Daily tips / announcements
Did you know?

Pets turn a day older at the time you adopted them!

If you are ever unsure if your pets already aged or not, check the age on your pet's profile page. They are 0 days old when you adopt them, so when you adopt on the 1st of a month, they will be 1 day old on the 2nd, precisely 24 hours after the moment you adopted!
  • Entertainment Discussion
    Games, Movies, TV, YouTube, Books and Music - discuss it all here!
  • Animal Chatter
    Share your real pet photos and stories, tell us about your fav species, promote wildlife causes, or discuss animal welfare
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Recent drawings from the Oekaki forums
by snarlingsneers in 3:18:59
by Adamented in 03:54
by CopperChaos in 56:10
by Adamented in 1:44:23
  • CS Trades - Pets, items and C$
    Trade your CS pets, items or C$ with other members. A great way to collect any outcomes you've missed!
  • CS Trading Guides & Help
    A place to get help determining the value of a pet or item, and find resources such as trading and valuation guides
  • CS Auctions
    Put your most valuable pets, items or C$ up for auction and see how high the bidding will go!
  • CS Free Adoptions
    Create a topic here if you have pets or items to give away for FREE!
Art Shops
  • Looking For Art
    Requests to buy art, code, or custom characters - using CS pets/items/C$ for payment.
  • Art Competitions
    Find a competition to enter your artwork in, or create an art competition for others!
  • Art Galleries & Discussion
    Share your creations or discuss artistic techniques with others - including drawings, sculptures, paintings, photos...
  • Animals/Creatures
    Drawings of real OR fantasy animals and creatures (excluding creatures which look more human than animal).
  • Anthro
    For art featuring anthropomorphic creatures as the main subject (animals with human-like characteristics /shape)
  • Human/Humanoid
    Drawings with a human or human-like character as the main subject.
  • Reference Sheets
    Create and share reference sheets of your original characters here!
  • Landscape/Scenery
    Drawings with the environment/setting being the main focus. This could be nature, city, or even fantasy settings.
  • Objects/Abstract/Other
    Drawings featuring objects as the main subject, or abstract concepts/creations which don't fit into any other category.
  • Editable Oekaki
    If you post your drawings here, other people can edit them and make their own versions!
  • Competitions
    For editable drawings posted as competitions with prizes
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