Create A Tribe - (v.1) - v.2 open!

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Tribe - (v.1) - v.2 open!

Postby deimido » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:21 pm

Disclaimer: i did not come up with the original idea for this game, kaden is attributed to originally creating it while katrione currently owns the first create a __ game, create a clan. please consult katrione if you wish to create a game like this.

The Tribe of Rushing Water had been lost to time so many seasons ago, and whatever traces remained of their memory were fading rapidly until the thought of a Tribe would vanish from the minds of the living forever. The remaining members of the Tribe of Endless Hunting decided that their legacy will not be so easily forgotten, and that they will find cats who will create stronger Tribes that will withstand the test of time farther then the Tribe of Rushing Water had.
Will you contribute to creating a Tribe so that they will live on? Can you make the largest, most powerful Tribe in the wilds?


1 - follow all chickensmoothie rules.
2 - do not under any circumstances try to copy or make a game like this. its an original idea made by kaden, passed down to katrione, who gave me permission to make a spin-off of it.
3 - please use proper grammar and punctuation, do not use text talk at all.
4 - be kind and respectful to me and to the other members.
5 - do not requote your post, if you feel as if your post has been skipped over, pm me.
6 - do not mini-mod.
7 - please pm me if you have any questions.
8 - no begging for cats/herbs/allies/enemies/etc.
9- i will remake the game at 900 pages.
10 - and remember to have fun!


Teller of the Pointed Stones / Healer: [ owner ]
deimos | Tribe of the Hissing Wastes

Healer to-be: [ co-owner ]
Username | Tribe Name

Prey-Hunters and Guards: [ mods ]
Katrione | Tribe of Burning Suns
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name

To-bes: [ mini-mods ]
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Prey-Hunters and Guards: [ banned ]
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name

To-bes: [ strikes ]
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name

Kits: [ warnings ]
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name
Username | Tribe Name


- Starting Off -
When you create your first ever post, it must be an introduction about your tribe such as its name and customs. you also have the option to include things such as its reputation, territory, and general personality - these will help me decide on what your first cat, the healer, will look like.

- Getting More Cats -
your clan will start off small given you start off with only your healer. to find more cats to join your tribe, you have two options: 1) patrolling or 2) sending your healer to the cave of pointed stones once a week. when patrolling, your cats have a randomized chance of encountering a willing cat of any rank who will then join your tribe. when your healer is at the cave, they can request a cat of any specific rank up until your tribe has fifteen cats.

* the cave of pointed stones functions like the moonstone and moonpool.

- Patrols -
once you have two or more cats, you can send them out of border patrols every twelve hours. if you send out the same cat on a border patrol on three posts you make, they will get exhausted and easily prone to falling ill, so its a good idea to get diverse about which cats are chosen to go out on patrol. when patrolling, there are several things that can happen: you can find herbs to give to the healer for their store, new cats to join your tribe, or you can encounter a different tribe and choose to request an alliance with the tribe, battle it, or simply ignore it.

- Healing and Herbs -
when you get your healer, you will have the ability to choose five herbs to start off your medical storage. when you send your healer out to find herbs, you can find find two for every patrol your healer takes to gather them. once your healer chooses a healer to-be, you will be able to find three on your patrols. you store your herbs in the medicine store and they can be used to heal the sick or injured.

- Mentors and Training -
you will be able to assign a certain mentor to an apprentice when a kit becomes six moons. before your to-be is allowed to advance to the next rank, they must complete four training sessions and be at least twelve moons old. your apprentice learns a new skill during each training session.

potentially taught skills are: swimming, hunting, battle/fighting, stalking, climbing, fishing, tracking, herb recognition, running, stealth, speed, strategy, endurance, balance.

- Aging and Death -
you must age your cats up one moon for every post you make. so if in one post you had a to-be who was 8 moons, your next post would make that to-be 9 moons. in this game, there are five possibly ways for your cat to die; being stillborn, old age, killed by a predator, birthing kits, and not having injuries treated within two days. a mod can have these happen in their replies, but you can write deaths in your posts as well.

- Alliances -
if you meet a neighboring tribes while on patrol, you can choose to become their ally. ally tribes usually act friendly towards each other and can often resolve disputes without fighting. you can also give herbs to them if they desire one, as well as trade one of your cats with theirs. if your tribe is under attack by an enemy tribe, one of your allying tribes can join the fight and defend you so long as the enemy in question isn't an ally of theirs. if one of your allies comes through, the risk of injury and death goes down significantly.
if you meet a neighboring tribes while on patrol, you can choose to become either their enemy or rival. enemy tribes usually act hostile towards each other and often argue or possibly break out into a fight. should you ever raid your enemy's tribe, you can the option to steal kits, to-be's, elders, or herbs if you bring four or more cats to join the raid. the only way your enemy can get their stolen cats or herbs back is to attack you, which can prove fatal and dangerous as injury or death. if both of these tribes are tired of fighting, you can make peace and become allies with them during a gathering.

- Gatherings -
coming soon!

- Mates and Kits -
without kits, your tribe will struggle to survive! to make your cats mates, post them confessing to one another and one of them asking the other to be their mate. in my reply, one cat will find out they're expecting kits and then you'll have to wait two moons (2 posts) for their litter to be born. if you don't wish for kits yet, make sure to tell me, and if you want your cat to have another litter, say so in your post as well.

- Forbidden Relationships -
forbidden relationships are what happens when cats become mates with cats from another tribe. cats can form romances with others from either ally or enemy tribes and can sneak out of camp to meet them and bond at gatherings. however, if the relationship results in kits, they will have to find a cat willing enough to cover up as their parent. it can be arranged at a gathering or a secret meeting place for one or more of the kits to be given to the parent of the other tribe. it is extemely rare, but some cats may find out that the kits are forbidden and the parents and/or kits could be exiled from the tribe.

- Prey -
every post (aside from your first three), your tribe will use up two pieces of food. once you reach seven tribe members, your serving will go up by one. then the next time you get seven more cats, your serving will go up by one again. the max amount of cats you can send out on a hunting patrol is six; for every two cats on patrol, you will get one piece of prey, so the max amount of prey you can get from one hunting patrol is three pieces of prey. you can use six types of prey, an example of a set would be: mice, pigeons, voles, fish, rabbits, and squirrels. you can switch out the different types of prey depending on what is normally found in your tribe's territory but don't make it a type of prey that tribe cats wouldn't normally eat. when you fill in your form after receiving your healer, remember to fill in the types of prey your tribe will be using. very rarely, the mod who replies to your tribe will give you something outside those six. remember to go hunting often since two pieces are used every post. if you run out of fresh-kill, you will have two posts to get enough of it back. after two posts, a cat in your tribe will die of starvation. every post after that, one cat will die until you catch enough prey.

            Fresh-Kill Servings
            Mice; 1 serving
            Vole; 1 serving
            Shrew; 1 serving
            Frog; 1 serving
            Rabbit: 2 servings
            Squirrel; 2 servings
            Ermine (Stoat); 2 servings
            Small Fish; 2 servings* (*Minnows are 1 serving though*)
            Big Fish; 3 servings
            Hare; 3 servings
            All Birds; 3 servings
            0-6 cats; 2 servings
            7-13 cats; 3 servings
            14-20 cats; 4 servings
            21-27 cats; 5 servings
            28-34 cats; 6 servings
            35-41 cats; 7 servings
            42-48 cats; 8 servings
            49-55 cats; 9 servings
            56-62 cats; 10 servings
            63-69 cats; 11 servings
            70-76 cats; 12 servings

each season will last two weeks, after which a new season will start, going in order from winter to autumn. when your mod replies to your post, the mod will write what type of weather your clan has for that day, which will ultimately affect how things go for your tribe.

Next Season: Autumn - [January 24th.]

Spring: during spring, kittings will run much smoother and the chances of the queens or kits dying during birth will go down dramatically. there is also a higher chance of you catching more prey than usual. the chances of catching greencough, whitecough and kittencough will go down. with all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. there will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. the odds of finding new cats is very high.

Summer: during summer, you will catch a max of six pieces of prey. during patrols, you are more likely to run into twolegs and their dogs, and rogue groups will most likely start to try and settle on your territory so keep an eye out. you are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of summer. your tribe will still receive new cats but not as much as you would in spring.

Autumn: during autumn, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will steadily start going down. the sun will start going down earlier, which will continue into winter. kittings will start to get a little bit harder so make sure to stock up on kitting herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. you will also run into predators such as foxes or badgers.

Winter: during winter, the chances of catching greencough are higher. if you send the same cat out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold, which is lead to whitecough and greencough, so be careful. after your cat catches a cold, don't send them out for two posts or their cold will progress to whitecough or greencough. the sun will start to fall early and it gets colder once the sun sets. you will also catch less prey and are less likely to find new cats.

after your introduction post, you will use the following format in every following post you make to keep track of your tribe. replace the 'link' in the X with the image of your cat. you may edit slightly, but not too much.

Code: Select all
[center][size=200]Your Tribe's Name[/size]
    [size=85][b]Number of Cats:[/b] Here[/size]

    [size=85]Put your post of what your cats are doing here[/size][/center]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    [b]Healer to-be:[/b]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url][/list][/list][/list][/list][/size][/left] [left][list][size=85][b]Ally Tribes:[/b]
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    [b]Enemy Tribes:[/b]
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    [b]Medicine Store:[/b]
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    [b]Fresh-Kill Pile:[/b]
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |  0 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    [b]Deceased Cats:[/b]
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits[/size][/list][/left][/center]

here is the list of tribes, who owns the tribe, and which mod replies to them:

( tribes in italics means they're being used in the trial mod event. )

[18 Tribes]
Tribe of Burning Suns | Katrione
Tribe of Flaming Sands | vampiress_fox
Tribe of Breaking Waves | mackstarr
Tribe of the Crystal Streams | Breezecat
Tribe of Golden Dawns | marya d.
Tribe of Frozen Waters | OrigamiVulpix
Tribe of the Dying Rose | childish
Tribe of Tempest Tossed Seas | Dinolil1
Tribe of Sinking Willows | Chinchy
Tribe of Quiet Forests | sicknasty
Tribe of the Shrouded Mist | winter solstice.
Tribe of Dancing Lights | kacchan,
Tribe of Whistling Trees | DasCanadianSparkle
Tribe of the Scorching Desert
Tribe of Sullen Whispers | aesthetic.
Tribe of Whispering Winds | A Fox's Tail
Tribe of Looming Oaks | sushinekko
Tribe of Forbidding Waters | starshine,
Breezecat | Tribe of Star Fire
starshine, | Tribe of the Shrouded Mist
aesthetic. | Tribe of Silver Moonlight
scarlet_wolf | Tribe of Shimmering Dawn
kacchan, | Tribe of Curling Leaves
marya d. | Tribe of Looming Oaks
~Glaceon~ | Tribe of Glistening Snow
aura. | Tribe of Golden Dawns
fireskele | Tribe of Rolling Thunder
A Fox's Tail | Tribe of Falling Blossoms
winter solstice. | Tribe of the Scorching Desert
galaxies, | Tribe of the Clear Lake
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
Tribe Name | Username
[17 Tribes]
Tribe of Star Fire | Starwindrider
Tribe of the Hissing Wastes | deimos
Tribe of Fallen Snow | mr.kingrichard
Tribe of the Flowing Brook | galaxies,
Tribe of Shimmering Dawn | ~Glaceon~
Tribe of Crumbling Stone | Grey_Hoodie
Tribe of Rolling Thunder | Maplewhisper
Tribe of Wasted Dreams | peridotite.
Tribe of Falling Blossoms | NightWolf950
Tribe of Silver Moonlight | Night♕
Tribe of Falling Waters | scarlet_wolf
Tribe of Flooding Waters | imp.
Tribe of the Climbing Stones | xXNightwaveXx
Tribe of Curling Leaves | Phina D Wolf
Tribe of Glistening Snow | BrightDays
Tribe of the Calm Waters | civett
Tribe of the Clear Lake | fireskele
Last edited by deimido on Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:10 pm, edited 57 times in total.
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Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

Postby Katrione » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:30 pm


The Tribe of Burning Suns use to be known as The Tribe of Strong Pines. The old tribe lived in an area covered thickly with pine trees that was close to a set of Clans. One day, the twolegs who lived on the other side of the pine forest set the pines on fire to clear out some of the trees. The fire spread rapidly through the tribe's territory, killing many of the tribe cats, including Pineteller. The Pineteller to-be tried their hardest to gather its tribemates back together but never managed to find more than a couple. After being turned away by the Clans, the to-be decided to rebuild the tribe far away from the evil Clans that had refused to help. After traveling for many, many moons and losing the tribemates she had managed to find, the Pineteller to-be settled in a sprawling mountain range. Every part of the mountain range was touched by the bright, burning sun. Inspired by the sun that graced the mountains, the Pineteller to-be named its tribe The Tribe of Burning Suns and renamed themself The Watcher of the Burning Sun, or Sunwatcher.

The tribe is housed in a large cave in the mountains. Every now and then, Twolegs will wander into the cave, but the tribe can easily find places in the vast cave to hide. This doesn't happen often though, only during newleaf and greenleaf. Since they live in the mountains and have to climb quite a bit, the tribe cats have strong hind legs and can jump exceptionally high. Whenever Sunwatcher goes to speak with their ancestors, he or she will cross the mountain several days prior to the half-moon with several cave guards. The Sunwatcher will head into the Star Cave, a filled with tiny, blue lights (which are really glow worms). Sunwatcher will swim to a large rock in the middle of the cave and wait until the half-moon rises in the sky and the light falls in through a hole in the ceiling.

The Tribe of Burning Suns has a very proud tradition carried on from The Tribe of Strong Pines. When kits are born, the tribe leader will go and inspect the kits. After inspecting the kits, the leader will determine whether they are a cave-guard or a prey-hunter. Very rarely, the healer will choose a to-be to take their place when they die. On the same day kits open their eyes, the whole tribe will travel with the kits and their mother to the Sacred Lake. The kits will swim in the water with the oldest member in their lineage. The tribe will wait until after the kits first swim then they will all join the kits. Afterwards,the tribe will sun on the soft grass together before heading back to the cave.

With the tribe living in the mountains, there are quite a few ways for cats to pass. The most dangerous and rare way for a tribe cat to die is to be snatched up by an eagle. This happens enough for the tribe cats to be wary of climbing high into the mountains.
The most common way for them to perish is by falling from a tree, or from slipping while climbing the mountain, which many of the cats aren't allowed to do by themselves.
Last edited by Katrione on Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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tribe replies / 001.

Postby deimido » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:36 pm

The Tribe of Burning Suns | Katrione wrote:

The Tribe of Burning Suns use to be known as The Tribe of Strong Pines. The old tribe lived in an area covered thickly with pine trees that was close to a set of Clans. One day, the twolegs who lived on the other side of the pine forest set the pines on fire to clear out some of the trees. The fire spread rapidly through the tribe's territory, killing many of the tribe cats, including Pineteller. The Pineteller to-be tried their hardest to gather its tribemates back together but never managed to find more than a couple. After being turned away by the Clans, the to-be decided to rebuild the tribe far away from the evil Clans that had refused to help. After traveling for many, many moons and losing the tribemates she had managed to find, the Pineteller to-be settled in a sprawling mountain range. Every part of the mountain range was touched by the bright, burning sun. Inspired by the sun that graced the mountains, the Pineteller to-be named its tribe The Tribe of Burning Suns and renamed themself The Teller of the Burning Sun, or Sunteller.

The tribe is housed in a large cave in the mountains. Every now and then, Twolegs will wander into the cave, but the tribe can easily find places in the vast cave to hide. This doesn't happen often though, only during newleaf and greenleaf. Since they live in the mountains and have to climb quite a bit, the tribe cats have strong hind legs and can jump exceptionally high. Whenever Sunteller goes to speak with their ancestors, he or she will cross the mountain several days prior to the half-moon with several cave guards. The Sunteller will head into the Star Cave, a filled with tiny, blue lights (which are really glow worms). Sunteller will swim to a large rock in the middle of the cave and wait until the half-moon rises in the sky and the light falls in through a hole in the ceiling.

The Tribe of Burning Suns has a very proud tradition carried on from The Tribe of Strong Pines. When kits are born, the tribe leader will go and inspect the kits. After inspecting the kits, the leader will determine whether they are a cave-guard or a prey-hunter. Very rarely, the healer will choose a to-be to take their place when they die. On the same day kits open their eyes, the whole tribe will travel with the kits and their mother to the Sacred Lake. The kits will swim in the water with the oldest member in their lineage. The tribe will wait until after the kits first swim then they will all join the kits. Afterwards,the tribe will sun on the soft grass together before heading back to the cave.

With the tribe living in the mountains, there are quite a few ways for cats to pass. The most dangerous and rare way for a tribe cat to die is to be snatched up by an eagle. This happens enough for the tribe cats to be wary of climbing high into the mountains.
The most common way for them to perish is by falling from a tree, or from slipping while climbing the mountain, which many of the cats aren't allowed to do by themselves.

The Tribe of Burning Suns has been formed!
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the tribe of strong pines

Postby eltonn » Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:31 am


The Tribe of Strong Pines is a relatively new tribe... well, that is, currently it is only one cat. Originally a powerful tribe with many cats, a raging fire started by twolegs burned through their home to the ground. So many cats were lost... of the ones that survived, even fewer lasted the journey to find a new home. The tribe was refounded under the leadership of the newly christened Sunteller and the name the Tribe of Burning Suns. Their life there was good. One kit, Mouse Chewing Sunflower Seeds, grew up hearing stories of their old home from her mother and grandparents. She was picked to become the next Sunteller, and she worked hard towards her goal. However, as she aged, Mouse realized that this was not where she wanted to stay. The pines where her ancestors had grown and lived called to her. One night, while she was about 24 moons, Mouse woke up in the middle of the night, and was unable to sleep. She headed towards the Star Cave, and the Tribe of Endless Hunting appeared to her, telling her to bring back the Tribe of Strong Pines. The next morning, she bid her family, friends, and mentor farewell, and set off on her journey.

Finding her old home, Mouse was overjoyed to discover that the burned parts of the forest were growing back. Parts of the forest are still a wasteland, but most of it has returned to the way it used to be. The forest is filled with prey such as birds, mice, and squirrels. Their camp is in an area where a pine tree had died and fallen. The Pineteller sleeps at the top of the fallen tree that has become caught in the branches of another tree, so that they may be close to the Tribe of Endless Hunting. The warriors and apprentices all ground beneath the tree and make their den curled together to keep warm. They take turns sleeping on the outside and middle so that everyone has a chance for warmth during the colder months. Queens and kits sleep in a den beneath pines that had fallen completely to the ground. The nursery uses the fallen pines as a roof, and beneath the pines the area was made roomier by digging it out. If the pines were moved, the nursery would just be a huge indent in the ground. The elders have a similarly made den next to the nursery. Lastly, the medicine den is next to the nursery and elder's den, and is a bit deeper dug than the others in order to provide space for the herbs. Kits enjoy climbing on the branches, and apprentices often run across the tops of the dens. A common dare apprentices like is climbing to the Pineteller's den. Of course, Pineteller is amused no end to this.

The place where the Tribe of Strong Pines meets with the Tribe of Endless Hunting is called the Moonpines. The Moonpines are a small group of stunted pine trees where the Tribe of Endless Hunting will appear on the night of the full moon. The tribe always has to look out for foxes, of course, but moose and caribou are also a problem, as they can easily destroy the nursery, elder's den and medicine den. The Tribe of Strong Pines generally has long, powerful legs and tails because they climb trees and leap from branch to branch to hunt prey. Their paws are generally large yet nimble due to picking through the pine-bark littered ground, and their ears are large. The Tribe of Strong Pines is a friendly and lighthearted clan, who is always open to new opportunities.

is it possible that my leader could similar to mouse? i'd like them to be mouse's daughter c:
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tribe replies / 002.

Postby deimido » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:43 am

save seedcakes wrote:

The Tribe of Strong Pines is a relatively new tribe... well, that is, currently it is only one cat. Originally a powerful tribe with many cats, a raging fire started by twolegs burned through their home to the ground. So many cats were lost... of the ones that survived, even fewer lasted the journey to find a new home. The tribe was refounded under the leadership of the newly christened Sunteller and the name the Tribe of Burning Suns. Their life there was good. One kit, Mouse Chewing Sunflower Seeds, grew up hearing stories of their old home from her mother and grandparents. She was picked to become the next Sunteller, and she worked hard towards her goal. However, as she aged, Mouse realized that this was not where she wanted to stay. The pines where her ancestors had grown and lived called to her. One night, while she was about 24 moons, Mouse woke up in the middle of the night, and was unable to sleep. She headed towards the Star Cave, and the Tribe of Endless Hunting appeared to her, telling her to bring back the Tribe of Strong Pines. The next morning, she bid her family, friends, and mentor farewell, and set off on her journey.

Finding her old home, Mouse was overjoyed to discover that the burned parts of the forest were growing back. Parts of the forest are still a wasteland, but most of it has returned to the way it used to be. The forest is filled with prey such as birds, mice, and squirrels. Their camp is in an area where a pine tree had died and fallen. The Pineteller sleeps at the top of the fallen tree that has become caught in the branches of another tree, so that they may be close to the Tribe of Endless Hunting. The warriors and apprentices all ground beneath the tree and make their den curled together to keep warm. They take turns sleeping on the outside and middle so that everyone has a chance for warmth during the colder months. Queens and kits sleep in a den beneath pines that had fallen completely to the ground. The nursery uses the fallen pines as a roof, and beneath the pines the area was made roomier by digging it out. If the pines were moved, the nursery would just be a huge indent in the ground. The elders have a similarly made den next to the nursery. Lastly, the medicine den is next to the nursery and elder's den, and is a bit deeper dug than the others in order to provide space for the herbs. Kits enjoy climbing on the branches, and apprentices often run across the tops of the dens. A common dare apprentices like is climbing to the Pineteller's den. Of course, Pineteller is amused no end to this.

The place where the Tribe of Strong Pines meets with the Tribe of Endless Hunting is called the Moonpines. The Moonpines are a small group of stunted pine trees where the Tribe of Endless Hunting will appear on the night of the full moon. The tribe always has to look out for foxes, of course, but moose and caribou are also a problem, as they can easily destroy the nursery, elder's den and medicine den. The Tribe of Strong Pines generally has long, powerful legs and tails because they climb trees and leap from branch to branch to hunt prey. Their paws are generally large yet nimble due to picking through the pine-bark littered ground, and their ears are large. The Tribe of Strong Pines is a friendly and lighthearted clan, who is always open to new opportunities.

is it possible that my leader could similar to mouse? i'd like them to be mouse's daughter c:

( Hopefully the kitty I chose is a good fit! c: )

The Tribe of Strong Pines has been founded!
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Tribe of Whispered Briar [0]

Postby amethyst14 » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:56 am


The Tribe of Whispered Briar lives in a large meadow that gets over grown with large grass during green leaf. This provides them with cover and is also when briar patches grow, the much needed material for making dens and the walls of camp. Camp is located in the center of the meadow, fortified by the briar patches that are collected during green leaf. There is a forest located to the west of the meadow that marks the borer and another forest to the east that marks that border. There are a few trees that trickle into the meadow but not enough for the cats in the Tribe to use for anything. There is a mountain located to the north and the base of it is considered the border but to the south there is a large two leg area, their fences mark the tribe's border.

The cats in the tribe prey on rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, quail, mice and pheasants that make their homes in the tall grasses of the meadow. They try their best to stock up as much as they can during the easy seasons because leaf bare the only prey to be out is mice and even then it is hard to catch them.

The tribe is under a constant threat, there are many predator birds that share the hunting grounds with the tribe and if the birds are desperate enough they can snatch a cat that is not paying attention. Though the guards have come up with ways to counter the birds, they are not always successful. On top of the large birds there are foxes and badgers that like to roam into the meadow and there are even dogs that escape the two leg's fences that can cause trouble to the clan.

The builds and pelt colors vary in the tribe, the large muscular cats become guards and hunters are sleek with powerful hind legs to keep up with the prey that is caught in the area. Most cats though in the tribe have medium length fur that will usually grow out in the cold moons but will shed when the snow starts to melt. The sheded fur gets caught in the cat's nests made of grass and makes the nest nice and soft. Most cats wont change their bedding for a whole year because of this, it is comfortable to them.

Guards and hunters have different to-be assessments. The To-Be guards have to climb the mountain and return with an eagle feather, it shows their bravery and courage as they take on this task. It is usually done alone, if they are sent off in groups the to-bes usually disperse at the base of the mountain. They are not to return until the get a feather, it is considered a bad omen if they do not come back with a feather. The To-Be hunters are sent off, one by one, to the eastern forest where they are to meet with a gifted fox. They are to take a piece of freshly caught prey to the fox and in return are given a feather trinket (2-3 feathers tied with cobwebs) to return with. If they took a piece of prey to the fox and did not get a trinket in return it is seen as a bad omen, they are given one more attempt but are told not to return if they fail to get a trinket.

In order for cats to become mates they must present each other with their eagle feather or feather trinket, exchanging them. Both partners must do this and hold onto the items for the rest of their days. If they wish to no longer be mates then they return the items to each other, broken. The eagle feather will be cut in half and the trinket will be missing a feather, they are not allowed to take on new mates. The breaking can be done in privacy.

To-Be healers will learn both the guard and hunter roles, though at the end of the training they do not take the assessments. They continue their training with the healer until the day the healer passes away or retires. Healers and to-be healers are not allowed to take on a mate or have any kits.
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tribe replies / 003.

Postby deimido » Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:19 am

amethyst14 wrote:

The Tribe of Whispered Briar lives in a large meadow that gets over grown with large grass during green leaf. This provides them with cover and is also when briar patches grow, the much needed material for making dens and the walls of camp. Camp is located in the center of the meadow, fortified by the briar patches that are collected during green leaf. There is a forest located to the west of the meadow that marks the borer and another forest to the east that marks that border. There are a few trees that trickle into the meadow but not enough for the cats in the Tribe to use for anything. There is a mountain located to the north and the base of it is considered the border but to the south there is a large two leg area, their fences mark the tribe's border.

The cats in the tribe prey on rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, quail, mice and pheasants that make their homes in the tall grasses of the meadow. They try their best to stock up as much as they can during the easy seasons because leaf bare the only prey to be out is mice and even then it is hard to catch them.

The tribe is under a constant threat, there are many predator birds that share the hunting grounds with the tribe and if the birds are desperate enough they can snatch a cat that is not paying attention. Though the guards have come up with ways to counter the birds, they are not always successful. On top of the large birds there are foxes and badgers that like to roam into the meadow and there are even dogs that escape the two leg's fences that can cause trouble to the clan.

The builds and pelt colors vary in the tribe, the large muscular cats become guards and hunters are sleek with powerful hind legs to keep up with the prey that is caught in the area. Most cats though in the tribe have medium length fur that will usually grow out in the cold moons but will shed when the snow starts to melt. The sheded fur gets caught in the cat's nests made of grass and makes the nest nice and soft. Most cats wont change their bedding for a whole year because of this, it is comfortable to them.

Guards and hunters have different to-be assessments. The To-Be guards have to climb the mountain and return with an eagle feather, it shows their bravery and courage as they take on this task. It is usually done alone, if they are sent off in groups the to-bes usually disperse at the base of the mountain. They are not to return until the get a feather, it is considered a bad omen if they do not come back with a feather. The To-Be hunters are sent off, one by one, to the eastern forest where they are to meet with a gifted fox. They are to take a piece of freshly caught prey to the fox and in return are given a feather trinket (2-3 feathers tied with cobwebs) to return with. If they took a piece of prey to the fox and did not get a trinket in return it is seen as a bad omen, they are given one more attempt but are told not to return if they fail to get a trinket.

In order for cats to become mates they must present each other with their eagle feather or feather trinket, exchanging them. Both partners must do this and hold onto the items for the rest of their days. If they wish to no longer be mates then they return the items to each other, broken. The eagle feather will be cut in half and the trinket will be missing a feather, they are not allowed to take on new mates. The breaking can be done in privacy.

To-Be healers will learn both the guard and hunter roles, though at the end of the training they do not take the assessments. They continue their training with the healer until the day the healer passes away or retires. Healers and to-be healers are not allowed to take on a mate or have any kits.

The Tribe of Whispered Briar has been founded!
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Tribe of Whispered Briar [1]

Postby amethyst14 » Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:09 am

Number of Cats: 1(2 Servings)
Toms: 0 Mollies: 1
Next Cave of Tall Grasses: Now
"Teller of Tall Grasses..." The molly meowed to herself. It was all so unreal to her, to become a leader. It was early morning when she made it to the burrow in the ground that was just a small ways out of her own borders. She had been here a few times already and knew how to make her way down the burrow safely. The tunnel she followed lead to a giant underground cave that had stars on the ceiling(glow worms) and they illuminated a small pool of water. There was grass around this pool and the calico tabby felt at peace here. Grass teller took a few laps at the water before closing her eyes "Spirits of my ancestors please send me a cat that will hold the future of the tribe." The molly fell asleep then.

After a while Grassteller slowly made her way out of the cave and through the tunnel system. On her way back to camp she decided to hunt, know that if she had been heard she would need caught prey to keep the kit mother strong.

[Sacred Visit Grassteller asks for a kit-mother.]
[Hunting Grassteller hunts on the way back to camp.]


    Teller of Tall Grasses | 37 Moons | |

    Healer To-Be:
    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]
    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]
    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Name | age Moons | | [url=pic]☼[/url]

    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Ground Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Quail | x0 | 3 servings
    Pheasant | x0 | 3 servings
    Total | 0 | 0 servings


    Cat | Reason

    cat and cat
      Ally Tribes:
      Tribe | Owner

      Enemy Clans
      Tribe | Owner

      North | Tribe | Owner
      East | Tribe | Owner
      South | Tribe | Owner
      West | Tribe | Owner


      0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      0|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      0|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      0|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      0|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      0|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      0|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      0|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      0|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      0|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      1|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      0|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      0|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      0|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      0|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      0|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      0|Tyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      Mentor | To-be Guard| No. of training sessions
      Training Needed: Running, Stealth, Offense(moves), Defense(moves), Strategy, Endurance
      Mentor | To-be Hunter| No. of training sessions
      Training Needed: Hunting, Stalking, Tracking, Speed, Endurance, Balance
Last edited by amethyst14 on Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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-» the tribe of strong piens

Postby eltonn » Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:20 am

Number of Cats: 001

          Flicker of Moon on Water | 20 | ♀
          ↳ ♕ name | age | ♀/♂

          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♗ Name | Age | ♀/♂

          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♖ Name | Age | ♀/♂

          ♙ Name | Age | g/h | ♀/♂
          ♙ Name | Age | g/h | ♀/♂
          ♙ Name | Age | g/h | ♀/♂

          ♘ Name | Age | ♀
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂

          ♘ Name | Age | ♀
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂
          ↳ ♙ name | age | ♀/♂

          ♕ Name | Age | ♀/♂
          ♕ Name | Age | ♀/♂
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 0 servings (1)
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings (2)
    Frog | x0 | 0 servings (1)
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings (1)
    Ermine | x0 | 0 servings (2)
    Birds | x0 | 0 servings (3)

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Flicker could hardly believe this was happening. The Tribe of Endless Hunting chose her! Her! Perhaps her mother had something to do with it. Flicker wouldn't put it past Mouse Chewing Sunflower Seeds to push the Tribe until they allowed her young daughter to become the newest Pineteller. But this was it. This was her home now. A purr rose in Flicker's throat. Suddenly, she remembered something with a jolt. I forgot Shadow! Hurriedly, she turned and raced back to where she and her father had made camp, hoping that he was still there.

[ Flicker of Moon on Water looks for her father, Shadow from Bird's Wing ]
[ Flicker of Moon on Water hunts ]

blagh im sorry to request again, but her father is a black tom qwq
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-- [🌲] tribe of the tall trees

Postby 䏠xote » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:50 am

the tribe of the tall trees is located deep in the forest, their territory stretching over a good few miles. it is littered with streams, rivers and waterfalls, the foliage lush and green from the frequent rains. the forest itself is deciduous, with towering cedars clustered together where the cats make their home. it snows a little in winter, and is more likely to have heavy rains, floods and high winds rather than blizzards or snowstorms. the temperature is usually cool, and stays about the same most of the year.

the main sources of prey here are different sorts of birds (primarily the california scrub jay, the gnatcatcher, the nuttall's woodpecker, and the black swift), as well as the occasional squirrel. the tribe also can catch the occasional mouse or shrew, but they prefer to hunt in the air as opposed to the ground. cats of the tribe of tall trees are proficient swimming due to living near so much water, but are really more climbers and jumpers and cannot hunt in the water. they are not very good at hunting prey on the forest floor.

the tribe of tall trees are made up of cats very proud of their abilities, with boundless confidence and ambition. they can be seen as haughty, but are intensely loyal and have a deep-rooted sense of patriotism for their tribe. their leader and healer is known as the gazer of the shining sun, or the sungazer. these cats believe they are more connected to the tribe of stars more than others, because they live in the trees off of the ground. many of them are polydactyl (having extra toes), making them expert climbers, and they inherit unusually long tails and whiskers for balance. most of the cats in this tribe are brightly colored, and either tabbies, bicolor, or tabby-and-white. browns, gingers, reds, golds and whites are common colors for this tribe.

solid colored cats, dilute colored cats (gray, silver, blue, fawn, etc.) or black cats are rare, and considered bad omens.
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