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Doctor Who Dump.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:46 am

Hello! *waves*
I'm Wren, and as you might be able to tell, I like Doctor Who. So anyway, I really like writing and I've been writing some fanfictions. I've only got a few at the moment, but hopefully, I'll write more!

Now, I don't want to do this all on my lonesome. That would be boring. So, I'm open for any suggestions, be it story ideas, certain companions, and possibly some ships - if I'm comfortable with them. And, I have also been watching Classic Who, so if you want any stories about the Classic Doctors and his companions, I might be able to help you.

Only thing is, I'm not up to date. Right now, I am up to Series Five of New Who - so Amy is the latest companion I know, and 11 the latest Doctor, though I've only seen three episodes. In Classic Who, I'm up to Season twenty-one, so Peri is the latest companion, and 6 the latest Doctor. I'll update as I watch more. And I'll tell you if I don't know the companion/Doctor. (And I have met the Master. Both Classic and New.)

Right. Anyway, I'm gonna stop talking now. Enjoy! Feel free to comment - please do - but I'd prefer if you remove your signature, though you don't have to.

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Lonely Angel.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:47 am

(I drew a picture, and so I had to write a story)
10th Doctor
Based after The Runaway Bride.
297 words

The Doctor leant against the console of the TARDIS as it began to land. The last few days had been packed with action and emotion and he hadn't had time to relax - which was ironic, seeing as he was a Time Lord.

First, there had been the ghosts and Torchwood. And then the Cybermen and Daleks appeared. And then he had spent the next few days searching the universe for a place to bridge the gap between universes, a place where he could have a few minutes to say goodbye. And then Donna had appeared, and he hadn't had time to think of anything other than keeping her safe.
But now he was alone - properly alone. Rose was gone, Donna was gone, Gallifrey was gone.

With a sigh, he moved to the door of the TARDIS, pushing it open. He had visited the moon a few times before, it was a place where he could just think. It was a small moon, uninhabited, and just the place he wanted to be in at the moment.

The sea crashed against the cliff he stood on as he looked out at the night sky. He had forgotten how much he disliked being alone. It was so quiet!

The final conversation he had had with Rose repeated itself in his mind. He sighed, looking up at the stars. He could have told her. He could have finished that sentence. So why hadn't he? He knew that time was running out, that he would soon have to leave. But he had waited. He had been scared to tell her how he felt.

Sighing again, he slipped his hands in his pockets, looking out at the dark sea, alone. The last of the Time Lords, there was no one for him.
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Postby Woogwoo Wren » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:48 am

10th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler.
Based between series three and four
702 words

Sticking his head out of the TARDIS door, the Doctor frowned. This wasn't where he was supposed to be. Instead of some far of planet he had been planning for, he seemed to have landed back on old Earth, in London.

Stepping out into the receding rain, the frowned on his face deepened. Not just London, a familiar part of London. The Tyler apartment was just around the corner.

He sighed, not really wanting to revisit the place he had been to so many times before. Okay, sure, Rose might be there - depending on the year, but he didn't feel like spying on her.

He was about to go when a sound caught his attention. A soft sobbing came from around the corner, a young child in trouble. The Doctor moved towards the sound, rounding the corner to see a young girl, about three or four, sitting on the side walk, crying.

He moved closer to her, crouching in front of her. Alerted to the presences of another human, she lifted her head, her young eyes meeting his ancient.

"Hello," he said, smiling encouragingly. "It's all right. My name's the Doctor."

She sniffed, wiping her face a moving a strand of blond hair out of her eyes.

"That's a funny name," the girl said. She sniffed again, looking down. "My name's Rose."

Rose. He could see it now. The same eyes - though they seemed much larger on her small face - the same way of carrying herself. He was silent a long time, wondering if making himself known to her before she met him would have any consequences. He finally decided that fifteen years would be enough to cause her to forget a strange man she had met once. So he smiled, the memory of her older self-falling towards the void suddenly fresh in his mind again.

"That's a pretty name, Rose," he said. "But why are you crying?" "And why on earth did Jackie let you out alone?' he thought.

She sniffed again, biting her lip.

"I went for a walk," she said. "And then it started raining. And now I'm lost." She sniffed again and wiped her eyes. "I want to go home."

"Well then, Rose," the Doctor said, catching himself before he added Tyler. At four years old she probably wouldn't question how he knew her last name, but it was better not to say it unless she told him. "I'll take you home." He stood as he spoke, and held out his hand for her. She hesitated before slipping her small paw into his. Her hand was cold — much colder than her older self — but that made sense since she had been out in the rain.

He wanted to make their interaction as brief as possible — for one it brought back to many painful memories — and he didn't want to disrupt the space-time continuum.

He rounded the corner and past the TARDIS, soon coming into the large empty area between the buildings he had parked his ship so many times before — would park his ship so many times.

A smile broke out onto Rose's face and she let go of the Doctor's hand.

"I'm home!" she said. "Thank you."

He smiled, thrusting his hands into his pockets.

"You're very welcome Rose. Now, you'd better go — your mother will be worried sick."

Rose nodded and turned to go. But before she did she paused and turned back to him.

"Will I ever see you again?" she asked tentatively. The Doctor smiled, thinking of all the adventures they would have together in her future.

"I think so," he said. "I think so."

"Okay!" Rose called, and rushed towards her home — and towards Jackie who was just stepping out of the back door, looking very worried. Seeing her daughter, Jackie's face lit up, and she rushed towards the young girl.

"There you are, Sweetheart! I was worried sick!" She pulled Rose into a hug, lifting the girl of the ground.

"A nice man showed me the way," Rose said, pointing towards the Doctor. But he was gone, leaving behind only a strange scraping sound that they would both one day know and love.
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The Photo Room

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:52 am

10th Doctor, Rose Tyler
Based just before The Idiot's Lantern
1153 words

They had stopped in Cardiff to refuel, the TARDIS sitting over the rift in the pouring rain. Rose took a look outside and sighed.

"I was hoping to do some shopping," she said, watching the rain cascade down. The Doctor grinned at her from the central control panel, making his way to the door and snatching his coat up.

"You still can," he said. Rose shot him a glare.

"Not in this weather." Noticing he had pulled on his coat, she frowned. "You going out there?"

He nodded, joining her in the doorway.

"We need some supplies. I won't be long." Rose nodded and moved away from the door.

"I'll stay here," she said. "And don't you get into any trouble."

"When do I ever get into trouble?" the Doctor asked with a grin as he stepped out into the rain.

"Oh, I wonder," Rose muttered under her breath as she closed the door.

She turned back inside, moving to the control panel. Pulling out her phone, she contemplated calling her Mother - or Mickey. But she decided against it and slipped the phone back into her pocket. She dropped onto the seat by the console, already bored. She was soon up again and walked around the console, wondering how long the Doctor would be. After the adventures over the past few weeks, the empty TARDIS seemed very quiet.

With a sigh, Rose turned to leave the console room. The Doctor had lent her a book, she might as well read it. As she moved through the parts of the TARDIS she knew well, she passed a door she had never opened before. Shrugging - and deciding she didn't really want to read at the moment - she pushed it open. She might as well explore a bit. On the other side of the door was a long corridor, more doors leading off it. She made her way down it, looking into each room as she did.

She soon lost track of the time, no longer bored as she explored the many rooms of the TARDIS. As she moved deeper into the ship, she began to wonder if she would find her way back, but something in her didn't want to stop exploring.

Leaving the room with a swimming pool in it behind, she took a left and found herself in a long hallway. It was different to some of the others she had found - this one had no doors along the sides. Curious, Rose made her way down to the end, where she found a single door. She hesitated - wondering if she was allowed in the room - before pushing the door open.

The first thing that she noticed were the costumes. Along the far wall were ten different outfits, each standing on a manikin. The last in the row she recognised - it was what the Doctor wore when she first met him - before he had regenerated. Rose suddenly realised that this room was a record of his previous regenerations.

Stepping closer, she realised each costume had a single photo above it - a photo of what the Doctor had looked like. Her gaze lingered on the last in the row, the Doctor she knew. She remembered taking that photo. It was the first time they had stopped in Cardiff when she, Jack, Mickey and the Doctor spent the day together.

A smile on her face, Rose turned to leave. As she did, one of the other walls caught her attention, and she realised it was covered with photos. She moved closer, examining a few of the pictures.

Each photo had at least one person on it, and often a version of the Doctor. They were of varying quality - some weren't even in colour. She moved even closer, touching the photos with her finger.

A young girl with short black hair, standing beside the Doctor's first regeneration. A young man wearing a kilt standing beside a girl in a sparkling one piece suit. A younger version of Sarah-Jane, wrapped in the scarf of the Doctor's fourth regeneration. Rose suddenly realised that this room wasn't just a record of the Doctor's previous incarnations - it was a record of all those he had travelled with.


Rose jumped and turned guiltily to the door. The Doctor was standing there, smiling.

"I was looking around and I found this room," she began, suddenly unsure if she was allowed in here or not.

The Doctor moved into the room, joining her beside the wall of photos.

"I haven't been in here for a while," he commented.

"You must have since you met me," Rose said, gesturing to the last costume in line. The Doctor shook his head.

"My rengerations are all automatic. The TARDIS adds each costume as I regenerate. The other photos I have to add, though." Rose turned to look at him, detecting a slight grin in his voice. He was holding a camera which he had produced from somewhere on his person. "Smile."

Almost two hours later, the floor was covered with photos. It turned out the Doctor had a number of different cameras and wanted to try them all. Soon, there were photos of Rose added to the wall - and they had managed to find a couple of Jack and Mickey - for they had both travelled with the Doctor.

She had been having so much fun, Rose hadn't noticed the other wall. Leaving the Doctor to finish putting up the pictures, she made her way towards the opposite side of the room. This wall too was covered with photos, but they were much more ordered and only one picture of each companion graced it. The first was of the young girl Rose had noticed before, standing in a work site or ruins of some kind, a mournful look on her face and holding hands with a man. Beside that photo was one of a man and woman, laughing together on a bus. Then a young girl, slipping through the streets of what looked like a Greek town.

"They all had to leave me for some reason," the Doctor said, joining Rose.

"Photos of when they left?" Rose asked, and he nodded. The wistful look on his face as he looked at the photos reminded her again that he wasn't human. He had lived hundreds of years, and each of the companions he had travelled with couldn't live that long. Eventually, they had left, leaving the Doctor on his own again. She slipped her hand into his and smiled up at him.

"I won't leave you," she said quietly. "Not for a long time."

He smiled at her, but the sadness was still there.

They stood that way for a long moment, just being together. Finally, he grinned, the sadness now gone.

"Well. I've been meaning to take to you the London Olympics sometime," he said. "Come on!"

Together they left the room and closed it behind them.
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Postby Woogwoo Wren » Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:19 pm

Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Tony Tyler.
Based after Doomsday

Not entirely sure where I was going with this... it had something to do with a "Cybermen are people too" movement in Pete's World. *Shrugs* enjoy! Oh look. TenRose again. Maybe I should just change this to TenRose dump...

It didn’t feel like home. Then again, nothing had felt like home since she had met the Doctor. She had only felt at home when he was around. But now he wasn’t.

Rose sat on her bed, staring at the window in front of her. She was still getting used to having a father, to having a brother, to living in a wealthy part of town.

And to not having the Doctor around.

She blinked back tears as she remembered that day – that horrible, horrible day. The worst day of her life as she stood on the beach and he vanished before her eyes.

And, I suppose. If it’s my last chance to say it … Rose Tyler.

She bit her lip. She had cried enough of the past year. She wanted to move on, she wanted to find a life here. But every time she stepped out into the streets there was something that reminded her of him.

The smell of apples would take her back to a day, far in the future, when she and the Doctor stood on New Earth, in front of New New York. Well, New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York.

A motorbike whizzing past brought her back in time to the 1950s, when she had the Doctor had visited London.

Every time she looked at the Charles Dickens books on the shelf she would remember when she had met the man, trapped in the basement of a building in Cardiff.

Whenever Harriet Jones was on TV, she would remember another world in which she knew the woman – when they had saved the world together.

The wet and ripped, “Cybermen are people too,” poster that was blown into her face when she went for a walk one day reminded her of how she had lost her Doctor.

Small things too, things she would never have thought would make her feel like crying did. Bananas, shop window manikins, chips, game shows, 3D glasses, so many small things.

She tried to stop dwelling on the past, tried to keep moving forward. But she couldn’t. So she gave up trying to forget, and focused on trying to get back.

“Rose, sweetie.” Her mother’s voice came from the other side of the door. She looked up, sweeping away the sheets of paper covering the bed in front of her.

“Yeah?” she called, pushing them into a pile. Equations and things that made no sense to her. But if she could just work them out she could figure out how to get the dimensional jumper to work. She could return to her Doctor.

The door was pushed open, and Jackie appeared, holding Tony in her arms. The smallest Tyler had his hands screwed up in anger and looked like he was about to explode. Rose winched.

“Pete and I are going out for the evenin’,” Jackie said. “You an’ Mickey can look after Tony, yeah?”

“Yeah, okay Mum. I just have to do this,” Rose said, turning back to her paper.

“Rose, sweetheart. Why don’t you give up? Just let the Doctor go. You’ve got Mickey, you’ve got us.”

“I can’t Mum,” Rose cried. “Can’t you see that?” Of course her mother wouldn’t be able to. Of course she would never understand how much she loved the Doctor – how much he loved her. She couldn’t just let him go.

Tony let out a loud cry, bawling in angry. Jackie sighed and left Rose be, trying to calm her screaming son.

Half an hour later, Rose gave up trying to figure out the equations, and went downstairs to calm him herself. Jackie and Pete had left ten minutes ago, and while Jackie had managed to calm the boy, he was working himself up again.

Rose sighed, standing by his crib. It was strange, having a sibling after so long of being the only child.

He quieted a little as she looked down at him, his big blue eyes looking up at her.

“Have I told you about the Doctor?” Rose asked. Tony didn’t answer, not being even one yet. Drawing up a seat, Rose sat down and began talking. She told her little brother about the Doctor, about the adventures she had had with him. And eventually, the boy fell silent, slipping into sleep.

Rose left him be, moving outside into the cool night air. She stood outside, half waiting for Mickey to return from wherever he was, half waiting for something else.

As she looked up at the stars, she noticed something odd. The stars were going out.
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Postby Woogwoo Wren » Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:16 pm

Based during Earthshock
532 words

wHAT is this?? Something that is not TenRose?? Something that is not even NuWho? How unusual! So anyway, I watched Earthshock and this was the resalt. Adric deserves so much more love than he gets.

Adric jumped back with a yelp as the Cyberman blasted the computer in front of him. It died with a screeching groan as his racing heart began to calm.

Turning his attention back to the computer, the young man felt his heart sink. The computer was destroyed.

“Now I’ll never know if I was right,” he said mournfully, staring at it.

A thousand equations and scenarios flashed through his mind as he stared at the smoking computer. A thousand ways he could have got out of this mess, a thousand ways to escape, to survive, to save the earth.

But he was too late.

It took a long moment for that thought to sink in. He was too late. The freighter was going to crash into the Earth, destroy it. And there was nothing he could do.

He had sacrificed himself in vain. He could be away from here now, in the TARDIS with the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan. He could be safe.

But now he was going to die.

The earth was growing closer and he was so afraid. So afraid of death, so afraid of what came after, so afraid of never seeing his friends again.

He was staring at the screen, the rapidly approaching earth getting bigger and bigger. He was gripping his belt so tightly in his hands his knuckles were turning white. He didn’t remember taking it off, but it felt right to hold the only memory of his brother.

His brother was smiling at him, ruffling his hair – he used to hate that. The Doctor – the first Doctor – was explaining a concept to him, an arm around his shoulder. Romana was laughing at a shared joke. The Doctor was regenerating, changing his face and body. Tegan was pulling him back from some danger. Nyssa was smiling at him. Nyssa was dancing with him at that party in the 1920s, looking so beautiful. Nyssa was laughing with him. Nyssa. Nyssa, who he would never see again.

The ship hit the atmosphere and Adric stumbled forward, being pulled back to the present. It was then that he realised he had failed, he had failed to save the Earth. He had failed to save the planet that the Doctor loved, Tegan’s home. He had failed.

And he wondered why he had stepped back through that closing door, stepped back to his doom. Why he hadn’t gone with the others and let it happen. Why he hadn’t saved himself.

Because he couldn’t. He couldn’t leave without trying everything. He couldn’t leave without doing his very best. It was what the Doctor would do. It was what Nyssa would do. And he would have hated himself if he hadn’t.

But he had still failed.

As the ship burned through the sky, that was his only thought. He had failed. He had failed Tegan. He had failed the Doctor. He had failed Earth.

But he had tried.

He gripped the belt, straightened his back and fought back his fear. He wasn’t going to die cowering in fear. He was going to greet death bravely.

Even so, he couldn’t stop a single tear running down his cheek as the ship hurtled towards the ground.
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Jamie is not the only one with a big knife

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:07 pm

4th Doctor, 2nd Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Leela
Based after fury from the deep and sometime before the invisible enemy
751 words

Two and Four's TARDISes merge, Jamie tries to be a hero, and Leela is not impressed. I cannot write Four, and for that I apologise.

Jamie and Leela surveyed each other with caution at first, weighing up the other with air of one identifying a threat. They soon bonded over their bewilderment over the Doctor.

“I’ve met another version of the Doctor, y’know,” Jamie said. “That’s not to say I understand how he does it – or what exactly he’s done”

“The Doctor does and says many things I do not understand,” Leela said. Suddenly, the whole ship shook, nearly knocking Jamie to the ground. Leela staggered and steadied herself against the wall.

“I told you not to press that button!” Jamie’s Doctor cried from the consol.

“I most certainly did not press that button,” Leela’s Doctor snapped back. The ship shook again, this time knocking Jamie off his feet.

“We’ve landed,” Leela’s Doctor muttered, readjusting his scarf as Jamie’s Doctor pulled himself up.

“But we are still moving,” Leela said, resting one hand on the wall as the TARDIS shuddered under her feet.

“Maybe there’s something outside?” Jamie suggested.

“Yes, maybe,” Leela’s Doctor muttered. He pressed a button and the screen lifted, revealing a large tooth right in front of the scanner.

“That’s a great big tooth,” Jamie muttered.

“Yes Jamie, it is a big one,” his Doctor replied.

Leela’s Doctor was moving about the console, frowning as he tried to figure out what to do. He slammed his palm onto the console and winched.

“The ultron circuit is still missing!” he cried. “And without it-”

“We can’t separate the TARDISes!” Jamie’s Doctor finished. “Yes, I see.”

The whole ship shuddered and tipped to one side, sending Jamie flying across the room. Once it had settled, he picked himself up and brushed his kilt down.

“The monster has put us down,” Leela said. Sure enough, the few outside now showed a small nest, two large eggs beside them. Lying between them was the missing ultron circuit.

“Now how did that get there,” Leela’s Doctor muttered. He moved to the other side of the console and opened the door.
One of the eggs on the screen developed a crack.

“You’re no’ going out there, are ye?” Jamie asked.

“We have to Jamie, if we want to get back to our own times,” his Doctor replied.

“Right, come on!” Leela’s Doctor said, tossing his scarf over his shoulder and marching towards the door. Jamie’s Doctor followed.

The egg on the screen cracked open even more.

Leela drew her knife and darted for the door, only to find Jamie in her way.

“You’re no’ going out there,” he said. “It’s no place for a lassie like you.”

He suddenly found his arm twisted behind his back and a knife at his throat.

“I am a warrior of the Sevateem!” Leela snapped in his ear. “I shall not be protected like a babe that cries for its mother.”

Jamie froze in fear, suddenly aware that he had done something wrong.

“Oh aye, that you are,” he said nervously, and Leela released him. She marched past him outside. Rubbing his throat nervously, Jamie followed her.

One of the eggs was almost hatched and the Doctors had discovered a problem. The ultron circuit was wedged tightly between the two eggs, and neither of them could move it.

“Let me try,” Jamie offered. He knew he was stronger than his Doctor, but he didn’t know about the other version. It was worth a try though.

The Doctors consented, and Jamie placed both hands over the circuit. He pulled hard, only to have a piece of eggshell fall from the egg, and the circuit to fly free.

He found himself flat on his back with a large, hungry, baby reptile heading straight for him.

Scrabbling for his knife, he pushed the circuit off him and scrambled to his feet.

But before he could attack it, a loud bellow sounded and Leela suddenly appeared on top of the monster. She jabbed something into its head and it staggered, toppling forward. Right onto Jamie.

He let out a woof of air and was knocked back down.

“Leela!” her Doctor said. “What have I said about janis thorns?”

Leela glared at him.

“That I should not use them,” she said, with no sense of regret. Her Doctor sighed and moved past her, picking up the ultron circuit on his way.

“Come on, into the TARDIS,” he said.

Jamie found himself staring up at his Doctor, who was grinning at him.

“Coming, Jamie?” he asked.

“Aye. As soon as I get the great beastie off me,” he muttered.
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Mind the edge

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Sat May 13, 2017 8:14 pm

5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
970 words

group AU prompt: the weekly super smash bros/Mario kart house tournament and how come it’s always those two battling for the top spot.

The console room of the TARDIS was silent and empty, humming softly to itself. The bedrooms were just as empty and silent, a science experiment lying abandoned on Nyssa’s desk, a half-finished equation on Adric’s bed.

But if you were to travel deeper into the ship, you would hear something other than the engines. Voices raised and shouting, punctuated with the occasional laugh – or curse.

The noise came from a small room, deep inside the TARDIS. Until recently, it had been an old storeroom, unused. Now it had been converted into a small, snug sitting room. A sofa stood in the centre, facing a television. A low table sat between the sofa and TV.

At present, the table was covered with food, the sofa with blankets and bodies, and the TV was split into four screens.

Tegan was standing almost on top of the food table, gripping her wheel in her hands, focused intently on the screen. Her usual purple air hostess uniform had been discarded in favour of cotton pyjamas, kangaroos and koala bears scattered over it.

“Tegan, sit down!” Nyssa snapped. She was – barely – sitting on the couch, leaning forward and craning past Tegan. She too was now wearing cotton pyjamas, a similar purple to her usual costume with small stars scattered around.

“I’m winning,” Tegan snapped back turning her wheel violently to avoid falling off the edge of the track.

Adric, who was much more relaxed than the two girls, wondered why his kart had suddenly turned to the right instead of the left. Not that he complained – he would have gone off the edge if it hadn’t. He was dressed in a yellow pyjama top, his blue star pinned to the front.

The Doctor leant back with a sigh as his kart fell off the edge for the second time that lap.

“I’ve never been good at this game,” he muttered as his character respawned. He was the only one not in pyjamas, wearing his usual cricketer’s top, but not his coat.

“I’m winning!” Adric suddenly said as his kart rushed past Nyssa – much to her annoyance.

“What? No, I’m winning,” Tegan said, risking a glance back at him. She turned back to the TV in time to see her kart slip on a banana skin and Nyssa to fly past her. She muttered something unpleasant under her breath.

“What?” Adric said, scanning the other screens quickly. With a sinking heart, he realised that the screen under the one he was watched held a kart that was driving into one of the walls. He groaned, realising he was almost a lap behind everyone else.

“You’ve been watching the wrong screen?” the Doctor asked sympathetically as his kart respawned. Again.

Adric sighed, throwing his controller down.

“I always do that!” he said in annoyance, pulling a blanket with him as his slipped off the couch and moved to the food table.

Nyssa let out a squeak as the blanket was pulled off, glaring at Adric.

“Put that back,” she said, only to turn back to the screen and muttered something under her breath. Tegan had passed her again.

Adric didn’t move, wrapping himself in a cocoon of blanket and grabbing a handful of chips. He couldn’t help but smile as the Doctor feel off the track again, muttering something in Gallifreyan under his breath.

It was obvious it would be one of the girls who claimed the prize – again. This was the fourth Mario kart game they had played since the Doctor had introduced them to the game, and the fourth time either Nyssa or Tegan was going to win.

Adric just wasn’t very good, and it didn’t help that the screens changed each week, and he always looked at another screen. The Doctor tried his best, but he just wasn’t as good as the girls – not to mention the fact that he kept wanting to explore parts of the map that were out of bounds, causing him to fall off the track.

“Look out Nyssa!” Ardic shouted suddenly, seeing that she was driving straight for a hole in the road.

Nyssa took her eyes off the screen to glance at him for only a second, but it was enough. She drove straight into the hole, her kart vanishing into the depths.

“Thanks, Adric,” she said with a sigh.

“Oh rabbits!” Tegan cried, having driven straight into the middle of a patch of deep snow.

The Doctor was catching up, but he was about half a lap behind them, and it didn’t look like he could get them in time. Nyssa had now respawned, and was moving as fast as she could, unconsciously moving closer to the TV.

She spun her wheel, neatly avoiding the snow, and dropping a banana skin for Tegan to find when she escaped.

Tegan burst out of the snow, took a step closer to the TV, and stood on the edge of Adric’s blanket. Adric, not knowing, pulled the blanket tighter around him, causing Tegan to lose her balance. She regained it quickly, but not in time. Her kart hit the banana peel and she skidded out of control. Straight into a hole.

“Nicely placed, Nyssa!” the Doctor said.

“Oi, no screen cheating,” Tegan snapped as her kart respawned. It was too late though, Nyssa had it in the bag.

“I gave up,” the Doctor admitted. “I wasn’t going to catch up.”

Nyssa bust over the finish line with a grin of triumph and sank back into her seat. Tegan sighed, moving back and dropping onto the sofa beside her.

“Well, two out of three?” Nyssa asked.

“Only if we do rainbow road next.”

Adric and the Doctor exchanged glances and simultaneously dropped their controllers. This was a race they could sit out. It wasn’t likely they were going to win anyway.
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Four times the Doctordidn't cry and one time he did.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:21 pm

First Doctor, Third Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor.
1434 words


“One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me I am not mistaken in mine.”

The Doctor stepped closer to the console and pressed a button, still not thinking fully about what he was doing. He watched the centre pillar rise absently, trying not to think about what was happening outside.

Susan, holding hands with that David boy, watching as the TARDIS vanished in front of her. His little Susan, his granddaughter who had been the only one mad enough to run with him.

He moved to the chair and sat down on it, waving away Ian as he moved forward. Barbara grabbed Ian’s arm and dragged him out of the console room. The Doctor was grateful for that – he needed a moment to get his thoughts in order.

He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, when he had made the decision to leave Susan behind. He had seen her leaving David reluctantly, had known she wanted to stay, had known she could survive without him.

Perhaps it was that thought that had made up his mind. Perhaps it was almost out of spite he had locked her out of the TARDIS. He didn’t want to let her go, but when he saw she didn’t need him he had left her.

She was so young though – not even a hundred. But, the Doctor realised, she had grown up so much since they had left Gallifrey. She had become a young woman.

He sighed, suddenly feeling lonely. He had left her. She would be happy – and if she wasn’t he would track down that David boy and make him pay for giving his granddaughter anything less than she deserved. But he had still left her.

One day he would come back, he told himself as he stood and moved to the console. But not yet. Now he would continue doing what he always did, travelling the galaxy, trying to take Barbara and Ian home, and helping people.

Even so, he felt like he had left a piece of his hearts behind that day.


The party showed no signs of stopping as people continued to drink to the newly engaged couple. But the Doctor had had enough. He slipped out silently, hoping no one would miss him anytime soon. He needed some air.

Bessie was parked nearby, and he moved towards the yellow car, slipping into the familiar, worn seat. He began driving, not knowing where, but enjoying the silent night.

As he did, his thoughts drifted back to the small party he had just left.

He knew it would happen at some point – Jo was young, she couldn’t keep handing him test tubes her whole life – but he had hoped it would be longer until she left. It had come as a shock, really, her saying she wanted to marry Cliff. He was a nice enough fellow, but marriage? It had all happened so quickly.

He reasoned with himself, saying she would be fine – that this was what she needed. Some safety, a life that didn’t involve being chased by Daleks or Autons or the Master. A life that wasn’t full of things trying to kill her.

Even so, he knew he would miss her so much. She was like a daughter to him – as close to him as Susan had been. Now she too had left him for a man.

He sighed, very tempted just to leave in the TARDIS. It was fixed now, after that business with Omega. But he knew he wouldn’t – at least not yet. UNIT and the Brigadier still needed him. He would just have to find someone else to hand him his test tubes.

He continued driving, not knowing where he was going, just knowing where he was going away from.


His little family had crumbled so fast the Doctor could barely register it. In barely two months he had lost three close friends.

First, it had been Adric, dying in a brilliant flash. That was the beginning – nothing was quite the same after Adric was gone. But they had continued, they had kept travelling, kept helping – kept surviving.

Then Nyssa left. If he was being honest with himself, the Doctor wasn’t surprised. Adric’s death had affected her a lot – though she didn’t show it. Tegan cried and shouted and sobbed, but Nyssa was quiet, bottling her emotions up inside her. The Doctor understood that – he did the same. She had left, and he had let her, knowing she needed to move on.

Now Tegan had left, running out on him without even a proper goodbye. He hadn’t really expected that. Deep inside, he thought that they would continue together forever. Fate had brought them back together, so they should stay together, right?

It seemed not.

He was very quiet after Tegan left, ignoring Turlough’s looks and answering his questions as simply as possible.

He was tired. His body, though young, was weary. For the first time since his first regeneration, he felt his age. Maybe it would be a good thing to die, to change his body, to start again. To forget.

He knew he never could though. Adric, Nyssa and Tegan would stay with him forever, cracks in his slowly breaking hearts.

“Doctor, you’re becoming obsessed.”

“Obsessed and depressed.” And ready to start again.


What he saw on the screen shook him to the core. Peri couldn’t be dead – she couldn’t. Dear little Peri Brown, dead? Preposterous!

But the Matrix didn’t lie – how many times had he heard that today?

He was very grateful when the Inquisitor allowed him a break from the proceedings – he wasn’t sure if he could continue defending himself in his current state of mind – brilliant though his mind was.

He couldn’t quite believe it. He had left Peri behind – yes, it hadn’t been his fault, but he had still left her – and she had been killed.

Dear Peri, the first face this body saw. Dear Peri, whom he had died for. Dear Peri – dead.

He sat in silence for the ten-minute break – ten minutes to come to terms with losing a friend, Time Lords were such idiotic fools.

He was stunned, shocked into silence – which didn’t happen often.

But he had to go on. Otherwise, he would be killed, the rest of his lives stolen from him. He could mourn Peri later, now he had to focus on saving his life.

It still hurt to lose her so suddenly.

And one time he did

“I lo ... I love you.”

The words seared into his hearts, but he wasn’t surprised. He’d known a long time. He’d known since she had stepped out of the TARDIS, the whole of the vortex swirling inside of her. For him.

“Quite right too,” he said, struggling to keep himself under control. Was that really the best he could think of? ‘Quite right too’. He sounded so arrogant. He needed to say more. He needed to tell her how he felt – how he had felt since… since that basement in Cardiff, the gelf swirling around them. A lifetime ago.

“And I suppose…” He had come from the Time War raw and broken, his hearts shattered into millions of pieces. And she had fixed him, pieced his hearts back together. Made him whole again.

“If it’s my last chance to say it…” And it was his last chance to say it. He had had a while to think about it, since Torchwood, as he searched for a place to break through the worlds. But he had tried not to. And now it sunk it. He was never going to see her again.

“Rose Tyler…” She was gone.

The star outside died, and the image of Rose vanished. She was gone.

I love you The Doctor finished silently, staring at the place she had stood. A tear trickled down his cheek – he couldn’t remember the last time he had felt his tears on his face. It was almost freeing, a way to let his emotions out.

Another tear followed – but this one wasn’t just for Rose. This one was for the people he had lost. The people who had left him. The people who had died.

This one was for Susan, for Jamie and Zoe, for Jo, for Leela, for Adric, for Peri, for Ace, for Grace, for all the others he had let behind.

This one was for Gallifrey.

And his hearts, so carefully fixed and healed by Rose, shattered again.
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Postby Woogwoo Wren » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:24 pm

Jackie Tyler, Jack Harkness
564 words

Jackie Tyler sat at the table, staring at the wall, a mug of tea clutched in her hands. She was doing her best not to look at the piles of papers scattered along the table, or the empty seat across from her. But the emptiness was too real – too alive to ignore.

How long had it been since Rose had vanished? Five months, two weeks and three days. Was she even alive? Or had those walking manikin things killed her? No, she had called a few days after that – she had sounded rather preoccupied though. And called for no reason.

Had she been kidnapped? Or was she dead? What had happened? She didn’t think Mickey would have done anything to her, but it really was the only explanation.

Jackie let out a sob and lifted the mug to her lips. How long until her Rose came back? How long until she saw her baby girl again?

There was a knock on the door, and Jackie jumped, nearly dropped her mug. Was it Rose?

She rushed through the small flat and opened the door to the night air. There was no one there. With a sinking heart, Jackie realised it must have been some stupid kids – what they were doing up here she didn’t know.

She was about to go back inside when she looked down and saw something. A bunch of flowers, freshly bought. Confused, Jackie picked them up and found the card attached to them.

She’s safe. She’s happy. She’ll come back.

Jackie had to reread the words five times before they sunk in. Then she hugged the flowers to her chest and, for the first time in months, smiled a little. Then she scowled.

“I’ll give her a right smack if she’s run off with some mates and not even thought to call me,” she muttered, moving back inside. But some of her fears were eased – Rose was alive.


A man stood around the corner, smiling a little. He’d been watching Powel Estate for the last few decades, watching as a young girl grew into a woman. Not showing himself of course, that would create a paradox.

But he had watched, coming back every so often, helping where he could. This time when he came, he realised his past – or future – was catching up with him. Rose had met the Doctor.

He’d heard the story of course – how the first time the Doctor had brought Rose back home he had brought her back a year late – and he had laughed along with them. But when he had arrived at Powel Estate earlier that day, he saw only a very worried mother. (And a rather nice looking mother, for her age. But Rose would kill him if he made a move on her.)

So, he had made up his mind to do something – even something small. A small token of reassurance. He might come back, at least until Rose started visiting again – he’d have to stop after that, wouldn’t want to bump into the Doctor before he met him.

But for now, Jackie was happy in the knowledge that her daughter was alive. Satisfied his work was done, the man pushed himself off the wall, his long army coat swishing behind him, doing some mental calculating as to when he would have to clear out of Cardiff so he didn’t bump into himself.
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