow. What you gave were physical weaknesses (and almost everything is weak to fire heh). So yeah, you may want to edit that C:. Also a paragraph is at least two sentences, and I wanted two paragraphs ^^.

Elfie @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:48 pm




ImageName: Willow
    strengths: Willow is a Loyal little Wishfly who will not abandon her colony or friends for greener fields, however that doesn't mean she wont go after the things she desires the most. She is resilient and versatile able to adapt to any situation with relative ease. She's compassionate, patient and a gentle spirit at heart with a comical, positive view on life. It's in her nature to laugh when every one is morbid and gloomy. Willow is often perky and talkative rambling off on the intricate balance of the world. She is able to see the effects of actions and can foresee hidden consequences unbeknownst to others. She also can interpret weather patterns with ease just by pocking her head outside her hollow. It isn't surprising she has great powers of observation and a natural curiosity.
    weaknesses: Her mysterious and secretive side often overwhelm her loyal and gentle qualities giving others the impression she's a puzzling, reserved creature. They are more often then not startled when Willow speaks in a cheery manor. She is as blunt as a rock and will tell you strait if your out of line or treading on her toes. She's feisty as well and wont hesitate to give anyone an ear full if she believes they deserve it. She has tendencies to be stubborn and is unmoved by any opinions you might have once she has her mind set. Willow will be annoying for fun and will pester her enemies until they yield. She is down right rude to beings she considers idiots. Willow doesn't suffer fools gladly.
Image Current Status: Loner, seeking a mate or friend cuz she just left her parents.
Image Other (Art): A little sketch I did of her XxX I know it's nothing flashy but all my materials are in limbo atm DX. Divider by me.
Some art I ordered of her and Levique from Zerna-Darkwolf
Pixel art by Sharkknight
By Andy XxX Andy was nice and added a background, but he/she didn't know WF were nocturnal XP. So Willow's up on a daytime romp.
By TheZookeeper XxX
Have ordered more art coming soon! (Might not get here in time for judging though)
ImageWhy I wont her so badly: I was looking for a little adoptable companion for my fursona Levique, then I saw your Wishflies and fell in love with them! These critters are just the sort of companion I've been searching for. I Just adore this little girl so much!

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BK: bay CLOSED based on this drawing by ~*Waffletastic!*~
by randomzness @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:50 pm Attachment(s) [Reply]

to win this lil mare i wanna see a picture of a horse doing something funny, best pic wins! :D (by picture i mean a funny meme, gif etc). Good luck! Will end on Monday

Code: Select all
Gender: mare

vetchic wrote:
Alaxander (Alex for short)
15.6 hand's.

hehehehe, mini mez makes me laff

Soph6297 @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:15 pm

Username: Soph6297
Name: Chrysanthene
Gender: mare
Height: 16 hh
Pic: Image

major pb @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:24 pm

Username: Ƨριяιт
Name: Lesha
Gender: mare
Height: 15hh

Sayna Jaye @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:21 pm

Username: Sayna Jaye
Name: Hallow
Gender: mare
Height: 16 hh
Pic: Image

EDIT: Changed the link to the actual gif. ^.^

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